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rapevine G Ealing Christian Centre

ECC Prayer Centre - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Call for prayer on 020 8799 2199


Issue 97 APR/MAY 2019

An Elim Church

BAPTISMAL SPECIAL Inspiring testimonies One family of many nations proclaiming one Gospel through many disciples


Why baptism in water? J

ust before Jesus ascended into heaven, He told His Church: “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” (Matthew 28:19).

In recent months we have seen a large number of people respond to the Gospel appeal across one or more of our three Sunday services. In addition, people have been giving their lives to Christ after services when talking to others in the church; at our after-service welcome time, and in the classes for youth and for children. Around fifty people have been baptised altogether in our last two baptismal services. Although many have been young people, they have come from all ages, backgrounds and nations. Each one has their own personal story of how they came into a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ, and we are featuring a number of those testimonies in this edition. In the Bible we read how parents brought their newborn children to the house of the Lord to be dedicated to God. Mary and Joseph’s dedication of Jesus as a Baby is recorded in some detail in Luke’s gospel and, as He grew up as a boy, He is described as being obedient to His earthly parents. In the church, similarly, we dedicate the children of those parents who bring their babies and children for this purpose. In dedicating children, this is not intended to be a means of ‘making the child a Christian’, for that comes through a personal decision that each individual has to make for himself or herself. Rather, it is the parents publicly doing two things. First, they are thanking God for the gift of this very precious and miraculous life, recognising that life can only come from God. No human being has ever been able to create a life from non-life. As Psalm 139:13-14 puts it: “For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” It continues to describe God’s intimate involvement with each of us at the beginning of our lives, and how He can be involved with us throughout the rest of our lives. Second, the parents make a public commitment before God (and the congregation) to the best of their ability to raise this child entrusted into their care in all the ways of the Lord, so that when he or she is old enough to understand and make their own personal decision, they can choose to accept Christ as their own personal Saviour and Lord and live for Him. So, in fulfilling this serious responsibility, the parents will train them up in the ways of the Lord through personal example and through teaching. Each child will see the reality of Jesus in the lives of their


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019

parents on a day-to-day basis, praying and reading the Bible together, as Proverbs 22:6 says: ‘Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.’ The Bible message is that God created the human race in His own image, originally perfect, and for the purpose of living in a perfect world in God’s presence. However, from the beginning, all was spoiled by a free-will choice to rebel against God - a characteristic we all now retain. And so, being now imperfect, we are separated from God who is wholly good and cannot allow anything imperfect into His presence. There then comes the realisation of having fallen short: I am sorry for the way I am; I need God’s forgiveness, and understand this comes through recognising and fully embracing what Jesus has done for me. By Jesus, God’s Son, coming from heaven, becoming a Man, living a perfect life and then willingly offering His life on the cross and bearing the punishment, not for His own sins - for He had none - but for each person, I can be forgiven. ‘He forgave us all our sin…nailing it to the cross’ (Colossians 2:13-14).

That decision to follow Jesus is then expressed in baptism by full immersion in water. This is an outward demonstration that illustrates what has already happened on the inside. When we came to Jesus, recognising we were living lives that fall short of His perfect standards (which God calls ‘sin’), we understood our need to be washed clean from the sinfulness that is part of our lives. And so Ananias told the newly converted Saul of Tarsus: “Get up, be baptised, and wash your sins away, calling on His Name” (Acts 22:16). The blood of Jesus washes our sins away: ‘The blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin’ (1 John 1:7).

PICTURE by Alex Ramos


The decision to follow Jesus is expressed by full immersion in water... an outward demonstration of what has already happened on the inside

But in addition, as a person is lowered into the water and submerged in it, it symbolises the old life we lived before knowing Jesus, being buried because it is dead. As we come up out of the waters, just as Jesus rose from death, so now united with Him through our faith, we have risen to a new life in Christ. His Holy Spirit, who comes within us the moment we invite Jesus into our lives, is there to give us God’s help to live the new life of following Jesus. ‘If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come’ (2 Corinthians 5:17). We now choose to live the new life of following Jesus, ‘… having been buried with Him in baptism and raised with Him through your faith in the power of God, who raised [Jesus] from the dead’ (Colossians 2:12). So baptism in water is our public declaration before God and people that we have chosen to renounce a lifestyle that leaves God out of our lives a lifestyle that leads to eternal separation from God and instead we have totally identified ourselves with Jesus. If you have accepted Christ but have not yet been baptised, please complete the form in the church information desk (located at the back of the Auditorium) and return it to us.

Richard Buxton

Senior Minister


compiled by Bro Tom PRAYER DIARY


Editor-in-Chief: Senior Pastor Richard Buxton Editor: Jackie Raymond of Berean Services UK, Cover image by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay Photography: Roy McEwen plus various contributors from ECC Stock Images:,,, Google images,, Printed by: Deluxe Printers Ltd, London NW10 7NR, Tel: 020 8965 1771 Ealing Christian Centre, 268 Northfield Avenue, Ealing, London W5 4UB Tel: 020 8840 7508 Fax: 020 8840 1461 Email: Website: Grapevine is published by Ealing Christian Centre. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Grapevine and the ECC logo are trademarks of Ealing Christian Centre in the United Kingdom where Grapevine circulates. Copyright © Ealing Christian Centre 2019. All rights reserved.

Group photo



compiled by































Pastor Rajinder Buxton

GRATITUDE by Eleni Hagisoteri

by Segomotso Modisanyane

by Roy McEwen




by Sherine de Mel

by Paul Ware

by Olivia Prempeh

by Kofo Boboye


If you would like an item to be considered for the next edition of the Grapevine magazine, please email your article to, marked 'For Grapevine'. Articles for half a page should be no more than 250 words, and for a full page should be no more than 600 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit articles where necessary. The deadline for the JUNE/JULY edition is no later than FRIDAY 26 APRIL 2019.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019




aptism in water is our personal identification with the greatest act in human history: the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day (Romans 6:3-4). Baptism itself doesn’t save you, as salvation comes by faith alone in Jesus (Ephesians 2:8-9). But water baptism is your personal testimony to show what has now happened on the inside: making the decision to turn away from your old way of life and living a new life for Jesus. Below are short but powerful testimonies, shared by various people on the day of their recent baptism. It was witnessed by a few hundred people, as families and friends crowded the auditorium to witness them getting baptised. A number of people gave their lives to Jesus after listening to the testimonies. It was a great night of celebration. The ECC candidates were baptised by Pastor Sam Blake

In this Baptismal Special, you can read more detailed testimonies of these candidates on pages 6 to 10.

Pastor Rajinder Buxton


Read her testimony on page 7


Photos supplied by Roy McEwen

Read her testimony on page 6


Daljit KAUR

Read her testimony on page 8

Segomotso MODISANYANE Read her testimony on page 9


Read her testimony on page 10

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019

Baptismal candidates from Hope Community Church



Olamide AJAYI I came to church with Mum. I would hear the preaching and came to understand how to be a Christian. God is my heavenly Father, and I experience His care and love for me. Jesus died for all my sins. I have a gift of playing drums at ECC.

Levi BLAKE Jesus has helped me through good and bad times to achieve challenges that I thought weren’t possible. One day, I was in the car with Dad and received Jesus into my heart. Jesus died for me, so I can receive eternal life from Him. Lydia DOUGLAS Before I met Jesus, I didn’t live life to God’s full potential for me. Jesus has made a difference in my life, making me a positive influence to others around me. I want to show the world I am a follower of Jesus Christ, since He died to save me from sin.

See back page for Group Picture


Blessing EGHAREVBA I decided to get baptised because I love Jesus, and I want to take my faith to the next level, and because the Bible tells us to be baptised.

Elizabeth NWANKWO I got baptised in water because I want to show everyone I am a follower of Jesus Christ and that He died for all my sins. I was born into a Christian family.

Shadrach EGHAREVBA I wanted to get baptised to become good friends with my Lord and personal Saviour, and I knew the only way I could achieve this was to devote my life to Him.

Emmanuel NWANKWO accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour, and I am following Him. I know now what is right and what is wrong. I am not fearful of anything, and I abide in Christ.

Almas KHAMOU My life was riddled with anxiety and I was struggling in all areas but I didn’t know why. My cousin witnessed to me about Jesus, and I gave my life to Him. Jesus saved me from my sins, and I feel His peace, love and warmth. I am a more confident person now.

Ethan NWANKWO My parents told me about Jesus, and I went to church with them. He took all my sins away. Jesus has protected me and my family, and has made my life better and happier.

Joel MACKAY I got baptised because I want to get closer to Jesus. I feel that getting baptised has been a life-changing decision for me

Ailsa ODU I was born into a Christian family. I gave my life to Jesus and found Him to my Healer. I have sickle cell disease and, whenever there has been a problem, Jesus heals me before the doctors do. He washed all my sins away, and I am so grateful to Him.


I got baptised because I needed purpose in my life - something that would give me a reason to wake up in the morning. Jesus has given me that. I am no longer directionless, and I can now say that I stand strongly with faith in Jesus Christ. He is my Saviour!

Suniemi ROBINSON My mum and dad told me about Jesus, and I came to church with them. I have found a real difference in my life, and obey mum and dad. Jesus died to take my sins away.

Alexander SADEK I was living a hopeless life with no purpose. I came to church with my mother. I thank Jesus for forgiving me, and saving me from my sins. I am a part of God’s family now.

Puran SAROAY Jesus has made me believe that all things are possible with Him. A friend of mine witnessed to me about Jesus. I was once empty spiritually, but Jesus saved me. I am really happy and He has made me a better person. Hannah YIGA


One day I was watching an Ealing Christian Centre service on YouTube. I gave my life to Jesus as the preacher led in a prayer. Jesus died for me and took away my sins. He has made me happy.

Nicole TURKSON I came to church with Mum. One day at an all-night youth prayer meeting, called ‘iChoose’ at ECC, I gave my life to Jesus. Jesus died for my sins. I am proud to tell people of my faith in Jesus.

I didn’t understand God and questioned if He was real. But I gave my life to Jesus and felt joy and happiness. He makes a way where there is no way for me. He died and rose again. I thank God for His forgiveness of my sins.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019



In Him I have been able to find so much strength to fight my battles. The only thing that now matters is how my God sees me - nobody else


have spent my Sundays in church every week of my whole life. It had become a routine more than anything. Being in the presence of God was limited to Sundays. Whenever I was in need, I would pray and my issues would go away and, when they did, God wouldn’t even be a thought in my mind.

Confident in God’s love for me by Sheryl Hayfron

I thought I was a Christian, and that this is what it was like to have a relationship with God, but I quickly learnt I needed to draw closer to Him, and it was up to me to build this relationship and seek Him. ‘Draw near to God and He will draw near to you…’ (James 4:8). When I moved away to university, away from my friends and family, I found myself depending on my peers so much that I found my self-worth wrapped up in their views of me. Who I was became dependent on my environment. More and more I found my self-esteem decreasing. If people around me said I was ugly, then that is who I was. If they said I wasn’t intelligent, then I wasn’t intelligent. If they said looking a certain way was nice, that was what I would strive to look like. My identity was not my own, but it was everyone else’s opinions and thoughts. I quickly fell out of love with myself and who I was, as I never felt good enough or able enough to do anything. This caused me to become depressed and anxious; the hate I had for myself had begun to impact my mental health. I had frequent panic attacks and prolonged periods of being low, not even being able to get out of bed on some days. Feeling


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019

like this made everything more difficult: university work, maintaining friendships, maintaining a job… it was all too much for me. During this time, I knew God, but only superficially, not on a deeper level. Whenever I felt low, I would pray and feel okay for a short period of time because I didn’t know who I was in God’s eyes. I only knew who I was in other people’s eyes. One day, a close friend of mine explained to me how at ease she felt whenever she prayed. She always had favour when she put God at the centre of everything, and I asked myself why didn’t I feel this way when I prayed? I quickly realised I didn’t have a real relationship with God; I wasn’t seeking Him or spending enough time in His presence. As soon as I made practical steps to draw closer to Him, by reading His Word and praying more, I grew to know God more and recognised how His gracious and merciful hand is upon me - and has been there the whole time. It was up to me to let Him in. In Him I have been able to find so much strength to fight my mental and emotional battles. The only thing that now matters is how my God sees me - nobody else. This gives me a great deal of comfort. I have never felt so loved and perfect. God has graciously shown me that I need Him always, and nobody will see me the way He sees me. For that I am grateful, and I will love Him forever. This is why I made the decision to be born again into His family, through faith in Christ.


The Importance of Gratitude by Eleni Hagisoteri


hree years ago, I was in a very dark place spiritually, emotionally and mentally. As a consequence of my actions I was in a lot of pain and, to escape having to address my pain and how I felt, I turned to drugs, smoking marijuana, cigarettes and drinking alcohol to numb how I was feeling. I had been going down a negative spiral since I was 15 and, at 22, I found myself self-sabotaging in just about every area of my life and hurting the ones I loved the most along the way. I felt lost, I felt depressed, I had severe anxiety to the point where I didn’t want to leave the house, and I had reached a point where I didn’t know where to start fixing everything, where to start forgiving myself. My grandfather passing away was a really significant point in my life. I had lost someone who was like a father to me and, unbeknown to me, I was suffering from a ‘father wound’ - a lack of my dad being able to be there for me emotionally. When my grandfather passed, I felt as though something inside me had died too, and from then onwards I wanted to change.

So I surrendered, to everything that was going on in my life. I finally spoke to God and reignited our relationship. I asked Him to take my vessel, to take my life, to heal me

Since inviting Jesus into my life, He has blessed me with so much and continues to do so.

and guide me every day, so that I would be in alignment with His will for my life. I asked that He not judge me but, instead, forgive me for my sins - a burden I could no longer carry. To this day I still have good days and bad days; it’s a process. But now, when I feel low, I no longer feel like I am alone, nor do I want to turn to any form of escapism. Instead, I speak with the Lord and He guides me. Since inviting Jesus into my life, He has blessed me with so much and continues to do so. I have been blessed with a beautiful daughter, from whom I have learned so much in such a short period of time, and continue to learn every day. Jesus has taught me the importance of gratitude. He has placed the right people around me, people who love me and have my best interests at heart. I have gone from living in a two-bedroom flat, where eight people live, to now owning my own home. He has healed my pain and continues to do so daily. He shows me where I need to grow, to learn, to have more patience, more strength, more forgiveness and resilience. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I am free from all my addictions, and have been for two years. He has also shown me that by believing I am not good enough or inadequate, I am not believing in His almighty power. Through Jesus Christ, I am now able to see I am good enough, fearfully and wonderfully made. I am God’s masterpiece, and I am simply under renovation.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019



Trading fear and turmoil for miracles and peace

by Daljit Kaur


am known as Dil to all my family, friends and work colleagues. I was born and brought up in Malaysia, and grew up in a Sikh family. My parents were very religious and we were brought up knowing that we should keep away from Muslims and Christians, as they would “try to convert you”. As a child, I always enjoyed being in the company of religious people and people who spoke about God and anything that is not of this world. I always felt that ‘someone’ was watching over me. My first encounter with Jesus was when I was around six or maybe even seven years old, and it was Christmas Eve. My neighbours (a Catholic family) invited us and a few other families in the neighbourhood over for dinner and, as usual, being a kid, I was running around. Suddenly I felt a picture of Jesus was looking at me, and I heard my name being called very softly. I was scared, and ran back to the backyard. All was forgotten as I was growing up, and then during high school I attended a convent girls’ school. I met a friend who was also a Catholic, and encouraged me to take catechism classes. I attended but was very


scared, as it was without my parents’ knowledge. But after some time, I dropped those classes and continued going to gurdwara (Sikh temple), and to Hindu and Buddhist temples, seeking God. I was always seeking and at times I felt that I was running from myself. I was very restless. Peace was nowhere to be found, and I was disappointed! Life went on without meaning, and I felt it was just routine. I was living with unnecessary fear and no peace. In 2008 everything changed when my personal life was in turmoil. I met a friend, who I would say was more like an older brother to me. He was a Christian (the late Ram Sriram) and invited me to ECC. I joined him and came to an evening service, but I was resistant. I didn’t even complete the Welcome form because the conditioning I’d received since childhood was playing in the background. However, I felt calmness and peace I hadn’t felt for a very long time. I’d had many challenges from my family, but I made up my mind that this time I wasn’t going to share with them that I was attending church. Every other week, I made an attempt to come to church and enjoyed my company with the Holy Spirit. On a

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019

few occasions, I had dreams of angels (colourful beams of light) guiding me or alerting me to obstacles, which were to come. I felt someone was and still is trying to apply black magic on me, but I have come out of it, even though it isn’t easy. I believe the Word of God, however, and every promise in the Bible will be fulfilled in due course. I can vouch with my life that Jesus Christ is the only ‘Way’ and the One who can deliver us from sin and evil. Jesus is our miracle-working God who keeps His promises. I have had some health challenges lately, but Jesus has been working in the background, clearing and healing all the healthrelated issues one by one. He never gets tired of our burdens and troubles, that’s why He is known as the true living God. Jesus Christ has delivered and saved not only me but my family, too. No turning back for me! ‘Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free’ (John 8:32).


My heart’s one delight by Segomotso Modisanyane


evelation 3:20 says: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with Me.” This was in the message given to John to tell the church in Laodicea, who were described by God to be neither hot nor cold but lukewarm. Growing up in my household, Sundays seemed like every other day, with the exception of a visit to our local Roman Catholic church once in a blue moon. This, I would say, was the religious status of my family for the first ten years of my life, until my mother truly started to seek the face of God, as our family began to quickly unravel at the seams. As she grew in true fear of God, she tried as much as she could to instil into me and my brother, faith in Christ. But as the enemy would have it, there was much opposition to Christ in our lives. I was deceived by my heart that told me I knew Jesus, when truly I didn’t. I was lukewarm; I’d accepted Christ but lived as a person of the world, only running to Jesus in my time of need, but neglecting the living Word every day. Little did I know that, despite

my lukewarm faith, Jesus was still pursuing me to have a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Him. One night, my mother came home after a church service she had been attending, and told me that the Lord had a word for me. Her exact words were: “God has heard the desires of your heart, and you will be in the UK, but only He knows how He will do it.” At that point I received it, and applied for universities in the UK and was accepted in 2017. However, where my funding would come from was still unknown. It came time to apply, but still I lacked funding and, as a result, couldn’t go to university. I would describe this as the turning point in my faith, as I knew that this was what God had promised, but something just wasn’t adding up. What was missing in the equation was my heart for Jesus. Psalm 37:4 says: ‘Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.’ It took God stopping me for a year in my education for Him to reach me and turn my heart truly to Him.

Despite my lukewarm faith, Jesus was still pursuing me to have a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Him. Last year, a mighty wave of grace crashed over me, and God opened the door for me in ways I couldn’t imagine. Today as I write this, I am currently in the UK, studying and seeing the Word of God flourish in my life and, even with all these earthly blessings He has provided, one truth remains: my heart’s only delight is Jesus Christ.

Aanu mugs and bookmarks are still available to buy from the ECC Office. ALL proceeds go to the Aanu Foundation. GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019




rowing up in a broken home made me ask the question: “Why am I here?”, “Why was I born?” I later sought answers in New Age philosophies: astrology, palmistry, tarot readings, psychics and abstract religion. I was like a person so desperately thirsty for clear, clean water, drinking from vessels of others who claimed their water was the freshest, most thirst-quenching. Though my thirst was satisfied for a while, I would always become thirstier.

God heard me and delivered me by Kay Spillane

I felt broken. I felt I wasn’t good enough as I was. I was plagued by insecurities and self-doubt. Fear had me in chains, and deprived me of peace. I practised yoga and meditation, tai-chi and therapies. I thought the Eastern religions had what I needed. I learned of the law of attraction, of affirmations, and I put these things into practice. Nothing sustained me; none of it gave me wholeness. It was at the ruin of my second, toxic relationship that I gasped out to God: “I can’t do this on my own! Why am I going around in loops? Help me!” Following my usual practice of searching for New Age teachers on YouTube, I instead came across a Christian preacher. I knew that what I was hearing was the truth. After this introduction to the love and the grace of Jesus Christ, and after watching a number of these videos, I fell to my knees right there and then, on my living room floor, and I invited Jesus and His Holy Spirit into my heart. A thirst to know God, to walk with Him forever, began within me, and the Holy Spirit has been transforming my life ever since. The day I was baptised was one of the happiest days of my life. As I was submerged in the water, something indescribable happened within me, as I reinforced Jesus at the centre of my life. Since I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, the constant searching


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019

has ceased. I have a powerful, overwhelming desire to know God and strengthen my relationship with Jesus. I began reading the Word. I love it, and there are so many verses I adore, especially ‘I sought the Lord, and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears’ (Psalm 34:4). He heard me, delivered me, and I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. Realising that God is Love, that I am forgiven, and that I am covered by what the Father sacrificed for me at the Cross (His Son), has given me the confidence to trust in daily prayer, and to talk with Jesus as if I were talking to my closest friend. I am in continuous communication with God - in more ways than one. 
 The first area the Holy Spirit touched in me was my unforgiving attitude. He helped me to release the grudges I held. I have been healed in that area, and I am changed through the Father’s love. Though difficult, I have learned to trust God’s love and the Holy Spirit to help me through. 
 My children are a gift to me, and they belong to Jesus. I know it is my responsibility to teach them and to set them on the path of the Lord. My youngest daughter recently made the decision to be baptised, and she said: “I want everybody to know I love Jesus.” 
 My relationship with my family has been completely transformed. From often fighting and spending long periods of time without speaking, I am determined to see each member of my family as a beloved child of God, and to be thankful for each of them. As I grow in my relationship with Him, I plan to glorify His Name and share the Gospel with whomever He has given to me to do so.”


How “Be content with what you have” may not mean what you think!


his statement is quoted to help us from falling into sin. Problem is, God blessed us with talent and that talent generates wealth. So when God says “Be content with what you have”, is He saying be content with your present economic condition, ignoring your God-given talents? Whatever you think this statement means, it was definitely NOT meant to curb your ambitions. Be prepared to update and reset your understanding. Be encouraged. Be content with what you have… In the flesh, this has been interpreted in economic terms: to be happy with the little or the much you have. And, on the surface, without poking that understanding, it may come across as God telling us to be content with our economic plight. Problem is, God doesn’t exist in the flesh; He speaks from and in the Spirit, where there is no poverty. Be content with what you have… In the Spirit means something completely different to in the flesh. What do you ‘have’ in the Spirit? You have the practical gifts and talents God has blessed you with. Do you have blessings that follow you because you are a son and daughter of the living God? Do you have the protection of God? Do you have the fullness of life that is found in Jesus the Christ? You ‘have’ promises and fullness declared over your life. Need I to continue?

Unfortunately, many pastors and teachers teach a false, literal ‘flesh’ interpretation, and not the spiritual intention of our God. They encourage people to remain in economic poverty. In the face of literal examples of God taking people out of poverty… the widow and the oil, does that ring a bell? (2 Kings 4:1-7). If we apply the literal ‘flesh’ interpretations to Joseph when imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit, should he be ‘content’ to remain in prison? God spoke promises over Joseph’s life, which he should not be content with until they are fulfilled. The interpretation that is spreading in the Church is a lie from the enemy. Let us stop repeating it. Imagine God said we shouldn’t worry; He clothes the birds of the air. How much more would He clothe us? A promise. These are spiritual promises God has made about our physical lives. So what should our response be? Let’s reset and update our understanding. God speaks in the Spirit. Always. Because He only exists in spirit. Confirmed by Jesus, who said that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Add those two together. We live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, so be content with what you have [in God]: the words and promises declared over you because of your spiritual identity.

So, when God says be content with what you have, IN HIM this actually requires us to understand the riches we have in Christ, so that we will see how futile loving money or all the riches of this world is. Love the One who is the unlimited Source of all your potential!

What amazing revelation!

God understands the sinful human condition, and understands the pride associated with ideas about the accumulation of wealth. God understands that hard work brings rewards, and He understands that the sinful human condition will claim all the recognition and want all the glory for those achievements - forgetting that it is the Lord who blesses and enables us to achieve legacies.

So... you should definitely be content with what you have with what God has given to you, that is what you have. Forget about what you have physically; all physical things will pass. What will live forever is the Word of God over your life into eternity.

God has provided everything you and I need to sustain our lives on earth and in eternity. We actually have nothing to worry about - unless we choose to go it alone.

Be encouraged.

God has NEVER intended for us to be content with economic poverty as a means to salvation. Fact. God is talking about who we put our faith and trust in, when experiencing wealth or poverty; namely, that we do not put our trust in the love of things and money.

Roy McEwen Praying.Works

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019



PRAYER centre #

A woman called the Prayer Centre for peace of mind and the grace to let go of bitterness in her heart toward those who have been manipulating her and taking her money. She called back to say she has been able to forgive, and now enjoys the peace of God.


A mother has been praying through the prayer line for her son in New Zealand to be registered as a citizen. To the glory of God, her prayers were answered.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019

Here are just a selection of the testimonies received at the Prayer Centre. Please contact Tom Ibrahim or Rudy Brann on 020 8799 2199, if you would like to be involved in this important ministry.


A sister called the Prayer Centre, as she was seeking a higher position at work. To the glory of God, she was given a manager’s position she had been praying about.


A rogue removal company had fraudulently taken £1050 from this caller, as they didn’t turn up to move her on the agreed date and refused to refund her the money. She reported the matter to the bank and she was told to allow two weeks for investigation. After calling the Prayer Centre, within only a couple of days, the money was credited into her account. She shared this testimony with a taxi driver, who eventually accepted tracts from her. She gives God thanks for His intervention.


May 2019

hurch history records that Mark worked with Peter, acting as his interpreter when Peter was preaching. It is thought therefore that much of what Mark wrote in his gospel was actually a summary of what Peter would preach as he travelled, recalling the things he had seen Jesus do and say. When Peter ends his first letter, he sends greetings to those he is writing to, from “... my son, Mark” - not his literal son but spiritual son - who was with him at that time and clearly dear to Peter. Mark’s gospel was originally written to non-Jews, those who would have little or no knowledge or understanding of the Old Testament. So, unlike Matthew, who was writing specifically for Jews and so makes frequent references to Old Testament prophecies, Mark does not start with the birth stories of Jesus, or make any references to the Old Testament, but concentrates on all the things that Jesus did. His gospel starts with the beginning of Jesus’ ministry when He is about 30, and is a very fast-moving account of His busy life on the move, teaching and performing miracles as He travels around. Mark relates more of the miracles of Jesus than any of the other gospel writers, as he demonstrates how the power of the Kingdom of heaven has now invaded this fallen world in the Person of Jesus, who starts to undo the effects of a fallen, sinful world. So He moves from casting out demons (even if there are a legion of them), thereby demonstrating He has power over the evil spirits He has defeated, to healing the sick, showing His power over all diseases and ailments. He feeds the 5,000 and walks on water, demonstrating His power extends to supernatural, creative acts and doing what, in man’s case, is impossible. Over a third of Mark’s gospel is devoted to the greatest act of Jesus as He then fulfils what He foretold, namely His resurrection from the dead after His crucifixion, showing He has defeated man’s ultimate enemy: death, and the sin which leads to it. And having demonstrated how a human being can move in the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit, Mark concludes by recording Jesus’ instructions to His Church to go and do likewise. The Church is to preach the Gospel using the power that Jesus has delegated to it, to see accompanying signs of healing, deliverance and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. As we pray through these prayer points this month, we are asking God to enable us to do just that, and so be effective and fruitful in our service for Him.


Mark 1:21-28 Authority over evil spirits 1. Lord, help Your church to understand the power and authority You have invested in us, so that we overcome every attack of the enemy. 2. Give us the wisdom to discern when the enemy is at work among us, and the boldness to rebuke every such attack, O Lord. 3. Break every chain that the enemy may have around individual believers in our midst, and enable us to set them free in Jesus’ Name. 4. Give us the discernment to know when individual believers need the ministry of deliverance, and the wisdom to use the authority Christ has given to us, to set them free. 5. We take authority over every demonic power that seeks to come against the church, and rebuke every attack in Jesus’ Name. Mark 1:29-32 Healing 1. Give us the understanding to realise You have already given us Your authority to heal the sick, Lord Jesus, and give us the boldness to use it.


2. Lord, we ask that You would give us the mindset which is able to believe that we will see people healed when we pray for them. 3. We pray for an ever-increasing number of healings in our services. 4. We pray for an increasing number of healings in our Discipleship Cell meetings. 5. Lord, we pray that we will see more and more people healed on the streets. Mark 1:40-45 Be clean 1. Give us clean hands and pure hearts before You, O Lord. 2. Lord, help us to control every thought that passes through our mind, so that the devil does not obtain a foothold. 3. Whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and whatever is admirable and praiseworthy, cause us to think on those things, O God. 4. May our attitudes and intentions always pass the test of scrutiny by the Holy Spirit, we pray. 5. Lord, we thank You that, as we sincerely confess our sins, You are


faithful and just and will forgive us our sins, and purify us from all unrighteousness. Mark 2:1-2 Preaching to the public 1. Lord, give us a passion to share the Gospel with anyone we have the opportunity to do so. 2. Give us opportunities to be able to share the Good News about Jesus to individuals and to crowds, O God. 3. Give each believer the vision to see that serving Jesus is to take place outside of the church building far more than inside it, and motivate us to so, O Lord. 4. Raise up from amongst us more and more men and women of all ages with the anointing to speak Your Word in all kinds of public places, we pray. 5. Remove any fear or intimidation about speaking out for You, Lord Jesus, no matter where we happen to be. Mark 2:3-7 Sins forgiven 1. Lord, help us to guard our thoughts, deeds and motives of


Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth


Jesus’ miracles and healings in the Gospel of Mark


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019



heart against anything that is not of God, and forgive us when we have failed to do so. 2. As we pray for those we know who are backsliding, arrest them by Your Spirit and draw them back to Yourself, O Lord. 3. As we pray for all those we know, who once attended church regularly but who have now backslidden, restore them to vibrant fellowship, O God. 4. Forgive Your church in this land, O God, for having been too silent for too long when we should have been vocal in making the Gospel message heard. 5. Forgive the sins of our nation, O Lord, and cause the people of this land to turn to You once again, we pray. Mark 2:8-12 Amazed by the presence of God 1. Lord, move our hearts to spend more time in Your presence, so that we may be filled to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit. 2. Lord, may Your presence fill Your church, so that whenever unbelievers come into our midst they are convicted by the Spirit of God and desire to be saved. 3. Lord, do amazing miracles in our midst, we pray. 4. We pray for Your ‘shekinah’ glory to fill Your church and for the manifest presence of God to be seen, which radically changes our lives permanently. 5. Holy Spirit, we ask that You would move powerfully amongst us and send a revival in our midst that will change us, our church, our community and our nation. Mark 3:1-6 Dealing with opponents 1. Give us nerves of steel in dealing with every attack against us simply because we belong to Christ, and give us the courage to stand up to unjust criticism, we pray. 2. Help us never to be men-pleasers but only to be God-pleasers, we pray. 3. Give us the wisdom with the words we speak to those who oppose us, and the grace with the manner in which we respond to them, O Lord. 4. Enable us to be meek in the face of difficult people and situations, O God, and never to be weak, but rather to overcome through the strength of the Lord. 5. Let our actions speak as loud

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as our words so that, although people may not agree with us, they have to respect the values of Christ by which we live. Mark 5:1-5 In the devil’s grip 1. We pray You would help all those we know, who are in bondage to drugs, to cry to You and be set free, Lord Jesus. 2. For all those we know, who are addicted to cigarettes and are unable to break free, show them the power of Christ, who can deliver them from all bondages, we pray. 3. For those we know who are addicted to gambling in any of its forms, set them free, we pray. 4. As we pray for those who are addicted to pornography, cause their minds to break free from its grip, O Lord. 5. As we pray for those we know who are addicted to alcohol, may they find that the desire for the new wine of the Holy Spirit replaces that bondage, O Lord. Mark 5:6-8 Calling out to Jesus 1. Lord, cause us to learn how to call on You at all moments of the day, to guide us in every activity we are involved in. 2. Lord, teach us to turn to You as the first course of action, and not simply to come to You as a last resort. 3. For those amongst us, who do not know what God wants them to do with their lives at this time, speak to them, Holy Spirit, as they wait upon You for direction. 4. Help us to use the faith we already have to call out to You, Lord Jesus, believing in prayer for all those situations we need Your help with. 5. For those we are praying for, who do not yet know Christ as their personal Saviour, Holy Spirit, we ask You to cause them to call out to God to save them. Mark 5:9-13 The authority of Jesus 1. As we thank You, Lord Jesus, that all authority is given to You, help us to use boldly Your authority that You have delegated to us to use in Your Name. 2. When we feel oppressed by the powers of darkness, cause us to effectively use the authority of the Name of Jesus to rebuke every attack, we pray.


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3. Enable us to use effectively Your authority to heal the sick, Lord Jesus. 4. As we put on our spiritual armour, may the shield of our faith always extinguish every fiery arrow of the enemy sent against us, we pray. 5. Help us to use Your authority to effectively see the demonised set free, Lord Jesus. Mark 5:14-20 Go and tell what God has done 1. As we thank You for every testimony we have of what You have done in our lives, may we not remain silent, but share our testimonies for Your glory. 2. We thank You for saving us, and we pray for opportunities to tell others of what Jesus means to us. 3. We thank You for every healing testimony, and pray for opportunities for such testimonies to be regularly shared in church to encourage the faith of others. 4. We thank You for every answer to prayer in the area of provisions, and pray for opportunities to share God’s goodness in this way. 5. Holy Spirit, give us the right words to speak at the right time, to the right people, about all You have done for us. Mark 5:21-24 Faith for miracles 1. Help us to walk by faith and not by sight, Lord Jesus. 2. Enable us to keep our eyes fixed, not on our problems, O Lord, but on You, the Almighty God. 3. We pray that we may see the gift of miracles operating in our midst more and more. 4. We pray that we may see the gift of faith operating amongst us more and more. 5. Because we believe in You, O Lord, help us to believe for the impossible. Mark 5:25-29 Freedom from suffering 1. We pray that we may see an increasing number of sick people made whole by the touch of Jesus. 2. We pray that we may see an increasing number of people troubled by demons set free in Jesus’ Name. 3. We pray that we will see multitudes set free from sin and be born again in Jesus’ Name. 4. We pray that we may see many in bondages of all kinds be set free by the touch of Jesus. 5. We pray that we may see Your church having a great impact in the communities in which we live and work, turning many people to Christ.





April 2019

esus left His instructions to His Church to go into all the world; preach the Gospel with signs and wonders following; baptising and making disciples of all nations. How the dying world needs to hear today the Good News about Jesus, and to see and experience His supernatural power - first in being ‘born again’, as John records Jesus telling Nicodemas, and then in being filled with and directed by the Holy Spirit in all areas of our lives. John tells us quite specifically that he wrote his gospel “…that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that by believing you may have life in His Name” (John 20:31). And so the goal of his book is to point people to Jesus by demonstrating that this was no ordinary prophet. Rather, Jesus was the eternal Son of God, the living Word, who was Creator of the world He had now come to live in, in human form. John declares he was a living witness of all that Jesus said and did during His ministry here on earth. Therefore what he writes is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Therefore, he is saying, read and believe, so you may receive the fullness of the eternal life that Jesus came to bring. There were so many things Jesus did, that John ends his gospel with the words: “If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have enough room for the books that would be written.” So he carefully selects just some of Jesus’ miracles, each of which points to a different aspect of the unique greatness of Jesus. After the first sign of turning the water into wine began the demonstration of His glory, which caused His disciples to put their faith in Him. John then selects a miracle that demonstrate Jesus’ power could extend anywhere, as He heals the official’s son in John Chapter four. No case is hopeless, as is seen when Jesus heals a man crippled for 38 years in Chapter 5. Jesus is Lord over the laws of physics - by feeding the 5,000 and by walking on water in Chapter six. His healing of the man blind from birth leads to His declaration that He is the Light of the World, able to bring not just mere physical sight, but also spiritual sight and light to the world. And, in raising Lazarus from the dead in Chapter eleven, Jesus could demonstrate that He is the Resurrection and the Life. These miracles - or ‘signs’ as John calls them - point to the truth and reality of who Jesus is. As we pray this month, we are asking God to quicken us to be ones who point others to Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit.


John 2:1-4 God’s new wine 1. Lord, give us today more of the new wine of Your Holy Spirit. 2. Holy Spirit, refresh us in mind, body, soul and spirit, so that we become radically changed and on fire for God continually. 3. Come, Holy Spirit, and take over our lives and our church with a new move of Your sovereign power. 4. We pray for a fresh visitation of You, Holy Spirit, to our church in power, and we ask You to inhabit the fellowship of Your people. 5. Send revival in our midst, O Lord, and may it spread like fire to all around us. John 2:5 Doing what Jesus tells us 1.Lord, teach us to be obedient to all that Your Word instructs us, simply because we love You. 2.Teach us how to wait upon You, O Lord, so that we may effectively hear the voice of the Holy Spirit guiding us in all we do. 3.Lord, give us the faith to be willing to obey Your will, even when we do not fully understand all that You are doing.


4.Holy Spirit, help us to learn how to distinguish Your voice from our own thoughts and desires, so that we may be certain we are following the leading of the Lord. 5.May our morning prayer each day be: “Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening.” John 2:6-8 Filled to the brim 1.Move us to earnestly seek You so that we can be ‘filled to the brim’ with You, Holy Spirit. 2.For those of us, who may be feeling spiritually dry at this time, motivate us to come aside into Your presence, O Lord, to be refreshed by Your Spirit. 3. As we wait on You daily, O Lord, cause us to keep being filled with Your Spirit, so that out of the overflow we can minister into the lives of others. 4. Holy Spirit, help us to allow You to continually work on our character development, so that we may demonstrate more and more the character of Christ. 5. Help us never to be satisfied with the spiritual experience we have now, O Lord, but always to be hungering for more of You.




John 2:9-11 Only the best 1.Lord, since You always do things to the standard of excellence, help us always aim to achieve a standard of excellence in whatever we do for You. 2.In all our daily activities in our places of work or study, help us always live to the best of our ability as ambassadors for the King of kings. 3.May our roles as sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, husbands and wives always be lived out in such a way that we are seeking to excel in these roles, O Lord. 4.In our places of work, help us, O Lord, to do all our work as though we are working for You, Lord Jesus, and so excel in all we do. 5.In our service, our ministries and our giving to You, O Lord, may we not hold back but always seek to give You the best we can. John 4:43-47 Remembering all Jesus has done 1.Lord, cause us never to forget that we are saved by Your grace alone, and that our lives should be lived out in a way that constantly reflects that grace.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth


POINTING PEOPLE TO JESUS Jesus’ miracles and healings in the Gospel of John



2.When we pass through times of doubts for whatever reason, help us to recall what You have done for us in the past, and so be encouraged to believe for the future. 3.Give us the opportunities to share our testimonies of all You have done for us to others who do not yet know You, and so see them saved. 4.Help us to grow and mature such that every time we see You do something in our lives, O Lord, it becomes the springboard to believe for even greater things next time. 5.Make us a grateful people, O Lord, who never forget Your involvement in our lives, but can rejoice even when we are experiencing times of trial. John 4:48-50 Taking Jesus at His Word 1. We pray that signs and wonders will always follow the preaching of Your Word. 2. Lord, give us the simple faith to believe Your Word and, as a consequence, see many significant answers to prayer. 3. Lord, give us the confidence to pray for the sick and see them healed in Jesus’ Name. 4. Lord, we believe, but help us in those moments when we are tempted to doubt. 5. Speak to us, Holy Spirit, through Your Word; may we use it as the living sword that You intend it to be. John 4:51-54 All his household believed 1.As we pray for all members of our immediate family, who have not yet come to faith in Christ, save them, O Lord. 2.We bring before You all the unsaved husbands of the women in the church, asking that You touch their hearts, causing them to give their lives to Christ. 3.As we pray for all the children of believers in the church, who have not yet given their lives to Christ, help these parents see their children come to Christ. 4.For the unsaved parents of those in the church, cause them to give their lives to Christ, we pray. 5.For any wives of husbands in the church, who do not yet know the Lord as their personal Saviour, touch their hearts and cause them to be saved, O Lord. John 5:1-6 Long-term sickness 1.Lord, for all Your people we know, who are suffering long-term sicknesses, help them in their time of need,



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and may they be conscious of Your presence near them. 2.We pray that in all our healing meetings we would see an ever-increasing release of faith and power to see longterm sicknesses healed. 3.We pray for a faith that will see creative miracles of healing for those who need them. 4.We pray that we would regularly see people getting out of wheelchairs and walking in Jesus’ Name. 5.We ask You, O God who can do all things, that the miraculous will continue to be normal in the life of the church. John 5:7-10 Legalism and an unbelieving heart 1.Lord, deliver us from an attitude of religious legalism that shows a lack of compassion to those in need. 2.Help us always to look at people through the eyes of Christ, and not only see the outward. 3.Draw us nearer to You each day, Lord Jesus, so that our relationship with You may continually be growing stronger and deeper. 4.Quicken our faith, so that we not only have compassion for those in need but the desire to meet their needs also, 5. Make us people who are not merely ‘Sunday Christians’, but people who live for You seven days a week. John 5:11- 15 Sharing our testimonies 1.Enable us to see Your hand in the everyday aspects of our lives, O Lord, and to remember to give You thanks and glory each day. 2.Give us opportunities each day to be able to tell something of what You have done for us or what You mean to us. 3.Cause our lifestyles, in all that we do, to continue to be a silent, but eloquent witness to the reality of Christ within us. 4.Help us to be examples, guides and mentors to others who are able to see Christ within us. 5.Remove any spirit of timidity within us and, instead, give us a Holy Spirit boldness to share the Good News about Jesus. John 6:1-4 Miracles attract a crowd 1.Lord, we thank You for every answer to prayer we have seen, and pray for miracles to be increasingly commonplace amongst us. 2.Since miracles confirm the truth of the Word of God, and thus are a means by which people can be saved, help us to believe for constant confirmation in this way.

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3.Make us a people whose hearts are so in tune with You, O God, that You are easily able to work amongst us in power. 4.Cause there to be a total unity of heart, mind and spirit amongst us as Your people, so that You, Holy Spirit, may flow as freely among us. 5.Rise up in our midst, O Lord, and let Your presence be evident to all, as You draw all people unto Yourself. John 6:5-9 Feeding the people 1.Lord, cause us Your people to always be overcomers, so we can be in a position of strength and thus able to minister effectively to others. 2.Bless Your people, O Lord, so that out of what we have, we can give generously, as You direct us. 3.We pray that You will bless and provide for all those of Your people who are seeking jobs, so that we can always be in a position to give. 4.Bless the businesses of those in the church, so that they provide jobs for others and also be a witness of Your hand on those who serve You. 5.Guide and lead us, Holy Spirit, to those You would have us help financially, and may we be obedient to Your promptings. John 6:10-13 Good stewardship of our resources 1.Help us to appreciate all that You have blessed us with, O God, and may we always be a thankful people. 2.Cause us to remember to seek Your guidance, O Lord, when we have to make financial decisions, so that we may make them with wisdom. 3.Teach us the need to give generously to Your work, O Lord, in tithes and offerings, not holding back out of a false sense of economy. 4.Give us the wisdom not to waste the resources You give us, so that what we have will stretch much further and be more effective. 5.May we never forget Your words, Lord Jesus, that it is more blessed to give than receive. John 6:14-15 Resisting the desire to manipulate God 1.When we come to You in prayer, keep us from the temptation of telling You what You should do, rather than seeking Your perfect will for every situation. 2.In every area of our lives, heavenly Father, may it not be our will, but Your will that is done. 3.Give us the spiritual discernment to distinguish between prayers





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of darkness, and which are those allowed by You, O Lord, so we know exactly how to pray. 3. Cause us to be like Paul and Silas, whose joy in the Lord was such they could continue singing, even though they had been beaten and put in prison. 4. Teach us the secret of always looking, not at our problems or trials, but to You, O Lord, as the One who is able to deliver us from them all. 5. In my life, Lord, be glorified today. John 9:4-5 Time to work for Jesus 1. Whilst it is ‘day’ and we still have the opportunity, help us always to make the most of the time we have now to bring glory to God. 2. Lord, as we commit this day into Your hands, may we achieve this day all that You desire us to do. 3. Since You have called each of us to serve You according to our own unique circumstances and in our unique way, help us to wait on You to understand fully all You would have us to do. 4. Help us stay focused on the most important thing in life, which is to be Your ambassadors, not wasting our time and opportunities in a frivolous way or on frivolous things. 5. Cause us to start each day by asking You: “What would You have me do for You today, Lord?” Isaiah 52:13-53:6 Good Friday 1. Thank You, Jesus, that You came to this earth not to be served but to serve and give Your life as a ransom for many. 2. We thank You, Lord, that You were willing to suffer the rejection of those You had come to save, so that we would not be rejected by God. 3. We praise You that You took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, and were willingly afflicted by God to save us from our sins. 4. We thank You, Lord Jesus, that the punishment that brought us peace was borne by You on our behalf. 5. We are forever grateful that our iniquity was carried by You and now, as far as the east is from the west, so far are our transgressions removed from us. Isaiah 53:7-12 The Suffering Saviour 1. Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You were willing to come to save us, even though You knew in advance everything You would have to suffer. 2. Lord, at the Cross, ‘We may not know, we cannot tell what pain You had to




bear, but we believe it was for us You hung and suffered there.’ 3. We are grateful that, through the Cross, we have been justified, declared ‘not guilty’ by God because of what You have accomplished for us. 4. Thank You that Your sacrifice was for men and women from every nation. 5. We give You praise, honour and glory for who You are and what You have done for us, and for everything You will do in the future. Mark 16:1-20 He is Alive! 1. Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You broke the power of sin, death and the devil, and overcame by Your resurrection from the dead. 2. As we thank You for the authority You have entrusted to Your Church, may we take up full the challenge of the ‘Great Commission’. 3. Help us to use Your authority to see signs and wonders following the preaching of Your Word, as a lifestyle. 4. Give us the boldness to pray for the sick in any and every situation that You lead us. 5. Release amongst us the outpouring of Your Spirit and every spiritual gift that can be used effectively in evangelism. John 9:6-7 Going where we are sent by Jesus 1. As You have commissioned each of us to go and spread the Good News of Christ, dispel any traits of disobedience in us, we pray. 2. Give us the courage we need to be obedient to Your promptings, O Lord, remembering that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. 3. We pray that those among us, who You are calling to specific ministries, but who are ignoring or resisting Your call; help them to be obedient. 4. We pray You would prosper the work of our missionaries who are serving overseas, and make their labours fruitful for Your Kingdom. 5. Give the joy of seeing fruit for their labours and people giving their lives to Christ to all those who go out on the streets each week to evangelise. John 9:8-12 Now I see 1. Lord, open our eyes to the fullness of all we can achieve as individuals in this lifetime, with the presence of the Holy Spirit within us. 2. Cause us to understand the potential inside each one of us, because we have the Holy Spirit within us; and give us the faith to ask and believe for great things from You.



Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

motivated by selfish desires, and prayers prompted by Your Holy Spirit, we pray. 4.Holy Spirit, reveal to us as individuals, Your plans and purposes for each part of our lives, so that we can always pray in line with the will of God. 5.Place on our hearts those things You would have us intercede about before You, the things You want to do in answer to godly prayer, O Lord. John 6:16-17 When situations seem dark 1. We bring our nation before You, O Lord, and pray that You would lift the darkness of the evil spiritual forces that are at work in these lands. 2. We come against the spirits of lawlessness and selfishness at work in our nation, and bind them in Jesus’ Name. 3. We come against the spirits of unbelief and the spirits of antichrist at work in our nation, and bind them in Jesus’ Name. 4. We come against every spirit of immorality that is at work in our homes, schools, colleges, places of work and in society generally, and bind them in Jesus’ Name. 5. We come against the spirits of religion that would blind the eyes of those seeking a true relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and bind them in Jesus’ Name. John 6:18-21 Overcoming fear 1. Lord, when circumstances we do not understand are raging around us, help us to remember You will never leave us nor forsake us in any situation. 2. For those of us, who are facing very difficult situations in their workplace, we pray for a breakthrough that will bring blessing instead of anxiety. 3. For those of us, who are troubled by family situations, we pray that You would hear the cries of Your children and bring a resolution. 4. As we pray for those among us troubled by financial concerns, give each one wisdom in handling their finances and a breakthrough where one is needed. 5. For those we know, who are troubled by unnecessary or unnatural fears and anxieties, bring them to a place of deliverance and of knowing the peace of God. John 9:1-3 Our lives to glorify God 1. Cause us to remember, O Lord, that You can be glorified in our lives through trials as well as through blessings. 2. Teach us to discern which difficulties in our lives are sent by the powers


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3. Help us to understand that we are capable of operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and give us the desire to do so, we pray. 4. Give us a fresh vision of Yourself, Lord Jesus, which will inspire us to reach the full potential in Christ that You have made possible for each one of us. 5. Give us the faith to see that which is not yet, as though it is, and the persistence to pray it into being, O Lord. John 11:1-4 Trusting God in times of trial 1. Lord, when things happen to us that we do not understand, help us to remember that You do understand, and help us to keep our faith in You. 2. Cause us to remember, O Lord, that how we handle our personal trials can be a powerful witness to those watching us who do not know You. 3. Cause us to remember that ‘desert’ experiences, if we react to them properly, are often the preparation for a new season of ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit. 4. Cause us also to remember, Lord, that trials are often the means You use to refine and deepen our faith, which brings glory to Jesus. 5. Bring us to the place, O Lord, where we can say with Job: “SThough HHe slay me yet will I trust Him.” John 11:5-10 Walking in the light 1. Lord, cause us to walk daily in the power and anointing of Your Holy Spirit. 2. In our daily activities at work, at home or in the community, may the presence of Jesus within us cause us to be astonished at people’s favourable reactions. 3. Give us the faith and courage to use the gifts of the Spirit each time You provide an opportunity for us to do so, O Lord. 4. In every evangelistic activity, whether outside or inside the church, cause us to see people hearing the Gospel, giving their lives to Christ and being added to the church. 5. We pray that we will hear more and more testimonies of the power of Christ manifested amongst us as the church rises up in the power of the Holy Spirit. John 11:11-16 Courage in times of adversity 1. Give us Your courage at all times, O Lord, so that we do not fear man. 2. Since the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, give us a healthy respect for You, O God, which will ensure we are not afraid of man. 3. As we wait on You, O Lord, draw us close to Yourself, so that we may know





April 2019 a fresh experience of Your perfect love, which casts out all fear. 4. Give us an increasing understanding of Your power and strength, O Lord, so that we know how Your presence in us enables us to triumph over every adversity. 5. Inspire us with David’s words when faced with overwhelming odds: “With Your help, I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.” John 11:17-19 Mutual encouragement 1. Cause us to understand always, O Lord, the ever-necessary and powerful ministry of encouragement that we should each be continually ministering to others. 2. Give us the grace to be able to desire the advancement of others before that of ourselves, and to rejoice when others are blessed. 3. Help us to see the strengths in one another, and to encourage the full potential of those strengths in our brothers and sisters. 4. Teach us the biblical principles of ‘body ministry’, which enables each of us to bring our own special giftings to the church for the good of all. 5. Help us to spot the signs when someone is feeling low, even if they are saying nothing, and to speak words of encouragement to them that will strengthen them. John 11:20-26 The Resurrection and the Life 1. Cause us to walk in the power of the resurrection life in Christ, overcoming everything that the Devil may seek to throw against us. 2. Give us a boldness in prayer and an anointing that regularly sees serious sicknesses disappearing from sufferers, as they experience the resurrection power of Jesus. 3. We pray the church of Jesus Christ across our land will start to rise up in the resurrection power of Jesus. 4. Cause the power of Jesus to be released through the churches to overcome the powers of darkness sweeping our nation, O God. 5. We pray that we will see astonishing miracles, even with the dead being raised in Jesus’ Name. John 11:27-35 Empathy 1. In a world where we can be very busy and focused on our own concerns, soften our hearts, O Lord, and enable us to see as You see. 2. Cause us to be able to feel for those around us who are suffering, O Lord, so that we can minister effectively to




GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019

them both in prayer and practically. 3. Give us eyes to see those who are hurting, and the desire to bring them to a freedom in Christ and to peace of mind. 4. May we not be too busy that we fail to see the needs of those You bring to us but give us the mind of Christ in each situation. 5. Bring to our attention those You would have us intercede for, O Lord, those for whom You know our prayers will make a difference. John 11:36-44 New life in Christ 1. Lord, give us the anointing to be continually seeing people from all backgrounds being led to a new life in Christ. 2. We pray for all new believers in our midst that You would help them to grow strong to become solid disciples of Christ. 3. For each one of us who is seeking the baptism in the Holy Spirit, as they wait upon You, O Lord, grant them a powerful life-equipping experience. 4. For those amongst us who are feeling spiritually weary or tired, refresh them and renew their spiritual life in Christ. 5. Help us never to stop growing spiritually, but rather to be continually hungering and thirsting after a deeper experience of You, O God.



May 2019 14 Mark 5:30-34



17 Mark 5:41-43

Trusted disciples 1. Cause us to be trustworthy disciples of Christ at all times, we pray. 2. Holy Spirit, we ask You to highlight in our lives all those areas that need to become more Christlike, and give us the grace to change. 3. May we be faithful in all we do, remembering that we do everything, not for ourselves or others only, but unto You, O Lord. 4. Whenever we say we will do something, O God, may we be faithful to our word. 5. May we not let other people down, O Lord, but may we each have a reputation for being trustworthy in all things. Mark 6:6-13 Preaching with signs following 1. When we speak the Word of God to unbelievers, we pray that we would see the greatest miracle, which is seeing them become born-again in Christ. 2. In our Discipleship Cell meetings, may there be an increase of signs and wonders as Your Word is spoken, O Lord. 3. In our Sunday services, we pray for an explosion of salvations and healing power. 4. We pray for many doors to open in answer to prayer as we minister to people who have all kinds of needs. 5. On the streets, may Your presence cause many signs and wonders to happen as Your people witness to the unsaved. Mark 6:30-37 Feed the people 1. Lord, make us observant to the needs of those around us, and sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit whenever we have the means to help. 2. Help us to love our neighbours as ourselves, O God. 3. We pray for the preaching in church, that at all times Your people would be fed spiritually from the Word of God, to equip them for daily service for Jesus. 4. We pray for our Discipleship Cell leaders, O Lord, that You would enable them to see their members growing in Christ. 5. We pray You would encourage all our teachers of the children and Youth, as they see spiritual growth at every age.



20 Mark 6:38

Giving Jesus what we have 1. Help us remember, O Lord, that all we have is given to us by You, so that we hold back nothing from You that can be used in service for You. 2. Lord, Your Word says that You are the One who enables us to create wealth, so give us generous hearts to give back to You from our money and material possessions. 3. Lord, as You have given each of us talents, help us not to bury them, but to use them for You, despite the extra effort it may entail. 4. Lord, one of the most precious things we have is our time, so help us to dedicate it wisely in our service to You. 5. For those who do not yet understand what talents You are calling them to use, reveal it to them, Holy Spirit, we pray. Mark 6:39-44 Multiplication 1. Multiply the number of churches in our nation, where the Word of God is preached without compromise, and preached in the power of the Holy spirit, we pray. 2. Multiply the number of born-again believers in our nation, O Lord. 3. Multiply the number of bornagain believers in positions of government, authority, and other places of influence in our nation, O God. 4. Multiply the number of bonagain believers in the Media and especially television, so they can bring a godly influence, we pray. 5. Multiply the number of people being saved and added to our church, O Lord. Mark 6:45-52 Understanding the power of Jesus 1. Open the understanding of our minds, O Lord, to be able to grasp the greatness of Your power. 2. Cause us to understand, in an increasingly deeper way, the authority You have already invested in us as individual believers, O Lord, and may we use it effectively. 3. Cause us to always remember, O Lord, that nothing is impossible for You. 4. Teach us to act on Your Word without doubt, even when it is beyond our natural understanding or reasoning, we pray.


Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

Go in peace 1. For those in the church who are troubled in mind because of various problems, help them know the peace of God, which passes all understanding, we pray. 2. Help us today to be able to speak the wisdom of God into the lives of those we mix with daily, who are troubled for whatever reason. 3. Lord, if there is any sin in our lives which is causing us to lose the peace of God, we confess it now and seek Your forgiveness. 4. Lord, if any amongst us lacks Your peace because of unforgiveness, we pray that You would help them release their resentment now, and so receive inner healing. 5. Whatever challenges lay before us right now, cause the closeness of our relationship with You to always enable us to face them with that inner peace of God. Mark 5:35-36 Don’t be afraid; just believe 1. Lord, in those times when we are prone to fear, help us look to You and overcome our fear. 2. Lord, help us to ignore the voices of those who say “It cannot be done” when we know that, as we trust in You, it can be done. 3. When situations look hopeless, help us to keep our eyes on the God who is able to bring hope to the hopeless. 4. Whatever fears or anxieties we may be facing at the moment, cause us to rise up in faith and declare that, through Christ, we can do all things. 5. Lord, help us to become so secure in You that Your perfect love for us and in us will drive out all fear in our lives. Mark 5:37-40 Dealing with mockers 1. Give us strength, O Lord, when we are mocked for our faith in Christ, and help us to be a testimony to Your grace. 2. For those amongst, who have difficulties in their workplace because they are followers of Jesus, give them Your grace in every situation. 3. Help us to return love and grace to those who mock our faith in Christ, and bring them a conviction, Holy Spirit, that will cause them to see the truth of what we believe. 4. When we are struggling with those who mock our faith in Christ, help us to remember, Lord Jesus, that the same happened even to You, the Son of God. 5. In all that happens to us, O Lord, we pray that You would always cause all things to work together for good, even if we cannot see how straightaway.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019



5. Lord, when You say Yes nobody can say No, so give us hearts full of belief, we pray. Mark 7:24-30 The rewards of persistent prayer 1. Lord, may adverse circumstances never blind us to seeing what You are able to do in any situation. 2. May the devil never cause us to be so discouraged that we give up praying for a situation. 3. Give us the determination be keep asking, seeking and knocking in prayer until we see the answer, O God. 4. Give us a spirit of intercession that will enable us to press onwards in prayer, no matter what may seek to discourage us. 5. As we trust in You with all our hearts, Lord, we pray that You would give to us every godly desire of our hearts. Mark 7:31-32 Bringing people to Jesus 1. We pray for our Discipleship Cells, that You would give each one the individual strategy they need to be able to bring people to Christ. 2. We pray for our street teams, that they would see increasing numbers giving their lives to Christ on the streets. 3. We pray for an increasing number of people being led by the Holy Spirit to come to our services, where they then get saved. 4. We pray for all our children in the Children’s ministries, that week by week the teachers will see them come to Christ. 5. We pray for all our youth, that week by week, we will see them giving their lives to Christ and becoming committed disciples. Mark 7:33-37 He has done all things well 1. Lord, we thank You for all that You have done in our lives. 2. Lord Jesus, we thank You for Your death and resurrection that enable us to have eternal life. 3. Help us to be like You, Lord Jesus, and in all we do, to do everything well. 4. We pray for all we do in our service for You, that You would help us develop our talents and become increasingly effective in what we do for You. 5. Help us, Holy Spirit, to develop our characters to become more Christlike, and in that area of our lives to seek to do all things well.


May 2019 8:1-3 9:14-23 29 Mark 26 Mark Ministering through compassion All things are possible for those 1 1. Touch our hearts and make them who believe






compassionate for others, O Lord. 2. Develop within us love, which is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. 3. Develop within us kindness and goodness, which are parts of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. 4. Develop patience and gentleness within us, which are parts of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, as we deal with others around us. 5. Help us to see others as You see them, Lord Jesus. Mark 8:4-10 An abundance with seven baskets left over 1. Lord, give us an abundance of people getting saved, so that we have to increase the number of our services. 2. We pray for an abundance of children and youth getting saved and becoming passionate followers of Christ. 3. We pray for an abundance of blessing in the areas of finance, which can be used for the growth of the work of God. 4. We pray for an abundance of people being baptised in the Holy Spirit and using the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 5. Lord, may the abundant harvest of souls that You send us enable us to plant many other growing churches. Mark 8:22-26 Seeing clearly 1. As we pray for Christians we know, who are living spiritually shallow lives, cause them to see the need to go deeper into the things of Christ. 2. As we pray for those believers we know who have backslidden, help them to see the danger they are putting themselves in, and cause them to rededicate their lives to You, O Lord. 3. For the believers we know, who have not got their priorities right and for whom living for Jesus is low on their list, open their eyes to what You desire of them, O Lord. 4. For those amongst us, who are seeking You for specific direction but who have not yet understood it, open their eyes to Your will, O God. 5. For those who attend our services but who still haven’t yet given their lives to Christ, open their spiritual eyes and cause them to be saved.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019

1. Lord, teach us to believe for the impossible. 2. We pray for all of us who have godly ambitions in jobs and professions, that You would enable us to see them fulfilled. 3. We pray for all who have godly ambitions in the way of businesses, that You would enable them to see those dreams fulfilled. 4. We pray for all those of us who have Spirit-led ambitions for all areas of ministries to serve God, that they would see those ambitions fulfilled. 5. Holy Spirit, give us great dreams to achieve and the anointing to achieve them in Christ. Mark 9:24-29 Prayer and fasting 1. Help us not to become negligent of the time we need to spend with You in prayer, O Lord. 2. Holy Spirit, draw Your people to the prayer meetings and, through them, let Your spiritual fire be let loose. 3. We pray that You would cause our prayer ministries to rise up to the place where they can continually pull down every spiritual stronghold of the enemy. 4. Give us the discipline to add days and seasons of fasting to our prayer, and may we see major doors unlocked as a consequence. 5. Cause us to be a people whose lives are grounded on the Word of God, prayer and fasting, O Lord. Mark 11:20-25 Believing prayer 1. Overcome the doubts of our minds, O Lord, so that we may believe. 2. Put a faith within our hearts that can see mountains moved, we pray. 3. Quicken the belief we already have within us, O God, and cause it to grow as we grow in Christ. 4. Open the eyes of our understanding to the power of the words we pray, and the great consequences that can flow from them. 5. Help us to remove from our hearts any unforgiveness that will hinder answers to prayer, we pray.






Call our confidential prayer line for ANY need 24 hours a day 7 days a week

020 8799 2199


REVIVAL PRAYER MEETINGS Monday to Friday Morning meetings 10.00am to 12.00pm - Annexe Room 2* EVENing meetings 6.00pm to 7.00pm - Foyer (*accessible from Northfields Avenue)



7.30pm to 9.15pm - Foyer


REVIVAL & HEALING MEETINGS Bring your family, friends & neighbours Second Sunday evening of every month at 6.30pm Sunday 14th April Sunday 12th May


For ECC attenders: Before coming for deliverance for the first time, please make an appointment to speak to Pastor Rajinder Saturday 20th April Saturday 18th May For non-ECC attenders: Please contact ELLEL MINISTRIES on 01252 794060

ALL-NIGHT PRAYER MEETINGS Last Friday of every month 10.00pm to 5.00am Come when you can! Friday 26th April Friday 31st May


EVANGELISM Every month, the Evangelism teams go to various towns across the borough of Ealing (and surrounding boroughs). Please see below for the locations for April.

Saturday 13th April All welcome 11am - 1pm Acton Brentford Chiswick Greenford Hammersmith Hanwell Harrow Hounslow Isleworth Northfields Northolt Shepherds Bush South Ealing Southall Wembley West Drayton West Ealing

Saturday 11th May


There will be a special TRAINING DAY for all Local Lighthouse evangelism teams. Guest speakers: Clive Thorne & Matthew Irvine Time: 9.30am to 1.30pm


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019



Note from the Treasurer

Godly wisdom on your giving


irstly, it is good to find Scriptures that support your giving; meditate on them and let them sink into your spirit, such as Malachi 3:10 and Luke 6:38. Secondly, know what is a ‘tithe’. Traditionally, the tithe is 10% of your gross income (the ‘firstfruits’), and whatever you give over and above that is your ‘offering’. It is much easier to decide in advance to set aside the tithe, before you’re tempted to spend it on anything else. This is how we honour God with our wealth (Proverbs 3: 9-10). Thirdly, never give into a dead work; it’s like watering a plant that has already died. When you give your tithe or offering, you should make sure you are sowing into good ground. What is ‘good ground’? Any place that is preaching the uncompromising Word of God is good ground. A place that is seen as religious, but is full of man-made traditions, is not good ground. Jesus told the Scribes and the Pharisees in Matthew 23:1-7: “They tie up heavy loads, hard to bear, and place them on men’s shoulders.” Your good ground needs to be the place that is teaching you the Word of God and ministering to God’s people (feeding the sheep). Lastly, be expectant, because we serve a God who is faithful to His promises. Genesis 8:22 says: ‘As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease’, so expect a harvest according to the same measure and attitude you have used in giving to God (2 Corinthians 9:6).

Sandra Dawodu

Please note that you can give to ECC through the website at or via mobile apps: Acct No 18844979 Sort Code 60 05 16



Sunday services Celebration service

9.00am to 10.45am

with classes for Children & Youth

Celebration service

11.15am to 1.00pm

with classes for Children & Youth

Japanese service

2.30pm to 4.30pm in Auditorium

Polish service

2.30pm to 4.30pm

Evening service

in Foyer

6.30pm to 8.00pm

See page 23 for details


Prayer meetings


10.00am & 6.00pm

Prayer meetings


10.00am & 7.30pm

Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Little Stars’ Parents & Tots Term-time only 10.00am to 12.00pm Wednesday Afternoon Fellowship 2.00pm to 3.30pm


Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Equippers: Life skills 7.00pm to 9.30pm


Registration required

Prayer meetings 10.00am & 6.00pm Equippers: Ministry skills 7.00pm to 9.30pm Registration required

All-night Prayer 10.00pm to 5.00am


Last Friday of the month

Local Lighthouse Evangelism 11.00am to 1.00pm


FOR YOUR FAITHFUL GIVING TO GOD’S WORK J AN 2019 FEB 2019 Tithes & Offerings £41,909.86 £38,421.44 Building Fund £2,965.10 £2,261.00 Standing Orders £35,065.12 £25,858.87

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019

WHAT WE BELIEVE 1. THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible, as originally given, to be without error, the fully inspired and infallible Word of God and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2. THE TRINITY: We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and co-eternally in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these Three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. 3. THE SAVIOUR: We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession and His second advent to receive His Church. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father and the Son and the necessity of His work in conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification, and that the believer is also promised an enduement of power as the gift of Christ through the baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs following. Through this enduement the believer is empowered for fuller participation in the ministry of the Church, its worship, evangelism and service. 5. MANKIND: We believe in the universal sinfulness of all mankind since the Fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation. 6. SALVATION: We believe in the necessity for salvation of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by which the sinner is pardoned and accepted as righteous in God's sight. This justification is imputed by the grace of God because of the atoning work of Christ, is received by faith alone and is evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit and a holy life. 7. THE CHURCH: We believe in the spiritual unity and the priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the universal Church, the Body of Christ. 8. THE MINISTRY: We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church, namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and in the present operation of the manifold Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the New Testament. 9. THE ORDINANCES: We believe in the baptism of believers in water in obedience to the command of Christ and the commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return. 10. THE COMMISSION: We believe that the Gospel embraces the needs of the whole man and that the Church is therefore commissioned to preach the Gospel to the world and to fulfil a ministry of healing and deliverance to the spiritual and physical needs of mankind. 11. THE COMING KING: We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory. 12. THE FUTURE STATE: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgment of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.


APRIL 2019

ECC streams its morning and some evening services live on YouTube. If you do not wish to be shown, please ask the ushers to seat you away from the cameras. Thank you.

9.00am & 11.15am


PRAISE & COMMUNION Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton



CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan

REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton


EASTER CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton

EASTER CELEBRATION with the ECC Community Choir


CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Mark King

HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan


Speaker: Joel Hampton An exciting night of song colour and food

MAY 2019

JOIN US FOR EASTER CELEBRATIONS AT ECC Good Friday service on Friday 19th April at 10.30am Resurrection Sunday celebrations on Sunday 21st April at 9am, 11.15am & 6.30pm


PRAISE & COMMUNION Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton

BAPTISMAL SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton


CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton

REVIVAL & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton


CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Jeremy Griffith, Australia

HOLY SPIRIT EVENING Speaker: Pastor Alex Morgan


CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton

AFRICAN EVENING Gospel celebration - in the ‘uniquely African way’

Elim Springs POLISH FELLOWSHIP Every Sunday @ 2:30pm In the FOYER


Every Sunday @ 2:30pm In the MAIN AUDITORIUM For details, please contact AOGU & CHISATO TATEYAMA

Spotlight on Forthcoming Events European Evening


Guest Speaker: Jeremy Griffith SUNDAY MORNING 19th MAY

African Evening

SUNDAY EVENING 26th MAY at 6.30pm GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019


ECC FAMILY NEWS Please email your Wedding, New Baby and other good news to SHARON GRANT at



Collections Donations will be received on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month. Please see guidelines on what to bring. If you or someone you know requires the Foodbank services, please contact Sharon Grant to discuss. Thank you.



EDNESDAY Afternoon Fellowship



3rd Lola Vassell with Pastor Bob 10th Pastor Bob with Dale Adebakin 17th Lola Vassell with Pastor Bob 24th EASTER BREAK - NO MEETING


1st Pastor Bob with Rudy Brann 8th Pastor Bob 15th Lola Vassell plus Prayer & Praise 22nd Pastor Bob 29th Lola Vassell with Pastor Bob

EVERGREENS Please contact Sharon for details of forthcoming events. Thank you.


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019

2pm - 6pm

Next ECC sessions take place on the following Saturdays: 27th April, 8th June 20th July, 31st August Please contact Sherine or Sharon via ECC church office for further information on how to get involved


A sweet friendship refreshes the soul


aling Churches Winter Night Shelter (ECWNS) is a charitable organisation, formed in 2011 to alleviate some of the problems of homelessness within the borough of Ealing. By forming a coalition with various churches, ECWNS sets out to provide a temporary respite for those in our community who would otherwise be sleeping rough during the coldest months of the year. Each night of the week, between November and March, a partner church opens their doors to provide a warm bed, hot meals and a hand of friendship. This coalition allows ECWNS the time it needs to secure more permanent accommodation for the clients, as well as working with various organisations to assist with employment and education. For the past three years, under the guidance of Sharon Grant and Pastor Mark King (for Home Missions), Ealing Christian Centre has had the privilege of being one of those churches, and has run the shelter for six consecutive Wednesdays from January to February. This has been facilitated almost entirely by faithful volunteers from both ECC and Elim Springs (Polish Church) - a few are pictured, right - giving up their time to arrange beds, cook, clean, befriend and even pray for people upon request. Society and the Media generally promote a rather clichéd notion of what ‘homelessness’ looks like but, after serving

It brought home to me the fact that we are all vulnerable in our own way, and the infrastructure of this world cannot always offer security

Proverbs 27:9

at the Winter Night Shelter, I can honestly say that these amazing people challenge every stereotype and preconceived idea anyone might hold. Amongst the clients, we had solicitors, teachers, construction specialists and medical professionals, who had been made homeless due to a variety of social and health-related circumstances. It brought home to me the fact that we are all vulnerable in our own way, and the infrastructure of this world cannot always offer security. Proverbs 27:1 says: ‘Don’t brag about tomorrow, since you don’t know what the day will bring.’ Our ultimate security is found in Christ; His love for mankind is the light within us that brings hope to those around us. On our final night for 2019, ECC received many votes of thanks and heartfelt gratitude for the love and hospitality shown. There were mutual tears from both clients and volunteers, as we said Goodbye to our new friends and prayed for one another. The feedback we have received from clients - and even volunteers - has been both inspirational and spiritually uplifting. Several clients have not only been to our Sunday services, but have also come to know the Lord, and we pray they continue their walk with Jesus wherever life may lead them. Over the duration of the shelter we built up a sincere rapport with those we were privileged to serve and, though we met as strangers, we parted as family.

by SHERINE de MEL GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019



Out of darkness...

into the light of Jesus by Dr Oseyi Ebewele


was raised in a Christian family, so I was taken to church many times - especially by my mother. During these times I heard the message of Christ’s love, His death, burial and resurrection. So as a child I gave my life to Jesus, believing in what He had done for me: He paid the penalty for my sins and has forgiven me all my sins. As a child I believed what I was told, but as a typical teenager I questioned several things: How could this Gospel message be true? How could something done by Someone in another country affect me in a different continent? How can I prove that I am saved? How is the Bible really true? Basically, I needed to try the Bible for myself to see if it was true. In 1997, I fell ill and told the Lord that, if my mum didn’t push me to take medication, I would believe Him for healing. Surprisingly, my brother was ill at the same time (I think we both had malaria then) and my mum forced my brother to take medication but

didn’t ask me to. I knew this was God. He had challenged me, so I stood on His Word and I was healed. After that, each time I was ill I asked Jesus to heal me when I needed it (1 Peter 2:24). Since then I haven’t taken medication – not even for a headache. I have shared my testimony of healing with others, and if they are sick and believe and we pray, they get healed. Although I was brought up in a Christian family, my parents were not originally Christians. My maternal grandparents came to Christ earlier than my paternal ones. My village is known to operate with the kingdom of darkness, and where I came from witchcraft was so real and it worked on people negatively. People were afraid of dying because those who operated in the kingdom of darkness would throw a spell of death on them. There were people who had definitely been killed by individuals practising witchcraft.

Sons have great value in my culture, as they carry the family name, and my paternal grandad had seven wives. My

I also came to understand that if God speaks, then He must be a personal God, who wants a relationship with us and who treats us with love 26

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019

grandmother had three sons. The first died, later the second (my dad) died, and then some Christians prayed, as they recognised the third son was the next target. He got sick but didn’t die. The first grandson became severely ill, but didn’t die after several prayers were made. I was the next. Of course, I knew they would want to come for me, but it was too late. By this time I already knew Christ as my Saviour and believed in His Word, so nothing happened! Jesus’ words are true ... and they work. I often questioned how the world came about. If it was a ‘big bang’ from gases, then where did the gases come from? There must be an origin. There is no design without a designer. The Bible had prophesied many things before they actually happened. I also came to understand that if God speaks, then He must be a personal God who wants a relationship with us and who treats us with love - not like robots – because He has given us free will to choose between right or wrong. I came to know that God is far above everything, and that He is the God of the whole universe, who desires for us to know Him personally. The important thing is, I have come to know this awesome God personally. I made the choice to give my life to Jesus, and now I know Him - and His power - personally.



y friend, Almas, had recently accepted Jesus as her Lord and Saviour, and invited me to come to ECC with her. I didn’t know at the time that this simple invitation would change my life forever.

God’s presence healed me of sciatica back problem by Paul Ware

I was very nervous, and didn’t have any idea what to expect, but I was greeted by Edgar, an usher, who made me feel very welcome, and I felt a sense of belonging. During the service I even became emotional, but still felt at ease. The pastor invited people, who wanted to give their lives to Christ, to come to the front. I felt very shy and out of place, but Edgar, who I now considered as a brother, came over to me and offered his support, and my fear instantly left me.

also didn’t like taking as it didn’t work for me. Someone would have to help me to get out of bed; I even needed help going to the toilet. I struggled in this condition for 14 long years, and wasn’t able to stand for long periods of time. Almas had invited me to church, but I had to sit down after a while. I felt terrible about that. She again invited me to the Revival and Healing service one evening, and to be completely honest, I was quite skeptical, and wasn’t expecting anything to happen. But, as I was listening to the ministry and people were invited to come forward for healing, I felt my left leg go heavy - a feeling I had never felt before. Then both my shoulders started to ache. Afterwards, I went forward and sat in one of the chairs to be prayed for, and the Ministry team measured my arms and legs, which were all the same length. I learned that usually, with back problems, the legs can be out of alignment, causing the nerves to be trapped, which leads to the pain.

I found myself at the front of the auditorium, where someone stood right next to me and prayed for me. I’ve never felt that much love from a complete stranger before, and I then realised that this church was for me. I gave my life to Jesus, accepting Him into my life as Lord and Saviour. My desire now is to get to know Him more and to live a changed life for Him. I have had a back problem for 14 years. My job was to fit locks in prison, and they were truly heavy locks. That was when my problem started. I was driven to self-medicate because there was no cure. I often had periods where I had to take weeks off work, and lay in bed feeling paralysed. I didn’t really go to the doctors, especially when all they could offer me was medication, which I

After they prayed for me, I got up and noticed my back felt different. I realised that my healing had already begun when the presence of God came on me - just as the ministry time started - hence the heavy feeling in my leg and the strange feeling in my shoulders. Now I am able to stand throughout the whole service on Sundays, and my back has never felt better! After years of pain and difficulty I can move and do things I couldn’t do before. I thank God for healing me from years of longstanding pain.

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019



WHEN MEN PRAY The MPower Call to Prayer


The atmosphere in any room becomes electric when men gather together to pray and seek God’s face

his was most definitely the case when men from all over the country gathered together at ECC for the MPower Call to Prayer. It has been a tremendous honour for the men of ECC to be spearheading prayer for the men in the Elim movement. For the last year, different men have been writing and producing a prayer diary, which has been helping men to engage with prayer. The year-long journey we have been on culminated with the Call to Prayer on Saturday 16th February. From the moment the first group of men walked into the building, there was an expectation that God was about to do something special in the hours that were to follow. As soon as worship began, the men in the room began to cry out to God. It was like a rally cry that came out of the innermost being of all the men who were in attendance. James Aladiran (pictured above right), from Prayer Storm, brought the Word of God to us, and as God began to speak, the men began to weep. They began to weep in repentance and cry out for the nation. Something special happened on that Saturday morning that will stay with those men for an extremely long time.

A DAILY PRAYER OF P:U:R:P:O:S:E PRAY for men to respond to the ‘Prayer Call’ - 1 Timothy 2:8 UNITY throughout the Brothers of Elim Psalm 133 & John 17:20-21 RESOURCES for the MPower Mission 2 Corinthians 9:8 & Ephesians 3:20-21 PURPOSE perfectly aligned to God’s will Proverbs 16:3 & Jeremiah 29:11-13 OPEN DOORS of opportunity to enlarge 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 & Colossians 4:2-4 SALVATION of men and their households Acts 16:31 & 1 Timothy 2:1-6 EXCELLENCE - for MPower’s ministry to excel in its purpose and fruitfulness John 15:16, 2 Corinthians 8:7 & Philippians 4:8


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019

Mark Lyndon-Jones, MPower leader, said: “I have rarely been in a room of men who seemed so hungry for God right from the start!” James’ word did not hold back, and we did not skirt around! I’m still trembling with the presence. Corrie Ten Boom once asked whether prayer is your steering wheel or your spare tyre. Here, at ECC, we have an amazing focus on prayer. We have dedicated that everything that happens at ECC will be soaked in prayer. In the lead-up to the MPower Prayer Call, Elder Prosper Doe had called the men of ECC to fast and pray for this event. Prayer moves the heart of God into action, and on that day we saw God move. At one point in the morning, James led us in a call to holiness and accountability. In that moment, men began to rededicate their lives to Christ. Men began to make a new covenant with God of how they would live their lives. ‘I hear the chains falling’ is a line from the song, Break Every Chain. That morning, as men around the room were publicly recommitting themselves to Christ, you could hear the chains falling. When I arrived in ECC that Saturday morning, I was expecting to join a group of men to pray. However, what I actually encountered was a group of brothers crying out and meeting with the living God. The roar that came up from those men is one that shook me to my very core, and one that will stay with me for a long time.


Men’s Ministry

For more information about forthcoming events, visit

WOMEN’S DISCIPLESHIP Olivia Prempeh, who has recently started a Discipleship Cell in Brentford, tells us about her journey towards taking that leap of faith


iscipleship Cell meetings are places where we get together in small groups to go through the Sunday message, with the aim of applying it to our daily lives. It can be a route to help us grow in our Christian walk. As we fellowship together, we also develop agapé love, become proficient in the application of the Word of God, and develop the fruit as well as the gifts of the Spirit. All are very relevant tools for becoming an effective labourer for the impending harvest.

Taking a leap of faith into Cell leadership by Olivia Prempeh

I have been ministering in a Discipleship Cell with Rosemary Maimo for the past six years. It has been a really good experience so far, as we are united in purpose. The most encouraging part of being in this group is seeing women come together to passionately pray for our church, for each other, and growing in maturity together, covering each other in prayer. For example, I once found myself in a difficult position, and one of my Discipleship Cell sisters texted me out of the blue to let me know that she was praying for me. In this group, we have seen many grow and move on to other ministries in the church. One of our former members is now leading a prayer ministry in the church, and some are ministering at the Prayer Centre. Recently I decided to take a leap of faith and have started leading a new Cell on my own. This has greatly encouraged me to come out of my comfort zone as a reserved person, to become an active and accountable member of the church.

During this time I was greatly encouraged by Scriptures, such as: ‘We are hard pressed but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair; persecuted but not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed’ (2 Corinthians 4:8-9). James 1:2-4 reminds us to ‘Count it all joy when we go through trials, knowing this, that the trying of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you should be mature and complete, not lacking anything.’ I certainly didn’t see the joy at the time. Most importantly, I was reminded in 1 Peter 5:6-11 to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, cast our cares on him. It continues: ‘Stand steadfastly in faith to resist the devil and the God of grace who has called us to his eternal glory by Christ Jesus will in due time exalt us and establish, strengthen and perfect us.’ We should also remember that other brothers and sisters are going through the same or worse trials. To be a good spiritual role model is to endeavour to lead by example, in a Christlike manner and with integrity - not just talk the talk, but walk the walk. Personally, I need to ask God for more grace and agapé love. Jesus, when He saw the crowd, was moved with sympathy and pity for them. He saw them as sheep without a shepherd. The lost are still without a shepherd and, to become effective labourers, we need to equip ourselves for the harvest we are expecting.

The challenge has been getting This is why I have taken a leap of ladies to attend and committing to faith to start a new Discipleship Cell the group. Many join but very quickly and to pray for God’s blessings upon it move on, due to family or work that it will prosper in every way and be commitments. I also realised that equipped to serve God. the challenge of being a leader is carrying on even when in a trial, such as an enemy attack, which I recently faced. I had tremendous support from Pastor Rajinder and my Discipleship Coordinator. GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019





his past week, I spent my half term doing some work experience at a law firm. In the lead-up to my work experience week, I was more than excited. It would be my first time working in an office environment, and my first time working in a law firm. Needless to say, I had very high expectations. Most importantly though, I expected that this week would answer all my questions about my future career options and, of course, it didn’t. What this week has done however, is given me a more concrete goal to work towards. This week, I’ve realised that a

with Christ in heaven. So if we make our ultimate goal to be pure and holy and fit for heaven, what is our motivation to go down the ‘straight and narrow’? The Bible gives us more than enough motivation to carry on in our Christian walk. In Revelation 7:9-10, the Bible says: “After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, saying: ‘Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!’”

PICTURE: Thinkstock Photos

career in commercial law is something I might be interested in, and I now have a much clearer idea of what I need to do in order to achieve this aim. Similarly, everything we do in life should have a purpose. I find that it’s much easier to motivate myself to work if I have a clear goal to work towards, as well as an action plan to get there. So today, I’d like us to discuss the ultimate aim of a Christian’s life: to be reunited with Christ in heaven. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 says: ‘For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.’ Whilst the idea of judgement is undoubtedly a scary one, there isn’t a more exciting aim to have than to want to meet


GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019

We are given such a beautiful image of what happens in heaven: streets of gold, absolutely no sadness or worry or anxiety and, even better, everlasting worship. I mean, just take a minute to imagine it: people from every nation on earth coming together to sing one unified anthem… I imagine it would be quite a breathtaking scene.

When I need to revise, I have to make a plan. If I simply tell myself that on Saturday ‘I’m going to revise all day’, I will get absolutely nothing done. On the other hand, if I make a detailed list of everything I’d like to do - and when I’m going to do it - I’m much more likely to get it done. Likewise, if I tell myself I’m going to wake up at six and have some devotional time in the morning, I’m much more likely to do it than if I just tell myself ‘I’ll read my Bible at some point today.’ If we hope to be reunited with Christ, we need to make a plan - a detailed and achievable one. Like the saying goes: “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” So, in everything we do, I’d like to encourage us to have a purpose and a plan but, most importantly, to remember what the ultimate aim of any Christian’s life is.



Happy Mother’s Day!

Let your father and your mother be glad, and let her who bore you rejoice. Proverbs 23:25 ‘ othering Sunday is a celebration honouring mothers, as well as motherhood and the influence of mothers in society as a whole. In the UK this year, it is being celebrated on Sunday 31st March. We asked some of our children to pen their thoughts about their mothers, and this is what they had to say.




y mum is really nice. On top of work, she has time to look after me because she makes it. When I’m sad, she makes me happy and vice versa.I love my Mum Happy Mother’s Day! by Ailsa Odu, 11

Why I love my Mum! My Mum is always there for me, even when I sleep. She always tries her best to heal me when I’m sick. Forever she will be the best Mum! My Mum is very kind to me. I wish the best to Mum! by Keyla Gutierrez, 9


others help you. Occasionally they have fun too. Try to help your mother on Mother’s day. Help, instead of play. Everybody needs help. Remember to thank mothers. by Jaasiel Olosinmo, 10


y mother is nice to me and she gives me hugs. And kisses me so much and she is pretty. by Faith Olabode, 6

Why I love my Mummy love my Mummy because she makes my dinner. She hugs me when I return from school. She helps me to learn the Bible and how to pray. She makes me happy. by Wala Chellah, 6



hank You, God, for making me have a lovely mother. There is no other mother I love, except her. by Alyssa Baiden, 10


others help you, mothers cook your food. Mothers buy you clothes, mothers play with you. Mothers hug you, mothers love and kiss you. by Adiya Olosinmo, 6


love my Mum because she always gives me comfort when I am depressed. She is elegant and great to be around, And she always wants the best of me, and pushes me to be amazing in the things I do. by Joshua Olosinmo, 10


thank God for my Mum. I thank God that she is protected and fine. I thank God that she isn’t hurt and she has a home. Thank You, God, for my Mum! by Sarah Akerele, 10


love my dear mother because you care for me so much. Every day you help me prepare for the day, and you help my family. I thank God for you! Have a lovely day! by Anna Akerele, 8


’m thankful for my mother because she takes care of me, And when I’m sad, she talks about it and makes me feel better. And that’s why I’m thankful for my mother. by Kerala Spillane, 8

GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 97 • April/May 2019


Baptismal Service 27.01.2019

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