Grapevine 2018 issue 91 aprmay2018 fullcol

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rapevine G Ealing Christian Centre


Issue 91 APR/MAY 2018


An Elim Church

pages 4-9, 11, 30-31

One family of many nations proclaiming one Gospel through many disciples

Working in the Com


PICTURE: Dakota Corbin (Unsplash)

any years ago, towards the end of his life, a man wrote a book where he reflected on what he had done with his life. He had been born with privilege and opportunities that others could only dream about. These included fabulous wealth, international fame, talent, great power and influence. He wrote about how he used his position to do whatever he chose, seeking the life of maximum fulfilment and satisfaction. He used his great intellect to study a wide range of subjects, which gave him international recognition as a great scholar in different scientific and natural history subjects. But he was also gifted in the arts, writing books, advice and over one thousand songs, one of which became one of the best-known love songs ever. He oversaw the building of great mansions, gardens, religious buildings, ships, ports and parks, having a vast workforce at his disposal.

Somehow these alone didn’t satisfy his sense of purpose in life, however. So, he wrote, he tried attending drunken parties, playing the fool and, with many women at his beck and call, a life of sensual indulgence. After several decades of living like this, he described how this lifestyle had left him - he wasn’t only miserable, but thoroughly depressed. Despite all he owned, all he was able to do and achieve, there was still something missing in his life. He worked out what it was, and wrote the book to inform the world saying, in effect, “Learn from my mistakes.” What he finally discovered was missing was something his wealth, fame, power, intellect and influence could never give him: peace within his soul. We live in a generation that for the last sixty years or so has put its faith in materialism (the belief that having enough material possessions and physical comfort will bring us satisfaction); in secularism (that non-spiritual things alone can satisfy all our needs), and in humanism (that human intelligence is what’s needed to cater for all our needs). And what kind of society has that produced? One where the lack of inner peace is demonstrated by levels of mental health problems spiralling out of control, starting to

We are called to be working in our community in all manner of different ways, reaching people in every stratum of society in our day-to-day lives and work 2

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018

reach crisis point. Sixty five million anti-depressant prescriptions are now written in the UK in one year, at a cost to the NHS of nine billion pounds. And, with an increasing number of antidepressants being given to schoolchildren, some schools are now reporting they are struggling to cope with the problem. As our writer discovered, materialism, secularism and humanism all fail to reach the most important part of our makeup. We are not just human bodies; there are parts of us that are invisible to the eye but are crucially important to our wellbeing. We are made up of body, soul and spirit. Our soul contains our mind, emotions and will, and is what makes our body alive. Materialism, secularism and humanism cannot reach our soul. This is why those who trust in such things alone may well find that they struggle emotionally and mentally, because their soul is not being nourished but neglected. The writer was King Solomon, and his book is entitled ‘Ecclesiastes’ and can be found in the Old Testament. It is as relevant in the 21st Century as when he wrote it three thousand years ago. And, as a sad, old man, he gives this advice to others as he looks back on a wasted life: “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, ‘I have no pleasure in them…’” What he found was missing, was something only his Creator could provide: the true meaning and purpose of life, for which we are designed, which is to be in a personal relationship with the God who has brought us into being and who loves us. We do not cease to exist at death but our soul - the real us - with our mind, emotions and will, lives on, separated from our ageing, physical body.


If we are honest, we know that none of us is perfect, and we have all done things that are wrong. The Bible says that we all fall short of God’s standards. This is what separates us from a perfect God. Although God is a God of justice and, as such, must punish all our wrongdoing, He has provided a way to help all who choose His way. Jesus, the sinless Son of God, came from heaven, and joined His divinity with humanity to live a perfect life on earth. As our representative, He laid down His life on the cross, to willingly receive the punishment for the wrongdoing committed by you and me. So if we ask Him to forgive us, and accept Him as our Saviour and Lord, not only are we forgiven but also receive a new eternal life and an inner peace with God. Jesus told us: “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10). Not just for this life, but for the one to come. That is what was missing from Solomon’s life, and what is missing from the lives of so many today, but it need not be so. As followers of Jesus, we have this Good News to give to a sad and despondent world all around us. And so we are called to share the reality of Jesus we experience, with all those in our society that we can help, reach and influence - both through our actions and our words. Life is never easy but, as one man in the Bible testified, “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” So, we are called to be working in our community in all manner of different ways, reaching people in every stratum of society in our day-to-day lives and work. In this edition, we meet a number of wonderful people who, in their different ways, want to be a force for good in our society, sharing the love of and the Good News of Jesus in all kinds of practical ways – just what Jesus wants each of us to do.



by Charlene Ashong MAKING A DIFFERENCE Rachel Blake, Raj Fruzza MAKING A DIFFERENCE by Florence Muoneke

Senior Minister

TESTIMONIES by Candice De Anguiar








by Elder Prosper Doe

and Ruth Trbojevic

by Barbara Quartey

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by Pastor Mark King

and Clare Taylor PRACTICAL TRUTHS by Roy McEwen





FOR JESUS by Irene Mawanda

FELLOWSHIP & CONGRATS compiled by Sharon Grant

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Editor-in-Chief: Senior Pastor Richard Buxton Editor & Design: Berean Services UK Email:


and Bisi Itoje


Richard Buxton



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Story of West London

by Kofo Boboye

Performing Arts Academy


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If you would like an item to be considered for the next edition of the Grapevine magazine, please email your article to, marked 'For Grapevine'. Articles for half a page should be no more than 250 words, and for a full page should be no more than 600 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit articles where necessary. The deadline for the JUN/JUL edition is no later than FRIDAY 27th APRIL 2018.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018



A café to feed body and soul


love food. Who doesn’t? I love Jesus, too, but loving the two alongside each other doesn’t always go hand in hand. God has provided us with a vast array of food - “Behold, I have given you every plant and every tree as food for you” (Genesis 1:29-30) – not only to feed us naturally, but to nourish us spiritually, so that we keep closely connected to Him. Take Daniel. Under the control of the Babylonians, he chose to eat God’s vegetable or ‘pulse’ offering rather than the decadent feast available which, in ten days, strengthened and re-fuelled him to oppose the king. While processed food consumerism is at an alltime high, why is it that a simple crisp, rose-flushed apple is enough to get us through those moments of unashamed hunger pangs? Take me. I moved to Italy at the age of 23, immersed myself in this rich amalgamation of culinary culture and fresh ingredients; fell in love with pasta again and rapidly engaged in a whirlwind of dairy, meat and Pugliese bread. Then I fasted. Fasting led me back to what I actually needed to feed my body, not to the decadence I wanted to feed it. The only thing was, I lived in Italy. Food central. I discovered a new food family. Whole foods. Clean foods. Foods which are as unprocessed as possible. Grains, pulses, fresh fruit and vegetables, extremely similar to Daniel’s victory diet. I learnt about Italian traditions of using simple ingredients to create satisfaction. I understood that what He provided for us may not have the food empathy of the Marks and Spencer’s adverts, but ‘the herb of the field’ (Genesis 3:18) is all we need. ‘Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well’ (3 John 1:2). This was the Scripture that spoke to me as I embarked on my food discovery at business level. As I followed His steps, He opened a huge door to secure a lease on a unit in Kensington High Street. At each step, the enemy was (and is still) throwing attacks along the journey, knowing how incredibly successful the concept can become. I often remind myself of the unchanging Word - ‘I act, and who can reverse it?’ (Isaiah 43:3). I knew the cafe would be shaped to honour His act. Now take Fitaly. Combining wholefood dishes and products from the natural terrain of Abruzzo, central Italy, with the concept of making natural and free-from food ‘normal’, Fitaly promotes eating to be fit and in good health - physically and spiritually. I continually pray the Holy Spirit would dwell on every seat, and the local community would feel ‘something different’ that attracts them to return.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018

Some interesting word choices from customers’ reviews so far include “very friendly and welcoming”, “warm, welcoming staff”, “nice atmosphere”, “great atmosphere”, “fantastic atmosphere”, “very nice and cosy”… I wonder if they know what (or rather, Who) is shifting the atmosphere?

My vision is to bear fruit by creating a place where the local community can drop in, eat and receive spiritual nourishment

New customers, young and old, walk through those doors, most needing a hug from the Lord without realising it. I guess that would be my biggest motivation for opening such a place. A place to celebrate what the Lord has provided, as well as to meet with Him or learn about Him. I have only been open for less than six months but, towards the end of 2018, I would like to hold talks and discussion sessions about food and emotional/spiritual wellbeing – I’m always looking for evangelism entry points to share the Good News. I will also create a ‘drop-in’ timeslot during the morning for those who are unable to afford a café breakfast, or who need a cup of tea and a chat to have some outreach time or to be ministered to. My vision is to bear fruit by creating a place where the local community can drop in, eat and receive spiritual nourishment, as the Scripture 3 John 1:2 is declared over each customer. If the concept becomes a future chain, the spiritual basis attached to the café will remain the same.

Charlene Ashong Owner, Fitaly

FITALY 389 Kensington High St Kensington London W14 8QA



Taking Opportunities in the Workplace

have always been inspired by the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to the Church, to GO and MAKE disciples of ALL peoples/nations (Matthew 28:18-20).

I placed a copy of the Grapevine magazine in an NHS staff dining area. The magazine didn’t last for more than 48 hours, before it was thrown into the bin. I decided to pray and the Lord encouraged me in His Word. With time, I was able to give a copy to one colleague, as she requested a copy and one for her mum, who lives in Ireland. This was encouraging. I have seen the readership increase, as Grapevine now remains in the staff dining room till I replace it with the latest edition. Praise the Lord! Also, I am able to give additional copies to other members of staff, and have directed some of the to the ECC website to access the electronic version. On one occasion, a member of staff was excited and drew my attention to my photo in Grapevine, which showed that she has been reading it. It has helped me to witness to my work colleagues.

Another area I reach out to people is using the WhatsApp phone app to set up a devotional daily Scriptures group for my contacts. The numbers have grown to more than 120 in two years, and every morning I am encouraged to send these through the positive responses I receive. One colleague (doctor) didn’t receive the devotion Scriptures one morning, as it was delayed. She sent me text before noon asking: “Prosper, are you alright? Where are you?” As soon as I sent the devotion Scriptures, she replied positively: “I need the devotion Scriptures first thing in the morning, before I leave home for work, and last thing before I sleep at night.” Many have forwarded the Scriptures to their family and loved ones, and this has encouraged me to continue, knowing that others are being blessed by our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Prosper Doe Medical doctor

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018




he responsibility of being a school governor has significantly changed in the last five years, with a greater responsibility on governors to account for leadership decisions, attainment and progress of children.

The latest schools inspection handbook (Dec 2017) states: ‘Leaders and governors have a deep, accurate understanding of the school’s effectiveness informed by the views of pupils, parents and staff. They use this to keep the school improving by focusing on the impact of their actions in key areas.’ Gone are the days where parents could sit, have a cup of coffee, and discuss their favourite teachers!

Secondly, God hasn’t taught us to stand by and watch the world around us. We should be influencing others with the skills He has taught us. We should be instigating change and encouraging direction from a godly perspective. ‘Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God’ (1 John 5:5). Many times throughout my career and in my role as governor, I find myself in situations where I’m able to share godly perspectives and be a positive influence-changer.

So why, you may ask, with juggling my job and family, would I add such an additional responsibility to the mix? Well, for me, it’s for two significant reasons.

I strongly believe that God has called us to stand up for what is right and of Him, to teach godly principles through lots of different forums. Just think of the change we could make to our communities, if we all decided to dedicate some time to support those who teach our children?

Firstly, education is such an important part of our journey, and something I have dedicated my whole career to. I’ve invested hugely in hundreds of children’s lives, to make sure they have/had the best start to their educational life. I only expect that others do the same for my own children.

Why not enquire about becoming a governor at your local school, and bring the Kingdom into your community?

I find myself in situations where I’m able to share godly perspectives and be a positive influence-changer.


y choice of becoming a parent governor came from my desire to see my children receive a well-developed and thorough education in a good school.

Working as a teacher in an ‘Outstanding’ school, I felt I had the experience and knowledge to support my children’s school, and further help with areas of improvement. As an educator, it never boils down to just your own child’s needs, but also those in the school community too - a bit like being a Christian, it’s never about you alone! My faith and my profession are not separate entities, and so my decisions, contributions and actions are often centred on the values of Jesus and His Word, because they are my values too. It’s important to recognise one’s calling in life, and mine, without a doubt, involves children – youth, in particular. Knowing this, I immerse myself in this area, and being a governor is just another aspect of it. Children mean a lot to Jesus. They are ready


When my daughter’s school had its Ofsted, and came out with a ‘Requiring Improvement’ grade, I had a choice to make: do I complain and moan about it, or do I work with the school to support and guide them to turning it around to be the amazing school I know it can be and has been?

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018

Rachel Blake Head Teacher

to soak up everything they are taught, receiving things at face value. I think this is why Jesus uses them as an example of how we, as adults, should interact with His Word: just believe what He says! As a governor, I aim to ensure every child is achieving the best at school: the best teaching, the best experiences - in and out of the classroom - and the best development of pupils’ morals, as well as academic achievement.

My faith and my profession are not separate entities, and so my decisions, contributions and actions are often centred on the values of Jesus and His Word, because they are my values too.


as a School Governor S nuggled up on the sofa with my husband and children; listening to the stories of their day, with the little one climbing over us to wedge herself into the smallest space to get in on the moment… that is probably when I find myself at my most content.

It’s often in those moments I am struck by my sense of responsibility towards my children especially, to holistically prepare them for life ahead, with a strong faith that underpins their every action. I recognise that it’s my faith in Jesus that motivates and inspires me to move out beyond my place of comfort and contentment, to be one who gives, loves and seeks to make a positive imprint on the community of which I am a part.

As a school governor, I have the amazing opportunity to make a positive impact on a school community.

part of a team has the possibility of changing the life chances of those children who attend that school. I know that because of the little conversations, the smiles, the support and the encouragement, when I champion positive change and am not afraid to constructively challenge, I can be one who makes a difference. What a privilege to be a school governor!

Ruth Trbojevic Pastor, Hope Community Church

Jesus has shown us what it looks like to love unconditionally and to give without measure and, if we are to be those who follow in His footsteps, it will take us on a journey that isn’t motivated by what we can gain, but by what we can give. Over the last few years, there have been different occasions when I have wondered whether becoming a school governor would be a significant way in which I could make a positive contribution. It’s amazing that, when we say to God “I am available for You to use me”, He is the One who opens unexpected doors in places we had maybe never considered. As a school governor, I have the amazing opportunity to make a positive impact on a school community. The small part I play as

Government changes, curriculum challenges and content are discussed and questioned; head teachers give account to the governing body, and every decision is made together, in order to raise the next generation. You never know what God has planned unless you step out and grab the opportunities and see what He has in store for you. I’m not 100% sure, but my prayer remains: “Here I am, Lord, send me.” Raj Fruzza School Teacher


A lady had been calling the Prayer Centre for the salvation of her friend, whom she was finally able to lead to Christ. Now he is born again, and she is praising God.


A landlady was experiencing a lot of trouble from a problem tenant, who was stirring up the other tenants against her. The landlady called the Prayer Centre several times for God to intervene and remove the family from her property. She called back to thank God for answered prayer.


God’s healing and provision were sought for a sister and son. The sister was in hospital needing healing, and the son needed his finances to come through. She rang back to thank the Lord for her sister’s healing and her son’s finances.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018




s a magistrate, I swore to rise above my beliefs and prejudices. My decisionmaking is to be based on evidence alone, and not on my values professed from my faith or any other community membership.

eing a Christian magistrate comes with many challenges. I am privileged to have been a member of this country’s justice system for many years, and have found it to be a humbling experience. What motivates me is my strong sense of justice, impartiality, and a desire to serve the community, forgoing all forms of associated selfadvancement. Christ admonishes us, in Matthew 20:26, “Whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant.”

God commands, in Leviticus 19:15, “You shall do no injustice in judgement. You shall not be partial to the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty. In righteousness you shall judge your neighbour.” I believe in God’s principles. Although we have our sentencing guidelines, I try to know the mind of God, and ask myself what Jesus would do in each case I am dealing with, especially when considering aggravating and mitigating factors, or the vulnerability of the individual. Godly principles, like fair treatment - regardless of someone’s position, social status, religion, gender or ethnic background - are important in order to avoid disproportional decisions. We have to deal with the world system as it is now. Therefore this makes the work more difficult and challenging. Our nation has gradually turned its back on Jesus, to embrace alternative ideas, which has resulted in a rise in broken families, a rise in crime rates, and general social disintegration. I support activities like ‘Your Life You Choose’ (YLYC), introduced in some schools with other agencies to educate children on crime prevention. Proverb 22:6 says ‘Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.’

I believe that being used by God as a magistrate to maintain His standards is paramount 8

In Matthew 5:14, Jesus said: “You are the light of the world.” Therefore, I believe that being used by God as a magistrate to maintain His standards is paramount. This is particularly poignant in the family court, where decisions are made that determine the future of young children and their families.

But having said this, I don’t believe there is a conflict between being a magistrate and a Christian.

In this eversecular world, we as Christians are constantly challenged on our beliefs and the Bible

I was sworn in as a Justice of the Peace back in February 2006, and was at that time the youngest on the Hounslow bench. I can’t say I was the most decisive person, so I’m not entirely sure why the role appealed to me, but I felt I wanted to do something for the community. Fortunately, as a Christian, I knew that in anything and everything to call on the Name of Jesus for assistance, and He would provide it.

Worried about my ability to do the job, I then adopted the attitude of “What would Jesus do (say)?” Right from the interview stage, I was presented with case scenarios about which I had to make a decision - and stand by it. I realised that in this ever-secular world, we as Christians are constantly challenged on our beliefs and the Bible and if, after all these years, I still believe in the total literal words of the Bible - and haven’t deviated in that belief - then surely it was possible for me to make decisions about a case and defend them. There were still times when I was unsure on what decision to come to, when the evidence presented caused me to pause and, on those occasions, I prayed asking God to guide me and, sure enough, on those occasions I felt more at peace with my decision than at any other time.

My prayer always is for God to write His laws in my heart, and that I may be guided by Him in all my decisions, as in Psalm 119:66, ‘Teach me good judgement and knowledge, for I believe Your commandments.’

I also come across people I am burdened to pray for, people I may not normally come across in my everyday life. For these people, I add them and their families to my prayer list but, although I may never know the outcome, I have faith that God hears my prayers.

Florence Muoneke

Bisi Itoje

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018



from a Christian Principal


eing the head teacher of Insights Independent School, for children and young people aged 5 to 21 years, who have a range of complex social, emotional, behavioural and mental health needs, is both challenging and rewarding.

From an early age, I had the desire to set up a school. This seemed strange, because at school I struggled to learn to read and spell, as I was dyslexic. I had very little confidence and, by high school, I had become disengaged and would often play up to avoid doing work in class to mask the fact that I was afraid to get things wrong. After leaving school I still had this strong calling that wouldn’t go away. This led me to attend evening classes to gain qualifications, so I could go to university and train as a teacher. I couldn’t see how my dream would happen, though, because public speaking was my worst nightmare. I planned for a career in design, which wasn’t successful, and I had a number of jobs in different sectors of education, but I never felt a sense of fulfilment. When I finally got a job in management that I enjoyed, I was made redundant. My personal life had reached crisis point, and I thought all the doors had closed. But, in the midst of all this, God opened another door for me, providing me with the connections and opportunities to start building the school. I later realised this had all been part of God’s plan to prepare and equip me for what He has called me to do. We started with one site, where we ran after-school/school holiday programmes for students from mainstream schools at risk of exclusion, and a parents advice service. We now have two sites with over 65 students, from 13 different boroughs. All our students have the opportunity to go to the theatre, go on residentials, international school trips and gain a qualification. We are rated ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted, and achieved the Gold Standard for Investors in People, which is achieved by only 3% of businesses in the UK. We have an amazing and truly dedicated team of teachers, teaching assistants, therapists, administrators and ancillary staff, who respect each other’s roles and work together as one to make Insights the best it can be. As a Christian head teacher, I want the school to do more than just inspire our children and young people to love learning. I want their experiences with us to have a lasting impact in their hearts and lives. My aim is for the school to be a “light that shines” and radiates the love of God. Although not all staff or students are Christians, we promote Christian values of Love, Hope, Tolerance and Acceptance, which underpin our ethos, the way we work, our policies, and how we support the children, young people and their families.

Working with our students requires a great deal of patience and understanding to see the behaviour as the problem and not the child. It is also not always easy to love them when you’re at the receiving end of their frustrations, anger and behaviour. We have found that letting them know we genuinely love and care about them unconditionally, that we believe in them, and value their uniqueness, has been the most effective way of improving behaviour. Our mural, ‘The Fruit of the Spirit’, in the courtyard is a daily reminder of our shared vision and aspiration to make Insights a place where everyone (students, staff and visitors) can experience love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and self-control. (Against such there is no law – Galatians 5:2223). We promote these values through the curriculum for social, moral, spiritual and cultural development, and through our daily assemblies we focus on God’s love and His gift to humanity, as we lead up to Easter and Christmas. My vision for the school is to be on a site that has more outdoor space, so we can expand our facilities. I would also like to establish a residential element, so we can offer 24-hour placements and respite care for families. Although it’s not 100% success stories, we see and hear from many of our ex-students, who keep in contact and regularly come to visit us. What always makes us laugh is the number of times they say: “How can they behave like that? We were never that bad.” I have seen how God has used my experiences at school, the desperate, challenging and low times in my life, to grow and develop me spiritually, personally and professionally. I have seen how doors have been opened and closed to prepare and equip me for His work and His glory. Every school day I wake up and I thank God for what the day ahead will bring, and for the faith and belief that things will go well. I also ask for the wisdom to manage the events of the day, so that I walk by faith and not by sight, which is not always easy.

Barbara Quartey

INSIGHTS SCHOOL AND SKILLS ACADEMY 3-5 Alexandria Road West Ealing London W13 0NP

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018



Candice De Anguiar

Clare Taylor (pictured with her mother)


Healed of sciatic back pain

had been having a problem with sciatica in my back for about a month. The pain was mild in the first two weeks, but soon became excruciating during the second two weeks, sometimes unbearable.

I saw my doctor twice. The first time, he put me on two powerful medications: one to suppress nerve receptor functions and the other was Valium (to reduce muscle spasms). He also told me to take Ibuprofen and bed rest for one week. He was hoping the sciatica had been caused by a twisted muscle around my nerve, and that with bed rest, the muscle would relax and I would get better. I didn’t get any better, however, and after a week I returned to the doctor on Friday 26th January.


Reality of the Cross changed everything

grew up in Manchester, and had four key people who brought me up: my parents and grandparents. I enjoyed football from a young age and had a happy childhood. I then hit 14 years old, and life became very real when my grandfather got cancer. He was my hero in so many ways, then watching him get sick was very hard to see, as I was still very young. I believed a good God wouldn’t take my grandfather from me, but that very thing happened. In 1998, my granddad passed away from cancer, and this affected me in lots of ways. I became very angry at experiencing grief at a young age. My feelings towards God took a very dark turn. I resented and hated Him for taking the grandfather I adored away from me.

I asked if the sciatica could be the result of one leg being shorter than the other, but he said we’d have to try physiotherapy before doing MRI scans. There is a two-month wait for physio on the NHS, so he gave me some exercises to try at home while I waited. The pain was excruciating while doing the exercises, and it seemed impossible that I could wait two months for physio.

I didn’t really grieve; I chose to begin suppressing how I felt, because the pain was too great. As a young person, I then started work, and would go out clubbing and drinking on the weekends. Being from the North, cursing was like breathing, so I cursed quite a lot. I lived for football; it was like a religion to me and, as a young Mancunian, I was a big follower of Manchester United.

All my adult life I had thought my left leg was shorter, but no one had ever taken me seriously whenever I’d mentioned this. Whenever I stood up straight, I would always bend my right knee slightly, to compensate for the difference in length.

When I moved to London, I unknowingly found myself sharing a house with Christians. I was very unhappy about this, as I hated God, Christians and the Church. I then started to see this incredible love in one of my housemates. It took many months, but I came to realise this was the love of Jesus within her. I was definitely not prepared for what was about to happen, as everywhere I went it seemed Jesus was running after me. I would see people with Bibles on trains; billboards showing prayer; people with Jesus T-shirts… it was neverending, and then I was coming home to a house full of Christians.

Ever since I put my complete faith in Jesus, He has kept me safe and healthy. When the doctors told me to wait two months to see a NHS physiotherapist, or pay ridiculous amounts to see one privately, I prayed to the Lord as I couldn’t afford either the private specialist or to suffer for two more months. I had to return to work, but the pain was becoming unbearable. On Sunday 28th January, I forced myself out of bed to go to church. Pastor Rajinder knew I had sciatica, but she didn’t know I’d suspected one leg was shorter than the other. So, when she approached me and said, “Come, your one leg is shorter than the other and it’s the cause of your sciatica,” I knew something special was about to happen, and that Jesus had heard and was about to answer my prayers. A simple command was given for the pain to leave and for the leg to lengthen in the Name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, and miraculously my leg grew out and became same length as the other one. I stood upright and walked upright for the first time in years. Jesus healed me of sciatica on an ordinary Sunday, when I had extraordinary expectations. I am getting used to walking with both my legs the same length now. The pain has almost completely subsided - except for some twinges if I sit for too long. I have been singing Jesus’ praises, sharing my testimony with my work colleagues, family and friends - Christians and non-believers alike. I want everyone to know how great Jesus is. Sometimes all it takes is a leap of faith to trust in God. Continue trusting, praying and praising Jesus - even if you are not healed immediately - and you will be healed in Jesus’ almighty Name, just as I was.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018

Eventually I couldn’t take much more, so I gave God an ultimatum. I told Him if He shows me He truly loves me, and He isn’t this tyrant I’d experienced Him to be, I would follow Him. I began reading the Gospel of John, and I found myself going to my first Sunday service. It was there that I encountered Jesus as the true God, who came and took on human flesh to die for my sins, and point me to His love for me. Through the song ‘In Christ alone’ I will never forget the lyrics that impacted me: ‘Scorned by the ones He came to save’. I was deeply convicted over my sin of blaming and rejecting the only One who had given His life for me and loved me like no other ever had. It was the reality of the Cross that changed everything. I turned away from my sin and surrendered to Christ, and I experienced this feeling of fire in my heart as the Holy Spirit came into my life. The change that happened then was incredible, as the clubbing and drinking lifestyle completely went, as did the cursing. There was such love and peace flooding over me. The very streets I grew up kicking a football on, were now the same streets I was on, sharing the love of Jesus with people through street outreach. My heart started to beat for people just like me, who grew up not knowing Christ. God being ‘Dad’ to me, the father heart of God changed everything. To this day, I continue in the beautiful intimacy with Jesus my Saviour, my Lord and my best Friend.

SERVING THE COMMUNITY “I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” (Matthew 25:35)

A practical ministry to those in need


aling Churches Winter Night Shelter (ECWNS) is run by an ecumenical coalition of churches within the London Borough of Ealing. It first opened in January 2011, and ECC have been part of this since 2017.

The second team came to cook and help serve the evening meal to our guests. Each week, a hot meal and dessert were served and, during the meal, the team also engaged in conversation and had an opportunity to pray and share their faith.

The purpose is to provide emergency dormitory-style accommodation for those who are sleeping on the streets; are at immediate risk of rough-sleeping locally, and the ‘hidden homeless’. As well as feeding and sheltering our guests, there is also an opportunity for us to share our faith in many practical and spiritual ways.

The third team stayed overnight to make sure that our guests were comfortable; had a good night’s sleep, and provided security. Many of the guests suffer from various addictions, and are burdened by life on the streets, so our night-shift team were on hand, should anyone have the need to talk.

On each night of the week, whilst the shelter was open, a different church opened its doors to the guests, providing a hot meal; somewhere to sleep; breakfast and, above all else, companionship and friendship. On average, guests stay for about four weeks before moving on – hopefully to more permanent housing. The shelter is run during the winter months, from late November to the end of March, and ECC had the privilege of hosting the shelter one day a week for six weeks – a major prayer and evangelistic opportunity. Volunteers from ECC were split into four teams: The set-up team arrived to convert our foyer into a dormitory, which had separate sleeping areas for both male and female guests.

The morning team came to serve breakfast; clear up the bedding, and convert the foyer back to its regular use. The portable beds and duvets were then transported to the church due to host the following day.

and we never get the opportunity to thank the people who we don’t see in the shelter properly, so a big Thanks to you and the rest of your team, who work so hard to make the shelters possible. It’s really appreciated by everyone who is staying there.”

Above all, this is a wonderful opportunity for us all to learn from each other, and also to meet with Christ Himself. Jesus said: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me” (Matthew 25:40).

Sharon Grant and Jessie Masih coordinated the shelter this year, and I would like to thank them both for their hard work and heart for this ministry. I would also like to thank all those who were involved in setting up, cooking, serving food, cleaning, clearing up and transporting the beds. Your love and compassion has not gone unnoticed.

We thank God that there has been an immediate answer to prayer for one of our guests. She wrote: “I’ve managed to find somewhere to live, which I’m happy with. Just wanted to send a quick text to say Thank You for all the help you’ve given us guys at the shelter. I know you guys do a lot of work behind the scenes,

May God bless you all, as you continue to serve Him!

Pastor Mark King

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018



How to Have Confidence in the Holy Spirit You disregard and neglect the commandment of God, and cling faithfully to the tradition of men. Mark 7:8 AMP


id you know our confidence in the Lord can be ‘inherited’? It’s not my intention to be mean, so before you disagree, read on carefully.

How we (the global ‘we’) do church today, almost everything from the structure of the services, to the preaching style, to how we behave, the call and answer, many of the sayings - is handed down from the previous generation. We may tweak some things here and there but, in the main, everything remains intact. How do we know this is what God expects from us? Be encouraged. To follow what I mean, please stop and read 2 Kings chapters 22 and 23. Israel had become so comfortable doing what the previous generations had done, they didn’t realise how far they had migrated away from God’s Law and into man’s traditions. They didn’t realise that even the readings were no longer from the Book of the Law! Josiah in shock tore his robes (and they weren’t cheap robes, either) when he heard the reading of the Word. Can you imagine... the confidence of Israel had become the nation that God Himself created was now based on so comfortable the ‘traditions’ of previous generations, and had very doing what little or nothing to do with the the previous Lord, either in the past, or for generations had that day and time.

done, they didn’t realise how far they had migrated away from God’s Law and into man’s traditions.


What’s so different today? We have the Word in the form of the Bible, but the words and writings of ‘godly’ men can sometimes overtake the reading of the actual Word.

About 10 years ago, a

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018

good friend and I were speaking; we spoke regularly. I realised she was actually quoting Benny Hinn and other prophets, so I asked her to do me a big favour. I asked her to take a break from those great books and read the Bible instead... A few months on, she thanked me; she had rediscovered her love and passion for God. Is the format of our worship and spiritual guidance actually given to us by the Holy Spirit, or by previous generations? The way we pray and the words we use in our prayers, are they Holy Spirit-inspired today, or are they the words we’ve learnt from other ‘great men and women of God’? Here’s an example: We were taught abstinence (and there’s nothing wrong with abstinence) to deal with a range of issues. We continue to teach abstinence for those issues, but the problem is the attitude: ‘the issue behind all human sin is spiritual’. Effectively, we are trying to use human will to achieve spiritual healing, and this approach will never work. The teaching of abstinence therefore must be grounded in the Holy Spirit and not in human will. Our will can only achieve good behaviour. Our will, together with the Holy Spirit, however, puts a smile on God’s face. Is our safety in the Lord, or actually just in our ‘comfort’ with what we’ve been taught? No one wants to make mistakes and risk displeasing the Lord, but following learnt spiritual behaviours is itself a mistake, because it’s not relying on the Holy Spirit. Be encouraged.




May 2018 A

s Paul continues to address the issues at the church in Corinth reported to him, he deals with problems caused by the values of the world that have come into the church. The Christians, instead of following the higher standards that being members of the Kingdom of heaven bring, are still following the ways of the world. Instead of demonstrating the new behaviour that having a personal relationship with Jesus should bring, Paul challenges their still carnal behaviour and attitudes. Whereas by now the fruit of spiritual growth should be seen in them, instead they are still acting like spiritual infants. They seem not to have grasped the fact that, not only is the church collectively the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives within them, but also the physical body of each believer individually. Therefore, allowing the kind of open sexual immorality by a member, which even the pagans wouldn’t tolerate, cannot go unchallenged. If unrepented sin is not confronted and dealt with, like yeast in dough, it will spread and permeate every part of the church. We are saved by grace, but grace is not a licence to sin. Those who think they can abuse the grace of God, believing they can live a deliberate lifestyle of sinful behaviour and God will simply forgive them, will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Once we come to Christ, all sinful behaviour is to be left behind because, Paul says, “You were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” So the church must deal with sexual immorality on an individual and a collective basis. Like today, the society in Corinth was one where individuals readily resorted to suing one another. So, even in the church, members were taking each other to court before non-Christian judges. This conduct raises several factors: First, one day believers will judge angels. The Corinthians should be ashamed that they seemed so feeble-minded they couldn’t even sort out minor disputes amongst themselves. Secondly, by taking such disputes to pagan judges, the church had shot itself in the foot for being such a poor testimony before those it should be seeking to demonstrate the values, power and superior way of life in Christ. And thirdly, they should instead lay aside their personal pride and “turn the other cheek” as it were, rather than bring the cause of Christ into such disrepute. To their credit, a reading of Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians shows they did listen to him, and put right this carnal behaviour. Likewise, we are called to be holy. This doesn’t mean we can become perfect in this lifetime, but to do all to pursue a godly lifestyle, so the Holy Spirit is not grieved but can work powerfully through us.

Corinthians 5:1-2 1 1Repenting over sexual sin

1. As we repent of the way Your Church in this land has often accepted the world’s ways, rather than preaching the clear moral guidelines in Your Word, forgive and bring change. 2. For any who confess the Name of Christ, but who are engaging in fornication, bring repentance and a desire to be obedient to You, O Lord. 3. For any who confess the Name of Christ, yet are engaged in adultery, bring repentance, confession, restoration of the marriage, and a total change of heart and behaviour. 4. Holy Spirit, for those in the church, who are struggling with pornography, help them to decisively break from it completely. 5. For those in the church, who may be struggling with thoughts of or temptations towards any other ungodly sexual activity, help and strengthen them to walk in Your ways.

Corinthians 5:3-5 2 1Confronting sin


1. As we bring before You any sin in the church that may be hindering the moving of Your Holy Spirit, forgive ,Lord, and help us to discard all such hindrances. 2. As we bring before You the sin of our nation, forgive, Lord, and send a revival in this land. 3. Send a revival in our church that will cause a heightened awareness of sin, and cause many people to walk in the pathway of holiness. 4. We pray for our national government and leaders in our local government to turn from leading our nation down pathways away from God’s revealed laws. 5. We take authority over the spirits of violence and lawlessness on our streets, and bind them in Jesus’ Name. 1 Corinthians 5:6-8 A change in character 1. Lord Jesus, help us to become more like You each day. 2. Teach us to welcome the trials that


come in our lives as the means by which You help us develop and change our character for good. 3. Help us to be continually developing all the nine-fold fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 4. If there is any habitual sin in our lives, Holy Spirit, convict us, and enable us to deal with it decisively. 5. Cause us to remember that Your goal for us in this life is holiness rather than happiness, knowing that in eternity there is no sorrow. 1 Corinthians 5:9-11 No compromise 1. Lord, as we live in a fallen world, help us to be discerning as to whose company we should keep. 2. Since we are to be salt and light in this fallen world, and therefore need to mix with, and seek to save, the unsaved, guide us to those non-Christians You would have us befriend. 3. Give us the grace and the strength to always be influencers of others for good, rather than be influenced by others for bad.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

A CALLING TO HOLINESS (2) 1 Corinthians - Chapters 5 to 9







4. Lord, give us the grace to deal gently with repentant sinners, and firmly with those who claim the Name of Christ but who are unrepentant sinners. 5. Cause all those in the church, who are living carelessly or deliberately in sin to come under a deep conviction of sin by Your Holy Spirit and be radically changed. 1 Corinthians 5:12 Breaking off ungodly relationships 1. Give us discernment as to who to befriend and who to avoid. 2. Teach us when we should end any kind of relationship that will not do us good. 3. Keep us from ungodly work or business dealings, we pray. 4. Help us to be people of godly integrity and sound judgment. 5. Teach us Your ways and give us the will to walk in them daily. 1 Corinthians 6:1-3 The need for competence 1. Give us the wisdom to be able to help others in the church when there are disputes between them, and for each party to have the grace to resolve them peacefully. 2. Help us to understand the enormity of the responsibilities You will give us in Your Kingdom in the life to come, and the sense to speak and act responsibly now in all we do. 3. For those in the church, who may still be harbouring resentment towards others, help them to release it in Jesus’ Name. 4. Give to all our elders and our Discipleship Cell leaders all the wisdom they need as they lead others in the church. 5. We pray You would give wise leadership abilities and wise counsel to all our heads of departments and all who teach within the church. 1 Corinthians 6:4-6 Avoiding a bad testimony 1. Holy Spirit, give us a wisdom to deal with all of life’s situations, especially when we are under pressure. 2. Cause us to remember that we are ambassadors for Christ at all times, and therefore need to be always mindful of our testimony. 3. Teach us to live always in the knowledge that You are watching and listening, O God, so that we may live for You and not for ourselves. 4. May we be a good example to others

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and truly be able to say, “Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ.” 5. Help us to remember, O Lord, that one day we will stand before You to give an account of our lives as Christians, and may this knowledge affect the way we live now. 1 Corinthians 6:7-8 Doing the devil’s work for him 1. Lord, help us to keep our old nature well and truly crucified. 2. Holy Spirit, when we start to act or react, being led by our old fallen nature, immediately convict our consciences, so we put a check on ourselves straightaway. 3. Give us the grace and strength to be able to waive our ‘rights’, even if others are wrong, rather than pursue a course of unnecessary conflict merely for the sake of pride. 4. Forgive us whenever we have resorted to using the ways of the world to get our way, rather than trusting in Your ways, O Lord. 5. May our testimony always be that we are trustworthy, because we bear the Name of Christ. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Praying for the corrupt and the immoral 1. Lord, those who do not know You, cannot live according the principles of Your Kingdom, so save and change them, so that they can know the joy of pursuing a life with Christ. 2. For all those we know, who are sexually immoral, give them a lifechanging conversion to Christ. 3. Deliver from the bondage of the kingdom of darkness all those we know who have a drug habit, and bring them into the liberty of the Kingdom of light. 4. Deliver all those who are in bondage to alcohol, O Lord, and may they learn to use their money more profitably. 5. For any individuals who have cheated us in the past, we forgive them and pray they will find a heavenly Father who will meet all their needs, without the need to cheat others. 1 Corinthians 6:11 Washed and sanctified 1. As we remember that You have washed us from all sin, cause us, in response, to desire to walk ever closer to You.




2. Cause all the men in our church to rise up in the power of their new life in Jesus to become changers and shapers of our society for Christ. 3. Enable all the women in our church to flourish in the full power of the Holy Spirit in all of their God-given ministries. 4. Cause all the male youth in our church to be bold, making a powerful stand for Christ and influencing their own generation. 5. Give all the female youth in our church a courage and boldness to be different from their peers, by allowing the Holy Spirit to work through their lives and their relationships with non-Christians. 1 Corinthians 6:12 Not mastered by anything 1. Break the chains that bind all those we know, who are addicted to cigarettes and are unable to quit the habit. 2. Cause all those we know, who are addicted to drugs to turn to You, O God, and find the will and the strength to be delivered. 3. For those in bondage to pornography, in Jesus’ Name we pray that the power that binds them would be broken. 4. For those addicted to food, or who suffer from anorexia or bulimia, expose and break the cause of their bondage, O Lord. 5. For all those in bondage to crime on the streets where we live, turn them from crime to Christ 1 Corinthians 6:13-18 Flee sexual immorality 1. Lord, give each one in the church the strength to say ‘No’ to sexual temptation. 2. Help us not to listen to the lies of the world and of the devil, but rather to listen to the wisdom of our God revealed in His Word. 3. Give all our young people in the church the wisdom to discern between what is right and wrong, what is good and bad, and what is appropriate and inappropriate. 4. Give all the school teachers in the church wisdom, strength and courage as they set a good example in the schools in which they teach. 5. Enable all the single people in the church to take a stand for sexual morality boldly and without shame, because they belong to Jesus. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Individuals - the temples of the Holy Spirit 1. Cause us to walk in holiness, as we remember the great privilege that You live within us as your temples when we accept Christ. 2. Help us to be good stewards of our bodies, O Lord, so that we may use them for Your service and glory.


April 2018 W

hen the apostle Paul first visited the city of Corinth, in what is modern-day Greece, he did what he always did, and went first to the Jewish synagogue to preach Jesus as the Christ. But, with a few exceptions, he met with opposition from the Jews to his message, and so turned to preaching to the Gentiles, where he found such a response that he stayed for eighteen months, establishing the church in that city. This was, in one way, a great success. But, in another, the influx of pagans - quite unacquainted with the ways of a God of holiness - brought with it numerous pastoral and spiritual problems that Paul had to manage and help the Corinthians overcome. So the church at Corinth was comprised of many people who had been saved right out of the world. They had known only the lifestyle of the culture of their day, which was one of gross immorality. The massive temple of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, dominated the city and each evening the priestesses would emerge to practise what was nothing less than prostitution in the name of their religion. Coupled with that, the city had an international reputation for drunkenness and so, if anyone was accused of ‘living like a Corinthian’, it meant they lived the worst sort of lifestyle. It took the new converts some time to unlearn their old behaviour and to embrace a lifestyle of righteousness, as Paul’s letter to them reveals. They had to grow up spiritually, stop acting like babies, and become mature in Christ. This meant putting aside all divisions, quarrels and prejudices, and learning to live as the one body of Christ, which is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. The church is His temple, and needs to be a place of righteousness and holiness. So Paul opens his letter to them as, “the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be holy…” Christ died and rose from the dead to make them saints, and to portray the righteousness of God through their godly witness. No longer were they to live the lives they once did, but rather now, with the power of the Holy Spirit within them, they were to be ambassadors for Jesus. The church had great potential to become a powerful influence in its city. It also had the potential to self-destruct by the power of internal sin. It took time, but Paul was eventually able to turn the church at Corinth around, and get it on the right track. In the process, he shows the necessity of the church ensuring that its own house is in order if it wants to see the manifest presence of God in its midst. As we continue to seek the face of God for revival, this month we are praying through the areas God revealed through Paul to a church “called to be holy”. Corinthians 1:1-2 1 1Called to be holy


1. Since You died and rose again to bring us from the kingdom of darkness into Your akingdom of light, burden our hearts to seek your paths of holiness. 2. If there is anything in our lives that is unpleasing to you, convict our minds and give us the grace to root it out, so that we may live according to your ways. 3. Help us to be separated from sinful ways, and separated unto the ways of our God, so that we may walk in holiness. 4. We pray that anything that is hidden in the church that causes You to withhold Your presence or blessing, may it be brought to light and removed. 5. Holy Spirit, move up and down this land, bringing a deep desire within Your Church in our nation to walk in the ways of holiness. 1 Corinthians 1:3 God’s grace and peace 1. Cause Your grace to be evident in our lives, in our church, our families and in our places of work, overflowing into the lives of others,


causing them to desire to know Jesus. 2. Cause Your grace to be manifested in the lives of all our unsaved family members, so that they come to know saving grace through receiving Jesus as Saviour and Lord. 3. May those we know, who are troubled in their family lives, know God’s peace and also that they would be peacemakers. 4. May all those we know, who are troubled in their places of work, know the peace of God and become peacemakers. 5. Lord, in accordance with Romans 16:20, may “the God of peace soon crush satan under our feet.” 1 Corinthians 1:4-6 Our testimony 1. Help each one of us to practise what we preach, and bring honour to the Name of Jesus through our Christlike character. 2. Enable us to maintain a good testimony before unbelievers in our places of work, 3. Lord, help us to maintain a good testimony towards each other, as the family of believers, 4. In accordance with Ephesians 5:1,


help us to “be imitators of God, as dearly loved children, and to live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us.” 5. May the blessings of our relationship with our God, through Jesus Christ, be so evident in our lives that others will desire to receive what we have. 1 Corinthians 1:7 Not lacking spiritual gifts 1. Pour out Your Spirit mightily amongst us, baptising many in the Holy Spirit, and cause Your spiritual gifts to be distributed throughout the church. 2. Cause many to speak in tongues and to use the gifts of interpretation of tongues and prophecy. 3. May the gifts of faith, miracles and healings be multiplied amongst us, O Lord. 4. Let there be a greater manifestation of the gifts of words of knowledge, words of wisdom and the discerning of spirits, we pray. 5. We pray for the greater manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit, not just within the confines of meetings in the church building, but outside also.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

A CALLING TO HOLINESS (1) 1 Corinthians - Chapters 1 to 4



April 2018

Corinthians 1:8 5 1Kept strong




1. In times of trial, keep our faith strong and our determination to follow Jesus in every way, steadfast to the end. 2. Meet with those in our fellowship, who are struggling and remain spiritually immature, cause them to grow and help us to encourage them. 3. Make us strong and powerful witnesses for You, anointed by, and moving in the gifts of, the Holy Spirit. 4. Raise up all the men, women and youth in our fellowship to be mighty in power, strength and leadership, continually being filled with the Holy Spirit. 5. Raise up all the intercessors in our fellowship to be strong and powerful in prayer, to the pulling down of every spiritual stronghold that seeks to attack the church or its members. 1 Corinthians 1:9 Our Lord is faithful 1. Since You are utterly faithful, may we learn to trust You completelyY and so grow in faith. 2. As You have called us into fellowship with You, may we not neglect that astounding privilege, but rather walk closely with You daily. 3. Give us the courage to trust Your Word at all times, and to be bold to take You at Your word, stepping out in faith whenever You call us to, knowing You are faithful. 4. Teach us the difference between presumption and faith, so that we may not bring You or Your Word into disrepute through our foolish actions. 5. Since part of the fruit of the Spirit is faithfulness, help us to co-operate with You, Holy Spirit, to develop that quality within us to an ever-greater extent. 1 Corinthians 1:10-11 Healing divisions 1. Cause there to be a healing in the relationships with any in the church who are out of fellowship with each other. 2. Give the grace to any church member, who is out of fellowship with their unsaved family members, to seek to heal any rift. 3. We pray that any frictions within any families in the church will experience a complete reconciliation and healing. 4. For any in the church, who may be bound because they are harbouring



unforgiveness, give them the grace to release all anger and bitterness and so be free. 5. Cause every marriage in the church to become ever stronger, as Jesus is made the foundation of their relationship, O God. 1 Corinthians 1:12-16 Getting the focus right 1. Lord, help us to keep our focus squarely on You as the foremost object of our attention. 2. We pray that all our Discipleship Cell leaders would be kept on fire for You and with a passion to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 3. Give to all our Discipleship Cells strategies and a passion, together, to seek and to save the lost. 4. Keep all those who evangelise on the streets focused on Jesus Christ and the power of the Cross to save every unbeliever, anointing them to see lives changed by Jesus. 5. May we not take our eyes off You, Jesus, but always preach without fear, the power of the Cross to change the sinner into a saint. 1 Corinthians 1:17 Preaching the undiluted Gospel 1. Give us ‘divine appointments’ with individuals, so that when we speak to them of the crucified and risen Saviour, they will respond. 2. Holy Spirit, keep in the forefront of our minds that we are ambassadors for the King of kings, as we share the life-changing message of the Gospel at every opportunity. 3. Anoint our words with power whenever we share the message of the Cross, and cause us to see people respond by giving their lives to Christ. 4. Give us the wisdom and ability to share the Gospel in different ways that will reach the particular people we are witnessing to, without watering down the message. 5. Holy Spirit, when we feel inadequate and think we do not have the right words to say, give us the right words to speak. 1 Corinthians 1:20-21 The bankruptcy of human wisdom 1. Cause the “wisdom of men”, which deceives so many to believe we are here by blind chance and evolution, to be revealed for the falsehood it is. 2. Move the hearts of our parliament and government, who frequently make laws based on ungodly human wisdom, to bring change to their ungodly laws.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018



3. Bring change to the ungodly way sex education is presented to ever younger children in our schools and its calamitous consequences, and which is based on the wisdom of man 4. Bring change to stop the holocaust of the unborn through the abortion laws of our nation, which are based on human wisdom and run contrary to your revealed ways. 5. Break the power of their influence over our government of all the lobby groups that influence our lawmakers to pass ungodly laws. 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 The power of God 1. Send Your power in our midst in increasing measure, O Lord. 2. Cause the prayers of all our intercessors and the Prayer Centre to be so anointed and with discernment that they successfully pull down mighty spiritual strongholds. 3. As we understand the extent of the authority You have delegated to us, help us begin to move in the power of God far beyond anything we have experienced up to this point. 4. Multiply the signs and wonders that You do in our midst, O Lord, and may they confirm Your Word, causing many to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. 5. Since Your Word says: “the God of peace will soon crush satan under your feet”, help us to live victoriously over sin, temptation and the devil. 1 Corinthians 1:26-29 One is a majority with God 1. Help us to continually remember that the source of our strength and power is not ourselves but You, enabling us to not to falter or faint as we serve You. 2. As we consecrate now all that we are and all that we have to Your service, use even the little we may have and multiply it. 3. Help us remember that our significance comes not from what we achieve, but from who we are in You, through whom we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. 4. We dedicate to You now, O Lord, all our natural talents, gifts and abilities, and ask You to enable us to make use of every opportunity to use them for Your service and Your glory. 5. We pray that You will add to any natural abilities we have, the gifts


April 2018






5. Speak to us, Holy Spirit, for Your servants are listening. 1 Corinthians 2:11-13 Taught by the Spirit 1. Teach us to be obedient at all times to our King into whose Kingdom we have come through faith in Him. 2. Teach us to be faithful in all our doings, so that our ‘Yes’ means ‘Yes’ and our ‘No’ means ‘No’. 3. Teach us to be a people who exercise a faith that can see great answers to prayer. 4. Teach us, Holy Spirit, the wisdom of when to speak and when to say nothing. 5. Bring to our remembrance all the things we have learned, whether through reading Your Word or listening to preaching and teaching, so that we can put everything into practice. 1 Corinthians 2:14-16 Having the mind of Christ 1. Give us the mind of Christ that is always obedient to the will of our heavenly Father. 2. Give us the mind of Christ that causes us to exercise true and powerful servanthood. 3. Give us the mind of Christ that hates sin and self-centredness, but rather seeks the good of others. 4. Give us the mind of Christ that can trust You to move in powerful gifts of the Holy Spirit. 5. Give us the mind of Christ that can always say, “Not my will but Yours be done, heavenly Father.” 1 Corinthians 3:1-2 Desire the solid spiritual food 1. Renew daily within us, O God, the desire to read Your Word and thereby to grow daily in our spiritual lives. 2. For those among us who are neglecting to read the Word of God, put a hunger in their spirits to desire to know You more through reading Your Word. 3. Bless and anoint all those in the church who teach the Word of God, whether to adults, youth or children, causing them to so reveal God’s Word that many lives are changed. 4. Bless and anoint all our Discipleship Cell group leaders, and cause them to have continuing revelation and insights into how best to facilitate the spiritual growth of their Cell group. 5. We pray that the preaching of Your Word each Sunday would cause the seed to grow into great spiritual fruit in the lives of each of us.

Corinthians 3:3-4 191Worldly Christians

1. For all those in the church, who have one foot in the world and one foot in the Kingdom of heaven, Holy Spirit, help them see the folly of their actions. 2. If there is anything within our own lives and practices that is still worldly, search our hearts, reveal it to us, and enable us to put it right, O God. 3. Help us to hunger and thirst after Your righteous ways, O Lord our God. 4. Help all those in our midst, whose lives are being held back from knowing the full blessings of God because they are not fully committed to God. 5. Cause there to be a hunger in the heart of each one of us to seek only after the ways of God for our lives. 1 Corinthians 3:5-9 Each to do his part 1. Help us to know the calling You have put on each of our lives, so that we can serve You effectively in working to our individual strengths. 2. Bless and anoint all those in the church, who have practical ministries, helping them to use those abilities to further the growth of the Kingdom of God. 3. Bless and anoint all those who have charismatic gifts, helping them to use them effectively for the building and extension of Your Kingdom, O Lord. 4. Bless and anoint each member of the church who has an evangelistic ministry, and multiply the fruit of their labours and cause them to lead many to Christ. 5. Bless and anoint all those in the church who have pastoral giftings, and help them to build up and edify all those in the church. 1 Corinthians 3:10-11 Careful what we build 1. Holy Spirit, help us in all we do, to do it out of love for Jesus, and not for selfish motives. 2. Help us to correctly discern the true meaning of the Word of God, so that we may not fall into heresy or wander from Your pathway of truth. 3. May all we do in seeking to build the Church of Jesus Christ be for the glory of God, and not for the glory of man. 4. Be at the centre of our lives and of the Church continually, Lord Jesus. 5. Lord, keep us teachable, so that if we make mistakes we have the humility to listen to correction.



GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth


of Your Holy Spirit, and that we may use them wisely and profitably. 1 Corinthians 1:30-31 Boast only in the Lord 1. Jesus, be Lord of our lives in every way and in every area. 2. Help us to remember Your Word, O Lord, that tells us that it is You who gives us the ability to create wealth, so that we may honour You with our finances. 3. As we surrender our talents, our abilities, and all that we have to You, use us for Your glory. 4. May we today have the opportunity to use all our natural, our intellectual and our manual abilities, to increase Your Kingdom and to honour Jesus. 5. Cause us to remember that we are not our own, we have been bought at a price, so that we honour You with our bodies as Your servants, O Lord. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 A demonstration of the Spirit’s power 1. Holy Spirit, come amongst us in power to bring conviction of sin, repentance, and a turning of many to Christ. 2. Holy Spirit, come amongst us as a purifying fire to burn up all sin, ungodliness, apathy and anything else that is unpleasing to God. 3. Holy Spirit, distribute amongst us the gifts of speaking in tongues, prophecy and the interpretation of tongues. 4. Holy Spirit, distribute amongst us the gifts of words of knowledge, words of faith and the discerning of spirits. 5. Holy Spirit, distribute amongst us the gifts of faith, miracles and healings. 1 Corinthians 2:6-10 Revealed by God’s Spirit 1. Reveal to us as we wait upon You, Your plans and purposes for our individual lives, helping us to make the right choices, so we walk in the perfect destiny You have for us. 2. As we read Your Word, O God, reveal to us ever-deeper things about Yourself. 3. Give us words of knowledge and of wisdom that bring revelation into the lives of unbelievers, causing them to recognise there is a God whom they must come to know personally. 4. Holy Spirit, move us to prophesy, so that our fellow believers may be strengthened, encouraged and comforted.



3:12-15 22 1TheCorinthians Christian and judgment (1)




1. Teach us how to walk in the fear of the Lord. 2. Cause us to remember, Lord Jesus, that one day, as Christians, we will each stand before Your throne in judgment, and may that influence our life now on earth in a positive way. 3. Although as believers we will not be judged for our sin, but for the measure of our faithfulness, so help us to be faithful to You in all our ways. 4. Help guide us, so that the things we do here on earth will be of such eternal value, that on the day they are tested by You in judgment, they will not be burned up as worthless. 5. Enable us to be spiritually fruitful whilst here on earth, so we will have much more than our salvation when we stand before Your throne, Lord Jesus. 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 The Christian and judgment (2) 1. Lord, help us to be faithful to You in the way we talk. 2. Lord, help us to be faithful to You in every aspect of our conduct and behaviour. 3. Lord, help us to be faithful to You by seeking to develop the fruit of the Spirit in our lives in any and every situation. 4. Lord, help us be faithful to Your ways in every aspect of our family lives and relationships. 5. Lord, help us be faithful to You in every area of our lives in the workplace. 1 Corinthians 3:16-23 The church as temple of the Holy Spirit 1. Lord, teach us the true depth of the meaning of “holiness”, so we live as those You have set apart to be holy. 2. We pray that the manifest presence of God will be seen and felt whenever Your people meet to worship You each Sunday. 3. We pray that the manifest presence of God will be evident whenever Your people meet in each of our Discipleship Cells, causing us to desire to walk with the Lord. 4. We pray that the manifest presence of God will be evident wherever and whenever Your people meet together - in the streets, in homes or at places of work. 5. Lord, help us not to be like the church at Laodicea, where You had to stand outside the door and knock

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GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018

to come in; we now welcome Your presence amongst us. 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 Trust and faithfulness 1. Make us a people, O Lord, whose word is our bond. 2. Teach us to be faithful in all the small things, so that we will automatically be faithful in the greater things. 3. Help us to be faithful even when noone is watching, but rather, knowing that You are watching, O God, we do everything as unto You. 4. In the ministries we carry out in the church, cause us to be faithful and trustworthy, so that we do not cause stress and distress to others. 5. Help us realise, O Lord, that as we prove faithful in the little things, You will then start to entrust us with much greater things. 1 Corinthians 4:3-4 Having a clear conscience 1. Let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord. 2. Holy Spirit, continually speak to our consciences and reveal anything that grieves You so that we may put it right. 3. If there is any unconfessed sin in our lives, reveal it to us, Holy Spirit, so that we may deal with it and not grieve You. 4. If there is anyone we need to forgive, bring them to our minds now, Holy Spirit, and help us to release them from our resentment. 5. Search us, O Lord, and know our hearts; may we seek to conform with Your will and Your ways, so that we may walk in the pathways of righteousness. 1 Corinthians 4:5-7 Hidden in darkness 1. Lord, enable us to examine ourselves to see where we are found wanting, so that You do not have to bring discipline to our lives. 2. Expose anything within us that hinders the moving of Your Holy Spirit in our lives, we pray. 3. Expose anything in the church that may grieve Your Holy Spirit, O God, so that nothing will hinder all that You desire to do amongst us. 4. Teach us to abhor sin and everything that would not be pleasing to Jesus. 5. Help us to take every opportunity to be the light of the world in the darkness of the society in which we now find ourselves.

28Suffering for Christ’s sake 1 Corinthians 4:8-13



1. Give us Your strength to overcome in any situation as we remember that You never promised us an easy life in this world, but rather that You would never leave us. 2. When we go through trials, cause us to remember that You often use such situations to enable our faith to grow, so may such times of “fire” refine and purify us like gold. 3. Give grace for this hour to all those of Your children we know, who are suffering in one way or another right now, and may we be a help and comfort to them in their time of need. 4. Strengthen us, as we remember Your Word that reminds us that the sufferings of this present world are not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed in us. 5. Strengthen the suffering Church throughout the world in their time of trial, who are being killed, tortured and persecuted simply because they follow Christ. 1 Corinthians 4:14-17 Imitate me 1. Lord, may we be walking so close to You that we are able to say to new Christians, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” 2. Lord, forgive us when we have been a bad witness and example, and teach us to be conscious that we are to walk in Your ways every moment of the day. 3. Help us to guard our words, so that what we speak is always constructive and done in love and not destructive, even when we have to rebuke. 4. Help each of us in our Christian witness, especially when we are with unbelievers, so that our actions do not contradict our words of witness about Christ. 5. Help each of our fathers and mothers to be good role models to their children, demonstrating to their children what a true follower of Jesus is like, in any and every situation. 1 Corinthians 4:18-21 The Kingdom of God 1. Help us to demonstrate the truth of Your Word, not merely by talk but with a demonstration of Your power. 2. Help us to be good stewards of the gifts of Your Holy Spirit, so that You are able to trust us with great responsibility. 3. Lord, we pray once again, “Let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” 4. We take authority, in Jesus’ Name, over every enemy spirit power that is seeking to oppose the expansion of the Kingdom of God through our church, commanding them to flee, 5. Build Your church in our midst, Lord Jesus, and let not the gates of Hades prevail against it.


May 2018





4. Be their Father and Husband to all the widows in the church, O God. 5. Comfort and meet every need of all the widowers in the church, O Lord. 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 Praying for marriages under strain 1. For all marriages in the church that are under strain, bring help, counsel and support so that they may be restored to their former place of joy. 2. Strengthen and help in their family relationships all the marriages of those we know who are not Christians, we pray. 3. We pray our government would remove laws and rules that discourage marriage, and have the wisdom to pass laws that strengthen the institution of marriage. 4. For any in the church, whose marriages are under such strain and are considering divorce, help them now to find a better solution and restoration of their relationship. 5. For all those couples we know outside the church, whose marriage is heading for divorce, help them now to find Christ and to see their marriage healed. 1 Corinthians 7:12-14 Praying for believers married to unbelievers 1. For all those, who are currently single but are considering marrying an unbeliever, guide them according to Your Word, so their spiritual life is not shipwrecked. 2. For all the unsaved husbands married to women in the church, save them, O Lord. 3. For all the unsaved wives married to men in the church, save them, O God. 4. For the children in homes, where one spouse is saved and the other is unsaved, let the children follow the way of the believing parent, and come to know You for themselves. 5. Give grace to those believers who are married to unbelievers, so that their godly lifestyle would cause their unbelieving spouse to come to know the Lord. 1 Corinthians 7:15-16 Praying for the deserted 1. Comfort and encourage the hearts of each wife we know, whose husband has left the marital home. 2. For each husband we know, whose wife has left the marital home, help and encourage him, O God. 3. Comfort and give the strength they





need in their time of loss to the children of those homes where one of the parents has left, O Lord. 4. For believers we know, whose spouse has left home and they are struggling to understand God’s will in their situation, give them clarity of thought, and may their self-worth be found in their relationship to Christ. 5. Help the church to be a source of comfort and blessing to those who have been deserted, we pray. 1 Corinthians 7:17-24 Being content in God 1. Lord, help us to keep our eyes firmly fixed on you, so that no matter how much we gain or how much we lack, we know our true treasure is in heaven. 2. If You bless us with much material wealth, may it be our servant and not our master, so that You are always our first love. 3. Lord, may we find our self-worth in our relationship with You and not from what we do or what we own, so that we may be at peace and content. 4. Lord, teach us the secret of being content in any and every situation. 5. Help us to remember that You are the God who can enable us to do all things through Christ who gives us strength. 1 Corinthians 7:25-31 Upholding the value of virginity 1. Since You have said, “Be holy for I am holy”, may our bodies be consecrated unto You, and not be used in an ungodly fashion. 2. Teach us to value purity in body as well as in mind. 3. For all those in the church, who may feel pressured by the values of this world to engage in premarital sex, give them determination of mind to make a stand for Christ. 4. May we not bow to the pressures of this world, O God, but rather to unashamedly uphold the value of virginity outside of marriage. 5. Give us a greater revelation of You, O Lord, so that we understand the blessings of being obedient to Your commands. 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Devoted to the Lord 1. Help us to love You with all our heart, strength, soul and mind, O Lord. 2. May our priorities in life be in tune with Your will for our lives, we pray.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth


3. For those of us who are sick in body, we pray right now for their divine healing. 4. For those we know, who are troubled in their minds from varying degrees of depression, touch them now and replace their gloom with the joy of the Lord. 5. We pray for divine health and strength at all times, so that we may be fit to do all You call us to do. 1 Corinthians 7:1-2 Seeking a godly spouse 1. For all those in the church, who are seeking a godly wife or husband, give them wisdom and guide them to the right person. 2. For all those who are hindered by financial constraints from pursuing marriage, give them a financial release, O Lord. 3. For all those who are seeking a marriage partner, but are hindered by shyness or lack of self-confidence, make a way for them and answer their prayers. 4. Bring fellowship to those who feel a sense of loneliness, since Your Word says You “set the lonely in families”. 5. For all those who are getting married this year, help each to put Christ at the centre of their relationship so their marriage may prosper. 1 Corinthians 7:3-6 Marital harmony 1. Strengthen the relationships in the midst of the pressures of life of all our married couples in the church, O Lord. 2. Help all the husbands to be able to wisely balance their responsibilities between work, family and ministry. 3. Enable all the wives to cope with all the stress of looking after a home and family, as well as work responsibilities, and still enjoy life. 4. Continually help fathers and mothers in the church in the demanding task of raising their children in the instruction of the Lord. 5. Bless the institution of marriage in our midst, O Lord, that it would be the blessing to all members of the family that You desire it to be. 1 Corinthians 7:7-9 Praying for the single and widows 1. Bless all the single men and women in the church, O Lord; may their lives be fulfilled and fruitful in all they do. 2. Cause all our singles to find and use their skills, talents and abilities and, as they dedicate them to You, O Lord, let their lives be full of the joy of the Lord. 3. We pray that all our single men and women would be good role models and mentors for the youth in the church to follow.







3. If You are not currently our first priority and love, O God, show us how to mend our ways. 4. Give us a deepening love for Your Word, so that we may live by it and know the blessings of the favour of God. 5. Give us a heart to pray, O Lord, not as a duty, but out of our relationship with You. 1 Corinthians 7:36:40 Praying for engaged couples 1. For all the couples we know, who are thinking of getting engaged, help them to make the right choice at the right time, O Lord. 2. For those who are already engaged, help them in all their plans and financial arrangements, as they look forward to their wedding day. 3. Bless and help all those, who teach the pre-marriage courses to those engaged couples who are preparing for marriage, 4. Keep each courting couple from falling into temptation, but rather give them wisdom to conduct their relationship with dignity. 5. Lord, be a divine Matchmaker for all those who are seeking You in prayer for the right person to marry. 1 Corinthians 8:1-6 Love builds up 1. Help us to love like Jesus, whether towards friends, family members, or even those who dislike us, so that we may move in power of Your Holy Spirit. 2. Help and anoint all the teachers in the children’s ministries to build up the children in the things of God. 3. Give love, patience and wisdom to all those minister to the youth, to build up our young people and be an example for them to follow. 4. For all those who minister to others in our Prayer Centre, equip and anoint them to lead many to Jesus, bring healing to the sick, and see lives revolutionised for Christ. 5. For all those leading ministries and those who serve in the church, enable them to build each other up in the things of Christ, so they reach out and win the unsaved to Christ. 1 Corinthians 8:7-13 Don’t be a stumbling block to others 1. Lord, help us be good examples to both fellow Christians and nonbelievers. 2. Make us continually thoughtful to the needs of others, so that our actions do not cause others to fall. 3. For those whose relationships

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GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018

are hindered by harbouring unforgiveness, change their hearts to release those who have hurt them. 4. Give us wisdom in all our actions, speech and plans, so that we are influencers for the good of others, and not a hindrance to them. 5. Forgive us for those times when our actions or words have had a negative effect on others, and help us to change. 1 Corinthians 9:1-6 God raise up more leaders 1. Lord, raise up more apostles in our nation and in the nations around the world to pioneer more churches. 2. Raise up genuine prophets in our land, who will speak the contemporary Word of God into our churches and into our governmental leaders. 3. Raise up more evangelists in our nation, and provide the finance they need to win thousands to Christ. 4. Raise up more pastors across our land, who are willing to sacrificially serve the body of Christ and lead them into the true ways of God. 5. Raise up more teachers who can clearly and relevantly expound Your Word, and cause people to understand and follow Your ways. 1 Corinthians 9:7-10 Praying for church leaders 1. Help all our pastors in their work of spiritual leadership, and give them the strength to lead according to Your will, O Lord. 2. Help all our elders in the task of spiritually overseeing the running of the church, and give them grace, O God. 3. For all our men and women Discipleship Cell leaders, help them in their work of leading and serving in their Cell group. 4. For all those who lead teams or departments in the church, give them grace, and prosper their work as they serve You, O Lord. 5. For our children’s and youth leaders, help them to lead by example, and guide those they lead into the ways of God. 1 Corinthians 9:11-14 Giving financially to the work of God 1. Teach us to be people of obedience and faith, and not to be afraid of being generous in our giving to Your work, O Lord. 2. As we give our tithes and offerings, cause those finances which remain

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to prosper more than they otherwise would. 3. Help us to remember the spiritual principle that we will reap what we sow, and fail to reap where we do not sow. 4. Cause us to be cheerful givers and not people who do so grudgingly. 5. Since You have said it is You, O Lord, who gives us the ability to gain wealth, may we “render to Caesar that which is Caesar’s but to God that which is God’s.” 1 Corinthians 9:15-18 Preaching the gospel freely 1. Give us the courage to speak Your Word in season and out of season, as Your Spirit leads us. 2. As we thank You for all those we see giving their lives to you, O Lord, may we see more and more people turning to Christ in total commitment. 3. Prosper all the work of evangelism, O God, whether personal one-to-one encounters, through the Cells or on the streets. 4. Each time the Gospel is preached in our church services, we pray there will be a fruitful harvest. 5. Give us ‘divine appointments’ with those people You want us to witness to, who are ready to accept Christ. 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 By all means save some 1. Give us insight, Holy Spirit, into how we can develop strategies to win the lost from all backgrounds. 2. Anoint Your people as witnesses in their places of work, causing them to be fruitful, we pray. 3. Give us strategies, Holy Spirit, into how to win men for Christ, especially those who would lead their families also to Jesus. 4. Give us strategies, Holy Spirit, for how to reach the youth in our society that will cause them to be radically converted and changed for Christ. 5. Give us strategies, Holy Spirit, into how to win the current generation of children to Christ before they are corrupted by the values of this world. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Running to win the prize 1. Help us to be people who are self-disciplined in our times of personal prayer and Bible study. 2. Help us to be self-disciplined in order to get our priorities right, and the correct balance between God, family, work and ministry. 3. Cause us to achieve a standard of excellence in all that we do for the Kingdom of God, whether by our personal example, teaching, witnessing, serving and all forms of ministry. 4. When we find we are flagging in their spiritual race, give each of us the strength to continue, and to be more effective in the future than we have been in the past. 5. As we pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to anoint us in all that we do, make us effective and fruitful as ambassadors for Christ.



11am to 1pm

Saturday 14th April

Saturday 12th May

Brentford Chiswick Hanwell Hayes Northfields Shepherd’s Bush Southall Twickenham Uxbridge Wembley West Ealing

Brentford Chiswick Ealing Broadway Greenford Harrow Hayes Hounslow Isleworth Northfields Northolt Shepherd’s Bush Southall Wembley West Drayton



Call our confidential prayer line for ANY need 24 hours a day 7 days a week

020 8799 2199 DAILY REVIVAL PRAYER MEETINGS Monday to Friday Morning meetings 10.00am to 11.00am - Annexe Room 2* EVENing meetings 6.00pm to 7.00pm - Foyer (*accessible from Northfields Avenue)


MONTHLY REVIVAL & HEALING MEETINGS Second Sunday evening of every month at 6.30pm Sunday 15th April Sunday 13th May


POLISH FELLOWSHIP Elim Springs Every Sunday @ 2:30pm In the FOYER

ECC Japanese Fellowship Every Sunday @ 2:30pm In the MAIN AUDITORIUM For details, please contact AOGU & CHISATO TATEYAMA

For ECC attenders: Before coming for deliverance for the first time, please make an appointment to speak to Pastor Rajinder Saturday 21st April Saturday 19th May For non-ECC attenders: Please contact ELLEL MINISTRIES on 01252 794060

ALL-NIGHT PRAYER MEETINGS Last Friday of every month 10.00pm to 5.00am A night of intercession, celebration, thanksgiving and praise Friday 27th April Friday 25th May GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018


Note from the Treasurer


Matthew 6:1-4 ‘Be careful not to practise your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. (Verse 2)

Give Sacrificially

2 Corinthians 8:1-3 And now, brothers and sisters, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches. In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability.

Give Willingly

2 Corinthians 8:11-12 Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means. For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.

Give Exactly

2 Corinthians 9:7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

WEEKLY Meetings Sunday services Celebration service

9.00am to 10.45am

with classes for Children & Youth

Celebration service

11.15am to 1.00pm

with classes for Children & Youth

Japanese service Polish service Evening service

2.30pm to 4.30pm in Auditorium

2.30pm to 4.30pm in Foyer

6.30pm to 8.00pm

See ‘What’s On at ECC’ on page 23 for details


Prayer meetings

10.00am & 6.00pm

Prayer meetings

10.00am & 7.30pm



Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Little Stars’ Parents & Tots Term-time only 10.00am to 12.00pm Wednesday Afternoon Fellowship 2.00pm to 3.30pm


Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Equippers: Life skills 7.00pm to 9.30pm Registration required


Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Equippers: Ministry skills 7.00pm to 9.30pm All-night Prayer

Registration required

10.00pm to 5.00am

Last Friday of the month


Street evangelism

11.00am to 1.00pm

Give Expectantly

Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. May God richly bless us all, as we continue to faithfully give to His Kingdom’s work. Amen Sandra Dawodu Please note that you can give through the website at or via mobile apps: Acct No 18844979 Sort Code 60 05 16



FOR YOUR FAITHFUL GIVING TO GOD’S WORK JAN 2018 FEB 2018 Tithes & Offerings £46,502.31 £39,896.88 Building Fund £1,655.02 £1,957.75 Standing Orders £21,043.61 £19,661.80

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018

WHAT WE BELIEVE Elim Pentecostal Churches 1. THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible, as originally given, to be without error, the fully inspired and infallible Word of God and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2. THE TRINITY: We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and co-eternally in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these Three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. 3. THE SAVIOUR: We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession and His second advent to receive His Church. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father and the Son and the necessity of His work in conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification, and that the believer is also promised an enduement of power as the gift of Christ through the baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs following. Through this enduement the believer is empowered for fuller participation in the ministry of the Church, its worship, evangelism and service. 5. MANKIND: We believe in the universal sinfulness of all mankind since the Fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation. 6. SALVATION: We believe in the necessity for salvation of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by which the sinner is pardoned and accepted as righteous in God's sight. This justification is imputed by the grace of God because of the atoning work of Christ, is received by faith alone and is evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit and a holy life. 7. THE CHURCH: We believe in the spiritual unity and the priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the universal Church, the Body of Christ. 8. THE MINISTRY: We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church, namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and in the present operation of the manifold Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the New Testament. 9. THE ORDINANCES: We believe in the baptism of believers in water in obedience to the command of Christ and the commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return. 10. THE COMMISSION: We believe that the Gospel embraces the needs of the whole man and that the Church is therefore commissioned to preach the Gospel to the world and to fulfil a ministry of healing and deliverance to the spiritual and physical needs of mankind. 11. THE COMING KING: We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory. 12. THE FUTURE STATE: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgment of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.


Sunday Services at a glance 9.00am, 11.15am, 6.30pm

APRIL am 1st pm

EASTER PRAISE & CELEBRATION Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton

am 8th pm

CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan

am 15th pm am 22nd pm am 29th pm


MAY GUEST DAY SERVICE am SPECIAL featuring different talents of ECC 6th SPIRIT EVENING pm HOLY Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan

REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton

SERVICE am CELEBRATION Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton 13th pm REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton

CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard EUROPEAN EVENING An exciting night of song, colour and food Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan

SERVICE am CELEBRATION Guest Speaker: Russ Kline, USA 20th pm PROPHETIC EVENING Guest Speaker: Russ Kline, USA

CELEBRATION SERVICE Guest Speaker: Russ Kline, USA PROPHETIC EVENING Guest Speaker: Russ Kline, USA PRAISE & COMMUNION Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton BAPTISMAL SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton

SERVICE am CELEBRATION Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton 27th pm AFRICAN EVENING Gospel celebration - African style!

JOIN US FOR EASTER CELEBRATIONS AT ECC Good Friday service on 30th March at 10.30am Resurrection Sunday Celebrations on 1st April at 9am, 11.15am and 6.30pm


European Evening SUNDAY EVENING 15th APRIL

at 6.30pm

“Each one bring one” Guest speaker Pastor Alex Morgan

Guest Speaker RUSS KLINE, USA ministers in the prophetic and will be at all services on Sunday 22nd April and Sunday 20th May

Special Guest Day African Evening SUNDAY MORNING SERVICES on 6th May “Each one bring one” to our seeker-friendly services Why not invite your guests out for lunch afterwards?


at 6.30pm

“Each one bring one” to a wonderful gospel celebration with rejoicing and singing ‘done in the African way’ GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018




Commissioning at ECC


n 20th January, a very important and significant moment happened in the Men’s ministry at ECC: the men of ECC were commissioned to lead a prayer taskforce for the whole of the Elim movement.

Pastor Mark Lyndon-Jones (pictured), National Director of MPower (Elim’s Men’s movement), came to encourage and inspire us with the vision for the Prayer Taskforce. He shared with us that the Taskforce had been running for the last three years, with 18 women praying every day in Cardiff, and that it was time for men to continue the battle. The National Director noted that the ECC MPower group is a strategic one. The Men’s Encounter weekend last August had been empowered by the Holy Spirit-led preparation of prayer and fasting. It shows that our men were serious and genuine in prayer, and that they possessed an anointing for prayer through the DNA of ECC’s call to prayer - spearheaded by our Pastor Richard, our senior minister at ECC. The MPower Prayer Taskforce Daily Prayer Objectives are defined by the acronym of P-U-R-P-O-S-E: P: P

Pray for men to respond to the Prayer Call 1 Timothy 2:8


Unity throughout the brothers of Elim Psalm 13 and John 17:20-21


Resources for the MPower mission 2 Corinthians 9:8 and Ephesians 3:20-21


Purpose perfectly aligned to God’s will Proverb 16:3 and Jeremiah 29:11-13


Open doors of opportunity to enlarge 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 and Colossians 4:2-4


Salvation of men and their households Acts 16:31 and 1 Timothy 2:1-6


Excellence – for MPower’s ministry to excel in its purpose and fruitfulness John 15:16, 2 Corinthians 8:7 and Philippians 4:8

I remember clearly, nearly three years ago, after the ECC Prayer Retreat in June 2015, receiving a clear impression from the Lord, and I saw a gathering of Christians from the Elim movement (and affiliated churches) all assembled at a convention, praying intentionally and fervently. At the time, I was convinced this was going to start at the next prayer retreat, and I sought to speak to the Elim National Prayer Team through local and regional structures. I was wondering how was this gathering going to materialise. God, in His own way, was also laying the vision on the heart of our MPower National Director to start the Prayer Taskforce within the Elim Men’s Ministry. Then we invited the National Director, Pastor Mark Lyndon-Jones, to one of our ECC Men’s prayer breakfasts, and subsequently invited him to be our main speaker at the Men’s Encounter in Malvern last year. Soon after the Men’s Encounter, he was led to contact the ECC MPower Team to form a core team for commissioning the National MPower Prayer Taskforce. ECC was represented by a team, comprising Pastor Alex Morgan, Elder Akin Osuntoki and Elder Prosper Doe. This meeting culminated in the commissioning of the MPower Prayer Taskforce at ECC on 20th January 2018, a historical date. We are expectant that God is moving the Elim Movement into a movement of prayer, which we believe will encompass men and women, young adults, youth and children, and will spread to other churches in UK. This heralds another wave of revival in the Church in our nation and beyond. As we respond to this call to pray for our nation, join with us in expectation of a mighty move of God.

ALL CHRISTIAN MEN ARE INVITED TO THE PRAYER CALL ON 16th FEBRUARY 2019 at ECC. The commissioning of the National Prayer Taskforce in the Elim movement through MPower is of great significance for me personally.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018





omen witnessing for JESUS

esus clearly understood His life’s mission on earth. At the age of twelve, He said, “I must be about My Father’s business,” and twenty-one years later, dying on the Cross, He said, “It is finished.” Like bookends, these two statements frame a well-lived, purpose-driven life. He completed the mission the Father had given Him. The mission Jesus had while on earth is now our mission, since we are the body of Christ. What He did in His physical body, we are to continue as His spiritual body - the Church. What is that mission? Introducing people to God! The Bible says Christ changed us from enemies into His friends, and gave us the task of making others His friends also. From the Great Commission, we can identify some key ingredients of evangelism. Evangelism springs from the authority of Jesus (Matthew 28:18), who has sent us out as His messengers (John 20:21). The aim of evangelism is to make obedient disciples, who will be incorporated into the Church through baptism (Matthew 28:19–20). Its activities involve being witnesses (Acts 1:8); preaching the Gospel (Mark 16:15), and proclaiming repentance and forgiveness of sins (Luke 24:47). This extends to all nations (Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:19). And it is energised by the presence of Christ (Matthew 28:20) through the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). How Women’s Discipleship Cells witness together for Jesus ECC has over 22 local towns in which witnessing for Jesus takes place either weekly, monthly, every two months or every three months. Leaders of these towns invite members of ECC to join them every second Saturday of the month. This is advertised monthly, during the church services and in the Grapevine magazine. ECC has a three-fold strategy regarding evangelism: ‘Each one, bring one’ – but what does this mean?

We are encouraged to: Engage in prayer: Praying for opportunities to share God’s love with five unsaved people we know, whose names we write on a bookmark called ‘My Prayer of 5’ which we keep in our Bibles. Go and make disciples (Matthew 28:15): Instead of praying “God, bless what I want to do”, pray “God, help me to do what You’re blessing!” Each morning, pray, “Father, I know You’re going to do some amazing things in the world today, and I’d like the privilege of being included in some of them.” Engage with the lost: Be friendly and ready to share your testimony. Invite them to church and evangelistic events so they encounter Jesus. Engage in friendship evangelism or lifestyle evangelism. This is about learning to build trustful relationships with unchurched people in the context of secular life, and then listening and watching with patience, and caring for situations in which they show an openness for God. Consider a beautiful example of these skills, modelled by Christ in John 4:1-4-26. He encounters a Samaritan woman at a well, about a mile outside of town. The conversation begins with the problem of thirst, which Christ quickly identifies with a deep, inner thirst for love and affection, desired by a woman who has experienced five failed marriages. He uses “living water” as a metaphorical expression. It carries the deep meaning of the Gospel to this lonely woman, who accepts Christ as her Messiah and becomes an active witness in her town. What next? New believers’ classes are specially run for new believers who have given their life to Christ. They are encouraged to attend church, supported to settle in the church community, and to attend various ministries.


Primary Team Leader

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018



Please email your Wedding, New Baby and other good news to SHARON GRANT at



little stars


“Look what we made!”

Takes place every Wednesday during term-time only from 10am to 12noon. Provides a safe and welcoming place where babies, tots and adults can play and learn, whilst having fun in a relaxed atmosphere, with singing and yummy snacks. What better way to spend 2 hours?

We are looking for more volunteers to get involved in the Ealing Soup Kitchen - a very rewarding and worthwhile ministry. If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Sharon or Sherine in the ECC church office.

Upcoming dates: Saturday 14th April Saturday 26th May Saturday 14th July

2pm - 6pm

EVERGREENS Monday 16th April 1.30pm to 4.00pm at ECC ‘LET’S PLAY GAMES’ AFTERNOON An afternoon of fun and laughter Bring and share lunch Monday 14th May 1.30pm to 4.00pm at ECC FILM MATINEE ‘ALL SAINTS’ Based on true story Lunch and popcorn - £3.50 Please book your space 26

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018

On Monday 12th February, a group from EVERGREENS enjoyed lunch at the Sir Michael Balcon pub in Ealing.





EDNESDAY Afternoon Fellowship


APRIL 4th EASTER BREAK 11th Pastor Bob and Sister Dale 18th Lola Vassell and Pastor Bob 25th Pastor Bob and Merle Aqui

MAY 2nd Pastor Bob and Bro Rudy Brann 9th Pastor Bob and Merle Aqui 16th Lola Vassell with Prayer & Praise 23rd Pastor Bob and Merle Aqui 30th Lola Vassell and Pastor Bob


For several years, a traditional Christian background had prevented this sister from experiencing the gift of speaking in tongues. Since attending ECC, she has overcome her fears and has started speaking freely in tongues. She is grateful to God as this is helping her prayer life.


A spirit of depression had bound this lady but, after prayers, she has been healed and set free, and wants to thank God for answering her prayers.


A rejected mortgage application caused this lady to call the Prayer Centre, and she later called back to thank God and the Prayer Centre when her mortgage was finally granted.


A sister called the Prayer Centre asking that the Lord intervene in a court case against her sister and niece, and also for her own job situation. She called back to praise God for sorting out her job and winning the court case.

Elder Akin recently spoke at the EVERGREENS meeting, and the group prayed with him, prior to his departure to fulfil God’s call in Nigeria, with the Aanu Project. Please speak to Sister Toro or Pastor Mark for details on how to support this ministry.

INSPIRATIONAL MUGS & PRINTS Popular Bible verses on mugs, prints, posters and keyrings Excellent gift ideas for family & friends

On sale at ECC after the morning services on: April 8th and May 6th Flag mugs available at European Evening & African Evening


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018



CHILDREN’S MINISTRY other’s Day is always a great opportunity to express our love and appreciation for our mums. So, to celebrate this special day and to show our appreciation for our mums, I’ve collected some messages and poems children have written to their mums for Mother’s Day.

I would like to thank my mum, because she is the one who brought me closer to Christ Jesus. My mum is a special gift sent down from heaven, and I love her personality and her generous persona. She always takes care of me, she loves me really deeply, and she would never leave me. So thank you, Mum! My mum is a lady who ROCKS!

Asia, 11

I am thankful for my mum, because she supports me in my every need and is a great role model. Also, she is kind and never stops loving me and my sisters. I remember when she gave me money to get stuff at school… She is always supporting me. -

Mum, you shine like a thousand burning stars. Your beauty is more radiant than the sun. Your heart is as big and welcoming as a rainbow. Your teeth are as white as… white paint. I’m happy you’re my mum. You are the best mother I could ever have.

Tinuola, 10

Dear mother, I love you with all my heart. You are a radiant angel, flying in the sky. You have the heart of a burning light in the darkness. You are kind and helpful, and I couldn’t have any other mother like you. You love cooking and make the best.

Ysabel, 9

Joshua, 9

Mother, thank you for all the times we’ve had over the years. You are the shining star I know. Thank you.

Elizabeth, 10

POEM Dear Mum, I love you with all my heart and I’m afraid whenever we’re apart. You love me and care for me whatever I do, even when I do things I’m not supposed to. You cook, clean and make me food. But that isn’t all you do! You love me, mum, so let’s celebrate my love for you on Mother’s Day.

Patience, 10

I love you, Mum, because you have done many things for me - one of them was you made me feel better when I fell ill. Thank you for everything!

Matias, 10

I love my mum, because she cares about me and brings me to school happily. If I didn’t have a mum, I would not have education.

Keyla, 8

Loving you, I smiled at the thought. You make my days brighter with your appearance.

Ruth, 9

Thank you for being there for me. I love you with my heart. You are special to me.

Bethany, 8

I thank my mum for giving me baths and making my food and loving me.

Zara, 8

I am grateful for my mum giving birth to me, and cooking, tidying and cleaning my poo stains when I was two years old. She buys my clothes, toys, and food, and so I can be me. Thank you for taking care of me.

Audrey, 10

Mum, you shine, and you warm my heart. Mamma tu sei stato sempre una superheroes, perche mi hai aiutato tanto (Mum, you’ve always been a superhero, because you helped me a lot).

Daniele, 10

Kids Club On Valentine’s Day, we organised a fun-filled day for the children. This day featured some exciting games, colourful crafts and Bible lessons, centred on the theme of Love. Here’s what some of the kids had to say about the activity:

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The things I enjoyed about Kids Club were the games and crafts and the food! I would come to this club for these reasons. Thank you, Children’s Ministry! Audrey, 10 What I really liked were the lessons about ‘How to love one another’, especially when I read to the kids. I also loved the games and when I won second place in Bingo. I hope I can come next time. Sarah, 9 Today, it was fun because, if we didn’t have this club, we would have spent the day being lazy. I enjoyed it because we made art, and the best part was we earned tokens. Keyla, 8 Today was so much fun. We did loads of fun activities whilst learning about Jesus Christ. I really enjoyed the games and lunch. Another great thing was I got many tokens. Matias, 10 I like it here because it’s really, really fun. Walla, 5 Today was an outstanding day. We listened to stories and had amazing food. I love Kids Club because we did a lot of activities, like bingo and art. I enjoyed it so much. Sarah What I liked about Kids Club: learning from the Bible, bingo game, arts and crafts, and the food. Elizabeth, 10

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018


A story of love, trust and obedience I

wall right now if I were you.

t’s easy, sometimes, to forget the true meaning of Easter.

Nowadays we can often find ourselves getting lost in various versions of what Easter really symbolises. The mini chocolate eggs and Easter bunnies can all be very confusing, especially as I still struggle to make the connection between Jesus’ resurrection and chocolate. (However, this is not to say that the chocolate isn’t a delight to eat...) One of the many important lessons we can take away from the story of Easter is just how much God loves us. We all know the famous John 3:16 that says: ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son...’, however, it’s amazing how many times we are completely oblivious to what this truly means. In John 19:2, the Bible says: ‘…the soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns, and put it on His head.’ Jesus certainly didn’t receive treatment fit for the Son of God, and I imagine this must have made God quite upset. But God had a purpose - to save humanity – and, even though that meant giving up His one and only begotten Son for such an undeserving world, He still did it – simply out of love. Unconditional, sacrificial love. As FB Meyer said: ‘Though justification costs us nothing but the sacrifice of our pride, it has cost Christ His blood.’ The hard part has already been done for us; the rest is up to us: accepting Christ and following God’s commands. The most important thing to remember from this is that, If the Holy Spirit although it may seem like the complete opposite sometimes, asks you to call God is always for us and never against us. that person you

aren’t particularly fond of, call them. You may be shocked at the effect your support has on them.

Isaiah 41:10 says, “Do not fear for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous hand.”

Another crucial lesson to take away from Easter is obedience and faith. At His crucifixion, Jesus called on God in a desperate outburst, crying: “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” (“My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?”) Of course, the Father hadn’t forsaken His Son, He was simply trying to save us and, despite the hardships and pain it caused Him, Jesus chose to obey God! Even though that meant death. As Christians, we are called to obey every single one of God’s commands, and this includes listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit asks you to call that person you aren’t particularly fond of, call them. You may be shocked at the effect your support has on them. We must also remember to trust God. Jesus had faith that God’s plan for His life was for good, and this is something we need to emulate. Without faith or trust in God, it is barely feasible to live with joy. The Bible says in Hebrews 11:1, ‘Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.’ Without faith, it becomes impossible to believe that your job interview in two days will go successfully, or that you’ll get into the sixth form you want to but, with faith, we remember we are not alone; we remember that God loves us so dearly that He sacrificed His only Son for us, and that it would cost Him nothing, absolutely nothing, to make our heart desires come true. Just look at Jesus; He had faith and, on the third day, yup, He rose up from the dead. Absolutely no one has been able to beat that, and d’you know what? I doubt anyone ever will.


Yup, I’d go write that on my

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018




MORE THAN JUS The performing arts academ

est London Performing Arts came to fruition after years of working for other people, and being frustrated about how so much more could be offered to so many, if only we had the opportunity to progress.

This progression, however, was never going to be possible whilst we were working on someone else’s dream. Once we arrived at this point in our lives, we decided we either continue as we are and give up our dream, or take a deep breath and go for it. We chose the latter. Just a few months ago, we gave up our jobs and decided the time was right for us to start doing what we truly believe in, and what we knew made people happy. With over 70 years’ experience between us in the education and performing arts industry - as teachers, agents, managers, performers, etc - and having run performing arts classes for other people, we knew from what our students’ parents were telling us that we were good at our job.

Finally, for now, due to our belief that the Arts and Education should be without barriers and inclusive to all, we opened our SEN division, providing performing arts classes to students with special needs aged 6 and above, including autism and Down’s syndrome. This sets us apart from our competitors, as we truly believe everyone should feel a sense of belonging and worth in our sometimes very challenging world. The performing arts are more than just ‘jazz hands’, Shakespeare, rap and opera. The performing arts give confidence, self-esteem and a life skill that is transferable to our everyday lives. And, for us, there is nothing more rewarding than hearing parents’ positive feedback about our classes: the effect they have on their children, and how we have unlocked that special something in their child. Our dream, however, was and still is much bigger than the Saturday classes alone. We wanted an education centre to help children who were under-achieving and struggling in mainstream school. Once again, we were blessed that ECC came to our aid, and allowed us to hire space during the week to start our education centre.

You will be hard pushed to find three more committed, driven and enthusiastic people. You may be thinking that we’re a little crazy to have taken this drastic step. Well… that thought crossed our minds, too. In life, however, you cannot achieve without taking risks, and that same philosophy applies to business - especially when you know how it can help others. We really wanted to stay within the Ealing Borough and, after calling almost every church hall and school we could, we kept hearing the same reply: there was “no room at the inn”. Being the positive team we are, we knew we would eventually find somewhere. We then called Ealing Christian Centre, where an amazingly friendly voice answered the telephone. Within the hour, we had an appointment to meet at the Centre and discuss our requirements. By the end of the day, we had secured our venue, and would start the following Saturday. Our journey at ECC started in May 2017, when we opened our weekend performing arts programme. We started with classes in song, dance and drama for children aged 3 to 14. We then introduced open choreography classes, taught by a talented dancer, who is a member of some of the most prestigious dance crews in London, such as Unity, The Cadets and Boy Blue.

The first lesson took place on 13th September, 2017, and we currently have students ranging from nine to eighteen years of age. We believe that anything is possible when you are surrounded by the right people and, in just four months, students who had been told they would never achieve anything academically have completed a full two-year syllabus and sat two GCSEs in English Literature and English Language, gaining excellent results, and have achieved all of this at just 13 and 14 years of age. We are so pleased with their achievements so far, and know there is so much more to come, because we believe in them wholeheartedly. We are totally motivated by seeing our students’ confidence, self-belief and self-worth grow, and we still get emotional just seeing how far they have come in such a short space of time. Even in our Saturday school, we have a child who we were advised was non-verbal, and who, after just a few hours of classes, is now using words to communicate, bringing not only tears to her mother’s eyes, but also to ours. Whilst carrying out our work with the children, we work on their growth as a person, building on their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, where no child is a number, but an amazing individual


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018


STmy inspiring ‘JAZZa generation HANDS’! Shanti


have been fortunate enough to work with children for over 20 years, from nursery age to young adults, and I have enjoyed and continue to enjoy every moment.

Watching a child achieve - whether it be mastering a maths problem or having the confidence to contribute in class discussions - is so rewarding, I feel privileged to be part of their journey. After securing a post as a teacher at a performing arts school, I later took on the role of school secretary, and immersed myself fully in the Arts and Education in my 16 years there. human being. We would love to be able to grow together and develop even more with ECC, as we immediately felt something special and a sense of belonging when you opened your doors to us. We believe that if you seek you will find, and we did; we knocked on the door, and it was opened, and we thank you profusely for that. We feel that we have been drawn to this incredible place with amazing people for a reason. And only time will tell what that is.

Our motto is: Aspire Today – Inspire Tomorrow



n 1998, I was invited to assist in the theatrical agency of a well-known stage school. I soon found my forte, helping the children with scripts and drama pieces. It was such a joy to unlock their minds and help with their confidence. They worked on West End productions, including Les Misérables, Billy Elliot, Lion King, and in theatre, TV, commercials and film. One of the most high-profile jobs I organised was in March 2005, when 71 of the children were invited to Buckingham Palace to bear the flags of the 71 Commonwealth countries taking part in the March 2006 Games. They met the Queen and HRH Prince Philip, a memory I am sure will stay with them forever. I feel I have truly been given a gift that enables me to nurture the children, and hopefully guide them down the correct pathway to reach their true potential in the Arts and Education.

During my years in the school, alongside my colleague, June (theatrical agent) and, from 2009, Michelle (school manager), it became clear that we all shared the same vision for the Arts and Education. With consent of the Principal, we started to run our own classes on a Saturday afternoon, with a view to introducing children to the full-time school via a scholarship programme. We succeeded, and a number of children joined the full-time school, something that we are particularly proud of. West London Performing Arts Academy is the next step of our journey together, and we are very excited about its future.



aving attended full-time performing arts school from the age of three to seventeen, I was fortunate to perform on the West End stage; have tea with the Queen; meet Princess Margaret and other Royalty. I danced with Lionel Blair, Arlene Philips, and sang with David Essex, Bruce Forsyth, Donna Summer and Pink Floyd. When panto season came, I worked with some of the greats: Arthur Askey, Les Dawson, Dickie Henderson, Barbara Windsor and Joan Sims, acting with the Monty Python Team and the great Ben Vereen – ‘Chicken George’ of Roots fame. My life took me full circle and I ended up managing the very school I attended. I loved and adored everything about the school, I still do. One day, I realised it wasn’t just the school that I loved; it was the Arts and Education that inspired me. Whilst at the school, I met two amazing women, and we worked incredibly well together, being driven and committed to the same cause. It became clear we had the same passion and enthusiasm to help others, and that was where our mission began.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 91 • April / May 2018





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