d.dots 2021

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fMt+kbu MkWV~l Design Dots 2021 3rd Edition

Department of Design Space NIFT Mumbai

About Design has traversed the journey from its legacy of art and craft to adopting the machine aesthetic in the Industrial age to being the shining star of creative economies in the post Industrial age. Being part of the creative economy means that design has to be multidisciplinary and be able to address complex problems in many domains. Design space department is the flag bearer of this current definition of Design. NIFT went through a huge curriculum change across the board in 2018 to create a curriculum for the future. Many deliberations were held to discuss what this curriculum would look like. It was decided that it had to be choice based. It would be the onus, pride and satisfaction of the student to structure their own course. This was also seen as a springboard of opportunities to work varied exciting areas. Design Space department has its forte in Design Research and Innovation. With the new curriculum, that remained unchanged. Additionally however, the course has been designed keeping in mind horizontal integration of Majors and Deepening Specialization, building on the existing knowledge base of the students. Vertical integration has also been visualized with each specialization laying down pathways, which allow the student to combine skill-based subjects of minors with majors to create specific career options. Industry connect is woven into the subject which helps keep students grounded in real world issues. This kind of synergy in thinking has found favour amongst the industry professionals. It has been hugely satisfying to see students build on their syncretic ideas to solve complex problems in creative ways. Hope all of you reading it enjoy it equally!

About The first step towards making sense of the world is to recognize the dots surrounding us in the form of people, thoughts events and objects. Once the dots are recognized the next step would be to connect the dots with relationships. The higher level of recognition is the awareness that relationships are more important than the dots themselves. They justify the dots and not the other way round. Love between father and son is more important than the father or the son. Sadly, on the flipside, the hatred between two warring sects becomes more important than individuals themselves. But that is where a huge opportunity lies. If we take this analogy to the contextual, pragmatic and designerly side; the ease-of-use, safety or enjoyment of the user should be more important than the user or product/service. Once we recognize this as a design community, our solutions will be more meaningful. We will design those relationships rather than wasteful products. A dear departed friend of the design community, Steve Jobs said,” You can’t connect dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in our future”. It probably holds true for business but one feels that if you blindfold a designer and point them in any direction: up, down or sideways, and remove the blindfold they will be able to connect the dots with their unique ability to do so. The student dissertation projects you will see in this book will also demonstrate unique ways of connecting dots. More power to designers, design thinkers and design researchers. With the hope that they use their gift to truly leave the world a better place than they found it.

Mr. Shantmanu IAS, Director General

Dear Class of 2021, I am extremely delighted to know that the class of 2021 is ready to enter the fashion world. This batch of 2021 is indeed the special one for the courage, patience that you demonstrated in these tough times of Pandemic. Your struggle to give your best in unprecedented time will take you to a new high in your professional life. While moving up the ladder during your success journey always remember the people at grassroot level who are part of the fasion industry but get unnoticed. The craft cluster initiative of NIFT has already provided you this exposure wherein you know how the craftmen, artisans, master craftmen work in the villages to make crafts, products for the glamour world. I am sure this initiative of NIFT will always keep you humble, make you a good professional and person with the value for social and human life. I am happy to present the work of graduation batch of 2021 to the world, which is a reflection of the final outcome of your work with learning from NIFT and support of Industry. It was not easy to complete this final segment of your academic journey where the entire world was struggling for well-being. I wish all the success in your journey into the future. My blessings and wishes will always be there with each one of you.

Prof. (Dr.) Pavan Director, NIFT Mumbai

Greetings to the Graduating Batch of 2021! It is my great pleasure to be a part of your journey as you begin your voyage of exploration, innovation, self-discovery and personal success. NIFT Mumbai continues to play an important role in training students and nurturing them to assume leadership positions, fashion and lifestyle sectors across the globe. Our curriculum and classrooms continue to incorporate new developments pertaining to research and academic inputs to provide the students with necessary skills and professional development to excel themselves in corporate sector as well as entrepreneurship ventures. Covid-19 exposed us to unprecedented uncertainty, upheaval and unpleasantness; raising questions that led to realizations about the underlying truths of human existence. It underlined the need for re-scripting our way of living, consumption and value systems. It undoubtedly established the truth that simple innovations lead to significant impact. These changing times have also led to reorientation of human resource needs of the organizations resulting in redefinition of careers, job roles and responsibilities and valued skills. It has therefore, become imperative that you equip yourselves with the capabilities and skills to take on the challenges of the workplaces associated with the “new normal”. And although this new normal has been challenging, and at times scary, I must applaud you for exhibiting unparalleled resilience. Besides getting used to a completely different learning environment of virtual classes, not being able to meet friends and classmates and attend college events; many of you would have also been closely exposed to the threat of disease and financial distress in your families. In spite of such dire circumstances you kept moving forward, being productive and staying positive; surviving this storm and being focused on your goal. I would also like to congratulate the parents for doing their best to provide a stable environment aiding you to learn and refocusing your attention on the sense of purpose even when the future is cloaked in uncertainty. I would also like to underline the efforts of our academic, administrative and support staff; the true frontline warriors of our institute, who braved the odds with courage, strength and perseverance in spite of the stressful times. “The Graduation Event” signifies your rite of passage as you become an integral part of NIFT fraternity. From henceforth, you are the Brand Ambassadors of NIFT and it is your responsibility to uphold and protect the integrity of NIFT so that we collectively achieve thevision of our future. Together as a community, with the large network of your seniors, batchmates, juniors and faculty, you can bring a depth to our conversationsand explorations. Best of Luck for a bright future and have a good health.

Prof. (Dr.) Vandana Dean A

It gives me immense pleasure to be part of the graduation show 2021 and witness the final outcome of the students’ academic journey at NIFT. This outcome in the form of a graduation show is and will be special to us, as all of you have successfully executed the projects in the most turbulent times which have never been witnessed by the present human generation. In fact, it is a matter of fulfilment that while the entire world was fighting the pandemic battle with uncertainty, NIFTians executed their projects within given framework and as per the bar set by NIFT and Industry standards. History will forever remember the class of 2021. Your commitment towards your learning turned out to be stronger and much more powerful than the challenges and obstacles you faced that had never been seen in a students’ academic life. The passion with which you continued your journey especially in last 15 months on a daily basis is a demonstration of your dedication, resilience and hard work. Remember that you are part of the NIFT fraternity and will always be supported by the NIFT family. All of your hard work and perseverance has led you to this proud moment in your life. My best wishes for all your future endeavours. I once again take this opportunity to congratulate the class of 2021 the very best for a successful and rewarding future.

Dr. Shalini Professor, M.Des & Creative Director VisioNxt - Trends Insight & Forecasting Lab

Dear Graduates, 2020-21 truly has been a period of ‘Reinvention’. The world at large and we as one minuscule representation of that world went into a re-set, re-think and re-invent mode. ‘You’ represent the ones who emerged victorious at the other end. The speed at which you reprogrammed yourselves - from cocooning yourselves when time demanded and yet blossoming in that cocoon by adding so many skill sets and deep diving within to connect and be a support for each other and humanity at large, made our hearts swell with pride. To top it all, you also became our teachers. I salute you for you have withstood the toughest period with so much grace. I believe the journey from here on will only get better. May you all soar high! I wish the batch of 2021 all the best for all future endeavors!

Dr. Sharmila Professor & Ex-Dean

Life is full of experiences and those experiences have been the corner stones of your MDes journey at NIFT. Your batch is very unique and will go down in the history of NIFT as the ones who adapted overnight to the online learning experience. We are extremely proud that you tackled this head on and that each of you achieved success. Hats off to you! Most important of all, was the learning. Learning to master your craft, learning to manage timelines, learning to connect with mentors and peers, learning to do research, research and more research… Graduation is a prestigious moment, but it is a lot more than just that moment, it is the stepping stone for a new phase in your life. It is the portal for you to enter the real world. The world where the correct balance of work and life could make all your dreams come true. As for me, students don’t realize that they teach their mentors as much if not more over the time span of their course. I have spent over three decades being an academician and its thanks to wonderful students like you that makes me want to continue. Thank you for underpinning your academic journey at NIFT and for imbibing all that we had to offer you. Stay connected as we look forward to hearing about your onward journey and will always welcome you back at NIFT. Congratulations Batch of 2021! God Bless!

Dr. Rupa Professor & Head Cluster

The most common attribute of design is that of ‘problem solving’. And the covid situation is a ‘problem’ if there ever was one, and a wicked one too. Usually, the problem is at a distance, happening to someone else- the user, target group etc. When we have the distance between the problem and the designer/researcher, then the problem can be viewed more objectively. But what happens when the problem is not someone else’s but your problem too? When there is no distance between the problem and the designer. The experience is very subjective and sometimes downright emotional. Some of the students have had to face very difficult situations with self and loved ones falling sick. Covid has been very brutal in claiming precious lives. My heart goes out to them. Fortunately, very often a ‘problem’ also presents itself as an opportunity- an opportunity to explore new ways of functioning. The students of batch 2021 managed to tackle this problem/opportunity in a remarkable way. Key people for their project were difficult to track. Field studies was hugely restricted due to covid norms but students found ways and means to carry on their work. Not only did they overcome the challenge but managed to add new vigour into the design research methodologies to suit the digital medium that they were working on. The entire discussion with companies, mentors and respondents was conducted online. Though we might lament on the loss of human touch and warmth, online. I feel that feeling was only temporary. The human spirit rose to the situation and made all the online meetings also warm and meaningful. I wish this special batch sweet success in their endevours. They have truly earned it!

Dr. Rashmi Associate Professor & CC

The design industry's progressive future is reliant on creative and versatile graduates with new age skills in Strategic Design, Experience Design, UX/UI Design, Design Thinking and Research methods, Sustainability and Crafts, and Design Innovation. The Master of Design Course seeks to initiate fresh thinking for the new millennium, addressing the challenges that industry and society will encounter in the future. D.Dots, third edition is a compendium of excerpts from the class of 2021's graduation projects that highlight the student's potential through in-depth design research. MDES at NIFT Mumbai begins another year, and it is with great joy that I congratulate these young professionals and wish them all the best in their professional lives and future endeavours. The Covid 19 virus has flipped the world and your last year on its head. Because of these exceptional circumstances, you are exceptional graduates. I want to thank each and every one of you for your remarkable resilience and grace during the pandemic scenario, demonstrating that you have the knowledge, skills, and humanity to face the much more difficult challenges. “You are educated,” said Tom Brokaw. Your certification is in your degree. You may think of it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world.” So, dear Changemakers, go explore, dream, discover and transform the world. Never keep attacking your fear; trust your heart, and success will follow you. Stay true to yourself and have fun on your path through life. My heartfelt congratulations and blessings to the graduating class of 2021... God bless

Mr. Nitin Associate Professor & Link-Chairperson

Mdes in NIFT has been one of the important avenues for design aspirants and professionals; who seriously want to engage into ‘design’ arena. This arena deals with ‘design’ not merely to produce products within a discipline, but to strategise wiser design methods and directions which would serve mankind in its entirety. The individuals having a flare to go beyond their boundaries of a certain discipline flourish in the intellectual space provided in the structure of an open ended curriculum. Students coming from various backgrounds find their niche towards finding solutions to the problems from a trance & interdisciplinary perspective by using fundamental system-tools of design thinking, design research, trends- forecast altogether towards achieving a sustainable future. The MDes Mumbai 2021 batch has been a creative and vibrant bunch of students; a glimpse of this can be seen in the areas of concerns they have displayed ranging from crafts revival, sustainable development, user experience design and innovation in their final dissertation. I wish great success to the batch of Mdes Mumbai 2021 and optimistically foresee their productive & creative endeavours for a better future!!

Experience Providing engaging and wholesome experiences is the paramount agenda of design. And these experiences should involve all the senses, not just the visual. Whether it is in the physical or digital space.

Anjali Bhati


Ishita Sarkar


Anuradha Rajkumari Jatin Khanna Kriti Singh

Manishika Trikha Richa Pal

Sarbani Mookherjee Shakti Rai

Tanvi Kotiyan

Tejaswi Meshram Vriti Mehta



29 33 37 41


49 53 57


Experience Desig


Past few months have been quite an experience for lot of us where world is facing crisis. Within short span of time, As Covid Pandemic took over our lives and forced us to rethink the way we live, our lifestyle, our food habits, our health routine, our daily interaction, the way we experience our norm. The unexpected situation jolted the world into a need of transformation. While the emotional and psychological challenge has been unprecedented, these ever-changing condition have fuelled innovation, collaboration and new way of thinking that we’ve never witnessed before. There is a shift in the mindset of consumer from reactive sick care to proactive healthcare model. Value in mind of customer is not just clinical quality, but there is much more than that, the focus has been shifted towards service component as well. Customer Experience is not a new term, it has been there in retail, hospitality for quite a long time, but is quite new in healthcare. It’s not about how different the product or service is, but more about how one

deliver it. We now must think in terms of designing customer centric perspective instead of firm centric. With collapse of healthcare sector due to Covid, it is very necessary for healthcare to survive, they have to revamp the way the engage with consumers, they need to address the way they reach their customer in more inclusive and humanise manner. The main purpose of dissertation is to develop a customer-centric approach. Such a perspective focuses on customer’s goal and seek to understand customer journey. Conceptualising the customer journey through a goal-oriented view generates three essential processes: recognising the problem and setting the goals, changing habits and behaviours, and overcoming obstacles and temptation which further develops hierarchical structure with three levels: consumer journey, customer journey and touchpoints and finding the role of customer experience as a driver of behaviour along this journey focusing on healthcare industry.


gn Designing digital service for healthcare sector: A framework for customer experience



Experience Des


The purpose is to improve the clickability of the trigger icon to garner more adoption of the voice assistant in grocery e-commerce apps. The practices are utilised in a series of iterations of prototypes utilising moderated A/B Test method with users of e-commerce apps who were exposed to the perspective of placing purchase orders of items using the voice assistant. The expected outcome of this is to gauge which User Interface (UI) & User Experience (UX) patterns work best - that can influence the user to explore the voice assistant feature. The existing VTI provides a basic call-to-action for users to speak to the voice assistant to perform basic functions like search for an item, navigate to different pages in the e-commerce app. But its presence on the app is not greatly felt. Its usage is found to be minimal. It may be for many

different reasons: users totally missing to notice the VTI, negative preconceived notion about voice assistants and talking to voice assistants in general, having default action of typing on the search bar and searching for the item. The study has brought to light certain parallel findings like factors like background noise, internet connection, user's proficiency in english, personality of the user affect the rate of success of adding items to cart by including the quantity while speaking. Users tend to be efficient while using an app. They come with an intention to execute a task, so distractions are unconsciously filtered out. They intentionally or unintentionally ignore the coachmark. Unintentional clicks on the coachmark or VTI does not lead to conversion.



Identify & validate new experience quality devices to the Slang VaAS platform to influence Slang adoption among end users of Slang’s customer base.






The world of technology is moving at an impressive speed and product-driven companies are focussing more on users bringing to focus the Human Centred Design approaches. This approach to design brings to light the various principles of Human-Computer Interaction and why it is essential to understand the standards of usability and continuously iterate on

solutions to be better experience-driven products and not be solution-centric designers. This approach helps curate designs to expand their lifespan in a world where there are millions of products available to the user. Thus the focus is to not just convert oncoming users to consumers but to consumers who keep returning to the product.


e Design

Minimising information overload of user interfaces of mobile devices - An evaluative approach to simplify users approach hindered by paradox of choice




Experience Des



As the entire automotive industry is moving towards developing innovative technologies to enable better connectivity solutions, improve vehicle safety, and enhance in-vehicle user-experience. One of the key technologies, which works as a focal point of all the modern automotive systems and integrates their functions to be controlled and monitored from one central unit, is “In-Vehicle Infotainment System/ In-Car Entertainment System”. To test the hypothesis that touchscreen based interactive systems are more distracting than traditional modes of interaction, a pilot study was conducted and to understand what mode of interaction is preferred by users, surveys were conducted and to make it more concrete interviews with users were conducted as well. The respondents were randomly selected based on a stratified

random sampling method, the commonality between them was that all of them hold a valid Indian driving license and drive/ own a car manufactured by one of the top ten manufacturers in India by volume. Using case studies and research articles the voice of the common man in media, the initial phases of the dissertation were given a direction and a path. The analysis showed a strong correlation between the time taken to interact with a touchscreen and the increase in cognitive and motor demand from the driver. Based on the research conducted, guidelines and regulations were designed for a safer and a more inclusive experience and based on these guidelines a prototype has been developed. In conclusion we can state that the touchscreens in vehicles as a means of interaction are currently distracting.

sign How to Make Automotive HMI Safer and Inclusive




Experience De


People are used to judging a book by its cover - a saying relevant for most of the places. This, obviously then applies to the world of digital experiences. Illustrations and graphics are an essential part in the field of user experience design. The aesthetic-usability effect very well proves that people often ignore minute usability flaws if the product is aesthetically pleasing. Hence, safe to say that visual design plays a key role in coming up with products, which are aesthetically appealing. Visual designing revolves around the implementation of colours, typography and images or graphics. As a field, it has evolved and grown out of both, user interface as well as graphic designing, proving to be a key

element in the area of user experience design. The first step in product designing is to make user interfaces functional - working in such a way that the eyes of the users get drawn to the correct information. But with the completion of the first step, introduction of elements delight into the app designs is made, such as animations and crisp illustrations etc. making the UI more appealing. The research aims to understand how the graphics and illustrations evolved over time with technology and how they affect a consumer in the acceptance of the product. The information has been collected through secondary and primary resources.


esign Study of the evolution and importance of illustrations and graphics in website designing.



Design & Layout Mr. Dhiren Kumar (Alumni M.Des 2018-20) Ms. Kanika Mishra (M.Des 2020-22) Ms. Anushka Aurangabadkar (M.Des 2020-22) Guided by Mr. Francis Xavier Content & Editing Prof. Dr. Sharmila Dua Prof. Dr. Rupa Agarwal Ms. Jaya Advani Coordination & Execution Dr. Rashmi Gulati Mr. Nitin Kulkarni


Experience De


Despite the promising beginning, Indian e-commerce has been working out in a good way lately, and on the other hand if we look more into it there are a few issues as well. One of the main issues is the way that the new users who do go to these online stores once in a while rarely engage and stay loyal to them. The way that the online Indian customers are currently used to the enormous discounts offered on different sites implies that cost has become a dominant criteria for them to make purchases. With so many other sites that are also offering similar product choices and delivery choices, it is very difficult to choose between them and hence a real need for such sites needs to connect in a better way with their customers and engage them in more creative ways. This research will try to tackle this issue that the Indian e-commerce platform is facing i.e. Snapdeal, through smart utilisation of gamification, which is defined as the art of utilising game components in a non game context. The research begins by exploring the components associated with


making a game more captivating at a crude level through secondary research of games. I, at that point, hope to discover the effect of gamification that is presently being used in the best way to take advantage of user inspirations in the diverse online contexts in India through qualitative research and many one on one interviews. In conclusion, we utilise quantitative methods, to determine the motivations and inspirations and how the distinctive games relate with different online customer segments based on engagement and buying behaviour. Thus, seeing the gigantic potential that exists to uncover this information gap prompts to dig further and know more about the utilisation of gamification for better customer engagement and loyalty in Snapdeal. I hope that the results of this research are really useful for future research to tackle major problems of customer loyalty and engagement that Snapdeal is facing today.


Engaging Ecommerce - Driving Customer Engagement using Gamification

Secondary researc

Engaging E-commerce

Driving customer engagement using gamification Gamification, games, user behaviour, user engagement, game mechanics, motivation, rewards, entertainment

Abstract Despite the promising beginning, Indian e-com merce has been working out in a good way lately, and on the other hand if we look more into it there are a few issues as well. One of the main issues is the way that the new users who do go to these online stores once in a while rarely engage and stay loyal to them. The way that the online Indian customers are currently used to the enor mous discounts offered on different sites implies that cost has become a dominant criteria for them to make purchases. With so many other sites that are also offering similar product choices and deliv ery choices, it is very difficult to choose between them and hence a real need for such sites needs to connect in a better way with their customers and engage them in more creative ways. This research will try to tackle this issue that Snapdeal is facing now, through smart utilisation of gamifi cation, which is defined as the art of utilising game components in a non-game context. The research begins by exploring the components as-





-sociated with making a game more captivating at a crude level through secondary research of games. I, at that point, hope to discover the effect of gamification that is presently being used in the best way to take advantage of user inspirations in the diverse online contexts in India through quali tative research and many one on one interviews. In conclusion, we utilise quantitative methods, to determine the motivations and inspirations and how the distinctive games relate with different online customer segments based on engagement and buying behaviour. Thus, seeing the gigantic potential that exists to uncover this information gap prompts to dig further and know more about the utilisation of gamification for better customer engagement and loyalty in Snapdeal. I hope that the results of this research are really useful for future research to tackle major problems of customer loyalty and engagement that Snapdeal is facing today.

Research Questions


Primary research Cohorts distribution


How do customers derive entertainment experiences from partaking in online shopping? How game dynamics and game mechanics translate to active user engagement?

Research Objectives To understand the intent and behaviour of the users after playing the games on Snapdeal


To determine the best approach to integrate/iterate gamification on Snapdeal

User Verbatims

ch Theory of Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Design product to stimulate habitual behaviour -

Nir Eyal


h Results from the primary research Reasons to stay

Reasons to leave

Brainstorming Sketches

Assistance/wants & preferences/ assurance/purchase

Low fid wireframes

Manishika Trikha MD/19/47


Experience Des


Emergence of investment platforms for ease of investing and democratising wealth creation has been generating competing services across platforms and changing investor’s perspective in dealing with wealth management in new ways. Secondary study on existing mutual fund platforms , their services and features generated categorisation of focal components and user The behavioural aspect and regulated guidelines behind investments in mutual funds were studied to solidify the base for analysis and ideation. Four sets of users were segmented and curated to garner user insights to validate or invali-date the findings of secondary study and build a structure for a defined problem and user group.The research aims at investigating the maturity and understand-ing of potential next generation investors in India in relation to the existing plat-forms and its services being validated

next to user insights and deductions from user interviews from varied domains of indulgence. The primary finding points to the importance of a reliable entity on an investment platform for the investors to leverage safe assistance and province . In addition to concluding the above , the findings also emphasis the need for coherent informa-tion dissipation for advancing and engaging investment literacy among types of investors.The user data , insights and findings of this research and the defined next generation investors can be useful for other FinTech , investment , wealth management or portfolio platforms in general . The data collected in the research are irrespective of specific platforms or modes of investment thus widening the scope of the research to varied applicable investment platforms and services.



Conceptualise and design mutual fund platform experience for next generation investors



Experience Des


According to a report conducted by the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Centre, India's financial literacy rate is the lowest among major emerging economies, at just 24% of the adult population. Individuals, especially young people, are unable to manage their finances. The ratio of consumption to savings is unbalanced. For the vast majority of people, saving and investing are foreign concepts. Just 1.5 percent of India's population (1.3 billion people) invests online. Human development is aided by information and communication technologies (ICTs). They must, however, be implemented and used by their potential users in order to

be successful. This study explores the behavioural science and cognitive psychology that underpin financial decisions made by potential next billion mutual fund investors in order to gain a better understanding of their perceptions toward mutual funds. A qualitative study-based method for identifying emergent use patterns and correlating them to individual user dimensions. A framework is proposed that will help identify the triggers and barriers that mediate the mutual fund investment adoption process through an assistive and engaging product by focusing on the emerging patterns and insights from our findings.



Trends of word-of-mouth branding strategies in the post covid scenario - A Case Study


Assistance and engagem to next billion mutual

By Sarbani Mookherjee | MD/19/62 | Batch 2019-


According to a report conducted by the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Centre, India's financial literacy rate is the lowest among major emerging economies, at just 24% of the adult population. Individuals, especially young people, are unable to manage their finances. The ratio of consumption to savings is unbalanced. For the vast majority of people, saving and investing are foreign concepts. Just 1.5 percent of India's population (1.3 billion people) invests online. Human development is aided by information and communication technologies (ICTs). They must, however, be implemented and used by their potential users in order to be successful. This study explores the behavioural science and cognitive psychology that underpin financial decisions made by potential next billion mutual fund investors in order to gain a better understanding of their perceptions toward mutual funds. A qualitative studybased method for identifying emergent use patterns and correlating them to individual user dimensions. A framework is proposed that will help identify the triggers and barriers that mediate the mutual fund investment adoption process through an assistive and engaging product by focusing on the emerging patterns and insights from our findings. Keywords: Financial Inclusion, Investments, HCI, Next Billion Users, Cognitive Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Fintech

To understand how to

To understand the factors

To find emergent usage

improve their digital

which help new investors start

patterns of investments

engagement on:

with Mutual Fund investments,

contextual to each user

1. Investment research and

as well as enable them to stay

persona defined.

planning solutions

focused through their

2. Simplifying complicated

investment life cycle.

financial terminology 3. Concepts used to evaluate stocks, mutual funds



4. Other personal investment options



! 43

ment framework that caters fund investors in India

2021 | Department of Design Space | NIFT, Mumbai


Experience De


Modern businesses are evolving at the speed of ideas in today’s information economy, making the job of CEO more complex, and more demanding, than ever. Especially in the Mobility sector, the Automobile industry in India is in an upswing due to the surge of economy and technology. These professionals are expected to keep a pulse on the ever-changing cultural ecosystem that lives both inside and outside of their company walls. In this project, we tried to identify challenges faced by these Industry leaders in the Mobility sector and came up with ideas to deal with through information websites. It also emphasizes effective communication of information, as perceptions and the actual effects of information overload have been exacerbated by the rapid advances made in information and communication technology, it is often difficult to obtain useful, relevant information

when it is needed. In this research we also tried to analyze the User behavior and Data consumption pattern of our target user, in terms of the time, these professionals spend consuming news content, devices they prefer, and their content preferences. To study the behavior and pinpoints towards News websites, qualitative research was conducted among ten professionals of the Mobility Industry. This enlightened various factors which create a negative user experience and resent users. The Research findings further helped towards designing a User-centric media platform by analyzing and developing solutions towards pain points of users encountered in the News platforms, furthermore delivering multi-dimensional insights into the mobility sector, and tries to create a one-stop solution for anything related to mobility.



Designing Digital Media platform for Automotive Professionals


- Shakti Rai | M

ABSTRACT Modern businesses are evolving at the speed of ideas in today’s information economy, making the job of CEO more complex, and more demanding,

mobile industry in India is in an upswing due to the surge of economy and technology. These professionals are expected to keep a pulse on the eve and outside of their company walls.

In this project, we tried to identify challenges faced by these Industry leaders in the Mobility sector and came up with ideas to deal with through inf

munication of information, as perceptions and the actual effects of information overload have been exacerbated by the rapid advances made in in GLIĆFXOW WR REWDLQ XVHIXO UHOHYDQW LQIRUPDWLRQ ZKHQ LW LV QHHGHG

In this research we also tried to analyze the User behavior and Data consumption pattern of our target user, in terms of the time, these profess

prefer, and their content preferences. To study the behavior and pinpoints towards News websites, qualitative research was conducted among ten


tions towards pain points of users encountered in the News platforms, furthermore delivering multi-dimensional insights into the mobility sector related to mobility.

OBJECTIVES To Identify and analyze problems faced by Automotive professionals. To study B2B website services and User behaviour of B2B user and data consumption patterns. To identify problems in the current Online Information. To come up with a plan to over come UX limitation in news websites.





literature was

collected on different topics related to

• The primary devic



• Averege time spen

industry and various techniques to

• The primary platfo

improve user experience.

Mobile browser and



In-depth Interviews - A Qualitatvie research was conducted among ten individual working in mobility sector.

• Content preferenc

ndustry analysis arti

• Users prefer Quali

• Major problems fa

User-centered Research - It contain a mix

navigation, Distracti

of methods which help gaining a better

authenticity of artic

perception of what’a relevant to user.




han ever. Especially in the Mobility sector, the Auto-

In the Pilot study and conversations with Automotive professional, it has

r-changing cultural ecosystem that lives both inside

been observed, there are very few platforms in India which are dedicated to Automotive Industry. Professionals further added the existing

ormation websites. It also emphasizes effective com-

platforms are still not reliable as the data comes from a third party.

ormation and communication technology, it is often

Professionals ought to go through different sources and platforms to accumulate data and information. Despite being such a large industry,

onals spend consuming news content, devices they

with aggressive competition, there is no dedicated platform providing a

professionals of the Mobility Industry. This enlight-

timely update, data, facts, analysis to people working in this industry. It



and tries to create a one-stop solution for anything

professionals when they already have so much on their plate.

STRATEGIES users consume news is through their smartphones.

Customizable content for individual User needs.

on news was 30-60 minutes.

rm they are reaching most of their news is



es lie in brand expertise, majorly interested in i

cles, Technology, Brands report and leadership insights

y over Quantity of Information. ed by user on News platforms were Poor

Additional relatable content category to help the user easily navigate through the website and keeps engaging users for a better experience.

ng ads, Bogus articles, Cluttered interface and


Estimated Reading time, Podcast, and video duration allow the reader to claim his time back, and spend it on the articles he values most. Comment Section - User comments enrich the news FRQVXPSWLRQ H[SHULHQFH DQG EXLOG WUXVW IRU UHDGHUV b Multiple paywalls - Giving Users freedom to choose to pay for the content they like.

Information segregated in ‘Cards’ results in less visual clutter and easily distinguishable for the users.


Experience Des


Business-to-business websites assume a part as an essential interface among organizations and their partners. To understand what clients need, the website is a significant space of study. To make a site that best relates business needs of an organization, its plan ought to be instinctive, educational, and effectively explored. User experience (UX) plan assumes a fundamental part in accomplishing this. This examination plans to break down and improve the B2B organization site, utilizing an

iterative UX configuration cycle and strategies. The result of this examination tries to give ideas, which can improve the general site execution, client experience and convenience of the organization's site. The intricacy of B2B relations makes it more urgent to examine it's anything but a multi-disciplinary point of view. The motivation behind this is to distinguish the variables that shape B2B sites' convenience with a thought of numerous sides of the ease of use of B2B sites.



User Experience of B2B Website Design



Tejaswi 53

Experience Design

Industrial Revolution 4.0 is the digital age, automation is gearing and the competition is raising which producing the best value with efficient work. Aiming towards economical gains where every organisation has a cut-throat competition. Additional economy is produced by keeping a tap on the time and resources at priority. The demand is increasing everyday with new ventures making it tougher everyday. The industries is unsure, difficult and changing every moment. With the consistent change in the technology, ancient approach of the system makes the user handicap to the new pro-versions, new techniques and paradigm. The symbols and applied math techniques can enable a platform For labours with psychologically examined sciences. These features were build with five hundred million years of survival and evolution, reasoning on primarily collected data sets and learning for adaptation of dynamic requirements. Video analytics is automated tasks taken over by trained AI models which previously were handled by human power. Most of the examinations through the video data procured by 100’s of CCTV cameras. Applications on simple things like counting folks at an event, vehicle plate recognition, suspicious behaviour around property, missing/ theft of an object

and additional events. Video analytics has a lesser consume drive and faster output with additional features like face recognition and parking giving the exact status with time and faster response or alert rate. Organisations with vast interest have been using manual video surveillance for security purposes. The improvements in technology in few decades has made us face the disadvantages with the ability of understanding the interaction with technology. This paper refers to the data hierarchy needed to be evaluated to produce a value to the organisation. From quick post-event examination and proactive response to incidents as they occur, like crowding and queuing which can be avoided with active interventions, Intelligent video analytics will provide a band of security, user exercise, plant operations and ultimately revenues. This project is divided in 4 phases, these phases are meant to evaluate the current infrastructure and understand the needs of users. The pain points are procured and evaluated to give a better experience and new features are introduced to have better analysis user same system with the alert for creating efficient environment. After the evaluation the final prototype was build to meet the customised clients needs and Deliver the final product for better assimilation in their plant operations.

Designing human computer interaction for intelligent video analytics in plant operations.



Experience Des


Telecom is the most vital aspect of everyone’s life. It has carved its routes through different ways and has become one of the most important aspect from SMS to internet. With an increased demand of the services, it has become essential to provide a feasible digital platform to the field workers who are all the times on grounds providing various services to the customers and fulfilling their needs of any telecom services. A self-sufficient platform will not only enhance the productivity and efficiency but will also help them balance the work environment by decreasing the cognitive load and maintaining professional and personal life equilibrium. Aesthetics can be

one part of any app/digital platform but the ease of flow and usability with relevant information plays a major role while designing any product. Therefore its essential to understand the needs and demands of the user before diving into the solution. The research aims to understand how to enhance the productivity by creating a needful digital platform and easing the journey of the field workers by applying the appropriate tools on Airtel works app which is used by them while they are on field to perform various tasks like KYC and payment. The information has been collected through primary and secondary sources.



Determining the user needs and implementing Choice architecture within supply platform to ease out cognitive load and enhance the user efficiency.



Design Brands have found design strategies like visual rhetoric and gentle creative nudges to be more effective to push business than marketing strategies. Design strategies involve the core values of Design which are- human centeredness and innovation.

Aafreen Naushad


Shrijee Yadav



Simpy Rani Gulgat Surabhi Singh

Swagatam Dey

67 75




Design Strateg


Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and other online advertising platforms have become one of the most profitable and user-friendly platforms for advertisers. As a result, an increasing number of advertisers have embraced the concept of internet advertising. YouTube is one of the most popular internet video services and being the second largest search engine after Google it turns out to be a golden opportunity for creating awareness about a product or service. Helping to target each individual's preferences and location, this is a resource that is not widely

used by many small companies . This research aids advertisers in determining which factors are more significant in generating brand awareness, rather than wasting money on unimportant areas. This could help to increase brand visibility and engagement on the platform YouTube. Entrepreneurs will find it much easier to reach out to more customers if the correct concepts are used.This study lends a helping hand to small businesses and startups and helps them spend money and time in the right direction.



Strategic media planning of advertising videos on youtube for small businesses -A Case Study Analysis




Design Stra


The extent of Visual Merchandising in India is developing quickly with another and imaginative approach to plan and show the item by retail location. The Visual Merchandiser guarantee that the manner in which they show and plan the store format should be attractive for the objective clients. This exposition is intended to examine and comprehend the vocation way and work interaction of visual merchandiser in an Organsiation. Optional and Primary exploration was done to comprehend the interaction of visual merchandiser work profile

with the association. Three classifications were considered for understanding the cycle. The classification was Departmental Store, Mass Market and Boutique store. With the vocation way of visual merchandiser, the order level and difficulties looked by the visual merchandiser were additionally thought to be in this project. The Indian Scenario for Visual merchandiser and the route a portion of the Brands were taking visual promoting in an innovatively way is likewise engaged.



To study and Understanding the ground-level Practice of Visual Merchandiser.




Design Strategy


Branding and social media marketing are the need of this era. You will not buy a product who is nameless or doesn't have any visual identity. Brand identity is an essential element for any brand, It creates brand image, transparency, trust and visual attraction. Social media is one of the most important part of online marketing. Social media marketing helps to connect with target audience easily, you can interact with them and know their need. The second reason is, to get more and more traffic, so that revenue will arise. Importance of social media or online marketing has been increased rapidly due to pandemic. Many business/brands are using their social media in a very effective way.

The project main focus is to establish a start-up on visually and online. Branding and social media marketing are the key aspect for any companies’ identity. Use visual aspects for creating brand image and using social media to create brand awareness is essential part for companies. The project is a start-up of sustainable marketplace. I have done case studies of famous brand, who are doing well in this area and the conclusion is, plan/make social media strategy, implement them and get measured result will help to establish the start-up brands. Social media marketing is now one of the most useful and valuable key that your start-up can use for growth and profit.



To study, analyze and develop brand identity and social media strategy for a startup brand


To study, analyse and develop brand identity and social

Shrijee Yadav, Masters of desig


Primary Research Questionnaire findings-

Abstract Branding and social media marketing are the need of this era. You will not buy a product who is nameless or doesn't have any visual identity. Brand identity is an essential element for any brand, It creates brand image, transparency, trust and visual attraction. Social media is one of the most important part of online marketing. Social media marketing helps to connect with target audience easily, you can interact with them and know their need. The second reason is, to get more and more traffic, so that revenue will arise. Importance of social media or online marketing has been increased rapidly due to pandemic. Many business/brands are using their social media in a very effective way. The project main focus is to establish a start-up on visually and online. Branding and social media marketing are the key aspect for any companies’ identity. Use visual aspects for creating brand image and using social media to create brand awareness is essential part for companies. The project is a start-up of sustainable marketplace. I have done case studies of famous brand, who are doing well in this area and the conclusion is, plan/make social media strategy, implement them and get measured result will help to establish the start-up brands. Social media marketing is now one of the most useful and valuable key that your start-up can use for growth and profit.

To study and document the social media marketing system at Box day out


To create brand identity, design & implement social media strategies for a startup (Our better planet)

The questionnaire done with one of a client company, who was start up and for branding and social media marketing. Summury of the 14 questions que company don’t know much about these field and also they did not do much competitors. They just know that which kind of visual identity they want and platform they want to use for promotion. They were also not sure about paid influencer marketing.

Company’s working plan (System m Company (Box Day Out)

Analyze current trend & Make Strategy

To measure the correlation of social media marketing and customer Engagement

Sonam Sehgal (S T A R T E R ) Age- 25

About Profession Demographic Social status Personality Buying Behavior

LITERATURE REVIEWBranding and social media are the key elements to make any brand, it help start up to understand their audience, to connect with them and to make brand image.


Persona making

To review and analyze the social media strategy of establish brands and startups

Secondary Research

Content m Strategy Implement

Understand client need



Client feedba & change

Mockups for brand identity

Social media approach


Questionna sent to clie

Client approach

Shopping Channels

Ashish Kapoor (ADOPTER) Age- 38

An experimental buyer with limited view on the effect of choice of products on environment

A person who may think environment before buying a product. Has knowledge of sustainable products

Technology Executive

Business owner



Middle/upper midde class

Upper midde class

Confident, determind, active working, extrovert

Confident, socially active Results oriented, dominating

Experimental buyer, Effect by visual content, can try sustainable product

Likes buying premium , eco-friendly products. offers against the price

Flipkart, Amazon, Smytten, other easy avilable sites

Flipkart, Amazon, Smytten, Exclusive stores


Research Methodology

CASE STUDYTheir are social media tricks or strategies that brand are using and getting successful and famous. Create good Strategy can build start up growth more easy.

COMPETITIVE ANALYSISBefore creating strategy, you should know your competitors, what kind of strategy they applied earlier, what strategy will bring more audience, you have to analysis that.


Logo making concept

Each yarn bolls sym of sustainability, or Yellow yarn is SOCI ENVIRONMENT. The sustainable elemen with each other an Planet logo was ma Colors and their me Green- health, goo Orange- energetic Yellow- happiness,

media strategy for a start-up brand

gn, Batch 2019-2021


Mentor- Latika Bhatt

Social media strategy

d come to our company estionnaire is, client h reasearch about their d which social media d promotion and

Understand & Create Social Media strategy As per above case studies and competitive analysis, we can understand how social media works, which platform can be more useful for business and which kind of content get more engagement.


aire ent

Analyzise & understand

ack es

Create Brand identity

Final strategies & implementation

Here are some strategy from above research and dataBefore going to strategy, we have to think what are the other thinks that effect strategy or decision of viewers. Content strategy plays a very vital role for engagement, if contents are interesting and to the points more people will like it, if content include more pictures and less text more engagement level will be seen, but if more text and common content will be posted, the number of engagement will become less. So its important to know the audience, their interest and what kind of content they like.

Here are the some strategies that I understood by my research and also the final strategy that I work on. Strategy for contentPre, during and post promotion Influencer marketing Vendor/ Partner promotion Quiz Celebrity endorsement Interesting fact These are the content strategy that I proposed, except influencer marketing and celebrity endorsement, other four used as a content. Focus was Vendor promotion content. Vendor promotion content is new, but not unique. Other companies had done the vendor promotion but not specifically focused on showing details of their vendors. Here are some example of vendor promotions from other companies to understand the depth of this strategy.

Choice of Platforms, Objectives & KPIs

making Measure the Result


Sonam Sehgal (POWER USER) Age- 36 Always aware of decisions & their impact on environment, peer network and followers. Social Activist Traveller

Vendor Promotion Since the Vendor promotion content is new is this criteria, strategy is make Good impression and engagement from viewers. In simple words, vendor promotion is to promote vendor/partners of brand specifically. Things that will be there on vendor promotionVendor information _Artisan story _Behind the scene _product picture This content strategy have benefits and also some drawbacksPros Brand transparency (people will get to know from which brand they are buying) Vendor trusted customer (people who already know the vendor will show interest) Product promotion (the detail of product and vendor help to promote product more effectively) Cons Consumer diversity (when consumer got to know the vendor they can also purchase from the vendors website directly)

High society Extremely social, influential network, Health conscious choose products that are sustainable or matches her preferred lifestyle

Video 20%

Exclusive store, trusted partners,

mbolize three different aspect range yarn is ECONOMIC, IAL and green yarn defines e initial alphabet and nt combine and merge nd that's how Our Better ade. eaningod luck, and environmental awareness color, excitement, enthusiasm, and warmth , and optimism, of enlightenment and creativity

28% Text

62% Pictures

Content type and engagement level Different content subject post count and Engagement level


Start-ups need to implement better social media strategies which will help one to reach and engage existing and potential clients, in other way spreading the word about ones products and services in the market. In today’s global connectivity, before making the decision on the their purchase they are connecting the internet world to check online reviews, comments etc., Social media marketing is the best and easy solution to do marketing in pandemic period. Brand/Visual identity is a essential part for any start up or also for a establish brand, it create brand image, trust and attract consumers. Besides generating revenue and traffic, through social media marketing you can easily interact to your target audience and know their feedback or need. Social media is a powerful tool to achieve your of business goal.


Design Strateg


Global pandemic has disrupted almost all the sectors of India. Sectors like economic, tourism, hospitality, aviation, automobile and Apparel sector are largely affected by COVID-19. Textile and Apparel sectors are severely affected. To break the chain of spread of the corona virus Indian government announced restrictions on the opening of the malls, stores and manufacturing plants of the apparel industries. The situation of Pandemic changed the whole dynamics of consumer behaviour. As a result brands changed their communication strategies to communicate effectively with their consumers. The research was undertaken with the two objective, firstly to study the new consumer behaviour for Pret brands during COVID times and compare it with the pre COVID times. Secondly, to study the effect of pandemic on the

communication strategies of the Pret brands. For meeting the objectives primary data was collected through online survey and case study method. From the study it was found that consumer behaviour changed during the pandemic and Pret brands had also changed their communication strategy which was adaptive to pandemic situation. Pret brands made changes in the brand fundamentals and the brand identity to strengthen their personality. They used social media platforms so creatively than ever before to engage their consumers. Other platforms like Webinar, You Tube live streaming were the other popular mediums of communication. Not only this but they also changed their delivery policy, product categories and became more flexible to serve their consumers to the fullest.



The effect on communication strategies of apparel brands due to pandemic



Design Strateg


Brand equity is a perception of a brand in consumers mind, that has been created over the experience of time with the brand. When a customer have positive brand experience then they create positive brand perception which in returns create positive brand equity and same goes for negative brand experiences of a customer. The aim of this study will be focused on acquiring participatory approaches for the development of brand equity. This paper will only be based on customer based brand equity and the impact of co creation approaches adapted by brands on there brand equity. Online survey was conducted with 60

participants and a pilot study performed on 4 participants as case study for a lifestyle accessory brand on Pro Bono basis. The result implies that more brands need to acquire co creational or co designing approaches as it will establish a deeper bond with their customers and give brands a better insight about customers' needs and wants and improve their overall brand equity. Co-creation cannot only be used for designing a better product but can also be used to create brand awareness. A strategic plan has been devised as a recommendation for co-creational activity to enhance brand equity of a lifestyle brand.



Perception through participation - An investigative study of the significance of participatory approaches in the equity building process of a lifestyle accessory brand




Design Strateg


Neo Classical Economic Models consider Human beings as rational and calculative in their purchase decisions in a transactional environment. However, recent studies in Behavioral Economics indicate that a considerable amount of purchase decisions taken by individuals are under haste and irrational both in a digital as well as a physical environment. This studies also conclude that everyday activities are mainly driven by our Automatic/ Intuitive Thinking Systems, making human decisions prone to heuristics and biases. This biases and heuristics acts as mental shortcuts/ patterns that accelerates one’s decision making process by lessening the amount of information processed, irrespective of the efficiency provided by such decisions. The Project intends to determine and define the touchpoints of users, navigating through the Luxury Vehicle segment of an Automobile Classified Platform where Behavioral/ Visual interventions can be made to



reduce the irrationalities and help individuals take informed and effective decisions. The interventions to be used and recommended are based on Libertarian Paternalism’s principle that promotes the preservation of the freedom of choice and individuality of users while also allowing institutions to create and incorporate behavioral tools called nudges, to steer them in directions that will promote their welfare in a carefully designed environment. The Primary Research points towards soft analytics as an influencing factor in terms of purchasing a luxury vehicle. The project includes creation/ inclusion of nudges within the existing UX Architecture of a luxury automotive classified site based on the research findings and developed hypotheses. Ideally through this research, strategies can be developed for the creation of contextually relevant and effective user experiences to help direct users towards better decision making in terms of luxury vehicle purchases.

Determining the Significance of Libertarian Paternalism as an approach to improve and elevate the decision making of luxury vehicle buyers in digital spaces, respecting the invidual traits of the concerned users


Trend Research & ‘Future’ has always fascinated human beings. There are valuable lessons learnt from the past. Projecting them in the future while remaining in the present is such a powerful tool for forecasting trends.

Damini K


Mona Kumari


Karthik Babu SL Nakshatra Pramod Shreya mishra

93 101



Trend Research


With the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the first preemptive measure to fight the virus that happened that was directed by the medical fraternity was strengthening the immune system to increase the immunity of the body, during all phases of the virus' life-cycle. The Indian dietary supplement market was valued at USD 3924.44 Million in FY'20 and is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 17.28% until FY'26, to reach USD 10,198.57 Million by FY'26. Anticipated growth in the market can be attributed to growing consumer awareness about preventive healthcare, increasing purchasing power and rising cases of lifestyle diseases such as obesity, blood pressure, diabetes, malnutrition, etc. In FY'20, combination dietary supplements held the lion’s share in the market due to the fact that vitamin & mineral dietary supplements contain a variety of micronutrients, water-soluble & fat-soluble vitamins that help the body to function smoothly and improve mental health as well. Due to the heavy demand of these vitamins

and supplements the market competition has increased in this particular sector as everyone is trying to vouch for the customer's attention. Since the market is flooded with a lot of options, both offline as well as online. One differentiating factor is the brand identity. This project gives an overall understanding of the nutraceutical market in India and helps to understand the importance of visual brand identity and how it can impact customers' purchase decisions. The methodology employed during the course of this project is the principle of Design Thinking. To support and strengthen it, a prototype was created using trend study, post which testing of the prototype was done to understand what the customer really wants and prefers while buying vitamins and how visuals impact their buying behaviour. The final outcome of this research are a set of guidelines which have been created for creating effective brand identity of vitamin brands.


h & Forecasting Understanding user requirements to create guidelines for brand identity of vitamins and supplements



Trend Researc


Wellbeing has becomes one of the biggest topic to discuss during this pandemic period. The research is going to explore the possible ways in future to use multi-sensory design to improve user’s wellbeing. On the process of exploring concepts such as perpetual systems, synesthetic design, design for wellbeing, Function of sensory system in the human body. And this project can be divided into two parts where the first part is about the exploration of the concepts around the multi-sensory design and wellbeing, and the second part is about what the recent and upcoming behavioural trends which can be taken up by the brands to design and improve the wellbeing of users and communicate their brand ideology. To address the key research objectives this research mostly depends on qualitative methodologies to collect the data, but the data collected can be both qualitative and quantitative The secondary Research is constructed with literature review and case study analysis, In primary research, Trend research analysis is conducted, trend

research has three sub steps, which would help the research to have constructive data regarding recent developments and cross polarization to come up with drivers, triggers and friction which will impact the trend. And the research outcomes will be validated with the help of expert interviews and user survey For behavioural trend analysis, data from different domains were collected (steeple), the drivers were collected, by cross polarisation, trends were spotted. The spotted trends are Auditory Escapism, virtual Touch, and Personnel Zoning, for of this trends were documented as trend book, with action points, action points will be key points which would indicate the major development were brands may work on to improve their user experiences by incorporating wellbeing and multi-sensory design in their design ideology. And trend book also communicates about how wellbeing can be an interest area for brands to increase their scope of products and services.


ch & Forecasting

Current trends in Designing for well-being with Multi-Sensory Design



Trend Researc


The research is proposed to understand as well as establish the need of trend forecasting for sustainable clothing brands available in India. Also, to find the possibilities if trend forecasting can help such brands grow its size and influence in Indian apparel market. Since pandemic there has been a rise in awareness regarding environment and customers are more conscious about their purchases and this fact leads to an opportunity for the sustainable brands. These brands can now extent their boundaries to become more valuable in terms of being responsible towards the future as well as prove themselves as one of the needs of the current situation. Further, a short-term colour trend for A/W 2021, has been forecasted with help of primary and secondary

research done separately for it which is the outcome of this complete research work altogether. It also includes the information of the natural dyes that are used by sustainable clothing brands. llected, by cross polarisation, trends were spotted. The spotted trends are Auditory Escapism, virtual Touch, and Personnel Zoning, for of this trends were documented as trend book, with action points, action points will be key points which would indicate the major development were brands may work on to improve their user experiences by incorporating wellbeing and multi-sensory design in their design ideology. And trend book also communicates about how wellbeing can be an interest area for brands to increase their scope of products and services.


ch & Forecasting

The role of trend forecasting in sustainable clothing brands in India & colour palette for A/W 2021




Trend Researc


With the outbreak of the Covid-19 The research is comparative and is based on a problem definition that emphasises the accurate depiction of people and their bodies frequently ignored by mainstream media. Uneven power systems are perpetuated by eurocentric aesthetic ideals. Models of colour and curvaceous models have been seen on the runway in recent years. Despite criticism, the Miss Universe event publicly welcomed a transgender candidate from Spain. The kind of bodies we've seen in the media for so long have all looked the same, having more bodies depicted is a step in the right way worth celebrating, and it has undoubtedly aided many people. individuals on their path to self-acceptance. The goal of this session is to examine how practitioners and academics have handled the study of various body size representations in the modelling industry, as well as to determine whether the modelling industry is truly

changing in terms of openness and inclusivity or has it developed into a fad. Diversity programmes appear to be treated as just another box to check or an aesthetic trend to follow by brands. With terms like "body positivity" and "diversity" becoming household terms while the larger issue and goal of inclusivity have been demeaned? It will also evaluate other options for moving forward with future research in this field. Through in-depth interviews and a qualitative method with a theoretical framework, the study tries to describe and find out the influence of fashion models and their role in shaping the structures of the society.


ch & Forecasting

Body Diversity of fashion models in brand campaigns: A wind of change or tokenism?



HYPOTHESIS Hypothesis: As more businesses seek to widen their markets, the term "inclusivity" has gained popularity. In the case of fashion, this has led to firms co-opting the word without taking any concrete steps to promote a more inclusive and open sector. The major issue, as well as the reason behind it, has been downplayed. With its power and influence over the consumer's mentality, the fashion industry's movement has become cosmetic rather than truly producing change.




Mentored by Rupa Agarwal

2019-2021 National Institute of fashion Tecchnology

Objectives This research aims at dwelling into the hypothesis about the current scenario of the structure of diversity and inclusion of fashion models in ad campaigns that positively sets standards in the world of fashion. Studying the framework behind it by using comparative methods of research, the objective is to investigate the role of diversity using design research methods.


Target audience: Gen Diversity iss a policy, not a checklist Measurement of impact over percentage


Trend Researc


The interest in word of mouth escalated during the interaction with the public relation industry. Every individual in him/herself is a brand and to build network, one needs to understand, talk, and portray themselves in a way which helps to connect with others leading to great influence, pursuance and idealisation. There is a majority of sensory components which are involved in the study of the matter. There are multiple case studies which were used to understand and study how the word of mouth influences the market. Pinterest growth from 3000 to 456 million in 10 years was a result of global transfer of information via digital media that involves word of mouth marketing. Another case study of Coca- Cola, proved an amazing ad campaign that required a high rate of word-of-mouth advertising. The company launched thousands of cola bottles with a label which either mentioned a relative like- “Papa”, “Friend” or most common names

like “Jake”, “James” etc. This led to the customers using the bottles and discussing it with their friends that had same name. The further analysis was done using telephonic interviews with various customers who belonged to the industries like PR, social media and middlemen client services sector. The idea which was devised was to come up with an app which incorporates a win-win for both the brands and customers. "Locomotive", as an app to encourage campaign ideas coming from the people/customers, who would provide and share it with the brand which will in turn increase their brand relativity and awareness, leading to increased word of mouth and better brand positioning. The need of the hour is, since covid has affected all the industries majorly, how word of mouth can be used to come up with a new branding strategy for majority of the affected industry.


ch & Forecasting

Trends of word-of-mouth branding strategies in the post covid scenario - A Case Study



Design for Tackling Sustainability through a ‘designerly’ lens has given designers a wider currency in the discourse of sustainability and more recently in circular economy.

Aditya R


Kamalika Bhattacharjee


Jaya Advani

Monia Umbrey Nija Nair

Preksha Kharidia

Sreenidhi Narayanan


123 127 131



Design for Sus


India is well with its diverse culture, which includes a wide range of art forms. The handicraft industry has been doing this for centuries. Previously, craftsmen were known all over the world for their expertise and craftsmanship. The engravings on the temples attest to this. Since ancient times, Indian handcrafted goods have been exported. This sector, which contributes significantly to the country's beautiful culture, hires craftsmen in a variety of crafts such as woodenware, metal ware, textile weaving and printing, marble & stone crafts, leather works, jewellery, and so on. This skill is passed down through family tradition from generation to generation. Instead of advanced technology for the production of various items, the craftsmen use conventional handling methods. This industry is very unstructured, It is very sad but it indicating clearly how this sector was ignored in the past. The lack of adequate infrastructure in India affects production and marketing in this sector, only very few craftsmen are currently working as

full-time profession in India. They were split into different areas due to lower-income. They are in rural areas don't have the proper information to promote their artwork. The Indian Government has, however, been looking to continue to impact the craftsmen since independence has put in place detailed perspectives to secure this sector. After being taken efforts by government, the problem such as lack of execution of schemes and policies, giving small or no result. Further research will look at how to reduce the gap between craftsmen and customers. Concentrate on raising revenue and exploring and easily communicating with the world and customers can contact craftsmen and not intermediaries directly. Methods used in this research like a review of the literature and expert interviews will be used to fill these gaps. This document contains information about each step, how the research is carried out, and how users can experience it without any problem.


stainability To design user interface for bridging the gap between craftsmen and customers in the craft industry


ABSTRACT India is well with its diverse culture, which includes a wide range of art forms. The handicraft industry has been doing this for centuries. Previously, craftsmen were known all over the world for their expertise and craftsmanship. The engravings on the temples attest to this. Since ancient times, Indian handcrafted goods have been exported. This sector, which contributes significantly to the country's beautiful culture, hires craftsmen in a variety of crafts such as woodenware, metal ware, textile weaving and printing, marble & stone crafts, leather works, jewellery, and so on. This skill is passed down through family tradition from generation to generation. Instead of advanced technology for the production of various items, the craftsmen use conventional handling methods. This industry is very unstructured, It is very sad but it indicating clearly how this sector was ignored in the past. The lack of adequate infrastructure in India affects production and marketing in this sector, only very few craftsmen are currently working as full-time profession in India. They were split into different areas due to lower-income. They are in rural areas don't have the proper information to promote their artwork. The Indian Government has, however, been looking to continue to impact the craftsmen since independence has put in place detailed perspectives to secure this sector. After being taken efforts by government, the problem such as lack of execution of schemes and policies, giving small or no result. Further research will look at how to reduce the gap between craftsmen and customers. Concentrate on raising revenue and exploring and easily communicating with the world and customers can contact craftsmen and not intermediaries directly. Methods used in this research like a review of the literature and expert interviews will be used to fill these gaps. This document contains information about each step, how the research is carried out, and how users can experience it without any problem.



DESIGN PROCES To study the craft industry and all of its stakeholders.

To identify the gap between the craftsman and the customer.

To develop a framework for bridging the gap



Secondary Research

Primary Research


Pilot Study Interviews


Online Surveys Journals Affinity Mapping Thesis Blogs

Insights Possible Outcome








Stakeholders Interviews Design Goals

Persona User Journey

User flow Info. Architecture Task Flow

Logo Explorations UI Guidelines Low Fidelity Prototype



Aditya Ratnaparkhi | MD/19/125


Design for S


The beginning of Human civilization has seen clothing in the form of plants and animal skins, the then sustainable option of the civilization. As the development of the societies took place, the natural options were gradually replaced by the more widely manufactured apparels that followed the linear making model. On the whole as an industry as well as a system, Fashion is making a huge contribution towards environmental and social crises in ever increasing ways. The industry needs a transformation to fit into the limits of Social and Environmental aspects so as to reduce its heavy weight on the resources. This research would explore the methods of applying the Circular Economy checkpoints into the Apparel industries be it menswear, womenswear or kidswear. The explorations would follow a wider approach of outcomes possible within the industrial contexts and would also include focus on zero waste pattern cutting methods. The

connection of Design and Industries have taken a broader shape. The thesis, while outlining the design strategy approaches on an industrial scale, would also focus on the consumer and awareness about the Circular Economy Model that would be implemented in the industries. With consideration to the theoretical models which will be developed to address the opportunity, in terms of the wider organizational activities, the models would also attempt to express the constraints, functions and behavior of Design, while contextualizing these within the economic structure that the industries operate upon. All the research findings and checkpoints would then allow a recalibration of the industries as a whole, starting from the smaller sections and moving upon the larger ones. A fundamental shift in the Design Thinking methodology application is required to make an important shift possible.



Strategic placement of circular economy model in apparel industries


Jaya Advani, MD/19/37, Design Strategy, College Mentor - Ms. Rashmi Gulati; Industry Mentor - Mr. Badal Ku

National Institute of Fashion Technology, Mumbai ABSTRACT


The beginning of Human civilization has seen clothing in the form of plants and animal skins, the then sustainable option of the civilization. As the development of the societies took place, the natural options were gradually replaced by the more widely manufactured apparels that followed the linear making model. On the whole as an industry as well as a system, Fashion is making a huge contribution towards environmental and social crises in ever increasing ways. The industry needs a transforǿƊɈǞȌȁ ɈȌ ˛Ɉ ǞȁɈȌ ɈǘƵ ǶǞǿǞɈȺ ȌǏ ²ȌƧǞƊǶ ƊȁƮ 0ȁɨǞȲȌȁǿƵȁɈƊǶ ƊȺȯƵƧɈȺ ȺȌ ƊȺ ɈȌ reduce its heavy weight on the resources. This research would explore the methods of applying the Circular Economy checkpoints into the Apparel industries be it menswear, womenswear or kidswear. The connection of Design and Industries have taken a broader shape. A fundamental shift in the Design Thinking methodology application is required to make an important shift possible.



Re-purposing old clothing into new ones




Business models that increase clothing use

eco-friendly and sustainable inputs

Making that ge amo pre-co w




Consumer Involvement




















Consumers are responsible for more than 64 per post-production waste for garments.

apparel production




Industries produce 39% of total textile and garmen in the processing, manufacturing, and post manufa activities.


WHAT - Our methods have exceeded the limits WHEN - Society was altered by the shift in our capacity to crea WHERE - For companies, people, and the environment, the system is unsuccessful WHO - The system s being disrupted by US. àRæ ٌ àƵƊȲǞȁǐ Ɗ ǐƊȲǿƵȁɈ ǿȌȲƵ ɈǘƊȁ ˛ɨƵ ɈǞǿƵȺ ǘƊȺ ƦƵƧȌǿƵ lenge HOW - Its called Circular Economy




full of clothing is mƊȁƮ˛ǶǶƵƮ ȌȲ ƦɐȲȁƵƮ

in clothing usage due to fast fashion

$460 BILLION of clothing value is missed by consumers each year


1 sec.




FASHION INDUSTRY would use 26% of the carbon budget associated with 2 degree C Global Warming



of non renewable resources are used by the apparel industries globally


To understand the evolution of the manufacturing i and present manufacturing approaches of the indus healthy disruption in terms of circular economy appr


To understand the present consumer sentiments an brought about the change in their perspectives in t apparel purchasing. The ‘need’ to ‘want’ cycle,


To study and apply the transparency techniques in th uct development processes and generate a circular e model for a sustainable disruption in the apparel indu




STRATEGY 1 Increasing Consumer Awareness

nt waste acturing

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STRATEGY 2 Industry Blockchain Decoding the Garment DNA

g Systems enerate less ount of consumer waste.

ate e current

STRATEGY 3 Smart Tagging & Circular Economy A Conversation of Conservation


industry stry for a roach,

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he prodeconomy ustry.



REDUCTION of carbon-di-oxide by



700 5.0 Lac MILLION

annual material cost saving in the FAST-MOVING



can be created in the



Design for Susta


Its natural and habitual for millions of people worldwide to grab different products in a daily basis which have a protective covering called packaging in it. Most of these packaging materials are designed as single-use and are normally thrown away rather than getting recycled and reused. There are endless roles of packaging for a product, but the roles are just temporary. but the abandoned packaging materials causes long term effects to the environment and society, directly concerning humans and animals. The outline of this project is about the gaps identified of the huge variety of packaging materials that are currently used in the industry and the opportunities open to those who are eager to take advantage of this issue and make a key selling point for the business. The initial stage of this research was about finding and understanding about the new strategies taken all over the world with respect to plant-fibre based the

chances in terms of introduction of a packaging. After that, I have exploredgroundnut shell as a staple for packaging. The experimental process included sourcing of raw materials, processing, sampling and prototyping. The prototyping was done in a mechanical process, by adjusting the variables like heat, pressure and time. It would deal with two problems at once: firstly, air pollution from the burning of crop stubble; and secondly, landfills & waterways clogged with nonbiodegradable materials. The results of the material exploration of groundnut shell-based packaging was quite satisfactory as it sturdy, flexible, holds water and it is compostable as well, so can be used as cattle feed and plant manure. The material can be used in primary as well as secondary packaging for dry food packaging and as substitutes of foam boards in fragile item packaging, respectively.



Groundnut Shell Based Packaging: A Drive Towards Eco-friendly and Sustainable Packaging

GROUNDNUT SHELL-BASED A Drive Towards Eco-friendly and Su

Presented by : Kamalika B MD/19/ ABSTRACT

Its natural and habitual for millions of people worldwide to grab different products in a daily basis which have a protective covering called

than getting recycled and reused. There are endless roles of packaging for a product, but the roles are just temporary. but the abandoned packaging materials causes project is about the gaps identified of the huge variety of packaging materials that are currently used in the industry and the opportunities open to those who are eag was about finding and understanding about the new strategies taken all over the world with respect to plant-fibre based packaging. After that, I have explored the cha sourcing of raw materials, processing, sampling and prototyping. The results of the material exploration was quite satisfactory as it sturdy, flexible, holds water and it well as secondary packaging for dry food packaging and as substitutes of foam boards in fragile item packaging, respectively. Keywords:







D PACKAGING: ustainable Packaging.


Bhattacharjee /49

d packaging in it. Most of these packaging materials are designed as single-use and are normally thrown away rather

s long term effects to the environment and society, directly concerning humans and animals. The outline of this ger to take advantage of this issue and make a key selling point for the business. The initial stage of this research ances in terms of introduction of a groundnut shell as a staple for packaging. The experimental process included t is compostable as well, so can be used as cattle feed and plant manure. The material can be used in primary as Sustainable packaging, Compostable material, Waste management, Environment friendly.







Design for Sus


In the world of hustle culture, the way of rural and slow living gives a much-needed comfort. Tourism has brought north east in the lime-light and with the ongoing lockdown, people are waiting to just resume their travel plans. In the backdrop of it growing old population are left alone in the rural areas, with decreasing attractiveness of the rural lifestyle, accessibility & maintenance issues surrounding the public transportation and with transportation barriers to accessing the medic-aid brings me to rethink the Rural Mobility. And the concept of Shared Mobility just fits in rightly. Here in this project the potential of shared mobility to supplement the public transportation in rural areas specifically in Itanagar is explored. The identified gaps and opportunities in both the micro-mobility and health transportation for NEMT is immense in this hilly region surrounded by 105 villages. Initially it identifies the problems within the public transportation system in Itanagar and tries to understand the perception, attitude and behaviour towards the idea of Public Transport in general, and shared mobility in specific. To understand the users, field research was conducted in

phased manner supported by market research to look into gaps and opportunities surrounding the public transportation system. Other methods like contextual inquiries and telephonic interviews were consciously chosen because of the lockdown. A retrospective study ensued the telephonic interviews. Shared mobility offers to reduce congestion and provide better transportation services. Itanagar, in turn has available infrastructure in the form of privately owned vehicles. Which is bound to increase in the near future so here in this project the possibility of using the privately owned cars for the non-emergency medical transportation is explored in the later stage. Additionally, a preliminary system design for the NEMT is given.The road to shared mobility is undoubtedly filled with hurdles. The spatial location of Itanagar imposed with non-functioning all season motorable roads itself makes the project far- fetched dream. But it tries to lay the ground for further study and provides an alternative model to existing public transportation system in Itanagar capital city complex.


stainability Exploring shared mobility in rural areas, Specific to Itanagar capital city complex.



Urban Rural Typology: Intermediate (Rural Population is between 20%- 40%) Total Population: 122930 Population Density: 13 person/ square km

e rg


g er

Di ve

e rg





ive De l





Elderly Dependency Growth Rate




ve De




g er



Child Dependency Growth Rate



0.24 1.14


Elderly Dependency Increase Decrease

“Auto wala ko koi puchta bhi nahi”


Child Dependency Decrease Decrease

“Pork ka daam bhi itna jyada hai khaane mann honese bhi nahi kha sakta hai.”




“Ghar ka haalat nahi honese bhi nyishi log ka ghar mein ek scorpio toh dikhega hi tumko”




“Hum samajh sakta hai agar students bargain karta hain toh, lekin ye officer log paisa honeka baad bhi bargain bhi karega aur misbehave bhi”

De fin


“Itanagar mein aadmi se jyada gadi dikhai dega tumko”

Di ve


In Collaboration with Arunachal Pra


In This Dissertation Project the objective is divided as: • To Redesign the existing website (APSTS) • To explore the possibility of shared mobility in rural areas, specifically Itanagar- capital city complex. •• To identify the problems existing within the shared mobility and PT system. •• To give a preliminary system design for the NEMT.

Explorin Shared Mobility in Rural Areas, specific to



In the world of hustle culture, the way of rural and slow living gives a much-needed comfort. Tourism has brought north east in the lime-light and with the ongoing lock-down, people are waiting to just resume their travel plans. In the backdrop of it growing old population are left alone in the rural areas, with decreasing attractive-ness of the rural lifestyle, accessibility & maintenance issues surrounding the public transportation and with transportation barriers to accessing the medicaid brings me to rethink the Rural Mobility. And the concept of Shared Mobility just fits in rightly. Additionally, a preliminary system design for the NEMT is given.

Moniya Umbrey MD/19/310


ng o Itanagar Capital City.




adesh State Transport Services.































Tempo Service

Trekker Service

Autorickshaw Service

Capacity: 8/10 person Coverage: Main road (NH 52A),shared basis. Fare: 20 Rs. for 4.8 km

Capacity: 10/12 person Coverage: only Ita- nlg, shared basis. Fare: 50 Rs. in normal situation.

Capacity: 4/6 person Coverage: last mile travels, Both shared and reserved basis Fare: 250 Rs. for 2.1 km on reservation



Design for Su


Fitness as a word carries various meanings, so does its interpretations. It could be about losing weight to one whereas mental and physical well-being for another. The fitness industry is booming both physically and technologically, where there are innumerable products and services on both platforms that cater to people globally. In spite of the overwhelming options and information devoted to serving the interested, many individuals aren’t satisfied with their present status with respect to fitness, and/or haven’t achieved their fitness goals. This includes the young adults (18-25 years), who are greatly exposed to the developments in this industry. The purpose of this study was to develop an understanding of users’ overall fitness scenario, to explore the meaning of fitness in general from user perspectives, to qualitatively investigate the factors that influence the lifestyle pertaining to fitness, and to explore opportunities for

intervention for the stated gap. Motivation has been considered as an important catalyst in the exercise psychology. The study tests the relations between fitness and motivation for students in their late teens and early twenties. Various scholarly studies have explored somaesthetics as a theory which can cultivate experiences by harmonizing the body with its sensory appreciation. This study further evaluates the potential of somaesthetics and the benefits of its application with relation to motivation. The process is initiated with the review of existing literature. Over the course of the study, interviews, field activity, journaling and concept testing were conducted with participants at various stages. The analysis derives a relationship between fitness and motivation and proposes the probability of somaesthetics to benefit individuals through interaction.


ustainability Improving Motivation for Fitness in Young Adults Through Somaesthetic Interaction Design



Design for Su


Scientists recently declared that the holocene has ended and that we are now in the Anthropocene, the age of humans, being the primary drivers of change on planet earth. It is pivotal to aim for a net positive future. Sustainability is an unachievable goal until we regenerate the ecosystems and undo the damage already done. Being sustainable is overwhelming for the consumers due to their consumption habits. Regeneration focuses on the thrivability of the built environment and living ecosystems. The study was conducted to understand the drivers behind the unsustainable buying and consuming behaviour. This exploratory research intended to understand the roles of an individual and businesses for the Paradigm shift. The research focuses on two dimensions of the Regenerative Paradigm, One from the consumer perspective and the other from the business perspective. To understand the drivers of inability of the

Sustainable Era, Primary research was conducted which included surveys and contextual interviews. Mindset shift enables the paradigm shift. The hypothesis statement ‘Inadaptability of Sustainable lifestyle will trigger adaptability of Regenerative lifestyle’ was validated and proven right after the experimental contextual inquiry. Consumers were approached from a self healing point of view (Regenerative) instead of self-sacrificing approach (sustainability), 80% of the participants were susceptible to make a shift for their wellness. By deriving the insights from the primary research to understand ‘what went wrong’ in the success of sustainability and from the Case studies of existing regenerative business models, a systemic framework from a socio-ecological and place-based approach is suggested for a Regenerative Farm, Kharif based in Bhat, Gandhinagar.



From Inability of Sustainable Era to Enabling the Regenerative Paradigm



Design for Sus


Transition design has been a recently developed & evolving school of thought which professes the idea of creating a more sustainable design practice & future scenario, by attempting a systemic change within the various unsolvable complex problems we face. By understanding the systemic interdependencies of the problem in the dynamic society, it proposes to address the social problems by starting at the bottom of the ladder and inducing a systemic change that can evolve in the foreseeable future with the least human intervention, to create a sustainable environment within & outside. I have tried to understand the concept, idea, framework, process, and model of transition design through the lens of the Tiny house movement which in its inception, was influenced by transition design. The tiny house movement is a social movement, which advocates free living as a philosophy. Here, people construct houses using trailers, shipment containers, etc to further the concept of minimalism in their life whilst keeping their current lifestyle. This house is customizable & off-grid which reduces the


dependency on our current resources. Another quality is that this house does not require any ground support to be built. Because this house is built on a trailer the foundation is never laid on the ground which helps this house to be a solution for housing & real estate in the most inhabitable places also. The fact that this systemic change is ever-evolving and requires very little human intervention, it has been seen as a very sustainable and hassle-free model by its users. Hence, I have tried to look at the concept of transition design and understand it better using the Tiny house movement. I have tried to identify the process, framework, common elements, parameters. I have also used interviews to talk to the people who live in these tiny houses, to understand their mindset, i n c e n t i v e s , l i f e s t y l e , decision-making points, motivations, etc to come up with a Persona Chart. Using the insights inferences and conclusions of my project, I also ended up building a small tiny house model for myself by incorporating various elements and interconnected relations that I found between transition design and the tiny house movement.


Scope with respect to social design structures through the Tiny House Movement

TRANSITION DESIGN ABSTRACT Transition design has been a recently developed school of thought which professes the idea of creating a sustainable design practice & future scenario, by attempting a systemic change. Understanding the interdependencies in the dynamic society it solves them with the least human intervention viable. Grasping the concept, framework, process, and model of transition design through the lens of the Tiny house movement which in its inception, was influenced by transition design is the main focus. The tiny house, a social movement, advocates simple living as the philosophy pushes concept of minimalism, keeping their current lifestyle. This house is customizable, off-grid and built on a trailer making it a sustainable & hassle-free model.

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To derive transition design's process,, framework to solve systemic problems To view the tiny house movement through the lens of transition design as a systemic level change To design a persona chart & various key parameters using the concept of transition design





















Transition design is the designed plan for a process of adjusting from one state or condition to a different.



The tiny house movement or the small house movement, is an architectural social movement, advocating downsizing living spaces by simplifying lifestyles - living with less. It uses the concept of simpler living as a potential to provide eco-friendly solutions to the current problems of the real estate and housing sector.




TAKE TWO Retired . Slow Living . Low Maintenance . Hobbies . Hosts

Self-employed. . Passionate . Private. . Minimalist . Sustainable

THE NURTURER Family man . Extrovert . Outdoor Lifestyle . Luxury . Well settled . Kids








Sreenidhi Narayanan, (independent) National Institute of Fashion Technology

Design Strategy - MD/19/9 Mentor - Dr. Rupa Agarwal

Design & Layout Mr. Dhiren Kumar (Alumni M.Des 2018-20) Ms. Kanika Mishra (M.Des 2020-22) Ms. Anushka Aurangabadkar (M.Des 2020-22) Guided by Mr. Francis Xavier Content & Editing Prof. Dr. Sharmila Dua Prof. Dr. Rupa Agarwal Ms. Jaya Advani Coordination & Execution Dr. Rashmi Gulati Mr. Nitin Kulkarni

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