Niles Senior Center Bi-Monthly Program Guide september & october 2015

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Niles Senior Center Naturally Ac ve

September/October 2015 Bi-Monthly Program Guide 999 Civic Center Drive • Niles, IL 60714 • 847-588-8420 •

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10:00 Social Mahjongg 1:00 Line Dance 1:00 Social Bridge 2:00 Open Computer Lab 5:30 Trivia Night


2 10:00 Flexibility 10:30 Rhythm Band 2:00 Drop-In Table Tennis

3 9:00 All American 9:30 Issues in the News 10:00 Social Mahjongg 10:45 Yoga in Chairs 1:00 Drop-In Ceramics 1:00 Drop-In Woodcarving 2:00 Open Computer Lab

8 10:00 BP Screening 10:00 Choral Group 10:00 ITAC Amplified Phone 10:00 Social Mahjongg 1:00 Line Dance 1:00 Social Bridge 2:00 Open Computer Lab


WOMEN’S TAM GOLF 14 9:00 Drop-In Art 9:30 Using Weights 11:00 Pain Management 1:00 Open Computer Lab 2:00 Drop-In Wii Bowling


10:00 Flexibility 2:00 Drop-In Table Tennis

10 9:00 All American 9:30 Issues in the News 9:30 Matter of Balance 10:00 Social Mahjongg 10:45 Yoga in Chairs 1:00 Drop-In Ceramics 1:00 Drop-In Woodcarving 2:00 Open Computer Lab


11 9:00 Drop in Art 9:00 Will Appointments 9:15 Int Tai Chi 10:30 Beg Tai Chi 12:00 Lite Lunch & Movie Max 12:00 Pinochle Tournament 1:00 Open Computer Lab


18 17 16 15 9:00 AARP Smart Driver’s 9:00 All American 9:00 AARP Smart Driver’s 9:30 Men’s Health & Course 9:30 Issues in the News Course Fitness Group 9:00 Drop in Art 9:30 Matter of Balance 10:00 Flexibility 10:00 Choral Group 9:15 Int Tai Chi 10:00 Let’s Get Plastered 10:30 Rhythm Band 10:00 Social Mahjongg 10:30 Beg Tai Chi 10:00 Social Mahjongg 11:30 Membership 10:30 VIM Meeting & 1:00 Open Computer Lab 10:45 Yoga in Chairs Luncheon Voices of Vision Book 5:00 An Evening with the 1:00 Drop-In Ceramics 1:00 Encore Movie Club Stars 1:00 Drop-In Woodcarving Woman in Gold 1:00 Line Dance 2:00 Open Computer Lab 2:00 Drop-In Table Tennis 1:00 Social Bridge WOMEN’S TAM GOLF 1:30 Book Discussion 2:00 Open Computer Lab HOOKED ON FISHING 3:00 Flu Shots-Target/CVS BIG BEAR, LITTLE BEAR 5:00 Dinner & Movie MEN’S TAM GOLF Woman in Gold TRIP - TEST KITCHEN TOUR 19 SATURDAY 1:00 Veterans Event - Pillars of Honor WWII Memorial


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9:00 Drop-In Art 9:30 Using Weights 10:30 Men’s Club Meeting 11:00 Pain Management 11:30 A Day at the Races Luncheon 1:00 Open Computer Lab 2:00 Drop-In Wii Bowling

4 9:00 Drop in Art 10:30 Tai Chi Demo 11:30 Fall BBQ 1:00 Open Computer Lab



10:00 Flexibility 10:00 SCRAM - Identity Theft 11:30 Game Show Gurus Luncheon 2:00 Drop-In Table Tennis

9:00 All American 9:30 Issues in the News 9:30 Matter of Balance 10:00 Social Mahjongg 10:45 Yoga in Chairs 1:00 Drop-In Ceramics 1:00 Drop-In Woodcarving 2:00 Open Computer Lab TRIP - WHITE FENCE FARM

SUNDAY 27 29 30 TRIP - SECOND CITY 10:00 Choral Group 10:00 Flexibility 10:00 Social Mahjongg 11:00 Get Smart About Your 28 1:00 Line Dance Mouth 9:00 Drop-In Art 1:00 Social Bridge 2:00 Drop-In Table Tennis 9:30 Men’s Club Planning 2:00 Open Computer Lab 9:30 Using Weights 10:00 Flu Shots-Target/CVS 10:45 Women’s Club Planning MEN’S TAM GOLF 11:00 Pain Management 11:30 Women’s Club Meeting 1:00 Open Computer Lab 2:00 Drop-In Wii Bowling




22 10:00 Choral Group 10:00 Social Mahjongg 1:00 Line Dance 1:00 Social Bridge 2:00 Open Computer Lab

9:00 Drop in Art 9:15 Int Tai Chi 10:30 Beg Tai Chi 12:00 Poker Tournament 1:00 Open Computer Lab


Monthly Groups - July through Dec All groups start in July and go through December. Registra on required for all monthly groups Monday-Friday, 9:00am-4:30pm, $0M/$12NM (#8002)

Drop-In Art Mondays & Fridays, 9:00am, $0M/$12NM (#8004)

Social Mahjongg Bring your game and your friends and start a table! Tuesdays, 10:00am, $0M/12NM (#7970) Thursdays, 10:00am, $0M/12NM (#7971)

Social Bridge Tuesdays, 1:00pm, $0M/12NM (#8000)

All American Thursdays, 9:00am, $0M/12NM (#8008)

Drop-In Ceramics Thursdays, 1:00pm, $0M/12NM (#8012)

Drop-In Woodcarving Thursdays, 1:00pm, $0M/12NM (#8010)

Poker Tournament Friday, Sept 25 • 12:00pm Play 7-Card Stud and 5-Card Draw. Cost includes lunch and prizes. $5M/$7.50NM (#8281)

Discussion Groups Issues in the News Thursdays, Sept 3 - 24 • 9:30am Moderator: Arlene Golub Issues for discussion are brought up by class par'cipants, and everyone’s opinion is valued. Join this exci'ng group and open up a world of new ideas! Jul - Dec, $0M/$12NM (#7983) Book Discussion Tuesday, Sept 15 • 1:30pm • FREE Moderator: Judy Schakowsky Books can be picked up at the front desk. (#8283)

Monthly Groups

Men’s Club

Choral Group Choral Director: Ludmyla Turkalo Tuesdays, Sept 8 - 29 • 10:00am $7M/$10.50NM (#8269)

Men’s Club Mee!ng Monday, Sept 21 • 10:30am President: Hank Betka Mee'ng followed by A Day at the Races (see Luncheons) Mee'ng and luncheon $6M/$9NM (#8262)

Men’s Health & Fitness Group Tuesday, Sept 15 •9:30am Moderator: Hank Betka Join the men’s fitness “coffee and...” group. $2M/$3NM To be paid at the door

Niles Rhythm Band 1st & 3rd Wednesdays • 10:30am Do you like to sing? Do you play a musical instrument or would you like to learn? If so, consider joining the Niles Rhythm Band! The Niles Rhythm Band performs at various nursing homes and at senior centers around Niles and the neighboring communi'es, as well as the Men’s and Women’s Clubs. Don’t forget to bring your singing voice! Come join us the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10:30am. There are also free ukulele lessons for those interested. Jul 1 - Dec 16, $0M/$12NM (#7973)

Men’s Club Planning Mee!ng Monday, Sept 28 • 9:30am

Women’s Club Women’s Club Planning Monday, September 28, 10:45am Women’s Club Mee!ng Monday, Sept 28 • 11:30am-2:00pm President: Lois MacAdam Lunch will include an Italian beef sandwich, chips and dessert. Following lunch, enjoy the program “Moon, June, Spoon” by Peggy Mistak. $5M/$7.50NM (#8285)


The Men’s Health & Fitness Group is looking for volleyball players (open to all ages) for co-ed volleyball on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00am to 12:00pm at the Niles Fitness Center. This is free to members of the Niles Fitness Center, otherwise pay as you play at the Fitness Center. $6 Residents/$10 Non-Residents

3 September

Social Cards or Billiards

Pinochle Tournament Friday, Sept 11 • 12:00pm Par'cipate in a 3-handed tournament. Cost includes lunch and prizes. $5M/$7.50NM (#8279)


Art Program


Let’s Get Plastered Thursday, Sept 17 • 10:00am 12:00 pm Inspired by the ar#s#c work of Anton Gaudi, join ar#st Chris#ne Milostan of Milostan Crea#vity and make a mosaic object d’ art for your home or garden. Each par#cipant will make a 7” plaster of paris stone that can be displayed for all to see. All supplies will be provided. Not recommended for individuals on blood thinning medica on as materials have sharp edges. $25M/$30NM (#8301)

Classes AARP Smart Driver’s Course (2 classes) Wednesday, Sept 16 & Friday, Sept 18 • 9:00am-1:00pm Par#cipants must pre-register and a*end both days. There is no final test to pass. Upon comple#on of the course, each a*endee is awarded a cer#ficate. Under Illinois law, those above 55 - whether AARP members or not - qualify for a worthwhile mul#-year auto insurance discount by comple#ng this course. Please check with your insurance company for the exact discount and the correct procedure to obtain it. Studies have shown that fewer fatal and injury-causing crashes and fewer viola#ons occur among drivers who have taken this na#onally-recognized course. To register or for more informa#on, please contact the Senior Center at 847-588-8420. Cost of the course is $15 (AARP members) and $20 (nonAARP members) paid by check on the first day of class (#8268)

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Informa#onal Forum SCRAM - Senior Crime Reduc!on Awareness Measures - Iden!ty The" Wednesday, Sept 23 • 10:00am Program presented by Niles Police Department Learn how to recognize and avoid iden#ty the!. Learn how these scam ar#sts try to steal your iden#ty, how to protect your iden#ty and your loved ones and what to do if you are a vic#m of iden#ty the!. FREE (#8297)


Lite Lunch and Movie: Max (PG 2015 109min) Friday, Sept 11 • 12:00pm A dog that helped US Marines in Afghanistan returns to the U.S. and is adopted by his handler’s family a!er suffering a trauma#c experience.- IMDB Lunch includes: mostaccioli, garlic bread, salad and dessert. $5M/$7.50NM, (#8274) Movie ONLY, FREE (#8275)

Dinner and Movie: Woman in Gold (PG 2015 109min) Tuesday, Sept 15 • 5:00pm Starring: Helen Mirren & Ryan Reynolds Maria Altman sought to regain a world famous pain#ng of her aunt plundered by the Nazis during World War II. She did so not just to regain what was righ&ully hers, but also to obtain some measure of jus#ce for the death, destruc#on, and massive art the! perpetrated by the Nazis. - IMDB $2M/$3NM, (#8276) Movie ONLY, FREE (#8277) Encore Presenta#on, Wednesday, Sept 16 • 1:00pm FREE (#8278)

Health and Wellness Diabe!c Fingers!ck & Health Counseling By appointment only, please contact Brigi+e - $4 fee

Exercise Classes Flexibility (26 sessions) Wednesdays, July 1 - December 23 • 10:00-11:00am Instructor: Brigi e Powidzki, Arthri s Ins tute cer fied Si!ng & standing strengthening with resistance bands. Waiver must be signed prior to class. $10M/$15NM (#7997) (no class 11/11) Using Weights (25 sessions) Mondays, July 6 - December 28 • 9:30-10:30am Instructor: Brigi e Powidzki, Arthri s Ins tute cer fied Si!ng, standing, and use of 1-3lb weights. Waiver must be signed prior to class. $10M/$15NM (#8175) (no class 9/7) Pain Management (25 sessions) Mondays, July 6- December 28 • 11:00am-12:00pm Instructor: Brigi e Powidzki, Arthri s Ins tute cer fied Gentle & therapeu"c exercises and focused relaxa"on to ease pain. Waiver must be signed prior to class. $10M/$15NM (#8176) (no class 9/7) Tai Chi Demo Friday, Sept 4 • 10:30am Instructor: Renee Gatsis, Arthri s Ins tute cer fied Stop in and watch a free Tai Chi demonstra"on. FREE (#8328)

Beginning Tai Chi (7 classes) Fridays, Sept 11 - Oct 23 • 10:30-11:30am Instructor: Renee Gatsis, Arthri s Ins tute cer fied A%er 5, 10, 15 minutes of tai chi, many people report having pain relief, increased balance and a sharper sense of their environment. $35M/$40NM (#8330) Yoga in Chairs (4 classes) Thursdays, Sept 3 - 24 • 10:45-11:45am Instructor: Andrea Lubershane Chair Yoga is a simple, easy and beneficial part of staying in shape. $24M/$29NM (#8271)

ITAC Amplified Phones Tuesday, Sept 8 • 10:00am-12:00pm Try an amplified phone, FREE to those who qualify for the State of Illinois Program. Appointment needed, call (847)588-8420 Ma#er of Balance Thursdays, Sept 10 - Oct 29 • 9:30-11:30am Instructors: Brigi e Powidzki, RN, BSN, & Julene Lavelli, RNC, LCSW, CADC Many older adults experience concerns about falling and may restrict their ac"vi"es. This evidence-based program is designed to improve fall awareness, and increase general ac"vity levels. It will also emphasize prac"cal strategies to lessen the risk of falling. Must have 10 par"cipants to have the class. $15M/$20NM (covers cost of workbook) (#8325) Visually Impaired Mo!vators (VIM) & Voices of Vision Book Club Tuesday, Sept 15, 10:30am-12:30pm Discuss ways to maintain the lifestyle you want in this suppor"ve group, followed by a discussion of the prior month’s book selec"on. Third Tuesday of each month through December $10M/$15NM (#7995) Flu Shots by Target/CVS Tuesday, Sept 15 • 3:00-5:00pm Monday, Sept 28 • 10:00am-12:00pm Saturday, Oct 10 • 9:00am-12:00pm First come, first serve basis. Target/CVS accepts most insurance. Credit cards and checks accepted, no cash. Do You Want to Get Smart About Your Mouth? Wednesday, Sept 30 • 11:00am - 12:30pm Presented by: Oral Health Care America & Wisdom Tooth Project Did you know poor oral hygiene can lead to heart disease? Empower yourself. Come learn informa"on about maintaining your oral health, "ps and tricks to keep your smile healthy and more. All par"cipants in the pre and post test will receive a bag of free oral health supplies. FREE (#8336)

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Intermediate Tai Chi (7 classes) Fridays, Sept 11 - Oct 23 • 9:15-10:15am Instructor: Renee Gatsis, Arthri s Ins tute cer fied *Pre-Requisite – Beginning Tai Chi $35M/$40NM (#8329)

Blood Pressure Screening Tuesday, Sept 8 • 10:00am-12:00pm Walk-In, FREE at the Niles Fitness Center

5 September

Line Dance (4 classes) Tuesdays, Sept 8 - 29 • 1:00-2:00pm Instructor: Fran Strain Enjoy easy-to-learn dance pa+erns in Country, Ballroom, Top 40, La"n, Swing, and more! No partner needed. $10M/$15NM (#8265)

Special Events

6 Special Events • Outdoor Activities

Trivia Night Tuesday, Sept 1 • 5:30-7:30pm Join us in one of the ho!est trends around at all the local pubs. The NSC will be hosting its first Trivia Night. Light refreshments and a glass of wine will be served. Bring a team of your own, or we will gladly place you together to form a team. Prizes will be awarded. $5M/$7.50NM (#8247)

An Evening with the Stars Friday, Sept 18 • Pre-Show Recep%on 5:00-6:00pm Performance 6:00-7:00pm Would you like to par%cipate in more NSC programs but have other commi!ments during the day? We get it and have just the event for you. Please join us for an Evening with the Stars, a new evening program that will showcase the Chicagoland area’s ho!est musicians. We are thrilled to feature Andrew Blomquist, a mul%-talented arist whose rich voice and musical repertoire spans across genres and %me, as our inaugural performer for this program. Please pre-register in person. Ticket price includes: One (1) glass of wine, hors d’oeuvres and performance. Open to anyone 21+. $5M/$7.50NM (#8333)

Men’s & Women’s Golf Leagues You can register for any or all ou%ngs, but due to partner choices, registra%on must be done in person at the NSC. You must register at least one week prior to the ou%ng. If you are registered and cannot make an ou%ng, call us at (847) 588-8420. Lunch at the Senior Center follows Tam ou%ngs.


Men’s Tam Dates All tee %mes begin at 8:00am at Tam Golf Course. Resident $20/Non-Resident $24 Sept 2 (#8061) Sept 30 (#8063)

Sept 16 (#8062) Oct 7 (#8064)

Women’s Tam Dates All tee %mes begin at 8:45am at Tam Golf Course. Resident $18/Non-Resident $22 Sept 4(#8105)

Sept 18 (#8106)

Oct 2 (#8107)

Price: $15 Includes: Bait, Prizes and Lunch Each ou%ng meets on loca%on at 8:00am un%l 2:00pm. Maps are available at the Niles Senior Center. Date - Loca!on Friday, Sept 11 - Big Bear, Li!le Bear (#8337) Hooked on Fishing Banquet Friday, Oct 23 • 2:30-5:00pm Club Casa Cafe • 353 River Road •Des Plaines $16M/$18NM (#8165)

Lunch Includes: Pizza & Salad



Mexican Food Presenta!on/Cooking Demo Wednesday, Oct 7 • 11:30am Looking for ways to add pizazz to your palate and maintain good health? If so, this is the program for you! Village of Niles nurse Brigi*e Powidzki, RN, BSN, will discuss the health benefits of popular foods used in Mexican cooking and Niles Senior Center’s own Marco Aviles will give us a hands-on demonstra on on how to prepare guacamole. A!er the class, we will nibble on homemade tor lla chips and an assortment of healthy (but tasty!) salsas. $5M/$7.50NM (#8309)

Like Water for Chocolate (R-Sexuality 1992, 123 min) Based on the novel by best-selling author Laura Esquivel, Golden Globe nominated Like Water for Chocolate centers around Tita, the youngest daughter in a tradi onal Mexican family. Dutybound to remain single and care for her aging mother, Tita watches in despair as the love of her life marries her elder sister to be closer to her. Heartbroken, Tita turns to cooking to release her emo ons and all those who eat her food experience her anguish and devasta on. Tita takes us on a journey of love, loss, and life in her journey to reconcile tradi on with reality. Meals for both days include: Pork tostados (crunchy flat corn tor llas), cilantro-lime rice, pinto beans, toppings, beverage and dessert. Tuesday, Oct 27• 5:00pm • Dinner & Movie • $5M/$7.50NM (#8310) - Movie Only, FREE (#8311) Wednesday, Oct 28 • 12:00pm •Lite Lunch & Movie • $5M/$7.50 NM (#8312) Movie Only, FREE (#8313)

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Evita (PG 1996, 135 min) Starring Madonna and Antonio Banderas The film adapta on of the hit Broadway musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice stars Madonna in the real-life story of Eva “Evita” Duarte de Peron. Evita rose above childhood poverty and a scandalous past to become the most famous woman in Argen ne history. Her huge poli cal influence and constant charity works earned her scorn and fear from the military and upper classes but adora on and love from the workers and peasants. Evita’s legendary life is displayed before your eyes as the most hated and most beloved woman in Argen na. Meals for both days include: Chicken fajitas, flour tor llas, cilantro-lime rice, black beans, toppings, beverage and dessert. Tuesday, Oct 13• 5:00pm • Dinner & Movie • $5M/$7.50NM (#8305) - Movie Only, FREE (#8306) Wednesday, Oct 14 • 12:00pm • Lite Lunch & Movie • $5M/$7.50 NM (#8307) - Movie Only, FREE (#8308)

Hispanic Heritage Month - October

Hispanic Heritage Month Luncheon Friday, Oct 2 • 11:30am - 2:00pm Come celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with the Niles Senior Center in a cultural fusion celebra on. Our luncheon features Mexican style slow-roasted pork (carnitas) and braised beef (barbacoa) tacos, with your choice of toppings (including homemade salsa), rich Mexican cheeses, and tasty sides. A!erward, enjoy an authen c La n dessert while listening to the tunes of renowned La n jazz band, Orquesta Charangueo. Specializing in charanga, the Cuban dance music of the 1940s made popular by the Bueno Vista Social Club, Orquesta Charangueo is sure to have you dancing the a!ernoon away. $15M/$20NM (#8304)


8 Luncheons

Fall BBQ - Hosted by the Niles Senior Men’s Club Friday, Sept 4 • doors open at 11:00am - 2:00pm Come welcome autumn with a luncheon and the deligh!ul tunes of Junes Got the Cash, a musical duo channeling the great Johnny Cash and June Carter. Pulled pork, grilled chicken breast, baked potato casserole, green beans with bacon, cole slaw, rolls and dessert will be served. Since we will be celebra"ng the season with a Western theme, you are encouraged to dress in your finest cowboy/girl gear. Prizes will be awarded to the best dressed male, female, and couple. Strict deadline for reserved sea"ng is Friday, August 28. A$er this date, you will be seated at an available table. $15M/$20NM (#8250) Membership Luncheon Welcoming New, Present, and Past Members Wednesday, Sept 16 • 11:30am-1:30 pm Enjoy a tasty lunch while interac"ng with members and staff. We will announce upcoming events and programs. We want to hear your vision and ideas regarding the Senior Center. What are some ac"vi"es or programs you want implemented into the program? $1M/$2NM (#8318 )

A Day at the Races Hosted by the Niles Senior Men’s Club Monday, Sept 21 • 11:00am-1:30pm If you missed it last "me, don’t worry because the Carmen Derby is back by popular demand. Enjoy a cold cut sandwich, chips and dessert. A$er lunch, get ready to cheer on your favorite horse! Prizes will be awarded. $6/$9NM (#8262)

Game Show Gurus Luncheon Wednesday, Sept 23 • 11:30am-1:30pm Game Show Gurus is a stand-alone team building and entertainment produc"on company specializing in all forms of game shows for corporate, school, promo"ons and entertainment. The game selected for the luncheon is Trivia Blitz! Let’s dine and have some compe""ve fun! Prizes will be awarded to our big winners! Pasta D’Arte will be catering the event; it is located on the Northwest side of Chicago. They have endless reviews on their website pastadarte. com. Pasta D’Arte has been recommended 3 years in a row by the Michelin Guide and has been on television’s “Check Please!” Come out for a laugh out loud luncheon. $15M/$20NM (#8316)

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Lunch to Benefit…. Niles Historical Society Monday, Oct 5 • 11:30am - 1:00pm or while supplies last. Treat your friends and family to a delicious lunch. All proceeds go to the Niles Historical Society. Lunch includes: hot dog, chips & cookie (pay at the door) for $2. Fred Astaire Presenta"on & Luncheon Wednesday, Oct 21 • 12:00-2:00pm Top Hat & White Tails: The Life & Music of Fred Astaire – Another in the series of music-talk combos, and this features the incredible legendary singer-dancer extraordinaire Fred Astaire! John Boda has been a long "me fan of his and presents his life story with pictures including (silent) video clips of his dancing while he performs the songs of each dance on screen! Many include Ginger Rogers and "meless classics like “Cheek to Cheek”, “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes”, “Night & Day”, and many more! Lunch includes: lasagna, salad, roll and dessert. $9/$14NM (#8296) Octoberfest Luncheon Friday, Oct 23 • 11:30am-2:00pm Join the Niles Senior Center as we welcome Alpine Thunder to perform a lively show of yodeling, schnitzelbank, beer-hall songs and other great German songs for our Oktoberfest! We will feast upon Chicken Schnitzel, German potato salad, veggies and a delicious dessert. You don’t have to be from Germany to celebrate Oktoberfest at the Niles Senior Center. $15M/$20NM (#8322)




Thursday 1 9:00 All American 9:30 Issues in the News 9:30 Matter of Balance


5 9:00 Drop-In Art 9:30 Using Weights 11:00 Pain Management 11:30 Lunch to Benefit 1:00 Open Computer Lab 1:00 Rules of the Road 2:00 Drop-In Wii Bowling 3:00 Getting Your Pics off Your Digital Camera

6 10:00 Choral Group 10:00 Social Mahjongg 10:30 AARP Tek Workshop Tablet Workshop 1:00 Line Dance 1:00 Social Bridge 2:00 Open Computer Lab 2:30 AARP Tek Workshop Tablet Workshop

7 10:00 Flexibility 10:30 Rhythm Band 11:30 Mexican Food Presentation/ Cooking Demo


12 9:00 Drop-In Art 9:30 Using Weights 11:00 Pain Management 1:00 Open Computer Lab 2:00 Drop-In Wii Bowling



Book Club 1:00 Line Dance 1:00 Social Bridge

1:30 Book Discussion 2:00 Open Computer Lab


15 9:00 All American 9:30 Issues in the News 9:30 Matter of Balance

10:00 Social Mahjongg 10:45 Yoga in Chairs 1:00 Drop-In Ceramics 1:00 Drop-In Woodcarving 2:00 Open Computer Lab


21 10:00 Flexibility 10:30 Rhythm Band 12:00 Fred Astaire Presentation & Luncheon 2:00 Drop-In Table Tennis

16 9:00 Drop-In Art 9:00 Walk with the Nurse 9:15 Int Tai Chi 10:30 Beg Tai Chi 1:00 Open Computer Lab

22 9:00 All American 9:30 Issues in the News 9:30 Matter of Balance

10:00 Social Mahjongg 10:45 Yoga in Chairs 1:00 Drop-In Ceramics 1:00 Drop-In Woodcarving 2:00 Open Computer Lab 3:00 Intro to Pinterest

23 9:00 Drop-In Art 9:00 Walk with the Nurse 9:15 Int Tai Chi 10:30 Beg Tai Chi 11:30 Oktoberfest Luncheon 1:00 Open Computer Lab 2:30 Hooked on Fishing Banquet - Club Casa Cafe

26 27 28 29 30 10:00 Social Mahjongg 9:00 Drop-In Art 10:00 Flexibility 9:00 All American 9:00 Drop-In Art 10:00 Choral Group 9:30 Men’s Club Planning 12:00 Lite Lunch & Movie 9:30 Issues in the News 9:00 Walk with the Nurse 1:00 Line Dance 9:30 Matter of Balance 9:15 Int Tai Chi 9:30 Using Weights Like Water for 1:00 Social Bridge 11:00 Pain Management Chocolate 10:00 Social Mahjongg 10:00 SCRAM - Confidence 2:00 Open Computer Lab 10:45 Yoga in Chairs Scams 11:30 Women’s Club 2:00 Drop-In Table Tennis 3:00 Attachments Meeting TRIP -LAMBS FARM1:00 Drop-In Ceramics 10:30 Beg Tai Chi 5:00 Dinner & Movie 1:00 Open Computer Lab FEED MY STARVING 1:00 Drop-In Woodcarving 12:00 Poker Tournament Like Water for 2:00 Drop-In Wii Bowling CHILDREN 2:00 Open Computer Lab 1:00 Open Computer Lab Chocolate 3:00 Mouse 101

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3:00 Intro to Facebook

10:00 Social Mahjongg 10:45 Yoga in Chairs 1:00 Drop-In Ceramics 1:00 Drop-In Woodcarving 2:00 Open Computer Lab 3:00 Email Workshop TRIP -MARRIOTT THEATRE

10:00 AARP Tech 10:00 Flexibility Workshop-Smartphone 1:00 Lite Lunch & Movie 10:00 Blood Pressure Evita 2:00 Drop-In Table Tennis Screening 3:00 Taking Pictures with 10:00 Choral Group Your Phone or Tablet 10:00 Social Mahjongg 11:00 Monthly Mailing 12:30 AARP Tech Workshop-Smartphone 1:00 Line Dance 1:00 Social Bridge 2:00 Open Computer Lab 3:00 AARP Tech TRIP -NAPER Workshop-Smartphone SETTLEMENT 5:00 Dinner & Movie - Evita

19 9:30 Men’s Health & 9:00 Drop-In Art Fitness Group 9:30 Using Weights 10:00 Choral Group 10:30 Men’s Club Meeting 10:00 Social Mahjongg 11:00 Pain Management 1:00 Open Computer Lab 10:30 VIM Meeting & Voices of Vision 2:00 Drop-In Wii Bowling

9 9:00 Drop-In Art 9:00 Foot & Shoe Assessment 9:00 Will Appointments 9:15 Int Tai Chi 10:30 Beg Tai Chi 12:00 Pinochle Tournament 1:00 Open Computer Lab Saturday 10 9:00am - 12:00pm Family Resource & Wellness Fair

9:30 Matter of Balance



8 9:00 All American 9:30 Issues in the News

2:00 Drop-In Table Tennis

2 9:00 Drop-In Art 9:15 Int Tai Chi 10:30 Beg Tai Chi 11:30 Hispanic Heritage Month Luncheon 1:00 Open Computer Lab


10:00 Social Mahjongg 10:45 Yoga in Chairs 1:00 Drop-In Ceramics 1:00 Drop-In Woodcarving 2:00 Open Computer Lab



Monthly Groups July - December All groups start in July and go through December. Registra on required for all monthly groups

Social Cards or Billiards


Monday-Friday, 9:00am-4:30pm, $0M/$12NM (#8002)

Drop-In Art Mondays & Fridays, 9:00am, $0M/$12NM (#8004)

Monthly Groups Choral Group Choral Director: Ludmyla Turkalo Tuesdays, Oct 6 - 27 • 10:00am $7M/$10.50NM (#8270) Niles Rhythm Band 1st & 3rd Wednesdays • 10:30am Jul 1 - Dec 16, $0M/$12NM (#7973)

Bring your game and your friends and start a table! Tuesdays, 10:00am, $0M/12NM (#7970) Thursdays, 10:00am, $0M/12NM (#7971)

Men’s Health & Fitness Group Tuesday, Oct 20 •9:30am Coordinator: Hank Betka $2M/$3M To be paid at the door

Social Bridge

Men’s Club

Social Mahjongg

Tuesdays, 1:00pm, $0M/12NM (#8000)

All American Thursdays, 9:00am, $0M/12NM (#8008)

Drop-In Ceramics Thursdays, 1:00pm, $0M/12NM (#8012)

Drop-In Woodcarving Thursdays, 1:00pm, $0M/12NM (#8010)

Discussion Groups

Men’s Club Mee!ng Monday, Oct 19 • 10:30am - 12:30pm Speaker: Elizabeth Corrado from Elevate Energy Elizabeth Corrado from Elevate Energy will be on hand to do a presenta!on on energy efficiency in the home and discuss how you can save money on your electricity and gas bills year around. Enjoy mostaccioli with meat sauce, salad, garlic bread and dessert. $5M/$7.50NM (#8303) Men’s Club Planning Mee!ng Monday, Oct 26 • 9:30am

Issues in the News Thursdays, Oct 1 - 29 • 9:30am Moderator: Arlene Golub Issues for discussion are brought up by class par!cipants, and everyone’s opinion is valued. Join this exci!ng class and open up a world of new ideas! Jul - Dec, $0M/$12NM (#7983)

Women’s Club

Book Discussion Tuesday, Oct 20 • 1:30pm, FREE Books can be picked up at the front desk. (#8284)


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Tournaments Pinochle Tournament Friday, Oct 9 • 12:00pm $5M/$7.50NM (#8280) Poker Tournament Friday, Oct 30 • 12:00pm Play 7-Card Stud and 5-Card Draw. Cost includes lunch and prizes $5M/$7.50NM (#8282)

Women’s Club Mee!ng Monday, Oct 26 • 11:30am Lunch will include baked chicken, baked potato, salad and dessert. Following lunch, enjoy Gino and Jan’s program “Celebra!on of Chicago” featuring music from the Roaring Twen!es and on. $5M/$7.50NM (#8286) Rules of the Road Monday, Oct 5 • 1:00 - 3:00pm Instructor provided by Secretary of State’s Office Take a refresher course before you take your test. FREE (#8267)

Technology Trends Cell Phone/Smart Phone Assistance Do you have an iPhone you are unsure how to use? Do you need help programming numbers into your flip top phone? We are here to help you with a wide variety of issues you may have with your current cell phone. This service is free, but appointments are preferred. Please call Jaymi at (847) 5888420. Ge"ng Your Pictures Off of Your Digital Camera Monday, Oct 5 •3:00-4:00pm Instructor: Jaymi Blickhahn You’ve taken the photos. Now learn how to get them off of your camera. $2M/$3NM (#8287)

Informa onal Forum

AARP Tek Workshop - Smartphone Workshop Tuesday, Oct 13 • Session 1: 10:00-11:30am • Session 2: 12:30- 2:00pm • Session 3: 3:00- 4:30pm

SCRAM - Senior Crime Reduc on Awareness Measures Confidence Scams Friday, Oct 30 • 10:00am Presented by the Niles Police Department These are the scams that prey on your desire to help others. You may have heard of it being referred to as the “grandma scam” or “green dot”. Learn how to protect yourself and others. FREE (#8298)

11 October

AARP Tek Workshop - Tablet Workshop Tuesday, Oct 6 • Session 1: 10:30am-12:30pm • Session 2: 2:30pm - 4:30 pm NEED INFO Registra on online only: h"p://

Exercise Classes

*A!endees will need to bring their own Android smartphone Flexibility (26 sessions) Registra on online only: h"p:// Wednesdays, Jul 1 - Dec 23 • 10:00-11:00am Instructor: Brigi!e Powidzki, Arthri"s Ins"tute cer"fied Email Workshop Si!ng & standing strengthening with resistance bands. Thursday, Oct 8 • 3:00-4:00pm Waiver must be signed prior to class. Instructor: Jaymi Blickhahn $10M/$15NM (#7997) (no class 11/11) Learn how to set up an email account. We will discuss how to send mail, read mail, and send a"achments. Using Weights (25 sessions) $2M/$3NM (#8288) Mondays, Jul 6 - Dec 28 • 9:30-10:30am Taking Pictures with Your Phone Or Tablet Wednesday, Oct 14 • 3:00 - 4:00pm Instructor: Jaymi Blickhahn Learn how to take pictures with your phone or tablet. $2M/$3NM (#8293) Introduc on to Facebook Monday, Oct 19 • 3:00 - 4:00pm Instructor: Jaymi Blickhahn Learn what Facebook is used for and create your own Facebook account. We will discuss privacy, photos, invi ng “Friends”, etc. $2M/$3NM (#8289)

A!achments Tuesday, Oct 27 • 3:00-4:00pm Instructor: Jaymi Blickhahn Learn how to a"ach files/pictures via email. This course is for those that already have and use email, but have ques ons on how to a"ach items to the email. $2M, $3NM (#8291) Mouse 101 Friday, Oct 30 • 3:00-4:00pm Instructor: Jaymi Blickhahn Learn how to use a computer mouse. Make using your computer easier by understanding the basics of the mouse. $2M/$3NM (#8292)

Line Dance (4 classes) Tuesdays, Oct 6 - 27, 1:00-2:00pm Instructor: Fran Strain Enjoy easy-to-learn dance pa"erns in Country, Ballroom, Top 40, La n, Swing, and more! A partner is not needed. $10M/$15NM (#8266) Yoga in Chairs (5 classes) Thursdays, Oct 1 - 29 • 10:45-11:45am Instructor: Andrea Lubershane $30M/$35NM (#8272) Intermediate Tai Chi (7 classes) Fridays, Oct 30 - Dec 18 • 9:15-10:15am Instructor: Renee Gatsis, Arthri"s Ins"tute cer"fied *Pre-Requisite – Beginning Tai Chi $35M/$40NM (#8331) (No class 11/27) Beginning Tai Chi (7 classes) Fridays, Oct 30 - Dec 18 • 10:30-11:30am Instructor: Renee Gatsis, Arthri"s Ins"tute cer"fied A'er 5, 10, 15 minutes of tai chi, many people report having pain relief, increased balance and a sharper sense of their environment. $35M/$40NM (#8332) (No class 11/27)

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Introduc on to Pinterest Thursday, Oct 22 • 3:00-4:00pm Instructor: Jaymi Blickhahn Learn what “pinning” is all about, and what interes ng things you can discover with Pinterest. $2M/$3NM (#8290)

Instructor: Brigi!e Powidzki, Arthri"s Ins"tute cer"fied Si!ng, standing, and use of 1-3lb weights. Waiver must be signed prior to class. $10M/$15NM (#8175)

12 October

Diabe c Fingers ck & Health Counseling By appointment only, please contact Brigi e - $4 fee Flu Shots by Target/CVS Tuesday, Sept 15 • 3:00-5:00pm Monday, Sept 28 • 10:00am-2:00pm Saturday, Oct 10 • 9:00am-12:00pm First come, first serve basis. Target/CVS accepts most insurance. Credit cards and checks accepted, no cash Lab Screening - Full Ba!ery of Tests Saturday, Oct 10 • 9:00-11:00am Complete metabolic panel, complete blood count, cholesterol panel, TSA - Thyroid S!mula!ng Hormone (females only), PSA - Prostate Specific An!gen (men only). Lab will be drawn by Advocate Lutheran General Hospital. They will mail your lab results directly to you. If you bring your doctor’s phone/fax they will also send a copy to your MD. When registering, you will receive an appointment and instruc!ons for fas!ng (not ea!ng a"er 10:00pm, drink water only and take meds). Seniors, community members age 18+, employees and family are welcome. Fee includes con!nental breakfast. $65M/$70NM (#8324) Sharps & Med Collec on Narco!cs cannot be accepted. Saturday, Oct 10 • 9:00-11:00am • FREE

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Blood Pressure Screening Tuesday, Oct 13 • 10:00am-12:00pm Walk-In, FREE at the Niles Fitness Center Foot & Shoe Assessment Friday, Oct 9 • 9:00-10:00am FREE - Must be registered for Walk with the Nurse Program (#8327) Walk with the Nurse at the Fitness Center Track Fridays, Oct 16, 23, 30 • 9:00-9:45am Did you know that walking is the cheapest form of exercise and is one of the best? It decreases blood pressure and helps in preven!ng osteoporosis among other benefits. Learn how to select appropriate foot wear, technique and help ge&ng started. All levels welcome. Appropriate foot wear required. No sandals, boots or heels. $1M/$2NM (Meet at the Senior Center lower level) (#8326)

Visually Impaired Mo vators (VIM) & Voices of Vision Book Club Tuesday, Oct 20 • 10:30am-12:30pm Discuss ways to maintain the lifestyle you want in this suppor!ve group, followed by a discussion of the prior month’s book selec!on. Third Tuesday of each month through December $10M/$15NM (#7995)

Miscellaneous Table Tennis is now at the NSC! Come on in, and play some Table Tennis, also known as Ping Pong! Stop in at the Front Desk for more informa!on. Table Tennis Drop-in Hours Wednesdays 2:00-4:30pm Stop in and check out the Media Center! There are 10 new laptops, and an iPad. Volunteer Assistance! Media Center Drop-in Hours Mondays 1:00-3:00pm Tuesdays 2:00-3:00pm Thursdays 2:00-3:00pm Fridays 1:00-3:00pm

Wii Bowling Drop In Mondays, 2:00 - 4:30pm

Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page for updates about programs, events and general news and health informa!on. Be sure to “Like” us and share our page with your friends and family.

The NSC Choral Group needs YOU! New members are needed for our choral group. We have quite a few gigs booked in the upcoming months and we need YOUR voices to make our events a success. Rehearsals are every Tuesday at 10am. For more informa!on, please call 847-588-8420. Let’s show everyone what fantas!c talents our members have.


Your child s ll not out of the nest? S ll needing too much of your help?

Some mes this con nued parental role may cause conflict between husbands and wives, for example, how to get a son or daughter “out on their own.” This vulnerable adult child may also create problems with a couple’s other children, brothers and sisters may be angry or frustrated to see Mom and Dad s ll taking care of a dependent sibling. Perhaps you thought all you would have to do at this me in your life was to care for yourself. Perhaps your worry and concern for this child is so stressful that it is impac ng your health and other rela onships. O$en, parents are worried, “what will happen if I’m not here to look out for this vulnerable adult child” or “is there some way I can find help to plan for the future of my son or daughter?” Does anyone else have this problem?

The first week in September marks Na onal Grandparents Day. We would love to share photos of our members with their grandchildren (or with their grandparents!). We will feature these special moments in our 2nd floor display case all month long. If you would like to be included, please stop by the front desk and drop off your photos by August 31. At the end of the month, we will return them to you.

Here’s what’s coming up in the next issue of Naturally Active Milwaukee Public Museum Trip November Luncheon featuring Polka music & Polish cuisine White Christmas at Drury Lane Trip Chicago Mosaic School Tour Frank Lloyd Wright Tour Jacob Henry Mansion Estate & Legacy Girls Christmas Cheer Show Trip A Christmas Story Musical Trip Christmas Lights Tour Hanukkah Luncheon

Branching Out to Help

Wolves Game Men’s Club Holiday Luncheon

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If you have some of these concerns and would like more informa on about possible resources for your vulnerable or dependent adult child, please contact Bev Wessels at 847-588-8420.

Na onal Grandparents Day


As we move through life, we experience so many different transi ons. The path of life is not always clear. Perhaps some of our children have had difficulty ge#ng out on their own. They may have been unable to become independent because of physical disability, developmental disability, mental illness, alcohol/drug addic on or just a failure to thrive (can’t seem to hold onto a job). O$en when adult children have ongoing, long term problems, parents may con nue to provide emo onal, as well as financial support –in home or out of your home. Therefore, as parents of vulnerable or adult dependent children, it may seem as though “peace of mind” is hard to find.

14 Trips

= Minimal Walking = Moderate Walking = Heavy Walking An cipate extensive walking Jazzin’ at the Shedd Wednesday, Sept 9 • Check-in: 3:00pm, Depart: 3:30pm -9:00pm Jazz, cocktails and 32,000 animals - that’s Jazzin’ at the Shedd! You won’t want to miss this exci ng event! Jazzin’ at the Shedd provides a unique opportunity to experience the sounds of summer concerts with Detour Jaz Funk, Bill Boris, and Tim Fitzgerald. Jazzin’ at the Shedd admission includes: a drink cket, special indoor exhibits, and outdoor terraces. From smooth jazz to funky old and new school R&B and neo soul, Detour JazFunk delivers. Guitarist Bill Boris has performed at events such as the Chicago Jazz Fest and features a blend of original tunes and straight ahead jazz with a vibrant contemporary sound. Tim Fitzgerald’s group presents a fun and entertaining mix of straight-ahead jazz, pop and soul music. Feel free to purchase a meal offered by the Shedd that is approximately $12.00 per person, which includes two meal op ons: 1) Southern Comfort cuisine: pulled pork, jambalaya, corn muffins, and red velvet cupcakes. 2) Caribbean Sta on includes jerk chicken, coconut shrimp, rice, and beef empanadas. $41M / $46NM (#8314)

Holocaust Museum Trip Extensive walking Thursday, Sept 10 • 10:00am-2:00pm Meet us in Skokie for a docent led tour of the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Educa on Center. The Illinois Holocaust Museum tells the story of the Holocaust through interac ve exhibi ons that move and inspire. Following the tour, we will meet down the road at the Cheesecake Factory in Old Orchard. Lunch includes a choice of: crusted chicken Romano, herb crusted filet of salmon, or Ligurian pesto pasta, and a choice of your favorite slice of cheesecake. *Please note, transporta on is not provided with this trip. $30M/$35NM (#8260)

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Test Kitchen Tour Expect about 1/2 block Friday, Sept 18 • Check-in: 8:30am, Depart: 9:00am-5:30pm This event will give you a chance to see a Taste of Home Kitchen and learn the history of Taste of Home magazine. The tour will also include a guided bus tour of historic Greendale, located on the south edge of Milwaukee, WI. It’s a hub of ac vity yearround…you’ll soon understand why over 200,000 people visit this Center annually. As you enter the Center, you’ll be greeted by the aroma of fresh-baked cookies, and see hundreds of Taste of Home Cookbooks, aprons, cookware and kitchen gadgets galore in the Greendale Visitor Center Store. Lunch will be provided by the Malt Shop; you will have four lunch op ons: 1) burger 2) cheese burger 3)turkey bacon wrap - all come with fries.; 4) chicken garden salad. Beverage and sundae are included with all. $59/$64NM (#8315)


White Fence Farm Fabulous Frank Thursday, Sept 24 • 10:30am-4:00pm White Fence Farm presents Fabulous Frank: the Defini ve Tribute to The Chairman of The Board. Join our friend from the NSC, Peter Oprisko, and celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Frank Sinatra’s birth in style with this fresh and unique, ultra-modern salute to Ol’ Blue Eyes! It’s an exci ng and memorable celebra on you won’t want to miss. Lunch will feature White Fence Farm’s famous 4-piece fried chicken meal with: cole slaw, homemade corn fri%ers, co%age cheese, kidney bean salad, homemade chicken gravy, pickled beets, baked potato and vanilla ice cream. $59M/$64NM (#8197) Second City’s Sunday Bloody Mary Sunday Sunday, Sept 27 • Check-in: 9:45am, Depart: 10:15am-1:45pm Second City has combined two of Chicago’s favorite things, brunch & comedy, for the ul mate SundayFunday. The delicious brunch will be buffet style: • Bo%omless Bloody Marys and Mimosas • Carving Sta on: Herb roasted pork tenderloin • Chicken and Waffle Bar: Crispy warm waffles complete with bu%er, syrup and cinnamon apple topping • Biscuits and gravy, home fries, bacon and scrambled eggs • Grilled shrimp with tomato vinaigre%e, roasted brussel sprouts with pance%a, creamy polenta with Taleggio cheese, spinach salad and seasonal vegetables • Fresh fruit, granola and yogurt sta on, muffins, cinnamon rolls and croissants. Save some room for a hilarious inprov show a+er brunch. Your belly will thank you. $64M/$69NM (#8317) Please refer to page 18 for our Trip Cancella on Policy




Minimum of 3-4 city blocks. Shipshewana Trip to Amish Country Thursday, Oct 1 • Check-in: 8:00am, Depart: 8:30am-7:00pm Flea Market 2-3 city blocks Located in the heart of the third largest Amish community in the United States, there are many things to do and see. What started out as a home business in 1922 is now the Midwest’s Largest Flea Market. Famous for some of the best shopping in Amish country, Shipshewana has over 125 deligh!ul shops, which are open all year. A"er you have explored the flea market, shops, and countryside we will enjoy an early dinner in an Amish family’s home. The menu includes: real mashed potatoes, gravy, homemade noodles, bu$erhorns, poor-man steak, green beans, cherry pie or peanut bu$er pie. PLEASE NOTE: Lunch is not included in the tour; however, you will have many on-site op%ons from which to choose. $55M/$60NM (#8319) October Sky at The Marrio! Theater Thursday, Oct 8 • Check-in: 9:30am, Depart: 10:00am-4:30pm The beloved Universal Pictures film October Sky is now a new musical. It was 1957, and Sputnik lights up the October sky over the small Appalachian mining town of Coalwood, West Virginia. Homer Hickam, the teenage son of a coal miner, is determined not to end up like genera%ons before him. Inspired by the world’s race to space, Homer and his buddies begin to light up the starry skies with their homemade rockets and dreams of glory. This rich and emo%onal story is for anyone who ever dreamed of something be$er and reached for the stars. From the wri%ng team that brought you HERO, comes the premiere of their new musical OCTOBER SKY, produced in associa%on with Universal Stage Produc%ons (WICKED, BILLY ELLIOT, BRING IT ON). Before the play we will be having a fabulous lunch at Bob Chinn’s in Wheeling. $73M/$78NM (#8320) An cipate heavy walking, 2.5 hours leisurely walking, some stairs Naper Se!lement Wednesday, Oct 14 • Check-in: 9:45am, Depart 10:15am -4:30pm Naper Se$lement is an outdoor 19th century living history museum that serves northeastern Illinois as a unique educa%onal and cultural resource. The village tells the story of how life changed throughout the 19th century for the people of northern Illinois in towns such as Naperville. Through its costumed interpreters and 30 historic buildings located on the 12acre grounds, history is brought to life. Enter the buildings and meet costumed interpreters who will share the experiences of daily life, work and celebra%on in a 19th century Midwestern town. Prior to our visit we will be ea%ng at Colonial Café. You can choose between four meals: 1)tuna melt with fries, 2) turkey club with fries, 3) chicken Caesar salad/soup, 4) cafe salad/soup. All entrees will include a beverage and sundae for dessert. $50M/$55NM (#8321)

Expect about 1/2 block and standing Feed My Starving Children / Lambs Farm Wednesday, Oct 28 • Check-in 8:15am, Depart 9:15am-3:00pm Join us in stopping world hunger. Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit Chris%an organiza%on commi$ed to feeding God’s hungry children in body and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adults hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and meals are then shipped to distribu%on partners (limited seats while packing meals, an%cipate standing awhile). A"er we volunteer our %me packing luncheons for FMSC we will be going to Lambs Farm for lunch to support their mission. Lambs Farm is a place to grow through enriching experiences with people with developmental disabili%es and is a place that touches everyone who comes in contact with them. Lunch includes salad, beverages, and dessert table with a main course, choices are roasted turkey or chicken Aroma%co. $40M/$45NM (#8323) Please refer to page 18 for our Trip Cancella on Policy

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Noshing with Neighbors: Taste of Cuba Friday, October 16, • 11:00am-12:30pm In celebra%on of Hispanic Heritage Month, we are pleased to host our first Noshing with Neighbors event at Taste of Cuba in Lincolnwood. Noshing with Neighbors provides the perfect opportunity to experience the culinary delights of neighboring towns. Taste of Cuba, located only 10 minutes away from NSC on Touhy and Crawford, is one of the area’s best stops for authen%c Cuban cuisine. Using family recipes that have been passed down through genera%ons, Taste of Cuba will take you on an unforge$able culinary adventure. Menu includes: Lechon asado (roasted pulled pork and onions), congri (tradi%onal Cuban rice with bacon), avocado salad, flan (caramel custard), and fresh mango lemonade. Fee includes gratuity. $17M/$22NM (PLEASE NOTE: Transporta%on is not provided for this event. Taste of Cuba is located at: 3918 W. Touhy Ave., Lincolnwood, IL 60712) (#8335)

16 Family Resource & Wellness Fair


5(6285&( & Wellness

)$,5 Resource Booths

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Entertainment ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡




17 Honoring Veterans

Sponsored by: Niles Memorial VFW Post 7712 The Village of Niles

Pre-registra on is required (#8334)

$GPLVVLRQ LV )5(( 2SHQ WR RXU ::,, 9HWHUDQV DQG 3XEOLF 9LVLW RXU :HEVLWH ZZZ SLOODUVRIKRQRU RUJ For more information and to register a WWII VETERAN for our Souvenir Program Book, no later than September 12, 2015, please contact: Pillars of Honor, Inc., 770 Lee Street, Suite 103, Des Plaines, IL 60016 PHONE: 847.954.0520 Email:

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#+6 $,#'

Policies 18 Info

Membership Niles residents age 55 and over may purchase a membership to the NSC for $20 a year per person, or $30 a year for two residing at the same address. Members receive the bi-monthly program guide and priority registration with member pricing. Your membership card must be scanned in at the Membership Services Desk to allow access to the Center including the card room, billiards room, main lobby wih large screen TV and Free WiFi, library for books & movies, and multi-media center. Registration So that we may contact you in the event of a cancellation, all programs, both FREE and paid, require registration. Payment is due at the time of registration (All credit card payments must be made in person.) Members can register by mail or in person at the Senior Center beginning the second Tuesday of the mailing month. Non-member registration begins the third Tuesday of the mailing month. Early registration is encouraged as programs with insufficient registration may be cancelled. A wait list is started when a program reaches its maximum capacity. In the event of a cancellation, calls will be made to individuals on the wait list in numerical order. Refunds Programs cancelled by the NSC due to low enrollment, weather, or other scheduling conflicts, will be fully refunded. If a registrant cancels, refunds are given only if the Center can resell the ticket. Refunds will be credited to the individual account; checks are issued only upon request. Trip Cancellation Policy Fees for day trips are non-refundable within 10 working days of the trip if a replacement cannot be found. Trips with pre-purchased tickets are nonrefundable at any time unless a replacement is found. Please call and speak with a staff person and let them know you cannot attend the trip. We will do our best to find a replacement for you on the trip. If we are successful you will be given a credit on your account or issued a refund check. Code of Conduct In order to provide a welcoming, safe, and supportive environment for our members and guests, Niles Senior Center has developed a Code of Conduct. Copies are available at the front desk.

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Inclement Weather The Niles Senior Center will have a delayed opening on the days that Culver School is closed because of inclement weather or when travel is hazardous. Programs will be cancelled on a case by case basis; registrants will be notified.

In memory of... Martin Connolly, Richard Helminiak, Bernice Kuhrau & Joseph Rolla A memorial sign is placed at the front desk when we hear a member has passed.

Services Gift Certificates Available at the front desk

Handicapped Placards Forms available at the front desk.

Medical Lending Closet Walkers, canes, or wheelchairs available for short term use to Niles residents.

Notary Public The Senior Center has a notary on staff. No appointment is needed, but please call before you come in to verify availability. Documents must not be signed beforehand and a photo ID is required.

Program Guide - Naturally Active FREE M/$1NM or FREE online at

Optelec Clear Reader A photo is taken of typed materials, such as a magazine, newspaper, or book, and reads the information out loud. The Reader is available for use in the multi-media center.

Ventra Card Forms available. Photos taken for a $3.00 processing fee.

Permission to Photograph

SHIP Appointments

Photos are periodically taken of participants in a class, during a special event or any other Senior Center function. These photos are for Village of Niles use and may be used in Village publications.

(Senior Health Insurance Program) Call for appointment.

Americans with Disabilities Act The Village of Niles intends to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by making reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. We hope that this will enhance our building’s appearance and make your efforts to be informed easier. If you or someone you know with a disability requires accommodations for a Village service or have any questions about the Village’s compliance, please contact Steven Vinezeano, Village Manager, Village Administration Building, 1000 Civic Center Drive, Niles, IL 60714.

TDD (Hearing Impaired Phone) 847-588-8487 Will Appointments Call for more information.

Yard Waste Stickers Available for $2.00 each at the front desk The NSC reserves the right to correct errors in this publication

Mail-in Registration Form


Name _____________________________________________ Phone _______________________________ **Please let us know at the time of registration if special accommodations are needed.**






Registration Starts: Tuesday, Aug 11M • Aug 18NM

Total $ Release and Hold Harmless Agreement: Participants should read this form carefully and be aware that in signing up and participating in this program you will be waiving and releasing all claims for injuries or damages you might personally sustain which might arise out of this program. As a participant in this program, I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury associated with such participation, and I agree to assume the full risk for any injuries, damages, or loss which I may sustain as a result of participating in such program as against the Niles Senior Center, its officers, agents, servants, and employees. I do hereby fully release and discharge the Niles Senior Center and its officers, agents, servants, and employees from any and all claims from injuries, damages, or loss which I may have or which may accrue to me on account of my participation in the program. I further agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the Niles Senior Center and its officers, agents, servants, and employees from any and all claims resulting from injuries, damages, and losses sustained by me and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with the activities of the program. I have read and fully understand this Release and Hold Harmless agreement and any program details provided to me. It is mutually understood that the facsimile registration document (including waiver and release of all claims) shall substitute for and have the same legal effect as the original form.

Payment Information: Cash Paid $_________

Check #_____________ Payable to the “Village of Niles”

__________________________________________________________ Date _______ / _______ Signature (Release & Hold Harmless Agreeement)

Frequently Called Numbers 847-297-2510 847-673-9300 847-588-7960 847-364-7223 800-772-1213 847-588-8000 847-588-8040 847-588-8460 911 847-588-6800 847-588-8400 847-588-8460 911 847-588-6500 847-588-7900 847-588-8030

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Maine Township Assessors Office Niles Township Assessors Office Niles Free Bus Pace Bus Social Security Office - 705 N Wheeling Rd, Mount Prospect Village of Niles Administration Building, Mayor’s Office, Village Manager, Village Clerk, Vehicle Sticker, Voter Registration Community Development Family Services Fire Department, EMERGENCY Non-Emergency Niles Family Fitness Center Niles Family Services Food Panrty Police Department, EMERGENCY Non-Emergency Public Services, Garbage Collection, Forestry, Water Main Breaks Water Billing

Niles Senior Center 999 Civic Center Drive Niles, Illinois 60714

999 Civic Center Drive 847-588-8420

HOURS M-F 8:30am - 5:00pm

First Class Mail

Nights & weekends as scheduled

MAYOR Andrew Przybylo TRUSTEES George D. Alpogianis John C. Jekot Joe LoVerde Danette O’Donovan Matyas Denise M. McCreery Dean Strzelecki VILLAGE MANAGER Steven C. Vinezeano VILLAGE CLERK Marlene J. Victorine SENIOR CENTER DIRECTOR Kelly Mickle PROGRAM COORDINATORS Jaymi Blickhahn Milcah Baraona Chrisann Fahy NURSE Brigitte Powidzki SOCIAL WORKERS Bev Wessels Monika Lucarz MAINTENANCE Marco Aviles RECPTIONIST Jolanta Banasiak ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Bernadette Knapik

Label This publication is FREE M/$1 NM

REGISTRATION DATES Tuesday, Aug 11M • Aug 18NM Welcome Chrisann Fahy

We are pleased to announce that Chrisann Fahy joined the NSC staff. She is currently finishing her thesis paper in a Master’s degree in Gerontology from Northeastern IL. The focus of her thesis project is in ac vi es and programing for older adults with implemen ng Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Before working in Niles, Chrisann worked for a non-profit organiza on that provided services for adults to stay in their own home. She is excited about working for the Village of Niles and with the community. Chrisann strives to make a difference in people’s lives and to improve their quality of life though programming. A trained interior designer, she is eager to integrate art in the social, emo onal, and physical development of older adults. She is thrilled to combine her educa on and interests to contribute to the new and exciting programs the NSC will be developing in the coming months. Please stop by and share your thoughts and ideas with her.

Welcome Back Monika Lucarz

We are pleased to announce that Monika Lucarz joined the NSC staff on July 7th. Monika will be working in Senior Center Social Work. Monika has experience in financial case management/advocacy as well as individual/family assessment and counseling. Monika has provided services to socio-culturally diverse adults, seniors and children popula ons. Monika brings to us an extra special skill of a second language of Polish. She will be working at the NSC to promote community outreach, advocacy and well being. Monika has an office on the second floor and is looking forward to mee ng everyone. Please feel free to stop by and introduce yourself the next me you are at the NSC.

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