National Institute of Fashion Technology, Mumbai Graduation Show 2013

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National Institute of Fashion Technology, Mumbai

“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.� Aristotle

About NIFT Mumbai....................................................................................................2 Messages....................................................................................................................4 Fashion Communication.............................................................................................6 Fashion Design.........................................................................................................40 Knitwear Design.......................................................................................................76 Textile Design........................................................................................................116 Fashion Technology................................................................................................146 Design Space..........................................................................................................176 Fashion Management.............................................................................................204 Book Credits c 2013 National Institute of Fashion Technology, Mumbai. Design Omkar Khadamkar Faculty coordination Ms. Rupa Agarwal and Mr. Nitin Kulkarni Editing Ms. Susmita Das Pal Printed by Vibhoo Graphics Sponsored by Texzone Information Services Pvt. Ltd., the publisher of Home Fashion magazine and organizer of HGH India trade show and Home Fashion India Week 431,Kaliandas Udyog Bhavan, Near Century Bhavan, Prabhadevi, Mumbai-400025 Tel:. +91 22 2421 4111 Fax:. +91 22 2421 411 Email:



NIFT Mumbai was established in 1995 to cater to the garment industry in the commercial capital of India. With the objective of proactively catalyzing the growth of Fashion Business, the Ministry of Textile, Government of India, established NIFT as an autonomous body in 1996 at New Delhi. NIFT’s primary objectives were to maintain the academic excellence of the institute, to promote brand ‘NIFT’, to strengthen the linkages of the institute with craft, industry and international institutes and to be able to develop sustainable research environments. NIFT- Mumbai has included in all its professional education industry inputs in Design, Management and Technology in varying proportions. A common platform for interaction with industry and craft sector has been created as an intense and dynamic part of Curriculum in NIFT.

Programmes offered at NIFT Mumbai cover all aspects of Fashion Business. B.Des. (4 years undergraduate programme)

Fashion Design Knitwear Design Textile Design Fashion Communication B.FTech. (4 years undergraduate programme)

Fashion Technology (Apparel Production) M.Des. (2 years postgraduate programme in Design Space) M.F.M. (2 years postgraduate programme in Fashion Management)

NIFT Mumbai 4


NIFT Faculty members are highly trained professionals from leading reputed fashion and design institutes, who bring to the classrooms wide exposure and years of hands on industry experience. During the course at NIFT, the students undertake areas of research which are in tandem with the industry through which newer ideas and solutions for the modern fashion world are created. Continuing Education at NIFT Mumbai has further increased technical support to industries, trade bodies and educational institutes.

NIFT has pioneered IPR education in all streams of Fashion Technology in India at both UG and PG levels, seminars and workshops have been conducted with WIPO. To protect India’s traditional handicrafts, registration of crafts under Geographical Indications Act has been initiated in collaboration with DC, Handicrafts. Our strengths go beyond just the aspects of design and fashion. NIFT hones talent in complete 360 degrees approach giving knowledge a multi-disciplinary aspect with fragments of industrial dynamics and team-building. Craft Cluster initiative at NIFT Mumbai has built in collaborative partnerships in a mutually learning mode with various handloom and handicraft clusters in Maharashtra. NIFT has also integrated cluster activity with student curriculum and exposure to rural crafts for all programmes in a project mode as a model of rural development has given a holistic approach to combing crafts and design in India.

NIFT students have successfully completed their various ‘study abroad’ programmes at foreign schools of acclaimed repute. This initiative has given wider perspectives to our students who have then gone a step further and returned to the respective foreign universities for advanced studies.

Director - Smt. Nilima Rani Sigh Joint Director - Mr. Muthukumar Deputy Director (F&A) - Mr. Pradeep Kumar Jha

Project Engineer - Mr. V.N. Govindan Kutty Head Librarian – Mr. Rajashekhar Devarai Assistant Director – Ms. Manjiri Rane

NIFT Vision

To emerge as a Centre of Excellence and Innovation – proactively catalyzing growth of fashion business through leadership in professional education with concern for social and human values.

Costume like architecture is the most visible sign of a civilization - with the advent of globalization, the cultural boundaries have begun to disappear. From splendid traditional styles of the Royalty, fashion is now more functionally inspired across various cultures. Revolutionizing fashion studies and having introduced the concept of research in fashion, NIFT is today one of the most recognized names in the fashion industry. At NIFT, critical appraisal at each step encourages self improvement amongst students. A gamut of learning practices and corresponding evaluation tools ensure enhanced academic outcomes across varied disciplines of study. It is indeed a very proud moment for all of us as 220 of our students graduate after an arduous journey of four years. The class of 2013 will make its mark in the world of fashion with their innovation, determination and most importantly their sincerity. As you graduate I will only say excel in whatever you do as excellence is not a skill but only an attitude. Work hard, think big and always have a dream. Remember that most people do not recognize opportunity when it comes along because it is usually disguised as hard work. Learn the art of getting 60 seconds out of a minute, 60 minutes out of an hour and 24 hours out of a day. You have as much time as anyone else of your age. Go out and conquer the world!!! Best of Luck to the class of 2013.


Nilima Rani Singh Director, National Institute of Fashion Technology, Mumbai.

National Institute of Fashion Technology has been playing a pivotal role in envisioning and evolving fashion education through its professionally managed Centres. The institute provides an environment for creativity leading to innovation and growth. The students from different parts of the country achieve their highest potential through the programmes offered, with a focus on learning by doing. I am sure the real-world problems, constraints and commitments accelerate learning among students across the institute. At NIFT we inculcate among our students a never die spirit of inquiry leading to progressive thinking. At each of our campus, students embrace a firm commitment to acquire and imbibe newness with a superlative stress on quality. As the young graduates of class of 2013from NIFT, step out of the portals of the institute, I urge them to always retain their never ending zeal into inquiry and reflective thinking. Hope their acquired knowledge and skills will help them in modifying the existing practices thereby bringing in a revolution of change, which will be sustained for times to come. In the current climate of e-resources and shorter time frames of learning, it is a necessity to refine the education process to meet the needs of newer times. Realizing the need, we have re-engineered our strategy to develop a distinctive approach that accentuates the skills and qualities that inherently drive academic excellence. Through creative enterprise, knowledge transfer & peer learning we have been able to achieve a more fortified knowledge base & a stronger academic strategy. I am sure that the Class of 2013 has benefited from this endeavour. My best wishes to the Class of 2013.


Prem Kumar Gera, IAS Director General, National Institute of Fashion Technology.


ashion Communication is a four-year undergraduate degree program. It prepares student for professional work in Graphic Design, Photography, Visual Merchandising, Fashion Journalism, Advertising, Retail & Brand Management and Event Management. Fashion communication gives the student a good design and industry knowledge. So while you learn to do creative work in all these areas, you also develop professional attitude. Fashion Communication students are considered as a whole squared talent in the fashion and life style industries.



Faculty Mrs. Rupa Agarwal - Associate Professor Mrs. Sushama Saitwal - Associate Professor Mr. Vinesh Tapre - Assistant Professor & Centre Coordinator Mrs. Susmita Das Pal - Assistant Professor & Cluster Initiative Coordinator


Support staff Mrs. Sugandha Bal Kamble - Junior Assistant Mr. Ravindra Joshi - Lab Assistant Mr. Chinmoy Bandopadhyay - Attendant

The Program addresses the niche by enhancing the student’s command in all sub-disciplines of visual communication. It creates professionals who can provide communication solutions for fashion in the most creative and financially viable manner. Students of Fashion Communication are adept at professionally working the integration of their skills and creativity with the projects on hand. As fashion scales new height, communicating the ethos behind the design innovations and their interpretations become a vital aspect of the business. With the explosion of international retails stores and brands and an evolving domestic fashion scenario, it has become imperative to have visibility and unique brand identity. Specialization in any of the above mentioned fields is patient effort that stems from interest. A Plethora of electives add to the skill set to enhance performance and add maturity. The variety of experience adds to any design repertoire the confidence of integration and self esteem to pronounce as well as communication any ideas, design or concept that fits the bill of creativity.

Anjali Stella Gari


Art visualizer


Mr. Vinesh Tapre Mr. Naveen Kansal - Grey Group, Mumbai

To Shift bournvita to a health and wellness brand against a MFD brand.


o drive brand growths by driving frequency of consumption amongst infrequent users and to grow brand consumption by moving back into consideration set of heavy MFD users in the digital world, for the new age mothers. Bournvita want themselves to be the brand which partners them as they look to prepare their children for the challenges of tomorrow.On digital, Bournvita want these mothers to think of brand as a well-informed peer, who can equip them to play an important role in the upbringing of their children. My task was to come up with the best communication route that cover our target group with maximum impact, which was then followed by Facebook app generation, mobile app ideas, website designing. This process Involved continuous brainstorming and discussion sessions.The Project involved art direction and graphic designing skills in advertising world.I also gained innumerous exposure of the advertising industry.I learned the art of handling work pressure and also maintain a healthy relation between my colleagues and clients.

To get the best understanding of the brand and come up with best Communication route that cover Bournvita’s target group with maximum impact.

Internship details Name of the firm Digital Law & Kenneth, Mumbai Fields of work Art direction, Visualizer, Graphic designer, Mobile app design for the new age mothers. 9

Logo Design for Hero campaign mobile app. - The Vroom movement

Anuja Kulkarni


Graphic design, Design research


Mr. Nitin Kulkarni Ms. Smita Gupta (Consumer Technical Insights, Hindustan Unilever.Ltd)

Brand Communication: Lipton (green tea)


he project was undertaken with Hindustan Unilever for their brand Lipton, with an objective to create consumer education for green tea through multiple media - like Back of pack , Point of sales, print , digital & new media. The project involved market research to understand the need and scope for communication. The challenge of the project was its vastness, the comprehensive understanding about the product segment, buying patterns, consumer associations and tapping the right media and message for communication. The project followed broadly four steps: consumer interactions, market research, Design directions, consumer validation and prototyping.

The process Market research

Design Directions

Validation Prototyping

Competitor study User study Market surveys

Internship details

Lipton (green tea) : Market research, Brand Message communication ideation.

Name of the firm Lokusdesign Pvt.Ltd Fields of work Graphic design and content development


The objective of the project was to create awareness about product, 360 degree communication by means of various media promotions.

Developed content and design for 10 categories of Dr.Green Flashcards, an i-OS app

Apoorv Gupta


Design Research, Graphics & Photography


Mr. Nitin Kulkarni Ms. Neetu Verma

360 degree demo design of a laundry product (OMO Pro) for Hindustan Unilever Ltd.


he project involved understanding of the product, its market, brand values and competitions; through secondary, market and consumer research. Then to map the consumer data and generate meaningful insights. It then helped in finding the scope and ways to communicate to the consumer. Later the stage was to generate good ideas for the demonstration of the product, which can communicate stain removal to the consumers; as the product OMO Pro is an ancillary to the main wash detergent who’s USP is tough stain removing. These ideas were in the format of activities that are need to be done to educate, attract, inform, involve and impact the consumer in modern trade. The ideas were also implemented into several other medium such as prints, hoarding, television commercial and a larger than life activities. End stage was to get prototypes and videos done through vendors so that the ideas can be circulated internally and toolkit can be used in the modern trade.

The aim was to do a product activation through a demo. The strategy remains to stop, pull and allure the consumers in modern trade and create buzz about the product.

Internship details Name of the firm UV Advertising and Retail Pvt. Ltd.

Logo design for Surat Rough Dimond Sourcing India Ltd.

Development of an idea to a prototype (in progress) 11

Fields of work Research, Ideation, conceptualization, Branding, Graphic & illustration

Babloo Kumar


Fashion Styling


Ms. Sushmita Das Pal Ms. Jayati Bose

Styling of Movie “Shaadi Ke Side Effects�


he Project involved application of my Styling Skill.. I started the project by Presenting the brief of script by PNC Production.This Step followed by the discussion of all the team members involved in the Movie.which helped me to understand the design the colour palette of Movie, and how Styling can be better according to script and artist.

Internship details Name of the firm Mtv India, Mumbai


Fields of work Fashion Styling

Replace this box with your recent (clicked within last 2 months) photograph. Dimensions: 35mm X 45 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Bhagwat Prasad Saha


Art Direction


Mr. Vinesh Tapre Mr. Parichit Paralkar

Art Direction in Feature Films and Telivision.


he project involved application of my Designing skills, Material handling, and visualization skills . I started my project with a introduction song of Yash raj films named mere dad ki maruti”. My second project was an event sponsored by MTV named MTV BLOC PARTY. Where DJ’s from different Countries arrived and raised the beats for the Indian Music lovers. The third project was a reality show of Fashion. “Makeover with Trinny and Susannah” where they taught Indian women, how to look good and carry clothes according to your personality.

Objective of the work is to bring a thought or a vision to a real base and communicating visually through art direction.

My forth Project was a television show from MTV. The show was of fifteen episodes and is based on the trends of Reality Shows going around in each and every Channel. The story revolved around four friends who are connected to Reality Shows. The name of the show is “Reality Stars”.

Internship details Name of the firm Ramoji Film City Fields of work Art Direction in Tollywood and Tamil Reality Shows. Art Direction of a song for a Feature Film “MERE DAD KI MARUTI“ 13

Designing and Decor of an Event MTV Bloc Party.

Deepak Kumar


Motion Design, Graphic Design


Mr. Vinesh Tapre Mr. Hari Om Seth

Create design solutions using motion graphics, graphic design and animation


e see it everyday, but probably didn’t know, it had a name. We see it when we go to the movies, or watch TV, or surf the web, or even go shopping.Anywhere there is a screen, we are probably seeing creative work called Motion Design. Nowadays different firms and organizations are inclined towards motion design in order to create awareness about themselves among the consumers. The motion designing has various means like animation, graphic development, interface design which are far easier for a lay man to understand than the textual and pictorial contents generally provided to them. I started the project with concept building and later created storyboards incorporating different ideas after which I was required to create suitable graphics which were further brought to life using motion design and animation. In the project I used my visualization and computer skills and knowledge of modifying and sculpting still graphics according to my use and compiling them in form of a life like motions, animation and graphics playing on the screen. During my Graduation Project, I have worked for Amway, Castrol, Candidmotion.

It is the mysterious title sequence that sets the mood for the latest sci-fi movie. It’s the beautiful animated graphics that introduce the events for the Olympic games. It’s the fun, colorful interpretation of music and dance which interest us in the new iPod.

Internship details Name of the firm PID India, Mumbai.


Fields of work Graphic Design

Broadcast design for Discovery Channel.

Screen Shots of work done by me for Amway, Adobe, Candidmotion, Discovery.

Deepak Priyadarshi


Visual merchandising


Ms. Sushma Saitwal Mr. Rajesh Jaiswal, RIOT.

Creative merchandise display for RIOT (Suditi industry)


y project was based on merchandise display for new store set up so that brand attracts costumers. The Project started with understanding the brand and sale. After spending 4-5 days in every store I understood about the brand and the need for some design solution. During the sale merchandise messes up, but at the end it has to be stacked in such a way so that it reflates the feel of new and fresh. There is difference between sale display and fresh display.

It is all about creating display for new murchandise , or re designing existing display to make it more functional , modular, or adaptable.

My project is based on the look after sale how it should be displayed. And at the time of new store opening how it should be displayed so that brand increases their brand identity and also increases its sale.

Internship details Name of the firm Westside Fields of work Creative window Design.

An outcome of the Merchandise display at Riot. 15

One of the many designs of Ireland displays for different sub brand of Westside.

Durgesh Rangrajan


Copywriting, installation art, and visual communication


Mr. VInesh Tapre Mr. Vivek T. (Rednuke Studio, Thane.)

The social designer Design in the social domain.


hanel said “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street. Fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” And it is these “ideas”, which keeps me inspired; ideas from the way we live, what is happening around us. My Project tries to recognize the modern social conditions prevalent in the society and their role in shaping up the design culture. The idea is to incorporate these intangibles, towards the creation of practical design solutions, which could visually communicate about the social issues, need to be addressed to the common man in the society. The study explores the role of a designer as an artist, a sociologist, a historian, a visual communicator and a story teller. The final pieces, becomes a well-documented, story-telling day to day, design pieces, impregnating a respect for the past with an ability to integrate the present, testifying the transference of ideas from the public domain into a contemporary zeitgeist, which I prefer to call, as “Social Design”.

Internship details


Name of the firm Pantaloons (Future Group) Fields of work Visual merchandising

“Don’t just make designs – say something.” My Social Design is an aesthetical attempt to engage, sensitize, and unite the global community, together, towards socially relevant issues, compelling them to stop and stare, and to question.

Harikrishnan R Nair


Graphic Design,Photography, Short movie making.


Mr. Vinesh Tapre Mr Narendra Kumar Ahmed

Creatives for LFW SS 2013 Narendra kumar show and Design Research Project Vodafone


he Thought Police concept - The last year has seen the awakening of the youth, a striking 65% majority of our country, leading to strife within the civil society reflecting a clash of generations. Many of these events have led to a sense of trepidation amongst the youth and their parents, especially in Urban India. The youth seeks freedom as enshrined in the constitution but filtering their thoughts, speech and action will definitely not allow us to realize the potential for greatness that our country has. In this bold new age of the Internet, what kind of a country would you like to wake up to in the future?? One that monitors your every tweet, like and post or the one that inspires you!! Live Responsibly!! In this I had to make creatives for the LFW SS 2013 Narendra kumar show and also identity design for the same. My next project was a design research project with Vodafone wherein I had to research about trendforecast, vodafone, ROTO and finally come up with uniforms for the store executives, corporate presentation and a book which will help in presenting executives to the customers in a manner that reflects Vodafone’s brand essence.

In this bold new age of the Internet, what kind of a country would you like to wake up to in the future?? One that monitors your every tweet, like and post or the one that inspires you !!

Internship details Name of the firm Arenah Design Impex Pvt ltd.

One of the artworks done for the brand Hotwheels.

Identity Design for Thought Police for LFW SS 2013 Narendra Kumar show.


Fields of work Conceptualization, Graphic Design, Photography, Short Movie

Janice Lakra

Strength Visual Merchandising


Ms. Sushma Saitwal Ms. Shalini Suren

The Phenomenal Impact of Visual Merchandising.


his project involed the application of skills in Visual merchandising and knowledge of Graphics. The project is divided into 3 major areas : In house communication, Promotional Graphics, and Branding. My major project was the in-house communication which included the Visual Merchandising Manual, Seasonal Spring summer ‘13 Display guidelines and the VM Calendar. I started with the manual where i spent days in the store which helped me to jot down the different things needed to be put up in a manual. For which i even took pictures of the store in detail. After having collected all my data with the help of my mentor, i started to brainstorm with the layouts and designs for the manual. The manual went through few improvements before Finalization. The next Task was the seasonal display guidelines, which showed the moodboard, the different layouts of the wall, putting up the merchandise at the required layouts, and styling of the mannequins. Following this, the year’s V.M Calendar was made which had the important dates of the events to be highlighted.

With the help of this project, a person can gain an in depth knowledge of Visual Merchandising.

Internship details Name of the firm Spykar Fields of work Visual Merchandising, Graphic Designing


One of the Wall Graphic design for the Spykar Store.

Spring Summer Shelf Talker for New Season’s Collection

Kawalpreet Singh Saroy

Strengths Illustration


Ms. Susmita Das Pal Mr. Vivek T. (Rednuke Studio, Thane.)

“The inner semblance” Narrating transgender community through illustrations.


t is fundamental that individuals have the right to define, and to redefine as their lives unfold, their own gender identity, without regard to chromosomal sex, genitalia, assigned birth sex, or initial gender role. In India, transgender people face multiple forms of oppression. The focus of this brief is to summarize the various issues faced by Hijras and transgender women. Through my illustrations, I aim to make people aware about the lives of the neglected transgender community. The project proposes creating a line of tee shirt graphics that speaks for freedom of expression. It’s time to root out the imposition of gendered behaviour stereotypes from all aspects of our lives. The tee shirt shall be publicised through LGBT support groups in Mumbai.The project shall outline its conclusion by interacting with the transgender people and get them share their real life moments that shall serve as an inspiration for the illustrations. Along with tee shirt graphics, I shall create illustrated products, which includes stationary items (diary, notebook covers) to spread the message across the masses.

To challenge the societal norms that ridicule gendervariant people for being ‘different’ and instead celebrate ones identity.

Internship details Name of the firm Brand Marketing India Pvt. Ltd. (Calvin Klein, French Connection) Fields of work Visual Merchandising

One of the T-shirt graphics 19

Moodboard for Calvin Klein fall-winter‘12 collection. Theme-’Liquid Metal’.

Omkar Khadamkar


Graphic Design.


Ms. Susmita Das Pal Mr. Sunil Pereira, Event organiser

‘‘There is more than one way to do it!’’ NIFT Mumbai Graduation Show 2013


ow wonderfully each design outcome works as it travels all the stages of design thinking! Defining and redefining the brief was how it all began. After the defining stage, I conducted the sampling survey with all the committee members involved in the Graduation Show 2012, which helped me to understand my client and the target audience. Then I investigated the secondary sources of information. Which fed the ideating stage of brainstorming the pre-event, duringevent and post-event activities. As I identified my role in the dynamic preparation of the event, I presented several design directions for the Identity of event. The selected design went through few improvements before finalization. Thereafter, I searched for the opportunities to print the selected graphic language. The next tasks were to direct and produce event brochures, invitation cards and envelops. The important task was to design templates which would be followed through all pages of the brochure. Eventually, while producing the exhibition displays; I learnt‘Practicality beats purity‘.

The vital goal of the event was to gain appreciation from viewers and to achieve this it, all my energy was aimed to focus the brilliant outcomes of graduating students.

Internship details Name of the firm Onio Design Pvt. Ltd. Pune.


Fields of work - Product Conceptualization, Space Design, Graphic One of the icon design in Onio’s internal Design. branding.

Produced identity of NIFT Mumbai Convocation Ceremony - 2013.

Kriti Dalmia


Graphic Design


Mr. Nitin Kulkarni Mr. Nitesh Bhalla (Hair Care, HUL)

Creating live product experience for Dove Elixir through general and modern trade.


he project involved application of research methodologies combined with communication and marketing skills. To create an unique product experience (demonstrations and activations), I first made a framework of steps which began with secondary research into the brand, its competitors, users, market, and enviroment . Next started my primary research phase, using various research methodologies, where I interacted with consumers to gain an insight into their needs, psyche and their media habits. Generating qualitative data by analyzing insights from the researches triggered my ideation process. I, then developed, concepts to showcase product benefits in an engaging and interactive manner using storytelling techniques keeping in mind the consumer preferences. The final stages involved generating prototypes of the major concepts and validating it with the end users to arrive at an experience which could be replicated across India to communicate product promises and drive sales.

The most important aspect of the project was to create a four point experience which: Allures, Engages, Informs, and thereby converting Product Trials into Product Purchase.

Internship details Name of the firm Anand Group Pvt. Ltd. Fields of work Branding, Graphic Design and Advertising. Project Diva: Dove Elixir 21

Identity Design for Enersave

Nupur Maheshwari


Creative ideation


Ms. Sushmita Das Pal Mr. Virendra Vilankar

Ideas that give identity to ‘Brand Idea’


y association with Lowe Lintas & Partners, Mumbai gave me all the insight I needed for the completion of this project. Initially I was required to understand the basics of advertising and how an Art Director can contribute in gaining maximum consumer reach and garner high response. I started by understanding the brand requisites for Idea Cellular. With time my constant effort was focused on increasing my art skills and developing design sensibility in adherence to the brand so that I could achieve the finesse for the initial thought. Application of art sensibility, aesthetic appeal creation, pre-production work knowledge, conceptual build-up, understanding target audience and post production of executed campaigns formed the basis of my learning. This project gave me an eye-opening insight into what compels a consumer to be attracted to any TV commercial or basic communication material and thereby converts him into a potential customer by what ‘we’ as designers create.

The crux of this project made me learn that designers can create normalcy out of chaos; they can clearly communicate ideas through the organising and manipulating of words and pictures.

Internship details Name of the firm Lowe Lintas & Partners, New Delhi


Fields of work Art Direction for print campaigns of brands like Havells, Easyday, Maruti Suzuki etc.

Print advertisements done for the respective brands.

Hoarding made for one of Idea’s Karnataka campaign.

Priyanjlee Agarwal


Styling, Writing


Ms. Susmita Das Pal Mr. Ravindra Prasad

Wardrobe Design [Women]


very woman is unique and has flaws. Some may have less; some have more, but there is always at least one part which needs extra care. Be it hair, features, skin, body structure or even nails for that matter. My interest area is customized styling taking every small detail of the woman into consideration and working on her grooming, make over and designing her wardrobe. As my graduation project I have come up with a book which is a wardrobe guide for women with different body types. It is a book meant for urban Indian women of all age groups. It has solutions for all occasions like active wear, casuals, formals, lounge wear, club wear, evening wear, cocktail dress, nightwear etc. It also suggest fashion classics and subculture fashion appropriate for different body types. I also introduce fashion icons from east and west with different bodies to take inspiration from while you renew your wardrobe and Bollywood era for you in terms of fashion. This book is accessible and suggests looks that are practical in day to day life in India.

Who is perfect? Just let the wardrobe do the acting!

Internship details Name of the firm Texzone Information Services Pvt. Ltd.


Fields of work Copywriting Styling Branding

Purva Agrawal


Art Direction


Mr. Susmita Dal Pal Mr. Sumit Basu


Role of Art Direction In Communication of Feature Films and TVC’s

very media, Feature Film or a TVC has a communication Goal. A feature film sells a story whereas a TVC sells a product or a service. But both of them are basically selling dreams. It is an art director’s role to create an ambience worth aspiring for. Here in this project I have understood and applied my skills of space design, visual aesthetics and analysis of human psychology. Working on 6 different TVC’s - (LO’real, L.G.Tv, Chik Shampoo, News Nation Channel, Lays Chile limon, Hyundai i10) I was able to understand, create and design sets according to their specific requirements. Working for the sets of Dhoom 3 I realized, feature film sets have a different requirement and treatment method than the TVC sets. By understanding the differences in both and the practical details attached to it I also performed an exercise where I have listed the treatment method and the changes I will bring about if I were to put a similar set as a TVC for a feature film and vice versa.

The goal of this project was to highlight the different role of Art Direction in Feature Films and in TVC’s.

Internship details Name of the firm Acropolis Design Management group Fields of work Set Designing for Feature Films and Television Comercials


Set Design for L.G Tv TVC Important - Create an ambience for the TA

Set Design for LO’real TVC Important - Stylization and Brand Colours

Rajat Kumar


Visual Merchandising & Photography


Ms. Sushma Saitwal Mr. Gajpal Singh Rathore

Nautical Miles of visual journey


he cut of creating the look and feel of an environment in a commercial space, in order to increase the footfall or the conversion rate is technically termed as visual merchandising & Also know as the “silent salesperson”, visual merchandise is the art of, visual selling. As a Visual Merchandiser at the international apparel firm Nautica, my graduation project, deals with window display, merchandise presentation, space and mannequin styling, Planogram and the focal points each and every elements has been meticulously presented. Through the transition of the seasons, and the optimum use of the colour palette, each merchandise was rotated, spinning an engaging story, communicating the contemporary collection. The stint at Nautica was helpful in getting an overall view of the Indian market and knowing how even small improvements can attract more customers, without inviting any extra cost.

“Design should never say, Look at me! It should always say, Look at this!” -David Craib

Internship details


Name of the firm Pantloons (Future Group). Fields of work Visual Merchandiseing.

Replace this box with your recent (clicked within last 2 months) photograph. Dimensions: 35mm X 45 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Rishika Rai


Advertising, Graphic Design, Visual Merchandising


Ms. Sushma Saitwal Mr. Devendra mehta

Creative visual communication for Hyundai


nnocean worldwide is a leading advertising company and a great learning hub. My project is to design visual ads for Hyundai, one of the clients of Innocean. $400 billion each year is spent on advertising worldwide. Unfortunately, research indicates that - 95% of advertising is “banal, unimaginative, mind numbing” and it tuned out by audience. Only 5% counts be an effective ad. With the increasing necessity of imagination and innovation in advertising industry, my project is to – ‘Design innovative and creative visual advertisements’.

Creative without strategy is called ‘ART.’ Creative with strategy is called ‘ADVERTISING’

My work includes eye catching print ads, interactive print as well as outdoor ads. The take home message from my project is that a tint of innovation can make the difference of 95% vs 5%.

Internship details Name of the firm I M POSSIBLE (Set designing firm)


Fields of work Set designing, 3D Max design of Sets, Plan design. property collection, costing.

Replace this box with a visual which describes your project. Dimensions: 70 X 34 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Set design of TV serial Devo ke dev mahadev (Life OK)

Newspaper print ad for Hyundai i10

Replace this box with your recent (clicked within last 2 months) photograph. Dimensions: 35mm X 45 mm Resolution: 300 dpi


Shobhit Kumar


Visual Merchandising, Graphic Design, Photography


Ms. Sushma Saitwal Mr. Gajpal Singh Rathore

Brand Communication for Nautica through Visual Merchandising

autica is one of the premium apparel brand. Nautica has always been known for product with five key characteristics: Nautical, classic style, bold color, comfort and versatility. My role as a visual merchandiser included understanding the consumers profile to create a communication between the brand and the consumers. My work also included understanding the daily sales report analysis, movement of the merchandise, footfall and conversion per sq.ft. and finally implimenting the planogram, merchandise presentation and creation of difeerent stories in the stores following the brand’s standards for increase in the foot fall in the store to create a shopping experience and increase in the sales.

A relationship is created when a retail space ceases to be merely a merchandising outlet and instead becomes a place where passion is shared.

Internship details Name of the firm Levi’s India Pvt. Ltd. Fields of work Planogram, Window Display, Cluster VM, Mannequin Styling, Focal points. Merchandise presentation and color story on wall & table. 27

Window display for Levi’s flagship store (Indiranagar, B’lore) on global standards.

Siddharth Jaiswal


Graphic Designing & Visual Merchandising


Mr. Vinesh Tapre Ms. Dimple Bhatt

3600 phase of Visual Merchandising


isual Merchandising has a very strong relation with the sales. I have experimented with the power of it during my graduation project.My project involved 3600 phase of Visual merchandising. Where I covered the planning to execution of different aspects of Visual Merchandising.

The main objective of my

Internship details

merchandising that enable

Name of the firm EOD.LLC. (Engine Of Dreams) Minneapolis, Minnesota. Fields of work Graphic Designing, Software Conceptualisation, Website Desiging

project was to understand the underlying principles of visual me to understand the buying behaviour of the consumer

A web banner for Band “Verretta”


Window execution at Levi’s

Siddhartha Mukherjee


Simple approach


Mr.Vinesh Tapre Mr.Ravi Dhingra

Photojournal on Sustainable Living. “Live.Simple” is what I lke calling it. Words like Green Design or Sustainability makes it look far more distant from human reach. The journal is a set of images placed in a definite order beacause I wanted to place them in a form of story. Though there are no rules for looking at this photo-journey.


here are few basic requirements for a healthy life and along with it we add richness to our “Mother Earth”, for me this was the meaning of sustainability. People from all over the world are joining their hands and making consciouss efforts to achieve energy, food,water,shelter and clean air in the most efficient way. Without adding to the enormous waste and causing pollution. I have tried to portray a few examples from different ecosystem. With a hope to create a little awareness among ourselves that can make our planet a cleaner and greener place to live .

Clean energy, food, water, air is possible in a sustainable way. Art, music, spirituality just follows when you get some free time!

Internship details Name of the firm Heal The Soil The Himalayan Farm

The benefit of living simple brings Freedom of expression for me.

Easy way to add less to carbon waste being generated - Go Local.


Fields of work Photography Journalism

Replace this box with your recent (clicked within last 2 months) photograph. Dimensions: 35mm X 45 mm Resolution: 300 dpi




Creative Writing, Graphic Design, Event Management


Ms. Susmita Das Pal Mr. Hari Om Seth

Corporate identity development for brand Entremonde and Neelak

he project was to Rebrand the corporate logo of the brand Entremonde and create a new corporate identity which involved creation of new brochure design, stationery design, website design and sample book design. It involved the application of my graphic design and visualizing skills. The project started with understanding of the project brief. My aim was to understand about the products/ services of the company, its location, target customers. Research was in depth so that I could create designs that appeals to the requirement of the user. The next step was conceptualizing the design and creating a brief idea on what lines am I thinking. The third step involved creation of a lot many ideas for identity design. After the design was approved the next task was to create brochure and stationery design. This step involved a lot of brainstorming and explorations, until everyone in the team agreed on the final designs. During this project I learned that the corporate identity plays an important role and it is visibly manifested in the way of the branding. It provides a brand with visibility and recognition and therefore care should be taken in designing and managing the identity.

Corporate identity plays an important role and it is visibly manifested in the way of the branding. It provides a brand with visibility and recognition.

Internship details Name of the firm Eventitects, Pune.


Fields of work Event management, Graphic Design Musical event conducted by Uninor.

Identity design for Neelak.

Stuti Bajaj


Visual Merchandising


Mr. Hardik Panchal Prof. Sushma Saithwal(NIFT)


Understanding and Enhancing Brand Experience of United Colors of Benetton

he project involved application of Visual Merchandising skills. Every brand has different style of working, my first task was to understand the working pattern of United Colors of Benetton and finding the pros and cons with respect to its competitor brands. The comparison helped me to understand where the brand is lacking in providing branded experience to its customers. Then, I spent few days in doing research and brainstorming, to find creative solutions for bridging the gap between the brand and its customers. After that, I presented my idea of enhancing ‘atmospherics’ to stimulate customers’ perceptual and emotional responses and ultimately to affect their purchase behavior through brand experience. The challenge was to create innovative and interactive props maintaining the brand identity. Throughout the project I visualised the problem not only as a visual merchandiser but most importantly as a customer and a silent observer.

The main goal was to develop brand experience in order to enhance consumers’ perceptions of the brand and bring the brand to life.

Internship details Name of the firm Pantaloon Retail India Limited Fields of work Visual Merchandising and Mannequin Styling. In-Store Prop Design for Benetton Kids Store.


Window Display and Mannequin styling

Tanushree Maskara


Visual Merchandising


Ms. Sushma Saitwal Ms. Shilpi Dhokania

Economic context of Signages


y interest towards home funishing and decore dragged me towards Durian furnitures. The project at Durian Furniture included stydying the brand. It started with the market research by understanding other simlar brands. The most important section of my project was a compilation of designs during sales. Use of attractive graphics/signages for small section which could be really important. Working on the small section and little areas which could be fruitful for the brand was a real learning. With a brand with huge merchandises was an overall different experience than working with other garment brand for visual merchandising.

The main aim of the project was to create beautiful cormers which attract the customers during sales and the signages guide them properly.

Internship details Name of the firm Pantaloons (Future Group) Fields of work Visual Merchandising Styling of mannequins


Execution of one of the window display designs in Pantaloons

Signage design for sales at DURIAN

Trishna Ghosh


Visual Merchandising


Ms. Sushma Saitwal Mr. Nagaraja Rama Rao, Four Dimension Retail Design Pvt. Ltd.


The importance of Visual Merchandising in retail

he word Visual Merchandising has not yet convinced the Indian retailers. Therefore, I began my project with a presentation on how and why it should be given importance in the retail sector. This was then followed up by design process which is a very important step for every Visual Merchandiser. Making statements usually do not works when it comes to retail sector, practical proves are very important. Here I started with redesigning a store for the brand Turtle that has recently revamped itself. A full case study was developed on the redesigning of this new store. This case study would speak what visual merchandising can add to a store and a brand. Another important factor of any store also includes the Window Display. The initial impression of a store on a customer is all taken care by a window display. Hereafter, I designed window displays of a store named Shrivamsi at Vizag. After this project I concluded that a wonderful and exceptional window display can also increase the footfall of a store to many times.

While working on both the designs my every motive was to create a ‘WOW’ factor within the store and the display. The idea behind every idea was to surprise people with possibilities.

Internship details Name of the firm Spykar Fields of work Visual Merchandising Graphic Design


One of my design works at Spykar.

Yashni Kothari


Communication Design, Styling.


Ms. Susmita Das Pal Mr. Ruman Agarwal


Communication Design for Bedbathmore. com

edbathmore is India’s first and only ecommerce venture specializing in and dedicated to Bed and Bath products. And as a communication designer at, I started with a thorough understanding and analysis of the company’s local as well as international competitors. My project started with a presentation of the same to the CEO of the company. My role as a communication designer included conceptualisation and styling of shoots. During shoots, I was to look into the frames, compositions, selection and approvals of props, product styling, etc. I also designed banners and edited content for the website from the point of view of a stylist - giving inputs and tips in terms of prints, colours, textures etc.. I looked into the packaging and graphic design of their in-house brand – STOA Paris which they wanted to bring to the level of their most premium brand – Maishaa. In order to do that, STOA Paris had to maintain a certain standard of shoots and have rich verbal and visual content for its packaging, and therefore, I was also looking into the designing of inserts for the same.

The most important goal of this project was to streamline the communication strategies at bedbathmore to project it as a one-stop solution offering high quality, maximum utility, up-todate and designer bed and bath products.

Internship details Name of the firm Grazia India Fields of work Fashion and Product Styling.


Some of the shoots worked on at Grazia, India (June and July 2012)

Based on a colour forecast for Spring Summer 2013, some of the banners I designed for the website – to promote products that were going to be in vogue this season.

Bhumika Garg


Fashion Styling


Ms. Susmita Das Pal Mr. Vikram Seth

How Colour Changes the Mood


he project involved the application of elements of design in style. line, Shape, Direction, Size, Texture, colour and value are the elements of every creation. They are not just a element of design, they are soul of the creation. I chose colour as the main element in my graduation project. Colour plays an important role in styling. So through styling – I have shown how colours change the mood of the picture. I chose pink colour as the main colour, because it is very feminine in nature and also matches with my personality. So I chose pink‘s scale (10 shades of pink) and showing different moods of the picture. Colours are rose, flush , flesh ,magenta , hot pink, fuchsia , raspberry, wine, salmon, coral etc. Each pink shade has it own characteristics (character styling) so I stylized in that way. In my project, you will find my all themes related to women only.

“Create your own visual style... let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.”

Internship details Name og the firm Mumbai Fields of work Graphic Design, Packaging, Marketing. Feminine beauty inspired from the history. 35

Angel Of Death

Garima Sharma


Fashion Styling


Ms. Sushma Saitwal Ms. Aditi Sharma

Styling for a magazine, TVC and movie


started my Graduation project with a fashion photoshoot for stardust magazine in lonavala. Then I did a TV commercial for Asian paints tractor emulsion with director Prashant Issar, held in goregaoun (W) filmstan studio. After that I did a movie “No Rules for Fools� with director Anil Chaudhary and styled actress Raima sen.

Through my project I learnt the fundamental techniques of sourcing garments, accessories and props, learnt to work within a team with live models and actors on location.

Internship details Name of the firm Eventitects, Pune Fields of work Event Management


My team at Eventitects during Uninor Run for Clean Pune, Green pune: Pune Marathon.

One of the look of Raima Sen in the movie

Prachi Agarwal

Strengths Event Management


Ms. Sushmita Das Pal Mr. Amit Mehta


Creative Conceptualization for Brand Activation

he project involved application of my Event Management skills merged with Creative thinking and Conceptualization abilities. I started by studying a couple of briefs and concept notes. As a copywriter in the Creative – Concepts and Copy team of Wizcraft International, Mumbai, I got a chance to come up with concepts and the correct copy to sell my idea. The concept had to sound flowery so that the client feels good about the event he is spending his money on. The basic job of a conceptualizer is to plan the whole event experience, from the time the event invites are received by the guests to the giveaway ideas. The show flow, the performances, the pre-event area engagement activities, the touch points during the event, the dÊcor, everything was planned by me. I worked on projects for clients like Volkswagen, Ahuja Constructions, Foxstar, Femina Miss India, Fair and Lovely, Lions Club, Moroccan Oil, Rajasthan CCA, and Star TV. I have used most of my abilities to make every event a success. The rest depends on the Client Servicing Team, if they have the skills to get the pitch or not!

The concept had to sound flowery so that the client feels good about the event he is spending his money on.

Internship details Name of the firm Wizcraft International Entertainment (P) Ltd. Mumbai

Conceptualization of the Launch event

Conceptualization and Copy writing for the event. 37

Fields of work Creative: Conceptualization and Copy

Shreya Gupta

Strengths Food Styling


Ms. Susmita Das Pal Ms. Sona Bahadur


Food Styling for BBC GoodFood India Magazine

hile most people prepare food to eat, a food stylist prepares food to feed the eyes and the imagination. Food to be shot needs to look its best, and making it look its best is what I do at BBC GoodFood India Magazine. How that is done is a complex yet interesting series of steps. A food shoot is a team effort that takes preplanning which involves basic referencing to understand the nature of the food and also understanding the layout of the images which makes planning the shot much easier, clearly communicating the concept and story to the photographer and also the person cooking, thoughtful shopping for food and props as they give the food character and spirit, proficiency at food preparation so that the food doesn’t look uncooked or unappealing, and a sense of artful presentation so that the picture makes the viewer drool. As a food stylist it is important for me to have a good knowledge of food preparation and chemistry, and also possess a strong sense of visual design. This helps to translate the perception of taste, aroma and appeal that one gets from the plate to pixels.

Food styling is the art of translating the perception of taste, aroma and appeal that one gets from the plate to pixels.

Internship details Name of the firm Indranie Dasgupta (Freelance Food Stylist)


Field of work Food Styling

The final outcome of the internship was a shot I styled and shot on my own.

One of the assignments at BBC GoodFood India Magazine was a feature on breads.

Mitali Patel

Strengths Communication Design

Mentors Mr. Vinesh Tapre Mr. Jayesh Patel


“ruuh” Communication Design for The Wedding Sutra.

uuh is one of the premium garment & jewelry brand, targeted to niche segment, which will be launched in 2014. The brand will be known for its range of merchandise, the wedding sutra which is their USP inspired by the seven wedding vows. My role as a creative designer included understanding the brands’ merchandise & consumer profile, to create a communication between the brand & the consumers. My work also included research & brainstorm on the merchandise line, brand name, the launch & post-launch activities. Thereafter, I searched for the opportunities to print the selected visual communication language, in which, the important task was to design a graphic language which will be followed through out. Another major task was to suggest the designs for the interior space & décor. The uniformity is retained through design elements & colors. Throughout the project I applied most of my abilities to make this launch and the brand a success.

A relationship is created when communication is shared with passion, from within and becomes a visual talk by itself.

Internship details Name of the firm UV Advertising and Retail Pvt. Ltd.

Brochure Design for Nakshatra Diamond Jewellery.

The Brand Identity of “ruuh - the moment of togetherness of heart and soul” 39

Field of work Research, Ideation, conceptualization, Branding, Graphic & Client Servicing


he fashion design programme has been instrumental in bringing about a paradigm shift in design perception in India today. It works closely with fashion professionals to help evolve a unique fashion identity universally relevant and acceptable for a global audience. Holistic inputs on generic design with more focused approach towards apparel inculcate the ability to develop and channelize creativity. The curriculum hones design sensitization, which balances global fashion aesthetics with an Indian soul. It addresses needs of the export market as well as both couture and pret-o-porter clothing in India.



Faculty Ms. Monika Aggarwal – Associate Professor & Centre Coordinator Ms. Patricia Sumod - Associate Professor Ms. Kundlata Mishra - Assistant Professor Mr. Shripati Bhat - Assistant Professor


Support staff Ms. Vinaya Rasam, Junior Assistant Ms. Harshada Keni, Lab Assistant Mr. Bhimrao Thorat, Attendant

Fashion Design Department gives emphasis on professional development of students. The intense and dynamic interaction between the industry and academics provides requisite insight and appreciation of industry diktats. Hands on experience on live industry projects allow fashion design students to brace themselves for the industry. The craft documentation projects undertaken aim to research and record the country’s age-old crafts, costumes and accessories. During the internship the students of Fashion Design Department are required to create a collection in the working environment of the industry and understasnd the working methiodologies and processes followed by the apparel industries. The Design Collection is the culmination of various inputs imbibed over seven semesters ranging from creative exposure and sensitization to technical expertise.

Aarushi Khurana

Beauty And The Beast


ollection inspired from the Dec 16th.12 Delhi gang-rape. The collection depicts the plight of women from time of Adam & Eve to today!! It is about how the level of respect that women should inherintly have. From the “source of life� to just a mere commodity for venting out frustration is what it has come down to.

Internship Details Name of the firm Creative Impex


Fields of work Conceptualization, Product development, Fabric handling, Surface design.

Geetanjali A. Bhagwat



mbition was her middle name. She’d do anything to reach that final golden step. But on the way there, something changed within her. “Love”, taking over her entire being. Transforming, disempowering love. Your heart is touched and before you even know it, you have a completely different perspective. A womenswear couture collection, depicting these very phases in a woman’s life. Narrating a story about how she finds the place in her heart to transform as though absorbing colour to become deeper.

Internship details Name of the firm ELAN pvt. Ltd., Mumbai(Export House).


Fields of work Designing surface ornamentation techniques. Final project : Womenswear collecion for a European client.

Chandrima Agnihotri Sponsorship Century Rayon, Mumbai



he collection is a depiction of a stage in life where one is at a culmination point of a long journey. The inspiration for this stage relates to my own self where I stepped into a phase of life and have now come to a culmination point of my learning and have developed. Metaphorically, one turns from a bud to a flower, developing and blossoming after a gradual process, and its a cycle that continues forever in life. That is Efflorescence. The collection is inspired from the Renaissance (rebirth) period, extracting motifs and prints from the floral paintings belonging to the era.

Internship details Name of the firm KAZO fashion Limited.


Fields of work Design, sampling and surface developments.

Farheen Ashraf Arakkal



rawing inspiration from islamic architecture,moroccan lamps, my spring/summer ‘13 womenswear collection is a sublime mixture of middle east traditions and elegant,modern luxury. Fitted pieces in textured fabrics are paired with flowy skirts and pants inspired by the abayas, kaftans in chiffons and tulle.The collection features subtle middle eastern inspired embellishments and prints along with a touch of Indian essence.The garments offer a chic and modern re-imaging of traditional looks. As a whole, my garments are a beautiful juxtaposition of prints and colours with feminity to showcase an elegant collection.

Internship details Name of the firm Shoppers Stop


Fields of work Designing, surface, print development. Design Collections for spring summer’13 for inhouse brands -Kashish, S.T.O.P.

Kanchangauri K. Kolge

Alter Ego


lter Ego being the name of my collection, the focus is drawn on duality. Multi faceted personalities, Negative Positive, Black and white were some of the key words which formed the crux or the basis of the collection. Colour blocking, playing with textures, panelling are the key design elements of the collection. The collection also dispalys a beautiful amalgamation of bling and subdued fabrics.

Internship details Name of the firm Remanica Apparels Pvt.Ltd.


Fields of work Designing, Surface Development, Technical Aspects, Conceptualisation, Product Development.

Kimberly C. Manners Sponsorship Globus store Pvt. Ltd.

Grace Kelly


eing one of the most admired women in the world, she is upheld as a standard of beauty and grace. Her preppy style speaks volumes of discipline and presentation, which inspired this preppy winter collection for young teenage girls. Also taking further inspiration from television shows and movies like Gossip Girl, Harry Potter and St Trinians, the collection is inclined to an academic style of mixing and matching garments and accessories.

Internship details Name of the firm Raymonds Apparels Ltd.


Fields of work Graphic illustration, Womens wear Casual and Forecasting.

Krisha Gotami

Fish go girly!


nspired from the fairytail “ The Little mermaid�, where mermaid wanted to be human to marry her beloved prince.Through the colletion whole story is narrated. Desgins are rich in textile and embellishments, fish scale prints with sea color palette reflects the sensuality and feminity of the sea through gowns. Some designs resemblems fish gills and other shimmers.

Internship details Name of the firm Remanika Apparels Pvt. Ltd.


Fields of work Design development, prints. Developed western collection for ss2013-14

Manas Salim Sponsorship Aishwarya Design Studio, Mumbai

I only came to use the phone


ONLY CAME TO USE THE PHONE, a contemporised Indianwear collection for women, picks up inspiration and elements from the short story “I ONLY CAME TO USE THE PHONE� by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. When Maria travels alone by car, her car breaks down and is unfortunately mistaken as a mental patient in the asylum she goes to use the phone. The story is told through the funky prints based on the elements that we come across in the story i.e.telephone, cat, and a car. The collection is sponsored by Aishwarya Design Studio, Mumbai.

Internship details Name of the firm Globus


Fields of work -Design development,Surface development. Developed an Indowestern collection for S/s 2013-14.

Megha Kalra



ar kirpa maan vas jiyo...Kar kirpa tere gun gava..raaza is an urdu word which means through the grace of god. My inspiration for the collection is punjab’s rich and diverse culture .the culture has its own unique fragnance. it is unmatched. The scent of the fertile land is such in which the warmth of you-are-my -own is inborn. The festivals and lively behaviour and colourful people inspired me the most so i tried incorprating colourblocking along with phulkari embroidery

Internship details Name of the firm Giovanni


Fields of work Design development, Surface development, sampling. Developed an resort wear collection for S/S 2013-14.

Megha Rani

Way to Mithila


he collection in its nature inspired color palette is put together to promote art and craft of Bihar, Mithila. The pieces reveal glimpses of Madhubani paintings, and prominently target young independent confident women of the country. Several knee length dresses and a gown is finished in elegant cuts, sharp and neat tailoring and fine details of hand embroidery, block prints and hand painted motifs. Fabrics employed for the creations are precisely Bhagalpuri Silk in young blues, nature greens and oranges; color blocked on crafted pieces.

Internship details Name of the firm Amaltas International


Fields of work Design development and surface development for their inhouse brandIra Soleil.

Mohitt Pratap Singh

Code of Facets


mid times of technology and innovations, my A/W Women’s wear Collection ‘CODE OF FACETS’ is inspired from journey of light, its origin and further intervention and significance in our lives. The Collection bears foresightedness in terms of material and technique usage. Targeting a time of technology implementation when digitally engineered garments will be in vogue. Acrylic glass and laser cutting will give way to modern embellishments for a futuristic woman, putting forward a step ahead in DIGITAL COUTURE.

Internship details


Name of the firm Pantaloons Retail Pvt. Ltd. Fields of work Women’s wear S/S’13 Collection with knowledge of buying and vendor relationships, costing and client understanding for brands like UMM & Bare Denim.

Neha Kothiyal

The kitsch Within “The KITSCH Within” is a story bout a girl who gets married to an NRI based in Manhattan and moves there post marriage. It talks about the Dillemma, and Anxiety of a newly wedded bride…how she settles down in a drastically new environment. The collection portrays the real ‘Bride’-the girl that she is within. Immense love for colors, celebration and fun is apparent in the collection.

Internship details


Name of the firm SHAHI EXPORTS PVT. LTD Fields of work Surface development, designing, embroidery design development, sampling.

Nisha More

Behind the faces


girl born in a family of expectation. Expectatios that were of a boy; that she had to fulfill. Never in her life has she been treated as a girl. The elegance as a woman she had was always covered and hidden from the world around her. She was a boy for her family. Inspired by the above story I bring to you my Womenswear (SS 14) collection that shows the two extremes of her i.e. the soft and the tough part.

Internship details


Name of the firm Creative Garments Pvt. Ltd. Fields of work Designing, Merchandising, Sampling.

Pooja Upadhyay

A 21st century billet-doux


ollection of autumn winter seperates inspired from the glam 80s new romantic fahion and developing contemporary high fashion day to evening wear with fabric manipulation details and giving a very soft romantic touch using details with lines. The color palette is very soft and earthy and the detailing emphasises and enhances the human figure .

Internship details


Name of the firm Mandhana Exports ltd. Fields of work Worked for Mango and New Yorker, embroideries, finishes, prints. Developed a collection of 8 seperates for the brand Mango.

Rhea Rastogi



eople search high and low to find inner peace, that special solitary moment, a few minutes of silence, when you feel happy and calm till your very soul. I know that feeling, for when I seek it, I find it everytime I turn to the sea. Watching the impending waves, in all it’s turbulent glory, crash against the unyeilding rocks and recede back to where they started from, puts my mind at ease and bring my senses to a standstill. My Womens wear collection is inspired from the emotions I feel and the visual beauty of this experience.

Internship details


Name of the firm Shahi exports. Pvt. Ltd. Fields of work Designed for Marks & Spencer. Worked on surface development and designed garments for their Spring/summer 2012 collection.

Roushan Kumar

Angle to the new proportion


he theme spells out the new proportions in garments that withdraws the universal laws from the science of design. The idea is to revive the theory of proportions by breaking the golden rules of design and still make a mark of innovation and silhouettes of Ready-to-wear in the up-growing fashion market.

Internship details


Name of the firm Noah Fashion. Fields of work Designed menswear for their Italian and middle east market

Ruchi Kumari

Rust and Bone


ll like the rust, we people are; degrading, breaking, flaking off. We dont try hard to save the metal; we just rust it only rust. “ A women’swear collection, taking inspiration from the values of the life as the standards of people dies as the time moves along. But its never too late and reviving the remnants of the past is the only way to make our future meaningful…...”To be yourself is the most difficult thing in the world….. but difficulty has its own beauty.

Internship details


Name of the firm Bombay Rayon Fashion Ltd. Fields of work Worked on samples manufacturing and design development. Designed collection of tops for the brand Ann Taylor for the season S/S 13-14

Shipra Yadav Sponsorship Aishwarya Design Studio, Mumbai



contemporary women’swear collection, taking inspiration from the Mughal Architecture, emphasising their intricacy in terms of motifs, their royality in terms of detailing and silhouettes, celebrating the passion for love and beauty, strength & struggle to rise and convert their dreams into reallity.

Internship details Name of the firm Aamir beading export house


Fields of workDesign development, Surface development. Developed an western collection for S/s 2013-14.

Shreya Mistry

The Empire strikes back


he concept is a hypothetical thought about the monarchy system coming into practice again after a few years in the future and the rise of a single ruling power again. The collection has a modern and futuristic appeal and a touch of elizabethan period .

Internship details


Name of the firm Mandhana Exports ltd. Fields of work Worked on Designs for Mango and New Yorker, embroideries, finishes, prints.Final Project: Developed a collection of 8 seperates for the brand pepe jeans.

Sneha Singh

Double Take


e have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic.� Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams, each one trying to explain some facet of the very same world. In the confines of human consciousness lies this heterogeneous mixture. My collection is an amalgamation of this quality or state of being aware of a million things which we embrace and carry forward with our soul holding strongly to our roots ...It showcases the co-existence of a very modern and bold use of Khadi textures with Neon colors.

Internship details Name of the firm Orient Craft Ltd. Gurgaon (Export house)


Fields of work Womenswear collection SS13 made for American Eagle Outfitters, inspired from Chambray & Neon trends .

Sujit Kumar Sponsorship Hp Fashion and Net Flex

The Unexplored Shine Of the Core


ENSWEAR, The collection derives it’s inspiration from the hidden truth under the shallow depths of man’s survival. He manages to veil his hidden self for his own reasons, for survival, for reasons he may not be willing to share, but his differences come through. Which is what this collection celebrates. This individual core of different souls shine in different light, so the look comes to visually being something simple or even normal but as you see further lines becomes layers and imagined layers turn out to be part of one. Waist coats and jackets, shirts, emerge and submerge to form an idea of hidden self and representation of struggle between two, the hidden and surface.

Internship details


Name of the firm Raymonds Apparel Ltd. ( Parx Jeans) Fields of work Range development for mens wear category for season A/W-13 and Trims Development for Brand Parx Jeans.

Ananya Kewalramani

Adept To Adapt


t’s not the strongest species that survives, nor the most intelligent; It is the one most adaptable to change” - Charles Darwin . Our initiation to the world starts with a clean slate. With a naïve outlook we embrace our first share of challenges, where one experiments. Hardships faced make us stronger and more capable to grasp. One acclimates and subsequently overcomes obstacles realizing their ideologies; giving way to immense joy experienced when hardships are subdued. Hence, resembling characteristics of the most adaptable element, Water; with every struggle surpassed, we too become more ‘Adept to Adapt’. A Women’s Wear Couture Collection portraying ones ability to remain, retain and sustain through the process of Life.

Internship details Name of the firm Creations by Shanagar


Fields of work Designing creative surface ornamentations. Final Project : 6 women’s wear garments ,SS’13 (European market)

Ankita Katyal

Forced Colourful


y collection is inspired from achromatic colours and forcing them with contrast colours. Colours are hidden in the dull, sad and love deprived life of her. The collection shows the transformation of a girl who wants to stay away from love but wants to have some colours and happiness in her life.

Internship details Name of the firm Richa & Co.


Fields of work Design development & Surface devepoement.

Eipsita Tikoo Sponsorship Century Rayon, Mumbai Mandee, Mumbai



t’s better not to expect approval from people, because you’ll just be disappointed. You have to be who you are.” This thought expresses my ideology, which is also carried foreward as the basis of my graduating collection. Everyone thinks of their actions before executing them. Propriety is the norm. They do not express their true self due to the society & its rules. But when they realize that they are the master of their own selves, it brings in a sense of liberation. They are answerable to no one & can show their true self. This collection shows a gradual transformation of a woman as she releases herself from the norms of society. In doing so, she becomes complete & true to herself.

Internship details Name of the firm B.L.International Pvt. Ltd.


Fields of work Range development for brands Vila,Vero Moda & Only for the season springsummer ‘13.

Richa Gupta Sponsorship Century Rayon, Mumbai



his collection draws its inspiration from the Tropical forests, combining two elements- the floral ascpect and the tribal themes bringing them together in a new avatar- of indianwear. It comprises of vibrant outfits by adapting symbolic tribal dress codes with tropical and psychadelic elements.

Internship details


Name of the firm Bombay Rayon Fashion Limited. Fields of work surface developemnt, dyeing experiments, developing samples. Final collection- a line of dresses and blouses for the brand Promod for s/s 14.

Ripinka Koli



his collection tracks the evolution of the Moth through its different stages during its lifetime. The inspiration is taken from the various stages that form the metamorphosis of the moth. The garments reflect the already evolved stage of the moth but with the textures influenced by every phase of its life.

Internship details Name of the firm Alok industries pvt. Ltd.


Fields of work Conceptualization, knitwear, designing. Final collection- a range of pret outfits for the in-house brand H&A.

Akshat Bansal

Transmuted Anatomy


s we all know how indecisive the human mind is, what seems inappropriate now, will seem appropriate at some point. Clothing has played a vital role under this theory. The forecoming menswear collection concentrates on the dilemma that fashion could face in the future. The theme revolves around the scenario when fashion could curb human anatomy in all perspectives. Constrained limbs is the beginning of this phenomenon, as exaggeration and creativity never limits itself. The significance of trivialities in the garment comes under the limelight in this collection. The probability of wearability and functionality falls apart and towards the end what’s achieved is “THE TRANSMUTED ANATOMY”.

Internship details Name of the firm Lecoanet Hemant Pvt. Ltd, Gurgoan.


Fields of work Intership project comprised of designing uniforms for Four Points Hotel globally, under the corporate wear catagory.

Namrata Chowfin

The Cracks


he cracks how they form in the man made world form the basis of this collection. It can appear to be dramatic or symbolise a new beginning or the starting of the end.

Internship details Name of the firm Chemistry


Fields of work Conceptualisation , surface development collection- Spring summer 2013-14

Anshul Pratap Singh


Clothes Don’t Cover the Body


he clothes taking on new meaning and evovling away from the body and their purpose of covering it, in the process there are new discoveries made of silhouette and our own perpections and imageries of body.


Clothes covering a fictional world decide to uncover the human soul and body, evolving and disolving the perceptions and the notion which we try to cover and emphasise from the choice of clothes we have, they uncover them and lay naked the barest of the truths of humanness and its physical body.

Pooja Kumari

Syntinen Paratiisi


n earthy, blood soaked, naturalistically erotic tale of long journey of life which living with screaming silence to find its unknown destiny, where this world works as a mirror and you see your soul dancing on the edge of miracles and image is suffering eternally and internally to prove the universal concept of ethical to give it more value. My collection has a unique viewpoint of mystical symbolism in dramatic way. With strong emphasis on progression function to Avante Garde Design.

Internship details Name of the firm The Shirt Company


Fields of work Designed a collection for kidswear s/s 2013-14 .Under their domestic brand Barbie and miss pink

Nilesh Dave



he theme revolves around the mysterious way nature works by disguising the most toxic by bright, attractive, desirable and standing out colours. Nature takes the power of your desire to lead and an unsuspecting you towards your own poisoned end. It shows us how appearences are often deceptive. Colour pallette is inspired by toxic flora and fauna supported by colour blocking.

Internship details Name of the firm Mufti Jeans.


Fields of work Developing range of menswear T- shirts, Denims, Shirts for S/S-12 catering semi-formals, casuals, couture categories.

Rajiv Chatterjee

Underwater Paparazzi


he story of underwater inspires me a lot since ages. It has been an inspiring topic for photographers like simon wright, and the late alexander mcqueen. All the elements and materials, which are beneath the ocean is actually a world of colours, silhouttes and shapes. And moreover it is overall a collection of everything, inspiring shapes of sea creatures, inspired designers to do something new as the world is mostly not encountered by the normal people dwelling their lives on this planet.So shapes and colors as in the dark room gives colors naturally due to the dark reaction ocurring inside. Actually trying to incorporate shape variety, transparency, frills, fluidity and texture.

Internship details Name of the firm VIZYON, Kolkata.


Fields of work Developing range for Spring summer’12, helping designer for LFW. Draping & Couture.

Amrita Mehrotra

Feminine Mystique


eminine Mystique-�emergence of newly self-confident feminism,recognition of psychological androgynous growth. Collection comprises of womenswear for spring summer taking inspiration from female androgyny. Androgyny can be defined as balancing of feminine & masculine traits,seeking to eliminate or minimize some of feminine aspects of personality and promoting or maximizing many of the masculine aspects.Silhouettes are both boxy as well as fitted to reflect both the aspects. Color blocking and bold prints along with metal embellishments define the garments.

Internship details Name of the firm Chemistry


Fields of work conceptualisation , surface development collectionWomenswear Spring summer 2013-14


nitwear design has evolved from its perception as hand knitting –to a fast and growing global industry in the field of fashion apparel. The play of knit and purl presents the backbone for casual wear, sportswear and intimate apparel showing its versatility in all areas of fashion previously limited to woven fabric across the global ramp.




Mr. Dhanraj Survase – Assistant Professor & Centre Coordinator Ms. Bhawana Dubey –Assistant Professor Ms. Tulika Tandon – Assistant Professor

Support staff


Ms. Priti R. Patel Mr. Sanjay More Mr. Manoj Bhosale Mr. Sakaram Tungatkar

The four year Knitwear Design programme at NIFT is developed towards creating a design professional who can cater to knitted apparel – an exclusive segment in fashion. It aims to provide the student with creative thinking, strong technical skills and a dynamic market orientation. Knitwear Professionals provide value addition to multiple areas for the fashion business; be it as knitwear designers, forecasters, stylists, product developers, production managers or merchandisers. In the final semester Design Collection or a Graduation Project would be undertaken culminating knowledge, skills and industry understanding specific to the area of knitwear design. Carees: The knitwear Design Curriculum prepares students to undertake jobs as Academicians, Entrepreneurs, Knitwear Designers, Product Developers, Merchandisers, Fashion Writers, Managers and stylists in various export houses, retail brands, designer labels.

Aastha Seth


Flat-Knits and Pattern-Making.

Band Baja Baraat Mentor

Mr. Dhanraj Suvase


he Big Fat Indian Wedding is going bigger and bigger as always and its all the more energetic, fun, vibrant and jhattak. And the youth today is experimental yet glamorous. I got inspired by the movie ‘Band Baja Baraat’ its Indian Kisch style which is dhinchak, yet rich and elegant. The loud elements from Indian Wedding, the golden bling, the typical Indian colors like Rani, green, the extravagant wedding horse, baja vala’s dress, lights, and lot more, all inspired me to make such an exuberent collection, which has an Indian feel, yet western silhouettes to give that youthful, bold but elegant look. In this collection, I have used Viscose filament and metallic yarns to give a good luster and drape to these Flat-knitted Garments. The collection is targetted as a party-wear for the youth who are experimental and bold.

Internship details


Name of the firm Monte Carlo Fashions Pvt. Ltd., Ludhiana Fields of work Womenswear, Menswear and FlatKnits Garments

Abhinesh Raj

Replace this box with a photograph or a collage of your collection/ design outcome. Dimensions: 183 X 70 mm Resolution: 300 dpi


Creative design pattern development

The Charisma of Kalis Mentor

Mr. Dhanraj Survase


oyalty, luxury, fashion and opulence are the words that define my couture collection, called “ The Charisma of Kalis”. With the warmth of the bright hues of Rajasthan and the intricate golden works of zari, the ensembles are an eclectic mix of high couture and traditional wear. The ensemble, comprisinng of ghagras and cholis in bold and bright hues of peach, pink, purple, red and green reflect the rich and colorful tradition of our country and adding to this Indian connection are the fabrics like velour, warp net knits, knitted satins, and exquisite laces which further strengthen its couture content, giving the garments a royal and luxurious feel. On one hand there is light Indian lotus embroidered on the choli, while on the other, lies the intricate beautiful silver ribbon jali work on the hemlines of the ghagras. The ensemble is for the contemporary Indian brides who don’t want to go for the heavy drapes of the saree but are willing to have the Indianness.

Internship details Name of the firm Alok Industries Limited, Turbhe, Mumbai


Fields of work Women’s wear design

Replace this box with a visual which describes your project. Dimensions: 70 X 53 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Anam S. Saifi


Handwork determination, Good communication skill, Upadated with fashion trends, Knowledge of softwares.

Earthly Paradise Mentor

Mr. Dhanraj Survase


he project involved in Design Collection is based on the theme “Earthly Paradise” which shows the positive side of nature. I have made my collection in Heavy Gauge Flat Knits. My concept talks about “Eden” i.e. - To escape to a world that has become too standardized. New generations are aspiring to belong to the tribes, by adopting them into their modern life. In Eden we aspire to restore extravagance and be inspired by ancient primitive cultures found in Central and South America. We examine acid modernism through psychedelic views of tropical landscapes and evoke Fauvism through the influence of the French painter Henri Matisse. Eden also describes another powerful connection between dreams and creativity . Through power and creativity I have made my collection to inspire people to save our nature from destructions and make it more colorful to get a view of “Eden”.

Internship details Name of the firm Shree Bharat International Pvt. Ltd.,Noida


Fields of work Designing, Merchandising, Sampling.

Ankita Thakur


Print Developement

With Love, Sicily ! Mentor Mr. Dhanraj Survase


ith Love,Siciliy- is inspired by the most profound Sicilian traditions. The initial concept was to create a collection of vibrant colors and fitted silhouette that excudes feminity and vibrancy. The theme is inspired from “a summer holiday in Sicily�. Sicily as a place was taken in particular becuase I love the traditions, the colours, the silhouettes, the small elements that make Sicily a travellers paradise. I love prints. In this project I have applied my skills for print developement. Prints depicted are the famous puppets of Sicilian street theatres, the island’s traditional ceramic vases and cartwheels. Bold stripes recalled beach umbrellas and sun beds in seaside coves. With silhouettes like wide gathered skirts, or those cut to curve the body, one can genuinely picture taking a stroll in the evening heat. With vibrant colours, interesting prints, sheer laces and feminine silhouettes, the collection is all about having the perfect summer wardrobe.

Internship details


Name of the firm Shahi Exports Pvt.Ltd Delhi Fields of work Designing, Fashion Consultant, Costume Designing.

Asmita Sharma

Replace this box with a photograph or a collage of your collection/ design outcome. Dimensions: 183 X 70 mm Resolution: 300 dpi


Hand Knitting and Machine Knitting

The Silence and The Roar Mentor

Dhanraj Survase he design aesthetic is sculptural, architectural and dynamic, striving to exaggerate and accentuate the female form. The design process with the knits is an exercise in discovering a garment, its silhouette, form and material. The entire collection has been created with hand using heavy wool and acrylic yarn. The collection fluctuates proportions and producing designs that are mysterious and warm in terms of their structure and appeal. The garments are a result of progressive combination of material and techniques. A particular hand crafted technique that has been repetitively used in different places and is the way of making this collection unique and progressive.


Name of the firm Monte Carlo Pvt. Ltd. (Flat Knits) Fields of work Embroidery, Print Development, Graphic Design

Replace this box with a visual which describes your project. Dimensions: 70 X 53 mm Resolution: 300 dpi


Internship details

Devyani Kanojia


Pattern Making, Understanding construction of garments

“Reviving the indegenous” Mentor

Mr.Dhanraj Survase

“Reviving the indegenous” Indigenous means the native belonging to that land. The indigenous people of that land, the tribes, who are forgotten; the true natives. “I want to create an indo-western line for todays woman”, to bring together the rustc and timeless. The simple idea reaches frution in mordern (opulent tribal) collection, with restarined prints (jaquard textures and traditional colors.) The collection serves for autumn - winter 2013 . This season’s forecast invites us to autonomously find purpose and motivation in our lives. The time has come to restore , reimagine and right size our needs.

Internship details


Name of the firm Arvinds Mills Knits Block , Santej Fields of work Design and Development of a collection Theme - Marvel

Falguni M. Helia


Surface ornamentation Fabric development Draping

Alchemy Mentor

Mrs. Tulika Tandon


he defining objectives of alchemy are varied; these include the creation of the fabled philosopher’s stone possessing powers including the capability of turning base metals into the noble metals gold or silver, as well as an elixir of life conferring youth and longevity. The collection basically revolves around the psychology of human mind, about how it runs after gold, i.e., money, lust, but the matter of fact is, it may lust you, but it can’t keep u happy!

Internship details Name of the firm Anika Apparels Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai


Fields of work Catered to european market for 2 months in the area of surface ornamentations and other fabric developing techniques.

James Doley


Garment construction, Styling

Pink Bow City Mentor

Mr. Dhanraj Survase


ink bow city is a community in united state of America whose philosophy emphasize mainly to share feminine power to the world. Feminine aesthetics, feminine sophistication, femme-fatale attitude, bursting femininity, classic femininity, above all strength, sporty tomboy, shabby chic’s, glam rock star punk, circus freaks, Burlesque, cyber Lolita, pin-up glamour.

Internship details


Name of the firm Amigo Sports, Mumbai Fields of work Menswear Collection for the brand “NoFear” 7 graphic prints for tshirts on circular knits.

Khushboo Bakhru


Knitwear/Graphic Design, stylist

Inside view of woman’s essence Mentors Mr Prateek Vashist

Mr Ravi Shankar Raghavan oman’s soul comprise of many aspects, one which she sees in her inner self and the other in which society portray her. Through my piece of work i have tried to show suppressed happiness of woman which is embedded inside her, part of her which is colorful, sovereign, bare and audacious hence, defining her individual self. On contrary, their is society which depicts woman’s conscious as vicious, contempt, insolence and destructive. Here I have combined both aspects of woman’s essence through ensemble which is vibrant from inside and destructive from outside.


Internship details


Name of the firm Brand Marketing India(BMI) Fields of work T-shirt graphic design for French Connection “VARSITY”

Kranti Jaiswal

Replace this box with a photograph or a collage of your collection/ design outcome. Dimensions: 183 X 70 mm Resolution: 300 dpi


Prints design and draping

Modern Metropolis Mentor

Ms. Bhawana Dubey


his design collection involves a brief show case of typographic prints . I started the collection by researching on different kinds of prints. I was inspired by typographic prints with colorful palette. This was followed by developing different prints on design softwares and swatches of the same. Later I made illustrations of the garment. The design collection is based on the theme Modern Meteropolis. It’s depicted through playfully done, abstract typographic prints. The framework form color-filled future metropolisis. The silhouette is derived from the classy as well as casual look of the garment. The collection is having two-piece garment bralet and skirt with panels at certain parts.

Internship details


Name of the firm Remanika Apparel Fields of work Women’s wear dresses

Lovedeep Gulyani

Strengths Design Styling Research

The Pilgrims Progress Mentors Ms. Tulika Tandon

Mr.Vinay Adya (RB Knits, Ludhiana) onastic austerity as our world move through uncertain times, where values and truths are questioned, rituals and traditions have lost their place in the present day society. Where conflict and war are an everyday reality. We are moving backward into a Dark Age. Gothic inspired garb of this new tribe of urban dwellers would confirm such a hypothesis. Drives inspiration from the puritanical monastic tribe wear, their monochromatic layers like a uniform or a habit.


Internship details Name of the firm Lecoanet Hemant Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon, Haryana.


Fields of work Design, Sampling, Conceptualization.

Murshida Kotyad

Replace this box with a photograph or a collage of your collection/ design outcome. Dimensions: 183 X 70 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Strengths Designing Styling

The Wrath Of Hera Mentors Ms. Tulika Tandon

Mr. Vinay Adya he collection involves a basic design process starting from selection of the theme, brainstorming, deriving the mood of the concept, execution of the design ideology. The collection is inspired by the Greek Mythology of Zeus, known as the ‘Father of Gods’. The colour palette includes red, grey and black that shows the dark side of Hera, the wife of Zeus. The collection depicts different moods like anger, revenge and jealousy. The techniques used in the making of the garments are computerised knitting, hand flat knitting and hand knitting. It involves basic knitting structures and innovation in silhouettes. The important tasks were the selection of yarns and development of the knitting plan.


Internship details


Name of the firm R.B Knits, Ludhiana Fields of work Designing, Styling

Replace this box with a visual which describes your project. Dimensions: 70 X 53 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Neha Chaudhary


Pattern Making Fabric Development Surface Ornamentation

Posh Shine Mentor

Mr. Dhanraj Survase


he collection talks about glamour and fame all over, which is all about surface ornamentation, intricacy of handwork and material detailling. The collection explores lycra to coated knits to romantic chantilly lace and sequins, gems, beading, and pearl applique. The silhouettes are slim and classic ,with a contemporary flair and definitely not conservative. Transparencies and revealing cuts create a voluptuous overall look.

Internship details


Name of the firm Four Ess Overseas Noida Fields of work Designing Pattern Making Fabric Development

Replace this box Nivedita with your recent (clicked within last Mukherjee 2 months) photoStrengths graph. Dimensions: 35mm Hand knitting, Design softwares X 45 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Tellus Mentor

Mr. Rajeev Kumar


his design collection involves a brief show case of various hand knitted designs through an attractive color pallete. The collection was started by reserching many hand knitted designs by some known designers. This was followed by researching hand knitted techniques and developing the swatches . After developing the swatches , the attention was given towards the shaping process. Then the sketches of the collection were prepared based on the Bohemian style which gives a pure essesnce of mother nature. Tellus is mother nature in its purest forms glorifying its beauty if and only if we save it. The collection contains a wide range of color pallete to symbolise the greenery , the flora , the soil and everything which describes the mother earth through colors . The patch work done on the garment symbolises the feilds.

Internship details Name of the firm Just For Kids (Major Brands of India)


Fields of work Designing kids wear silhouettes , Graphic designing of the cartoon prints.



Knitwear (Womenswear, Kidswear) Manipulation of fabrics


Mentor Ms. Bhawana Dubey


mmemorial time, since there has always been much hue and cry over the rights of women and equal importance to both the genders.These prolonged resistance has led to the advent of a new term “Feminist�- people advocating gender equality. Its impact was strong and provided the people a sublime state of sheer liberation and a a passion in their belief. The theme talks about a stage where women have taken over men. They have almost replaced them. The collection presents the merged look that the women have, after they took over the men; with certain feminine elements and certain masculine elements which will soon be completely replaced. Sponsored By: Dr. Bimal Narayan Arya and Mrs. Kamla Kumari Fabric Sponsored By: Netflex (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Internship details Name of the firm Suditi Industries Ltd.


Fields of work Menswear in Knitted Denim.

Priyam Taneja


Print Design

Copacabana Getaway Mentor

Ms. Bhawana Dubey


he scene of the sparkling sunise or sunset at Copacabana is one of the world’s most spectacular sights. Copacabana, known for its seaside frolics during the day and sultry glamour of the night, enchants every visitor. The beach water serves as a vast, tranquil and serene spot, as well as a glamorous party spot. This inherent quality of the sea doesn’t fade out. The sea possesses immense character. It doesn’t retaliate; it doesn’t judge; it doesn’t reciprocate, therefore, one gets the reflection that they always want. The sea puts us into a pensive mood. It stimulates, energizes, arouses and motivates. The theme Copacabana Getaway exudes freedom and escapism from daily chores to a location where you can pamper your body, mind and soul. You can get your questions answered, introspect, unwind and emerge as a refeshed, bathed soul. It doesn’t demand fanatical fashion statements; it demands comfort, refreshment and peace for the soul.

Internship details


Name of the firm Provogue Fields of work Menswear, Tshirt, SS-13

Rana Vijay Sen Pushkar


Garment construction, Photography

A roll in Hay Mentor

Mr. Rajeev Kumar

“The question isn’t who is going to let me, its who is going to stop me.” - Ayn Rand It is an open truth that working women in our country have to face problems just by virtue of their being women. Social attitude to the role of women lags much behind the law. Apart from this, she always have burden of household chores as well. But what is spectacular about her is that she still gets going, no matter what comes in her way. Henceforth, the collection is inspired by the ceaseless strength of a woman that keeps us all tuned in and wised up!

Internship details


Name of the firm Impulsion Fashion, Noida Fields of work Womenswear and Menswear collection of circular knit apparels.

Replace this box with a photograph or a collage of your collection/ design outcome. Dimensions: 183 X 70 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Replace this box Richa with your recent (clicked within last Tripathi 2 months) photoStrengths graph. Dimensions: 35mm Design Softwares, Draping. X 45 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Dandellion Days Mentor

Ms Tulika Tandon


y Design process started with exploration of new concepts. I came across a concept of Echo which says that the people of today appreciate simplicity along with luxury and comfort. This concept was developed further into the story dandellion days. I started working on designs that justify my concept. My designs showcase loose and relaxed silhouettes carved in pure white colour. Each design is a amalgamation of lot of different types of knitted fabrics but still giving a feeling of serenity purity and simplicity. A little touch of embroidery and hand knitting has been given to add value. A lot of sheer fabrics and net has been used to give a soft, feminine and fragile look to the garments.

Internship details Name of the firm Remanika Apparels


Fields of work Womenswear A/W 13

Replace this box with a visual which describes your project. Dimensions: 70 X 53 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Replace this box with your recent (clicked within last 2 months) photograph. Dimensions: 35mm X 45 mm Resolution: 300 dpi



Womenswear Fabric manipulation

Wind Mills Of Mind Mentor

Ms. Tullika Tandon


popular belief about onstensible historical or traditonal or some phenomenal events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a person is the concept of my design collection which is inspired by solar and lunar eclipse. In my design collection technical and intricate work of hand knitting and macramae show how people have different views for a particular situation. This design collection is promoting hand knitting in high fashion, it can be adopted as a Corporate Social Responsibility policy by various firms.

Name of the firm Suditi Industries Ltd. Fields of work Womenswear in Knitted Denim

Replace this box with a visual which describes your project. Dimensions: 70 X 53 mm Resolution: 300 dpi


Internship details

Shobhana Srivastava


Knitwear Design ( Men’s wear and women’s wear)

Charlie Chaplin....! Mentor

Mrs. Tulika Tandon


y monochrome menswear collection begins with a tip of Charlie Chaplin’s ill fitting suit, floppy over sized shoes and a bowler hat as mark of a silent masterpiece. Why Charlie? The rationale is that I want to make a statement about new proportions in menswear. The Little Tramp’s tight coat and baggy pants fine tailoring showcasing the humor and expression in its own spectacular way. The style is created with use of different design elements tucks, pleats, cowl, dropped crotch, manipulation of collar. The circular knit fabric is used warp knit, interlock, Lopper fleece, double jersey, micro jersey, single jersey, hounds tooth knit fabric . The flat knit fabric is used in form of jacquard pattern with hounds tooth, hounds tooth baby checkered and Interlock pattern with plain, striped. Sponsored by- Mr. Ashok Kumar Srivastava & Mrs. Kiran Srivastava Fabric Sponsored by- Netflex (India ) Pvt. Ltd.

Internship details


Name of the firm Suditi Industries Ltd. Fields of work Women’s Wear collection in knit denim for Brand Riot

Shreya Banerjee


Designing, Styling, Patience, good listening, and understanding

After Deadline Mentor

Mrs. Tulika Tandon


he inspiration has been taken from the mythological bird- Pheonix. It is a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn and obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. The association and similarities of these characteristics has been made with the Earth- which shall self distruct in the coming time and then reborn from its remains. Such a state of distruction (jeopardize) shall prevail on Earth because of the ill-treatment caused to it by the homosapiens. The elements used in the collection are picked up from the entire process and the characterization of the pheonix such as the color palette flowing from black to red with gold being a significant and constant color. The back trails symbolic of its long tail. The most important element of the collection are the crystals which reflect glaring light therefore it is symbolic of fire and the new life. Other materials used are feathers, fur, velvet, etc.

Internship details


Name of the firm SEPIA - Vivaan Fashions Pvt. Ltd. Fields of work Fashion Designing, Forecasting, Sampling and Production, Merchandising

Shruti Joshi


Womenswear designing, Surface ornamentation

Imposter Prepp... Mentor

Ms. Tulika Tandon

“I’ll trade all my tomorrows for a single yesterday...”


ollowing the trend of “Live Fast” in a society full of stress and competition.. with so many objections and discontent... this woman yearns for moments that help her to relax, live her life the way she used to, and be Herself....“ She decided to free herself, dance into the wind, to create a new life for herself. And the birds fluttered around her, writing ‘Yes’ into the sky.....” My collection shows a link between her present life and the past days of her life which she wants to live once again...

Internship details Name of the firm Hanco International


Fields of work Designing

Sonali Sethi


Flat Knits and Circular Knits.

High Fashion Ready to Wear Mentors Mr. Rajat Kansal

Ms.Tulika Tandon y graduation project revolves around creating ensembles following the organic body lines. I aim at creating such structures which have never been seen before. The collection is a high fashion ready to wear.


Internship details


Name of the firm Rage (Ajanta Knitwears), Ludhiana Fields of work Garment design, and Computerised Flat Knitting Programming, and Pattern Making.

Srinivas Patra


Creative pattern making , Flat knitting, Forecasting


Mr. Rajeev kumar


he Modern Myth consumer tribe Fable Seekers consists of people re-evaluating folklore and tradition, mixing religions and finding new paths to spirituality. They are dreamers who are penning their own histories and tapping into forgotten tales, ancient foods and alternative communities. Modern Myth looks at how consumers around the world are tapping into traditional folklore and stories in order to make sense of contemporary culture. This trend also highlights the blurred interpretations of Eastern and Western cultures. As the people have started moving from one place to another in search of better options for the future, they have also started relating from where they belong & where they are existing now. The futuristic approach of them have started an inner conflict within them, as a result they have merged things to create a hybrid ideology.

Internship details Name of the firm Sanjay Patodia Syntex ltd.


Fields of work Garment construction, Quality assurance.

Replace this box with your recent (clicked within last 2 months) photograph. Dimensions: 35mm X 45 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Sweta Satpathy Strengths Styling, Garment Development

Good Old Days Mentor

Mr. Rajeev Kumar


he garment collection “Good Old Days� is designed for the Spring-Summer 2014 which focuses on the realness, which is returning as a novel aspect of fashion and culture. In response to the skewed perspective of reality TV and the fakeness of celebrities, we find ourselves craving for something altogether more honest and unaffected. People want to become just like the way it was seen earlier happy and satisfied, not fake, loving and caring. The return of the old time demands for expertly hand woven textiles, featuring mid-century patterns for their vintage appeal.

Replace this box with a visual which describes your project. Dimensions: 70 X 53 mm Resolution: 300 dpi


Fields of work Sourcing, Hand knitting, Garment construction.

Sylvanus J Pradhan


Design, Merchandising, Graphics.


Mr. Dhanraj Survase


he collection is inspired by the art of hand and flat knitting and tribal motifs have been used into wearable designs having a modern twist. The cut is youthful .With hand and flat knits cardigans, jackets, sweaters and chic polar fleece trousers have been made. The ensemble is well balanced with color palette of black and white with sudden splashes of fresh colors.

Internship details Name of the firmForemost International Pvt. Ltd


Fields of work Design and Merchandising

Yogesh Kumar


Material handeling, visualization, pattern making, garment construction.

Retro Fashion Mentors Alok Industry

Mr. Prakash Ghadge am very much inspired by the rajputana culture and at the same time I also like the British culture a lot. I really wanted to make such a collection that would in some way or the other combine the two. Basically I wanted to amalgamate the two cultures. Thus, my collection is a confluence of these two cultures. I have jackets along with pants but these pants are draped and give a look of dhotis which rajputs wore. My jackets have british silhouettes along with accessories and trims that give a rajputana feel. Hence I’ve taken my theme as ‘Amalgamation’ and my collection is a confluence of the two cultures.


Internship details


Name of the firmAlok industry , Export house Fields of work Designing Women’s party wear.

Yashasvi Mathis

Replace this box with a photograph or a collage of your collection/ design outcome. Dimensions: 183 X 70 mm Resolution: 300 dpi


Illustration, Print Developemant.

Epileptic Staccato Mentor


Mr. Rajeev Kumar

pileptic Staccato.- derived from the concept ‘Hactivate’ which is to intervene an established way of doing something and improvising it until you stumble upon something very interesting-exhilarating. Epileptic staccato is a set of 5 looks that can be best described by the Haiku of ideas listed below: Eclectic, Unexpected, Kidult, Obvious Repair, Imperfect, Attached, Tarnished, Missing Parts, Fix, Contoured and Improvised. Hacktivate elevates traditional ideas of DIY, deconstruction, customization and repair. Unexpected styling and layering create a sense of eccentricity while inventive colour blocking gives technical elements a considered look. The mood is that of being a kidult i.e. the looks are playful yet put together with enough care to not come across as childish. A hint of non chalance and the easy silhouettes give the collection a touch of rebelliousness. The colour palette and the varying in the nature of each separate make the collection look epileptic.

Internship details Name of Label Shashank and Prajwal


Fields of work Designing, Print Developement.

Replace this box with a visual which describes your project. Dimensions: 70 X 53 mm Resolution: 300 dpi


Replace this box with a photograph or a collage of your collection/ design outcome. Dimensions: 183 X 70 mm Resolution: 300 dpi


Knitwear Design, Styling, Trend and Fashion Forecasting

Reverberation of Eternity Mentors Mr. Prateek Vashist

Mr. Sachin Anant Ghosakar asuarinas tree is one of the fine literary work by Toru Dutta, “the echo of never ending love remains as graceful as ever”.This poem depicts the concealed emotions of poet’s childhood, attached to the eternal tree. The magnificence and everlasting potency is remarkable as throughout the verse the human sentiments are enlightened. An attempt of defending the memories to oblivions curse has been made by relishing immortal statement in my designs that has defined aesthetics and exclusive details.This verse and collection stays closer to my heart because it revives the eternal love of my father that stimulates and kindle my individuality as a designer throughout, with his persona. “I believe BOLDNESS has genius power and magic in it,and thus this is my style. whatever i do or dream of is always on my list to do!”


Internship details Name of the firm Patodia Syntex Ltd Mumbai


Fields of work Apparel designing, Pattern & Garment Making. “MELODRAMATIC EXPRESSION”

Nandini Palta

Replace this box with a photograph or a collage of your collection/ design outcome. Dimensions: 183 X 70 mm Resolution: 300 dpi


Indian embroideries and weaves.

Bravura Mentor

Mr. Rajeev Kumar


y collection is based on the theme ‘Bravura’, meaning bold, brave or something showing confidence or brilliance. From this theme I took out my mood to be powerful and confident. Thus for my entire collection I have chosen the color black as it signifies power and confidence in a person. Via my garments I have tried to depict that one with power carves her own way despite all the odds. In my collection I have used Indian elements as well but only in terms of surface embellishment as I wanted to depict confidence in a today’s girl . Through my garments I wanted to depict how she fights all odds, goes agaist the set norms of do’s and dont’s and still comes out as a clear winner. She has the confidence to carry anything and doesn’t shy away from any attention that she gets.

Internship details Name of the Firm Ranapolycot, Mohali.


Fields of work Flat knit design on Shima Seiki.

Replace this box with a visual which describes your project. Dimensions: 70 X 53 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Replace this box with your recent (clicked within last 2 months) photograph. Dimensions: 35mm X 45 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Anvita Deo

Strengths Fabric Manupulation Graphics Styling

Doomsday Survival Mentors Mr. Harsh (Octave Appearls) Ms. Bhawna Dubey


he Doomsday Survival Collection is for Autumn/Winter 20132014. The Collection is developed by looking into the abilities of living things in nature and their process to protect themselves.“ In comparison to that humans are relatively vulnerable.� The furs, ruff and rugged structure of the garments highlight the vulnerability of the body under the cloths. The colors and structures which are used for the collection are directly inspired from natural things like rock, sand, tree barks, wood, forests and sea pebbles.

Name of the firm Octave Appearls pvt. ltd. Ludhiana Fields of work Knitwear Design, Product Devlopment

Replace this box with a visual which describes your project. Dimensions: 70 X 53 mm Resolution: 300 dpi


Internship details

Aasis Abbas

Replace this box with a photograph or a collage of your collection/ design outcome. Dimensions: 183 X 70 mm Resolution: 300 dpi


To consistently bring fun and fresh creative solutions to every project, enthusiasm for simple yet effective execution.

Rainbow conundrum Mentors Ms. Bhawna Dubey

Mr Sanjay Aggarwal (Shri bharat knits)


or my graduation collection, I have created playfully done designs diffusing a noisy sense of happiness with precarious sploges. Using brightly colored, garish textured yarns, the garments offer dimensional textures and playful easy patterns. The collection revisits the joyful delight of our childhood as we enter into an amazed state of wonder. It feels as though we have lost all our grown up inhibition and retreated into an almost Willie Wonka world of wonderment.

Internship details Name of the firm Shree Bharat International Pvt. Ltd


Fields of work Design Conceptualizing

Shreya Narayan


Designing, Styling and Graphics

The Arabian Nights Mentor

Ms. Bhawna Dubey


y collection for s/s 13 is based on famous “one thousand and one arabian nights� a collection of West and South Asian stories and folk tales compiled in Islamic golden age, whose english version is called THE ARABIAN NIGHTS. The tales themselves trace their roots back to ancient and medieval Arabic, Persian, Indian, Egyptian and Mesopotamian folklore and literature. The concept for collection was folklore which inspired the mood. The collection has a folkloric tinge to it in form of its colour and silhouette along with maintaing the islamic and arabic essence in form of embroidery and use of different surface ornamentation. The colours are bright and vibrant with designs for embroidery taken from islamic motifs and art. The idea was to keep garments simple and commercial at the same time as a partywear. Ethnic garments are smart and classy with light amount of surface ornamentation and smart colours.

Internship details


Name of the firm Creative Garments Provogue Fields of work Junior Designer

Ishani Tanna

Replace this box with a photograph or a collage of your collection/ design outcome. Dimensions: 183 X 70 mm Resolution: 300 dpi


Graphic design, styling, conceptulization

Mogulai-Baroque Melange Mentors Ms. Bhawana Dubey Mr. Dhanraj Survase


xtravagant, lavish and hyper-feminine, ‘Mogulai- Baroque Mélange’ is the theme for my ‘Ethnic occasion wear’ collection. I have taken Inspirations from art, architecture, fashion and jewelry from the Baroque and the Mughal eras. The Mughal and Baroque are eras of artistic style that used clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, exuberance and grandeur. Taking advantage of my knowledge in knits and passion in creating unique combinations of designs, I have created a design collection that features golden embroideries, extravagant silhouettes, delicate laces, rich flat knits and chintzy patterns. The collection has an aesthetic appeal combined with hedonism and abstract symbolism with an elegant treatment of embellishments.

Internship details


Name of the firm Creative Apparels Pvt Ltd - Mumbai Fields of work Designing, sourcing, sampling.

Replace this box with a visual which describes your project. Dimensions: 70 X 53 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Puja Nathani

Strengths Print Design, Fashion Illustration

Ete Indien - Tribal Beat Mentor

Ms. Bhawana Dubey


he Theme “Ete Indien - tribal beat” showcases the presence of tribal prints and patterns into wearable apparel for Indian women. The theme incorporates the concept of putting together tribal art, colors and patterns in practical and wearable garments for common women in India. Its about the use of certain elements of tribal clothing into modern silhouettes teamed up with tribal accessories, to give a colorful yet sophisticated look.

Internship details Name of the firm Matrix Clothing Pvt. Ltd. , Gurgaon


Fields of work Womenswear Collection for Chicos’ (Spring Summer) - 8 circular knit embellished tops.

Replace this box with a photograph or a collage of your collection/ design outcome. Dimensions: 183 X 70 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Pallavi Gupta


Flat Knitting Draping and Styling


Mentors Ms. Bhawana Dubey


Gaurav Jai Gupta , Designer

he projects undertaken by me as a part of my course and my professional background have increased my understanding of the industry and aided my analytic skills. This collection is an amalgamation of my design sense and creativity. The collection has been materialized using acrylic yarns with techniques of Hand knitting, and Flat knitting both manual and computerized. The mood being of a state of euphoric ecstacy that is acheved through delights of surprise by being expressive, exceeding limits and rejoicing in the moment. Its time for new narratives, that fuse reality and fantasy offering an authentic escape. The collection is Barbe-cued, dictating sweet things that bring a sense of pleasure in our lives along with a tender spice of womanism. Its fun, its bubbly and its with a dash of pink.

Internship details Name of the firm Akaaro, Delhi & Birdy Export Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore


Fields of work Client Relationship, Styling and Sourcing


extile Design forms the core of the whole business of fashion. The rapidly expanding activities in the export and domestic sectors of the Indian apparel and home fashion industry demands professional inputs in design and development of textiles and raw material, which is responsible for sixty to eighty percent of the cost of product. Textile Design today is that strategic value adding activity that can make all the difference in transforming a fashion business into an economically viable and profitable proposition.



Faculty Mr. Mohd. Javed , Associate Prof. Mr. Niteen Rangdal, Assistant Professor & Centre Coordinator Dr. Reena Aggarwal, Assistant Professor


Support staff Mr Bharat Parmar- Lab Asst. Sonali Tandel –Asst. Mrs. Bindu- Attendant

In the final semester, students undertake a Graduation Project. During this period students are required to work on the design brief given by the sponsor. The programme culminates into design collections developed by the students or the client and are showcased as a static display during the graduation show. The second year primarily focusses on introduction to Textile Design skills for weaving, printing and embroidery. The course offered during second year lay emphasis on fundamentals of Graphic software and its usage for motif development & image creation. The third year strengthens the knowledge base of students by imparting design, technical, marketing and communication skills. Areas of study include print design, woven design, dyeing, printing, finishing, quality analysis & assurance, CAD marketing and merchandising. The students also visit an identified craft area to undertake a “Craft research and documentation”. In the final semester, students undertake a Graduation Project (eighteen weeks) with an industrial client like, export house, designer, NGO and design studios.

Alok Kumar

Strengths Textile design


Dr. Reena Aggrawal Mr. Nimesh Parekh & Bhawi Mishtri


he project involved application of techniques like ultrasonic cut, laser cut, embossing, foiling, braso and jiggling , printing and pleating in both the collections. My first collection FLORET CONTOUR is a home furnishing collection. Taking inspiration from florals and giving rise to royal surfaces and textures was the main notion for this collection. Therefore colors like brown, beige, golden and crème have been utilized for this floral manifestation. The second collection Achkan is a royal wear apparel collection portraying the regal colours like wine, golden, crème and brown to create exceptional surfaces.

Internship details Name of the firm Punikim Textiles Pvt. Ltd. Dimora Furnishing Fields of work Designing , Sampling and Production.

Replace this box with a visual which describes your project. Dimensions: 82 X 39 mm Resolution: 300 dpi


Floret Contour

Replace this box Anita with your recent (clicked within last Sihag 2 months) photoStrengths graph. Dimensions: 35mm Textile designer X 45 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Pink City Blue Tale Mentors Mr. Mohd. Javed

Mr. Sanjay Udaiwal


he project involved use of Dabu prints and its application in innovative ways for haute couture garments. My collection PINK CITY BLUE TALE portrays the use of Dabu to reflect the aura of the magnificent national bird the peacock found in the Regal Indian state. Brainstorming, research work, motifs development, block making, fabric printing and illustration for the garment silhouettes were made for the same. The selected designs also went through improvements before finalization. The technique used for printing the fabrics is a mud resist hand block printing practised in Rajasthan. The prints have a sublime quality and appearance. This unique form of printing is also environmentally non toxic and uses no harmful or synthetic dyes.

Internship details Name of the firm Shilpi, jaipur


Fields of work Textile printing and garment.

Replace this box with a visual which describes your project. Dimensions: 70 X 53 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Touch Stone Grey Oyster

Mentors Mr. Nitin Rangdal Mr. Nirav Meswani worked on the graduation project with Household Linen Pvt. Ltd.(Surprise). Through my 18 weeks here , I worked on various illustrations and designs. I also worked for SSA architecture, V & G . The project involved application of surface development skills. “The earth has music for those who listen - TOUCH STONE“. So, is my first collection inspired from the panaromic beauty of the nature . The theme for my collection is touch stone which depicts earthy feel embeded on the bed linen. My other collection the Grey Oyster involved the conglomoration of Black Grey White so as to produce the conjuring effect of these colours. I used the conjuring effect of theme on the bed linen.


Internship details

Ankit Kumar

Name of the firm Meuse Kara Sungrace Mafatlal Field of workTrend Forecast

Strengths Trend forecasting summer spring 12-13 and single jersy full sleeve T-shirt.


Textile design

Anusha Tomar


Surface ornamentation and texture development

Dust, Rust, Rock. Mentors Dr. Reena Agrawal

Ms. Vinita Adhikari


lk talks about Womenswear fashion in today’s world. As Ilk by Shikha and Vinita is a brand that does both Indian wear and western wear, I have made one collection of both. There has been an emphasis on the silhouette detail played around with an array of vibrant colours, the hand feel fabrics and the surface development. The first, an Autumn Winter 2013 collection, has a lot of fabric manipulation techniques combined with hand embroidery to give it a soft grunge feel whereas the second, a spring summer 2013 collection has elaborate hand and machine embroideries, but simplicity attached to it in terms of silhouettes.

Internship details Name of the firm Organic Apparels Pvt. Ltd.


Fields of work Research and Development, Fabric and texture development, Assisting for their Lakme Fashion Week showcase.

Apoorva Agarwal


Fabric manipulation and ornamentation

The Colourful Black Mentors Mr. Niteen Rangdal Ms. Bhavi Mistry


unikim Textiles offers exclusive, elite and unique textures and designs, which add greater value to the fabric itself. My Graduation Project was to design a garment collection for the citizens of Nigeria. This was Punikim’s first venture into the Nigerian garment market. Thus, it involved a very detailed and meticulous study on the kind of fabrics the Nigerians prefer, their colours, their textures, their lifestyles, their tastes, which is altogether very different from the Indian market. Based on this research, I designed a unique collection, making optimum use of the vast repertoire of techniques that Punikim provides. Choosing the brightest coloured fabrics, ornamenting it with magnificent carding, embossing, pleating, laser cut, and embroidery techniques, and adding the required bling to it, was “The Colourful Black” all about!

Internship details


Name of the firm Punikim Textiles Pvt. Ltd. Fields of work Fabric development and Surface ornamentation

Prints on cotton fabric Replace this box with your recent (clicked within last 2 months) photograph. Dimensions: 35mm X 45 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Avinash Chandra

Mentors Mr. Md. Javed Mr. Hitesh Haria


completed my Graduation Project with BCJ Made Ups, which is into home decor with a benchmark of quality and service. The portfolio of offerings for bedroom, livingroom and kitchen has made it a preffered company in the global market. The collection has prints on cotton fabric that was made while keeping in mind the demands of the clients and the work portfolio of the company.

Internship details Name of the firm M A Trading co. Fields of work Designing of carpets for U.S. and European markets.


Weaving and Print developement


Carpet designed for M A Trading

Replace this box with a photograph or a collage of your collection/ design outcome. Dimensions: 179 X 62 mm Resolution: 300 dpi


Mentors Dr. Reena Agarwal Ms.Itti Gupta


completed my graduation project under OCEAN COLLECTIONS - Fine furnishing for home. They being the direct manufacturers, exporters and wholesalers, specialize in home dÊcor products such as quilts, bed covers, table linens, kitchen linens, bed linens, curtains, cushions, handbags and many more. Both my collections carry a great influence from Rajasthan’s rich heritage and colorful culture. One can witness the royalty in the form of intricate designs fused with architectural geometry. A variety of rich and bright colors have been used to enrich the overall appearance. The use of rich silk and pure cotton has further enhanced the beauty of Jaipur block and screen printing.


surface ornamentation and print development

Internship details Name of the firm Ratan Textiles Fields of work Surface ornamentation, Print development and Fabric manipulation.

Cushion covers designed for Ratan textiles


Ayushi Gotewala

Twisted Fate of Chikankari

Mentors Mr. Niteen Rangdal Ms. Syed Azra Warsi


nterned under Ms. Syed Azra Warsi, a Lucknow based designer I have basically worked on the craft of Chikankari. Chikankari has been a legendary craft of India since last two centuries. But like other crafts of India Chikankari is losing its grip in the Indian market. In my graduation project ‘Twisted Fate of Chikankari’ I tried to give new look to the already existing ancient craft of Chikankar. In my first collection I have used authentic Chikankari fabric to create elaborate wedding gowns while my second collection is about collaboration of Chikankari with Digital prints.

Internship details

Ayushi Singh

Name of the firm Azra Design Studio Fields of work Research and development of Chikankari. Designing ethnic wear and Indo-western customizations.



Surface ornamentation, Print development.

Sequins embellishment done during internship

Bompie Riram

Strengths Surface Ornamentation, Texture development, styling.

The Gift of Hambrumai Mentors Dr. Reena Agrawal


Ms. Vinita Adhikari

he women of the state dominate the industry of handloom in Arunachal Pradesh. The basic tool used for preparing the handloom in Arunachal Pradesh is a loom without any reed. The weavers produce the handloom with the help of a bamboo tube. The objective of the project given by the company was to modify traditional pattern frequently used on the Arunachal Pradesh Handloom textile as well as to introduce and develop techniques to diversify the product range, to keep the clients interested through constant innovation. I started the project by researching on motifs of different tribes in Arunachal Pradesh. The project gave me a platform to explore in terms of weave, a riot of colourful patterns, the interplay of textures and putting it in the final end product. My collection talks about the perfect blend of tribal influences and underground urban chic that recite stories through designs. In the end a range of affordable loin loom products were developed. i.e. dresses, skirts and tunic.

Internship details Name of the firm Department of textiles and Handloom of Arunachal Pradesh


Fields of work Designing, Weave development, Styling.

Delineating from the roots


Mr. Mohd Javed Ms. Dipika Motwany (Designer)


eing from north-east India I have a little fascination towards tribal cultures and its colors. And so my collections are meant to depict the trend of tribe fashion in different product line with different perspect. Same base name but varying in style and look are the main elements that I have come up within my collections. Through contemporized surface ornamented bags and hand traced printed apparels, I choose to present my theme: “Delineating from the roots“.

Debasmita Tarafdar

Strengths Textile Design (surface ornamentation & prints)

Name of the firm Phulkari, Andheri (Mumbai) Fields of work Phulkari embroidery, Surface ornamentation & Digital printing

Internship details: Name of the firm Punikim Textiles Pvt. Ltd. (Mumbai)


Fields of work Surface ornamentation

Carved beauty of Madurai

Mentors Mr. Niteen Rangdal Ms. Amrit Barkakoty


completed my graduation project under SERENITY-blissful living, The store offers a variety of furnitures as well as lifestyle products to accessorize homes like cushion covers, candle holders, bowls, and trays, coasters, bags, etc. The project involved application of my print development skills (digital printing). The first collection grabs its inspiration from Meenakshi temple and conceptualised as collaboration of ancient and contemporary beliefs where the structures and poses represents ancient beliefs , on the other hand stylisation of these form by the use of lines and some bright colors represents today’s world. On the other hand, my second collection revolves around Retro chic glamour, Paris and its fashion. It is serene, calm yet glamourous and peppy. The collection adorns a sepia look.


Surface ornamentation, Print development

Internship details Name of the firm Punikim Textiles Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai Fields of work Fabric manipulation(laser cutting, embossing, pleating etc.) Border developed using pleating and laser cut.



Elegant Throwback

Mentors Dr. Reena Agarwal Mrs. Archana Kochhar


uring the time of my learning process in six month of graduation project, I have developed two collections. The projects include textured embroidery, and prints.The theme of my collection is : Elegant Throwback & Something For Every Women. Its an entierly contemporary take on a silhouette and style that is so reminiscent of a certain era. They are prepared throughout each time becoming more intricate and more stylish,embellished, embroidered, sheer backs, sheer sleeves, flowing silk. There is definitely a feeling of something new. May be its a new found confidence.

Internship details

Kirti Godiyal



Surface ornamentation and Print development

Name of the firm Punikim Textiles Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai. Fields of work Embroidery, Digital Prints, Fabric manipulation involving different techniques such as laser cutting, embossing, screen printing.

Mohini Gautam

Strengths textile design

Mergeing Tradition Mentors Mr. Nimesh Parekh Mr. Mohd Javed


aute couture and fashion styling have always been my chief interest. Given a chance to do so the way I wanted was hard to let go, therefore my collection had to be one of a kind . My collection depicts extreme curvy floral patterns and elegant silhouettes. The colors illustrate strong feelings of compassion and seduction. It is not just a collection but reflection of the ambition, fancy and trace in a person.

Internship details


Name of the firm Department of textiles and Handloom of Arunachal Pradesh Fields of work Designing, Weave development, Styling.

Hangout in Colors

Nishi Soni



Surface ornamentation, Print development.

Mentors Mr. Mohd Javed Ms. Malini Agarwalla


he stunning array of Malaga of formal and casual line of accessories for women fascinates me a lot. My inclination towards bags, gave me a chance to accomplish my graduation project under Malaga by Malini Agarwalla. Here , I worked for two themes namely “HANG OUT IN COLORS” and “THE GOLDEN GLORY”. Hang out in Colors : This Spring/Summer brings some colors to hang out. The new range of bright coloured clutches, sling bags and I-pad cases are full of fun and a summer day’s Swish. This collection encompasses bright soda pop colours to turn a mundane tassel into a fun, flirty look. The Golden Glory : It is Summer Resort line of metal and embroidered clutches, inspired by Ancient Egypt. The flat plate jewellery and metal texturing were used, inspired from Egypt, as its influence in creating a whole new look of textured metal clutches , with exotic embroideries in motifs borrowed from their history, language and culture.

Internship details Name of the firm Punikim Textiles Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai Fields of work Fabric manipulation (Laser cutting, Embossing, Screen printing.) Techniques: Laser cutting , embossing and applique.

Nitin Gupta

Replace this box with a photograph or a collage of your collection/ design outcome. Dimensions: 183 X 70 mm Resolution: 300 dpi


Textile designer

Merging Tradition Mentors Dr. Reena Aggarwal

Ms. Bhavi Mistry and Mr. Nimesh Parekh


he project involved application of techniques like carding, laser cut, embossing, foiling, braso and jiggling for apparels and home furnishing collection. My first collection MERGING TRADITIONS portrays the use of these techniques in apparel to generate a mix of African Nigerian prints and Mughal Indian silhouettes. The second collection DEWAN-E-KHAS is a home furnishing collection based on persian motifs to give the royal mughal feel. The surfaces created through these techniques are of incredible quality and form.

Internship details Name of the firm Punikim Textile Pvt. Ltd. Dimora Furnishing.


Fields of work Home Furnishing and African Nigerian and Ghanian fabrics.

Nama Oor...

Mentors Mr .Mohammad Javed Ms. Sneha Adutya uirks and influences of pop art have lead my love for ”Pop-An-Indo” - the love for everthing Indian gave me the perfect opportunity to execute my vission towards Indian pop art. We live in an orderly society,a fast life as if we are on a crash course of fashion, technology and money . My collection is based on an imaginary town called Nama Oor (my town) that has a festive cultural attitude towards life unlike the crave that we prefer. This collection showcases a combination of prints and surface development techniques inspired by the folks of Karnataka such as kasuti embroidery, lambani patchworks as well as “Yakshagan”, folk theater act of karnataka.


Internship details


Name of the firm: Pop-an-indo

Fields of work Fabric manipulation, Laser cutting, Embroidery, Pleating and Digital printing.



Surface ornamentation and print development.

Pooja Maheshwari


Surface ornamentation and machine embroidery

Design wings for new dreams to fly Mentors Mr. Mohd. Javed

Mr. Mannu and Mrs. Mamta


his theme expresses how as children we believe that anything is possible, as we grow up we lose that all encompassing belief that we can do anything we set our mind to. The theme encourages you to believe in yourself again, design wings for your own dreams and move towards accomplishing them. Another theme comprises of one of the most important factors to remember during the design process which is to keep things small and manageable and be mindful of how much people are capable of and the resources you have available. This might mean developing your project in stages, adding new sections and bring special skills to the project.

Internship details Name of the firm Tejwani brothers

Machine embroidery


Fields of work Fabric manipulation, surface ornamentation etc.

Replace this box Pooja with your recent (clicked within last Yadav 2 months) photoStrengths graph. Dimensions: 35mm Print design X 45 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Craft Villa

Mentors Mr. Neetin Rangdal

Mrs. Deepa (AND Desigens India Ltd. (Global Desi), Mumbai) he Graduation Project is done on Print Design for appeal. In this project, I have made two collections based on theme “Craft Villa” for women’s wear in which products are basically contemporary Indian women’s wear’s My theme Craft Villa is inspired by Indian traditional textile crafts kalamkari, madhubani paintings, patachitra paintings, kashmiri kashida pipali etc. I combined the lilting folk tunes, the lingering aromas of a traditional culinary preparation, the glamour of yesteryears preserved by the craft tradition, the intricate patterns practiced by generations of craftmen, the elaborate kalamkari that is often seen on traditional garments - to the riot of colours and the chic pace of urban life - all form a diverse yet significant part of the ideology that drives Global Desi.


Name of the firmAND Desigens India Ltd. (Global Desi), Mumbai Design conceptualization and develop the print design.

Internship details


Name of the firm Alok Industries Pvt. Ltd. Vapi Gujarat Fields of work Developed design for terry towel and print design for bed linen.

Assamese Life Style

Mentors Dr. Reena Aggarwal Mrs Priyam aggarwal (Fabric plus


y first collection(bed room) grabs inspiration from fish. Taking elements from it I have created design which goes according to north east client desire. And my second collection(table linen) is based on mughal era wherein I have finished it with bamboo placemats and bamboo basket. Both my collections are based on SPRING/ SUMMER 2013-14. My products are produce out of pure eri, muga and cotton in traditional jacqurd handloom.

Internship details Name of the firm: Fabric Plus, Guwahati,Assam

Pranjal Pegu

Fields of work Fabric development using pure eri,muga,cotton and bamboo in self jacqurd and traditional jacquard loom. Developing new design in weaves, print,surface ornamentation



Mentors Freshness Mr. Niteen Rangdal Mr. Prabhakar Pawar (Sr. Designer,Valiant) Forever & his project involved application of Print Design Skills for bed linen. During this T project, I have made two collections which include Bed-sheet, Bed-runner, Pillow, Warm Moons Cushion, Bolster and Comforter. My both collections are based on the themes called “Freshness Forever” & “Warm Moons”.

In the first collection, with the theme “Freshness Forever” my inspiration lies in green florals. The relaxing forms enable better user experience. In the second collection, with the theme “Warm Moons” the main motif and the background create the synergy of warmth and calming; mysterious moons. Name of the firm Valiant Glass Work Pvt. Ltd. (VALIANT INDUSTRIES) Mumbai.

Pravin Kumar



Textile Design (Graphic design, Print design, Fabric manipulation & Tie-dye)

Fields of work Design conceptualization & graphic/print design for the category of Bed linen.

Internship details Name of the firm Raymond Ltd. (Chhindwara,M.P.) Fields of work Production process (Suitings-Fiber to fabric.)


Mentors Dr. Reena Aggarwal Ms. Shilpi kumari (Designer, Bombay dyeing)


he Graduation Project is done on Print Design for home furnishing. In this project, I have made two collections based on theme “ORNATE” for bed linen in which products are bed sheet, pillow, bolster, duvet cover, cushion, curtain, small size table cloth. In both my collection with the theme “ORNATE” where my inspiration is intricate floral designs where I have used this inspiration with the mixture of traditional touch in stylized form.

Strengths Textile Design

Fields of work Design conceptualization and develop the print design.

Internship Details: Name of the firm Raymond Ltd. Vapi Gujarat Fields of work Production process on SuitingFiber to fabric and a project with the theme “Pietra”.


Rubi Kumari

Name of the firm: Bombay Dyeing, Mumbai

‘Sublime Nature’ & ‘Oh Burlap’

Mentors Mr. Mohd. Javed Mr. Najam Ansari


or my Graduation Project, I am working under the sponsorship of Anisa Carpets Pvt Ltd. , and developing my collections. My first collection comprises of rugs and Carpets which are based on the theme “Sublime Nature” This collection is of botanical prints and is inspired by 20th century Textile Designers, combining organic structures with digitalised and hand-drawn botanical prints in line with Next Nature macro trend. The theme for my second collection is “Oh Burlap” , and I have developed a living room collection with this theme in mind. Burlap is a very popular fabric that can lend itself to a multitude of projects. Because of its neutral color and interesting texture, this material can be great for home decor, weddings, parties, and fashion.

Internship details Name of the firm Anisa Carpets Pvt. Ltd. Bhadohi

Saman Waziri

Fields of work Carpet/Rug Designing, Printing & Weaving



Textile Design

One of the designs from my Carpet Collection

Eccentric & Geologist


Shikha Panchal

Internship details

Strengths Surface ornamentation , Weaving and Tufting.


he project involved application of my Textile Design skills. I started the project by presenting the brief to my mentor Mrs. Jyoti Sharma. This step followed by the Hemtextil Trends 2013/2014.I worked for two themes namely “GEOLOGIST” and “ECCENTRIC”.I have developed two collections. One Living Room Collection and one Bath Mat Collection. Geologist Collection:- It has textures and the shine. It has the value the precious imperfections of geological textures. Product included sets of cushions, curtains, woven rugs and carpet. Eccentric Collection) :- It has tribal influences, traditional motifs. The collection inspired by the traditional textiles. Product included- set of bath mat, bath rugs and shower curtain.

Name of the Company Mittal International, Panipat Fields of work Fabric manipulation involving different techniques such as Pleating, Folding,Gathering, Machine Stich, Aari, Chikan and Hand Work etc.

Techniques: Tufted Rug ( Cut Pile & Loop Pile)


Mr. Niteen Rangdal Mrs. Jyoti Sharma


Mentors: Dr. Reena Agarwal Divya Kohli (Asst. Design manager/Textrade intl. pvt. Ltd. Mumbai)


hulkari-fy- as the name suggests has taken inspiration from the most renowned craft from the Indian state of Punjab that is PHULKARI. This collection of assorted cushions has been made for spring summer’2014 for the U.S market. Taking popular forms from the craft and giving a modern twist by experimenting with the colour story was the objective. The ad-ons are funky trims like tassels, polli buttons and pom-poms, etc. This collection will give your room a touch of ethnicity presented in a contemporary manner to go with modern trend. Grab them all.

Smriti Bharti



Hand & machine embroidery

Name of the firm: Textrade Intl. Pvt. Ltd. (Sakinaka,Mumbai) Fields of work : Hand & machine embroidery, prints, fabric manipulation.

Internship detailsName of the firm: Marsil Exports, Worli.

Rajwade & Multihused Melody

Mentors Mr. Niteen Rangdal Mrs. Supriya vartak


uring the time of learning process in 6 month of graduation project. I have developing two collections. The projects include one bed sheet with pillow, duvet cover, cushion cover,bed runner. The theme of my collection is Rajwade, and Multihued Melody, The first bed ensemble is entitled “Rajwade�. I have drawn inspiration from Indias royal and monarchial motifs. The second design encompasses the uniqueness of combining various hues to create a beautiful set of bed linen.

Name of the firm -

Esskay international Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai.

Fields of work Textile design,Print design,Graphic design

Strengths Textile Design

Internship details Name of the firm Raymond Ltd. (vapi,Gujrat) Fields of work Production process (Suitings-Fiber to fabric.)

Replace this box with a visual which describes your project. Dimensions: 82 X 39 mm Resolution: 300 dpi


Subhash Mehrda

Mentors A Walk Mr. Mohd. Javed Ketan Through The Mr.don’t think of a rug as merely an accessory, but as a functional work of act that Iexpression can define a space and elevate our room. The concept of modern design finds its not only in the choice of palette & style of pattern, but in a fresh sense of Road/ Into scale and daring dash of whimsy. I started the project by doing research on color & trend forecast and the latest The Woods developments in the rug market, which helped me to understand the target Replace this box with your recent (clicked within last 2 months) photograph. Dimensions: 35mm X 45 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

Suneha Singh


audience and their need. And accordingly I finalized my themes as- “A WALK THROUGH THE ROAD”&“INTO THE WOODS”. For the 1st theme (i.e. “On the road”) the rugs are developed using different types of surface techniques and the designs are inspired by the elements which we generally notice while walking on the road. And for the other theme (i.e. “Into the woods”) the collection is of weaving and accordingly I made cads (inspired by the different textures & the microscopic view of wood) which went through some improvements before the finalization.

Internship details Name of the firm Jaipur Rugs Company Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur Fields of work Surface Ornamentation, Weaving


Surface Ornmentation One of the designs from my internship work.

Back to tools & A curve to set things straight

Mentors Dr. Reena Aggarwal Mrs. Vivien (Sr. Designer)


have done my graduation project with AND Designs India Ltd, a brand of Anita Dongre. I have been working in the field of print designing for garment line for women western wear. Through this 18 weeks of this project I have made two collections which include dresses and tunics and tops. My both collections are based on the themes called “Back to tools” & “A curve to set things straight” In the first collection with the theme “Back to tools” my main focus is on basic geometric figures. I have used mainly straight lines n basic geometrical figures in this collection. Which gives decent, cool and bold look at the same time. In the second collection is the theme named “A curve to set things straight” where I have used curves and motifs with straight line and geometrical design, keeping young generation in mind. Name of the firm AND Designs India Ltd. (Mumbai)

Strengths Textile design

Internship details Name of the firm Raymond Ltd. (Chhindwara,M.P.) Fields of work Production process (Suitings-Fiber to fabric.)


Vineeta Dewangan

Fields of work design conceptualization and print design for the garment line for western women wear.

The four year bachelor programme in Apparel Production is aimed at creating technology savy future apparel manufacturing professionals. The inputs comprise of knowledge about machinery, equipments and processes, managing apparel manufacturing and information technology related to apparel manufacturing.



Faculty Mr. Jomichan Pattathil - Professor Mr. Ranjan Kumar Saha – Associate Professor & Course Coordinator Mr. T.S. Prakash - Associate Professor Ms. Kavita Pathare - Assistant Professor Ms. Renjini Chandramohan - Assistant Professor Ms. Aboli Naik - Assistant Professor Mr. Sanson Varghese - Research Assistant


Support staff Mr. Maruti Gunai Mr. Ravindra Joshi Mr. Narendra Yadhav

Mr. Siddesh Mestry Mr. Sanal Ms. Kalpana Dadia


he first year, known as foundation programme emphasizes on the basic understanding of the fundamental and concepts of design, management and technology for fashion industry. This creates a firm foundation of the students to understand the fast changing multidimensional fashion industry. In the second year, basic skills are imparted to understand fabric properties, manufacturing process, machineries, statistical tools and software related to the apparel industry. Pattern making and construction of the garment form an integral part. In the third year, students are prepared to understand the manufacturing process techniques, develop skills in production planning & control, management of trade, skills to construct specialized garments, sustainable production, supply chain and IT applications. The department elective subjects help the students to further explore their areas of interest and help them appreciate inter-disciplinary challenges. In this year students go for a detailed summer internship in an apparel manufacturing unit to solidify the concepts and obtain practical inputs. In the fourth year, higher level of sophistication in teaching subjects aim at making future managers. Subjects like Lean manufacturing, Ergonomics, Plant layout, Research Methodology are taught.

Abhishek Gautam


Apparel Production & Planning


Mr. T S Prakash Mr. Anjan Mohanty

Efficiency Enhancement using Theory of Constraint in an Apparel Manufacturing Unit


he project focusses on improving the efficiency of an apparel manufacturing unit using Eliyahu Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints (TOC). The 5 focussing steps, i.e. Identifying the constraint, Exploiting the constraint, Subordinating and Syncing the non-constraint activities with constraint, Elevating the constraint and Repeating the steps. Theory of Constraints focusses on strengthing the weakest link in the chain because the weakest link determines the strength of chain. The application of TOC helped us in improving the efficiency of the plant, it also reduced the Inventory level and Lead time of the process. We have managed to achieve a higher Throughput at same level of Operational Expenses thereby reducing Cost/SAM.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Internship details Name of the firm Bombay Rayon Fashions Limited. Fields of work Apparel Production, Production Planning

5 focussing steps of Theory of Constraints


5 S implementation at Bombay Rayon Fashions Limited, Bengaluru



Apparel Production


Ms. Kavita Pathare Mr. Vikash Thakur


Analyzing and Development of Standard Operating Procedures for a manufacturing unit

lfred Hitchcock, an English film director and producer once commented, “The writer and I plan out the entire script down to the smallest detail, and when we’re finished all that’s left to do is to shoot the film and when we finish the script, the film is perfect.” Standard operating procedures are a way of ensuring consistency; they should be viewed as the foundation upon which any improvement can be developed and inculcated. I started the project with understanding and analyzing the working procedures. Then I prepared my first draft of SOP which went through improvements before finalization. After this these SOP’s were approved by the heads of the departments to increase the credibility of the data. While performing these operations I retained uniformity in the format and collected data. Throughout the project I learnt and applied most of my theoretical skills and knowledge into practical application and thus make this project success.

The vital goal of the project was to facilitate the company with a set of guidelines in a standardize format to encounter least ambiguities while performing tasks.

Internship details Name of the firm Raymond, Silver Spark Apparel Ltd., Bangalore


Fields of work Developing an operators Training Manual for Made to Measure and Multiskilling

Training of operators through pictorial representations

Format for SOP

Ashutosh Kumar


Apparel Production


Mrs. Kavita Pathare Mr. Virendra Dalal

Standardization of Casual Trouser Line.


y project started with study of current quality system in the industry to implement different quality formats to check the current defect rate. Root cause were identified and corrective actions were taken. Training were given to quality team members.Visual defect chart were implemented on every work station. These tools resulted in minimizing of defect rate and standardizing the quality process.

The goal of the project was to minimize the defect rate and process improvement.

Internship details Name of the firm Bombay Rayon Fashion Limited


Fields of work Efficiency Increment. Analysis of the entire chain of Apparel Production from cut order to packing.

Ashutosh Vatsa

Strengths Production and Operations Management


Mr. T S Prakash Mr. Anjan Mohanty

Efficiency Enhancement using Theory of Constraint in an Apparel Manufacturing Unit


he project focusses on improving the efficiency of an apparel manufacturing unit using Eliyahu Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints (TOC). The 5 focussing steps, i.e. Identifying the constraint, Exploiting the constraint, Subordinating and Syncing the non-constraint activities with constraint, Elevating the constraint and Repeating the steps. Theory of Constraints focusses on strengthing the weakest link in the chain because the weakest link determines the strength of chain. The application of TOC helped us in improving the efficiency of the plant, it also reduced the Inventory level and Lead time of the process. We have managed to achieve a higher Throughput at same level of Operational Expenses thereby reducing Cost/SAM.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Internship details Name of the firm Bombay Rayon Fashions Limited. Fields of work Apparel Production, Production Planning

5 focussing steps of Theory of Constraints


5 S implementation at Bombay Rayon Fashions Limited, Bengaluru

Chetna Singh


Proficient with Apparel Production Operations and Requirements


Ms. Aboli Naik Mr. Ved Prakash Goyal

Scope of setting up a producer-owned garment company by women SHGs of Bhilwara


hilwara, also known as Textile City of India encompasses 50 percent of the total polyester fabrics and suiting manufactured in India. But there is a high incidence of poverty in the district with 27.38% families below the poverty line. Self-Help Groups (SHGs) have been active in the Bhilwara region for some time now. The fabric base available in Bhilwara provides untapped opportunity to create employment for women SHGs based in the area by allowing them to form into their own garment enterprise. This project involved a study of the socioeconomic structure of Bhilwara, various Producer Companies in India and visiting a proposed producer company in Bhilwara by IL&FS Clusters. The next step was a feasibility study of the preferred location in Bhilwara for such set-up. The study was followed by building a socioeconomic model for such a producer company which involved the availability of raw material and other necessary resources at preferred location, willingness of women to work for such enterprises and understanding their present working environment, market analysis, strategies to be adopted proposed organizational structure and the mechanism of implementation.

A producer-owned garment enterprise, in addition to creating livelihood for the under privileged population of Bhilwara, would also result in the overall socio-economic development of the region.

Internship details Name of the firm Shahi Exports Pvt. Ltd., Faridabad

TLS cards in the production line

Orientation of SHG members towards garment manufacturing practices


Fields of work Merchandising, Production, Traffic Light System implementaion

Garima Kumari

Strengths Product Development


Mr. T. S Prakash Ms. Mathangi V. (Category head, PE)

Identification & Launch of Key Volume Driver Products in Peter England Casual Bottom Segment


t present, denim forms a small part of Peter England’s business, which is primarily into men’s formal wear. Today, it accounts for ten percent of the revenue made by PE. PE has come a long way from basic jeans to about 8-9 diversifications accounting for about 1,66,000 pair of denim produced per season. PE ventured into casual wear in the year 1999. Today casual trousers account for 8% of its revenue with a booking of 90,000 pieces done per season (approx). Market competition, growing consumer needs and self-need for diversification has led PE to include new and innovative products in its casual bottoms range. The project deals with product development and launch of “Silky denim”, Black denim at 1099/- and a new range of casual trousers for PE. It includes Market & Consumer analysis for PE denim and casual trousers, Competition & Gap analysis for entry level jeans at 1099/- in the Indian market scenario, Sourcing for appropriate fabric/products, Costing, Feasibility analysis and future scope study for the same.

Today well established brands are facing competition not just from each other but also from the non-branded market. In order to meet growing consumer needs, one has to ensure new product development at constant intervals.

Internship details Name of the firm Madura Fashion & Lifestyle


Fields of work Product Development

Product Development: Satisfying consumer demands, Creating market niche.

Peter England - Beginning of Good Things.

Jatin Pradeep Sharma


Apparel Production.


Mr. Ranjan Saha Mrs. Ritu Agarawal Gupta

Category selection, product selection and vendor onboarding for an online retailer.


he project involved understanding the tastes and culture of Maharashtrians in apparels, home de’cor, accessories and food products. The survey threw up the products enjoyed and used by Maharashtrians. These results were collated and sorted out on the basis of their origin to determine the categories. Once the category selection was done with, a vendor list was prepared based on the criteria required to run a successful online retail portal. Analytical Hierarchy Process was used for analysing and ranking the vendors. For every category 3 vendors were chosen.

Ethnic products have a global market beacuse of the well spread Indian Diaspora. There exists a vaccum in the ethnic online marketplace which can be exploited.

The underlying objective was to choose vendors who would reduce overheads and be capable of forging a long relationship with the company.

Internship details Name of the firm Eric Apparel Pvt. Ltd.

Paithini Sarees are an integral part of the Maharashtrian culture. 155

Fields of work Establishment of the relationship between making cost and style. Orderwise Retail penetration among online Indian productivity analysis. population is lower than other countries.

Kumar Pramendra Sinha

Strengths Apparel Production


Mr Nitin Salve Mr Virendra Dalal

Standardization Of Quality System And Process Improvement In Trouser Unit


y project started with review of the existing quality system in the company, implementation of check sheets to capture defects in different departments and also analysis of data collected in order to identify major occurring defects using pareto chart. Cause and effect diagram were made of major occurring defects. Training on concepts of quality, importance of maintaining correct usage of the collected data to analyze and solve quality issues through the tools of quality were given to quality team, Visuals & Quality posters were implemented on every work station. Tracking of improvements and comparing them with previous situation in different departments were also done.

The goal of the project was to minimise the defect rate through standardising the quality system and process improvement in trouser line.

Internship details Name of the firm Banswara Fields of work Quality Standardization & Process Improvement


Quality system graph for process improvement in trouser

Mohan Pegu


Leadership quality and creative.


Ms. Kavita Pathare Mr. Virendra Dalal

Designing a production planning software for the Apparel manufacturing Houses PE (production planning engine) is a software developed in visual basic in association with ms-access, which works on the basis of feeding and finding. With this tool we can easily plan and forecast all the production details & schedules of a garment. The process of planning a production line for a garment, involves many steps like, making the operation break down of the garment, setting-up of the sewing line, line balancing, determining the M/C requirements & its manufacturing cost, which is a lengthy process and time consuming. All this processes are made easier in very low duration in advance for proper production planning.

The main goal of this graduation project is to make the whole production planning process accurate, easier & in less time. -M/C & Man-power management. - Lead-time management.

Internship details

- Sewing line setting up.

Name of the firm Banswara Garments, Somnath, Daman.

- Bottleneck probabilities.

Fields of work Production planning software with visual basic 2010.

- Manufacturing Cost calculation (include all sections: - cutting, sewing, finishing packaging).



Nikhil Chauhan


Planning & Merchandising


Mr. T. S Prakash Mr. Pankaj Kr. Keyal (PE Category head)

Improving Demand Generation Process - Introducing iPad based digital product catalogue for booking.


emand Generation Process is the process through which any company/apparel brand creates demand for their merchandise in their supply channel through distributors and buyers. DGP is nothing but just a way of supplying brand collection to various format stores selling under brand name. Booking process is the process through which booking of new season’s collection is done by displaying full collection in an event called Trade Show. Digitizing the whole process was the idea by which the consumption of swatch files containing fabrics and booking booklets will be minimized. Also all the paper work happening before and after trade show will be reduced. Digital portal developed will work on iPad and will be used for viewing all categories and placing order there itself by customer. The portal which is web based application will take all information about products from Product Life cycle Management (PLM).

The most important aspect of going digital is, it will enhance the experience of booking also making process simple and clean, reducing discrepancies and increasing efficiency, plus it’s a next generation thing; nothing like this sort has been attempted in B2B apparel field in India.

Internship details Name of the firm Madura Fashion & Lifestyle Fields of work Merchandising & IT


Booking window developed (Elite class of Fomal Shirts) with Filter options.

Landing page showing Brand Story, Season Concepts & Booking Catalogue.

Niyati Rai


Apparel production & merchandising


Ms. Renjini Chandramohan Mr. Pankaj Sethi

To develop a monitoring system for efficient merchandising


To create an excel based system for auto generation of dates for each process, that will notify possible delays at pre-production stage.

Internship details

Replace this box with a visual which describes your project. Dimensions: 65 X 60 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

he project involved application of my merchandising knowledge and Visual basic programming skill. I started the project by understanding the criticality and duration required for each merchandising step. This was followed by tracking of orders which helped me understand the problems faced at various stages. Afterwards I developed process maps for each and every process for bench-marking the standard time. The next tasks were to design and program the system. Throughout the project I applied most of my abilities to make this system a success and useful for the organization. Name of the firm JCT Pvt. Ltd. Silver Spark Apparel Pvt. Ltd. Fields of work Textile manufacturing, Jacket & Trouser construction, Quality Management.

A preview of steps undertaken for project completion. 159

Quality manual for Jackets and Vestcoats @Silver Spark Apparel Pvt. Ltd.

Pankaj Pathak

Strengths Global Sourcing Quality Management


Mr. Aman Kapoor Mrs. Kavita Pathare

Developing A vendor Rating System & Quality manual for an Online Brand.


he project was aimed at creating a vendor rating system for yepme. com (online brand) using the most important measurable criterias. The rating was used to rank the vendors according to their strengths and weaknesses, and identify vendors to be nominated.Also the project involved finding new & efficient vendors for the production of apparels for the company. A quality manual was developed in order to standarise the quality system and reduce the defect & reject rate of the products. The GP topics were submitted in the college and the selected topic was studied in depth in order to achieve the goal.Also as the online business was new to me I studied the various business process of an online business in order to fulfill the requirements of the project. In the project I applied knowledge gained in my course at NIFT Mumbai in the areas of Quality, Sourcing, Apparel Manufacturing, Pattern Making , Business Studies & Fashion Overview.

The main aim of the project was to create a vendor rating system and identify new efficient vendors for yepme. Com also a quality manual was developed for the online brand.

Internship details Name of the firm Fields of work Vendor Management Sourcing Quality Management


Vendor Rating System Chart

Pavan Powar


Buying, Merchandising


Mr. Ranjan Saha Ms. Sunita Heredia, DECATHLON

To find potential Sports Goods and Equipment suppliers in West India region.


aking Pleasure & Benefits of Sports Accessible to all, is what Decathlon work towards achieving. I had a simple objective of finding out Suppliers which manufacture Sports goods, or equipment related to sports. The products could vary from those as small as golf balls to those as large as camping tents. Being a French company, Decathlon India has to make sure that it manufactures at least 30% of its goods in India. This also served the added objective of make goods available at more affordable prices. Hence the urgency of opening good, efficient suppliers in India. I commenced a secondary research on the various suppliers and manufacturers in Gujarat and Maharashtra. This was followed by identifying prospective suppliers who could provide me with quality products at good prices. Later on, it was my responsibility to negotiate the costing, supervise the sampling and authorize the development. It was the perfect opportunity for me to explore and understand the working of avenues like Plastics, Food and Energy Drinks and Electronics.

These three month stint helped me to gain a plethora of knowledge and experience. But at the end of it all, the most satisfactory part was that I had contributed in making this world a more playful place.

Internship details Name of the firm Oxylane - Decathlon


Fields of work Buying, Sourcing, Costing, Sampling and Development.

Prateek Agarwal

Strength Apparel Production


Mr. Ranjan Kr. Saha Mr. Santosh L. Lade

Improvising the production capacity of the Ready Made Garment industry.


he apparel industry has already given ample hint of ingenuity, as is evident from the revival of consumer enthusiasm in the seemingly stagnant menswear segment, besides remarkable growth in categories like sportswear, casual wear and party wear and womens-wear. Thus there is a never ending need to expand and increase the productivity. This project involves the application of Plant Layout and the apparel production planning and control skills with all the other skills like: Garment construction, ASSQC and lean. I got in touch with an enterprise in Mumbai who was willing to expand as there is huge market demand and pressure to perform. We studied their manufacturing systems, tried to understand their needs and requirements and the areas After that, we suggested a new manufacturing system i,e Progressive Bundling system and also changed their layout. We also helped them establish a new unit in Vasai with a 9000 square feet area. We helped them determine the machineries that they required. All this while, we kept a track of their production and rejection rates. This Project allowed us to use all the knowledge that we gained here at NIFT.

Through this project we have tried to increase the production capacity of a ladies bottom wear industry from 700 pieces per day to 3000 pieces per day.

Internship details Name of the firm Raymond Apparel Limited


Fields of work Implementation of 5 S, SOP & process sheet, Training Module and Skill Matrix in Jacket Finishing line.

Automation is needed for a consistent quality and better productivity

Introduction of inspection to reduce rejection & thus increase in productivity

Priya Gautam


Apparel production


Ms. Aboli Naik Mr. Pawan

Standardisation of trim-packs according to fabric blends : aiming cost reduction


oday, there are number of fabric-blends being used for different feel, look and comfort. Formal Jackets fusibles and other trims when combined in different manner provides innovative look and feel, to a well-dressed gentlemen. This project focuses on trying different combinations of trims and fusibles in a formal jacket so as to enhance the fabric properties (stretch, light-weight, m/c washable, fall) keeping it economic. Product development is one important stage where this standardization can be crucially done. Even though there are new trim packs coming up with more quality options, the companies prefer to choose trim-packs on trial and error method i.e. on the basis of perception of the supervisors. Which gives the good quality (which can be improved much more), but most of the times it’s not economical.

The vital objective of this project was to challenge the already ruling one kind of trim-pack by introducing new ones in market and standardsing on the basis of different fabric-blends.

Once this standardization will be done, one will just have to refer the Trim-pack Manual.

Internship details

Fields of work Made to Measure 1. Barcode implementation 2. Try-on Range manual

Fusibles that can change the whole look and feel of the garment.

Different fabric blend and their compatible trim-pack : quality enhancement


Name of the firm Raymond Apparel Limited, Thane

Rajeev Kumar


Creative Thinking , Strong Negotiation Skills


Mrs. Renjini Chandramohan Mr. Zishanul Hasan

Identifying Suppliers for various product Categories and opening atleast two suppliers


his project involves the application of my negotiation skills as well as other skills. First of all, I studied the northern region of the country to try and study the kind of production atmosphere here. Then, I found out the major production areas such as SEZs, industrial parks etc. I also found out the various production expertise of the area. Based on that, I made a list of the potential suppliers in the area for manufacturing the various sports goods required. The selected suppliers based on their turnover were sent a Supplier Introduction Form which in turn was followed by a meeting as well as a factory visit of the unit. The factory was audited on the specified Quality as well as HRP principles. The next step was the meeting to discuss the prices of the product being manufactured. After this, the final inspection was done by a technical person of the product as well as the head of the XYZ buying house. He gave his final go before the production started. This whole process required a lot of my negotiation skills as well as my clear approach on the matter at hand.

Vast untapped potential in the northern region of the country for production of goods apart from apparel.

Internship details Name of the firm Oxylane, Indeca Sporting Goods Pvt. Ltd. Fields of work Vendor Identification, Sourcing, Quality management.


Vendor Sourcing

S K Pegu

Strengths Product Development


Ms Aboli Naik Mr Arun Kumar

Comparative Study on the Products of National and International Competitor Brands of Parx and Product Improvement Measures to make it Best in its category.


he project is involved in devising the ultimate measures to make the products of the brand Parx as the best in its category in the Indian Market and thereby increasing the sales of the products and improving the brand image in the eyes of customers. The process involves the use of sales statistics of the various product categories of the brand Parx to figure out the potential area of the research, competition mapping of the competitor brands and search for attributes of customer expectation through consumer survey. The product improvement measures are concluded using the data collected through the comparative study of the products of Parx and its competitor brands, consumer survey and using certain product development techniques namely trend analysis and trend forecasting in the process of merchandising.

The ultimate goal of the project is to increase sales by delivering products to customers’ expectation and creating a better brand image in the market.

Internship details Name of the firm Raymond Apparel Limited Raymond Corporate Division, Thane


Fields of work Product Development

Sushant Kumar

Strengths Apparel Production


Mr. Nitin Salve

Devlopment Of Fabric Store Management System


n garment manufacturing fabric comprises at least 50% of the garment cost and the best fabric utilization is to use every inch of what you buy, converting it into garments and ultimately into earnings. In industry there is huge loss of fabric due to width variation, end bit losses, dead stock. The major issue is due to improper roll planning & database management. Roll planning & database management are still done manually .The objective of this project was to develop a software which can help in roll planning & database management. Proper roll planning can reduce waste like loss due to width variation & end bit loss. Proper database management can give the proper accountability of every meter of fabric which will ultimately lead in reduction of dead stock. To develop this software detail study of current work procedure was carried out to know what all aspects have to be considered before developing the software.

Developing a software which can help in roll planning & database management. Proper roll planning will reduce waste like loss due to width variation & end bit loss.

Internship details Name of the firm Shahi Exports Pvt Ltd Fields of work Quality Control,Work Station design and Machine layout.


Proper roll planning will reduce the ply width variation in a lay Proper roll management will helpful to minimize the fabric waste

Shikhar Vaidya


Brand management, Merchandising


Mr.Ranjan Saha Mr.Ashesh Amin Mr.Arjun Charanjiva

E commerce fitting solutions for commercial & technical market penetration of technologies


olving the� fitting� problem of the online customer in e commerce by exploring technologies of virtual fitting rooms and digitization for the indian market and developing a low cost alternative method for small n medium scale e-retailers. The approach to come up with a fitting concept in virtual space that is digitally and technically sound enough to eliminate the core issue of fitting problem in e commerce. Also not all e retailers can afford to implement expensive virtual fitting technologies and thus an alternative low cost approach needs to be developed for such retailers.

The project aims at dveloping approach towards solving the fitting problem in apparel commerce by exploration of new technologies .

Internship details Name of the firm Eric apparel Mumbai Fields of work Kidswear merchandising Production planning Efficiency improvement Efficiency reimprovisation


Interacting with new age fashion involving cutting edge technologies

Changing paradigms of fashion and technology with customer experience..



Apparel Production


Mr. Ranjan Kr. Saha Mr. Santosh L. Lade

Improvising the production capacity of the Ready Made Garment industry


he apparel industry has already given ample hint of ingenuity, as is evident from the revival of consumer enthusiasm in the seemingly stagnant menswear segment, besides remarkable growth in categories like sportswear, casual wear and party wear and womenswear. Thus there is a never ending need to expand and increase the productivity. This project involves the application of Plant Layout and the apparel production planning and control skills with all the other skills like: Garment construction, ASSQC and lean. I got in touch with an enterprise in Mumbai who was willing to expand as there is huge market demand and pressure to perform. We studied their manufacturing systems, tried to understand their needs and requirements and the areas we needed to focus in order to increase productivity keeping in mind their ability to spend. After that, we suggested a new manufacturing system i,e Progressive Bundling system and also changed their layout. All this while, we kept a track of their production and rejection rates. This Project allowed us to use all the knowledge that we gained here at NIFT.

Through this project we have tried to increase the production capacity of a ladies bottom wear industry from 700 pieces per day to 3000 pieces per day.

Internship details


Name of the firm Silver Spark Apparel Limited (Raymond) Fields of work Process Improvement in Jacket Sewing, Development of VSM, PFM and Skill Matrix.

Better Quality & Precision always gives an edge over others.

Automation is a must if we need to stay in the market.

Stanley George

Strengths Sourcing.


Mr. Amit Gaur Mrs. Kavita Pathare

Automated solution from sourcing to warehouse for an E-commerce company


he project was done for an online fashion brand, focused on Tier-II and Tier 窶的II cities in India. The aim was to identify the best practices that can be used and take the system to the next level while continuosly managing the vendors and making better sourcing decisions. I started my project by presenting the synopsis to my mentor. Afterwards I spent a few days in understanding the processes in an online brand. I visited vendors inorder to collect more information about them and to rate them. I also followed a particular order from order generation to delivery at the warehouse.I developed a software using for backend coding and sql to manage the database.The software helps to access business applications and data anywhere, anytime with high availabilty of the system.It provides improved operational management allowing to find potential problems more quickly.

The goal is to seamlessly integrate the company, vendors and operations on a single platform.

Internship details Name of the firm Bombay Rayon Fashion Ltd.

Business Excellence Module X helping to make better decisions.

A complete solution for procurement, vendor management and inventory.


Fields of work Quality, Efficiency Enhancement, Industrial Engineering.

Yasmine Kakar


Industrial Engineering


Prof. Jomichan Pattathil

Technical Textiles: A Promising Future


echnical Textiles offers new ways, means and opportunity to the Indian textile Industry to sustain the present growth and thrive in near future. It would offer not only an opportunity for augment the growth, but also a new direction for advancement of the Industry. The field of technical textiles had not received adequate importance in India before but now it is on the up-rise. My study was on the immense potential available in the field of technical textiles especially protective textiles, it would also include a business model for investors to understand how much one can reap from their investments. Initially it begins with a wider scope with the study of the past and the present scenario of technical textiles then it trickles down to the one, with the essential need of the market . It aims to be highly detailed and provide all information one would need to know about how to invest in technical textiles.

A significant part of future growth in world textiles is coming from Technical Textiles. It is billed as the next biggest opportunity emerging in India. Estimates range from Rs. 6000 crores to Rs.80000 Crores by 2015.

Internship details


Name of the firmRadnik Exports Pvt. Ltd., Noida Fields of work Value stream Mapping for reduction on NonValue Activities for increasing efficiency

VSM is a technique used to analyze and design the flow of materials and information

Graph depicting the rise of Technical Textiles industry in India

Kunal Kumar


Merchandising & Retail Operations


Ms. Renjini Chandramohan.

Competitor Mapping & Range Planning for Spring Summer’14 for SISLEY brand.


his Project was intended to study Sisley brand’s market position with respect to its competitors as Sisley has entered into the Indian market just three years back in 2010 and with FDI in place, the brand is looking forward to expand and have a tight grip over the Indian market. Sisley is a high end fashion brand from United Colors of Benetton.Keeping Spring Summer’14 in mind, the brand is compared to its competitors based on the principles of 4P - Product, Price, Promotion and Place. Once the mapping was done, suggesting a range was my next step. A thorough study of the forecast, customer expectations and outcome of the competitor survey results in developing a range for the brand for the next summer spring season.

The main objective was to find out Sisley’s market position with respect to its competitors and plan a range for the upcoming Spring Summer’14 Season.

Internship details


Name of the firm United Colors of Benetton Fields of work Retail Operations and Management

Gaurav Singh

Strengths Merchandising and Quality Control


Mr. T. S Prakash

Critical chain project management in Merchandising


here are various stages which a product undergoes for being produced at a mass level. All these stages need to be planned according to a schedule for timely deliveries according to the customer. In the apparel industry, increased fashion cycles have led to buyers demanding shorter lead times and exceptional due date performance from their suppliers. Eliyhu M. Goldratt’s Critical chain Management is a management philosophy which advocates a systematic view of the business. The purpose of this paper is to help project management of the sampling cycle of HOF/George(ASDA) at Impulse India Pvt. Ltd., by integrating the Critical Chain Approach with the current body of TNA management, and add value to the project management knowledge.

Internship details


Name of the firm Impulse India Pvt Limited

The purpose of this project is critical chain implementation for scheduling Pre-production activities and comparing it to the traditional approaches such as critical path method and work in progress.

Ashish Joshi


Apparel Production


Ms. Renjini.G Mr. Virendra Dalal

To Develop Quality Parameters and impart QC Training in Jacket Manufacturing Unit Quality is a subjective term. In manufacturing, Quality means a measure of excellence or a state of being free from defects, deficiencies and significant variations. A team of Quality Checkers at various inline and endline checkpoints ensure that the customer receives a fine jacket free from any quality defects. To ensure maximum qualitative output from the plant, checkers must be vigilant and efficient at any point of time. My project aims at Developing quality parameters via visual aids displaying defects, that may occur in each and every operation while manufacturing of a jacket. Apart from developing visual aids I also assessed and imparted requisite training to all the Quality Checkers of the plant. The training module was developed using the ADD concept(Assessment, Design, Development) and prior to training, every QC was evaluated based on certain parameters.

The goal of the project was to develop visual aids and train Quality Checkers for better vigilance, thus increasing the qualitative output of the unit.

Internship details Name of the firm Silverspark apparel ltd. Banglore,Karnataka.


Fields of work Quality control department

Mohd Shahid Hasan


Apparel Production


Mr. T.S. Prakash Ms. Renjini G.

To develop a model to start a t-shirt business in India


he research involved many aspects of process and detail of how to start a t-shirt business in India. I started my research by doing various marketing survey. This research strated with the help of mentor which helped me how to strat my research in well directed way. After the giudence from mentor I spend few days doing research on the targetted market and knowing their need and prefence by questionaire and brainstorm it how to go ahead though this.Going through this I found out Indian customers are not the brand consious and loyal. During this I visited Tiprupur, Tamil Nadu a hub of t-shirt industry for better understanding of the business involve in t-shirt. selceted prints. design and fabric we sourced the product for pilot run to get the overall information and detail about the busuness involed in it.

The costumers are not yet very much brand consious & loyal in India, so there is a huge scope for the new entrant.

Internship details Name of the firm Tulip Creations. NOIDA, UP. Fields of work Application of 5S in warehouse management.

5S is the first step that should be taken by any industry to become lean.


Casual T-Shirt has a great scope in Indian Apparel Market.

Shreyak Choudhary

Strengths Apparel Production


Mr. T S Prakash

To develop an acceptable business model for T-shirt Industry


s my graduation neared completion, With the acquired knowledge of fashion and apparel ,I decided to develop business model for a T-shirt industry to relate my classsroom learning with industry practicality and thus building a indepth practical knowledge of in and out processes carried out in buisness right from manufacturing to point of sale. The soft skills required and my enthusiasm about ground realities always lured me towards understanding the business model of a merchandise in India. I Thus took the next logical step and decided to research the ground realities that a person faces in an endeavour to launch a T-shirt brand. My search for must lucrative deals, made me travel to manufacturing hubs of the country. My Adventurous project research provided and will continue to provide much needed insights to upcoming Nift entrepreneurs. Such was my conviction with the research that i couldn’t help but plan my own pilot run.

The ground realities that an entrepreneur faces in an endeavour to launch a T-shirt brand in India.

Internship details Name of the firm Tulip Creations , Noida

Manufacturing and controlling process flow.


Fields of work Implemented 5s







Faculty Professor Sharmila Dua – Professor & Head I&DL Ms. Disha Gupta – Assistant Professor & Centre Coordinator Mr. Nitin Kulkarni - Assistant Professor & Link CPDesign Space Ms. Rashmmi Gullati - Assistant Professor, RIC & SDAC


Support staff Mr. Nileshkumar Vaghela – Junior Assistant Mr. Wasim M. Saiyad – Multi Task Staff

he objective of ‘Design Space’ is to create a new avenue for professional for higher education. It is designed to focus towards academia; Ph.D. and industry practices inclusive of Industry related Research & Development. The programme has across discipline students who are able to work beyond boundaries and bring together their skills and ideas in new and exciting ways taking the existing skill set to a higher level of research and practice. Students draw on each other’s diverse educational background and provide a critical approach to solution of future problems; as well as provide design innovations for the growing fashion industry. The research environment provided here would give a much needed platform for answering questions which may arise in the future.

Opportunities created in an open market structure, rising aspirations of individuals along with advancement in technology and growing recognition of India in Knowledge Process Outsourcing in the area of Design has created emergence of niche areas in the Design industry.

These areas are at a nascent stage but form a base for opportunities in sunrise industries. Additionally, there is a wider place for industry professionals in key positions at higher level in the established industries. The Master’s programme at NIFT is designed to cater to these burgeoning requirements of industry in the forthcoming years. Students graduating from this programme are equipped to hold key positions in large fashion or corporate houses, accessories, craft, textiles, forecasting, special needs, publications, media, lifestyle products, new product development, graphics etc. based on the area of specialization pursued by them.

Abhishek Shinde

Strengths Design Research, Textile Design, Design Development and Styling.


Ms. Disha Gupta Mrs Anavila Sindhu Misra

Design intervention of Himroo Craft to make it relevant for contemporary young markets


imroo is essentially a Silk narrative on Cotton ground, which expresses the Persian designs characterized by Geometric and Floral motifs. This exquisite fabric is woven in Aurangabad and its origins could be traced to the reign of king Mohammad-Bin-Tuglaq (in early 14th century A.D.). This royal textile was adorned by the royals in the court. The artistry of the skilled weavers in retaining the traditional methodology of weaving the textile makes it more appealing. The need for design intervention arises since, there is a gap prevailing between the craftspeople and the consumer which could be worked up to help reinforce the craft addressing to the present day sensibility. This project is a humble attempt to approach Himroo weaving from current market context, and still retaining the craft essence. The inspiration for the designs comes from the monumental heritageBibi-Ka-Maqbara, which has relevantly been realized for years on the textile craft. This attempt would hopefully bring about the dynamism required to sustain the craft. Thus, this would create a new market and recognition for Himroo.

Objective of the study was to initiate design Intervention to bridge the gap between consumer demand and weavers to make the Himroo textile relevant for contemporary young markets.

Internship details Name of the firm Aashish Dwyer


Fields of work Assistant Stylist for the Movie John Day

Akhil Jayachandran


Design Research, Design development and product conceptualization


Mr. Ranjan Kumar Saha


Fashion spotting for design development to facilitate tirupur knit wear domestic manufacturers.

irupur is the ‘knitwear capital’ of India. It has spurred up the textile industry in India for the past three decades. Traditionally, Indian retail knit wear sector has been characterized by the presence of a large number of small unorganized retailers. Half of the available sectors are in the unorganized sector. Their awareness level, regarding the changes that are taking place in the industry, in terms of technology, competition and economy is very limited. The study attempts to explore the present socio-economic status of the garment manufacturers. It is based mainly on the need for fashion spotting and design development for three Tirupur based domestic garment manufacturers: Menthol, Estiqe Rabana and Sree Rajkondal. The companies were interviewed to understand their requirements and their design strategies as they now want to enter the Bangalore market.

Internship details Name of the firm AT- HOME Bangalore, Cochin.


Fields of work Visual merchandising, styling and interior designing

The aim of the study is to address a gap of design research in Tirupur domestic knit wear market and guide the domestic manufacturers of Tirupur and getting feedback and suggestions.

Anusha Arun

Strengths Design Research , Design Development, Product Conceptualization, Illustration,


Prof. Sharmila Dua

“The Voyage of Dhow� A Study on Uru Boats of Beypore, Kerala


ndian Maritime history dates back to 3rd Millennium BC. The western coast of India had established international contacts since early period by sheltering the vessels from different parts of the country. At present in India hardly few ports still engage in art of ship building. Among one is the Beypore a port in Calicut Town famous for Uru boats. Beypore, provided all the necessary facilities for shipbuilding. The maritime activities in this harbour have resulted in the formation of skilled labour force in navigation, shipbuilding and other allied activities. The project is undertaken with an objective of studying the history of the craft, process of ship building and the changes happened overtime. The project was done by collecting data from different sources to get an insight about the Uru boats of Beypore. Secondary research provided information about the Maritime History, the Arabs and their seafaring culture and influence of Arabs in Uru building. Primary research involved meeting and interviewing the artisans of Beypore, visiting the teak farm and museum at Nilambur, a place near Calicut.

The data collected is documented to preserve the methods and the practises since the process of shipbuilding is in its decline stage

Internship details Name of the firm Pantaloons Retail India. Fields of work Visual Merchandising

Cluster communicating the Season Sale.


Uru in Beypore

Anushree Jaiswal


Innovation and Apparel Design


Ms. Kundlata Mishra

‘Smart Motherhood Wear’-a solution to the problem of maternity wear.


aternity wear is a functional garment specially designed & developed to address the anthropometric growth in the human body during pregnancy. With the wide variety of body shapes and sizes, physical changes occur differently for every pregnant woman. Thus, these variations lead to problems of comfort, fit, and sizing in ready-to-wear maternity apparel. These garments are designed in such a way that they have enough space on the torso area to accommodate the maximum growth on waist and also have ease on hip, bust and bicep which is corresponding to the growth in human body during pregnancy. This study is an exploration to check the possibility of incorporating features to make the maternity wear fit well and hence remain smart & Serviceable during-pregnancy and post pregnancy periods. These Smart Maternity wear is achieved through- pattern styling features (like Godet, Gores, Appropriate Trims, Placket Placements etc.), Construction features (like Smoking, Pleats etc.), Pattern Engineering (to achieve innovative designs), Appropriate fabric, texture & Color range selections.

The main objective of the study was to introduce a pattern engineering (to achieve innovative deigns) for further utility and to remain serviceable for post pregnancy and to design and construct, maternity garment that is acceptable to pregnant women.

Internship details Name of the firm ‘W’ Brand-New Delhi Fields of work Apparel Designing for spring summer ‘13 collection.


Design for spring summer 2013

Smart Maternity Wear-an answer to longevity problem of material wear.

Astha Gupta (Deaf)


Visual and Culture Skills, Crafts and Arts Design


Ms. Disha Gupta

To develop a visual communication design dictionary to bridge the communication gap between hearing and deaf people in design education environment


enerally, a deaf person uses his eyes, (visual expression) and hands (gestures) to communicate with hearing people. The communication using hands, expression and movements is called Sign Language. If a deaf person comes to the hearing community, he/she is mostly seen as a normal hearing person as deafness is a invisible disability (unless the person wears hearing aid) and hearing person starts talking/using speech but then when they understand that the person is deaf, they mostly communicate using writing on paper or typing on mobile or having Interpreter. In a design education field, most of the studies are visual oriented where writing on books/mobile or even the help of Interpreter cannot help as the details of the design terminology/terms needs to be explained and Interpreter may not be of the same education background/ expertise to interpret in-depth knowledge of the design terms. My dissertation started with the secondary research on Deaf Education, Sign Language of India and other countries, Systems developed to solve the communication problems etc. Then I took Interviews of all the faculties, Interpreter, students, hostel-mates, Internship mentors and other people who interacted with me during my 1.5 years stay in NIFT campus, Mumbai.

My dissertation outcome is a Visual Design Dictionary to explain the design terminology in a simpler way to be understood by both hearing and deaf people to communicate with each other and also encourage the deaf children to take up design education.

Internship details

Fields of work Understand the crafts, study the zari zardozi techniques, wood craft and bagh prints and organize the VM


Name of the firm: Hathkarga Vikas Nigam Ltd., Bhopal

Devbala Tewatia


Fashion & costume design, Visual merchandiser.


Prof. Rebecca Philip

Study of costumes and ornaments of Haryana


or this study the four major communities of Haryana - namely Ahirs, Jats, Rajput and Rors were considered. As per community selected a number of villages were visited and through personal interviews the traditional costume were documented along with the change which were also examined. For more specific information Dharohar museum of Kurukshtra was also visited by researcher. The information collected was processed, analyzed and concluded. To give a clear picture sketch of costumes were made. The main observation was that by seeing older women in their traditional costume one can identify to which community they belong. For the younger generation, this is not possible as they have all adapted to more modern way of dressing. It was distressing to note that the traditional jewelry is losing its identity due to urbanization. Today we can hardly see heavy jewelry, even on special occasions. In case of men, they had similar set of costumes except in color of their head gear. The dressing style of women/people of Haryana has undergone many transformations with time and the changes can be attributed to fashion, influence of media, comfort mobility, care and maintenance, profession and working condition, economic reason and fear of theft.

Internship details Name of the firm Central Mall Pune


Fields of work Window display, Cluster making, Art work.

Objective of the study is to document the traditional costumes and ornaments of Haryana. To observe the changes in ornaments and dressing, this would provide information to future researchers.

Devika rana


Observations, Creativity, Analysis, Styling


Mrs. Disha Gupta Mrs. Tejaswani Adhikari (Future Ideas, Future Group)

Design a Structure to Introduce Regional cuisine as Ready to eat food products.


he Ready to Eat Market in India is showing remarkable growth owing to the growing income & consumption levels of the Indian consumers. In addition to this, rapid urbanization is also augmenting the demand for ready to eat products. This is further aided with the penetration and availability of a wide variety of ready to eat products in different packaging formats at various retail points. Ready to Eat Meals and Ready to eat Spice mix has come out with wide varieties of Indian cuisine. There is a big Market for Regional Cuisines to enter the market.

The purpose of this study was to understand the consumer’s behavior for ready to eat/cook food in the area of Kharghar.

Internship details

Styling of focal pint in the store


Name of the firm Pantaloons Retail India Fields of work Visual Merchandising

Harshit Meena


Interactive Space Design.

Mentors Ms. Sushama Saitwal


Developing Interactive Space Design Solution for Book Section of NIFT Mumbai New Resource Centre

raditionally academic libraries have often developed as storehouses and quiet study spaces; stocked with a range of books where students complete homework, read, study and borrow books. But the way in which we plan libraries today has changed significantly. Planners and designers define space in response to anticipated user patterns, identifying the physical characteristics of space and the specific value it will add to the educational mission of the institution as a whole. The libraries of the 21st century are no longer simply familiar repositories for books. They have changed and expanded and been rethought and redesigned. The objective of research was to explore space layout of fashion college libraries and to propose an interactive space design solution for the book section of NIFT Mumbai new resource centre. The research focused on the need, problem and purpose of different types of users of book section in resource centre. The research outcome was guideline for creating an ideal interactive space layout and, based on it, to create a design proposal for the book section of NIFT Mumbai’s new resource centre taking into consideration ergonomics and ideal anthropometric standards.

The objective of research was to explore and analyze the space layout and to propose an interactive space design solution for the book section of NIFT – Mumbai’s new resource centre.

Internship details Name of the firm Pantaloons, Ahmedabad.


Fields of work Visual Merchandising, Styling One of the windows designed at Pantaloons

Sample floor layout for NIFT Mumbai’s resource centre

Juhi Verma


Design Research, Design Development and Product Conceptualization, Marketing Communication and Campaign planning.


Mr. Nitin Kulkarni

Business Concept Development of Stained Glass Products with Addition of Indian Identity


tained glass refers to glass work done by joining glass pieces with the help of a metal to make decorative designs. The designs available in Indian market are inspired from Art Nouveauv period and very less exploration has been done in terms of design. This project aims to incorporate Indian flavour in the art and combining wood carving from Saharanpur in the products. The research process consisted of a market study to find out the current designs and product range in home accessories available in Indian market. Following that a survey was carried out to find out if there is a need for new deigns and products by Indian customers .In order to achieve the objective, a brief training was taken under glass designer who is an alumni from NID. The research was concluded by making home accessories of stained glass with Indian flavour.

Collecting precious coins which are currently unpopular or unfashionable and converting them into beautiful enamel piece of jewellery

Internship details Name of the firm: @home – Nilkamal Pvt. Ltd. MRIU-(MRIIC)


Fields of work Visual merchandising and interior planning

Kulmanali Khilare


User Experience Design


Mr. Nitin Kulkarni


Digital menu application : relevance for cafes in india with special reference to Café Coffee Day in india.

estaurants and cafes have become a part of life in our society. Along with their development, the development of a menu which is one of the spearhead of the restaurant was also developed. Menu is no longer in paper form but also thrive in digital. The research has revealed that there is a concern for digital menu design with smart features, which includes detail information, video, books, games, etc . The study comprises of the need, usability, interactivity and customer’s psychology regarding the idea of installing digital menu in Café Coffee Day. The methodology has been followed on the bases of qualitative and quantitative research. It has revealed the past perceptions of the customers about digital menu; it also helped to gather information and figured out the problems faced by the customer as well as the staff of CCD café. The research outcome is an application design to facilitate a customer in CCD by enhancing their experience during their visit to café. This also includes guideline to create an ambience for CCD to increase their business.This Study has suggested that the technology adoption would lead to beneficial consequences and the future development of digital menu will be rapid.

Internship details


Name of the firm Central Mall (Pune) Future group Fields of work Visual Merchandising, Styling, space lay outing, Communication

The aim of research was to create a digital menu application to enhance the user experience in cafes for Indian market, by exploring existing applications in market.

Replace this box with a visual which describes your project. Dimensions: 70 X 34 mm Resolution: 300 dpi

One of styling done in Central Mall

Screen shot of an Application

Lalnunmawii Khiangte


Fashion Design


Prof. Sharmila J. Dua Prof. Rebecca Philip


A study on factors affecting changes in Mizo dressing

he Mizos are considered to be a part of a great Mongoloid wave which came from Shinlung located on the banks of the river Yalung in China. They first settled in the Shan State and moved on to Kabaw Valley to Khampat and then to the Chin Hills. In the 18th century they finally entered the present state Mizoram which is located in the North-east part of India. The dressing of the Mizos has undergone many changes over the years. These changes have been due to several factors including the change in the social life of the people. A qualitative research was conducted in order to understand the changes in the dressing over the years. A study of three generations through a representative case study was conducted and it has been found that several factors had influenced the changes or the transition of the Mizo dressing such as political, geographical, economical, climatic, technology, the influence of the British, Christian missionaries and cultural influence.

The objective of the project was to find out the influencing factors affecting changes in Mizo dressing from the past to the present.

Internship details


Name of the firm Lifestyle International Pvt Ltd Fields of work Visual Merchandising

Madhavi Preshit Badade


Design thinking & research, Design Development, Communication design, Product conceptualization


Mr. Nitin Kulkarni Prof. Anirudha Joshi (IDC IIT, Bombay)

Evaluating effectiveness of tangible interactive system for learning Devanagari for young children.


ver the last three decades, English language education has become very important in urban and peri-urban India. Reading in Indian languages is on the decline. Indian languages are now perceived to be hard. They are taught late in life, often as a second language. Although with the advent of many types of textbooks, games and apps have been employed in teaching language, there is no change in the formal pattern that most schools follow. As a possible alternative to make Devanagari learning fun and effective, after an extensive secondary research-- A prototype was conceptualized of a tangible interactive system that uses OCR technology to teach Devanagari at IDC, IIT Bombay, under the guidance of Prof. Anirudha Joshi. An experiment was conducted with K.G. children in English medium school, where Devanagari (Indic script) is taught much after the roman script in English language that is being introduced at Kindergarten itself. Interacted with the following teaching types:Traditional Print media and OCR technology enabled learning screen.

The aim was to understand and incorporate the findings of this experiment in designing a better interaction for the existing system. formations, and so on.

Internship details


Name of the firm UV Advertising Fields of work Re-branding strategies, Logo Design. Experiment for Recognition of Devanagari letterform

Children learning with tangible interactive system that uses OCR to give feedback.

Manpreet Bhatti


Jewellery Making, Enamelling, Graphic Designing, 3d Modelling, Design Research , Design Development, Product Conceptualization.


Mrs. Rashmmi Gullati Mr. Vivek Das (Ex-Professor, Sir. J.J. School of Art)

Traditional Meenakari on Coin Jewellery


ndia and jewellery, jewellery and Indian women - the terms are linked inherently. Coins might at first appear to be purely decorative elements in Indian jewellery; however in Indian culture, almost every component in jewellery has more than a decorative significance, and this also applies to coins. The study aims at collecting precious coins which are currently unpopular or unfashionable and converting them into beautiful enamel piece of jewellery, especially if a person is not averse to a bit of speculation and or has an interest in numismatics. Design and product development underwent 6 stages like structure forming of jewellery, soldering, polishing, stone setting, gold/silver plating and last and final step of meenakari. This study is very exploratory and experimental as it aims at increasing the longevity and usability of old rare coins by beautifully doing enamel on them, thus preserving them and increasing their aesthetic value and Increasing the beauty and historical significance of coins by using coins as jewellery which would be a way of appreciating coins.

The study aims at increasing the longevity and usability of coins by beautifully doing enamel on them, thus preserving them and increasing their aesthetic value and Increasing the beauty and historical significance.

Name of the firm Manav Rachna International University Dept: Manav Rachna Innovation and Incubation Center (MRIIC) Fields of work Creating a graphic user interface for skill blaster a project filed under ‘Intel Logo for skill blaster a project filed embedded challenge under intel embedded challenge� 2012’. 2012

Indian Coin Earrings with Semi-precious stones and pearls in silver.


Internship details

Megha Vij

Strengths Trend Spotting and Forecasting


Prof. Sharmila Dua

Documenting street style in mumbai in the form of a digital magazine


treet style is defined as an offbeat style which is inspired from contemporary culture of urban street people. In the past, street style emerged with subcultures, wherein people, especially the youth, formed groups and dressed up in an unconventional way so as to express an idea, or a culture, and sometimes even to protest against certain norms, or rituals existing in the society. In the past few decades, it has however taken shape of a totally new ideology. All the subcultures that existed have been ‘remixed’, and today we have a very individualistic street style concept. The style is something that is personal to the wearer, and displays ones personality in a trendy way. Fashion blogs have played an important role in bringing street style to the limelight, and have brought it up to a level where it is accepted widely even mainstream. However, it has been observed that street style is losing its identity as blogging now has become a business. The study includes an analysis on how Indian street style is represented through blogs, media, films and products, and finding a suitable online medium to represent it in its true form, i.e., in terms of expression, lifestyle and attitude of people in Mumbai.

Internship details


Name of the firm @home, Bangalore Fields of work Visual Merchandising, Home decor, Space Management. Logo

This project aimed to cover street style in Mumbai in a broader context i.e. in terms of culture, fashion trends, people, and street art as a form of expression and document it through an online medium, for e.g. a magazine or a blog.

Nandini Jose


Mrs. Susmita Das Pal

A study on malayalam lettering Kerala is witnessing a new wave–There is a huge appeal for products that combine the traditional and the contemporary. Particularly interesting are new trends that pay tribute to the roots, bringing back to light certain cultural elements that were once lost or forgotten. Methiyadi rubber footwear, inspired from ancient wooden padukas is a perfect example of this phenomenon. Avial – the band, fuses Malayalam folk and rock music in their music; the result – sound that the audience has never heard before but are familiar to in some way. Giving a new outlook to something local, while maintaining its essence is the ongoing trend. This concept could be applied to the Malayalam script as well. The application of a script also must evolve with time; this ensures that it is kept interesting and alive.Malayalam script is beautiful on its own; the loops, the swirls, the rounded turns. The objective of this research is to collect information about Malayalam script that would prove useful for anyone who hopes to use it in design. A qualitative research was conducted to understand the subject, through observation and by interviewing several artists and designers in the field.

Internship details

Through this research certain things have come to focus – the need for archiving lettering and typographic works, increasing appreciation and importance given to the script, a changing market that is open to western concepts yet takes pride in their roots, and the huge scope that is there for products that include Malayalam script based designs.

Name of the firm UPM Advertising, Kochi Fields of work Graphic Design


Some of the logos that were designed



Design Research, Product development and Conceptualization


Prof. Sharmila Dua Ms. Dharuni Garikapty

Combining trends with tradition to design contemporary hand painted Kalamkari prints.


and Painted Kalamkari is a traditional temple art practiced in the state of Andhra Pradesh. It is an art of fabric printing done with a bamboo pen called kalam and natural dyes. It has undergone various transitions over the centuries due to influences from the likes of the Mughals, British, Portugese, Persians etc. The simple cotton cloth revolutionized textile trade in India in many ways. Hand painted Kalamkari has always been a reflection of the changing times and the society. But somewhere down the line it stopped doing so. The objective of the project is to understand the changes this art form went through and to design prints that reflect present trends. The outcome of the project was a set of new prints targeted towards the youth, designed after a thorough study of the history and evolution of the art and the current trends in the market. But the bigger picture was to test and open up newer markets for the Kalamkari artisans.

Studying and understanding the evolution of hand painted kalamkari and the current print trends to create new age kalamkari prints for youngsters.

Internship details Name of the firm Best Hands India, Hyderabad. Fields of work Contemporary Madhubani Products

New age kalamkari Prints


Madhubani Products

Radhika Kishorpuria


Design Research, Design Development, Product and Apparel Conceptualization and Development, and Visual Art.


Prof. Sharmila Dua

A Study on Thanjavur Art to design a range of jewelry


anjore painting, also known as, Thanjavur Oviyam is a major form of classical South Indian painting from the town of Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu, India. The paintings of Thanjavur have travelled a long way, from the fresco paintings of the Chola Dynasty, to the wall hangings of today. The goal of this project is to perform an in depth study of Thanjavur Paintings art and then coming up with innovative jewelry designs. The initial research conducted was secondary research, which focused on understanding the history, materials and the technique used in the painting, the current status of the craft and finalizing on what innovative product could be made out of it. It also focused on understanding of a similar art in terms of jewelry. The next stage of research focused on understanding the current trends in jewelry around the world. The research, thus, is inclined towards developing unique jewelry out of these paintings through design exploration.

Jewellery Products made out of Tanjore Painting . Different materials were used like wood, stones, semi-precious stones, mother of pearl.

Internship details


Name of the firm Next Step Research and Consultancy, New Delhi Fields of work A government project on Sisal Research in West Bengal

Rahul P.K


Fashion Design


Mr. Sushil Raturi

Business Plan development for Boutique


business enterprise doesn’t come into existence automatically or spontaneously. It is only after undertaking a series of activities; the entrepreneur can give birth to a business establishment. All such activities are collectively called entrepreneurship A business plan development is the vital part of entrepreneurship and it acts as a strong bridge to reach the dream business in a methodological manner. There are probably three perspectives that should be considered in the plan. First is the perspective of the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur must be able to clearly articulate what the venture is all about. Second is the market perspective. Third perspective of investor. Therefore the present study was designed with an aim to develop a business plan. The objective of the project is to study Kochi from the point of view of geographical location, consumer demographic, consumer psychology, consumer buying behavior, competition and to develop a business plan for a boutique which needs to start in Kochi (Ernakulam district in Kerala). Final outcome of the project includes market survey, business plan, mood board, theme board and design collection.

Internship details Name of the firm Lokanath Weavers’ Co-operative society, Kannur, Kerala


Fields of work Designing Home Furnishing Products

Objective: To develop a business plan for a boutique, which needs to launch in Kochi.

Riecha Mallick

Strengths Apparel Designing, Online Marketing, Strategic Business Development


Mr. Sushil Raturi Mrs. Archana Kochhar (Industry mentor)

Brand Expansion Strategy A Study For Designer Brand, Archana Kochhar


lobalization has brought in many changes in the business scenario with the whole world inching towards one big market place. Communication between the buyers and sellers has become critical as each can opt to explore a greater number of alternatives than ever before. The importance of ecommerce has increased. Ecommerce can be understood as the doing business or buying or selling products or services over the internet. This new concept has revolutionized the way of doing business on internet. Many designers have started their e-commerce venture keeping in lieu the present scenario of the digital industry. The important point to understand is how e-commerce retailers are trying to communicate with their customers using online opportunities tools and services. What they are all trying to establish is a trust relationship with the online customer that is as strong as an actual store. So, a study was conducted for ace designer Archana Kochhar, to find out a new distribution mechanism for the brand keeping in mind the limitations the fashion brand has and what and how the expansion of the brand could take place with the existing business models.

“Trust� is the keyword for a successful e-commerce platform.

Internship details Name of the firm Archana Kochhar fashion Brand, Vile Parle, Mumbai



Fields of work Styling, Designing and Public Relations.

S. Aleena


Mr. Nitin Kulkarni

Finding Portuguese Cochin Though foreign rule is often an imposition, there are many significant events/changes that it brings about in the country being invaded. India is one such land that was invaded by foreign powers which has greatly influenced its culture. Cochin had the first ever European settlement in India. Cochin having a natural port of its own has always been opened to the world. Cochin has experienced the aroma of The Portuguese, The Dutch, and the British in its midst, all blended in forming a unique culture which is distinctive in its own definition. Portuguese, being the first to let its anchor down in Cochin, imparted its culture and Christianity to this land. A question surfaces as to what extent did the roots deepen? Did it reach to the extent of being the “Heart of Cochin� or was it so weak to be crushed and dried off by the others who came later? It can be stated that Portuguese influence greatly remains instilled in art and architecture, language, cuisine and sur names of this port city; the very characteristics that represent a culture. The research outcome has been presented in the form of a Coffee Table Book.

The oblective was to find out the most visible remnants of the Portuguese culture that still exists in Cochin has been achieved through a qualitative and visual research.

Internship details Name of the firm Ahanas Design for Space


Fields of work Designed uniforms for one of their clients (Hotel Silvertips, Munnar) Training of operators through pictorial representations

Church of Our Lady of Hope, Vypeen, Cochin

Shilpy Jain


Illustration, Conceptualization, Sketching, Graphic design


Ms. Disha Gupta Mr. Lucas Caldeira, CEO, Asha Handicrafts


Sustainable packaging design and brand identity

arigar is a retail arm of asha handicrafts, a 32 years old ‘not for profit’ fair trade organization that is dedicated to preserve the art and craft of india through the economic and social development of artisans across the country. The company require that eco-friendly products are contained in eco-friendly packaging.The research has been done by experimenting and exploring different sustainable packaging material, techniques available,by understanding the perspective and importance of handicraft products among Karigar consumers which will help in branding and designing the packaging, by analysing the product life cycle .When packaging is related to corporate social responsibility, consumers are more sensitive and even more demanding. Brand image, in effect, reflects the relationship of consumers with the organization that is differentiated from competitors with a perceived promise and an emotional and physical satisfaction that follows the use of the product. Brand image can motivate loyalty, build trust and enhance brand recognition amongst consumers.The outcome of the project is new shopping bag by developing prints of dyeing craft, new sustainable Tag,Bookmark design as novelty for the company by using stone paper which is 100% biodegradable and arceanut leaf.

The objective of the project is to provide sustainable design solution for the brand image for the company Karigar.

Internship details Name of the firm Pantaloons Retail India Fields of work Visual Merchandising

Rain drop installation during monsoon sales in Mumbai


Experimentation and exploration with stone paper ,arecanut leaf and print of dying Dokra Craft

Siju S


Fashion Design


Prof. Rebecca Philip


To identify and solve the problems existing in school uniforms in india.

school uniform is a set of standardized clothes worn primarily for an educational institution. The main reasons why the concept of school uniforms was devised was to reduce violence and behavioral problems, foster unity and improve learning environment, to reduce social pressures and level status differentiation, to increase self esteem and motivation, to save the money of the parents on children’s clothing, to improve attendance, to improve academic achievement. However in India, not much attention has been given to the designing of school uniforms. It has been observed that there are various problems regarding their comfort and design aspects .Fabrics play a very important role in school uniforms - the durability, tactile quality and appearance are as important as the design of the uniform. Ease of care and maintenance is another factor that needs to be considered.

Internship details Name of the firm Aneeva Impex, Tirupur, Tamil Nadu Fields of work Designing Kid’s Wear for domestic brand.


School Uniforms

The purpose of this project was to identify the problems with uniforms and solve some and suggest solutions to improve the school uniforms in India. The outcome of the project was designing good quality uniforms with suitable fabrics, keeping in consideration, comfort, climatic conditions, psychology of the students, etc.

Sonam Jain


Surface Ornamentation


Prof. Rebecca Philip

To determine the functional, expressive, and aesthetic (fea) dancewear needs of dancers in india


ance as an activity is gaining popularity due to exercise benefits, entertainment needs and as a means of socialising. The dancewear market in India is practically nonexistent despite a lot of demand. Dancers compromise with either lifestyle wear or sportswear to fill in the need of dancewear. Dancers need clothing that allows them to move freely, provides comfort and sweat absorbency. he purpose of this study is to identify dance practicewear expectations and further suggest solutions for the problems. The research design incorporated Lamb and Kallal’s FEA (functional, expressive, aesthetic) model of consumer need. A survey in the Mumbai city was conducted covering different dance schools. Analysis of the design problem was performed using qualitative interviews, quantitative questionnaires, and an analysis of currently available dancewear market.

Designing strategic pieces to adorn differnt parts of the body.



Daksha Chopra


Design Research, Design Strategy, Conceptualization, Styling


Ms. Rupa Agarwal

Best practices for reducing muslin fabric waste – A case study on pattern making sessions at NIFT Mumbai


n a fashion institute where students learn pattern making by using muslin are expected to make mistakes in order to learn better. While doing so they tend to produce fabric waste which might not seem to be substantial then but, have bigger implications. They consider muslin to be as a mere cloth for their rough use forgetting that there has been put a lot of efforts to produce the same fabric. They learn terms like “Green Fashion” and “Sustainability” but, these terms are not visible in their practice. This study was conducted in National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) Mumbai. The focus group consisted of students from semester four and faculty teaching pattern making in the college across the departments.

Internship details


Name of the firm Retail India, Mumbai, Kandivali Store Fields of work Visual Merchandising

The study suggests steps that can be adapted by faculty teaching pattern making in fashion institutes in order to reduce fabric waste in pattern making.

Darshita Modi


Mix media art, product upcycling, Design research & product development.


Ms. Kavita Pathare Ms. Archana Kochhar, Designer

Upcycled Fashion: Using Production (Fabric) Waste in Fashion Studio


ashion trends are created, promoted, and discarded. Over the past two decades, the rhythm of fashion has accelerated towards what is known as “fast fashion�. Trade in textile and apparel is expected to grow and reach US$ 805 Billion by 2015 & apparel would grow even at a faster rate than textile. (By technopak). Due this problem of fast fashion & consumption, fabric waste has become a significant problem for the fashion industry in terms of growing waste management costs and its image. But practical solutions of consuming the waste back into the production process are not being widely pursued. Upcycling is one such method which not only deducts the amount of waste that gets tossed but it also stops the demand for more production of items that will potentially meet the same landfill fate. The main idea of my project is upcycling as it allows for the use of pre-existing material and also the final product is of a greater value. The products that are created are packaging bags, apparels & accessories which are created out of utter waste.

Creating value out of waste using up cycling as a method in fashion design especially in design studios.

Internship details

Fields of work Creating Futuristic accesssories for LFW winter/festive 2012

Neckpiece made from rubber wires for LFW winter/festive 2012.

Up cycled Pakistani kurta & Accessories: Neckpiece & Packaging bags (Memento).


Name of the firm Archana Kochhar (Bridal design studio)

Shruti Wadhwa


Surface Ornamentation


Prof. Sharmila Dua Asst. Prof. Disha Gupta

Threads Of Tradition:Expressing Indian Embroidery Through Jewellery.


raditions, customs and religion are deeply imbibed into modernday India. In India, each culture, each religion, each state reflects their old age tradition in the form of textiles, embroideries and costumes that is passed on from one generation to the next. Due to the changing scenario the tradition is vanishing into the mechanized world. As jewelry is also deeply rooted within the Indian history as an important element of adorning the body, the researcher developed the concept of merging the two jewellery and embroidery. The objective of the study was to create a new opportunity for the artisans to produce contemporary accessories by incorporating the traditional embroideries. Phulkari and Chikankari embroidery based on the concept of contrast were selected. The study reveled the usage of various synthetic material and changes in techniques over the period of time. The concept development, exploration, experimentation and designing formed an important segment of the research. The designs were developed in such a way that each product adorns different part of the body and the characteristics of the embroideries selected merge into each other.

Designing strategic pieces to adorn differnt parts of the body.

Internship details Name of the firm Archana Kocchar


Fields of work Surface ornamentation development. Floral brooch developed with lace fabric and beads.

Neck piece Designed to adorn the back.


he objective of the two year master programme in ‘Fashion management’ (erstwhile AMM started in 1987) is to develop managerial talents in the field of marketing, merchandising and retailing best suited to the requirements of the garment export and fashion retail sectors.



Faculty Mr. Tanmay Kandekar – Assistant Professor & Centre Coordinator Mr. Sushil Raturi - Associate Professor Ms. Garima Shrivastava - Assistant Professor Ms. Sonali Saldanha - Assistant Professor Ms. Lipi Choudhury - Assistant Professor


Support staff Mr. Sachin Kumar – Junior Assistant Mr. Vijay Nair – Multi Task Staff

Students undergo rigorous education in buying, merchandising (retail and export), retail operations, advertising, forecasting, international marketing, international trade practices and project formulation. They are exposed to creative merchandising/marketing, innovative fashion management practices, directions of fashion trends and business practices though field visits and industry internships. They have the right blend of hard and soft skills and possess the right attitude to enter the middle management of any growing organization In the first year, the program introduces concepts and principles of marketing, retailing, merchandising and management with a focus on fashion business. Product related knowledge and marketing and merchandising skills are the thrust area. Towards the end of the year the students are exposed to dynamics of an organization through an eight week fashion industry internship and training program with an organization. In the second year, the emphasis is on application of knowledge and skills acquired in the first year. As the part of curriculum, the students carry out sectoral studies and involve themselves in rural development social responsibility projects. They undertake company sponsored graduation project with an organization of their choice to integrate the learning of previous semesters.

Abhishek Sinha


Hard Working, Punctuality, Honesty and team work


Mr. Tanmay Kandekar Ms. Shruti Batra

To study and improve the Store Operations/Visual Merchandising and develop a SOP-VM for the brand Ethnicity


he graduation project was aimed at improving and making visual merchandising a SOP for the brand “Ethnicity�. A SOP for VM was be developed for the stores. They were rolled out and VM audits were done to keep them implemented. The store operating procedures were studied in the project. Store layout for new stores to be opened are planned and stock was allocated accordingly. The fixture capacity determines the stock to be ordered. The sales staffs were also trained with the help of tools like company knowledge, brand knowledge, product knowledge and customer interaction. Various workshops involving customers were organized to increase the footfall. Overall, the project was aimed at increasing the sales at Ethnicity Stores while maintaining the discipline with the help of various techniques.

To study and improve the Visual Merchandising and develop a SOP-VM for the brand Ethnicity.

Internship details Name of the firm Ethnicity, Future Group, Jogeshwari


Fields of work Rejuvenation and renovation of brand.

Abik Hirawat

Strengths Retail Buying and Market Analysis


Ms. Lipi Choudhury Ms. Mathangi V

Competition mapping & merchandise mix creation - Casual youth line.


eter England has been the most trusted brand, for the young Indians entering work life, for years. Though its efforts in terms of product development and marketing activities have been centered on the early entrant, it has attracted people from across age groups as well. Four distinct yet homogeneous segments were identified where the consumer’s needs and expectations from apparel changed through each life stage, along with the tipping points triggering the transition from one stage to another. I did my project with the early 20’s segment. The early 20s segment is the college going youth dreaming about the future and getting ready for responsibility. Though their spending power is limited, their versatility helps them stay in trend with unique looks created by interesting ways of putting clothes together. So I started my project with competiton mapping analysis and scope identification and followed it by International and national benchmarking for the casual range. This helped me in creating the ideal merchandise mix and the gaps in existing range.

Competition mapping and Gap analysis are the keys to any successful business venture as they help us to know the market and use our tools and resources wisely.

Internship details Name of the firm Madura Fashion & Lifestyle Fields of work Product development, Merchandising and competition mapping.


Product is the key for a successful brand

Amit Maurya


Forecasting and Planning


Mr. Tanmay Kandekar Ms. Pragati Malhotra

Product Development & Production


n Product Development and Merchandising, I worked with Merchandising and Sourcing teams to creatively assist in design and technically develop the Merchandise. I had to be in sync with the latest upcoming fashion trends and match the company’s brand and work. I had to travel to vendors ,co-ordinate with the buyers at all times. I had been associated with Ladies Ethnic and Intimates department .I have solely carried out the sampling of AW’13 for Intimates and also following up with the production of SS-13 and sampling of AW’13 for Ethnic. Apart from this I was given opportunity to organize the Vendors Meet for walmart where I had to connect to different vendors who want to be a part of Wal-Mart and invited them. It was a Wonderful experience for being the part of Buyers and Vendors meet. During my tenure I have travelled to Mumbai and Jaipur and in Delhi/NCR to the vendors to get the sampling done and Check the Production status.

“If we truly dedicate ourselves to instill the thrill of merchandising ( buying and selling) nothing can ever stop us.”

Internship details Name of the firm BhartiWalmart Merchandising


Fields of work Apparel production & Planning



Branding and Marketing Communication


Ms. Sujal Shah Mr. Nihar Manwatkar

Brand Activation


he project involved launching and executing College Ambassador Program for FREECULTRCOM. The project was about re-launching the campaign, promoting it both online and offline amongst colleges across India and selecting college ambassadors for the brand. The objective was to increase brand reach and user engagement amongst college population. The project on a basic level was divided into a prelaunch, selection and post selection phase. In the Prelaunch phase I worked on a marketing and commutation plan clearly listing the promotional strategy, both offline and online. I closely worked on social media and digital platform to promote the program. During the selection phase the shortlisted entries were scrutinized through 3 phases and finally 10 college ambassadors were selected. This was followed by a welcome kit and an action plan. Post selection, profiles of these ambassadors were drafted and required changes were made. Through ambassadors social media marketing, PR and event organization activities were undertaken. A few contest/events included graphic t-shirt and photography contest amongst design college photography contest.To conclude this project was about creating offline and online user engagement and increasing brand reach within college crowd who happen to be a strong customer base.

Internship details


Name of the firm Freecultr Fields of work Branding, marketing communication, digital and social media marketing

Online and offline brand activation for Freecultr.Com.

Anurag chauhan

Strengths precise marketing and branding


Ms. Lipi choudhary Mr. Anupam deb

Anaylising loyalty program and work on increasing enrolment effciency & repeat capture of customer I worked with Arvind lifestyle brands, precisely under brand ARROW & got the opportunity to be part of the marketing team and loyalty program division called Aristocracy . I went through the process & reports of the loyalty programme and studied it thoroughly . After that I studied major competitors in this sector and tried to find if we were missing anything on our catalogue. I figured out our target customer and studied their behaviour closely. Moving further I did some internal analysis, To find out the loop holes in the functioning of the programme. Later, I presented results and suggestions to the company to bring the reforms in the system when ever realised , to strengthen the programme. Simultaneously I did a parallel research on emerging trends in the loyalty programme around the world which can used to improvise and provide better service to customer and help the company for increasing enrolment efficiency and repeat capture. Throughout the project i utilised my management and leadership skills to contribute in making the aristocracy an efficient loyalty programme .

The focus of the project was on getting the company more loyalty from the customers and increase the frequency of repeat capture of the customer and provide better service to customers

Internship details

Fields of work Communication, Marketing, CRM, Strategy conceptualisation

logo designed for the loyalty programme of Arrow

Major components of the customer relation ship management { loyalty programme}


Name of the firm Arivnd lifestyle brands (Banglore)

Apoorva Jain


Ms. Lipi Choudhury Ms. Deepti Vohra

Vendor Compliance


o understand the vendor selection procedure, the vendor management structure followed and how vendor compliance helped Li and Fung in increasing their profits.

Internship details


Name of the firm Li & Fung India Private Limited. Fields of work Merchandising

Vendor compliance & its benefits to the organisation.

Arun AB


Product Knowledge


Ms. Lipi Choudhury Mr. Pankaj Kumar Keyal

Peter England Formal Shirts – Product Cost Management


here is a strong demand for better products at even better prices. With increasing competition in the same market domain, with better cost management, we can offer more value to the consumer with reduced wastage can be offered. Product Cost Management is a set of tools, processes, methods, and culture used by firms who develop and manufacture products to ensure that a product meets its profit (or cost) target. The strategic purpose of PCM has been to maximize the profit of products through making a product the most cost efficient. Tactically, this has been accomplished by using the various PCM techniques. That is, the tools are used to estimate a cost that is used as an absolute value for what a cost should be, or to relatively evaluate the cost of one design or manufacturing process or supplier versus another.

The project aims at enhancing the understanding various aspect of a product cost. This knowledge will help in utilizing the cost in more efficient and effective manner.

Internship Details Name of the firm Madura Fashion & Lifestyle Fields of work Product Cost Management


It is critical to balance product value and cost

Peter England - India’s Most Loved & Trusted menswear brand

Chetna Patiyal


Visual Merchandising, Category managment


Ms. Lipi Choudhary Mr. Sumit Kumar


Retail Space Productivity Analysis for Pantaloons stores in NCR

antaloons is a leading apparel retailer which sells apparel and accessories of various brands including both private labels and group labels. I was assigned a project to analyse the space productivity of the select pantaloons stores in the National Capital Region. For the purpose of my study, I covered three prominent flagship stores in the NCR area. To analyse the space productivity across brands, data was collected for the following parameters such as brand wise sales per square feet, variance in sales per sq feet for a defined period. The above data was analysed with a combination of store visits / insights to determine the reasons for low sales productivity, On the basis of the analysis, innovative suggestions were made to improve the sales of that particular brand and the overall productivity of the store.The analysis showed that their non private labels do extremely well in the smallest of the area which is being allocated to them and increase the style quotient of the store too. Whereas private labels are seen as affordable fashion among the masses which are regularly sold. It gave me an understanding of how a category manager takes his responsibility of carrying out a major decision of allocating which space to which brand. The project involved effective use of my learning from courses such a retail planning, visual merchandising and category management. I was able to experience and appreciate theory being put to action in the real world scenarios.

Internship details

Name of the firm Pantaloons Retail India Ltd.


Fields of work Designing, analysis, Space productivity

Space Productivity of various brand wise sales, Variance in sales per sq feet in Noida, Saket and VasantKunj stores, Reasons to be identifies for low sales productivity, either product or people, Suggestions of increasing or improving productivity.

G. Sri Ramya


Originative, Persevering, Insightful, Confident and Promising


Ms. Lipi Choudhury Mr. Amit Shukla

Remodeling the editorial features of KOOVS, in confirmation with customers’ interests.


he calling of Editorial coexists with and within a plexus of several activities that take effect in an organization- particularly in the context of online fashion. With the KOOVS website experiencing contemporary metamorphosis, every constituent of the company is coming to terms with the fashion-attentive customer. The website is now slated for distinctive concepts, striking visuals and lucid advice. Optimization of customer search, suggestions that aid their purchase decisions, and chronological blogs on seasonal trends that provide customers with regular trend updates is what the project required to actualize. Several revivifying incorporations have been made to the website with the aim to stimulate customer decisions. Prescribing and executing a new format for product descriptions that provides pertinent information, and maintaining a blog that acquaints the customer with what is trending comprised the main task. Furthermore, KOOVS launched its Spring/Summer apparel range with four collections wherein assisting the styling team with inputs from the Fashion Editorial perspective was part of the undertaking. Idea generation for Editorial of the new ‘Celebrity Fashion’ concept was another pivotal assignment, which is now successfully live.

The delegation involved ideation and regeneration of the editorial, visual as well as conceptual aspects of KOOVS, by employing illustration and terminology that coexists with customer conception.

Name of the firm KOOVS Marketing Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Fields of work Editorial, Production and Styling Launch of KOOVS Private Label SS Collection.

Creation of the new concept of ‘Celebrity Fashion’ on the KOOVS website.


Internship details



Merchandising and Visual Merchandising


Mr. Arpan Kalra Mr. Ramanuj Kalita

Handle the testing and advertising samples for the gap’s season fall’13.


he project involved the handling of testing and advertising samples of Gap for the season ‘fall’13’ including all the steps from fabric to the garment and then dispatch. In the first step, we received BOM (Bill Of Material) from the buyer of various styles mentioned in ‘fall’13’ order chart. Following that BOM, we ordered the fabric. Once the fabric was received, its swatch, thread run and mocks were sent to the Gap merchants for the approval. After getting the approval, the fabric was given to the cutting master to get it cut according to its pattern. This step was followed by the attachment of the trims in the garment made. The trim’s (thread, button, etc.) details were all mentioned in BOM. Now the garment is ready. Garment was sent in the washing followed by its ironing. Clean garments were segregated in advertising and testing samples. In next step I made the tags of the advertising samples. Finally, the advertising and testing samples dispatched to their respective places.

Internship details


Name of the firm Pearl Global Industries Limited, Delhi. Fields of work Merchandising and Product Development

This project helped me in understanding the merchandising more deeply and practically.The target is to understand every basic detail of merchandising and complete the project in a respective manner.

Jeegisha Panchal




Ms. Lipi Chaudhary Mr. Manshu Mathur

Trend Analysis for SS 13 and effectiveness of planogram for sales improvement The project involves trend analysis for Spring Summer 13 for brand Arrow under sports category and working upon, the planogram and the changes required to generate most sales required for the store. Initially I studied the trend forecast for Spring Summer ‘13 for menswear, in terms of color pallete, designs and fabrics and analysed the trends followed by Arrow Sports. I even surveyed about the competing brands of Arrow regarding the price range, fabrics utilized and the new innovation in any aspect to give a comparitive analysis. Later I studied the planograms followed by various stores, regarding the size of the wall, shirt to trouser ratios and options availablity. I was given a term of three weeks to apply changes in the planogram for four stores and record the changes in the sales for a particular wall. I analyzed the past sales and according to the sell thrus , highlighted best selling products on the fixtures and focussed on ensemble selling concept.

Studying various aspects of menswear sports fashion and impact of merchandise display on sales.

Internship details Fields of work Retail Merchandising

Planogram picture for Arrow Sports


Name of the firm Arvind Lifestyle brands

Karan Kumar Arora


Marketing & Research


Mr. Tanmay Kandekar Mr. Ashok Kumar


Let’s Talk Lingerie. Lace it Up. Push it Up.

here have been numerous reports citing the plight of women intimate wear market in India & about it being one of the most unsought industries. Indian Women are highly discreet & conservative regarding the way they think & talk about the most essential part of their wardrobe. For them, lingerie is a subject best kept under wraps. Men steer away from lingerie stores and women are sceptical to utter ‘g-string’. In spite of these taboos there is no denying that this market has grown tremendously and the product category has increased manifold. The Indian lingerie market today is valued at over $2 billion and is expected to reach $5 billion by 2020. However, major foreign players have sensed the immense potential and have entered this market with a wide variety of merchandise collection yet the results are woefully inadequate. Private Moods intends to change the wayWomen shop for their Intimate wear needs by expanding its existingnetwork stores; cater to this market by setting up experiential retailzones & complement it with an e-commerce web portal.

Internship details Name of the firm Private Moods Intimate Wears, Moradabad – U.P.


Fields of work Market Research & Business Plan Development

It’s less about what we want to do or How to do it but Why go for it . . .?

Komal Narayan


Time management


Ms Sonali Saldanha Ms Anjani Ghai

Customer behavior analysis and competitor mapping for Forever New


ustomer-centric retailing is a priority for companies looking to attract new customers and retain the loyalty of current ones. The project was developed to firstly understand the catchment of Forever New and eventually analyzing the buying behavior of the customers. It was carried out by conducting a Market research by survey method and hence deriving an analysis. The processes also involved customer interaction at store levels which further aided in knowing their needs and perception. Also in today’s competitive market with increasing number of foreign brands, it is vital to be on top of the game. Hence a competitor mapping was carried out for Forever New under which international women’s wear apparel brands like Zara, Mango, Vero Moda and forever 21 were analyzed on various factors .The key factor was the ‘range options’ which the competitor brands carried. Ultimately a SWOT was drafted for the company based on overall research which gave Forever New a clear picture about their current scenario and also various prospects to expand and improve sales.

The research was designed to analyze the Customer behavior of Forever New and give useful suggestions to the buying team to enhance business and customer loyalty.

Internship details


Name of the firm Forever New apparel pvt. ltd. Fields of work Market research, Competitor mapping

Kratika Singh


E-retailing and Customer Service


Ms. SonaliSaldanha Ms. Ayushi Singh (

Website handling and Customer Relationship Management

P, first online store provides official merchandise of DC and Marvel in India, to the fans of Superheroes. My project in this company started from the initial research on the DC and Marvel and their characters because without understanding the basic concept behind this venture, no one can indulge himself completely in the work. Afterwards, I spent few days doing research on the Superheroes of DC and Marvel then I came to know about the origination and stories of the Superheroes (which reminded me of my Childhood). Gradually iinvolved myself in the deeds of this new venture like handling website in a way of uploading products on website, writing their description, managing their visibility on the web, stocking, etc . When the website got published for all, the next step was receiving the orders from the customers and delivering them at the right time. To give the best services to the customers, the online as well as telephonic interaction was maintained with the customers to resolve their queries related to the orders placed, merchandise, size &color of the t-shirts and the delivery time. These responsibilities made me familiar with this work culture. Another major task was the “Comic Con” in which I was the part of the team. Throughout my days in, I applied by abilities but more than that I learned a lot.

Internship details Name of the firm, Gurgaon


Fields of work Buying (Men’s wear) - Changing consumer’s preference towards e-retailing.

The main goal was to find out the awareness and passion of Superheroes among people in India and then accordingly planning and making strategies to attract and retain the customers.

Lubaina Imtiaz Pittalwala


Sound analytical abilities, team player and efficient time management.


Mr. Vikram Totlani (Bombay High) Mr. Tanmay Kandekar


Marketing and Corporate Tie ups for Bombay High

y main responsibilities included marketing and corporate tie ups for Bombay High. I was expected to approach pan – India companies for corporate tie ups with Bombay High whereby employees of the approached company would be offered a flat 20% discount on purchase of any Bombay High merchandise from any store across the country. Besides this, I was also involved in making a Servqual Gap Analysis model for the brand to help improve its customer service and fulfil customer expectations and needs better.

Approaching Pan – India companies for corporate tie ups with Bombay High.

Internship details Name of the firm Myriad Hues


Fields of work Retailing and store operations

Menka Lekhwani


Analysis, Product Knowledge


Ms. Sonali Saldahna Mr. Aveek Ghosh

Van Heusen Sport Range Creation for SpringSummer 14


an Heusen Sport is a casual sport inspired menswear division of Van Heusen, a brand associated with formal menswear. It was launched in 2011, with an aim to foray in the Mens casual wear segment. Men’s casual wear segment has been witnessing intense competition owing to the ever increasing fashion conscious men for whom corporate casuals has become must have in their wardrobe. The aim of the project was to create a range for Spring Summer 14, keeping the brand’s imagery in mind. As an FMS student without a textile background, acquiring the requisite product knowledge was a task that was challenging and interesting in equal proportions. Since its inception, woven range had been comparatively performing well than the knits range. The focus for SS14 was to plan a range of knits that can position the brand in the likes of its competitors. To accomplish this, the first task was to identify key competition brands and assess the merchandize mix in the knits category. On the basis of the analysis, a merchandise grid was prepared for the category of knits, giving details of the prices and the approximate costs.

Internship details Name of the firm Madura Fashion & Lifestyle


Fields of work Product, Range Planning

The best product with best price is a myth. It can be anything that is trendy, anything that is trendy according to the customer while building a stronger image for the brand.

Neha Malhotra


Conceptualization & Planning


Ms. Seema Dhingra Mr. Tanmay Kandekar

Brand Identity and Social Media Marketing


he project started with the creation of the corporate identity of the brand, The main collaterals designed at this stage were the visiting cards and letter heads. Insipiration for the layouts were taken from the main essence of the brand which is customization. Many options of layouts were designed, edited and adapted before the finalization. This gave me a great opportunity to experiment with designs and story concepts which helped enhance my graphic design skills. It also helped me understand the importance of corporate branding for a fashion brand that focuses on exclusivity. Alongwith collateral designing, I also designed the look book of the season collections, actively involved myself in the social media marketing of the brand that included conceptualization of various promotional campaigns. Out of great interest in fashion styling, I also conducted a small shoot of the exclusive and premiere collection of Tiramisu Clothing at various selected locations in New Delhi. All in all, working with Tiramisu Clothing was a great learning experience for me.

The main idea of the project was to create collateral layouts for adaptations, brand building and create awareness about the brand on various social media platforms.

Internship details Name of the firm Tiramisu Clothing Fields of work Branding & Marketing


Visiting Cards created for Tiramisu Clothing which are used as seed layouts.

Nivedhitha Soundararajan


Buying & Merchandising


Ms. Sonali.Saldanha Ms. Richa.Priyamvada


Competitor & SS’13 Trend Analysis for Lipsy London

his project aimed to study the Spring Summer 2013 key trends being offered in the Indian market and perform a competitor analysis on the merchandise mix in the Women’s Western Wear category as a part of the pre launch study. The scope of the project addressed following key points- 1 . S tu d y a b o u t Competitors offerings–Category Wise-Option-Trend – Price Analysis-Apparels 2. Study about Competitors offerings- Category wise Options-TrendPrice Analysis-Accessories 3. Study the current international Lipsy London’s offerings and analyze the gap if any. 4. Key shopping preferences & understand need for lifestyle based dressing. 5.Suggestions and propositions for suitable merchandise mix.

Study key Spring Summer 2013 trends and Competitor Mapping in Womens Western Wear category in Indian market

Internship details Name of the firm Brand Marketing India, Mumbai Fields of work Buying & Merchandising


Study key competitors in the Indian market for brand.

Pulkit Raj Mittal


Ethical,Team player, Communicator


Mr. Sushil Raturi Mr. Manuj Bhagat


Customer service with reference to Bharti Walmart

he Project involved my marketing research analytical skills. I spent months doing research and brainstorm on the active identification ofcustomerservicesparameters which helped me to understand the target audience and problems faced by them.Later it became descriptive when it cames to evaluating customer perception of customer service of the BhartiWalmart. This project helped the organization with key interactions both internally and externally to the organization as with both employees and customers which helped me in greater understanding of customer profile and their needs & how customer experiences for the stores can be enhanced. OBJECTIVES 1. To analyzehowthemixinfluencethecustomersatisfaction level. 2. To determinethecurrentstatusofEasyday Stores. 3.To study thesatisfaction levelofcustomerswithregard ofEasyday Stores. 4. To find outthebuyingbehaviorofthecustomerscomingin to Easyday Stores. 5. To identifymaincompetitorsofEasyday Stores withregardto services.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Internship details


Name of the firm Bharti-Walmart Fields of work Retail and Wholesale Operations

Ravi Kant Verma


Dedication towards work and Effective time management


Mr. Tanmay Kandekar Mr. Mukesh Kumar Singh (

To study and develop the Merchandising Strategy for online retail business and improve the sourcing & SCM for


he graduation project is aimed at improving and developing the merchandising strategy for an online retail business website of Bargain Hunter Enterprises. The merchandising strategy was developed for the online store, focusing on sourcing & SCM.

Internship details Name of the firm Bargain Hunter Enterprises


Fields of work Merchandising Mix for Online Retail Business

Over all study of Online Retail Business.

Sachin Pratap


Devising policy and their execution


Mr. Tanmay Kandekar Mr. Suman Gupta

Business development project for an upcoming store


he projects dealt with the study of the launch of a new store in Mumbai. It comprised of making a business plan for the store which involved making the objectives, mission, strategy, product offerings, store planning, market analysis, marketing plan, SWOT with respect to other stores, sales, break even point, financial plan etc. The project also involved interacting with the designers and their product offerings. I worked as a merchandiser. The objective was to establish it as a premier fashionable store which aims to promote upcoming talent and hence making accessible and affordable to the masses by providing the customer with new designs and labels which are both affordable and chic.

Strategizing the Busness plan for the new store launch.

Internship details Name of the firm Upcoming Multi Designer Store( Fascino)


Fields of work Business Development

Santosh Kumar


Marketing & Research


Mr. Sushil Raturi Mr. Promod Kumar

Marketing research of Pantaloons mens wear private label competitor and challenges


y Graduation Project was about the study of Pantaloons Men’s Wear Private Label Competitor and Challenges. This project has helped me to find out the major drawbacks of Pantaloon Mens private label sale and the solution to improve the sales on floor. Under my Internship Programme I maintain the data of men’s wear private label stock, through: (a) Market Analysis (b) SWOT Analysis (c) Sales Forcasting(on the basis of sales record)

Internship details


Name of the firm Pantaloons pvt. ltd. Fields of work Marketing reseach of private label brand of the firm and its competitors

The project was to find out the major drawbacks of private label for mens wear in Pantaloon and to suggest practices to improve inventory turns, reduce out of stock and better customer service for a value retail fomat.

Sargam Galhotra


Merchandise Analytics


Mr. Tanmay Kandekar Mr. Peush Sikka

Planning & Analysis


he work profile at Kazo was of a Planner-Analyst. Sales pattern analysis and inventory level analysis helped understand the surplus and deficiency in stocks which were balanced after reallocation. Stock-Sales analysis required me to assess where there is excess of products and bridge the demand & supply gap across the stores through reassignment of stock. The reallocation and shuffling of stock was based on various parameters which gauged the performance of the respective products in the stores. Key performance indicators for purchase and sales were identified and analyzed to reveal buying patterns and relative success of products across various regions and stores. Sales pattern analysis also helped in proper temporal distribution of product across the stores and understanding the seasonal demands leading to better alignment of supply chain and better launch & forecast of the products. The role also entailed performing merchandize analytics such as weekly analysis of option wise best and worst sellers and understanding the brand positioning & brand methodologies more effectively.

Internship details Name of the firm Kazo Fashions Pvt Ltd

The key learning from the project came from understanding the merchandising analytics of a retailer. Vital experience was gained while working with a retailer in the process of attuning itself to customer demands and profiles and better positioning itself in the market.


Fields of work Planning & Analysis, Merchandise Analytics

Shikha Garg


Convincing people and preparing orders


Mr. Sushil Raturi Ms. Kristina Silverstolpe

Understanding the whole chain of international fashion retail company.


worked in India office for a month which was a liaison or a production office of India. Assisted a merchandiser in ladies department, where we took care of how the production has to be done and was coordinating with the supplier. Then I came to Gothenburg where the head office of Lindex is there. And here I work as an assistant buyer of ladies everyday wear. I coordinated with the different production offices which are located in many different part of the world. I constantly place orders and prepare the purchase orders. Checked the fitting of the samples sent from the production offices and wrote comments to the offices regarding the samples and if any changes are to be made. Also worked the quality department and learnt how the quality is maintained at such an international level. Also worked at the store where I saw what the consumer demand is, and products they really go for and how we can improve our sales.

Internship details Name of the firm Lindex, Gothenburg (Sweden)


Fields of work International fashion retail

“I saw what the consumer demand is, and products they really go for and how we can improve our sales.�

Shruti Kartha

Strengths Merchandising, Working on Excel


Ms. Sonali Saldanha Mrs. Richa Priyamvada

Competition mapping, Defect tracking, Dispatch Tracking, Sell-thru Analysis


y project consisted of multiple mini-projects. The first miniproject was analysing the major competitors for Calvin Klein Jeans in menswear in various product categories, in terms of pricing, options, and trends. The next project was tracking defects in stock lying in the warehouse and providing remedies to prevent or repair existing defects, if any. The next project was tracking sell-throughs of products on a weekly basis on a category, style, option and SKU level and preparing the bestsellers and slowmovers list. In dispatch tracking, I had to track dispatches from warehouse to stores and note problem areas. In addition to the above projects I completed various tasks like preparing the complete range PPTs, preparing order forms for online retailers, assisting the team during the seasonal road show and scanning old stock and segregate the pieces fit to be sold in the employee sale.

Tracking sell-throughs of products on a weekly basis on a category, style, option and SKU level and preparing the bestsellers and slowmovers list.

Internship details Name of the firm Brand Marketing India (Calvin Klein Jeans)

Calvin Klein Jeans Store


Fields of work Merchandising

Smriti Deep Kaur


Strategy making & Communication


Ms. Sushil Raturi Mr. Bhupinder Kandra


Branding and Communication for Lacoste Wein

acosto- Made to Measure, holds an immense acquaintance with the art of custom tailoring as well bespoke tailoring, with aptness in men fashion. As Lacosto is present in Wein since last 25 years, hence they already relish ample of market recognition and possess an extensive clientele. But we wanted to facelift the Brand Lacosto. Being time bound for this project I started with drawing my action plan and scheduled my calendar likewise. As European market was new to me, I spent whole lot of time studying same through every possible channel like internet or even by going to the market and collecting primary data. . I prepared a global list of top custom tailors, even the one from Seville Row, with Loro Piano and Holland Sherry topping the chart. I did a competitive analysis and tried to figure out our flaws. I assisted the team for website revamping and drafted couple of media notes also. Apart from this, I was also asked to develop a shirt catalogue for our men client. The catalogue was supposed to feature different shirt styles, fit, cuffs, and collar for the custom made orders.

Internship details Name of the firm Lacosto- Made to Measure, Wein, Austria Fields of work -


Branding and Communication

If explained in one word, Branding is Effectiveness. It’s not a time specific project. It starts with the brand and continues through out. Only palpable manner to measure the brand success is via its customer acquisition and customer retention tendency.

Sumedha Monga


Ms. Guneet Singh

Understanding the buyers expectation & developing a feedback system


nderstanding the importance of the customer feedback system and the parameters for service level in a buying office. Categorizing various buyers and developing a regular feedback system which can be reviewed internally for consistent improvement in the service level.

Internship details


Name of the firm Li & Fung

Swati Jaiswal


Paste your strengths


Mr. Shray Bhatia

Optimization of brand marketing using BTL activities and CRM tools.


ptimization of brand marketing using BTL activities like Outdoor Events, Fashion Shows, Sponsorship, SOH etc, and CRM activities involves Payback loyalty program, Gift Vouchers etc.

Internship details Name of the firm Central (Future Retail India Ltd.)


Fields of work Marketing and Branding

Swati pal


Branding, Fashion Marketing , Business Development strategies.


Mr. Sushil Raturi. Mr. Vikram Totlani (Bombay High)

Business development strategies, customer relationship management, customer acquisition and retain customer to promote the brand.


he graduation project focused on Client Acquisition and Client Retention strategies. The project also involved CRM practices which gave a strong profile to a brand, which enabled it to focus on ATL as well as BTL activities. The brand also has its own spectrum effect which helped in corporate tie-ups with the MNC and top firms in india. The marketing aspects of the brand are to acquire customers and promote the brand in an effective way. The profile not only focused on customer acquisition and retention but also in cross promotional activities. These involved in sponsoring a brand in cultural fest of different targeted colleges and universities.

The Brand has its Own spectrum effect which helps in Corporate Tie-up with the MNC and Top firms in India.

Internship details Name of the firm Bombay High


Fields of work Corporate Marketing, Client Acquisition.

Tanya Mahajan

Strengths Strong Analytical Ability, Technical Skills such as MS Excel


Mr. Sushil Raturi Mr. Jatin Kharb (Reebok)

Analysis of the Retail Merchandising Practises at Reebok India Company


hings do not happen. Things are made to happen. - John F. Kennedy

Retail merchandising is the process used in order to conduct retail sales.As part of the process, the merchandiser pays close attention to the types of products offered for sale, how to best present those products to consumers, and determining what a reasonable retail price is for each unit sold. Working as a Buying Trainee at Reebok India Company was a great opportunity to learn and get trained under the guidance of experienced professionals where in I was able to combine classroom knowledge with real life experience. The project required conducting extensive primary and secondary research on the Buying Plan of Reebok India. The FW13 Trade Show equipped me with first hand experience of the Franchisee Buying pan India and provided with intensive training into the Buying Process. With Reebok planning its re-launch in the Indian market with its new merchandise, research on Right Product Mix and feasible Price Mix was required. As part of the above mentioned assignment, I conducted a Market Study to analyze potential competitors for the brand and update myself with the new trends in the line of business. As an ongoing process, I assisted my Project Guide on the budgeting for category and preparing weekly Sell Through Analysis report which enhanced my analytical abilities and helped me acquire technical skills of MS Excel. The project helped me to gain an appreciation and ground level understanding of the core workings of business operations at Reebok India.

The main objective of the Project is to perform a Profitability Analysis after understanding the various aspects of Buying Plan at Reebok India Company.

The project helped me to gain an appreciation and ground level understanding of the core workings of business operations at Reebok India and has equipped me with the ability to deliver results in demanding situations.

Internship Details


Name of the Firm Reebok India Company (Adidas Group) Fields of work Research on Buying Plan, Order Review & Analysis, Sell Through & Stock Analysis Report, Competition Mapping.

The Reebok 2013 “Live with Fire� Campaign celebrates people whose lives have been transformed through their active lifestyle.

Tanya Malhotra


Merchandisisng Analytics and Buying Operations


Mr. Sushil Raturi Mr. Peush Sikka

Merchandisisng analytics and global SS13 and AW13 fashion trends research taking brand image into consideration.


he Project involved in depth tasks pertaining to Brand’s Operations, Planning and Buying. The Project started with store visits of the Brand to get an idea about the customer base, Key performance indicators and competitor analysis.This project provided me with an opportunity to handle Brand operations on a daily basis. Various operations like Inventory Stock levels Tracking,Stock Rotation , Updation of Sell through Reports were performed on daily basis to optimize sales. This project involved tasks which aided in influencing the planning of Brand’s Future operations.Weekly analysis of Planned versus actual occurences were performed to identify discrepencies and important Key performance Indicators.Size set analysis was performed in order to plan future orders.Warehouse Management and SCM of the brand was observed and handled. In Depth Study of SS13 and AW13 Global Trends was carried out keeping the brand in mind. This Study aided in Buying Meetings and Range Development.Photoshoots were carried out of past seasons for lookbook in order to generate capital for future seasons through small scale vendors.CRM practices were carried out for loyal customers and a customers meet was organized to get a review on new collections. Throughout the project I tried my best to work in sync with with the Operations and Buying Department to aid in the Future Planning for the Brand.

The vital goal of the Project was to optimize the sales of the brand by identifying the Key Performance Indicators and tracking weekly brand performance.

Name of the firm Kazo Fashion Ltd.,Noida Fields of work Operations,Planning and Buying


Internship details

Vigya Gupta


Communication skills


Ms. Sonali Saldanha Mr. Ranjan Singh


Details of graduation project performed in the marketing zone taking Bollywood movies as product.

uring the project tenure which I spent at the Phantom production house, I got the opportunity to work for the marketing of two upcoming movies. For Lootera- directed by Vikramaditya Motwane , I got the opportunity to work upon postproduction marketing. Venture involved- the grand teaser launch event held at Liberty Cinema (Mumbai) on 12th March 2013. Also, managing the digital media- Facebook, Twitter accounts of the movie, information flowing through various websites regarding the movie, etc. came as my undertaking. For the second movie- Hasee Toh Phasee- directed by Vinil Mathew, most of my work centred on the pre-production marketing. I commenced from preparing the creative brief for movie posters. Moving on next, I also got hold of an occasion to organize a preliminary photoshoot of the lead actors for the movie. Arranging distinctive Phantom merchandise as off camera marketing units was also my many learning activities amongst many other. Throughout the tenure I got the opportunity to experience many critical aspects involved not only during movie making but also in its marketing phase. Experience, efficient and quick thinking are primary requirements for marketing of movies. Another important feature- “timing�, I learnt not only played a vital role but was infact an asset when meticulously planned.

Internship details Name of the firm Phantoms Films Pvt. Ltd Fields of work -


marketing of movie- pre and post production

The essential purpose of the internship was to realise the marketing procedures involved for marketing of movies. Being perceptively creative and one-time-launch products, the movies seem the perfect fashion product which- may create classics, fads or go unnoticed. It all depends upon primarily its Marketing- how to introduce this product (movie) to its target audience.

Yamini Nagar

Strengths Marketing


Mr. Sushil Raturi Mr. Vikram Totlani

Marketing and Corporate Tie- Up


he Project involved application of my Marketing skills. The whole idea of the project was to do as many Corporate tie ups as possible. The Project also involved Increasing the brand awareness of Bombay High in Delhi. I also helped Bombay High in sponsoring Various College fests in Delhi. This helped in Increasing brand awareness. I also approached Various societies and clubs to conduct cross- promotion. I also gained knowledge about the products Bombay High Offered so that I could tell my corporate clients what we Were going to offer them. Throughout the project I applied Most of my abilities to increase the marketing and promotional activities of Bombay High.

The vital goal of the Project was to do as many tie ups as possible and to increase the brand aware ness of Bombay High in Delhi.

Internship details


Name of the firm Cottstown Fashion Pvt. Ltd (Bombay high) Fields of work Marketing, Corporate Tie up

Mayank Pitariya


Focused , determined and good observation and analytical skills.


Ms. Sonali Saldana Mr. Deepak Nirmal

Building Brands in More Magastore footwear department by analysis of consumer demand and behavior in hypermarket format


oday’s emerging needs of Indian consumer leading towards luxury and prestige is tending towards a demand of brands in the country. Analysts believe that in upcoming years the middle class segment of the country will be striving to buy brands and only brands to which they can associate themselves and feel that prestige.Well, here in Aditya Birla we believe to act a little early and hence this phenomenon has already been started by the group to make brands affordable and provide quality in affordable price points. The Project is to thoroughly understand the behavior of the buyer who is striving to buy and wear brands but cannot afford it. My project talks about how we can build brands for the targeted consumer in the largest format of retail which includes research starting from the vendor compliance till the retail front end day to day activities.

Internship details


Name of the firm Aditya Birla Retail Limited, Department: Footwear Fields of work Buying and merchandising functions includes data analysis of sales and inventory, Implementations of strategies in front end to build brand image and create identity.

The main objective of the Project is to thoroughly understand the behavior of the buyer who is striving to buy and wear brands but cannot afford high end brands.

Names of guest faculty and jury members associated with NIFT Mumbai Ms. Sathya Saran Ms. Pearl Shah Mr. Sunil Pereira Mr. Bharat Santhalia Mr. Nilesh Acharekar Mr.Malhar Sawant Mr. Sougat Paul Mr. Raj Nagaonkar Mr. Abhishek Gupta Ms. Shweta Joshi Mr. Arun Lakra Mr. Rajiv Kumar Mr. Vikram Parikh Mr. Siddharth Upadhyaya Ms. Sabita Baruah Ms. Forum Bhatt Ms. Archana Nagpal Mr. Swapnil Shinde Ms. Siddhi Mapxencar Ms. Urvashi Joneja Ms. Meghana Himmatramka Ms. Adity Endlay Ms. Preeti Wanchoo

Mr. Nagendra Pratap Singh Mr. Rajiv Rai Mr. Manish Kelshikar Mr. Kunal Tanna Mr. Jagvir Matharoo Mr. Azad Mr. Saurabh Singh Ms. Esha Amin Mr. Vivek Tetwilkar Ms. Juhi Pandey Ms. Shalini Mehta Ms. Sohiny Das Ms. Dolly Thakore Ms. Akhil Tamta Ms. Theresa Rodrigues Ms. Nupur Gupta Ms. Upasana Choudhary Mr. Nelson Jaffery Ms. Divya Tak Ms. Neelu Oberoi Ms. Pranalika Arya Ms. Firooza Pavri Ms. Madhura Sakhare

Mr. Rahul Ms. Nirupama Mukhaerjee Ms. Preeti Wanchoo Ms. Ruchira Swaroop Dr. Muntzir Ahmed Ms. Rugmini V. Mr. Joy Anand Mr. Rajeev Kumar Mr. Samar Sen Mr. Shilip Sharma Mr. Tasneem Merchant Mr. Manish Chandra Mr. Akhil Tamta Ms. Alinda Mohanty Mr. Subodh J. Kanani Ms. Nitika Rana Ms. Rugmini V. Mr. Bharat B. Santhalia Mr. Salim Arif Mr. Sagar Bhalekar Ms. Ritumbhara Singh Mathur Mr. Rajiv Kumar

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