rapevine G Ealing Christian Centre
Issue 96 FEB/MAR 2019
An Elim Church
RELIGION v RELATIONSHIP One family of many nations proclaiming one Gospel through many disciples
At such a young age, though not knowing why at the time, I was conscious that two hymns particularly always moved me: ‘When I survey the wondrous cross’ and ‘There is a green hill far away’, both of which spoke of how Jesus died on the cross for our sins. But growing up through my teens and into my early twenties, I often grappled with the big question of: ‘What is the meaning and purpose of life?’ The evidence of design drew me to the idea of a God, but I couldn’t understand why I had absolutely no interest in attending and participating in the rituals of church, because I equated the two as being one and the same thing.
tongues; the interpretation of tongues and prophecy. This really caught my attention. Returning a number of times, where the teaching of the Bible was central, I quickly learned that God was real; Jesus Christ is who He said He is - the Son of God - and that the Bible is as relevant for today as it had been for the previous centuries. I could know and follow Him in a 20th century way.
My impression of church was a man wearing 19th century clothes; a congregation singing 18th century hymns; all using 17th century English; meeting in a 16th century building. I wondered why does this all seem stuck in the past? If God is real, is He not also relevant for the 20th century (as it then was)?
I began to understand that the last thing Jesus came to give us was a new religion. On the contrary, He came to deliver us from the shackles of religion and, instead, to bring us into a present supernatural relationship with our supernatural heavenly Father. Religion is a very poor substitute for a personal relationship with God. The Bible tells us that God ‘…has set eternity into the hearts of men’ (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
Now I acknowledge that many people love those rituals, and can feel closer to God through them and, therefore, for them, that is a good thing. But, coming from a nonreligious background, that wasn’t my own personal experience. My reasoning was, surely if He is God, then, by definition, He must be supernatural, so shouldn’t knowing God be more than merely an observation of rituals but also a supernatural experience? Any observance that is a reinforcement of our personal relationship with God, including, for example, communion or baptism, is helpful. But it is when the rituals alone form a substitute for a personal relationship with God that they fail. With no one to explain these things to me, I carried on, still not understanding why I had an inner desire to know the Christian God, but no attraction to Christian religious practices. Until one day, I found myself inside a small Elim Pentecostal church, where I observed the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit in action, particularly the spoken gifts of
Religion is a very poor substitute for a personal relationship with God 2
hen I was growing up, I went to three different primary schools that all happened to be Church of England, and so, in assemblies and a couple of trips to a church service each year, I learned a lot of hymns.
Religion v Relationship
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
For this reason, all human beings have an instinctive, innate knowledge that God exists, and that death is not the end. The Bible tells us that some people deliberately suppress the knowledge of that truth, so by burying their head in the sand of unreality, they can live a lifestyle in their own manner, without holding themselves accountable to the moral laws of a Divine Being. In other words, it becomes a licence to sin. But the vast majority of the world’s population will acknowledge they believe in something more than the natural world and universe around us. And it is that desire to know and please God (or the gods they believe in) that gives rise to different religions. Religion is a human set of rules and activities through which, the participants believe, they will please their deity and hopefully gain his (her or their) favour when they die. The reason religion of any persuasion - including a Christianised form of religion - is doomed to failure every time, is because it relies wholly on what a person does as being the basis of being accepted by God. Even in the West, despite 140 years of teaching about evolution, the majority of people still retain some belief in an afterlife. They will usually say something like: “I’ve been a good person, so I would expect to go to heaven.” Like any organised religion, it is based on the same idea: ‘Through the effort of my own good works or my religious works, I can earn my own salvation and my own righteousness, making myself good enough for God, and therefore He is bound to accept me.’
Some people deliberately suppress the knowledge of that truth, so by burying their head in the sand of unreality, they can live a lifestyle in their own manner
If that were indeed true, the death and resurrection of the sinless Jesus Christ would have been quite pointless. But it is precisely because we cannot please God or earn our own salvation through religious or other good works that God stepped down into this world to become one of us - except without our inherited, sinful nature. God’s standard is far too high for anyone to achieve by his or her own efforts. ‘There is no one righteous, not even one’ (Romans 3:10), ‘For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23). So Jesus came to tell us that if we acknowledge we have failed to live by God’s standards (which are perfection); confess our wrongdoing, and accept His sacrifice on the Cross that paid the penalty for our sin, then we can be justly forgiven by a righteous God, who tolerates no wrongdoing without punishment. If we repent, we will be adopted into God’s family. So in place of religion comes relationship. Instead of trying outwardly to please God, His Spirit comes and lives within us. In place of external rules comes an internal guidance as the Spirit tells us: “This is the way, walk in it.” His forgiveness and salvation are a free gift that we accept in return for surrendering our all in obedience to Him. What a blessing, then, to know I am a child of God. My acceptance is not based on how much I have achieved, but on what Jesus has accomplished for me. Christian, how are you cherishing and deepening your intimate relationship with God?
Richard Buxton Senior Minister
Editor-in-Chief: Senior Pastor Richard Buxton Editor: Jackie Raymond at Berean Services UK, bereanservicesuk@gmail.com Cover photo: NYE Service at ECC, supplied by Pastor Rajinder Buxton Photography: Roy McEwen plus various contributors from ECC Stock Images: publicdomainpictures.net, unsplash.com, pixabay.com, Googleimages Printed by: Deluxe Printers Ltd, London NW10 7NR, Tel: 020 8965 1771 Ealing Christian Centre, 268 Northfield Avenue, Ealing, London W5 4UB Tel: 020 8840 7508 Fax: 020 8840 1461 Email: info@ecc.org.uk Website: www.ecc.org.uk Grapevine is published by Ealing Christian Centre. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Grapevine and the ECC logo are trademarks of Ealing Christian Centre in the United Kingdom where Grapevine circulates. Copyright © Ealing Christian Centre 2019. All rights reserved.
by Pastor Ed Jenami
by Elder Akin Osuntoki
Dale Adebakin & Veronica Antoine
by Prabhjot Jaloohan
incl Polish & Japanese
CHRIST by Dhrupesh Bava
by Pastor Rajinder Buxton
by Fiona Abraham
If you would like an item to be considered for the next edition of the Grapevine magazine, please email your article to info@ecc.org.uk, marked 'For Grapevine'. Articles for half a page should be no more than 250 words, and for a full page should be no more than 600 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit articles where necessary. The deadline for the APRIL/MAY edition is no later than FRIDAY 1ST MARCH 2019.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
UPDATE Hope Community Pictures supplied by Pastor Ruth Trbojevic
A sense of
community Pastor Ruth
love those moments when, in the midst of worship, I can hear my little daughter, now three and a half, worshipping at the top of her lungs, giving it everything.
Admittedly, often the words she sings may not be exactly as written, and her attention span means she is easily distracted, but in that moment, she worships. She worships with everything she has. How wonderful it is that all are welcome and all invited to come to worship; no one is excluded. 60 Cupcake gifts, lovingly made and given away to our guests at ‘Carols at Hope’ 40 Our average Sunday attendance * 30 First-time visitors * 3 Young people rededicating their lives to Jesus, and declaring they will stand up and speak out for Jesus at ‘The Gathering’ 1 10-year-old cajon player, who loves to worship Jesus
(*From September to December 2018)
There are many different moments in which, as church family, we experience and know the joy of authentic friendship and the value of journeying
with one another. At times it’s the conversation shared over coffee, or the thought-provoking conversation over a Bible passage at Connect group and, other times, it’s felt as we pray with one another or laugh over a funny situation. In our youth group, from prayer walks and disciples discussions, to escaperoom challenges and mini golf, we encourage them to build friendship and support one another. Our trip in October to ‘The Gathering’ was jam-packed with great moments, whether it was dancing together at the silent disco, or worshipping together with hundreds of other young people.
children’s lives, through encouraging hard work in training and matches; honesty and respect in their approach to any challenge they face and, most of all, it gives me a chance to build a legacy in the local community I live in. I pray that the Lord will continue to use me; give me strength to always represent Him, and that Legacy FC will be a blessing to my community.” Sinisha, Legacy Football Club
Make a Difference
“The Little Sensations sessions are invaluable. They enable me to come out with my son; socialise with other mothers, and have a chat over a cup of tea, which is a lovely touch. I get to learn a lot from other mothers, and also get advice I need in a friendly environment, which offers fantastic activities for the children. My son and I look forward to it very much. Sessions like these add to a sense of community, which is important in this busy day and age. Thank you for enabling such sessions to run!” Zarina, Little Sensations client
Hope Community is a place where our gifts are nurtured, and the unique opportunities we have to make a positive difference in the community are encouraged. “I am genuinely privileged and excited to be in a position of working with children, and interacting with parents of various backgrounds. It puts me in the position to try to make a difference in more than just coaching football; it gives me an opportunity to have a positive impact on
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
16 Local churches engaging in youth events, as Hope Community works in unity with local youth workers from One Hillingdon 15 Boys whose football team, Legacy Leopards, is sponsored by Hope 3 High schools participating in the ‘Illuminate’ schools tour, which we partnered with 2 Women dedicated to running a bereavement support group, Next Chapter, and to journeying with families who have lost a baby
UPDATE Feltham Christian Centre Pictures supplied by Pastor Ed Jenami
Fruitful A and faithful at FCC
t Feltham Christian Centre, we are excited and looking forward to what God is going to do in 2019 through His people in the Borough of Hounslow. 2018 has been the last year for our vision, which started in 2016. Back then, we embarked on a three-year journey: “to be strong and significant disciples, equipped for service, and moving in God’s will and call in order to bring godly change to our communities”.
Building on the progress of 2018
The Lord has been faithful! We have seen the church grow from strength to strength - both numerically and spiritually. We have seen increased commitment to the different ministries of the church, which is very encouraging. We feel we have very much achieved the above objective and, in the last few months, the leadership team of FCC has been praying hard, seeking the Lord for the new direction of the church. Our three-year vision, outlined below, will set out the direction for fulfilling our mission as a church.
FCC 2021 Vision
Pastor Ed Jenami
We aim to: 1) be a multicultural church family of 300 mature disciples 2) establish 30 Connect groups 3) train and release 30 new Connect group leaders 4) equip every believer for effective ministry, by helping them to continually be in revival and to discover, develop and deploy the gifts and talents God has entrusted to them 5) establish community initiatives and activities that will bring significant godly change in the Borough of Hounslow The theme for the next three years is Fruitfulness and Faithfulness. At FCC, we
believe we are called to produce fruit which glorifies our Lord (John 15:1-9), and fruitfulness is always connected to our faithfulness to the Lord. Without being faithful to Him, we can never produce fruit in our lives; we will be like the fig tree the Lord cursed for not having fruit (Mark 11:21). God expects results, and our vision sets us out on an ambitious course for the Lord to grow His Church. He promised to build His Church (Matthew 16:18), and our faithfulness to Him will enable Him to use us as His hands and feet to help accomplish this. We will be casting our new vision on 3rd February, during the Commissioning Weekend. We are very proud of our youth, led by Esther Wamai. They have recently started a weekday Connect group called Feltham Youth Connect, meeting every second Friday at her house for the purpose of studying the Scriptures together: discussing issues affecting the youth today: worshipping and praying together and, most importantly, doing life together. Please pray for them to be effective and fruitful in connecting with other youth in Feltham. While the vision and strategy of our church is exciting, a church of our size has its own embryonic challenges. We have gaps within our operations that need volunteers. Our Worship team needs musicians, and our Children’s Ministry needs extra teachers. If you are stirred to help us for a season, please get in touch with me at ej@ecc.org.uk or by ringing 07710 284146. May God bless you above all you could ever ask or think, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
Pictures supplied by Walter Inumah
UPDATE Petra Church
Petra Church gets a new Pastor
by Pastor Mark King
n June 2017, the Petra Church (Elim Perivale) was in need of a senior leader, as Pastor John Starr and his wife Lynette, who had planted the church 13 years earlier, were retiring from ‘full-time ministry’. In the interim, Pastor Mark King has been leading the church and has overseen the adoption of Petra into the ECC family. In the past 18 months, Petra has undergone some changes, whilst still keeping its focus on the mission: to ‘make, mature and mobilise an apostolic people for today’s world’. A fresh vision has been put in place, which is ‘to become a loving family of believers who honour God by fulfilling His commission; discover, move and are equipped for service; build each other up - all with the love of Christ’. Throughout this same period, Petra has seen new people join its family, and has since become more ‘outward focused’. The Petra family has been encouraged to grow stronger and take ownership of the purpose the Lord has set before it. Although Petra is an autonomous church, it has always enjoyed a close relationship with ECC - especially amongst the leaders – and, because of this, it was the desire of the Petra leadership to seek their next leader from Elim, and particularly from ECC, which has always been an equipping church. It is vital for every church to have a recognised leader, who will shepherd them under God’s guidance and anointing. This is why it was paramount that Petra still pray and seek the Lord for a full-time pastor - one who is called and equipped to take them onto the next level of their journey. One such man, who has responded to the call of God, is Tom Ibrahim. Tom has been serving at ECC for the past nine years, and is currently on staff as the Prayer Centre Coordinator. Tom has an obvious call to Pastor, and has a passion for prayer and equipping God’s children for ministry. So it was, after much prayer and seeking the Lord, that the leadership teams at Petra and ECC felt that Tom is the man God has appointed to pastor Petra at this time.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
Born in Nigeria, where he worked as a branch manager of an international chemical company, Tom’s journey with the Lord started in 1996, when he surrendered his life to Christ. Tom spent most of his formative years undergoing training and teaching that influenced his spiritual growth, including a five-year class-based ‘School of Discipleship’ as a preparation for life and ministry. He held several Christian leadership roles and ministered at his local church and other churches in Nigeria. By Tom’s own admission, coming over to the UK wasn’t something he had ever planned to do. However, he had a revelation where God specifically instructed him to travel to the UK, and today, he can clearly see the reason why God brought him here. Tom says: “I told the Lord to lead me where He wanted me to be, in terms of a local church, and God answered my prayer and divinely brought me to Ealing Christian Centre the day after I arrived in UK, and I have remained here for 10 years now. I joined the Prayer Ministry, which I am passionate about, and subsequently became a member of staff and then Prayer Centre Coordinator, a role that is partly administrative and partly pastoral.” Tom joined the Equippers International Training Centre at ECC, where he obtained an Advanced Certificate in Ministry. He is currently studying at Elim’s Regents Theological College, where he is preparing for pastoral ministry. Tom is married to Monique, who has recently started her own nursery business, and they have two beautiful children – daughter Destiny and son Samuel. It is exciting to see God’s people answer His call – especially into full-time ministry. We pray that Tom, Monique, Destiny and Samuel will be used mightily by the Lord, in helping to steer Petra onto the next level He has prepared for them.
Not F despising the days of small beginnings
ebruary 2019 marks a whole year since I have been in Nigeria on long-term mission. Toro recently joined me in January 2019. Together, we are expectant of what God will do with us and through us, as we walk in obedience to Him. Based in Lagos, but with a national remit, Aanu is an Elim Mission’s project, set up to care for senior citizens in Nigeria. The work has different dimensions, highlighted briefly below.
Day Centre On 4th April 2018, we opened the doors of ‘The Gathering Place’ - our Day Centre for the over 65s in Ikeja, Lagos. The centre offers a place of refuge for the aged, where they can gather together; have a sense of belonging; enjoy social inclusion and mental stimulation. It runs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with various activities, including easy aerobics, arts and crafts, computer sessions and health talks. They can play games, watch TV, chat, debate, have refreshments and enjoy a balanced meal. We offer free basic health checks, including blood pressure, blood sugar and weight checks, which they would normally have to pay for elsewhere.
Elder Akin Osuntoki
In the beginning, attendance at the centre was modest, with a daily average of four. However, since October 2018 we have seen a massive increase in attendance to 15! Whilst the number may sound rather paltry to you, for us this is a turning point and an answer to prayer. The story behind
Pictures supplied by Elder Akin Osuntoki
PICTURE: Aanu Medical Outreach Team
the increase is as heart-warming as it is faith-building. An old Muslim woman attended one of our medical outreaches, with severe arthritis in her right leg. After receiving conventional medical treatment, we offered her the opportunity to be prayed for in the Name of Jesus, and she accepted. By her own recorded admission later, Jesus healed her leg miraculously! She thus became our apostle, testifying of God’s goodness to anyone and everyone, and inviting other friends to the centre. And so we now have a good number of Muslims regularly attending the centre. To aid our work, God has provided medical support through people of goodwill. A physiotherapist now attends every Wednesday to provide his professional services for free. We also have doctors who provide free consultation when required. The centre also supports the aged who find themselves in situations where they need professional advocacy but are unable to afford it. God has raised up for us the support of a pastor, who is also a practising lawyer, and keen to use his professional services for God’s glory. Through his kindness, we have been able to support a number of our clients with various legal matters.
Outreaches We had the first of what we hope will be an annual medical outreach in October 2018, where a team of two continued overleaf
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
PRAYER centre
continued from page 7 medical personnel from ECC joined local volunteers to provide medical care for senior citizens in Ikeja and Epe. At both locations, we held health talks, focusing on geriatric-related conditions: symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment. We checked their
Please contact Tom Ibrahim or Rudy Brann on 020 8799 2199, if you would like to be involved in this important ministry.
A lady was in need of some miraculous provision as she had very little money to live on until her benefit was paid. So she called the Prayer Centre as she needed God to intervene on her behalf. She later called back to thank God for answering her prayer in an amazing way. Not only did her brother send her some money, but a friend also took her to the hairdressers and paid for her visit and bought her lunch. In addition, another friend gave her some foodstuffs.
This lady needed God to answer two prayers: one, to stop attacks outside her front door, and two, healing from a leg ulcer, which had been bleeding heavily. She later called the Prayer Centre to thank God after the attacks outside her home ceased, and the ulcer had started to heal.
A high blood sugar reading of over 20 caused this lady to call the Prayer Centre. Within 15 minutes of being prayed for, she rang back to say her blood sugar level had reduced to 9.7. She thanked God for His intervention, totally amazed at this incredible change.
A lady called the Prayer Centre because she was experiencing chest pains. After praying with one of the intercessors, the pain disappeared after only five minutes of prayer. She thanked God for using the prayer team and for healing her.
blood pressure and blood sugar, and tested them for malaria. We dressed wounds, distributed basic medications, reading glasses and other items. We counselled as necessary, referred some for further hospital treatment, and prayed for those who had no objection. Over the three days, we treated 159 people. As part of our outreach initiative this year, we plan to submit an application to the state government for permission to distribute free water to pensioners during Pension Verification exercises. Official practice here is to invite pensioners to verify they are alive and eligible for pension. Unfortunately, many succumb to the heat and to dehydration in the average annual temperature of 27 degrees and die. Offering free chilled water at times like this will help to minimise needless death.
Adopt an Aged Scheme In addition to loneliness, many senior citizens here are trapped in extreme poverty. This scheme gives those who wish to ‘adopt’ a senior citizen the opportunity to do so. The uptake of this scheme, which has enabled us to bring a few out of dire poverty, has been very encouraging. We ask that you consider the scheme and, if we may borrow Tesco’s tagline: ‘Every little helps’. It is of course early beginnings for Aanu, and the Bible tells us not to despise the day of small beginnings. We are trusting God for greater harvest in due season and, as we strive to bring these aged ones into personal relationship with Christ, we ask that you join us in prayers for strategies in season.
Aanu mugs and bookmarks are still available to buy from the ECC Office. ALL proceeds go to the Aanu Foundation. 8
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
We are eternally grateful for ECC for sending and supporting us. And, for everyone who has supported prayerfully and financially, we pray for continuous blessings of God upon your endeavours.
God’s love in action
WHILST WITNESSING FOR JESUS Our team has a little table with Christian material, which is usually stationed just outside the Post Office in Hanwell. People will often pass by us first, before entering or leaving the Post Office. Smiling at them with a “Good Morning”, “Jesus loves you” or “Have a blessed day” makes a huge difference in the lives of many who are too busy to stop and listen, or even accept a tract from us. Many of the Muslim women used to refuse the tracts or other materials given to them, but now they are accepting whatever we give them, including balloons and tracts for the children.
t is the most joyous and exhilarating ministry that we have the privilege to be a part of in Ealing Christian Centre. There is always an opportunity to pray for people on the streets of Hanwell. We pray over the town, whenever it feels as though we are coming up against strong opposition and strongholds. I am a team member of the Local Lighthouse Evangelism in Hanwell with some other sisters, and we have seen God move in remarkable ways. Our initial efforts were often greeted with coldness, aloofness - and sometimes downright rudeness - but most recently, we have seen God move incredibly amongst us. We give out tracts and speak to others about the Good News of Jesus Christ and, instead of becoming discouraged by the lack of response to the Gospel, the Holy Spirit revealed another strategy to us: to show others His love. Love will draw others to Him.
Recently, a gentleman walked past me about three or four times, without accepting any tracts from us. On the next occasion, he couldn’t resist taking one. His response was: “You haven’t stopped smiling and offering me this tract; there must be something in this, for you to be out here in this cold weather.” That was an ideal opportunity for me to explain the Gospel of Jesus Christ to him. Another gentleman again, after walking past me several times, initially refusing the tracts then eventually relented and accepted one - another opportunity to share the love of God with others. The Scripture I hold on to is Galatians 6:9 - “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart.”
Dale Adebakin
We’ve seen God move incredibly amongst us
eing a part of an evangelism team, talking to individuals, and handing out tracts on the streets is something we do regularly at the monthly Local Lighthouse Evangelism. One day, a lady rode along on her mobility scooter, and we began a conversation as she said: “It’s a lovely day,” and I replied: “Jesus loves you.” “If Jesus loves me, why am I in this chair?” she said. We continued talking and I encouraged her that Jesus can heal her, and offered to pray with her. Despite saying she was in a hurry and “needed to go before it rains”, she stopped to receive prayer. She responded to the love of God and I prayed compassionately in the Name of Jesus for her to be healed. She was very arthritic, so I commanded the arthritis to leave her in the Name of Jesus. I then asked if she wanted to invite Jesus to be Lord and Saviour of her life. After receiving prayer, she said “Thank you” and was soon on her way down the road, very happy.
Veronica Antoine
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
t the age of 24, I started to experience pain and swelling in my knees, sometimes to the point where I was limping. I come from a Sikh background, and hadn’t yet given my life to Jesus. My GP took some blood tests, and told me the tests indicated it could be rheumatoid arthritis. He looked at my feet and noticed I had flat feet. He said this was probably contributing to the problem in my knees. He then referred me to the Rheumatology Department at Ealing Hospital. The Rheumatology Consultant referred me for ‘keyhole surgery’, where a small camera is inserted into the knee to allow the surgeon to view inside the knee and directly inspect the bone and structures within. I was told there was loose debris - bone gratings - in my knees that had to be flushed out, and that I should now feel a difference. Unfortunately, although the pain and swelling may have left for a season, it kept returning.
Healed of rheumatoid arthritis after 20 years by Prabhjot Jaloohan
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
Over the years I have had physiotherapy and been prescribed ‘diclofenac’ painkillers by my GP, which helped to reduce the pain and swelling a little. In the early years, the arthritis would flare up - first in my knees, and then also in my hands but, in later years, it would only really affect my knees. I was told by medical professionals there was no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, and I would have to manage it the best I could. I always used to wear comfortable footwear (usually spongy trainers), as anything else would start the pain off in my knees. This didn’t eliminate the problem, but I learned to live with it. I became a believer in Jesus 10 years ago, yet I still had the problem. I felt very low about this. I was unable to get onto my knees or put any pressure on them, or even to get out of the bathtub, as this was so painful. I couldn’t wear certain clothing - such as skinny jeans - because my knees were fat from the swelling, and so I would wear wider-legged jeans to hide the swelling. I felt like I was trapped in an old body, and yet I was young! My life was being robbed, and I knew this wasn’t God’s plan for me. John 10:10 says: “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.
TRUE LIFE STORY I had gotten so fed up with putting up with this pain for so many years. I was now ready to start fighting for my healing
I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” In the winter months, the arthritis would flare up in my knees. I would go in to work limping and, on one occasion, had to take time off work, as the pain was so bad. I work in a drug and alcohol service, and on one occurrence spoke to one of the doctors at my place of work about the pain and swelling. She advised me to try some Ibuprofen gel. It helped a little but, again, only masked the pain. On my last referral to the Rheumatology Department, around three and a half years ago, the Consultant gave me a cortisone injection into one of my knees, and said that if this worked they would inject my other knee as well. To my dismay, this only provided me with temporary relief and then the pain and swelling returned. He then told me there were three new treatments they were trialling that I could consider. They weren’t available to everyone yet, as they were still being tested, and they didn’t know the long-term effects of these treatments. I was given leaflets on all three, and an appointment to return to the Rheumatology Department with my decision. After reading them, they all had equally bad side effects. Very reluctantly I thought, if I have to go with
I became adamant in my spirit that this was not going to be my portion.
one of them then I should go with the treatment which didn’t have hair loss as a side effect. But during this period, I became adamant in my spirit that this was not going to be my portion.
healing for myself. It is hard to do this when you are experiencing physical symptoms in your body, I know. I kept Isaiah 53:4-5 and 1 Peter 2:24 in my heart.
By this time I had gotten so fed up with putting up with this pain for so many years. I was now ready to start fighting for my healing, so I started seeking God more desperately. I had already forgiven everybody I could think to forgive; repented, and repented about my lifestyle back then, when the problem first began. I may have fasted and prayed too, I can’t recall. The pain and swelling would leave for a season, but always returned. It was at this point I decided to go to the Revival and Healing meeting at ECC.
I never followed through with the Rheumatology Consultant’s offer of treatment. Several months later, I noticed I hadn’t had any pain or swelling in my knees for a while. I would wait until the weather got a little colder, just to make sure it has really gone, before giving my testimony. The winter months came and went, and still no problems. I got on with my life, and the arthritis became a distant memory.
At the time I was still being prescribed ‘diclofenac’ by my GP, and my knees were swollen and painful. I was prayed for and anointed with oil that had been prayed over. The pain was commanded to go, and swelling and arthritis were to leave in Jesus’ Name. Immediately after prayer, I noticed a difference because something had loosened at the back of my knees. I was asked me to do something I couldn’t do before, so I ran up and down the stairs on the stage.
Ever since that time, around three years ago, I haven’t had any flare-ups. I have been completely healed; the arthritis has completely gone. My family members noticed my healing after many years, and are amazed. I have also been able to share with the doctor at work that Jesus healed me from over 20 years of rheumatoid arthritis.
I definitely felt that something had shifted, as I was able to do this with a lot more ease. I waited for the swelling to go, before giving a testimony. I was also thinking that I would need to wait to see if it would return, as I didn’t want to speak anything negative into the atmosphere. I was told that sometimes healing could manifest in the body the following morning, and to just keep thanking Jesus for my healing. So I left feeling very hopeful that finally my healing had come. I continued to hold onto the truth that Jesus had taken the arthritis from me on the Cross over 2,000 years ago, and I didn’t have to carry this anymore. I had to appropriate what Jesus had done for me and receive this GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
D How do you
see people: ‘flaws-ful’ or faithful?
o we choose to overlook the faithfulness and fruitfulness of people, and focus instead on their flaws? Do we elevate certain ‘visible sins’ to such a height that we run a mile from someone at the very hint of any impropriety? Have you shunned others because of their ‘wilful sinning’? Or perhaps you were shunned because you ‘fell’ or made a bad decision? Well, here is some painful medicine for you. Be encouraged.
Sorry if that offends you.
First, let me say this: I am not trivialising or minimising sin in any way. I’ll say it again: I am not trivialising or minimising sin in any way. Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus the Christ, died and rose from the dead so our sins can be forgiven. Sin is a very, VERY serious issue.
Sin abounds when we do not include God in everything we do. Literally. That’s why we have a sinful nature. Despite this, however, God chooses faithfulness over flaws. God chose Abraham and made a promise to Him, while Abraham was still a worshipper of idols, ie. living in sin. Allow that sink in for a moment!
Two things about sin: First, Jesus died once, for all sin. Second, God said we can master sin, rather than sin mastering us (see Genesis 4:7). We are so afraid of sin (which we are commanded not to fear) that we embrace misleading definitions of sin, which in turn lead us to excommunicate faithful people because of their ‘visible’ sins or flaws. Our ability to embrace spiritual judgment is shockingly bad. At the sight of a character flaw in a brother or sister, we reach into our bag of labels and attach one to the person: ‘backslider’, ‘carnal’, ‘lazy’, etc. And yes, these labels are actually used to describe our own brothers and sisters - people who believe in the Name of Jesus but who, like many before, are struggling with issues of everyday life! We repeat handed-down definitions of ‘sin’ without questioning these definitions. We know deep down they don’t quite fully explain what sin is, but we respect those in spiritual hierarchy, and hold them in such high esteem that we don’t question their explanations.
Any definition of sin that relates to standards, marks, doing wrong things, etc is NOT an explanation of what sin actually is. The enemy needs us to maintain these non-spiritual understandings of sin… and this tactic is working.
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Sin is a spiritual construct; the above explanations (standards, marks, wrong things) are helpful, but are just human reasonings, not spiritual revelation. Sin is the absence of God; namely, breaking the first commandment to love God. I repeat: sin is the absence of God. I repeat (again): sin is the absence of God. Whenever God is absent, sin is present.
‘Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun’ (Psalm 37:5-6, NIV). Now consider, God begins to vindicate your trust in Him as you commit your ways to Him. Let that sink in too. The vindication starts in the present... like, immediately! Hence, a misunderstanding of sin leads even the most respected bishops, prophets and pastors to see flaws over faithfulness. This is why faithful (yes, faithful) people are excommunicated from the church, because we look at their flaws and not their faithfulness. And this is often - but not always - why there are church splits and people ‘leaving silently’ - signs that we have a ‘flaws’ focus, not a ‘faithfulness’ one. So, whenever you observe what you believe to be a flaw in a brother, sister, elder or pastor, do these two things: first, ask yourself whether they are faithful in an area of service. Whether the answer is yes or no, remember that your agapé love can cover a multitude of sins. Second, pray for them to put God first - in everything. Be encouraged.
March 2019 J
esus did not come into the world to give it another religion. He came to restore us to a supernatural relationship with our God Creator and heavenly Father. Our relationship with God comes through - and is based squarely on - the miracle of the fact that God raised Jesus from the dead on the third day, after His sinless Son paid the penalty on the cross for the sins of the world. Religion is the dead works of man. By contrast, Jesus is alive forever, and the only One through whom we also can experience the supernatural resurrection life. This chapter is magnificent in its portrayal of the resurrection from the dead, first of Christ and then of all who put their faith in Him through accepting the Gospel (Good News) about Jesus. So, Adam sinned and, by so doing, brought death into the world. Since we are all descended from him and have inherited a sinful nature, we all die a physical death. But just as through one man, Adam, all die physically, so through one Man, Jesus ‘the last Adam’ - all who choose to do so can live forever in a new resurrection body that will never die. Jesus, though fully God, laid aside His powers as God when He came to join His deity with humanity. Unlike Adam, He didn’t succumb to the temptations of the devil, and so was able to lay down His life as the sinless sacrifice on our behalf on the Cross and, in the process, conquering sin, death and Satan. And on the third day He rose again, proving He was who He had said He was – the Son of God, Messiah and Saviour of the world. In this detailed description of the resurrection of the believing dead at the Second Coming of Jesus, there is no room for doubt. In a moment, in the ‘twinkling of an eye’, believers on earth will be caught up in the air to join those believers coming back from heaven, and all followers of Jesus will receive their new, immortal resurrection bodies at the same time. We are to live in the present, expectantly and full of hope, because we know our future is glorious. Paul ends the chapter with this charge: “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.”
1 Corinthians 15:1-2 The power of the Gospel 1. Cause us never to be ashamed to proclaim the life-changing power of the Gospel of Christ. 2. Guide us this day, Holy Spirit, to someone who You know has ears to hear the Gospel and respond in faith and belief. 3. Give us wisdom in how to share the Good News of Christ, without ever watering down the message. 4. Give us new ways and insights into how to communicate the Gospel to the current generation, in ways that capture their attention. 5. Anoint our words and actions, Holy Spirit, as we bring the Gospel to others, since we know no one can be saved without You convicting them of sin, righteousness and judgment to come. 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 Christ died for our sins 1.As we remember Gethsemane and the Cross, Lord Jesus, we offer our grateful thanks for all You have done for us. 2.As You have given Your all for us, Lord Jesus, may we never shrink from giving our all to You.
3.As we remember how You bore the penalty for our sin, help us to show our gratitude by our faithful, obedient and unflinching service to You. 4.May the knowledge of what it must have cost You, Lord Jesus, to suffer the full judicial wrath of a righteous God for the sins of the whole world, change us totally. 5.Forgive us when we have treated lightly Your sacrifice for us, and enlighten us with all spiritual wisdom and understanding. 1 Corinthians 15:5-6 Witnessing to the new life in Christ 1. May our lifestyles be a continuous witness to others of the reality that Christ is alive in us. 2. May Your resurrection power so flow through us that we will see You do things in and through us that will cause us to rejoice in amazement. 3. Lord, You have said that anyone who has faith in You will do what You have been doing, so quicken our faith so that You may be glorified through us. 4. Make us producers of much fruit, Lord, showing that we are indeed Your disciples. 5. Be seen in us, Lord Jesus.
4 1 Corinthians 15:7-8
Christ is alive 1. Lord, as You convinced Saul of Tarsus that You are alive today, so help us to convince others of this great truth. 2. Through Your death and resurrection You have triumphed over sin, death and the devil, Lord Jesus, so help us to live as overcomers in all those areas. 3. Help us to stand firm in the power of the living Christ, against every attack of the enemy that may be sent against us. 4. Live in and through each of us as yielded vessels unto You - both today and every day, O Lord. 5. Cause us to remember, O Lord, that He who is within us is greater than he who is in the world, so that we may always live in victory over the enemy of our souls. 1 Corinthians 15:9 Praying for church persecutors 1. Give wisdom to all those we know, who are experiencing difficulties at their workplace in expressing their faith in Christ, and encourage their hearts.
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Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
Work effectively for Jesus in His resurrection power 1 Corinthians 15:1-58
2. For those who give us a hard time simply because we live for Christ, convict their hearts and save them. 3. For all followers of Christ living in countries where they are persecuted and jailed simply for believing in Christ, be their strength and a shield around them. 4. For those who are refused jobs simply because they confess Christ, especially in poor countries where it makes life even more difficult, help them to remain close to You and meet their every need. 5. For all those followers of Jesus, who are currently in jail because of their faith, help and strengthen them, and especially bless their dependant families. 1 Corinthians 15:10-11 God’s grace and hard work 1. Since we are here on earth as Your ambassadors, may we not neglect our primary purpose in being fulltime ministers for Christ. 2. Help each of us to know in what way You want us to serve You, by revealing it to us as we wait on You in prayer, or through the wise counsel of others. 3. Teach us to get our priorities of God, family, work and ministry in the correct order, and to invest our time well in each area. 4. Since You have saved us and called us to fulfil Your Great Commission in all its different forms, keep us from being lazy in our service for You. 5. Cause us, by Your grace within us, to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. 1 Corinthians 15:12-13 Refuting scoffers 1. Since we live in a generation that actively rejects the Gospel, as we witness to them, open their blind spiritual eyes, Holy Spirit, and convict them of truth. 2. Help us to study Your Word, so that we have a sufficient knowledge of the truth with which to refute and confound the arguments of sceptics. 3. Help us to move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, so that the Gospel does not simply come in words, but in a demonstration of the power of God. 4. When we seem to lack wisdom as we speak to individuals about Christ, give us the wisdom we need to be able to bring a word in season. 5. Have mercy on those we talk to who openly reject all that Christ has done for them, and save them from eternal separation from God.
March 2019 Corinthians 15:14-15 8 1Praying for doubters
1.For those we talk to who doubt the Gospel because of the theory of evolution, take the darkness from their minds and cause them to see the truth. 2.For those we talk to who genuinely doubt whether there is a God, cause them to see Your hand in nature’s intricate design and creation. 3.As we bind any powers of darkness causing a spiritual battle going on in the minds of those we will be talking to this week who doubt, set them free to believe. 4.Lord, when circumstances come our way, which may temporarily cause us to doubt Your good purposes for our lives, help us to stand. 5.For those of Your children we know, who are passing through a season of doubt right now, help us to be an encouragement to them to remain strong in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:16-17 Praying for those still in their sins 1.Save our family members who are not yet saved, O Lord. 2.Save our neighbours who have not yet accepted Christ as Saviour, O Lord. 3.Save our work colleagues who do not yet know the Lord, and give us opportunities and the words to lead them to Christ. 4.Save those we know, who sincerely follow other religions that give them a form of godliness but no means of salvation from sin. 5.Convict and open the eyes of those we will talk to this week, who are in churches or cults that appear to follow Christ but which do not preach salvation. 1 Corinthians 15:18-19 A life without hope 1.For all those we know in the church who, for one reason or another, are losing hope, refocus their eyes on Jesus and renew them. 2.Enable us to point to You the many people we meet, who are without hope and yet do not look to You for help, so they may find life in Christ. 3.Help all those in the church who are suffering from long-term illness, to keep their eyes on You, Lord Jesus, even when they do not understand the reasons why. 4.For those in the church whose hearts are sick because of deferred hope for any situation, encourage them and give them a breakthrough. 5.Cause our understanding of the
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hopelessness experienced by those in hell, to be a motivating factor to reach all those we know who are currently without Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:20 Christ, the firstfruits 1.As we meditate on the knowledge that one day we will be with You for all eternity, cause it to inspire us to overcome all present difficulties. 2.Knowing our destiny is to live eternally with Christ, help us to crucify the flesh and live not for ourselves but for Christ. 3.As we meditate on the knowledge that we will one day be with Christ, always fill us with the joy of the Holy Spirit - despite any adverse circumstances. 4.Help us, O God, to live in the power of Christ’s resurrection life within us in everything we do. 5.Holy Spirit, may we allow You to change us daily, so that we are becoming more Christlike even before we enter into eternity. 1 Corinthians 15:21 Death and the resurrection life 1.Help us, by the power of Your Holy Spirit within us, to daily to put to death our old nature in all its manifestations. 2.Holy Spirit, we ask that You would help us daily to live in accordance with our new spiritual nature, manifesting the ways and character of Christ in all we do. 3.Holy Spirit, as we wait on You for a daily infilling, distribute Your spiritual gifts amongst us so we may serve in Your power. 4.We pray for words of knowledge, wisdom, discerning of spirits, prophecy and interpretation of tongues at the appropriate times in public. 5.We pray for gifts of healing, miracles and faith each time they are needed, and may we use the gift of tongues to edify ourselves in our times of devotions. 1 Corinthians15:22-23 Made alive in Christ 1.Help us not to hide our light under a bushel, and not only to live out the life of Christ but also to be seen to do so. 2.When we are feeling spiritually ‘tired’, renew our strength in the Holy Spirit. 3.If we are not living the abundant life of Christ that You want us to, lead us to mature Christians, who can give us the counsel and help we need. 4.For those believers we know who still fear death, touch their minds and give them the peace and joy of the Lord. 5.Make us fruitful as we live for Christ, we pray. 1 Corinthians 15:24 Your Kingdom come! 1.Lord, may Your Kingdom reign over every area of our lives as we submit wholly to You.
February 2019
aul had only been able to stay in the city of Thessalonica for no more than three weeks, before being sent away by his friends. A mob had gathered to protest against Paul and Silas preaching the Gospel, and said they had “turned the world upside down have come here too” (Acts 17:6). So Paul’s friends feared for his safety. What a testimony this accusation was for Paul and Silas, however; they had certainly made an impression in the area for Jesus. It was a turbulent time for the two apostles, yet greatly fruitful. Prior to coming to Thessalonica, they had just been beaten, imprisoned, and then forced to leave the city of Philippi, again after staying there only a short time. But in both Philippi and in Thessalonica they left behind them strong churches, with whom they stayed in touch by letter. These two letters to the Thessalonian church were among the first to be written by Paul and, indeed, amongst the first of the New Testament generally. They deal with end times. The Thessalonians knew about the ‘Rapture’ - that is, the time when Jesus returns and will catch up all living believers with Him from the earth, and give them their resurrection bodies - but they hadn’t fully understood the details. They were concerned that those of their number who had already died would miss out on that experience. So Paul outlines the sequence of events at the end, just prior to when Jesus returns to earth. That will not happen without first there being a great rebellion against God, led by ‘the man of lawlessness’ - the Antichrist. The power of lawlessness and godlessness will be working powerfully in the world at that time, as many refuse to believe the truth and follow a lie, a delusion, so they can continue to live ungodly lifestyles - all initiated by Satan. However, at that time, Christ will then destroy the Antichrist and his rebellion against God. The Thessalonians need not be concerned about those believers who had already died, because they are already with the Lord. At the return of Jesus, he will come down from heaven with a loud command and the voice of the archangel and the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, those believers who are still alive on earth will be caught up together with them, and meet the Lord in the air. At this point all believers, those in heaven and those still on earth will all get their immortal resurrection bodies and be forever with the Lord. So, in the knowledge of the Second Coming of Jesus, Paul encourages them and us to live in the light of Christ’s return to earth. We are, of course, now much nearer to that time, and we can witness daily all around us the spirit of Antichrist and rebellion against the revealed ways of God. So, as we pray through these letters this month, we are to keep one eye on the future and the other on our service for the Lord now, because, although we are able to recognise the signs, no one knows the exact date when this will occur.
1 1 Thessalonians1:1-3
Serving with faith, love and endurance 1.Cause our work for You to always be growing ever more effective as our faith deepens day by day. 2.Enable the things we do for You, O Lord, to always be prompted not by selfish motives, but purely out of our love for You. 3.Cause our labour for You to be such that it produces eternal results, O God. 4.Amid life’s challenges for us living out the Christian life, give us a steadfastness of character that enables us not only to endure but also to triumph over adversity. 5.Cause our knowledge of all the promises in Christ we are yet to receive, to inspire us with a hope for the future that will sustain us in every experience we go through. 1 Thessalonians 1:4-5 The Gospel with power 1.Lord, so work in us that we are
constantly growing spiritually, and increase our effectiveness, as we exercise faith to allow the Holy Spirit to work through us daily. 2.May we not simply be a people who can talk, but ones who can also walk the life of Christ in power, O Lord. 3.Stir our hearts to regularly wait on You, so that Your Spirit can work through us in power, we pray. 4.May we draw so close to You, O God, so that when we speak the Gospel we see people come under a conviction of sin through the prompting of the Holy Spirit. 5.Help us to minister boldly in the gifts of the Holy Spirit to both nonChristians and Christians alike. 1 Thessalonians 1:6-7 Model Christians 1.Lord, give us grace to live out the Christian life as examples to all we come into contact with, so that they may follow our example. 2.Cause us to be model Christians in
our family lives, faithfully putting into practice all Your Word teaches us. 3.Lord, help us to be model Christians at our places of work, so that unbelievers can see the grace of God in our lives, and be drawn to want to know more about Jesus. 4.Help us to be model Christians to all our friends, relatives and acquaintances, so that they may truly see Jesus in us. 5.Give us Your grace in our dealings with one another, so that we may be model Christians in all areas of church life, encouraging one another and being a blessing. 1 Thessalonians 1:8-10 Active in evangelism 1.Help us to turn unbelievers to Christ, we pray. 2.May Your Word ring out from not only within the four walls of our church, but especially in all the surrounding areas and districts, wherever Your people are.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
February 2019
3.We pray You would continue to make all the evangelism on the streets fruitful. with many giving their lives to Christ and being healed and radically changed. 4. We pray that each one would be blessed and encouraged by numerical growth that they see through their evangelistic outreaches. 5. In every individual act of evangelism, guide and lead us to those You know are ready to be saved, giving us the right words at the right time, O Lord. 1 Thessalonians 2:1-3 Bearing insults for Christ 1. We pray You would strengthen and bless each one who suffers insults and hardships at their place of work, simply because they believe in Christ. 2. Strengthen and encourage each one in the church, who experiences opposition at home from unsaved family members because they follow Christ, we pray. 3. Cause opposition to the Gospel to make Your Church grow from strength to strength, we pray. 4. Stop the folly of our Parliament in seeking to pass any further antiChristian laws; frustrate such plans, O God. 5. Despite any growing opposition to the Gospel message, cause Your Church to rise up in greater effectiveness in fruitful witnessing to the spiritually lost, O Lord. 1 Thessalonians 2:4-6 Accountable to God 1. May we never seek to be menpleasers, O Lord, but only Godpleasers. 2. As You have entrusted us with Your Gospel, O God, may we faithfully pass it on to others in all its fullness. 3. As we remember that one day we will each stand before You to give an account of our Christian lives, Lord Jesus, may this encourage us to serve You faithfully. 4. May we always serve You out of a sense of joy, O God, and not merely out of duty. 5. Help us so to serve You, O Lord, such that one day we will hear You say to us: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Thessalonians 2:7-12 7 1Living lives worthy of the Lord
1. Help us, O Lord, in our daily experiences to live lives worthy of the Name of Jesus. 2. Let us be ones who are always seeking to encourage others, despite any shortcomings we see in them. 3. In a sinful world, give us Your strength, Holy Spirit, to walk in holiness. 4. Give us strength of character, O Lord, so that we may live in Christlikeness, even in the most difficult of circumstances. 5. May we always live to please You, heavenly Father, and not just ourselves. 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16 Suffering for the Gospel’s sake 1. Lord, we bring the suffering church around the world before You, and pray You would help, strengthen and encourage all who are suffering for Christ’s sake. 2. We pray You would help in their time of need all Muslim converts, who suffer for accepting Christ, so that they do not forsake Christ. 3. Help all believers in their suffering, O Lord, in countries where cruel regimes kill and persecute believers simply for accepting Christ. 4. For the families of the tens of thousands who die each year around the world for following Christ, comfort them in their distress, and meet their every need, O God. 5. Have mercy on those with governments that persecute Your people, O Lord, and raise up in their place new governments that will allow freedom to follow Christ. 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20 Satan’s opposition 1. Give us the wisdom to foresee and understand the plans and traps of the enemy, so that we do not walk into them, O Lord. 2. We take authority over every plan of the enemy to thwart God’s purposes for the numerical and spiritual growth of the church, and bind them in Jesus’ Name. 3. We come against every plan of the enemy over the lives of individuals in the church, and command them to be frustrated in Jesus’ Name. 4. We rebuke, in Jesus’ Name, every plan of the enemy to hinder revival in the Church.
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5. We rebuke, in Jesus’ Name, every evil plan of the enemy against our nation, and pray You would rise up, O Lord, and let Your enemies be scattered! 1 Thessalonians 3:1-5 The ministry of encouragement 1. Lord, since discouragement is the enemy’s favourite weapon against us, keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. 2. For all those amongst us, who are feeling discouraged in their spiritual lives at this time, touch them and quicken their spirits, we pray. 3. For all those amongst us, who are feeling discouraged because of problems in their family lives, give them a breakthrough in this area, O Lord. 4. For all those, who are discouraged because of a work situation or because of lack of employment, bring a change in their circumstances as they cry out to You. 5. Motivate each of us to make a conscious effort to follow the example of Barnabas, and become ones who are always encouraging others. 1 Thessalonians 3:6-10 Interceding for others 1. Though the spirit may be willing, often the flesh is weak; yet make us people of prayer, O God. 2. Raise up intercessors from our midst, O Lord, who can pull down all the spiritual strongholds of the enemy arrayed against Your church. 3. We bring all our prayer ministries before You, O Lord, and ask that You strengthen our resolve to continue to wrestle in prayer continually. 4. We pray for all the unbelievers we are in regular contact with, O Lord, that You would open their eyes and save them. 5. For all those in any and every position of leadership in the church, strengthen and encourage them to greater fruitfulness, O God.
121 Thessalonians 3:11-13
Growing in love and in spiritual strength
1. Lord, cause our love to increase and overflow for each other. 2. Lord, cause our love to increase and overflow for all other people. 3. For all new believers in our midst, we pray that You would help them overcome the draw of the world and, instead, to grow in the love of Christ. 4. For all those in our midst, who are feeling weak at this time for whatever reason, cause the love of the fellow-
February 2019
3. Bless the work of our hands, O God, and help us always to do the work with which we earn our living, with all our hearts and concentration. 4. Help us to win the respect daily of those outside the family of God, so that You may receive the glory, Lord. 5. As we submit ourselves to You, O Lord, in our dealings with the unbelievers of this world, enable us to be the head and not the tail. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
181 Thessalonians 5:12-13
Living in the expectation of the Rapture
1. Keep our eyes fixed on things eternal, O Lord, so that we do not become entangled with the affairs of this world. 2. Teach us to number our days, O Lord, and to use each one profitably, remembering that we do not know how long we have left on this earth. 3. Since You have revealed the future to us prophetically, O God, may it cause us not to worry as the world worries, about all that is happening around us. 4. Prompt us to read Your Word regularly, carefully and prayerfully, O Lord, so that we may learn of all the things You have told us about the future. 5. Lord, as the early church used to greet one another, we now use the same word to pray: ‘Maranatha’ – Come, Lord Jesus! 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Living as children of the light 1. Lord, we are not in darkness, therefore stretch us daily to ensure that we live as children of the light. 2. In all our ways, attitudes, thoughts, daily lives and spiritual lives, let us not be like those who are asleep, but rather alert and self-controlled. 3. Keep us from the folly and negative consequences of the abuse of alcohol, we pray, and give us wisdom. 4. Cause us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, never forgetting the amazing grace of God in saving us from the consequences of sin. 5. Show us today, O Lord, those we can help to build up emotionally and spiritually, and thereby help them on the road to holiness.
Respecting leaders in the church 1. Lord, help all our pastors to fulfil the onerous but worthy calling You have placed on their lives. 2. Lord, give all the elders in the church Your wisdom to govern the church well. 3. As we bring all our men, women and youth Discipleship Cell leaders before You, O Lord, bless and anoint their sacrificial service for You. 4. As all the leaders and teachers in our Children’s work and in our Youth work labour for You, give them the joy of seeing those they teach develop spiritually. 5. For all those in every other position of leadership in the church, we pray that You would make them fruitful in their labours, and blessed in their personal lives. 1 Thessalonians 5:14-18 Pray and give thanks continually 1. Lord, keep us from idleness - both in the work we do for a living, and in the work we do for You - and instead keep us diligent. 2. Lord, may Your joy, which is the fruit of the Spirit and not dependent upon outward circumstances, shine through in our lives no matter what may happen. 3. Holy Spirit, we ask that You would cause us to be people of continual prayer. 4. Help us always to see the positive in every situation or in every person, O God, so that we will always be giving You thanks at all times and in all things. 5. Deliver us from the spirit of revenge, and cause our hearts to be generous to forgive. 1 Thessalonians 5:19-28 Spiritual gifts 1. Stir up Your Spirit within each believer, O Lord, and may we live in the passion of the Spirit’s fire. 2. For those not yet baptised in the Holy Spirit, as they wait on You and ask, fill them and give them a boldness to witness, and a desire to seek more gifts of the Spirit. 3. Speak to us in words of prophecy, O Lord, both as individuals and as a church, and may we live obediently so that we can see them fulfilled. 4. Deliver us from false prophecies, and give us discerning hearts to know truth from error, we pray.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
ship around them to put them back on their spiritual feet. 5. Cause our spiritual roots to go down ever deeper, O Lord, so that we will never be shaken, no matter what may happen. 1 Thessalonians 4:1-2 Living in order to please God 1. Keep our focus always on You, O Lord, so that no matter what we may choose to do or choose not to do, it will always be pleasing to You. 2. In our minds and our thought lives, O God, help us not to allow the enemy to capture our thoughts but, instead, to think on those things that are acceptable to You. 3. Holy Spirit, we ask You to convict us in all those areas of our character that need to grow more like Christ, and we ask for Your help to conform us into His image. 4. May our testimony with the unbelievers amongst whom we live and work be one that is pleasing to You, O Lord. 5. Thank You for the spiritual growth we have experienced thus far, O God, but help us to live for You more and more. 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8 Living pure lives 1. We pray that each of us may flee sexual immorality and have the wisdom how to avoid temptation. 2. For any in our midst currently caught up in sexual immorality, convict them, O Lord, and give them the grace and the strength to live a life pleasing to You. 3. For any in our midst caught up in adultery, convict them of sin, and turn them to righteousness, we pray. 4. For all those struggling with temptations with pornography, help them to overcome and find deliverance, we pray. 5. Cause us to fulfil our calling to live, not an impure life but a holy life, we pray. 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 Earning the respect of all 1. So far as it depends upon us, O Lord, may our ambitions be to live a quiet life, free from personality clashes with others. 2. Help us, Holy Spirit, to mind our own business and not to be busybodies.
February 2019
5. Direct our steps at all time, O Lord, to avoid evil, and instead to enable You to sanctify us through and through. 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4
Growing in faith, love and perseverance
1. Let our experience be that our faith is growing more and more, and to recognise that this often happens during times of trial, O Lord. 2. Make us into persevering people, O Lord, who never give up but always press on, holding on to every promise of God. 3. Cause us to keep our eyes on the finishing post of life, and so to press on in Christ regardless. 4. Enable us to grow in knowledge of Your Word and in all spiritual wisdom, O Lord. 5. In all spiritual understanding, cause us to be adults and not children, we pray. 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10 Praying for the unsaved 1. For those who make our lives difficult, because they do not like what we stand for in Christ, save them so that they may be delivered from judgement. 2. Help Your people to understand the seriousness of the state of our nation, and of the shortage of time before You return, so that we can labour for God while it is still day. 3. Lord, hell is an awful reality, so may the knowledge of the destiny of the unsaved cause us to renew our resolve to pray for their salvation. 4. Lord, stir up and release in the church all those to whom You have given a special gift of evangelism, and may they see many give their lives to Christ. 5. Have mercy on our nation, O Lord, and send a great move of Your Spirit to turn this nation back to You. 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 Praying for the church 1. Lord, may we be counted worthy of Your calling by seeking the mind of Christ and putting it into practice. 2. We pray that every strategic plan that You have for our church we may discern through prayer, and be active in bringing it into being. 3. Be glorified in us, O Lord, by our being
fruitful in bringing people to Christ, teaching them to grow in discipleship and releasing them into every form of ministry.
4. Be glorified in our midst, Lord Jesus, through our worship, our godly lifestyles and the move of Your Spirit in power, both within and outside the church. 5. Make us a people who are prepared to boldly take the Word of God to the world, stepping out in faith, power and exercising the gifts of Holy Spirit. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Resisting the spirit of Antichrist 1. Give us eyes and ears that can discern the spiritual reality of what is happening in our nation and in the world, and to see that we are living in the time of the rise of the Antichrist. 2. Help us to stand steadfast against all the ungodly practices that the spirit of Antichrist is bringing into every area of our society. 3. As things grow more and more difficult for believers and for practising the Gospel, make us firm, bold and unrelenting in our passion to live and spread the Gospel, O God. 4. Help us to use each day as an opportunity to serve God and not to waste our time on that which is frivolous. 5. Empower Your church to take our stand against the spirit of Antichrist, we pray. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 Discerning the works of the Evil One 1. Keep Your people from being deceived when the arguments of the ungodly are deceptively reasonable, so that we do not stray from righteousness. 2. We pray You would guard and keep from all harm all Your people who are under attack from witchcraft or any other form of the powers of darkness. 3. For all those whose troubles are caused by the need for deliverance, give them understanding and set them free in our deliverance meetings, we pray. 4. Keep Your people from being beguiled by those, whose true source of power or knowledge is the occult and, instead, give them understanding, Holy Spirit. 5. Equip Your church, O Lord, with the knowledge, courage and boldness to overcome demons and to set the captives free in Jesus’ Name.
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262 Thessalonians 2:13-17
Living out our calling 1. As ones who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God, may we live up to the high calling You have placed upon each one of us, O Lord. 2. What we have learned from those who have taught us the things of God, may we pass on faithfully to others. 3. Just as we were saved when someone spoke to us the Word of the Gospel, give each of us opportunities to share the Gospel with others. 4. Let us shine as lights for Christ in this increasingly dark world, O Lord. 5. May our lives act as the salt You have called us to be, O God, bringing spiritual flavour to the lives of those who have no hope beyond the grave. 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5 Deliverance from the Wicked One 1. Deliver us from the hands of wicked men and women, O Lord, and be a protection around Your people. 2. Be a shield around all Your people, in every school, college and workplace, O Lord. 3. Deliver us from any and every attack by the powers of darkness, we pray. 4. Guard Your church from every divisive plan of the enemy to bring division, O Lord. 5. Since You alone are the One who can read the hearts of men and women, direct our hearts, O Lord, that we may be pure in Your sight. 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18 Working hard, as unto the Lord 1. Cause us to live for You with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, O Lord, as worthy servants of God. 2. In all our labours in our places of work, enable us to always give 100%, as we do everything as unto You. 3. May we never tire of doing what is right, even when circumstances are difficult or discouraging. 4. May the peace of the Lord Himself fill each of us with peace at all times and in every way. 5. Lord, since You have said You will never leave us nor forsake us, may we be conscious of Your presence at all times and so be encouraged.
March 2019
publicly testified to at the next baptismal service. 4.We pray for many not only to be baptised in water, but also baptised in the Holy Spirit and power. 5.Send such a revival in our nation that the baptismal tanks will be overflowing with candidates. 1 Corinthians 15:31 Dying to self 1.Help us this day to die to all selfish ambition and, instead, live only as the Holy Spirit directs us. 2.Holy Spirit, make us conscious of any sinful trait that we exhibit in our lives, so that we may deal with it decisively. 3.Lord, may we truly seek Your will for our lives in all that we do, and not merely ask You to bless the decisions we have already made for ourselves. 4.Lord, for any things in our lives that are dear to us but not to You, bring us to the point where we can lay them down, so they do not inhibit our walk with You. 5.Take our lives and let them be wholly consecrated to You, O Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:32-33 The folly of living only for today 1.Teach us daily how to live effectively in the world, without being tainted by its ways. 2.Teach us how to live for tomorrow and not just for today, discerning the will of God in all that we do in our lives. 3.We need to mix with unbelievers and be salt and light in this world, but give us wisdom to discern which people’s company it’s wiser to avoid. 4.Make us strong enough so that in every situation we always influence others for good and for God, rather than they influence us negatively. 5.Whenever and wherever we lack spiritual wisdom in our day-to-day affairs, cause us to remember to ask You, so that we always make the right decisions. 1 Corinthians 15:34 Come back to your senses and stop sinning 1.We are sorry for the way marriage has been undermined and the family divided, and pray You would bring us as a nation back to our senses. 2.We are sorry for the way the lives of the unborn, the elderly and infirm have become increasingly devalued, and pray You would bring us back to our senses as a nation 3.We are sorry for the way the Bible and its teachings have been neglected, mocked and devalued and pray
You would bring our nation back to its senses. 4.We are sorry for the way the children of our land have been taught ways of lawlessness and lack of discipline, and pray You would bring our nation back to its senses. 5.Lord, we are sorry for the way You have been pushed out of every area of public life and institution in this land, and pray You would bring our nation back to its senses. 1 Corinthians 15:35-37 Sowing 1.With all the words we speak this day and every day, teach us to sow encouragement and not discouragement, and may we reap the rewards in due course. 2.Give us opportunities to sow words of the Gospel into someone’s life this week, and may we see the fruit in their lives in due course. 3.As Your people, make us ones who minister sacrificially into the lives of others, and may our reward be seeing them experience blessing. 4.Help us to be people who are generous with praise, slow to criticise, but quick to build people up and not pull them down. 5.Teach us to be generous in our financial giving, learning that we will always reap a spiritual blessing whenever we sow in love. 1 Corinthians 15:38 Bodies created by God 1.Since You have created us human beings, teach us to wisely look after every part of our make-up – body, spirit, soul and emotions. 2.For those amongst us who are sick in body, we pray for them right now and ask that You would bring complete healing. 3.For those we know who are suffering from emotional or mental problems, bring the peace and freedom of the Lord into their lives. 4.As we pray for our church, which is Your body, help us to grow and build up Your church in love, as each member does his or her part. 5.Build Your Church in this land, making it strong, relevant and effective in our nation. 1 Corinthians 15:39-40 Men and animals are different 1.Lord, remove the veil from the spiritual eyes of those we meet, who believe we have evolved from animals, rather than created by a loving God, and save them. 2.Strengthen the faith in knowledge of the truth of any of our children and youth, whose faith may be un-
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
2.As we share the Good News about Jesus to others, may Your Kingdom come into their lives, O Lord. 3.As we pray for revival in our nation, cause the Kingdom of Christ rise up in churches up and down the length and breadth of this land. 4.Cause every area of the life of our nation to be touched and changed by a visitation of the Holy Spirit in Kingdom power. 5.Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, Lord Jesus. 1 Corinthians 15:25 Christ’s enemies defeated 1.Lord, help us to remember, that You have triumphed over every enemy spiritual power, so that we will not be discouraged by the enemy’s lies. 2.May the God of peace soon crush soon crush Satan underneath our feet. 3.Cause us to always live victoriously over every enemy spiritual power that would seek to attack us, O Lord. 4.Help us to fight every spiritual battle we come against in Your power and strength and not in our own. 5.Keep our eyes fixed on the future, when we know all evil, which is already defeated, will be put away forever, so that we are not weighed down by present worries. 1 Corinthians 15:26-28 Overcoming fear of death 1.For all believers we know who continue to fear death, put complete assurance and the peace of God in their minds. 2.Knowing that each person is destined to die and to face judgment, give us wisdom and insight regarding whom we should speak to each day concerning their salvation. 3.Knowing each believer will have their lives reviewed before the judgment seat of Christ, keep us faithful in every way, so that we may hear Your words: “Well done, good and faithful servant.” 4.For all those we know, whose loved ones have either recently passed away or are currently seriously ill, give them strength and grace as they face such trials. 5.Recognising we all have a limited amount of time on this earth, since each day is a gift from God, help us to use it wisely and profitably and in the light of eternity. 1 Corinthians 15:29-30 Baptism 1.For those in the church, who have been saved but not yet baptised in water, prompt them to be obedient to the command to do so. 2.Use the public testimonies of all the candidates at each of our baptismal services to touch the hearts and lives of all unsaved people who are listening. 3.Save people in our church this week, whose new lives in Christ will then be
dermined by those who teach them evolution. 3.For those of Your people, who are confused by the teaching of evolution, help them to understand that man’s theories are a poor substitute for God’s truth. 4.Raise the profile and influence for truth, of all those scientists who, on factual grounds, realise the theory of evolution is scientifically impossible. 5.Lord, frustrate the plans of all those high-profile atheists in our nation, who are actively seeking to push God out of the nation’s life, and save them instead. 1 Corinthians 15:41 Creation declares the glory of God 1.When our faith is weak, strengthen us as we look up and see that the heavens are a constant reminder of Your glory and greatness, O Lord. 2.When we understand how vast the universe is, and that You are greater still, forgive us when we seek to tell You what You should and should not do. 3.As we gaze into the greatness of space, cause our faith to grow, as we consider how small our prayer requests are in comparison to Your infinite power, Lord God. 4.We do believe, O Lord, but please help us on those occasions when our faith seems small or wavering. 5.Lord, we thank and praise You for all the great deeds You have done in our lives and all those we know, by faith, You will do in the future. 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 The resurrection body 1.For those among us, who struggle because of ill health, encourage their hearts with the reminder that each believer will have a new resurrection body like Christ. 2.Thank You, Lord Jesus, that because of what You have done, one day we will have a body which, though sown in weakness, will be raised in power. 3.Although one day our new bodies will radiate with the glory of God, even in this lifetime cause us always to reflect the glory of God in all we do. 4.Though our current bodies reflect weakness, help us to live even now in the fullness of power of the Holy Spirit that is possible in these present bodies. 5.Since You have made us to be physical beings, help us treat our physical
March 2019 26
bodies wisely, as good stewards of all You have given us. 1 Corinthians 15:45-48 Living in the Spirit 1.In all our thoughts and plans for this day and every day, help us to learn how to be led and guided by You, Holy Spirit. 2.Teach us, Holy Spirit, how to be naturally spiritual and spiritually natural. 3.In all of our work or business dealings, lead us to act, make decisions and plan everything in accordance with Your will and purpose. 4.Help us, Holy Spirit, to wait on You to discern the perfect plan and destiny You have for each of our individual lives, and then to make the choices to enable it to happen. 5.Speak to each of us today, Holy Spirit, by whatever means You choose to communicate with us and, as we hear, may we be obedient to Your leading. 1 Corinthians 15:49 Bearing the likeness of Jesus 1.Since Your will for us in this lifetime, heavenly Father, is to become increasingly more like Jesus, change us a little more this day. 2.As we humble ourselves before You, may we be lifted up to a place where You can use us in every way that brings You glory. 3.Lord Jesus, since You told us that the things You did, we would do also, help us to move effectively in the power of the Holy Spirit. 4.Develop within us the gifts of words of wisdom, knowledge and discernment, and the ability to use them effectively in our day-to-day dealings with the people we meet. 5.Develop within us the gifts of faith, miracles and healings, and the wisdom to use them effectively in our day-to-day lives. 1 Corinthians 15:50 The limitations of flesh and blood 1. Help us to show people they cannot go to heaven by their own good works. 2. Cause us to seek daily to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit. 3. Help us always to live by faith and not by sight. 4. Teach how to be led more by the Spirit, and not by our fallen nature. 5. Help us to be naturally spiritual and spiritually natural. 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 Living in the light of the Rapture 1.Lord, keep us faithful and true to You each hour of the day.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
2.For those in Your church who are backsliding for whatever reason, draw them back to the place of intimacy with You, O Lord. 3.Keep us in a place where we are continually being filled with the Holy Spirit, overflowing into the lives of those around us. 4.As we begin each day, may we remember to commit it into Your hands in order that, in some way, it will produce fruit that will have eternal consequences. 5.Order our footsteps today, so that it we will be a day lived in accordance with Your perfect plan and will. 1 Corinthians 15:54-57 Victory in Christ 1.Cause us not to give in to discouragement, but to have victory over every attack of the enemy against us. 2.For those among us who need a job, or to change their employment, or are seeking promotion, grant them favour, we pray. 3.For each family in the church that is struggling spiritually, emotionally or financially at this time, cause them to overcome and grow spiritually in the process. 4.For those in the church, who are struggling with any form of habit or bondage that needs to be broken, help them find victory in Christ in that situation. 5.We pray for a national revival in our country, where the Lordship of Christ will be brought to every area of our society. 1 Corinthians 15:58 Give yourselves fully to the Lord’s work 1.Show us what is Your will for us to do today, O Lord, and anoint us as we faithfully carry it out. 2.Cause us to remember that nothing is more important than living for You, O Lord, since what we do for You lasts not for only a lifetime, but eternally. 3.May the joy of the Lord always be our strength that enables us to live for Jesus, no matter what our outward circumstances or trials may be. 4.Just as the sacrifices to be brought to You in the Old Testament days had to be without blemish, may all we seek to do for You be with unblemished motives. 5.Here we are, Lord, use us.
PRAYER CENTRE Call our confidential prayer line for ANY need 24 hours a day 7 days a week
020 8799 2199
REVIVAL PRAYER MEETINGS Monday to Friday Morning meetings 10.00am to 12.00pm - Annexe Room 2* EVENing meetings 6.00pm to 7.00pm - Foyer (*accessible from Northfields Avenue)
TUESDAY NIGHT PRAYER MEETING 7.30pm to 9.15pm - Foyer
MONTHLY REVIVAL & HEALING MEETINGS Bring your family, friends & neighbours Second Sunday evening of every month at 6.30pm Sunday 10th February Sunday 10th March
For ECC attenders: Before coming for deliverance for the first time, please make an appointment to speak to Pastor Rajinder Saturday 16th February Saturday 16th March For non-ECC attenders: Please contact ELLEL MINISTRIES on 01252 794060
ALL-NIGHT PRAYER MEETINGS Last Friday of every month 10.00pm to 5.00am Come when you can! Friday 22nd February Friday 29th March
EVANGELISM Every month, the Evangelism teams go to various towns across the borough of Ealing (and surrounding boroughs). Please see below for the locations for February and March.
11am to 1pm
Saturday 9th February Acton Brentford Chiswick Greenford Hammersmith Hanwell Harrow Hounslow Isleworth Northfields Northolt Shepherds Bush South Ealing Southall Uxbridge Wembley West Ealing
Saturday 9th March
Acton Brentford Chiswick Ealing Broadway Greenford Hammersmith Hanwell Harrow Hayes Hounslow Northfields Shepherds Bush South Ealing Southall Twickenham Uxbridge Wembley
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
Note from the
The Joy of the Offering Time Firstly, when we give money to God, we practise trusting Him.
Sunday services Celebration service
9.00am to 10.45am
with classes for Children & Youth
Celebration service
11.15am to 1.00pm
with classes for Children & Youth
The prophet Malachi urges God’s people to bring the full tithes and offerings into the house of God. “If you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in.” God says, “Put Me to the test on this!” (Malachi 3:10, NLT)
Japanese service
Secondly, when we give money to God, we practise gratitude to Him.
In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul spends two chapters on instructions for taking up an offering to help needy believers elsewhere. He starts by stating his chief purpose: to test how genuine is the Corinthians’ gratitude toward God: “You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that by His poverty He could make you rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9, NLT).
2.30pm to 4.30pm in Auditorium
Polish service
2.30pm to 4.30pm
Evening service
in Foyer
6.30pm to 8.00pm
See page 23 for details
Prayer meetings
10.00am & 6.00pm
Prayer meetings
10.00am & 7.30pm
Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Little Stars’ Parents & Tots Term-time only 10.00am to 12.00pm Wednesday Afternoon Fellowship 2.00pm to 3.30pm
Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Equippers: Life skills 7.00pm to 9.30pm
Registration required
Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Equippers: Ministry skills 7.00pm to 9.30pm Registration required
Lastly, when we give to God, we receive a blessing from Him.
All-night Prayer 10.00pm to 5.00am
God loves to bless His children and we can never outgive God. Notice that the more we give to Kingdom work, it always leads to this: “He will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. Yes, you will be enriched in every way, so that you can always be generous” (2 Corinthians 9:10-11, NLT).
Local Lighthouse Evangelism 11.00am to 1.00pm
The practice of giving money is one that builds a godly and joyful heart. And that, indeed, is a precious blessing. Sandra Dawodu
Last Friday of the month
FOR YOUR FAITHFUL GIVING TO GOD’S WORK NOV 2018 DEC 2018 Tithes & Offerings £35,946.02 £48,534.35 Building Fund £1,793.06 £2,685.44 Standing Orders £38,823.91 £21,777.33
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
WHAT WE BELIEVE 1. THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible, as originally given, to be without error, the fully inspired and infallible Word of God and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2. THE TRINITY: We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and co-eternally in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these Three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. 3. THE SAVIOUR: We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession and His second advent to receive His Church. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father and the Son and the necessity of His work in conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification, and that the believer is also promised an enduement of power as the gift of Christ through the baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs following. Through this enduement the believer is empowered for fuller participation in the ministry of the Church, its worship, evangelism and service. 5. MANKIND: We believe in the universal sinfulness of all mankind since the Fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation. 6. SALVATION: We believe in the necessity for salvation of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by which the sinner is pardoned and accepted as righteous in God's sight. This justification is imputed by the grace of God because of the atoning work of Christ, is received by faith alone and is evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit and a holy life. 7. THE CHURCH: We believe in the spiritual unity and the priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the universal Church, the Body of Christ. 8. THE MINISTRY: We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church, namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and in the present operation of the manifold Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the New Testament. 9. THE ORDINANCES: We believe in the baptism of believers in water in obedience to the command of Christ and the commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return. 10. THE COMMISSION: We believe that the Gospel embraces the needs of the whole man and that the Church is therefore commissioned to preach the Gospel to the world and to fulfil a ministry of healing and deliverance to the spiritual and physical needs of mankind. 11. THE COMING KING: We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory. 12. THE FUTURE STATE: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgment of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked. www.elim.org.uk
SUNDAY SERVICES IMPORTANT NOTICE: ECC streams its morning and some evening services live on YouTube. If you do not wish to be shown, please ask the stewards to seat you away from the cameras. Thank you.
MAR 2019
FEB 2019
9.00am & 11.15am 6.30pm COMMUNION & RECOMMISSIONING SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton
HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Mark King
CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan
REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton
CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton
HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton
CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton
HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan
PRAISE & COMMUNION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton
HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan
CELEBRATION SERVICE Guest speaker: Suzanne Hanna (Elim Sound)
REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton
CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton
HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton
SPECIAL GUEST DAY SERVICE Speakers: Pastor Sam Blake & Pastor Alex Morgan
HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan
HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Mark KIng
Polish & Japanese Services Elim Springs POLISH FELLOWSHIP Every Sunday @ 2:30pm In the FOYER
ECCJ JAPANESE FELLOWSHIP Every Sunday @ 2:30pm In the MAIN AUDITORIUM For details, please contact AOGU & CHISATO TATEYAMA info@eccj.org.uk
Spotlight on Forthcoming Events SPECIAL GUEST DAY SERVICE Sunday 24th March @ 9.00am and 11.15am led by Pastor Sam Blake & Pastor Alex Morgan
ECC FAMILY NEWS Please email your Wedding, New Baby and other good news to SHARON GRANT at sg@ecc.org.uk
Next ECC sessions: Saturday 2nd February Saturday 16th March
2pm - 6pm
Please contact Sherine or Sharon via ECC church office for further information on how to get nvolved
Afternoon Fellowship
6th Lola Vassell with Pastor Bob 13th Pastor Bob 20th Pastor Bob 27th Lola Vassell with Pastor Bob
Yemi & Tinu OSHIN on the birth of their DAUGHTER Tiwalade (Tiwa) (Ours is the Crown) Born: 29th November 2018 Weight: 3.57kg
6th Pastor Bob with Ann Morris 13th Lola Vassell and Prayer & Praise 20th Lola Vassell with Rudy Brann 27th Pastor Bob
Please contact the church office for details
A big THANK YOU to everyone involved in the Winter Night Shelter (ends 6th Feb). Whether before, during or after the sessions, your service was invaluable. God bless you.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
am a mother of three and, in 2013, I found out I was gluten intolerant. Once episode of food poisoning took me almost a week to recover from, and I ended up with severe back pain where I couldn’t stand up. As a mother, it was very frustrating to be in such pain and unable to take care of my children - my younger child was only four years old at the time. I went to my GP and explained the situation. I was asked some questions about any physical activity that could have caused such muscle pain. I was diagnosed with having an inflammation in my back articulation, which was causing the pain.
God healed my gluten intolerance by Virginia Mendes
food containing wheat, such as bread, pasta and cakes. It was especially hard to avoid the lovely chocolate cake that my friend Celinha would bake. But then, after a year of not eating this type of food, I went on holiday with my kids and thought that it would be fine to eat normal bread again. That was a big mistake, because after a couple of days I had a major crisis: I couldn’t even move my right arm, not even to dress myself. I’d had this condition for three and half years, and thought I was going to live with it for the rest of my life. But prayer changes everything.
My GP suggested a painkiller - which didn’t work - and during the diagnosis the GP mentioned the possibility of food intolerance, especially gluten, and asked me to return next week for food allergy testing. By God’s grace I had started to study my degree in nutrition and, since I had come across food allergies and intolerance before, I decided to do the test on my own to research gluten and how it can cause pain in the body.
Around October 2016, I came to church, and diseases were being prayed for. We were asked if we had any type of pain or condition in our body, to put our hand on it and pray.
To explain this briefly, gluten is protein existent in some cereals, such as wheat, barley and rye, that our body cannot recognise as safe, and causes other cells to release chemical substances that cause inflammation. This is similar to what happens when the body fights infections, and can happen in any part of our body, including internal organs.
The following Christmas, I asked my lovely friend to bake my favourite chocolate cake. After eating it I didn’t have any ill effects. From that day I started eating food that contained gluten, and have never felt any pain since. Thanks to God! It’s been two years now!
In the beginning it was very difficult to manage my new diet. I had to stop eating everything I loved. As a single mum living on a tight budget, it was difficult; a gluten-free diet is expensive, and not as healthy as it appears to be. I started avoiding any
At first I thought I was fine and didn’t need to, but then I remembered I had this condition that isn’t normal. So I put my hand on my belly and declared: “God can heal me from anything, so I receive my healing.”
I am sharing this testimony to encourage others that everything that is not a normal function of the body should be treated, and who is better than Jesus, our Healer and Specialist of our body, soul and spirit? ‘Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me and I shall be saved, for You are my praise’ (Jeremiah 17:14).
very provision is met by our Lord Jesus Christ. We look beyond our human reasoning to supernatural Jesus to manifest His supernatural answer to us. Jesus healed the blind eyes: opened deaf ears; restored paralysed limbs, cast demons out of people and raised the dead. The words Jesus spoke have the creative power of God. His words are spirit and they are life. One touch from Jesus changes everything, and we can believe on His Word (the Bible) and His promises. Don’t be discouraged if your answer doesn’t come immediately; God sometimes does things in His perfect timing. So persevere, be persistent, and keep on asking until your breakthrough comes. Pastor Rajinder Buxton
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
From Hinduism to Christ by Dhrupesh Bava
My faith in Christ has changed everything - drastically and completely. Today I feel such peace inside me.
was a born into Hinduism, and prayed day and night to the idols I used to proclaim as ‘gods’. I especially worshipped the monkey god, Hanuman. I believed in all the stories passed down to me (fairytales), and kept all the traditions that came with the Hinduism package. As a Hindu man, I believed I was always a good person; always used my strength to help others; always put my parents and family ahead of me, and believed in working hard. With Hinduism, I felt comfortable within my heart and soul, having my own principles towards life. My family life, however, was never calm but turbulent, especially with my mum, who was badly affected by my smoking of skunk (marijuana). I didn’t understand why she was affected, as I never harmed her or anyone personally, but did what (I thought) was right. One day I decided to come to church as company for a friend; she was a Christian. I must say, I wasn’t at all keen but I still came. I also believed in Jesus Christ. In Hinduism, we have many gods, so I worshipped Jesus along with all the other gods. I didn’t understand much about Christianity at the beginning, but an elder of ECC, Michael Smith, spoke to me and explained a lot about Jesus to me. I realised that Jesus Christ is real, but I couldn’t accept that my god Hanuman wasn’t. How could it be a false god? After his patient explanations, I found out that Christianity is the only way to the one, true God, and that comes
through accepting that Jesus Christ died on the cross for all my sins and shed His precious blood to forgive me of all my sins. I realised that all the beliefs I had held all these years were false. Since I invited Jesus into my life to be Lord and Saviour, my whole life has changed. I have been reborn in the Name of Jesus Christ. I got baptised in water recently, and a miracle took place. For over 14 years, I had been addicted to smoking skunk and cigarettes. Since my baptism, though, I can say boldly that I haven’t smoked any cigarettes or had any cravings to smoke skunk. My faith in Christ has changed everything - drastically and completely. Today I feel such peace inside me. The Holy Spirit is always with me, day and night. My relationship with my mother has totally changed - from a turbulent relationship and me getting high on skunk, to one where we now spend time with each other on a daily basis. Through my change, I can see the peace and change in my family. In Hinduism, I used to believe that smoking skunk would calm me down; and that it was my way out after a difficult day at work. After all, I wasn’t harming anyone, so I thought it was OK to smoke it. With Christianity, however, I understood clearly that I have to be more like my King Jesus; my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and God dwells within me. I can now see what the devil is doing in the world, and how he had me believing in all those false beliefs. The only truth is Jesus Christ, and His Word, the Bible, is the true way to live. GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
Rediscovering I the vision for your life
often wonder to myself why, before I go on holiday, am I determined to clean up? Before I leave the office on my final day, I will begin to make it as spotless as possible. I will go through files I haven’t looked at for a while, and begin to throw them out. I will clean all the cups that have had coffee stains in them for months and make sure my desk is as clean as possible. I do the same at home: I change the bed sheets; clean the bathroom; wash all the dishes; clean out the fridge; do all the laundry, and clean the car. It’s something I have done since I was little, because my mum told us we should. I used to think it was in case someone broke into the house, so they wouldn’t see how big a mess it really was. Now, however, I realise it is for a different reason: it is so that, after I get back from holiday, I am ready to restart. As I come back, I want to make sure I can hit the ground running, and not have to worry about decluttering my office. I often find, though, that the real decluttering begins when I’m on holiday. When I begin to relax and let my mind unwind. I suddenly begin to refocus on God once again. I begin to refocus on the vision He has given me, and begin to reevaluate the extra responsibilities I have taken on board. There have to be moments in our lives, as men, that we stop and declutter. Moments where we begin to look at every area of our lives, and decide whether it is still viable to go forward with it. Moments where maybe we stop and ask God: “What are You asking of us, Lord?” Is He asking us to be part of a new ministry, or to stop one? To take on more responsibility at work or look for a new job? When I was 18 years old, I was asked a question: “If you could write your own eulogy, what would you want it to say?” As an 18-yearold, I remember thinking about what I wanted to be remembered for. About how I would like people to talk about me, but also what I would like for God to say about me. From this point on, I have always tried to shape my life around what I determined in my heart at that moment. However, ‘man makes plans in his heart but God ordains his steps’ (Proverbs 16:9). When we go through our moments of refocus, part of that is to ask God what direction He wants us to move into. We realise that as we go through life, circumstances change, priorities change, but the vision God has given us remains the same. In his book, The Purpose-driven Life, Rick Warren says: “Being successful and fulfilling your life’s purpose are not at all the same thing. You can reach all your personal goals, become a raving success by the world’s standard, and still miss your purpose in this life.”
Men’s Ministry
So, over this year, why don’t you take a moment to declutter your life and recentre yourself around the vision that God has for you?
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
A good D place to grow
isciples are followers of Jesus Christ, but they are more than ‘just’ converts; they have moved beyond a profession of faith into a lifelong pursuit of living life like Jesus. Why is discipleship important?
Jesus commanded it Last words are important. In the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), Jesus commanded us to “make disciples of all nations”. We are to do so, as we go wherever we go. This is not an activity done only within the church building. No, this is a daily life exercise, and Jesus told us how: baptising them and teaching them to obey. Women’s Discipleship groups are one good place to be discipled for Jesus. It is a secure place to form relationships with one another, and to learn to grow in the Lord and in His spiritual gifts. Weekly, the outline from the Sunday morning service is discussed, so it can be applied to our daily lives. Discipleship groups provide a great opportunity to learn and to be released into various ministries in church.
Jesus modelled it
Women’s Discipleship groups are one good place to be discipled for Jesus. It is a secure place to form relationships with one another, and to learn to grow in the Lord and in His spiritual gifts
Women’s Discipleship Cells
Jesus’ own example points to the importance of making disciples. That He took time and invested in twelve men over the three years of His earthly ministry proves His strategy. Then He prayed before calling the Twelve (Luke 6:12-13). Jesus continued to teach and train the disciples in public and in private, then He sent them out in pairs (Mark 6:7) and called for a report of their efforts (Mark 6:30). Discipleship Group leaders carry a great responsibility in nurturing the women, and modelling what they know about Jesus to other women. They are also encouraged to mentor and release other women to become leaders, so groups can be multiplied and more women discipled for Jesus. It can be quite challenging but, with prayer and determination, it can be done.
Disciples grow when they invest in others When a disciple ministers to someone in need, not only are needs met but the disciple grows. Disciples are more like the Sea of Galilee than the Dead Sea. They are healthy and grow, because water flows in and flows out. Disciples grow, because they give and invest in others for Jesus (2 Timothy 2:2). Recently very encouraging testimonies were shared from Stephanie Antoine’s group, when they got together to pray for various needs. Testimonies shared are as follows:
od healed Anna’s friend, Jenik. She had skin cancer on her head caused by the sun. When we prayed, she was healed.
nna’s brother-in-law had cancer. After we prayed in the Discipleship group, his 12-hour operation went well.
nna’s daughter was taking tablets for her menstrual cycle, which didn’t work, but she became pregnant after receiving prayer.
onica stated her mother was seriously ill and was diagnosed with a brain clot. After prayers, she had surgery and recovered fully. Before that, she couldn’t walk or talk.
Is discipleship on your list? What can you do this week to begin to live more like Jesus? How can you invest in at least one other person? You grow as a disciple, as you make disciples. Join a Women’s Discipleship Group today. Fill in a Discipleship registration form (in the Information area) and place it in Pastor’s Rajinder pigeonhole, and a Discipleship Group leader will contact you.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
ew Year celebrations are often marked with an eagerness to move forward and start afresh: ‘New year, new me’. But amidst the promises to ourselves to become a better person, or read the Bible more, or actually go to the gym, we often forget to thank God for the past year and reflect on how our year went. Psalm 95:2 tells us to ‘Come before Him with thanksgiving, and extol Him with music and song’. However, this isn’t always easy to do. Personally, I’m someone who makes a to do list for every single occasion. Every year, I write myself a list of all the things I would like to accomplish, and I also write my future self a letter, to be read at the end of the year. When I open this letter, and discover the things I didn’t manage to do, or the things I started and left unfinished, it usually isn’t a good feeling. Fortunately, I’ve come to realise that John Steinbeck was right in saying ‘the best laid schemes of mice and men often go astray’. Whilst I may not have fulfilled everything on my yearly to do list, every year God surprises me. So, instead of pondering over everything that you didn’t do, I’d advise you (and myself) to instead make a list of everything you’re grateful for. Count your blessings and thank God for them. Now, the other half of the whole is to, of course, move forward and make some plans for the year ahead. In making resolutions or writing a list of what we hope to do, it’s important to remember that we cannot achieve these goals by our own efforts, but only with God’s help. James 4:13-15 says: ‘Now listen, you who say: “Today or tomorrow we will go
to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”’ When making our plans for the New Year, we shouldn’t forget to include God and recognise that, without Him, none of our dreams might ever come true. ‘Unless the Lord builds a house, the builders labour in vain’ (Psalm 127:1). God shouldn’t be the last resort we turn to when all our carefully drawn up plans fail; instead, He should be at the forefront of our plans and hopes. Lastly, whilst we’re busy making our resolutions and plans, always remember the devil will try to sneak in, bringing fears and anxieties of unaccomplished dreams and hopes that never become reality. Philippians 4:6-7 instructs us to ‘Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.’ Even though the concept of a new year packed with endless possibilities is both exciting and incredibly daunting,
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
remember that, whilst you don’t know what the future holds, God does, and He only has plans to prosper us, and give us ‘hope and a future’. And, if you ever find yourself forgetting this promise, pray and ask God to remind you of His plans for you. (Belated) Happy New Year!
s we settle into the New Year, many of us try to make New Year’s resolutions and plan on how we can improve ourselves. Some want to be healthier, others want to be happier. But for many of us, we can hardly make it to March before these resolutions have fallen by the wayside!
Credits: Story by Anonymous (with amendments)
Sometimes this is because we’re discouraged by not seeing quick results. Similarly, we often waver from the things the Lord has asked us to do, but I hope the following story will help us understand that obedience to the Lord and perseverance are most important, and that the results are not always what we expect, but are for our benefit… A man was sleeping at night in his cabin, when suddenly his room filled with light, and God appeared. The Lord told the man He had work for him to do, and showed him a large rock in front of his cabin. The Lord explained that the man was to push against the rock with all his might. So, the man did this, day after day. For many years he toiled from sunup to sun-down; his shoulders set squarely against the cold, massive surface of the unmoving rock, pushing with all his might. Each night, the man returned to his cabin, sore and worn out, feeling that his whole day had been spent in vain. Since the man was looking very discouraged, the Adversary (Satan)
What God wants is just simple obedience and faith in Him decided to enter the picture by placing thoughts into his weary mind: “You’ve been pushing against that rock for a long time, and it hasn’t moved.” He was giving the man the impression that the task was impossible, and that he was a failure. These thoughts discouraged and disheartened the man. “Why kill myself over this?” he thought. “I’ll just put in my time, give just the minimum effort, and that will be good enough.” And that is what he planned to do, until one day he decided to make it a matter of prayer, and take his troubled thoughts to the Lord. “Lord,” he said, “I have laboured long and hard in Your service, putting all my strength into doing what You have asked. Yet, after all this time, I haven’t even budged that rock by half a millimetre. What is wrong? Why am I failing?” The Lord responded compassionately: “My friend, when I asked you to serve Me and you accepted, I told you that your task was to push against the rock with all your strength, which you have done. Never once did I mention to you that I expected you to move it. Your task was to push. And now you come to Me, with your strength spent, thinking that you have failed. But is that really so? Look at yourself. Your arms are strong and muscular; your back sinewy and
brown; your hands are calloused from constant pressure, and your legs have become massive and hard. Through opposition you have grown much, and your abilities now surpass that which you used to have. Yet you haven’t moved the rock. Your calling was to be obedient and to push, and to exercise your faith and trust in My wisdom. This you have done. Now I, My friend, will move the rock.” When we hear a word from God, at times we tend to use our own intellect to try and figure out what He wants, when actually what God wants is just simple obedience and faith in Him. By all means, exercise the faith that moves mountains, but know that it is still God who moves mountains. When everything seems to be going wrong… Just P.U.S.H! When your work seems too hard… Just P.U.S.H! When people aren’t treating you properly… Just P.U.S.H! When your loved ones just don’t seem to understand you… Just P.U.S.H!
P = Pray U = Until S = Something H = Happens FIONA ABRAHAM
Children’s Ministry
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 96 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2019
Christmas & New Year’s Eve @ ECC