Reflected Ceiling Plan & Wiring Diagram

Reflected Ceiling Plan

“The primary sense for human beings is the sense of vision.”[1] Without adequate natural and artificial lighting human beings will be lost as “it is critical for our visual perception”[1] of spaces, whilst also having a “considerable influence on the efficiency of our work.”[1] As our subject is a light in a classroom of the Swinburne University AMDC building it should have on average “working hours from 8am-5pm,”[1] therefore having a considerable amount of daylight available. “Daylight is a key factor for pleasant interiors”[1] as it “stimulates the human organism and controls a number of bodily functions.”[1] This is important as “people spend 90% of their time indoors.”[2]
Electrical energy contributors to 28.4% of a buildings energy use, making it the second largest contributer for buildings in the commercial sector. “Daylight reduces the reliance on artificial lighting...reducing the electricity requirement,”[1] therefore making the building more efficient. As the AMDC building, room 504 has adequate natural lighting on its southern facade, a change of lighting zones within the room will ensure artificial and natural lighting do not overlap in spaces along the windows, unlike its current zones of lights.
The main measures of lighting efficiency includes those listed in diagram 1, looking at flux over time, power and area.
A few support readings on efficient lighting have been included to explore steps and requirements for efficient artificial lighting.
‘Light Matters’ and article from Arch Daily explores 7 fundamental steps in making artificial lighting efficient. These include those listed in diagram 2.[3]
Another article on ‘Sustainable Lighting’ from Williams quotes “Artificial lighting can account for up to 15% of a building’s annual electricity use. Use of current lighting technology and designing to minimize the need for artificial lighting can decrease lighting energy use in buildings by 50-70%.”[4]
Diagram 1: Lighting Equations (pg 136, Fuchs, M, Hegger, M, & Stark, T 2008)
1. (Fuchs, M, Hegger, M, & Stark, T 2008)
2. (Roberts 2016)
3. (Schielke 2014)
4. (Williams n.d.)
5. (City of Melbourne n.d.)
The last supporting document is a ‘guide to artificial lighting’ which states “25% of GHG is from the commercial sector and 67% of the average commercial tenants energy cost is due to lighting.”[5] the document also states 2 approaches of “energy conservation” and “energy efficiency” for increased sustainability.[5]
The solution created looks at many factors mentioned in the above readings to provide two definitive outputs of ‘user experience’ and ‘energy saved’ for the AMDC building. These outputs are found by equations which directly relate to the efficiency of light. This solution should work for any light or any room providing the inputs have values in accordance to the light and room conditions. (Inputs: flux, power, time on, distance to table, and number of lights on.)
Overall, “a good level of illumination has a positive effect on our power of vision and efficiency.”[1]
A global warming of 1.5C would have increased risks to health and livelihood, not only for people but for livestock and crops. This temperature shift will not only mean that waterfront cities will be consumed by water, but the quality of food source will deplete leaving thousands in a place of poverty. For me as a farmer and aspiring architect this shift in temperate would change everything I have learnt and know with traditional methods and machines. This will mean creating new paths and ideas, experimenting new things, not knowing if they will change for the better of the near or distant future. We in Australia may not be the largest contributor to this rise in temperature but what we change could be the element that reduced it for the better of the world. Every little bit helps.
The change of zones makes a sustainable effect on the energy consumption and user experience. The new zones have a decrease in power used and the illuminance whilst having an increase in the luminous efficacy. Overall the energy saved is 40% more and the user experience is 56% more than the existing zones with all lights on in the room.
Diagram 2:
7 fundamental Steps for Efficient Artificial Lighting (Schielke 2014)
1. Select an efficient light source
2. Choose efficient and appropriate luminaries
3. Turn lights off if unnecessary
4. Include smart lighting control
5. Design individual zones for expected activities
6. Work with bright interior surfaces
7. Avoid glare and spill light
1. (Fuchs, M, Hegger, M, & Stark, T 2008)
2. (Roberts 2016)
3. (Schielke 2014)
4. (Williams n.d.)
5. (City of Melbourne n.d.)
City of Melbourne n.d., Guide to sustainable office lighting, Department of Sustainability and the Environment, ICLEI and the City of Melbourne, Sustainable Business Practices, viewed 8 May, 2020, <>.
Fuchs, M, Hegger, M, & Stark, T 2008, Energy Manual : Sustainable Architecture, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Basel/Berlin/Boston, viewed 15 May, 2020, Available from: ProQuest Ebook Central.
Glamox - Home, viewed 15 May, 2020, <>.
Roberts, T 2016, We Spend 90% of Our Time Indoors. Says Who?, viewed 15 May, 2020, <>.
Schielke, T 2014, Light Matters: 7 Ways Lighting Can Make Architecture More Sustainable, viewed 8 May, 2020, <>.
Williams n.d., Lighting, viewed 8 May, 2020, < green-building-basics/lighting>.
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