Nijhuis Industries NEWS Magazine: Edition 6 (March 2016)

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by JulijaPrzepióra Rjabova (Poland), (Russia), FrontFront covercover by Grażyna winner of theofNijhuis Photo Contest 20142015 winner the Nijhuis Photo Contest representing the theme “realizing the value of representing the theme “your eye on water”. (waste)water.


Dear customers, dear business partners, The historic Paris agreement on Climate Change not only set a path for 195 nations to keep temperature rises well below 2 degrees Celsius, but also to combat climate change and unleash actions and investment towards a low carbon, resilient and sustainable future. Climate change already has a major impact in certain geographical regions around the world, however this will grow during the coming decades. During a very interesting workshop, organized to celebrate the recent establishment of Nijhuis Industries in Italy, the impact of climate change in the Mediterranean now and within the next decades was discussed. Parallel to the risk of unexpected flooding, droughts and ongoing desertification, the country is also facing a serious challenge to manage the growing demand for nutrients and changing EU regulations supporting recovery of nitrate, phosphate and calcium. A lot of customers are asking us how we can help them to overcome these challenges and prepare themselves for the future. Besides the rapidly expanding portfolio of proven Nijhuis technologies, systems, solutions and added-value services, we actively invest in developing and introducing game-changing innovations in close cooperation with customers. Innovation is not only helping us to stay-ahead of our competition, it is also the only alternative to help customers anticipate changing requirements, the risks related to climate change, demanding regulations and their strive to continuously lower their life-cycle cost by improving efficiencies and lowering their environmental footprint. The recently introduced Nijhuis i-DOSE technology is a true example of such a game-changing solution, reducing the cost of chemical dosing of pre-treatment equipment by up to 30%. The continuous measurement and monitoring of TOC of the incoming wastewater stream also avoids the investment in additional tank or equalization capacity, reducing CAPEX and OPEX at the same time.


The Nijhuis i-DOSE technology can be integrated into any Nijhuis pretreatment system and is offered as a standard feature in all our new projects since the beginning of this year. Besides sustainable water use we are also focusing on resource recovery. For a lot of our industrial customers investing in wastewater treatment is often a necessity to meet local regulations or corporate guidelines. At Nijhuis Industries we believe that turning your cost center into a profit center is the name of the game. By helping you to turn your cost center into a profit center there is an immediate interest to explore opportunities. The recently introduced Nijhuis Ammonia Recovery is an example of turning your digestate into purified ammonium sulphate with a very promising return on investment, especially in countries where the discharge cost of digestate is rising and the demand for a bio-fertilizer growing. Other examples are the Nijhuis AECOMIXTM-DGF which is maximizing the biogas yield of industrial (waste)water and turning a wastewater treatment plant into a self-sufficient power plant. Another example of a successful carbon harvesting technology is the recently introduced Nijhuis Flotation Fat Recovery technology, maximizing the recovery of fat, oil and grease to be used as biofuel to generate steam, heat or power. Allowing our colleagues to work with you and your teams is not only going to give you access to the wealth of knowledge gained from over 2400 reference sites around the world, but is also an opportunity for us to understand what your goals are. Besides solving your wastewater challenges we are also keen to understand what ‘keeps you awake’ in order to make sure our research & development activities are responding to your immediate needs and requirements. That’s also why we want to be involved as early as possible in projects by offering you our i-CONSULT and i-CONSTRUCT activities, which vary from Water & Energy Audits and flood risk assessment to the detailed construction and design of a new or extended wastewater, reuse facility or waste to value solution. A recent study of ING Bank with the title ‘Too little, Too much’, addressing the diverse challenges of water, clearly showed that the countries prone to water stress make up 57% of the global economy. The majority of water intensive industries are located in countries prone to water stress and in countries already experiencing flooding. At Nijhuis Industries we strive to help you close your water loop and reduce your environmental footprint by reducing, reusing and recovering as much water, energy, nutrients and raw materials as possible. Our global team can be involved in the decision making process to help lower your risks, reduce the total cost of ownership, develop solid solutions in today’s fluid world and address the challenges you, us and the world are facing! Best regards, Menno M. Holterman Chief Executive Officer


REVIEWING THE AQUATECH 2015 Turn cost centers into profit centers with sustainable water use and resource recovery solutions From 3

rd to 6th November 2015, over 18.000 international water professionals came to the Amsterdam RAI for the Aquatech, one of the world’s largest and most important tradeshows for the water and wastewater industry. Four days full of inspiration and innovation, Aquatech is THE water platform to network, exchange ideas and to do business. Visitors came from all over the world to experience the latest developments and meet experts from different disciplines. Nijhuis Industries participated with a stand of 180 m2, presentations on different platforms, “game-changing” innovations, modular solutions and the Nijhuis i-PARTY where visitors could enjoy a glass of specially craft brewed Nijhuis (Green) Beer.

More than ever customers are looking for ways to extend the life-time of their (waste)water infrastructure, particularly in the current vibrant economic environment. Today’s fluid world requires even more flexible and solid solutions. During the 25th edition of the Aquatech and 3rd edition of the Amsterdam International Water Week, there was a unique opportunity to see the Nijhuis game-changing solutions for sustainable water use, resource recovery and i-SERVICES, and help turn (waste)water from a cost centre into a profit centre. The following innovations were succesfully introduced during the Aquatech: Sustainable water use solutions: 1. Intelligent Containerized Flotation (ICF) - treating 120 m3/hr in a 20 feet container. 2. i-DOSE - reduce up to 30% of wastewater chemical consumption costs. 3. Intelligent High Rate Flotation (IHRF) - the most effective pre-treatment for seawater. 4. Ozone Solutions (Q-SYSTEM) - the most effective chemical free disinfectant. Resource recovery solutions: 1. AECOMIXTM-DGF - turn your (waste)water treatment plant into a power plant. 2. Flotation Fat Recovery (FFRS) - turn your flotation fat into biofuel. 3. Ammonia Recovery (NAR) - turn your digestate into a bio-based fertilizer. 4. GENIAAL - turn your manure into a bio-based fertilizer and clean water.

Besides the innovations and the successful Nijhuis i-PARTY, visitors also gained knowledge from the Nijhuis specialists during several presentations at the Industrial User Experience (IUE) and Amsterdam International Water Week (AIWW) platform. During the IUE, Eddie Broeders presented the Nijhuis vision to comply to the highest wastewater standards in the Oil & Gas industry. While Wouter van Betuw shared practical knowledge on how to optimize anaerobic operations by recovery of ammonia in the food & beverage industry. During the AIWW, Nijhuis presented their scientific knowledge and practical experience about their innovative Intelligent High Rate Flotation, Fat Recovery of flotation sludge, ammonia recovery and AECOMIX-DGFTM (anaerobic solid-separation technology). This year’s successful participation has shown again that our growth strategy and game-changing innovations play an important role in the global water industry, as a response towards a greener economy in today’s fluid world! Steven Nieuwboer - Marketing Officer


INTELLIGENT CONTAINERIZED FLOTATION, TYPE ICF Treating 120 m3/hr of wastewater in a 20 feet container Industrial and municipal customers are continuously searching for solutions to meet their sustainability requirements. Such requirements include lowering their environmental footprint, maximizing the combination of productivity with energy efficiency, and creating the most beneficial total life-cycle costs.


For decades the Nijhuis Dissolved Air Flotation technology has been known as the most robust and best DAF technology available on the global market. However, in response to variations in industrial activity and customers’ requirements to quickly and efficiently relocate production facilities, Nijhuis has redesigned their DAF concept. The result is an even more efficient system than before. Located within a high cube container, the revolutionary and innovative Intelligent Containerized (Flocculation-)Flotation system allows customers to achieve environmental compliance within a very limited time scale and footprint.


The Nijhuis Intelligent Dissolved Air Flotation (i-DAF) system is based on the Nijhuis innovative and intelligent aeration system (i-AIRATION) which forms fine air bubbles for the separation of particles.


• • • • • • • • • •

Modular pre-treatment for industrial and municipal applications. Fastest possible Dissolved Air Flotation technology solution in case of an emergency. Also available as a temporary rental solution. Nijhuis ICF 120 is a revolutionary next generation wastewater solution for 120 m3/hr in a 20” high cube container. Proven and robust flocculation-flotation technology to ensure production stability and water treatment continuity. Flexible modular solution based on a ‘plug and play’ principle. Remote control and monitoring by NI-Connect. Reduced installation and commissioning time. Simplify permitting procedures. Reduce up to 30% chemical consumption costs - Nijhuis i-DOSE.

INTELLIGENT DOSING CONTROL, TYPE i-DOSE Reduce up to 30% of wastewater chemical consumption costs To effectively remove solids and COD from wastewater with flocculation-flotation systems, chemical dosing is required. Iron chloride is added to coagulate the water into small particles. By neutralizing and adding a polymer, these small particles grow into larger flocs. These flocs can be separated by using a dissolved air flotation system (DAF). The dosing of chemicals represents the largest part of the yearly operational costs. To meet the consent effluent limits, the designed capacity of the chemical dosage is normally based upon the peak load of COD at the end of each production day. However, the chemical dosage is not designed on the real-time fluctuations of COD in the wastewater. In practice the COD load in the balance tank increases during production hours and decreases during cleaning. By using an intelligent chemical dosing control, the costs for coagulation, flocculation and neutralization (FeCl3, NaOH and polymer) can be substantially reduced.

Nijhuis has designed the “i-DOSE” system to comply with the requirements to optimize the flocculation-flotation process and reduce chemical dosing costs. Nijhuis will take into consideration investment costs, operational costs, local requirements and reliability to offer the most suitable and intelligent chemical dosing control for your wastewater.


New or existing flocculation-flotation systems with; A COD based dosing philosophy combined with a fluctuating COD load.

CUSTOMER BENEFITS • • • • • • • •

Avoid overdosing of chemicals. Reduce chemical consumption costs up to 30%. Better performance of flotation system. Stable effluent concentrations. Real-time control of the production process. Robust measurement system. Reduced balance tank footprint. Reduced chemical sludge production.



Nijhuis to install the first anaerobic IR system for a coffee company - Russia & CIS

In August 2015 Nijhuis Russia & CIS successfully won the contract with Jacobs Rus for a WWTP. Jacobs Rus LLC is part of a newborn Jacobs Douwe Egberts, a global tea and coffee company (for more details visit Jacobs Rus coffee factory near St. Petersburg was built in 2000 as a packing facility, with planned future extension. Since that time, the plant has gone through an intensive development and at the moment it is one of the world’s largest facilities for freeze-dried soluble coffee. Nijhuis will be supplying the first ever anaerobic IR system in Russia, followed by an aerobic treatment system with an activated sludge DAF unit. The AECOMIXTM-IR system is a highly loaded anaerobic system with a minimized footprint. The technology includes a simple and efficient recirculation offering a more compact, robust treatment system. The equipment delivery is scheduled in the middle of 2016 and the start of the WWTP will be expected at the end of 2016.

Newly opened LLC - Russia & CIS

The Nijhuis team in Russia and CIS countries is pleased to announce the establishment of LLC Nijhuis Water Technology. At the end of August, 2015 the legal entity was registered as a Russian company established by Nijhuis Water Technology B.V. Dmitry Molokanov has been appointed as the General Director of the LLC and simultaneously acts as the Head of the Branch; the Branch office and its team will remain unchanged. The current situation in the market has shown that customers prefer to deal with companies registered in the Russian Federation. The foundation of the Russian company gives the opportunity to assist customers with our wide range of Nijhuis design & consultancy services. Russia & CIS customers will gain benefits from the local expanded i-SERVICES programme, for example the delivery of the spare parts, maintenance support and academy training while payments are accepted in local Rubble currency. The i-ACADEMY training can be provided at the Russian office or at the installation for the customer, tailored to the requirements of the audience.



Largest petrochemical company in russia and eastern europe opened WWTP - Russia

In the Russian city of Perm

the water is now cleaner due to the efforts of one of the industrial giants. The “ CJSC Sibur- Chemprom “ plant in Perm is part of one of the largest petrochemical companies in Russia and Eastern Europe. Recently the WWTP successfully started its performance and reached the rated design capacity of 350 m3/hr.

Senior operator Andrey Selivanov can trace the performance of this state-of-the-arte wastewater treatment plant from the control room: “The treatment is fast, and normally takes 10-15 minutes”. Contaminated wastewater first enters into the feed tank of the new WWTP and then passes through the Nijhuis flocculation (PFR 350) and flotation (NPF 350) system. During the day the sludge storage tank accumulates up to 3 tons of sludge for further discharge as waste. General Director of JSC “Sibur-Chemprom” Yugov Constantin: “the installation has a conventional solid design, due to the characteristics, the size, and the depth of processing and treatment, all of these elements create a unique project”. This exceptional facility was built in a relatively short period of time. Only one year passed from the beginning of the project in 2014, until the completion of commissioning. The previous treatment plant consisted of a mechanical treatment only, but today the water is treated with the application of innovative methods. By commissioning the wastewater treatment plant the local industrial hub in Perm has solved one of the global problems. Today, the process water used during production by Sibur is discharged into the Kama river, which is crystal clear. The new plant is built with the expectation of peak loads during the spring floods. Investments in the project amounted to 440 million rubles (which equals to an investment of over € 12 M.). Deputy general director of “SIBUR” in the Perm region Gennady Shilov: “This treatment plant is highly important for the Osentsovskogy industrial cluster. We reduce the risk of environmental contamination with this plant, as you already can see what kind of excellent water comes out the treatment process of this Nijhuis WWTP.” The Nijhuis WWTP removes over 90% of contaminations and will help the factory to reduce the waste discharge by 400 tons. The future plan of SiburChemprom is to launch the next stage of biological treatment, so the company will be able to reuse the treated water in the production cycle. This will greatly minimize the risks of potential pollution to the Kama river.



More than 20,000 m3 wastewater per day is treated by the Azomures WWTP - Europe

In 2014, Nijhuis won the contract to deliver a large turnkey wastewater treatment project for Azomures which is the largest fertilizer producer in Romania, and one of the largest fertilizer producers in Europe. In March 2015, Nijhuis started the civil works of the operator building, clarifier tanks, biological tanks, pumping station and soil improvement. In November, the start-up commenced to lead the Azomures wastewater flow from a 4.5 kilometer pipeline to the Targu Mures site, via a pumping station delivered by Nijhuis. Specially adopted seeding sludge was introduced in November to achieve optimal growth and adaptation of the bacteria in the biological system. The civil works were completed in December 2015. In the coming months, Nijhuis will deliver an i-ACADEMY training programme to the Azomures wastewater treatment plant operators. This on the job training will be given by a team of experienced Nijhuis engineers, , ensuring Azomures receive practical information on key aspects of the system operation. This individual approach and interactive training method provides the best opportunity to share process information and secure a smooth handover of the plant to the operators. The new WWTP will treat all wastewater from Azomures, with an average volumetric capacity of 22,500 m3 wastewater per day. One of the drivers behind this large investment is the ever demanding effluent parameters to be met by Azomures in 2016. The total project, consisting of the modernization of the urea and ammonia installation as well as the wastewater treatment, will be one of the largest and most advanced plants ever built in Romania.

Turnkey WWTP for manufacturer of cosmetic and household cleaning agents - Europe

In 2015 Nijhuis Industries Central Europe has executed a turnkey project located in Bydgoszcz. The Poland Unilever factory is manufacturing cosmetics and household cleaning agents. The entire project consists of obtaining all necessary permits, design according to local standards, all civil and construction works, installation works, delivery and installation of equipment and commissioning. From the technological point of view, the installation is designed with the most state-of-the-art technology, equipment and processes including: • Pre-treatment including Nijhuis DAF, with possible usage of applying 3 different coagulants at the same time which is very important due to the possible change in characteristics of wastewater. • Biological treatment – compact MBBR solution saving space and energy, and also improves reliability. • Polishing step using Nijhuis DAF system with required control including flow, conductivity and turbidity.



WWTP system for Devro Nantong project - Asia Pacific

Nijhuis Industries successfully delivered an innovative and complete WWTP system for Devro. Devro is a multinational company with its headquarters based in Moodiesburn, Scotland. It is one of the world’s leading suppliers of collagen casings for food, used by customers in the production of a wide variety of sausages and other meat products. In order to deliver to the growing Chinese market, Devro has built a new production facility in Nantong, China, to produce collagen casings. This new plant is located in Nantong Economic and Technological Development Area. The total investment of this new plant is about 60 million pounds and the total area is about 55 acres. After this project has been put into production, annual collagen casings capacity will reach 1200 tons each year. Together with Suzhou Environmental Engineering, Nijhuis delivered a state-of-the-art wastewater treatment system to Devro. The wastewater is mainly coming from the hide washing system. The main pollutants are cow hide, washing residue, lime and washing chemicals (ammonium sulfate, citric acid, sodium citrate and alkaline protease). The installation was designed to treat 189 m3/day of highly polluted washing wastewater. The system consists of the following: drum screen, coagulant/flocculation, flotation, a continuous biological system, filter press and decanter centrifuge. Nijhuis has provided all the key equipment as well as the installation and commissioning requirements. The plant has now been commissioned and successfully brought into operation. Scope of supply To achieve the local discharge requirements, the wastewater enters into a Nijhuis NTF drum filter, using a unique and simple combination of rotation and gravity to separate solid particals. After the NTF, the water flows into a balance tank by gravity to control the pH. After the flocculator the wastewater enters the Nijhuis GDF flotation unit, where the solid particals will float to the surface and automatically be removed by a scraper mechanism. The continuous biological system has an aeration tank and an activated sludge flotation. The biological treatment system removes dissolved organic pollutants to meet the local requirement of COD and BOD, and finally the water will flow through an MBR system. A chamber filter press and decanter centrifuge will dewater the sludge from the DAF and biological treatment system, to reduce the sludge discharge costs.



Nijhuis selected by Sugar Creek to deliver a WWTP - USA

While leading the way in quality food manufacturing, Sugar Creek Packing Company (SugarCreek) is also setting a high standard for environmental sustainability and sustainable water use. The company has been awarded as Food Engineering’s plant of the year. Food Engineering is the industry’s preferred publication serving the $630 billion food and beverage manufacturing market. The 435,000-sq.-ft. Sugar Creek plant features SQF Level 3 certification and modern automation systems. The facility includes a complete and robust wastewater treatment system to treat all of the facilities process wastewater of 300,000 gal/d (1.135 m3/d). Discharging treated effluent with pollutant levels well below the local publically owned treatment works (POTWs) limits (BOD ≤ 300 mg/L, TSS ≤ 300 mg/L, O&G ≤ 100 mg/L, Ammonia ≤ 25 mg/L). Sugar Creek selected Nijhuis Water Technology Inc. to provide a complete turnkey wastewater system capable of treating wastewater from any combination of production lines (present and future) at their Cambridge City facility. Nijhuis was selected due to its long history of wastewater treatment, application knowledge, extensive reference list (particularly in the meat processing industry), and the ability to deliver an automated, integrated, and complete wastewater treatment system.

The first biogas installation in West Africa to connect to the grid - Africa

FasoBiogaz is a renewable energy company based in West Africa. Their first biogas plant is located in Ouagadougou, transforming waste

from a brewery and slaughterhouse into electricity and fertilizer. In November 2015 the CHP (Combined Heat and Power unit) produced its first electricity for internal use; as of 4th of January 2016 it was also connected to the grid.

The AECOMIXTM lagoon digester has an innovative design and is a suitable alternative for a round concrete or steel digester. The rectangular digester has been covered with a double foil biogas membrane and fitted with submersible electrical mixers. Due to the large storage of biogas under the double foil membrane, the plant has sufficient flexibility to absorb different loads. The installation can both supply surplus electricity to the national grid or directly to surrounding clients.



Treating wastewater of more than 65,000 pigs - Latin America

AgroSuper, one of the most important food companies in the Food industry in Chile has awarded Nijhuis with an order to upgrade the WWTP of the Valdebenito site. The plant will treat the wastewater produced by a farm with more than 65,000 pigs, and will be expanded to 150.000 pigs in the near future. The plant consists of pre-treatment and biological treatment steps, which will produce an effluent complying with strict local regulations and AgroSuper´s high quality standards. Nijhuis GLocal network - Latin America

Effective January 1st 2016, Mauricio Alvarez Jara is appointed Regional Sales Manager in Latin America.

Mauricio is a Chemical Engineer with more than 23 years of professional experience. He began his career in 1992 as a Process & Sales Engineer in Latin America, focused on designing and implementing projects for industrial wastewater treatment. Mauricio has also played technical and commercial roles at first level international companies, where he has been exposed to different technologies in the high-purity and industrial wastewater treatment and reuse sectors. Mauricio is very optimistic about the potential business with existing and new customers. “There is a lot of potential growth for our customers in the region. From this they can expand their pre-treatment and biological treatment systems to meet local sustainability requirements and to reduce, reuse and recover water and waste. With more than 100 Nijhuis references in the Latin American market, I will intensify the relationship with existing customers. New customers will also gain benefits from our expanded range of sustainable water use solutions, resource recovery solutions and i-SERVICES.”

Nijhuis GLocal network - Middle East

Effective 1 February 2016, Peter Brechtelsbauer is appointed

Regional Managing Director Middle East, Africa and Indian subcontinent to establish our local presence by founding ‘Nijhuis Middle East Africa Water Treatment & Trading LLC’ in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. In this role Peter will lead the Nijhuis Industries Sales & Service Center and a.o. focus on developing even closer relationships with our customers in the region, benefitting from recent successes, start-up and commissioning of plants. Besides bringing a wealth of knowledge and contacts in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, Peter also has a thorough understanding of the industrial water and wastewater treatment market and technologies, which will help customers leading the way to sustainable water use.


SUSTAINABLE BREWERY CONCEPT How to reduce, reuse and recover water and resources? Water is a critical resource in the brewery market where increasingly demanding environmental requirements have given rise to new technologies and working practices to create a more sustainable way of operating breweries. With solid and smart solutions for sustainable water use and resource recovery, Nijhuis helps to turn a cost center into a profit center to meet the increasingly demanding sustainability requirements, lower the environmental footprint, combine productivity and energy efficiency and reduce life cycle cost at the same time. The challenges in the brewery market typically concerns: • reduce the water intake from wells or municipalities and reduce wastewater discharge costs. • reuse wastewater for process cleaning purposes and reuse process water from pasteurization lines and cooling water towers. •

recover resources to use them as an energy source, heat source or sell them as fertilizer.

The Nijhuis sustainable brewery concept shows all incoming and outgoing utilities regarding water, energy, co2 and heat to meet the sustainability requirements.

CO2 Heat

up to 20% savings


up to 20% savings

Brewery plant

Fresh water intake up to 50% savings

To reuse wastewater for irrigation, CIP (cleaning in place) and reduce the water intake, sand filtration and carbon filtration technologies can be applied to achieve the sustainability requirements. A sand filter (Nijhuis CSF) removes particles from the wastewater, as a carbon filtration (Nijhuis CarboPure) absorbs organic substances by the Nijhuis activated carbon. For clean water streams, membrane separation and UV disinfection (NUV) processes can be applied. To disinfect the remaining water, ozone technology (Nijhuis ozone Q and X series) offers the most efficient, safe and sustainable (chemical free) way to remove the remaining pollution and harmful organic substances.

Clean water



Recovered water

Wastewater Low strength / High strength

Recovered energy

Wastewater to value Treated effluent from AECOMIXTM

Reuse and disinfection

To recover spent grains, energy, heat and discharge low strength or high strength wastewater, our award winning sustainable anaerobic Nijhuis AECOMIXTM solutions come in a variety of proven options, designing the best solution for every brewery application. The Nijhuis AECOMIXTM can turn your (waste)water into a power plant, reduce the industrial wastewater pollutant load to meet surcharge requirements, or treat industrial wastewater for water recycling. The proper Anaerobic biological treatment technology AECOMIXTM is offering several ECOlogical and ECOnomic benefits, such as lower operational costs and generating energy. The technology is applied to a MIXture of substances in the brewery wastewater.

Water discharge to sewer or river

Process water disinfection

Recovered water

Process water used for pasteurization or sterilization needs to be free of any bacterial activity at any time to guarantee food safety. The presence of heated water and product spills in process water is an ideal environment for bacterial growth. The Nijhuis ozone technology (Nijhuis ozone Q and X series) eliminates bacteria and has the additional advantage that hazardous (not food safe) biocides or chemicals are no longer required in the process. This allows the water to be recycled multiple times, making this the best safe, robust, economic and sustainable technology available. Process water used for cooling towers and heat exchangers is susceptible to pollution and legionella outbreaks and recycle water for heat exchanging. Ozone guarantees a continuous disinfected water system that is safe, sustainable, energy efficient and chemical free.

Intelligent services (i-SERVICES) Smart management of your waste and (waste)water has a great impact on the success of your business to reduce your life-cycle costs, to keep your system at maximum performance and at the lowest possible cost of ownership. Monitoring and control services support you with resolving emergencies and continuously improve the reliability of your plant, optimizing processes, lowering your operational costs and supporting your efforts to increase sustainability at the same time.

Process water Reduce life-cycle costs

Fit for future

Modular prefab solutions Every day, a brewery plant deals with variations in production levels calling for flexibility in the volumes of the wastewater generated from production. Modular plants secure a minimal footprint and can be easily relocated or extended thanks to their modular design. Relocating production facilities and anticipating local requirements, changing demands and regulations, a modular design will allow easy expansion or relocation of wastewater utilities. The solution is adjustable to variations in the industrial activity, representing a ‘plug and play’ principle and fit for the future solution.

Recovered heat


Centrate water

Recovered spent grains from filtration system (NTF/NDF system)

Sludge management Sludge disposal costs are a key component in the operational costs of wastewater and waste treatment systems. Dewatering the produced sludge can reduce the disposal costs dramatically and can also recover valuable fertilizers. The sludge management solutions can either be integrated in the total process or offered as a single solution to maximize the value of your sludge. Depending on the local requirements and sludge composition, a dewatering drum (NDF), decanter centrifuge, chamber filter press (NCFP) or belt press will be

Reduced sludge disposal costs

Solid fertilizer


Understand your water and project challenges Why design & consultancy services are the first steps to understand a project Divisional Head i-CONSULT Daniel Kennard about design & consultancy services Valued design advice is the first step to manage the wastewater, process water, energy and heat of industrial and municipal companies. This will help to understand the water and project challenges to achieve their sustainability requirements, as a response towards a greener economy.

The Nijhuis added value services philosophy will cover all the questions, from design to maintenance & plant operation. Starting with tailored design advice, consultancy helps to engineer a competitive build cost, value engineering, and rapid reaction to changes that may require a redesign. Therefore Nijhuis has established a new division, i-CONSULT. Head of Nijhuis Industries i-CONSULT division in the UK Daniel Kennard is answering questions about design and consultancy services within the water and waste industry. Design and consultancy services seems to have an increasing number of interest, what are the current developments for water technology applications? “We have seen a resurgence in the Design & Build (D&B) market, with a number of companies such as sewage treatment organization procuring in


this manner. This has meant that there is a much larger requirement for consultancy design before the project can be priced. With ever tightening environmental regulations in the UK and across Europe, the disposal of wastewater is becoming far more prominent and stringent. ‘Green’ technology, recycling, energy efficiency and minimization of waste is a key driver within the CAPEX now and increasingly critical when considering the OPEX for the life of the equipment. We see that customers are increasingly looking for a single point of responsibility in a project where it can be designed, manufactured, installed and commissioned by one company.” What are the benefits of having a design and consultancy service from a company like Nijhuis Industries? “Early Nijhuis involvement during feasibility and tender stages can be vital to the understanding of a project, concerning all the additional project stages until realization and the operation of the plant. Understanding the requirements from a buildability, engineering, technology, maintain and operate perspective; considerations on the materials; local building regulations and codes of practice, are extremely important and can all have effects on how the project is costed and programmed. Large industrial effluent and AD biogas facilities require considerable infrastructure to consider and as Nijhuis Industries is developing in a global turnkey solution provider, understanding of the risks and pitfalls are vital to reducing any unnecessary risks or exposure of the business.”

How can consultancy services contribute to reduce the life-cycle costs of industrial companies?

What kind of consultancy services are “hot topics” at the moment?

“This can be by simply looking at a company’s discharge permits and arrangements along with the incoming water readings to determine if there are savings to be made. The same can be said for the required energy cost, since reducing the amount of water being treated will save money on not only the incoming water and discharge, but also on the operating costs of the equipment, wear and tear and long term maintenance.”

“We are seeing that water and energy audits are very important at the moment and we are looking to carry out more of these in the UK and then Europe. We have carried out a number of successful audits in the past year, for example the water side, have identified in excess savings of £50,000 (€ 65.000,-) per annum for a food processing company and as a result, they are now working through a plan to save this money. This is a very good example of how we can assist customers with their operations and how we as a solution provider, can add value to their operations.“

Is there a difference between municipal and industrial companies concerning design and consultancy services? “The main difference between municipal and industrial effluent is in the type of effluent you are treating. The municipal customer is generally dealing with mixed human matter along with paper, detergents, surface water (where they are combined) and fats. The industrial customer has more of a refined stream of waste from the process that they are carrying out, therefore the process of treatment and discharge can vary significantly, including the costs. Within the water companies, there is an increasing drive for generally higher standards especially in the treatment for drinking water within the UK and Europe.”

Research & Development

Projects & Engineering

Inspection & Delivery Installation & Manufacturing Commissioning

Design & Consultancy

Design & Consultancy: Nijhuis i-CONSULT

Wastewater & process water CONSULT

Waste & energy CONSULT

Flood risk CONSULT

Design, planning & engineering CONSULT

“Design & consultancy services, Nijhuis i-CONSULT, are vital to understand the challenges in a project” 15

NIJHUIS PHOTO CONTEST 2015 “Your Eye On Water” In 2015, Nijhuis Industries organized an internal Photo Contest were the Nijhuis team was asked to visualize “Your Eye On Water” and what water means to them as an individual. The way we think about water depends on what it means to us as an individual. We all have an “eye” on water, how it contributes to beauty, hope, joy, care, worries, help and life. We received a total donation of € 545,- and Julija Rjabova from our office in Russia is this year’s winner of the contest and she decided to donate the revenue to For 25 years, has been working alongside the network of certified, in-country partners to provide communities in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean access to safe water and sanitation. They have successfully and sustainably improved the lives of more than 3.75 million people. Next to that, the 12 best pictures can be found in the Nijhuis Calendar for 2016. Every month we will share a picture of the “Your eye on Water” Calendar on Twitter and LinkedIn.

“Every month a picture of the ‘Your Eye On Water’ Calendar will be shared on Twitter and LinkedIn”

EVENT CALENDAR MARCH 15 - 17 AquaNederland (Gorinchem, the Netherlands)

APRIL 21 26 - 28

Water Ireland Ecwatech (Moscow, Russia)

MAY 2 - 5 10 - 12 23 - 25 30 - 3 JUNE

Offshore Technology Conference (Houston, USA) Latin-American Poultry and Pork Technical Seminar (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Central-America & Caribbean Poultry Congress (Panama City, Panana) IFAT (Munich, Germany)

Visit us in: Hall A3, Booth A3. 251/350 Editorial Director (CEO) Menno M. Holterman Journal Management & Graphic Design Steven Nieuwboer


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