Nijhuis Industries NEWS Magazine: Edition 5 (September 2015)

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NIJHUIS NEWS MAGAZINE CONTENT: RETROFIT your existing anaerobic-aerobic treatment plant From biological oxidation to RESOURCE RECOVERY Nijhuis AROUND THE WORLD MODULAR (rental) solutions Extend the LIFETIME of industrial heat exchangers

Front cover by Grażyna Przepióra (Poland), winner of the Nijhuis Photo Contest 2014 representing the theme “realizing the value of (waste)water.

SUSTAINABLE WATER USE AND RESOURCE RECOVERY Dear customers, dear business partners,

The global economical and societal challenges have a big impact on our industry, and more importantly the requirements of our global customer base, which is striving to balance their economical and sustainability goals. Nowadays, industrial and municipal customers around the world are continuously searching for solutions to meet their ever-demanding sustainability goals, to lower their environmental footprint, combine productivity and ensure minimum life-cycle cost at the same time. Besides sustainable water use and resource recovery, we are challenged to extend the lifetime of the utility infrastructure. In today’s vibrant environment, customers are looking for flexible solutions to treat their wastewater and deal with variations in production levels. The Nijhuis modular solutions not only simplify the civil construction but also significantly reduce the installation and commissioning time on site, as each containerized system is manufactured, pre-assembled and tested at our own production facility in the Netherlands. The Nijhuis modular plants ensure a minimal footprint and can be easily relocated or extended thanks to their modular design. A growing number of multinationals aim to relocate production capacity during their economic lifetime depending upon local requirements, changing demands and regulations.


“In today’s vibrant environment, customers are looking for flexible solutions to treat their wastewater and deal with variations in production levels”

More than ever speed is of the essence. Not only to help you to make the right decisions, but to anticipate the opportunities or challenges our industry faces. The Nijhuis rental equipment is becoming very popular, our containerized systems and rentals are used to solve immediate problems and once proven are often considered as a permanent solution. Continuous innovation is a crucial element of our successful growth strategy and the award winning Nijhuis Ammonia Recovery System (NAR) has proven to be a highly efficient and competitive treatment solution for recovering ammonia from digestate or substrates from digestion. Instead of biological oxidation of ammonia, a biobased fertilizer is recovered, this is another example of a game-changing Nijhuis waste to value solution. In this edition of the Nijhuis News we would like to share some of our recent successes and recently introduced innovations. I sincerely hope that you will allow our highly motivated team to exchange ideas with you and your colleagues. Nijhuis was founded in 1904 and our flexibility and customer-oriented approach have been important values in our company history. More than ever we continue to expand our competitive range of technologies, solutions and services. Including Design, Build, Finance, Operations and Maintenance and a growing fleet of rental systems to deliver you solid solutions in today’s fluid world!

Editorial Director (CEO) Menno M. Holterman Journal Management & Graphic Design Steven Nieuwboer Text Contributors Martijn Bouwmeesters, Wilbert Menkveld, Eddie Broeders, Wouter van Betuw, Rick Knoops, Frank Raben, Carlos Poveda, Grazyna Przepióra, Steve Weston, Thijs Wolbrink, Rene Hendriksen and Marcel Oonk.


NIJHUIS AECOMIXTM: RETROFIT YOUR EXISTING ANAEROBIC-AEROBIC TREATMENT PLANT AND RECEIVE MORE BIOGAS AND REDUCE OPEX Existing anaerobic-aerobic treatment plants have a great potential to maximize their performance and life expectancy. With the Nijhuis AecomixTM, a simple retrofit solution, more waste and wastewater will turn into valuable products. The compact and modular design of the AecomixTM DGF units can easily be situated and integrated into existing anaerobic-aerobic treatment plants, ensuring a higher solid retention at the existing anaerobic reactors compared to original situations. This will result in a higher capacity of the reactor, more biogas and reduce the OPEX of the aerobic treatment. In cases where wastewater is discharged to the sewer, discharge costs would be reduced. In cases where a polishing step is required, the solid and biological loading in aerobic polishing treatment steps would be significantly reduced. This results in lower energy and chemical consumptions for the aerobic process, reduced sludge production and reduced disposal costs. The DGF is a unique flotation technology which is not sensitive to solid waste. The anaerobic treatment plant can handle larger wastewater volumes and also other, non-water related, organic waste streams. In summary, the Nijhuis AecomixTM is a robust retrofit solution to maximize the performance and lifetime of existing anaerobic-aerobic treatment plants to receive more biogas and reduce OPEX.


RETROFIT WITH AECOMIXTM • Higher capacity • More biogas • Lower OPEX

Nijhuis Life Cycle Cost reducing services and solutions • Data monitoring through NI- Connect • 24-7 technical support • Nijhuis Water & Energy Plant Audits • Service and maintenance programs • Smart metering and consultancy • Intelligent control add-on modules • Rental solutions


NIJHUIS AMMONIA RECOVERY: FROM BIOLOGICAL OXIDATION TO RESOURCE RECOVERY, MAXIMIZING THE VALUE OF DIGESTATE Today’s challenges in the market Waste treatment facilities for digestate and manure are facing multiple challenges, especially when high ammonia concentrations occur in the feedstock, resulting in a number of technical challenges: 1. Decrease in biogas production due to ammonia inhibition. Anaerobic digestion is sensitive to high N concentration and can be a major problem for a biogas plant, treating digestate, manure or sludge. 2. High discharge cost after the dewatering of digestate or manure, because of high N concentrations in the centrate water and environmental pollution. 3. High CAPEX and OPEX, when aerobic treatment is required to purify the centrate water. The reduction of the COD during anaerobic digestion often results in a COD/N ratio which is too low for further aerobic nitrogen removal. Conventionally, an additional dosing of a carbon source is used to optimize the ratio. These challenges are faced by ‘green field’ or existing digestion plants. Customers are anxiously searching for a robust, proven, cost effective and fit for purpose solution to optimize their plant and maximize the value of their digestate. The NAR system is a true game changing innovation with a ROI based on the ammonia concentrations in the feedstock to: lower substrate costs, heighten the TSS/COD load in the digester, enhance biogas income (reduction of N toxicity), save on additional biological treatment cost, lower the discharge cost and produce a valuable product and a biobased fertilizer (up to 120 euro / ton varies per geographical location). Maximizing the value of digestate Several technologies claim effective removal of ammonia from digestate. However, all of these technologies consume a lot of energy and only oxidize the ammonia, without creating a valuable product. By removing ammonia, the treated water can be used for diluting the substrate to enable more co substrates, lowering the ammonium concentration of the substrate or improving COD/N ratio of the centrate water. The NAR is an innovative and stable process which is anticipating today’s challenges in the market and producing ammonium sulphate, to maximize the value of digestate. The market potential for this biobased fertilizer varies per geographical location, but proves to be commercially very attractive. How is the system being applied? The NAR is a proprietary chemical process based on the stripping of ammonia. The process is designed to treat digestate, or manure, and consists of a heat exchanger, a CO2 stripper tank, an ammonia stripper and a scrubber. In order to prevent clogging of the stripping column, pretreatment of the digestate such as a cloth screen, screw press or centrifuge is required. In the CO2 stripper tank the liquid is heated up and fresh air is injected in to the liquid to strip CO2. A heat exchanger on the effluent flow reduces the heat requirement of the system. Why Nijhuis Ammonia Recovery? The Nijhuis mission with this next level of ammonia recovery is ‘doing more with less’. The NAR has a proven ammonia removal efficiency of 80-90%, with the lowest energy consumption. Dilution of the substrate creates a higher biogas production by minimizing toxicity. Less additional co-substrates are required to mix the high ammonia substrates. Depending on the liquid digestate disposal, the NAR system will lower the discharge cost. In the case of additional biological treatment no additional carbon source is required, therefore less energy is required, which results in huge savings on OPEX and CAPEX. Finally the stripped ammonia is recovered as ammonium sulphate which requires no oxidation of the ammonia and can be sold as a biobased fertilizer.



The Nijhuis Ammonia Recovery system has been delivered to Bernard Matthews in Holton, one of the leading turkey processing companies in the United Kingdom to address their digestate treatment requirements and to turn their (waste)water facility into a resource recovery solution. The customer has been facing high nitrogen concentrations in the feedstock entering the anaerobic treatment system. After having installed a Nijhuis pre-treatment and biological treatment system for the wastewater the customer wanted to generate energy with their digestate. Soon after the anaerobic treatment installation was up and running, Nijhuis has been challenged to deal with the high N in the feedstock. System configuration and solution The decanter centrifuge is dewatering the digestate coming out of the digester into a liquid and cake fraction. As the cake will be discharged, the liquid fraction (centrate water) will enter a heat exchanger, resulting in stripping the ammonia under high temperature. The ammonia gas is treated by the Nijhuis Ammonia Recovery system which ensures a biobased fertilizer. The improved COD/N ratio of the centrate water out of the NAR results in OPEX savings on the additional biological treatment of the water. Results After installing the system, the NAR has been optimized in order to meet the optimal process settings, process stability and the removal efficiency for NH4-N, removing more than 80% of total nitrogen. The ammonia removal and recovery system would not only prevent this inhibition and increase biogas production but also recover the valuable nutrient nitrogen. Results have shown that ammonium sulphate can be produced at any desirable concentration between 25-40%, turning the Nijhuis Ammonia Recovery system into a true waste to value solution.

Results of the Nijhuis Ammonia Recovery system for a turkey processing company Flow



NH4-N influent



Efficiency NH4-N effluent N removed

[%] [g/l] [kg/d]

> 80% 0,5 150

Ammonium sulphate





CHEMICAL INDUSTRY NIJHUIS STARTS THE CIVIL WORKS FOR THE LARGEST CHEMICAL FERTILIZER WWTP PLANT - Romania Last year, Nijhuis won the contract for a large turnkey project for the delivery of a new wastewater treatment plant. Azomures is the largest fertilizer producer in Romania, and one of the largest fertilizer producers in Europe. Nijhuis Industries has been appointed as EPC contractor for the turnkey delivery and is currently executing the civil works on site. The basic engineering has been executed together with Dutch based Engineering Consultant Witteveen+Bos. Besides their Dutch partner a number of first class Romanian partners are involved in detailed engineering, permitting, civil works and the mechanical and electrical installation. As main contractor, Nijhuis Industries is responsible the full turnkey installation on site, including all permits and supporting documentation until the final acceptance test.


This acceptance test will confirm the stringent effluent characteristics are being met. The new WWTP will treat all wastewater from Azomures, with an average volumetric capacity of 22,500 m3 wastewater per day. One of the drivers behind this large investment is the ever demanding effluent parameters to be met by Azomures in 2016. The total project, consisting of the modernization of the urea and ammonia installation as well as the wastewater treatment, will be one of the largest and most advanced plants ever built in Romania. Last May, the senior management team at Azomures, and local Romanian press representatives, visited both the Nijhuis Industries headquarters in Doetinchem and one of the advanced wastewater treatment plants delivered by Nijhuis in Poland.

Nijhuis Ammonia Recovery system at Bernard Matthews in Holton, one of the leading turkey processing plants in the United Kingdom.

Installation of a digester plant (Nijhuis Taurus reactor) for slaughterhouse waste, by-products and organic waste in Burkino Faso.

Installation of a flocculation-flotation system (Nijhuis PFR 015 and Nijhuis IPF 20E) to treat wastewater from chemical production in the Netherlands.

Delivery of an ozone system (Nijhuis Ozone XL 120) to a dairy plant.


OIL AND GAS FACTORY ACCEPTANCE TEST OF A COMPLETE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM - Kazakhstan Mid-April 2015, nearly one year after the contract had been awarded, Nijhuis carried out the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) of the wastewater treatment system for the oil refinery company, Tengizchevroil in Kazakhstan. After successful completion of the FAT all equipment was packed and transported to the wastewater treatment site.

The third party agent carried out the final inspection and all equipment was packed in 26 wooden boxes and recorded in a detailed packing list. Upon receipt of the release note from TCO six trucks drove 4600 km from the Nijhuis headquarters in Doetinchem, the Netherlands to Tengiz in Kazakhstan.

Testing, Packing and transport In order to execute the FAT the plant was completely assembled and tested, together with representatives of TCO and a third party agency. In less than one week all FAT procedures and additional safety regulations required for the use of Nijhuis state-of-the-art dissolved air flotation system in the oil and gas industry had been successfully passed.

The wastewater treatment plant has now been installed, this will be followed by a final commissioning which is scheduled for the second half of this year.

WASTE TO VALUE 3 STEP INTEGRATED WASTEWATER VALUE CHAIN TREATING WASTEWATER OF 300,000 PEOPLE - Ghana Nijhuis is part of a consortium that has been successfully awarded the contract to deliver a fully integrated wastewater and sanitation solution for three municipalities in the Accra region of Ghana. The project will be realized together with several NGO’s and private companies in both the Netherlands and Ghana. Also public toilets will be constructed and a collection infrastructure put in place to deliver faecal sludge to three different treatment locations in the municipalities of Nsawam, GA West and GA Central. In total they will have the capacity to process the faecal sludge of 300,000 people including the population of 8,000 people of the Nsawam’s Security Prison. The consortium successfully managed to obtain a grant from the Dutch Government through the WASH Window program. The grant is obtained by presenting a highly esteemed business plan to the evaluation commission of RVO. The business plan is the result of a year of hard work and close cooperation between Gieling Consultancy, MDF in Holland and Ghana, Nijhuis and local contractors along with the Dutch Embassy and the three local mayors of the municipalities. The business plan was awarded as the best Dutch business plan out of a total of 22 initial plans submitted. Nijhuis will design, build, operate and maintain the three wastewater treatment plants in the period between 2015 to the end of 2019. The water will be used for agricultural applications and the sludges will be

used for biogas production in locally built digesters. The digested sludge will be composted and sold as fertilizer. The treated water will be applied for agricultural and industrial use. The Special Treat Project is offering a three step integrated wastewater value chain consisting of a filtration step, physical / chemical treatment and biological treatment by double SBR. The prison and public toilet blocks will provide the faecal sludge and will mix with faecal sludge from households, hotels and enclosed compounds and be collected by trucks. The aim of the project is to divert the sludge, which is currently discharged into the sea at Lavender Hill, to three different treatment locations securing a healthier and safer environment.


NIJHUIS AROUND THE WORLD FOOD INNOVATIVE AND COMPACT WWTP SYSTEM FOR A LARGE PROCESSING PLANT - Belarus Nijhuis Industries Central Europe (NICE) successfully delivered an innovative and compact system for Biovast, a leading producer of animal by-products. The company is part of ARVI, a Lithuanian Group which specializes in the production of fertilizers, animal food, sugar, meat processing and various by-products, with production plants located in Central and Eastern Europe.

The system consists of a filter, flocculation, flotation, a continuous biology, a dewatering step and two modular containers. The Nijhuis added value services covered installation, commissioning, start-up and service visits. To meet their requirements Biovast opted for a concrete biological tank and two containerized systems which simplified the transportation and minimized the installation works on site.

Biovast has upgraded the animal by-product processing plant to process 40 - 50.000 tons of animal by-products per year, increasing their annual capacity over 10 times. The customer wanted to build a new, modern wastewater treatment plant to meet the environmental requirements that allows treated wastewater to be discharged to the river. The system had to meet discharge quality and minimize the environmental impact and footprint, while ensuring fast execution on site.

The containers were designed and executed to fit to the system requirements and provide an innovative ‘plug-and-play’ solution. The process equipment (filtration, flotation and sludge dewatering) was installed in one container. The remaining equipment including Nijhuis control panel and chemical dosing stations were mounted in the second unit.

The installation was designed to treat 40 m3/day of highly polluted rendering wastewater.


After completion and commissioning in Q4 2014, the system has proven to be reliable, effective and easy to maintain, meeting all of Biovast’s requirements.


DESIGN & CONSULTANCY NIJHUIS H2OK CONTINUES CLOSE LINKS WITH LOCAL INDUSTRIES - United Kingdom Nijhuis H2OK’s located at Truro in Cornwall and Bristol has a 20 year history of supporting local southwest businesses with their sewerage and industrial effluent requirements. At a time of corporate expansion and demands for their expertise across the UK, Nijhuis H2OK continues to provide loyalty to established local customers. A recent project showcases these skills and local commitment through consultancy services to CORMAC, the civil engineering subsidiary of Cornwall Council. The project was managed out of Truro and is based in the Redruth area of Cornwall. Redruth Brewery – Public Realm Flood Alleviation Scheme Nijhuis H2OK Design & Consultancy team was contracted by CORMAC Contracting Ltd, to undertake Detailed Design of this £2 million Multi-Disciplinary Civil Engineering scheme. The project comprised three objectives; • Flood Alleviation - Providing a floodable corridor to reduce the risk of surface water flooding • Public Realm Works - Creating a safe, attractive and accessible public space for a range of activities • Enabling Works - Provide a suitable setting for refurbished historic buildings and new development The provision of an open channel water feature through the centre of the site, which maintains a gentle flow during dry periods, assists in the creation of an attractive environment in which to live and work. The water flow derives from many mining adit’s and natural water springs that are outside of the town. These were historically piped through the town and the brewery site which form part of the development. With their considerable expert assistance, Nijhuis H2OK have enabled the regeneration incorporating this open channel feature that also serves as a flood alleviation measure for the town. The ultimate scheme proposed for the site includes a mix of cultural buildings, public spaces, workspaces and housing. The creation of Kresen Kernow, the new Archive Centre for the County of Cornwall as part of the scheme, will provide a much awaited home for the historic records of Cornwall. Nijhuis H2OK Design & Consultancy team scope of services included: • Structural design and detailing of complicated system of retaining walls, culverts and channels which comprise the flood alleviation scheme • Design of capping to the former tin mining features involving reinforced concrete • Design of the highway network within the site including alignment, construction details and integration with the existing streets surrounding the site


MODULAR (RENTAL) SOLUTIONS Nowadays, industrial and municipal customers are continuously searching for solutions to meet their sustainable goals, lower their environmental footprint, and combine productivity and energy efficiency whilst also ensuring minimum life-cycle costs. These issues continue to pose a challenge to companies that strive to balance their economical and sustainability goals. It addresses the requirements of a growing number of global customers to extend utility infrastructure lifetime, improve sustainability and reduce operational cost. Everyday customers deal with variations in production levels calling for flexibility in the volumes of the wastewater generated from production. The Nijhuis modular solutions not only simplify the civil construction but also reduce the installation and commissioning time on site. Each container is manufactured, pre-assembled and tested at our state-of-the-art facility in the Netherlands. Nijhuis modular plants secure a minimal footprint and can be easily relocated or extended thanks to their modular design. In particular global multinationals intent to relocate production facilities during their economic lifetime, anticipating local requirements, changing demands and regulations. The units are based on a simple design requiring minimal installation time. Built to be robust and reliable for monitoring conditions, the systems can also be custom-made to suit particular requirements, to achieve environmental compliance within a limited time scale. The solution is adjustable to variations in the industrial activity, representing a ‘plug and play’ principle and helping to achieve sustainable goals. A fast response Customers are eager to have a (waste)water treatment partner capable of a fast response time to wide variations of industrial activity. A large dairy factory in the Netherlands recently installed a modular 10ft Nijhuis Ozone rental container in response to the urgent need for a solution to disinfect their process water flow. With other disinfection methods proving unsuccessful, Nijhuis Industries were able to offer a rapid and technically proficient disinfectant solution via ozone technology. Leaving no chemical residues and guaranteeing food safety, Nijhuis ozone disinfection continues to meet all of this customer’s requirements whilst safeguarding a corrosion-free environment after the disinfection process.


TO FULFILL FUTURE CHALLENGES Proven and robust technologies As well as a fast response time to achieve environmental compliance, a Nijhuis modular solution ensures production stability and continuity by treating the water with proven and robust technologies. Nijhuis recently installed a rental solution DAF effluent treatment plant for a leading coffee producer in the UK. Unsure of the characteristics of their effluent, the new factory chose to rent a treatment solution in order to demonstrate the treatment capability of DAF for their effluent, prior to purchasing a treatment system. The rental unit also enabled a fast solution to be implemented in order to satisfy the requirements of the responsible regulatory agency. The system is designed with containerized control systems and chemical dosing and is now treating the total combined flows from the site and providing the customer with confidence that they can achieve their required effluent discharge concentrations. There is opportunity for the site to integrate DAF as a permanent standalone treatment technology or to incorporate the process into a more comprehensive treatment solution, designed to minimize annual costs imposed by the water authority. Flexible modular (rental) solution In addition to the existing experience on containerized solutions, Nijhuis Industries has developed a full range of complementary modules which can be easily combined into a full WWTP, including primary, secondary, tertiary treatment and Nijhuis game changing waste-to-energy and waste to value solutions. Subject to capacity or quality aspects, each of the modular process building blocks can handle typically 1,000 to 20,000 m3 per day of industrial wastewater. Purifying wastewater up to the most common quality requirements including water recycling and process-water reuse. The design is based on a ‘plug and play’ principle allowing easy, on demand, expansion or relocation of wastewater utilities. Nijhuis Industries recently offered a 1,000 m3 per day full modular industrial WWTP to a leading dairy facility in Russia. This Nijhuis turn-key offering includes a filter, balancing tank, flocculation-flotation system, multi-stage MBBR, polishing flotation, screw-press sludge-dewatering and air-treatment by a modular bio filter. The main advantages of this modular system over a conventional civil installation are: • Provides a better programme guarantee by minimizing seasonal weather influences on site. • Highly efficient construction procedure with testing being completed prior to delivery on site • Reduced installation and commissioning time; the ‘plug and play’ connections between the containerized systems requires only a few days. • Simplifying permitting procedures. Nijhuis modular solutions are applicable to a variety of applications and technologies such as physical and mechanical pre-treatment, MBR & MBBR treatment, anaerobic treatment and water recycling systems. Containerized modular ozone, dewatering, oil & gas slop water and rental systems complete Nijhuis offerings.


AUTOMATIC TUBE CLEANING: MAXIMIZE HEAT EXCHANGER PERFORMANCES AND EXTEND LIFETIME WITH LOW OPERATIONAL COSTS Air conditioning systems and industrial processes use heat exchangers for cooling purposes of their process water or gas. Water based cooling systems suffer from fouling of the tubes of the heat exchangers leading to a reduction in efficiency and increased power consumption, and consequently higher operating cost. Heat exchangers are considered to be one of the largest power consumers in power, food & beverage, chemical, oil & gas and pulp & paper plants. In cases where surface water is used as cooling medium the Nijhuis Automatic Tube Cleaning system is the ultimate solution to keep the installation in optimal condition and at the lowest possible costs. The intake water will significantly reduce the efficiency of the heat exchanger because of the fouling and scaling in the water. Research indicates that a fouling layer of only 0.6 mm on heat exchanger tubes reduces the heat transfer efficiency by 34% and increases the power consumption by 21%. Conventional methods like the dosing of chemicals fail to fulfill sustainability and economical goals. Regular manual cleaning requires shut down of the process for some days and biofouling will start to build up with immediate effect. The Automatic Tube Cleaning works continuously without interrupting the processes. Why Nijhuis Automatic Tube Cleaning? The Nijhuis Tube Cleaning system is a unique technology to help customers meet increasingly demanding sustainability requirements. This technology is a simple, robust, chemical free and environment friendly solution to keep heat exchangers working at full capacity, maximizing effective lifetime with the lowest operational costs. Application and working of the system The Nijhuis Automatic Tube Cleaning system comprises a unique Nijhuis 4 way flow diverter and a Nijhuis cleaning set of one brush and two baskets for each tube of the heat exchanger. The flow diverter is positioned in the piping to and from the heat exchanger. It is custom designed for various piping configurations for ease of installation and a pressure drop lower than 0.2 bar. This unique flow diverter allows for periodic flow reversal through the heat exchanger at pre-set times, without reducing or stopping the flow through the heat exchanger and without taking the heat exchanger out of service or interrupting its operation. The Nijhuis Automatic Tube Cleaning system is designed to comply with the specific local aspects such as water flow, water quality, diameter connection of the heat exchanger and the number of tubes. The system is installed as an integral part of the heat exchanger. The Nijhuis Automatic Tube Cleaning system provides a permanent solution to combat scaling and fouling problems by reducing power consumption, minimizing shut downs and maintenance costs. More than 200 customers in several industrial facilities all over the world, are benefitting from the Nijhuis Automatic Tube Cleaning in their heat exchanger as a sustainable solution maximizing heat exchanger performance, extending lifetime whilst maintaining the lowest possible costs.


EVENT CALENDAR SEPTEMBER 8 - 11 15 - 18 21 - 24 22 - 25 26 - 30

Latam Poultry Congress (Quito, Ecuador) Process Expo (Chicago, USA) Polagra Foodtech (Poznan, Poland) Int. Palm Oil Congress (Cartagena, Colombia) WEFTEC (Chicago, USA)

OCTOBER 5 - 9 8 - 10 12 - 13 28 - 29

Agroprodmash (Moscow, Russia) ILDEX EPO (Jakarta, |ndonesia) EWWM (Manchester, UK) Oil & Fat conference (Saint Petersburg, Russia)


Aquatech (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)

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