nikki scott graphic product innovation
sustainability and practice ‘the wetlands’ design languages ‘design tool box’ sustainability and practice kamihimo futures ‘future scenario’ design languages ‘semiotics & 24 hours’ design languages ‘gender’ design languages ‘self promotion’ design languages ‘typex’ pariah products sustainability and practice ‘food up front’
the wetlands
The 42 hectare London Wetland Centre is the best urban site in Europe to watch wildlife, an international award winning visitor attraction and a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). This project will be looking at redesigning some of the structures, objects and communication systems at the Wetlands Centre while focusing on the issues of stainability and environmental concerns. I will be working in collaboration with a group of FdA Interior Design students.
Day one at the wetlands I took a photo diary of what I saw, I documented the atmosphere, smells and sounds. I sat down on the ground and imagined being a duck watching us. I watched the trees for rustling and spotted this bird. If you stand by a tree clicking away you only have to wait a moment before a group forms behind you doing the same.
Spot the difference.
One of the many aspects that caught my attention as I was documenting the site was the amount of signs. In particular the number of them and the differences between them all. Some were obviously newer than others but I thought a simple consistancy of font and colour would improve the site dramatically. I also got lost alot so despite the variety of signs, they were not that useful for navigating around the site.
These are a collection of photographs of an existing naviagtion system. The animal foot steps are placed around the site however they are not consistent and seemed to contribute more towards aesthetics than function.
users and comments
what is missing? what would you change?
“The hides are excellent, much better than a lot of the ones inother centres... oh but they aren’t the right height. I think the hides were all made for short people.” “Yes it gets busy but not uncomfortably, there is no need for one way traffic!”
“The ponds my favourite...” “We love the playground the best, it’s themed so she is learning as she plays.” “I’d like to see more things like the pond dipping.” “We come once a month.”
“I don’t think there’s conflict between the quiet watchers and the families, we know to avoid parts and it’s a good thing that they are here” “There’s not enough description of the ducks, epsecially the more exotic ones.”
“When the children come in the holidays, it’s time for the wife and I to go and hibernate�
“I think the centre needs to change the signs. Try explaining to a four year old there’s no polar bears, the sign just has one on it because that’s what the birds would be around in their natural habitat but it’s confusing.” “It’s our first time here, we’ll probably come back.”
“It’s wildlife, we dont expect to be spoon fed.”
1. Discovery Centre 2. Explore Adventure Area 3. Peacock Tower 4. Visitor’s Centre 5. Observatory 6. ReedBeds 7. Pond Zone 8. Main Lake 9. Grazing Marsh 10. Water’s Edge Cafe
This is a photograph of the model of the Wetlands Centre we created as a group. We feel it is important to visualise where and how our design proposal will effect, compliment and live within the environment.
This is the porportions of the current Headley Hide. The ceiling height is 2850mm. The roof is a dome shape. It’s material and structure allows for insects and plants to live and grow ontop of it.
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analysing group research
Our direction
General and “Hide� specific points - Signage confusion - Interaction - Balance between children and watchers - Size of hide - Window height - Attention span of children - Who are our main users
Sustainability - Renewable energy - Solar power - On site materials
User Accessibility
- Defining the space. - Sperating the users - Interior relevant to the users.
Aesthetics - Natural colour swatches - Materials - Traditional vs. Abstract - Specific to bird hides
Structure - Organic Forms - Simple - Functional - Light (Artificial/Natural) - Sound and hieght
Define space for different users e.g famlies and bird watchers. .
“Object� for children, specifically designed to be interactive.
User Accessibility
“Communication system� to create a network between the hides.
How people with disabilities access all areas of the hide
Aesthetics & Structure
We would like to promote harmony between a man made structure and nature , through our design approach. Our ideal approach is to integrate the building with the surroundings of the Wetland Centre. So that it becomes part of a unified and interrelated composition Approach: - A respect for natural materials - Blend into the surroundings - An honest expression of the function
Sustainability & Materials
The sustainable energy sources as alternative power for our proposal we are concidering are Biomass, Wind, Water, Solar and Geothermal. We want as manu aspects of our design to be as sustainable as possible. Below are the different materials and properties we feel our design should incorporate.
Interactive Materials Static non static Shock Absorbing Materials Touchable Textures Colour Smell
Children Orientated
Installation Impact Durabitity/Weather resistance Adaptation to nature Recycled/ Renewable Waste prevention Local Materials
Reflection / Translucence Light Allowance Safety for birds Camouflage the users
Acoustics - sound absorbing For users and birds Temperature - Winter/Summer
our proposal
We want our design direction to create the balance between the two main users of the Wetlands Centre. Our design will appeal to and engage both famlies with children as well as mature bird watchers and solve the issues of conflict between them. We want to create a network between hides to create an interactive community. Aesthetically we are going in the direction of organic shape and form taking our inspiration from our primary research on site from our photographs and sketches. We are aiming to find a balance between functionality and beauty in order to visually satisfy expectations of surroundings and our target audiences. We want the hide to be structurally simple, a honest expression of the function of the building with visual impact and care to not intrude or obstruct the surounding environment.
ideas and development
communication system
It was decided that creating a network between the hides would change the way the public navigate around the significantly. Each hide as well as the observatory and visitors centre would allow the staff and public to communicate about the sightings, in addition to where and when they happen. It would enable the bird watchers to know when and where the sightings occur immediatley therefore giving them the chance to move around the sight to spot them themselfs. From my research I came to the conclusion that the network should be able to be implimented in any design or structure. An interactive interface software would be the most effective. We took inspiration from the website “Twitter� which is already in use by the centre but can only be used by staff and seen by the public with internet access which is problematic in marshland. Therefore having screens and public access and ability to update the site would add a live and exicitng element to the hides.
Creating a network between the hides, the observatory and visitors centre would allow the staff and public to communicate about sightings, take offs and landings etc. It would enable the more experienced as well as first time bird watchers to know when and where the sightings occur immediatley therefore giving them the chance to move around the sight to spot them. It would make it more likely they would see more birds than if they just wandered around the site with no direction. I feel it would be benificial for all the groups of users. It could be an interactive interface software some inspiration from the website “Twitter� which is already in use by the centre but can only be used by staff and seen
by the public with internet access which is problematic in marshland. An interactive map system could be a fun way of showing which areas of the Wetlands Centre certain birds are each day. Inspired by the birds migrational pattern. Each species would have be colour coded and using an interactive whiteboard and key system the user would circle the area in which that particular species was sighted that day. It would be a way of tracking and visualising that could be accessed by all users as well as being visually exciting. I feel the visual aspect of the system and making the user a vital part in the system. The aim with the network would be to provide a system that can be used by all visitors of all ages.
Four main users
School children and Teachers • Engage and educate • Keep larger groups quieter by engaging • Make full use of the site • Encourage return visits outside of school
Families with children • Engage and educate • Guide and infrom • Entertain in areas less aimed at children • Make full use of the site
Intermediate Bird watchers • Provide information at this level • Interaction with others at this level • Simple picture form to memorise • Photographers can share their work
Experienced Bird watchers • Provide less information • Interaction with others at this level • More advanced layout • Photographers can share their work
These “birdbook” profiles are prototypes of a “facebook” imitation application. I want this application to appeal to the older age range that visit the site. I found there to be a gap in the form of information offered that would appeal to children of 12 and up. I think it would engage the user because of it’s familiarity and ease of use. Each species of bird, insect and amphibian that lives and migrates to the wetlands would have a profile that would inform and entertain the user by having the information written from the perspective of that animal and simple and easy to read layout.
These images are stills from the video of the quick prototype of the interface system. It was benficial as a starting point to play with and observe the way in which it would actually work. Simply by drawing out the general idea of each page and then working out the relationships between pages it was easy to see what needed implimented or changed. The video shows the transition from page to page as if you are actually interacting with a touch screen system. From here I could then see what other features needed to be added such as back buttons etc.
It was clear from the comments from the users of the centre that one of the designs had to be aimed at children. The main concern that was voiced was lack of interactive aspects for children around the site as a whole. There are specifically designed areas but nothing that ties it all in or encourages the children to engage in the whole site. This was my starting point for the “object�. So my aim is to create something that will provide both children and their accompaning adult with an interest for all aspects of the site and most importantly make use all the whole site. It should navigate the user around the site as well as engage and inform. Therefore providing entertainment for children in the quieter areas such as hides where there is currently no interactive elements for children that have a short attention span, which is most!
The idea of the “activity scrap book� was developed from an idea I had about having a bird passport inspired by the bird take off and landing times on the wall in the observatory. It would be given to a child when they enter the centre. It would act as a guide through the areas as well an educational activity book. Each area would have puzzles, questions and the animals likely to be found in it on those pages. Once you see a bird, insect etc you colour it in. Facts and stickers would be another aspect I want to incorporate to make it a personalised souvenir in addition to an educational tool. All copies would be produced on recycled paper and using acid free ink. No coloured ink would be use to provide a blank canvas for the user as well as being cost effective.
Mum and her daughter Susie enter the Wetlands Center with their activity book. What’s that? A gold egg! Mark it off in the book!
“Come on mum, I need to find the rest of the eggs and feathers!”
“Hey there’s a gold one in there!”
Mum uses her binoculars to spot birds while Susie finds them in the book. She’s found 5 so far!
“This one looks like a tail feather!”
“There’s still eggs to find over there and we haven’t even gone to the explore park yet!”
“This duck is my favourite! I’ve drawn him
“Who’s that I can see through the grass? He loooks like this one”
and his friends look...”
I believe that these ideas can revive the Wetlands Centre by implementing new and practical ways of interacting with the environment with the navigational and communication elements. The designs will unite and engage the visitors of all ages and encourage them to enjoy the surroundings and the educational experience. The on site materials and solar power source make the designs sustainable which is something that the Wetland’s Centre feels strongly about.  During this project I thought it was important to concentrate on not only creating new design but also working with the aspects already in place at the site. I wanted to end up with two simple design outcomes that could be implimented in any hide or area and used through out the site. I hope that the proposed designs will assist them in realizing their original vision of having nature in an ubran environment. An environment which encourages people of all levels of knowledge and interest to observe, participate and leave the center with memorable experience that will encourage return visits and reccomendations.
“I wanted to end up with two simple design outcomes that could be implimented in any hide design or area and used through out the site.�
developing character profiles Creating a network between the hides changes the way the public navigate around the site. Therefore the public users were my main focus. I created stereo type character profiles based on the people I spoke to on the site in Phase 1. I then storyboarded their user experience of the screens and software determining when, how and why they would use this kind of communication system. The interface now is a simple platform to connect each hide as well as the observatory allowing the staff and public to communicate about the sightings,. It enables the bird watchers to know when and where the sightings occur giving them the chance to spot them themselfs. As well as educate, entertain and provide a digital photo sharing aspect.
After developing the interface for the software in Phase 1 & 2 and with further research and insight into how and why this would be used on site it became obvious a more simple and user friendly lay out would be best suited. I thought it was important to make it cleat that the icons are buttons and for the colour scheme to stay the inkeeping with the wetlands logo. Creating a touch screen keyboard solved the problem of an exterior keyboard in the hide.
These images are prototypes of the touch screen. These were created to visualise the user experience physically and to text height and size. This was done by making a frame out of foamboard, sticking to a white wall and for the purpose of rapid prototyping we projected the software into it. However these images have had the interface photoshoped on because the projection had shadows from our bodies and was not as bright as a real screen would be. This creates a more realistic visual prototype.
I created a scenario for each character profile. in my sketch book This example is of a mother and child’s first visit to the site. They are being guided and informed by the “object” which is the activity scrap book and these elements continues on a digitally interactive platform which is the “communication system” when they use the touch screen in the hide to transfer their recordings of sightings to the database to share.
interior graphics I wanted the activity scrap book and communication software to relate to the interior graphics. I thought that vinyl decals of the line drawings from the book were simple enough not take away from the view, the purpose of being in the hide and the architecture of the interior. Continuing with the theme of user interaction from phase 1 and 2 I decided on having an interactive element on the interior walls as well.
In keeping with the interactive elements in the activity book and software I wanted the interior to reflect this also. There would be small holes at adult and child height where you placed your hand inside to discover for exmaple what a nest feels like inside or what temperature the water in the ducks are in is. Photographis of the model are above and on the next pages.
final prototype Here are photographs of the printed activity scrap book. I printed and bound two copies. One is a blank example and the other has been coloured, stuck and scribbled in. I wanted to have a before and after to show how the book would end up after a day in the hands of a child in the wetlands. I would like to take copies to the wetlands and give them to children to try out and see which parts are more sucessful .
design toolbox
shake a brain
Lucky eight ball style brain. Shake the brain for inspiration. For designers stuck for ideas when giving a brief. It will give you a scenario such as “imagine you live under water” or “you are five years old”. It will give you a command or place to go for inspiration. “ask your gran” or “take a shower”.
dental pack
A coffin for the tooth that gets taken out by dentist.
needless needles.
jet extractors work with a power source, such as a compressed gas, which pulls the blood out into a sterile chamber at a velocity high enough to penetrate the skin.
b l o o t n g i es
d y M
h e v a h t o n s e o It d p o e p e h t , d a e Inst y t i n u m m o c a s i It The brief was to create a ‘Design Toolbox’. “A way of rationalising the design process and provide tools to further design work. It should be a collection of methods and techniques. It should serve as a guide and a framework for you and other designers.” My design toolbox is not a box. It does not have hammers and nails. Instead, the people are the tools. It is a community. We have participated in group discussion and played the post-it note mind map generation game. We know that fresh eyes and different ways of thinking are what keep design interesting. This kind of online community would enable designers of all levels and ages to bounce ideas off each other from all over the world. Opinions, tips, hints, guidelines and views will be shared, valued and even ignored to aid the development of the design process. Each of the sections, stages and topics are designed to un-stick a stuck designer when they are lost in the design process. An interactive mind mapping
application would allow the users to have input on your initial break down of the brief. Giving you the chance to see your ideas and spark topics you might never have thought of alone. The content is written and submitted by designers for designers. The people make it. With out the tools you just have a box. It would become an active community not just a forum. Ideas, opinions and critiques would be valued. There would be no post count, no ranking system. Thus avoiding forum politics and “noob” bashing. A renowned freelance designer would have the same status as an A Level student for example. As peers sat at a round table collaborations and skills exchange is encouraged with areas to upload video tutorials and other pieces of interest. There are sections for ease of navigation such as graphic, interior and fashion etc. However no designer is limited to participate in just one section. Therefore taking away the boundaries set between design disciplines and creating interdisciplinary interaction and connections.
. x o b a t o n s
i x bo
. s l i a n r o s r e m ham . s l o o t e h t e r a ple y. It would become a set of tools not just to help in the design process but also as a designer. Resources, photos and links will be shared, loved and hated. Much like twitter with out the trivia. You as a designer will be relating with people who think like you, think the opposite to you or think in a way you wish you could. The members would be able to post work for critique, mark it as either in progress, finished, sold or for sale etc, and await comments. The design of the site would change monthly with the members voting for their favourite submission. Over all it is a selection of tools to develop your way of thinking, open yourself to different possibilities and ideas you might never have considered by yourself. The reason we are all speaking in turn reflects the nature of this design community allowing everyone to have their voice heard.
This was short live project in conjunction with Ueda Industrial Co. The brief was to find innovative and sustainable uses for Kamihimo, a paper string made from a high recycled paper content and usually used in Japan as a craft material. For this three week project we were given four studio days to familiarise with the product and experiment with the properties, strengths and boundaries of the material. Kamihimo means ‘paper string’ in Japanese. Traditional Japanese ueses include weaved baskets, writing and painting tools, mats both practical and decorative and most commonly newspaper bundle binding. Recently the material has become a popular for crafting. Toys and models
As the product was completely new to us as a material we decided we should test it and prototype it first before design conciderations. We did strength tests by placing 10 cm of each different thickness into boiling, warm and cold water and stiring for 5 minutes. We then used a vice to test the durability. As well as trying different adisives to see which bound two strips of Kamihimo the best.
P240 Sandpaper
Boiling water
using Kamihimo for disposable and recylcable products
I chose to focus my ideas around the objects being disposable and recyclable products. I came up with the idea of sustainable flea & tick collars as most collars have insecticides that are harmful and are plastic. These only last a month before being thrown away. I then looked at other products with a short life. I thought that Kamihimo because of it is durability would make good mobile phone protective covers. When you get a new phone or fancy a new colour you just recycle the old one.
Future scenario and solution. 100 years from now, techology will have taken over... How do we break away from the screen. It is all we see and do. Physical interaction is near to extinction. This was the concept for a presentation on a future scenario where we explained our scenario and then how we would get people to break away from technology and experience physical activities again. We explore how language, the workplace and family would be effected. Rebecca Rebels group would do this by the help of guerilla Guerrilla marketing is unexpected and unconventional; potentially interactive and consumers are targeted in unexpected places. The objective of guerrilla marketing is to create a unique, engaging and thought-provoking concept to generate buzz, and consequently turn viral.
semiology In linguistics, semiotics, also called semiotic studies or semiology, is the study of sign processes (semiosis), or signification and communication, signs and symbols. It is usually divided into the three following branches: Semantics: Relation between signs and the things to which they refer; their denotata Syntactics: Relations among signs in formal structures Pragmatics: Relation between signs and their effects on those (people) who use them
Name, Age Place of birth Family, Likes and dislkes
24 hours
Describe using pictograms, ideograms, rhebuses and all similar devices, 24 hours in your life. It may be an average day or one that stands out in your memory.
This project focused on gender. In pairs we chose to look at a large high street retail chain outlet and document where we could see gender asigned objects, typography, design etc. We chose to focus on Marks and Spencers because we were interetsed in the traditional aspects of the store as well as the contemporary visual language used as they have expanded into other areas. It was evident from the first trip that there was a specific client they are catering for. Graphically there is uniformity through out the store in terms of navigation. However on each floor the colour codes and fonts differed whilst still utilizing a similar style.
clothes gender taxonomy
clothes colour taxonomy
masculine colour
feminine object
feminine colour
masculine object
food correlation taxonomy
typography: food products
orange & bold type on deals and simple convinience food.
playful hand written font and sketched arrows on deserts.
green shades on new items and bold sans serif font.
warm colours on soups & pictures of raw ingredients.
cook books with same helvetica typeface as logo.
These are objects are from the home section. Are they gendered? If they are what gender are they? Are more of them masculine, feminine or perhaps they are genderless? Considering they are for homes that will be inhabited by both males and females, would that suggest that they are neutral?
colour codes
floor plan
sign anaylsis
manequin location
window display trollys & exit
food products have are all brightly coloured. varied use of font and size of type. sectioned and signs in brown and cream. use of sticky labels and cardboard.
type colour
initial observation of the floor layout. Female clothes and all manequins on ground floor. neon green signs for the different sections. mostly pastel colours and similar shades in both the womens and mens sections. male section limited to one floor with the cafe.
5 floors down
food hall
colour codes
2nd floor men
children gendered bedroom products. pinks and white for girls. blues, creams and red for boys. furniture had a feminine layout in the showroom area. technology department small and in the corner of the floor.
These images show the old typeface and new where a complete change over has not been made. the shades of green remain consistent.
our conclusion
Through our various research methods and collaborating whilst navigating around the store we came to various conclusions. Firstly we commented on wether or not certain visual aspects were sucessful in terms of design. We then singled out specific gender boundaries that were visually set by colour or placement etc. It was evident that the store is catered to woman, woman who shop for men and women with family. Specifically the older generation of woman ranging from 45 upwards. This is evident in the style and colour of clothing. The reserved nature of the garments whilst being modern style are practical. In terms of lay out each floor is designed more towards the female for example although there are five floors only one is designated to males.
‘ism’ and ‘phobia’ Using only only the ‘ism’ and ‘phobia’ from the following words define the subjects typographically. Constructivism and Eosophobia.
self promotion
Nikki Scott www.nikkiscottdesign.com nikki_scott@hotmail.co.uk +44 (0) 07515024721
Jane Doe Design Graphic design / Illustration Part time United Kingdom, August 2009 - Present Freelance design for t-shirts, posters, flyers, CD artwork, logos etc. Design assistant for Roger Fuller Graphic design / Assistant Full time Portugal, August 2008 Magazine spread layout, grid layout, classifieds, advert design and layout and general assistant Reference available upon request. Co-owner and designer for Recruit Clothing Graphic design and Apparel Part time United Kingdom, January 2005 - August 2007 Online t-shirt company, illustration and graphic design, accounting and product distribution.
Awards and Credits Layout, advert design and photography contribution ‘Homeowners’ Guide’ Magazine Portugal - September 2008 Edexcel Examination Board Commendation Top 10 exam grade in UK - Graphic Design A Level 2007 Sixth Form ‘Art and design prize’ St George’s School - 2007 Graphic design award for programme and promotion Inter-House Drama Awards, St George’s School - 2007 ‘House Art Captain’ St George’s School - 2006 - 2007 St.Albans & Harpenden Sports Partnership logo competition Commendation for ‘Major Contribution’ - 2007 Programme design competition winner ‘A Midsummer Nights Dream’ Harpenden Town Hall - 2006
Qualifications London College of Communication University of the Arts London BA (hons) Graphic Product Innovation 2008 - 2011 (present) Edinburgh College of Art Foundation Level Art and Design 2007 - 2008 St. Georges VA School Harpenden, Hertfordshire Sixthform - 2007 A Level Graphic Design A Level Fine Art A Level English Literature AS Level History of Art Secondary - 2005 GCSE Fine Art GCSE R.E GCSE Design Technology GCSE Drama GCSE English Literature GCSE Maths GCSE Chemistry, Physics GCSE I.T Double Award
All certificates and references available upon request.
Abilities Digital Mac and Windows operating systems Adobe Photoshop, Indesign & Illustrator CS4 Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel Physical Letterpress, Screenprinting, Monoprinting, Life Drawing and Photography.
Skills and Interests Innovation Collaborative Projects, Ethnography, Visual Grammar, Illustration, Photography, Prototyping, User Centered Design, Visual Theory, Design Languages, Service Design, Design Futures and Sustainability.
Self promotion is essential to any designers sucess and reputation. Not only does online self promotion important to get a name for yourself it is also a powerful and instant way of sharing what you do, how you think and why. Over the last year I have set up accounts with Twitter, Issuu, Myspace and Linkedin. These are the popular online platforms I use to promote and document my design work, photography and keep in contact. I also have two websites. nikkiscottdesign.com is my design and photography portfolio website. It contains selected work from my first and second year as well as self initiated projects. My other website janedoedesign.com is my alter design ego. She mostly does Illustrations, Posters, Flyers, Logos, Layouts and T-Shirt Designs for bands. Therefore the layout and style of the website is designed to appeal to that audience. In contrast nikkiscottdesign.com in minimal and layed out to let my work speak for its self. I find the most sucessful websites are not over designed or complicated to navigate. I also have a blog which is linked to both websites where I post updates of my design work, photography, exhibitions I visit etc.
twitter.com/janedoedesign issuu.com/nikkiscott uk.linkedin.com/in/nikkiscott89 janedoedesign.blogspot.com www.myspace.com/janedoedesign www.janedoedesign.co.uk www.nikkiscottdesign.com
typex tty yyp pex
tinker with each and every instance of widows and orphans in your publications is entirely up to you and your client. A word or even two at the top of a column that belongs with the paragraph at the bottom of the first column looks out of place.The start of a paragraph at the bottom of a column is equally annoying. On the next page if the rest of the sentence continues it can also usually destroy continuity for the reader. Not everyone agrees on what constitutes a orphan and what makes a word a widow
Widows and orphans are those words or short phrases at the end or beginning of paragraphs that are left to sit alone at the top or bottom of a column which are separated from the rest of the paragraph. These widowed and orphaned bits of text can make our stories harder to read and make layouts look unbalanced.
or an orphan. These are words or short phrases at the end paragraphs that are left to sit alone at the to column which are separated from the rest of These widowed and orphaned bits of text ca stories harder to read and our layouts look u instances of dangling words are less trouble or not you choose to tinker with each and ev of widows and orphans in your publications i up to you and your client. Some examples o that often need attention: A word or two at t that belongs with the paragraph at the botto looks out of place.The start of a paragraph a
In language, a diphthong is a gliding vowel sound normally represented by two adjacent vowels. In typography, some diphthongs are represented by a single ligature character.
pariah products Research a product/object which has pariah status, meaning one which partially performs or fulfils a function but always annoys for a variety of reasons.
bathroom hand dryer
function Yes functions Alternative uses: Dry clothes, hair and face. Sweat patches. Hand heater Saves you from using a towel. Disguise noises
expectation Dry hands
failing Slow, too hot, Strength, hygene. not enough time, pressure, surface aea too small, on/off auto confusion, cannot see how long/how much time you have to dry.
Industrial. Looks like Eventually drys hands. Spreads remaining bacteria a toilet cistern. due to heat. Universal, saves the use of towels
competitions xelerator, longer different nozzle placment, design air blade
White, metalic to fit fan nozzle for air association with direction and heater, hyegen and hospitals pertrudes out of the wall blue logo/font
multiple user dryer Motion sensor activated leds. Interactive and fun to use. All heights and sizes. Cold air and no need to touch any surface for hygenic purposes. Stand alone for acess or wall panel for smaller rooms.
chopping board
Yes functions. Provides hard surface Protects the table undernearth
Protect table Solid Does not move when you are cutting Food slides off
Heavy Food slides off all over the place no control Only good for first process
success Provides area for cutting and organising Protects tables Rarely moves or slides
archetype competitions Block Classic wooden Square or round Chunky
Plastic Foldable ‘V’ shape boards
colour Wooden White Black All kitchen colour trends
affordance Chunky block Thick Lays flat
chopping board + strainer = bowl
blender/smoothie maker
Yes functions. Blends fruit, nuts, hard and soft. Different speeds Cleanable Pours well Dismantles easily
Blend fruit and/or veg into drinkable consistancy
Large quantity always made. Lots of parts to clean. Takes up space in kitchen. Hard to clean inside under blade. Bulky.
success Blends food. Large amounts. Quick and easy.
archetype competitions Industrail Sterile Appliance Classic Jug like
Hand blender Slim line blenders Smoothie makers with nozzle for pouring Juicers
colour Steel White Classic kitchen or current trend colours
affordance Bulky bottom for the mecanical parts. Pourable detached jug. Large base aread Usually 3 seperate parts Plug to wall
blender + glass = smoothie
food up front. nikki scott
what The One Pot Pledge速 is an exciting new grow your own campaign from leading gardening charity Garden Organic. Their aim is to get 30,000 people who have never grown anything before to give growing a go. The pledge is as simple as that. They want the public to be aware that growing your own food can be fun as well as emphasising the quality of taste and the health benefits because you wont be adding harmful chemicals and pesticides onto your own vegetables.
Garden Organic is the UK’s leading organic growing charity and One pot’s website tells us that they will provide you with all the information and tips to get you and keep you growing. Organic food may seem like a recent phenomenon as in the past few years it has become a recurring topic in the UK media as more of the British public are demanding to know what it is they are actually eating when they purchase premade food. However, Garden Organic has been at the forefront of the organic growing movement for over 50 years and was founded in 1958 by organic pioneer Lawrence D Hills. For a movement over five decades old why have the main supermarkets only recently started giving us the option of organic products. It’s not just vegetables, it is anything grown for our use. Why is there such a stigma surrounding organic grown produce? Surely, the stigma should be around the added chemicals and pesticides that pollute our food aisles, not the most natural process and ingredients. A seed, sunlight, water and care. One Pot Pledge® as the name suggests want the public with out a garden to stop seeing that as a boundary to stop them from enjoying the rewards of home grown food. They say that “you don’t even need a garden, one pot on a window ledge is all you need”
Taste Nothing beats home grown vegetables for flavour - you’ll be astonished how much tastier your potatoes from a pot are when compared to those bought in a supermarket. Health Few people realise how many different pesticides are used to create the ‘perfect’ tomato. Growing your own veg not only lets you chose what you eat – you also decide what chemicals (pesticides, herbicides and fungicides) you DON’T put on your food. Wellbeing As well as the calories burnt when you’re gardening (about half an hour burns off 180), nothing beats a dose of fresh air for a rosy glow – something that no quantity of blusher can imitate! Environment By growing your own salad rather than buying it from the supermarket, you’re reducing your carbon footprint. A pot of home grown salad leaves cuts out all the carbon emissions used to heat the greenhouse, the making of plastic bag to keep it in and the transporting of it to the shop. Stress buster / satisfaction Whether it’s a simple pot of salad leaves or a grow-bag of tomatoes, the process of growing from seed to plant is both relaxing and rewarding. It is also the perfect project to take on with children, introducing them to questions on food and where it comes from.
I recently watched a programme on BBC 2 called "Edible Garden" (in association with The Dig in Campagin) I thought this was a similar concept to One Pot as the woman who owns the garden aims to eat at least one meal a day from the garden throughout the growing season. Alys Fowler is the woman with this amazing garden she says that...
“I garden because I am hungry. Or more precisely because I have a hunger, one that can only be satisfied through soil and satiated through fresh growth.�
who why where
How do you get a pledge from
16-24 year olds?
16-24 Name: Age: Occupation: Flat, house or other: Do you live alone or with people? What are your interests? 4 words that best describe your lifestyle: What social network do you use most? Do you cook? Do you enjoy cooking? What meal do you think you have most often? Do you buy more fresh or frozen foods? Would you say you have a balanced diet? Do you have plants in your home? Do you grow herbs or vegetables? What does your typical weekday include? What does your typical weekend include? Do you exercise regularly? Do you recycle? Does your area provide a service to make it easy to recycle?
analysing We created profiles from the answered questions from the 16 to 24 year olds we interviewed. We stuck them on the wall and anaylised what the people had in common, if they were ‘potentials’, ‘do’ers’ and ‘would not’. We put them in order of age to see there were similar patterns in routine and interests.
further questions I asked Celia again.... Do you buy organically grown food? No. Pesticides and the like were invented so that we could grow more food in less space - better for the economy and the environment. Organic production ENTIRELY undermines this. Makes food more expensive and less readily available. It’s great for a back garden, but not for mass production. Complete this sentence: I would grow my own vegetables if... my student garden wasn’t so horrible. Would you be likely to grow vegetables if someone gave you a pot with seeds all ready to go? Yup. What do you think is the best way of getting 16-24 year olds interested in growing their own food? Telling them that it’s cheaper than going to Tesco, and better for the environment ‘cause it doesn’t have to be delivered by truck etc What hobbies do you have now that require a level of regular commitment? Music, inline hockey, gamezzz -Is this a long term hobbie? if so what kept it going? Passion How long does it normally take to make or break a hobbie? It depends, sometimes it’s an instant thing that then requires an amount of upkeep, but sometimes it takes a while before you start realising that your effort is paying off. -Do your friends do it too? My housemates grow herbs on their windowsills. Actually, one of them grew cannabis in a filing cabinet in his first year, but I’m not sure that counts as a vegetable...
I asked Pat again.. Do you buy organically grown food? (if yes why/if no why?) Yes all the time.... Because it’s free from minging chemicals that you’d find in something like diet coke that I hate! And cos it gives me more diet coke allowance. Seriously... I prefe the taste and dint mind the extra small amount. Complete this sentence: I would grow my own vegetables if... I should grow them I just don’t... Maybe because I haven’t had tin to buy the kit but I have no excuse not for growing them. Would you be likely to grow vegetables if someone gave you a pot with seeds all ready to go? absolutely, this would eliminate the problem in number 2 What do you think is the best way of getting 16-24 year olds interested in growing their own food? doing a ‘taste the difference test’ and showing them how easy and entertaining it can be. What hobbies do you have now that require a level of regular commitment? yoga, football, volleyball & member of French Fancy appreciation society. THey are all long term and I keep it going cos I love doing/playing them. I’m not really a hobbie person, more of sports I would say.. Also skateboarding is a hobby but that’s pretty on and off If previously you said you did grow your own vegetables why did you start/what got you started/interested? In both cases not long at all. I get hooked easily but also if I get hooked on another thing then i get bored of the first hobby. To make a hobby probably only takes one try at it If previously you said you did grow your own vegetables why did you start/what got you started/interested? I have grown Basil! and I love it. I did it when I was at Uni and poor but liked fresh basil in my food so I grew a beast of a basil plant out of the ones from saisburys. I also really want to grow chillies but havent started yet. My dad & gran grow loads of veg and its much tastier than supermarket food so i guess that’s what got me started
I asked Caz again... I sometimes buy organic. The reason being it can get expensive. It’s better to buy seasonal foods. I would try and grow my own veg if it’s the right season. I would always try and grow veg if i had the pot and seeds ready My veg, plants and herbs require small amounts of regular commitment, which is why i enjoy it. Also, running requires commitment otherwise there is just no point. These are long term hobbies. Growing veg is because i enjoy it, it’s self-rewarding, cheap and outside. Running is because i don’t want to be a fatty in the office. I’m generally not the type of person to take up a hobby on a whim, I have to be interested, therefore it takes a long time to break a hobby I grow veg because it gives me something to be interested in and it’s outside. It also takes up relatively little space and is rewarding, i.e I get to eat nicer veg than they sell in the shops I asked Jon again... Do you buy organically grown food? Yes -if yes why/if no why? becuase i think its better for me Complete this sentence: I would grow my own vegetables if... i had a place to grow them Would you be likely to grow vegetables if someone gave you a pot with seeds all ready to go? yes What do you think is the best way of getting 16-24 year olds interested in growing their own food? making them realize that home grown is better money and diet wise
I asked Cara again... Do you buy organically grown food? No I don’t buy my own food. Complete this sentence: I would grow my own vegetables if... it would turn me into a vampire? Would you be likely to grow vegetables if someone gave you a pot with seeds all ready to go? Yes What do you think is the best way of getting 16-24 year olds interested in growing their own food? Getting groups involved or doing it at school first. What hobbies do you have now that require a level of regular commitment? Reading and Art. Is this a long term hobbie? if so what kept it going? If my friends shared the same interest. How long does it normally take to make or break a hobbie? A month, Im not patient
l asked Alastair again... Do you buy organically grown food? Sometimes because it would push me past my budget. I like to think of other factors, so if it’s chickens corn-fed is my preference as they have more normal lifespans even if they don’t get to see the real sun. Complete this sentence: I would grow my own vegetables if I had more time. Would you be likely to grow vegetables if someone gave you a pot with seeds all ready to go? Yes What do you think is the best way of getting 16-24 year olds interested in growing their own food? Well I’m 24 (but not for long) I would say by inviting them to a meal with all home grown ingredients so they can taste how much more tastey it all is.
I asked Lucy again... Do you buy organically grown food? sometimes, its quite expensive I would grow my own vegetables if, 1) i had a garden 2) if i knew how to keep the plants alive and 3) if i could be bothered Would you be likely to grow vegetables if someone gave you a pot with seeds all ready to go? i would give it a try What do you think is the best way of getting 16-24 year olds interested in growing their own food? keep shoving pots with seeds at them all ready and with instructions! What hobbies do you have now that require a level of regular commitment? wakeboarding - if i dont go for a while my muscles KILL the next day Is this a long term hobbie? if so what kept it going? it is going to be - i love it, i bought my own gear making trips cheaper overall How long does it normally take to make or break a hobbie? to make quite quickly because i would know if i liked it or not after a session or two, to break - varies on either injury or lack of interest, could be quick or slow
What hobbies do you have now that require a level of regular commitment? I’m helping to bring a music tent to festivals I’m building an elaborate chess set from Fymo Is this a long term hobbie? if so what kept it going? The promise of being able to enjoy the end product (either a music stage or a game of chess) How long does it normally take to make or break a hobbie? 6 months possibly? If previously you said you did grow your own vegetables why did you start/what got you started/interested? I have grown potatoes, i started because they showed us how to turn old potatoes into new ones in biology and it was really easy. Do your friends do it too? Some, not many. Have they taken an interest because you have? I don’t think so. I’m no trend-setter.
Do you buy organically grown food? Sometimes, more in the past year than I ever have. I had a Vegan diet for a year and was reading a lot of books. Recently though (even though I am no longer vegan just vegetarian) I have been buying more ogranic food as my mum’s best friend has cancer and wants to beat it with her diet. She left a few books about the power of orangic food and the healing power of raw food etc. Complete this sentence: I would grow my own vegetables if... I passed a garden centre that sold all I needed. Would you be likely to grow vegetables if someone gave you a pot with seeds all ready to go? Yes it’s the best platform to test it I think. What do you think is the best way of getting 16-24 year olds interested in growing their own food? That’s why I am doing this project! At the moment I think getting them phsyically involved with events and tasting and playing. What hobbies do you have now that require a level of regular commitment? I suppose online and offline gaming, collecting various music memorabilla and vinyl requires a beady and regular eye on ebay and the commitment to pay for it and make room in my flat... Im not a big hobby person. I tend to fade in and out, love it for a few months and then it gets put to the pack of my priorities over work. Is this a long term hobbie? if so what kept it going? Passion or love for it, Feeling part of something. A community I think is important. How long does it normally take to make or break a hobbie? A month. If previously you said you did grow your own vegetables why did you start/what got you started/interested? My mum always has grown her own herbs even when we lived in flat and now they vegetables have taken over the garden. I think also because it looks impressive in your kitchen! But nothing beats some fresh basil on your pasta! Do your friends do it too? Yes some but not enough. Have they taken an interest because you have? Hopefully they will soon!
I asked Ali again... Do you buy organically grown food? Sometimes, depending on what type food and money. veg and fruit not so much but i always buy meat that is outdoor, free range, or better quaity. I tend to buy veg from local shops who use local spliers. Complete this sentence: I would grow my own vegetables if ... I had the space availble to do so. Would you be likely to grow vegetables if someone gave you a pot with seeds all ready to go? yes What do you think is the best way of getting 16-24 year olds interested in growing their own food? By making it look easy, also would help if they did it as a kid. i like growing veg etc because i enjoy the process. from a seed to something i can eat. that i grew! What hobbies do you have now that require a level of regular commitment? i dont have one. but i guess working at uni is a commitent. How long does it normally take to make or break a hobbie? not long depending on how interested and excited i am in it If previously you said you did grow your own vegetables why did you start/ what got you started/interested? i started growing my veg/herbs a few months ago, i was interested from my mum and dad who grow they own veg, living away from home i felt i wanted to have some fresh veg too. also made easy when visiting the shops lots of plants etc in store. no my friends dont, but im sure they will do sometime in the future. since i have growing things both my sister, brother and boyfriend have got involved.
character profiles
We began as class by indentifying our users through various methods of profiling.We gathered our information using routine timetables, questionaires and interviews. From this we came up with two personas, Nick and Emma From these two personas we came to realize that the mentality and behaviour of the 16-20 range was fairly different to that of someone between the age of 20 to 24. As a class we decided it would be better to focus our idea on one of these personas. We decided to focus on Emma.
After establishing our personas based on the interviews conducted we layed out two large peices of paper one for Nick and one for Emma. We took our ideas from our own brainstorms and added them to post it notes. We then stuck them in different areas on the page depending on where they would fit in to the persons life. The areas were How why where when. We then conectted the ideas with processes and a time line. We swaped person and carried on with this process, then we placed a red dot on the strongest ideas on each page.
f the ood
front The Food Front is an entrepreneurial scheme for young people. As a representative of ‘the food front’ they will grow and sell their own fruit and vegetables, become an active part of their local community, gain and build business experience whilst enjoying and spreading the word of organic goodness. I wanted the food front logo to have a sense of fun and growth. Below is the final logo and on the right is the front cover of the brochure included in the starter pack. We wanted to keep it simple with the emphasis on the people and pots. We thought that ‘Young Enterprise’ would be a perfect sponsor/partner because of the nature of our campaign. We thought that using a tomato as an illustrutive logo would give the food front a visual identity. It can be used as an ‘O’ or a fullstop.
the process
the pack
the paper
f f the ood ront
the food front Registration Form Surname Addres
County D.O.B Telephone E-mail
How is your pesticide tolerance? Like your veggies chemical free?
I would like
Like to know where your food is from?
the food front Well we have a suggestion.
in association with
The Food Front is giving you the opportunity to have fresh organic fruit and vegetables delivered to your door (at less than supermarket prices!) Grown by a young Food Front representative from your area you will also be supporting the youth of your local community! Not only does the food front team grow the produce from home but they can also make use of your unused garden! Rent out a patch to a Food Front representative and reap the benefits of fresh food grown under your control!
Favourite fruit/veg
T.V [ ] Sports [ ] Cooking [ ] Sudoku [ ]
Wordsearch [ ]
Last Name
the food front
Jokes [ ] True stories [ ] Q&A [ ]
d you know? [ ] world news [ ]
in association with
the route
This is a map from the animation we created to explain the users process in the campaign. The red dot is the food front representatives house and the red line shows the route they took around their area. The green houses represent interest in buying the produce the food front representative is offering therefore they now have a better idea of how much they need to grow and which houses to knock on to sell it.
video prototype
produce sales projection january
12 tubs
20 boxes
total sales
recording sales
year 1
produce sales projection january
notes harvest
total sales
produce sales projection january produce
4 5
total sales
the stages
shoots sign up
green tomatoes 6 months 3 orange tomatoes 1 year
red tomatoes 2 years
grow and sell produce as and when it grows to neighbours
sell produce on a regular basis, designated day or assigned time from customer
sell produce, takes requests for amounts or type, record sales and send business projection to area rep regularly
sell produce and take requests for amounts or type and have regular selling days can qualify for rep position in area
apply become a member
sewgrowand earn
ad the word
f y g areandyouveinterested in bu in g from your local repruit ?
display your food front sticker in your window so your rep knows to call when their produce is ready
price comparison
vegetable/fruit typical purchase price expected yield Cucumber
£1.50 a plant
30-40 per plant
£1.50 a plant
3kg a plant
£1.50 a plant
30 per plant
£2.50 seeds
3kg m2
Baby carrots
£1.50 seeds
6kg m2
Leaf salads
£2 per seeds
2 to 6 bags
£1.50 a plant
2kg - 6 plants
£1 - £2
2kg per bush
cost of homegrown av. supermarket cost saving 5p each
£1.10 each
£1.05 per 1
50p a kg
£3.56 a kg
£3.06 a kg
5p each
43p each
38p per 1
83p a kg
£6.62 a kg
£5.79 a kg
25p a kg
£3.30 a kg
33p - £1
£1.47 - 125g
47p - £1.14
£3-£4.50 a kg
£4.36 a kg
£1.36 a kg
50p-£1 a kg
£9.97 a kg
£9.47 a kg
£3.05 a kg
public feedback We decided to set out to get some real verbal feedback from the public. Armed with a flow chart explaining visually the concept and two tomatoes and a camera. Knocking on doors on a tuesday afternoon was not a sucess so we hit the streets instead. Set up camp on Essex Road in Islington, North London and approached the public After we asked a person what they thought we asked them to hold up a tomato for a picture. A green tomato meant the idea was quite there or they did not like it. As a green tomato is not ripe. A red tomato meant that they liked the idea and could see it working as a service.
“Yes I think I would do it, I like to grow flowers with my sisters at home” - Karen
“It sounds lovely. I think the younger the better and then they grow into it and then they could make a business but the interest needs to be there” - Sarah
“Yes I would get involved and buy... At my children’s school they have introduced enterprise schemes before so it would not be a foreign concept to them” - Julie
“Yeah that sounds sweet... 12 and up sounds like a good age to start and then have time to carry it on” - Simon
“I dunno if a kid should do it? Have you seen the kids around here? I think if the kids grow them that’s a good idea but the teacher should sell them” - Mark
“It sounds like a lot of work and children now are used to computer games and it would be such a demand and probably end up discouraging them from liking vegetables” - Margret
“I think it is a good idea but you should be looking at getting 5 to 11 year olds first” - Stacy, Milly and George
“His nursery get them to grow things... so I think there is a novelty of growing something and then being able to eat it. - Katie and Jake
online feedback
Helen Brownlie Love it! My thoughts: 1. Include compost in the starter pack. 2. Perhaps you could include recipe ideas relating to what they’ve got in the veg boxes to encourage people to shop seasonally and continue using the service. 3. Money - I think kids will go for the cash, definitely! 4. You could encourage schools to take up the scheme - each child interested gets a starter pack, the seeds are sown in school and looked after in the school grounds, might get more kids involved. 3. Possible developments could include setting up community vegetable patches or gardens, which the local youth take responsibility for.
Megan Je Brown I think its a good idea and helps those who cant sit still actually something, and makes kids feel proud to veggies to their parents and eat them. Al look after things but kids with not much m who wont help them, they would need he to start it, so maybe include things that w
Jade Wright Yes it would work, however how would you know if they were actually growing them? I bet students would grow vegetable if they got paid for it.... free veg + money = funtown. For younger kids though maybe tickets to go places would be better than money e.g alton towers or something?
Ali Knowles Money for growing… thats a good way to make some pocket money. How much you talking? I’ve got a harvest nearly ready for the picking…
Katie Haukeland i love it, where is my box of equipment? i want to start growing my own veg!
a, gets kids outside, y work and do o bring home their lso teach them to money, or parents elp themselves, will let them?
Tom Osborn In terms of the brief, i like it and could see a market for it (with all my years of expericence obviously) .Combining the market for local independent produce and the selling tactic of getting young people involved is a good one. Have you considered/talked to groups like the beavers/scouts/guides etc? As they probably have a badge for this kind of thing and would have some expericence in getting it to work? In terms of the outline, its nicely presented and well laid out.
James Alec Viney I like this animation video, makes sense and i think it would appeal to quite a few people to different generations especially the younger.
business model
WWW website
youth groups
parents and children food front worker
local residents
food up front
Devoted Food Front website Information for prospective reps and food front worker Information for schools and youth groups Request information packs Live forums and FAQs Blogs, stories, updates
introduction packs Three seperate introduction packs Pack one - Prospective reps Pack two - Schools and youth groups Pack three - Food front applicant
Online Community Monthly Newsletter for all participants including advice, updates,
parents and children Possibility of involving younger children between the ages of 5-9 reps could involve the parents and the children. Parents would be encouraged to help their children out of school. Parents or Guardians may also be encouraged to consider volunteering as a food front rep.
schools and youth groups Youth groups like Scouts, Brownies or Cadets will also be approached with the hope that the project may be able to be incorporated in to their program.
Loc fru
Could adopt the scheme in to their curriculum
Support the program by working alongside the rep in creating an after school activity where children will learn how to grow their own crops.
the roles food front rep A volunteer who will be sourced through promotion or more than likely be one of food up fronts current volunteers. Promote the campaign to schools and youth groups to try and recruit youth workers. Work alongside the schools to either try to place the campaign in to the schools curriculum or introduce it as an after school activity. Encourage the youth workers to consider taking the campaign to their local street Provide support and guidance if to Food Front workers stories etc
food front worker Aged between 12 and 20 years old . Self driven food growers who work in their local community. Sow and grow fruit, flowers and vegetables. Deliver produce to their local community in exchange for cash. Key in spreading the word to their friends or any others interested in the program.
ocal community
cal residents will benefit from a supply of fresh uit of homegrown, organic vegetables.
sum lower than that of chain stores.
eneficial for the elderly or those with busy lives.
ill be supporting local youths in doing something constructive
ther Social connections
our conclusion
I think that this project was sucessful in terms of the process, research and presentation methods we used. We worked well as a team of three and deligated roles evenly.The project really progressed after we spoke to the public and friends provoking discussion and critism of our ideas. From this feedback we got and analysed, it seemed clear that although we believed and the public agreed that the campaign had potential it needed a more supportive structure to work successfully. Most Parents suggested that schools would be an advantage in initiating interest and that although it would be nice
to think that young people would tend to it off of their own back regularly it would also be advantageous to have some means of support to keep them motivated in the long run. I feel that the Food Front would be sucessful as a campagin to get young pepople not only to grow and eat their own fruit and vegetables but encourages others to eat more organic food too. It also teaches you where food comes from and the value of nurturing something and getting a postive result. It can save you and make you money. It could alter your buying behaviour in shops. You will learn to manage and run a small
business and most of all Organic food tastes much better than the chemically treated food from the supermarket! I believe that he Food Front would be a sucessful entrepreneurial scheme for young people. As a representative of the Food Front they will grow and sell their own fruit and vegetables as well become an active part of their local community. Not only would this change thier attitude to fresh organic food in their deit but they would gain and build business experience whilst enjoying and spreading the word of organic goodness.
nikki scott