C BTRY, 1-38 FA Famity Readiness Group
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From the Commander-
Dear Steel Rain Family,
October was a busy and exciting month in the Land of Morning Catm. Chartie throuqh two major maior rnspectrons insoections at the inspections tne beeinnine beginnin oT Degrnnrng of tne the Lnartte Batterv battery went Battery weni tnrougn through month. Prepanng montn. Readiness Assessment ano and 6,ngaoe and Brigade Preoarinq Tor Preparing for tne Maintenance Keaorness the Marntenance Command lnspectlon Program took a lot of hard work and late nights from primaritv on our Arms Room, many manv of our Soldiers. The inspections focused primarity
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ratihgs in all areas and I am extremety proud of the work that our Sotdiers did to make Chartie Battery successfut.
Our cutminating event of the month was Operation Thunder Storm; a battation ted Fietd Training Exercise (FTX) that gave Chartie Battery the opportunity to live fire 36 rockets. ln preparation for the live fire, our ammo platoon made a midnight run to Camp Humphreys (4 hours south of Camp Casey) and back in the same day in order to pick up the rockets we would be firing. Once again, Chartie Battery led the way for the Battation by firing att of our rockets accuratety, safely, and on time. ln addition to the live fire, we had an opportunity to work directty with 11 Soldiers from the 9th ROK Division which was a great experience for both units. Finatty, the week ended with a Famity Day in Rocket Valley where famity members were given the opportunity to see rockets being fired and observe some of the equipment that our Sotdiers utitize on a daily basis. Overalt, Operation Thunder Storm was a great success and ted to some memorable experiences for att invotved.
We enter the month of November looking to stow down operations for a white. Atthough we do have a Battery FTX ptanned, we atso have a lot of time to retrain"and refit from the hectic schedute that we have endured for the past coupte of months. I ask that you att take a tittte time out to reftect on the btessings you have received in your life and I hope that you have a wonderfut month. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! CPT Mautt
Steel Rain 6
Training, Events and Holidays
Focus Passage Nov 4th
- 7th
o BTRY BBQ and FRG Meeting Nov 5th o
FTX Nov 1 5th _ 18th
Strong Bonds Singtes Retreat Dec Days
1st lrd
off in November
Veterans' Day Weekesld Nev 1 1th - 1?th Warnior Famity Day Nov
Thanksgiving l-lotiday Nov ?5th - Z$th
Ways to Stay Active
5l1A K Run Saturday Nov Regrster
'X3th @ '!CI am
I am @ Flanson Fitness Center
Fcr mcne info call. 73fi-?32?
o 8 Mite Rucksack Chaltenge Saturday Nov 20th @ 1CI am
Registration : 8:30 - 9:30 anr @ Carey Fitness Centsr Brieftrrg: 9:45 arn
o Basketbatl Tournaments Nov. 11-14 and Nov 2&-28
earey Fitness Center Mandatony Coaches Meeting on Nov 4 and Nav '18 @ 6pm
$teet Rain FTX Flightights
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STEEL Famity Day
in the Field Highlights
Taste a Little Bit of Home this Thanksgiving Homemade Mac-n -Cheese:
- 8 ounces macaroni - 4 tablespoons butter - 4 tabtespoons ftour
- 1/4 teaspoon salt - /8 teaspoon pepper, or to taste - 2 cups mitk 1
- 2 cups shredded Sharp Cheddar cheese - 4 az Vetveeta Cheese
- /8 teaspoon of gartic powder, or to taste - paprika, optionat 1
o o
Preparation: Cook macaroni according to package instructions. ln a saucepan, mett butter over medium-tow heat. Stir ftour into the butter untit smooth and bubbty. Stir in satt, pepper and gartic powder. Gradualty add mitk, stirring constantty. Continue to cook, stirring constantly, until thickened. Add cheese and continue to cook and stir untit melted. ln an 8x1O-inch baking dish, atternate tayers of macaroni and cheese sauce. Sprinkte with paprika, if desired. Bake in a preheated 350' oven for 20 minutes, or until hot and bubbty. Serves 6... or one reatty hungry sotdier. You can atso try topping chunks or bacon.
it with bread crumbs or adding ham
Don't want to cook? Oven too smatt? Check these options for your Thanksgiving meat: Warrinrs
[ub's Thanksgiving Suffet: 'l 'lan: - 6prn
51 195
Kids i6-1?): $5.?5 Kids unden 5 ar* f"Rfn
Warri*rs eiub's -l"ake Out Sp*ciat: Full Turkey Dinn*r f*r" E: $75
Turk*y *nd *-{all Dinner fmr E: $89 Reservation and payrnent due Nov ?3'd by 5pm Cat{':73*-?193
Shout Outs We say farewell to the fottowing sotdiers: 55G Gnier
'l[T Talcatt PFC,{Aarlowe 55G tulutler SGT Van Farnel.
56T Kimr Thank y*u atl for your hard work and best of luck in the future!
And we wetcome the fotlowing to the Steel Rain Family: SGT Caok
PV? Oh PV2 Yuo
Congratulations to the following soldiers getting promoted Nov 1st: SGT Bonningt*n to 55G SGT Witlet to 55G PFC Cardoza tei SPC
to SPC Lombardo to PFC
FFC l"lalona PVZ
o Birthday Wishes to: Srtega: !-.lov 03'd e PT Maull; f{cv 04th Claudia Velasco is turning I on Nov Ava Maull fs turnir:g 4 on Nov 8th FFC
PFC Jarres; Nav 'lSth
eol'in Karnes wilt turn 13 orr ].lev 15th PFC
Smith: l'{ov
lvan Dredd Bsmbase is turning 11 on Nov ,t I
Mrs. Alise
Juntti: Nov 25th
PFe Schabacker: Nov 26rh McKenna Willet is turning 5 Nov 28th
All The Extras o Craving some great Mexican food? And no I'm not taking Taco Bet[... check this ptace
out: Fan*h*s GriH and Restaurant Itaevs*n Stati*n, Secul They have RfAt salsa arrd amazing nrargaritas Not to ffientian the fajttas, enehiledas, and s* rnueh mCIre gCI*d stuff
Artittery Quote of the Month '*A battery of ffe{d artill*ry is w*rth
thousand rria;skets. - W'ill'iam Teeurnseh Shern:ayl
Korean Alphabet Conmnants
Learn a tittte Korean: Days
*f the W**k:
&Aonday: Wo[-yo-il Tr":*sd*y : L{wa-yo-i
Wednesday : Soo-yo-it
Thursday : Mok-yo-it
Friday : Kurn-yn-iI Saturday : To-yo-il Sunday: tl-yo-it
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Final Words As atways,
if you have any ideas, quotes, facts, photos or
shout outs to share or are interested in hetping regutarly please email us at: nikkay0S@yahoo.com Nichote. k. ayres@us.army. miI www. facebook. com / steelrai n battery
Thank you PFC Nieman for atl your hetp with the Shout Outs. V/ R, Nikki Ayres 01 0-5850 -2713 C BTRY FRG Leader
Tierra Mautl a1a-7504-2288 Senior Spouse Advisor
Things to look forward to in the coming months: ,. Battation Holiday Farty Battery Hotiday Party ', And a New Year of adventures!