I was interested in Architecture from a young age growing up in a family of builders and engineers. I am forever told to make things practical and build able which is what I would like to pursue in my future of designing. I also have an interest in communication design, designing logos and product packaging for companies. I have worked with Wellwood Walnuts, Pentland Calisthenics College and The Tasty Lyks to create their branding.
My skills consist of practicality of design, technical drawing and detailed aspects of projects. I have an interest in Sustainability and the way we need to design for our future.
I have experience in Rhino, Grasshopper, Revit, Adobe and CAD programs. This experience has been conducted through my High School and University studies being pushed further with every project and idea.
In completing this unit I aim to expand my knowledge of urban design and hybrid structures, enabling a skill that can be bought forward in all of my studies and into future practice. I aim to improve skills in Rhino 3D and Grasshopper by using analysis tools to inform my design decisions.
Team: Kaitlyn McNaughton & Salam Sakbani
Link to A0 poster
Link to Final Presentation Slides
Link to Iteration Animation
Link to Final Video
Link to Google Drive for animations used in the presentation.
To ensure Melbourne becomes more sustainable as it grows and to respond to the challenge of climate change we should slop designing buildings as standalone elements in the urban fabrics. Lack of greenery, solid buildings without enough porosity, overshadowing and noise are some common issues in the design of residential hybrids which can affect the health and wellbeing of citizens. Integrating mixed-use developments or hybrids with urban fabrics is challenging and requires feedback loops across multiple scales of design: from Macro-scale design of building morphology to Micro-scale design of building surfaces (which have a tremendous contribution in the building’s energy consumption, cities’ urban heat island and alteration urban micro-climatic parameters such as temperature, airflow pattern, noise, and smell). These challenges need to be addressed through a holistic design approach to consider “ multi-scalar multi-variable analysis”, to form feedback loops between multiple scales, parts /whole, mass /void and multi-variable data analysis).
In this studio, you will study medium to high-density mixed-use development in Melbourne to critique current approaches to increased urban densification and identify unintended consequences and negative environmental impacts that buildings can cause at various scales.
The studio will start with housing typology studies and assessing the levels of amenity within different typologies by analyzing natural daylighting and human comfort within buildings as well as outside buildings at street level (overshadowing, air quality, building shapes, sizes, heights and relationship with neighboring buildings and streets) to gain a broader understanding of pros and cons of each type. Through case studies, you will investigate the possible impacts that different building typologies can have on internal (building) and external (public) environments. In this studio, you undertake design as a form of research to develop creative thinking processes through generating and testing design options, using computational design tools for performance analysis. (Design Brief/ Studio Overview)
I aim to take the hybrid and sustainability aspects of the brief and break it apart to 3 main topics of focus. The sensory experience, the user experience and integration of programs, functions and ideas.
Sensory aspects that will be focused on are views and sounds. Views to scenery as a positive way of creating a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Sounds, with an attempt to create a harmonized environment for living and working, taking into account the good and bad sounds and using them to influence the design. The User experience is very important especially when creating a hybrid to enable people to interact and use the space in a way that is beneficial to them. User experience at ground level and the public interface will be my focus bringing forward my urban design background and techniques.
Integration and hybrid are very similar, however I am wanting to focus on the integration of macro scale elements such as the sensory and user experience, using performance analysis tools to help guide the process. Integrating residential + ... is part of the design brief and I aim to ingrate other functions creating a space that people want to live in.
Housing Issues globally have changed the way we design, constructing more hybrid buildings to give people opportunities of higher quality of living. Some issues to be developed include affordable housing strategies, quality of living, unit typology, building typology, a sense of community, flexible spaces and sustainable design. Throughout the semester I hope to address some of these issues relating to the broader vision and design brief.
- Unwanted Aspects (Sound of Traffic, View of neighboring building)
- Taste not easy add
- Scenery
- Community
- Different Users (Demographic)
- Change depending on site location
- Public Realm
- Interesting functions combined
- Non-usable space
- Living + ...
- New Spaces
- Interesting programs
The analysis types listed explored the pros and cons of each type and the conditions we would like to achieve for health and wellbeing of living elements. The consequences can be drastic if similar values are not achieved. From unpleasant spaces to unhealthy living and even death can occur. The following studies will cover aspects of solar radiation, sun light hours, shadowing, views to scenery or sky, universal thermal climate index, and pedestrian movement. All data for the proposed site can be found in the ‘Site Analysis’ section of this folio.
Incoming solar radiation is the primary energy source that drives many physical and biological processors on earth, which are key to natural and human activities. For example an area that receives high radiation will not be used often due to burning, increased warmth and harsh direct sunlight. The aim of a radiation analysis in architecture is to minimize high radiation where human activity is prominent. Australia receives much higher values of radiation per day. With 5-6kwh/m2 a day average. This compares to places like Europe, America and Asia with values of 3-4kwh/m2 a day. Solar radiation is great for harnessing of energy, especially in Australia where a large sustainability factor is recognized. (ABC 2015)
Sun light hours or shadowing measures the amount of time the building envelope or ground plane received unobstructed daylight over time. This analysis is usually represented over the summer and winter solstice as the extremes of daylight change in time and position. This type of analysis can prove points of damaging or insufficient daylight impacts of a new building. Sunlight analysis can also be useful for programming and layout of the functions, for example a computer lab does not want full sunlight but a reading workshop will want as much as possible. The minimum recommendation is 1.5 hours of exposure with a high level being 4 hours a day. Sunlight is also important for greenery and the health and growth of plant life. (Aguirre 2021)
Views are important to the health and wellbeing of people. Views to scenery or sky influence peoples decisions to purchase or rent property, overall evaluation the effectiveness of new developments. Looking out of a window to a neighboring building is unpleasant and a breach of privacy. Studies show that “people feel healthier when they live and lookout over scenic areas.” A visual connection to nature, water, green space or sky, has a “positive impact on attention restoration, stress reduction and overall health and wellbeing.” A study in the site analysis section shows apartments for sale and rent in Docklands with a view to water. The results show that people will pay more and are more inclined to have a waterfront view from their home. (Winter 2015) (Elsevier Ltd. 2020)
Universal Thermal Climate Index is the human comfort level. Many factors effect human comfort such as temperature, humidity, wind, solar radiation and sun light exposure. UTCI assesses the outdoor conditions at which people feel the most comfortable. One downside to UTCI analysis is that is does not take into consideration the wind at its perceivable scale. People feel most comfortable in temperatures between 22-27°C and a relative humidity of 40-60%.
(Maplesoft.com n.d.)
The benefit of pedestrian movement analysis enables planning at a human scale. It predicts certain movements, usually along roads and pathways of people. Pedestrian movement analyzes the effectiveness of a developments proximity, especially with the new 20 minute neighborhood concept. Most people feel comfortable walking 10 minutes to basic amenities such as grocery shops, public transport and open green space or parks. Analysis can be completed on new designs to “determine if the design meets operational measures or needs infrastructure improvement which achieve the required levels of customer satisfaction.” (Ghosh n.d.)
Housing typologies is not something that is investigated a lot, especially in Melbourne. Most skyscrapers are podium towers, outer suburbs have six pack housing and the further away you go from the CBD the housing becomes low density detached housing. This study showed me that there are many more typologies that are uncommon in Melbourne. This study was accompanies by radiation analysis and then transformed into hybrid structures using multiple typologies for the one building.
Housing issues in Melbourne consist of the following major points: future housing, sustainability issues, stakeholders, floor plan layouts, guidelines, poor diversity and affordability. These problems could be fixed by environmental analysis, hybrid design, different building typologies and a focus on the users and audience.
The readings ‘This is Hybrid’, “Regenerative Design’ and ‘Why Density’ (See Appendix) explore hybrid living and living in a CBD and how we can increase housing density whilst creating a positive environment for people to live.
Example for different unit sizes, shapes and orientation were developed and tested to see effects of radiation analysis over a year, and days of the winter and summer solstice. These results show where most radiation is within each unit. This could be used to maximize or minimize radiation in each space. Note that radiation is different to light. Light will bounce off surfaces and be delivered throughout most spaces where radiation is seen.
Incoming solar radiation is the primary energy source that drives many physical and biological processors on earth, which are key to natural and human activities. For example an area that receives high radiation will not be used often due to burning, increased warmth and harsh direct sunlight. The aim of a radiation analysis in architecture is to minimize high radiation where human activity is prominent.
The matrix of plans and the yearly analysis is shown to the left. One floor plan was selected from each matrix of room numbers to pursue a large analysis. This further analysis looks at summer and winter solstice radiation, size of the unit and number of rooms. From these tests a singular unit could be collated into a building footprint to see the effects of radiation depending on orientation and location within a whole.
Docklands Drive, Docklands, Victoria, Australia
Residential & ... Development
Living with & After Covid
Views to Scenery
Walk ability
Growing Suburb with High Potential
Focus Areas
• Post Pandemic Design
• Natural Light
• Quality of Living
• Generous Size
Unit Requirements
• Studio
• 1-2 Bedroom
• 2-3 Bedroom
• 3-4 Bedroom
The site is in Docklands Melbourne along the waterfront. This site was chosen for its spectacular views to scenery, being water, green space, and city and its walk ability with many required everyday functions within a short walking distance. The images show the site in its current conditions.
A full site analysis has been included in the appendix for reference.
There is a lack of affordable or subsidized housing in Docklands with only 50 units. As it is a high priced suburb for land values, costs get pushed to the buyers/ owners and renters. Many units are 1-2 bedroom making in not super friendly for growing families that would like to live closer to work in the CBD or Docklands district. Most of the building typologies developed for docklands are podium towers, and as much as they are great for commercial in the podium and high density residential up top are they better for the community? Many buildings have sustainability values and ratings they are designed for, however there is not a great amount of environmental analysis on the ground plane, or an attempt to get better views to scenery, which is abundant in Docklands.
The QR code links to a coggle board to look into the mind map in more detail.
• Energy Source
• Drive biological processes.
• High Radiation spaces will not be used.
• 5-6 kwh/m2 Australia.
• 1.5-4 hours a day of direct light to sustain life.
• Program layout.
• Not enough light is damaging to life.
• Overshadowing of ground plane.
• Shadowing from other buildings.
• Welcoming spaces
• Usable ground interface
• Not good if too high or low
• Health and wellbeing
• Influence buyers decisions
• Positive impact
• Feel like outside.
• 80% great views to scenery
• Other buildings
• Industrial areas
• Hard to achieve great views for all sides of buildings.
• Health and wellbeing
• Great continuity of waterfront network
• Main road frontage
• Currently limited site access as fenced off
• End of street so limited connections
• Vehicle and pedestrian share same movements and access points
The following performance analysis was completed to the site as it currently stands. There are no buildings on site producing a flat slate with lots of natural light. This shows that we have some work to do to combat high radiation on the ground and uncomfortable universal thermal index calculations to how people will feel on the site. Due to it being a vacant block with fencing around it there is no current pedestrian access to the site however there is vehicle and pedestrian shared access along the main and secondary roads. Our vision focused on natural lighting into all interior and ground spaces providing a comfortable and welcoming environment for its users, therefore sunlight hours and radiation analysis will be our focus.
• Space to get rid of kids for a moment
• Communal outdoor space in building
• Minimal Noise
• All weather spaces
• Gym
• Cafes/retail
• Safe opening balcony windows and doors
• Laundry facilities
• Child friendly spaces
• Safety/ Security
• Space to meet other families
• Space to work at home without interruptions
• Groceries
• Open Spaces throughout the building.
• Leisure Activities for common use.
• Work/ Living Concept.
• Safe design for kids. Focus on materiality.
• Outside space
• Pool
• Playground
• Play/meeting space
• Space to learn at home
• Age specific areas
• See other kids
• Leisure Activities in common spaces.
• Cafes
• Toilets
• Inclusive space
• Space to sit
• Shelter from elements
• Reason to visit
• Interactive ground plane.
• Sheltered Space.
• Iconic Feature.
• Street Level Interface
GFA: 13090 m2
Units: 0
Views: Harbour, Park, City
Light: 100%
The site currently is empty with some construction and clearing works happening to get the site ready for development.
GFA: 186,690 m2
Units: 1113-1593
Views: Blocked by own towers
Light: 40%
The image above shows the proposal by MAB and DKO. So far only the left building has had its permit approved.
We have looked into the site proposal by DKO to see the potential they were adding to the site. Currently only one tower has had a permit applied and approved with 195 dwellings. This proposal was not designed for families, so is vastly different from our aim and direction.
• Terraces and open spaces.
• Increased Light In and on building.
• Ground Space for amenities and activities.
• Takes up large block
• Difficult to get light into common space and hallways (Double Loaded Corridors).
• Opens up ground plane for interaction under the building mass
• Allow views from many directions
• Allows for spaces to easily be public/ private
• Doesn’t suit a lot of block types
• Can create segmentation between functions
• A pavilion to connect the two parts of the building in the lower levels.
• Allow great public space
• Easy access.
• Good view
• Multi-use building (Offices and Hypermarket) not Mixed use.
• Two entrance only for each building part.
Building receives between 2-7hkw/m2 a day. This sits well for the site in Australian conditions.
Ground plane receives between 2-7 hours of daylight exposure each day. Three hours minimum is required in public spaces.
Each part of the building at least has one view access to the harbor, the parks, or the public space in the middle.
• Pull back balconies and terraces
• Towers separate functions
• Multiple connections/ circulation
• Building feet
• Full use of site
• Interesting public realm
• Different height towers
• Very Blocky
• Access to green space
• Rotation allows for balconies
• Good view of harbour
• Odd Shapes
• Looks out of place with environment
• Colour vision developed at 8 months and continues to grow until the age of 10.
• Children love and are attracted to bright colours.
• Primary colours.
• Bright colours encourage remembered experience, lessons, knowledge.
• Affect bodily functions, mind and emotions.
• Children are very sensitive to colours.
• Colour is an important tool of expression.
• Create emotional balance, enhance learning, simplify coordination, enhance spirit.
• Colour is a sensory perception.
Colour and its meaning
• Red= danger, aggression, hot water, traffic.
• Blue= creativity, relaxation, comfort, sky, water.
• Yellow= happiness but can cause anger if too harsh, sunshine.
• Orange=enhance critical thinking, sociability, joy.
• Green=health, peace, quiet, nature and life, safety.
• Purple= fragility, elegance, creativity, spiritual.
• Pink=femininity, energy.
(Pancare 2018)
Animation exploring how multiple towers could fit and connect to each other on the site. The QR code links to the video.
Connection To Scenery Post pandemic friendly design Natural light to interior & public spaces
Engaging the sensory experience of users
Connection to waterfront as view, play, attraction. Biggest selling point of the site.
Safe practices. Live and work nearby. Reduce travel.
Light for improved health and wellbeing. Source of Vitamin D
Harness good qualities such as the water and fresh air. Reduce bad qualities such as freeway and industrial sites.
Environmental- Green space, native plants. Social- Connected spaces to get people interacting whilst being covid safe. Economical- Affordable housing options.
To create a family oriented building in Docklands with a focus on Covid safe design whilst allowing natural lighting to all spaces.
“Hybrid system optimized for family living using flexible design for co-living and work requirements of a post COVID world.”
• Living and working
• Diversity of heights, setbacks and orientations
• Water views to be maximized
• Views over adjacent spaces should be maximized while having consideration for the nature of purpose
• Apartment depths should allow for daylight penetration to proposed apartments
• Reduce shadow cast over the parks.
• Docklands drive Street scape should not be dominated by a wall effect
• Appropriate wind conditions and shelter must be provided through a combination of tower position, tower shape, awnings and other architectural elements.
Natural Lighting
Meso Scale
Analysis: All Individual Focus
The mass is influenced by the configuration of units with a push-pull motion. The ground mass is influenced by the ground curves with similar geometry creating a harmonizing environment.
We aim to create flexible spaces to allow working and living from home whilst living with COVID19. The units will be 1-4 bedroom to allow for families to live and work in the city environment. The will be a focus on family sized units however some affordable smaller units will also be scattered throughout.
The ground landscape has similar characteristics to the water, waving in and out on the site. Water and green space allows for people to interact whilst creating a safe environment for children to play.
The skin design will be based around the unit configuration and mass design. A layering slab method will be used to create an interesting and unique facade to the building whilst providing shade and balcony spaces.