C BTRY, 1.38 FA Famity Readiness Group
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$THffiL RAIN NHWS December 2A1A
From the CommanderDear Steel Rain Famity,
Happy Hotidays and season's greetings from the Land of Mo.rning Catrhi November was a qreat-month-that seemed to just fty by, titeraltv. The Division he]d a NEO exercise that cutminated with a group of spouses getting to take a helicopter ride from Camp Caiev'down' to Cafrp Hilmphreys; our very own Mrs. Fetinb ride on CH-47 Chinook Marshatt eot to enibv hei heticopterl We took ioine time out to enjoy a cookout that was pie-in-the-face not onty fitted with good food, but sorfie Batteiy conducted a action (yes, we have pictures foi you). The -fun week of trainine focdsed on convbv operations and IED threats.
We atso tested"out our cold weather gear as we got our first taste of winter, waking up one morning with everyone's steeping bags covered in frost. 1t onty gets colder from heret I'm sure vou are atl aware of the North Korean artittery firing into the N6rthwest lstands off the coast of the Repubtic of Korea. The Warrior Division continues to maintain its normal state of readiness, prepared to act as directed by ths UNC/CFC/USFK commander. There is no known threat to zlD Families and movement of famity members is not being considered at this time. I want to tatk for a moment about communications and Operational Security (OPSEC). OPSEC, is vitat-to the protection of our Sotdiers; youi loved ones. ln this age of communicationinternet, emai[,'BLOGs, cetl phones etc-it is easier than ever to stav conhected'with our toved ones and friends. Howeve6 the otd-Wortd War ll adaqe, "Loose [ips, sink ships" appties more than ever. There is evidence that seemingty innocent information passed over emait, posted to the web, or spoken over the bhone-bv Soldiers aird Familv members-has been found and bxptoited by the enemy and used against our units and Sotdiers in the Middte'East and other strated'ic locations, sometimes with tragic consequences, There is nothirrg that is "innocent".
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The location of your Soldier, deployment times/dates, photos of his/her base, photos of equipment, talk about how an exercise went, or how vulnerabte or successful our equipment is against
the enemy are att examples of information that must
protected. Simitar information
HAS BEEN EXPLOITED by the enemy. What you say, what you post, and what you emait can effect American troops. Atso, ptease make sure that you are passing atong onty officiat information and not rumors which onty cause our loved ones unneeded stress. Ptease be carefut and do your part to assist us in this important endeavor. Know that EACH OF YOU ARE SOLDIERS lN THIS FIGHT and your support of our Sotdiers, C/1-38th FA, the Army, and our Nation in this mission and being mindful of OPSEC are critical enabters that witt atlow us to be successful in Korea and the Gtobal War on Terror. The countdown to 2011 is atmost over. December is upon us and with onty 14 total working days (six hatf days), we For those of you witt be in the new year before we know who cetebrate Christmas, I hope you enjoy decking your hatts and trimming your trees. Make sure you teave some cookies under the tree for Santa (or do like my daughter and add some carrots for his reindeer). Season's greetings and happy hotidays to you alt! See you next year!!
CPT Mautt Steel Rain 6
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Training, Events and Holidays 210 Fires Brigade Dongdaemun Shopping Trip Dec 11th BN Hotiday Celebration Dec 16th
Hol,iday Hatf-Days Dec 2A-31 BTRY Hotiday Party Dec 22nd
Unit Adopt an Orphan Program Dec 24th Days off in December Christmas Eve Dec 24th NewYears Dec 30-31 New Years Day Jan lst
Ways to Stay Active Warrior Hotiday Battation Level Basketba[[ Tournament Dec. 27 - 3A
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Carey Fitness Center For more info ca[[ and to register your team catt: 732-6776
Skiing at Gangchon Resort Saturday Dec 18th and Sunday Dec 26th
Transportation Fees: Adutts: Sign up
at the
Chitdren(s-12): 515
Hotiday Votteybatl Tournament [Unit Levet] Dec. 26 - 30 Camp Red Ctoud Fitness Center
Mandatory Meeting on Dec 21 at 6pm
& Pie in the Face Highlights
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Area 1 F4m[{dmy Activities
Christmas Dinner with Santa Friday, Dec 24th from 6 - 10 pm @ the Warrior's Ctub Live entertainment and a visit from Santa bearing gifts! Catt 730-1297 for reservations
Christmas Buffet at the Warriors Club: Saturday, Dec 25th from 12 - 9 pm Adutts:
Kids(6-12): 5 S.gS
Chitdren under 5 are FREE!
Daltas Cowboys Cheerteaders witt be at Camp Casey Saturday, Dec 25th 3:00pm @ the USO they witt sign autographs and pose for photo: 7:00pm @ Carey Fitness Center witl be the main performance
New Year Countdown
with the Stars
Friday, Dec 31st , 7:00pm @ the Gateway Ctub
Kids(6-12): 53.95
Chitdren under 5 are FREE! There witl be finger food, door prizes, music, entertainment, part favors, cocktaits and drinks! Dress as your favorite star and get a chance to win up to StSO:
Shout Outs We say farewelt SGT Grove PFC Nieman SGT Hanke PFC Johnston SGTAyres
to the fottowing soldiers:
Virtue Thank you atl for your hard work and best of tuck in the future! SGT
And we welcome the fottowing to the Steet Rain Famity: 2LT Gooding
PV2 Turner PFC Taytor
PW Ketty PFC Duff
Congratulations to the following soldiers who were promoted Der 1st to: SPC Sanfitippo
PV2 Larson
SPC Crissinger
PV2 Lewis
SPC Schabacker
PV2 Keneip
PFC Steete
PFC Hurtado
Birthday Wishes to: SPC Feeney: Dec 2nd
PFC Graham PFC Levy
Rebekah Multer is turning 8 on Dec 9th SSG
Karnes: Dec
Xavier Mautt is turning 3 on Dec
SGTAyres: Dec 14th PFC
Carty: Dec
Jacob Sherburn Jr. is turning 1 on Dec 16th
Jutian Atten is turning 16 Dec 17th Mrs. Clarice Halona: Dec 20th Kirsten Simon is turning 4 on Dec 27th Aiden Wittet is turningZ on Dec 27th
fat tauinifl.
All The
o Love Spicy food? Get off post and go check this place out: Tha{ Orchid Itaewon, Seoul Its the best Thai food I've found in Seout
Located at the far end of the shopping district on the right side, across from Hana Bank and ltaewon Hotel
ArtiLtery Quote of the Month "Artillery adds dignity, to what would otherwise be an ugly brewl" - Frederick the Great, king of Germany, 1740 to 1786
Learn a tittte Korean: MCInths of t["le Year: January : lt-wahl February : Ee-waht March : Sahm-wahl
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Juty : Cheel-wahl
Aprit : Sah-waht
August : Paht-waht
May : Oh-waht
September : Guu-wahl
June : Yu-wahl
October : She-waht
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November : Shib-it-wahl December : Shib-ee-wah[
Final Words
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As always,
if you have any ideas, quotes, facts,
photos or shout outs to share or are interested in hetping regularty please emait us at: nikkay0S@yahoo. com Nichote. k. ayres@us. army. mil www. facebook. com / steelrai n battery
Thank you PFC Wilder and PFC Duff for representing BTRY ahd singing a carol earning the BTRY 5100! You guys are AWESOME!
Last, we hope that everybody has a wonderfu[ hotiday and a happy new years! Be safe! =) V/R, Nikki Ayres 010-5850-2713 C BTRY FRG Leader Tierra Mautl 010-7504-2288 Senior Spouse Advisor
Things to look forward to in the coming months: 1-38th FA Battation Batt St. Barbara's Day