Niles Senior Center March-April 2017 Program Guide

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March-April 2017 Bi-Monthly Program Guide Contents 2 -3 March & April Calendars 6 Health & Wellness 7 Clubs 9 Seasonal Fishing & Golf 10 Culture Club 11 Women’s History Month 12 - 13 Luncheons & Special Events


In honor of Older Americans Month, the Niles Senior Center will be hosting an “Aging: Everybody’s Doing It!” Workshop on May 19. In between sessions, local vendors will be on hand to share samples of goods, products, and services. This program will be facilitated by the University of Illinois Extension Program, Family Life Educators (See Page 5 for additional information).

14 - 15 Trips 16 Volunteer Opportunities & Assistance 17 Social Services

999 Civic Center Drive • Niles, IL 60714 • 847-588-8420 •


2 March 2017

9:00 Drop-In Art 9:30 Using Weights 11:00 Gentle Arthritis Exercises 1:00 Open Computer Lab 2:00 Drop-In Wii Bowling 3:00 Circle is Getting Smaller


Wednesday 10:00 Flexibility 10:30 Rhythm Band 11:00 Hamilton Luncheon


9:00 Social Mahjongg 10:00 Choral Group 10:30 Fit & Strong 12:30 Social Bridge 1:00 Line Dance 2:15 Chair Yoga


10:00 Flexibility 10:00 ITAC Amplified Phones

Thursday 1


TRIP My Way - Munster, IN 9:00 Drop-In Art 9:30 Using Weights 11:00 Gentle Arthritis Exercises 1:00 Open Computer Lab 2:00 Drop-In Wii Bowling 3:00 Circle is Getting Smaller

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9:00 Drop-In Art 9:30 Using Weights 10:30 Men’s Club Meeting 11:00 Gentle Arthritis Exercises 1:00 Open Computer Lab 2:00 Drop-In Wii Bowling 3:00 Circle is Getting Smaller

9:00 Drop-In Art 9:30 Using Weights 11:00 Gentle Arthritis Exercises 11:30 Women’s Club Meeting 1:00 Open Computer Lab 2:00 Drop-In Wii Bowling 3:00 Circle is Getting Smaller




14 9:00 Social Mahjongg 10:00 Blood Pressure Screening 10:00 Choral Group 10:30 Fit & Strong 11:30 Sizzle, Sequins, Murder & Mayhem Luncheon 12:30 Social Bridge 1:00 Line Dance 2:15 Chair Yoga 5:00 Dinner & Movie The Accountant

9:00 Social Mahjongg 10:00 Choral Group 10:30 Fit & Strong 10:30 VIM - Visually Impaired Motivators 12:30 Social Bridge 1:00 Line Dance 1:30 Book Discussion 2:15 Chair Yoga

9:00 Social Mahjongg 10:00 Choral Group 10:30 Fit & Strong 12:30 Social Bridge 1:00 Line Dance 2:15 Chair Yoga 4:30 Bingo & Dinner



10:00 Flexibility 10:30 Rhythm Band 11:00 Are You Dizzy? 11:00 SCRAM - Sweetheart Scams 1:00 Encore Movie The Accountant


9:00 All American 9:00 Social Mahjongg 9:30 Issues in the News 9:30 Take Charge of Your Health 10:30 Fit & Strong 10:30 Korean Line Dance 1:00 Drop-In Ceramics 1:00 Drop-In Woodcarving

Friday 2

9:00 9:15 10:30 1:00

Drop-in Art Int Tai Chi Beg Tai Chi Open Computer Lab


9 9:00 All American 9:00 Drop-in Art 9:00 Social Mahjongg 9:00 Wills Appointments 9:30 Issues in the News 9:15 Int Tai Chi 9:30 Take Charge of Your 10:00 TED Tallks Health 10:30 Beg Tai Chi 10:30 Fit & Strong 1:00 Hooked-On Fishing 10:30 Korean Line Dance Kick-Off Meeting 12:00 WHM Movie - Suffragette 1:00 Open Computer Lab 1:00 Drop-In Ceramics 5:00 Dinner with the Social 1:00 Drop-In Woodcarving Worker - Omega 1:00 Growing Older in Niles Restaurant




9:00 All American 9:00 Social Mahjongg 9:30 Issues in the News 9:30 Take Charge of Your Health 10:30 Fit & Strong 11:30 Polish Coffee Hour 1:00 Drop-In Ceramics 1:00 Drop-In Woodcarving 1:00 Growing Older in Niles

9:00 Drop-in Art 9:15 Int Tai Chi 10:30 Beg Tai Chi 1:00 Open Computer Lab

TRIP Saturday Night Fever Drury Lane 22 10:00 Flexibility 11:30 Cooking for One Cooking Demonstration

29 10:00 Flexibility 12:00 Women’s History Month Movie - Iron Lady

9:00 AARP Smart Driver’s Course 9:00 All American 9:00 Social Mahjongg 9:30 Issues in the News 9:30 Take Charge of Your Health 10:30 Fit & Strong 1:00 Drop-In Ceramics 1:00 Drop-In Woodcarving 1:00 Growing Older in Niles

9:00 All American 9:00 Social Mahjongg 9:30 Issues in the News 9:30 Take Charge of Your Health 10:30 Fit & Strong 1:00 Drop-In Ceramics 1:00 Drop-In Woodcarving 1:00 Growing Older in Niles

March 2017


24 9:00 AARP Smart Driver’s Course 9:00 Drop-in Art 9:15 Int Tai Chi 10:30 Beg Tai Chi 12:00 St. Patrick’s/St. Joseph’s Luncheon 1:00 Open Computer Lab SATURDAY 25 4:30 Women’s History Month Cabaret Dinner


9:00 Drop-in Art 9:15 Int Tai Chi 10:30 Beg Tai Chi 12:00 Poker Tournament 1:00 Heartsaver CPR 1:00 Open Computer Lab




9:00 Social Mahjongg 10:00 Choral Group 10:30 Fit & Strong 12:30 Social Bridge 1:00 Line Dance 2:15 Chair Yoga 3:00 iPhone Basics



10:00 Flexibility 10:30 Rhythm Band





9:00 All American 9:00 Social Mahjongg 9:30 Issues in the News 9:30 Take Charge of Your Health 10:30 Korean Line Dance 1:00 Drop-In Ceramics 1:00 Drop-In Woodcarving 1:00 Growing Older in Niles 3:00 Android Tablet Basics Red Hat Club Spring Outing

9:00 Drop-In Art 9:30 Using Weights 11:00 Gentle Arthritis Exercises 1:00 Open Computer Lab 2:00 Drop-In Wii Bowling 3:00 Circle is Getting Smaller



9:00 Social Mahjongg 10:00 Choral Group 10:30 Fit & Strong 10:30 VIM - Visually Impaired Motivators 17 12:30 Social Bridge 9:00 Drop-In Art 1:00 Line Dance 9:30 Men’s Club Pancake 1:30 Book Discussion Breakfast 2:15 Chair Yoga 9:30 Using Weights 5:00 Dinner & Movie 11:00 Gentle Arthritis Magnificent Seven Exercises 11:00 SCRAM - Home Repair Scams 1:00 Open Computer Lab 2:00 Drop-In Wii Bowling 3:00 Circle is Getting Smaller 24 9:00 Drop-In Art 9:00 Social Mahjongg 9:30 Using Weights 10:00 Choral Group 11:00 Gentle Arthritis 10:30 Fit & Strong Exercises 12:30 Social Bridge 11:30 Women’s Club Meeting 1:00 Line Dance 1:00 Open Computer Lab 2:15 Chair Yoga 2:00 Drop-In Wii Bowling 4:30 Bingo & Dinner 3:00 Circle is Getting Smaller


10:00 Flexibility 3:00 iPad Basics

10:00 Flexibility 10:30 Rhythm Band 1:00 Encore Movie Magnificient Seven



9:00 All American 9:00 Social Mahjongg 9:30 Issues in the News 10:30 Korean Line Dance 1:00 Drop-In Ceramics 1:00 Drop-In Woodcarving



SATURDAY 8 TRIP An Evening in Bronzeville


20 9:00 All American 9:00 Lab Screening 9:00 Social Mahjongg 9:00 Drop-In Art 9:30 Issues in the News 9:15 Int Tai Chi 10:30 Korean Line Dance 10:30 Beg Tai Chi 11:00 “One Nation Under God” 1:00 Open Computer Lab Luncheon 5:30 An Evening with the 11:30 Polish Coffee Hour Stars 1:00 Drop-In Ceramics 1:00 Drop-In Woodcarving



Hooked-On Fishing Busse Woods 25

26 27 28 10:00 Flexibility 9:00 All American 9:00 Drop-In Art 10:30 Men’s Golf Kick-Off 9:00 Social Mahjongg 9:15 Int Tai Chi Meeting 9:30 Issues in the News 10:30 Beg Tai Chi 11:00 Earth Day Celebration 10:30 Fit & Strong 12:00 Poker Tournament 10:30 Korean Line Dance 1:00 Open Computer Lab 12:00 NSC Family Recipes Rock 1:00 Drop-In Ceramics Senior Expo at Golf Mill 1:00 Drop-In Woodcarving 3:00 Introduction to Facebook

April 2017

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9:00 Social Mahjongg 10:00 Blood Pressure Screening 10:00 Sharps & Medication Collection 10:00 Choral Group 10:30 Fit & Strong 11:00 Monthly Mailing 11:30 Maine South Dance Performance 12:30 Social Bridge 1:00 Line Dance 2:15 Chair Yoga


9:00 Drop-In Art 9:15 Int Tai Chi 10:00 TED Talks 10:30 Beg Tai Chi 11:00 Burt Bacharach Luncheon 1:00 Open Computer Lab

3 April 2017

9:00 Drop-In Art 9:30 Using Weights 11:00 Gentle Arthritis Exercises 1:00 Open Computer Lab 2:00 Drop-In Wii Bowling 3:00 Circle is Getting Smaller



Six-Month Facility Usage Fee If you are not a member of the NSC and are interested in participating in one or more of the programs listed below, please register for the new six-month facility usage fee for unlimited participation for $18.00. These programs are at no cost to NSC members. Social Cards or Billiards Monday-Friday, 9:00am-4:30pm Drop-In Art Mondays & Fridays, 9:00am Social Mahjongg Bring your game and your friends and start a table! Tuesdays, 9:00am Thursdays, 9:00am Social Bridge Tuesdays, 12:30pm Book Discussion Moderator: Judy Schakowsky 3rd Tuesday, 1:30pm Books can be picked up at the front desk Niles Rhythm Band 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 10:30am All American Thursdays, 9:00am

Issues in the News

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Thursdays, 9:30am Moderator: Arlene Golub Issues for discussion are brought up by class participants, and everyone’s opinion is valued. Join this exciting class and open up a world of new ideas!

Drop-In Ceramics Thursdays, 1:00pm

Drop-In Woodcarving Thursdays, 1:00pm

Stop in and check out the Media Center! There are 10 laptops, and an iPad. Volunteer Assistance! Media Center Drop-in Hours Mondays 1:00-3:00pm Fridays 1:00-3:00pm Wii Bowling Drop In Mondays, 2:00-4:30pm

Driving Courses for Seniors

AARP Smart Driver’s Course All participants must pre-register. It is a two-day course; participants must attend both classes. There is no final test to pass. Upon completion of the course, each attendee is awarded a certificate. Under Illinois law, those above 55 - whether AARP members or not - qualify for a worthwhile multi-year auto insurance discount by completing this course. Please check with your insurance company for the exact discount and the correct procedure to obtain it. Studies have shown that fewer fatal and injury-causing crashes and fewer violations occur among drivers who have taken this nationally-recognized course. Cost of the course is $15 (AARP members) Paid by check on the first day of class. To register or for more information, please contact the Senior Center at 847-588-8420. Thursday & Friday, Mar 23 & 24 • 9:00am-1:00pm

SCRAM (Senior Crime Reduction Awareness Measures)

Sweetheart Scams Dating scams are as old as the hills, and Internet dating has created another way for them to proliferate. A boyfriend or girlfriend who claims to be wealthy but doesn’t have cash at the moment will ask for money for a “sure thing” investment. People who engage in online romantic relationships with people they have not met in person are in a prime position to be cheated. Wednesday, Mar 15 • 11:00am • NO COST Home Repair Scams Driveway scams, tuck pointing, are just a few of the scams they say they can help you with. When you give them some money that’s the last time you will see them. Get the top ten list of tips to prevent this from happening. Monday, Apr 17 • 11:00am • NO COST

Technology Trends

Cell Phone/Smart Phone Assistance If you need assistance with your cell phone/smart phone, please call Jaymi for an appointment at (847) 588-8420. iPhone Basics Learn the basics of your new iPhone. The possibilities are endless. Tuesday, Apr 4 • 3:00-4:00pm • $2M/$3NM Android Tablet Basics Learn the features of your Android Tablet, including different apps, email, surfing the web, using the camera, etc. Thursday, Apr 6 • 3:00-4:00pm • $2M/$3NM iPad Basics Learn the features of your iPad, including different apps, email, surfing the web, using the camera, etc. Wednesday, Apr 12 • 3:00-4:00pm • $2M/$3NM Introduction to Facebook In this course, you will learn what Facebook is and how it works. Thursday, Apr 27 • 3:00-4:00pm • $2M/$3NM

TED Talks

TED Talks - April The four fish we’re overeating - and what to eat instead The way we fish for popular seafood such as salmon, tuna and shrimp is threatening to ruin our oceans. Paul Greenberg explores the sheer size and irrationality of the seafood economy, and suggests a few specific ways we can change it, to benefit both the natural world and the people who depend on fishing for their livelihoods. Friday, Apr 7 ● 10:00am ● NO COST


In honor of Older Americans Month, the Niles Senior Center will be hosting an “Aging: Everybody’s Doing It!” Workshop on May 19. In between sessions, local vendors will be on hand to share samples of goods, products, and services. Facilitated by the University of Illinois Extension Program, Family Life Educators will present the following topics.

Using Weights Instructor: Brigitte Powidzki, Arthritis Institute certified Sitting, standing, and use of 1-3lb weights. Waiver must be signed prior to class. Mondays, Jan 9 - Jun 26 • 9:30-10:30am • $10M/$15NM (No class Feb 20, May 29) Gentle Arthritis Exercises Instructor: Brigitte Powidzki, Arthritis Institute certified Gentle & therapeutic exercises and focused relaxation to ease pain. Waiver must be signed prior to class. Mondays, Jan 9 - Jun 26 • 11:00-11:45am • $10M/$15NM (No class Feb 20, May 29) Intermediate Tai Chi Instructor: Renee Gatsis, Arthritis Institute certified *Pre-Requisite – Beginner & Advanced Beginner Tai Chi Fridays, Jan 6 - Mar 10 • 9:15-10:15am • $50M/$55NM Fridays, Mar 17 - Jun 2 • 9:15-10:15am • $50M/$55NM (No class Apr 14, May 26) Beginner & Advanced Beginner Tai Chi Instructor: Renee Gatsis, Arthritis Institute certified After 5, 10, 15 minutes of tai chi, many people report having pain relief, increased balance and a sharper sense of their environment. Fridays, Jan 6 - Mar 10 • 10:30-11:30am • $50M/$55NM Fridays, Mar 17 - Jun 2 • 10:30-11:30am • $50M/$55NM (No class Apr 14, May 26) Line Dance Instructor: Fran Strain Enjoy easy-to-learn dance patterns in Country, Ballroom, Top 40, Latin, Swing, and more! No partner needed. Tuesdays, Mar 7 - Mar 28 • 1:00-2:00pm • $10M/$15NM Tuesdays, Apr 4 - Apr 25 • 1:00-2:00pm • $10M/$15NM Chair Yoga Instructor: Diane Dombeck With a chair for support, this class challenges the body and mind through strengthening, stretching, relaxing and breathing. Flexibility and muscle tone will continually improve as your mind, body and spirit work together in harmony. Tuesdays, Mar 7 - Apr 25 • 2:15-3:15pm • $37M/$42NM


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Someday is Today – Live Your Bucket List – Are there things in your life that you’ve wanted to accomplish but haven’t? You know they would bring you joy and fulfillment, but are always put on the back burner because “life happens?” Do you say things like, “I’ll do that someday,” but that day never comes? If so, you may need to work on your bucket list – a list of things you’d like to accomplish or experience in your lifetime. Remember, you only live once! Come and learn the benefits of goal setting throughout life, and strategies for creating your own bucket list so you can say, “Someday is Today!” Financial File Cabinet Too Full?- Having a system to categorize financial documents can help you think through what is the best way to store your financial documents. In this program, learn what to keep and what to throw away; be able to find financial documents when you need them in the future and explore ways to inform trusted individuals about financial and legal documents. Organic, Local, Natural: What it is? What it isn’t? – Organic, local, and natural are buzzwords we hear all the time. In this lesson, we’ll explain what these terms really mean. We’ll update you on the science and discuss whether organic, local, and natural foods are really better for you and the environment. Friday, May 19 • 9:00am-1:00pm • Lunch: $5, Program only: NO CHARGE, pre-registration is required.

Flexibility Instructor: Brigitte Powidzki, Arthritis Institute certified Sitting & standing strengthening with resistance bands. Waiver must be signed prior to class. Wednesdays, Jan 4 - Jun 28 • 10:00-11:00am $10M/$15NM

TED Talks - Enrichment - Exercise Classes

TED Talks- March Episode: The single biggest health threat women face Surprising, but true: More women now die of heart disease than men, yet cardiovascular research has long focused on men. Pioneering doctor C. Noel Bairey Merz shares what we know and don’t know about women’s heart health — including the remarkably different symptoms women present during a heart attack (and why they’re often missed). Friday, March 10 ● 10:00am ● NO COST

Exercise Classes


Health & Wellness

Take Charge of Your Health This program is a proven series to help guide you in the self-management of your and/or your loved ones health condition - whether it is high blood presure, asthma, heart disease or any condition. Topics include coping with fatigue, exercise, medications, nutrition and evaluating new treatment options. Thursdays, Mar 2 - Apr 6 • 9:30am-12:00pm NO COST, registration is required. ITAC Amplified Phones Free amplified phones for those who qualify through the State of Illinois programs. Wednesday, Mar 8 • 10:00am Please call for an appointment. Blood Pressure Screening Walk-In, at the Niles Senior Center. NO COST Tuesday, Mar 14 • 10:00am-12:00pm Tuesday, Apr 11 • 10:00am-12:00pm

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Are You Dizzy? Presented by: Kimberly Smith, PT, DPT, VRT Experienced Certified Vestibular Rehabilitation Specialist Do you experience dizziness? Fear of falling because of dizziness? This presentation will help you: 1. Understand the different causes of dizziness. 2. Understand what in the inner ear and brain can cause dizziness and balance problems. 3. Understand what can be modified within the home, community and everyday activities to prevent or overcome symptoms. 4. When should I speak to my doctor? What are some red flags to look for? Wednesday, Mar 15 • 11:00am-12:00pm • NO COST

Polish Coffee Hour - Witamy! The Senior Center would like to invite all Polish speaking seniors for a coffee and chat about everything and anything. All meetings will be held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 11:30 AM. For more information, please contact: Monika Lucarz, MSW 847-588-8467 or Brigitte Powidzki, RN. Please join our group! Zapraszamy wszystkich seniorόw na kawę oraz rozmowę o wszystkim i o niczym. Spotkania odbywaja się w III czwartek każdego miesiaca o godzinie 11:30 AM na drugim pietrze. Masz pytanie? Prosze zadzwonic do Moniki albo do Brygidy, 847-588-8467. Dołącz do naszej grupy! Thursday, Mar 16 • 11:30am-12:30pm • NO COST Thursday, Apr 20 • 11:30am-12:30pm • NO COST Visually Impaired Motivators (VIM) Please join us to learn and discuss ways to maintain your independent lifestyle in a supportive group setting. The meeting will be followed by Voices of Vision Book Club. Tuesday, Mar 21 • 10:30-11:30am Tuesday, Apr 18 • 10:30-11:30am Jan-Jun $10M/$15NM Heartsaver CPR-Staying Alive Instructor: Jim Leibach, Niles Fire Department More than 326,000 people in the US suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrests each year. Statistics prove that if more people knew CPR, more lives could be saved. Learn the hands on skills and automatic external defibrillator use to help save an adult’s life or a child’s life while waiting for emergency medical services to arrive. Friday, Mar 31 • 1:00-4:00pm •$10M/$15NM Sharps & Medication Collection Tuesday, Apr 11 • 10:00am-12:00pm Lab Screening by Advocate Lutheran General Hospital Complete Metabolic Panel, Complete Blood Count, Cholesterol Panel, TSA-Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (females only), PSA-Prostate Specific Antigen (men only). Please pay at the Niles Senior Center where you will be given instructions on how to schedule your appointment. This is a fasting test, please do not eat or drink for ten hours prior to the test (except doctor-prescribed medication with a small sip of water). Light breakfast will be served. Friday, Apr 21 • 9:00am • $65M & Employees/ $70NM


Clubs & Groups Men’s Club

Men’s Club Meeting - April Men’s Club Pancake Breakfast - See Luncheons & Special Events Monday, Apr 17 • 9:30am • $9M/$13.50NM *Men’s Club Planning Meeting - immediately following regular meeting

Choral Group

Choral Group - New Golden Notes Director The NSC is thrilled to announce that Mary Grimes-Kelly is the new Director of the Golden Notes. If you love to sing, please consider joining the group. New members are always welcome. Tuesdays, Mar 7 - 28 • 10:00–11:30am • $15M/$20NM Tuesdays, Apr 4 - 25 • 10:00–11:30am • $15M/$20NM

Women’s Club

Women’s Club Meeting - March President: Lois MacAdam Lunch will include: cheeseburger, chips and dessert. Entertainer Mihai Vlad will be back with his extraordinary violin performance. Monday, Mar 27 • 11:30am • $6M/$9NM Women’s Club Meeting - April Lunch will include: Pulled pork, cole slaw, and dessert. NSC’s Golden Notes will lead a sing-a-long following the meal. Monday, Apr 24 • 11:30am • $6M/$9NM

Niles Rhythm Band

Do you like to sing? Do you play a musical instrument or would you like to learn? If so, consider joining the Niles Rhythm Band! The Niles Rhythm Band performs at various nursing homes and at senior centers around Niles and the neighboring communities, as well as the Men’s and Women’s Clubs. Don’t forget to bring your singing voice! Come join us the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10:30am. There are also free ukulele lessons for those interested. NO COST, Members/$18, Non-Members

Clubs & Groups

Men’s Club Meeting - March President: Hank Betka Join the Men’s Club for a meeting and lunch of Italian beef, chips and dessert. Monday, Mar 20 • 10:30am • $6M/$9NM *Men’s Club Planning Meeting - immediately following regular meeting

Red Hat Club

Red Hat Club - Women’s History Month Cabaret Dinner See Women’s History Month Events Saturday, Mar 25 • 4:30-7:00pm • $9 Children (Under 18)/$15 Adults (18 & over)

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Red Hat Spring Outing We will be heading back to Oakton Community College to see their adaptation of “How I Learned to Drive” by playwright Paula Vogel. This 1998 Pulitzer Prize winning play is a compassionate, sophisticated, and gently humorous look at a heart-rending and all-toocommon tragedy. “How I Learned to Drive” is a coming of age story of a bright and perceptive girl, Li’l Bit, who matures from a lonely 11-year-old into an 18-year-old who can stand up to her oppressor. It is also the story of her emotionally stunted Uncle Peck who preys on her need for affirmation, affection, and approval. Following a jumbled chronology, the play unfolds like a childhood memory that can’t be forgotten and is staged with a chorus like a Greek tragedy. Before the play, we will dine at Leona’s Restaurant in downtown Des Plaines where you have a choice of one of the following along with two regular sides, soft drink, and dessert: 1) Romano chicken, 2) Romano garlic chicken, 3) fish florentine, and 4)chicken marsala. Please be advised that this event contains themes such as sexual predation and alcoholism that might be disturbing to some individuals. (Please note: A limited number of seats will be available for those requiring transportation to the outing venue. Participants will have to arrange their own accommodations to and from the NSC.) Thursday, Apr 6 • 6:00pm • $35 Leona’s- 1504 Miner Street, Des Plaines, 6pm Oakton Performing Arts Center- Studio One • 1600 East Golf Road, Des Plaines • 8:00pm


Games & Movies

Bingo -March A favorite of game-lovers everywhere, bingo is a game strictly of chance…but guaranteed fun! Guarantee yourself a good time with our new monthly bingo game event. Cost includes dinner of baked basa fish, sides, beverage, dessert, and prizes. Tuesday, Mar 28 • 4:30-6:00pm • $7M/$10NM

Bingo -April Cost includes dinner of Georgian chicken, side, beverage, dessert, and prizes. Tuesday, Apr 25 • 4:30-6:00pm • $7M/$10NM

Please note time change to evening hours. Registrations must be received no later than 12pm the day before. Thank you for your cooperation.


Poker Tournament Bring your poker face and some luck. Cost includes lunch and prizes. Friday, Mar 31 • 12:00pm • $5M/$7.50NM Friday, Apr 28 • 12:00pm • $5M/$7.50NM


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Dinner & Movie: The Accountant (R, 2016, 128 min - Strong violence & language) Starring Ben Affleck and Anna Kendrick “Christian Wolff is a math savant with more affinity for numbers than people. Behind the cover of a small-town CPA office, he works as a freelance accountant for some of the world’s most dangerous criminal organizations. With the Treasury Department’s Crime Enforcement Division, run by Ray King, starting to close in, Christian takes on a legitimate client: a state-of-the-art robotics company where an accounting clerk has discovered a discrepancy involving millions of dollars. But as Christian uncooks the books and gets closer to the truth, it is the body count that starts to rise.” -IMDB Dinner includes hot dog, chips and dessert. Tuesday, Mar 14 • 5:00pm • $2M/$3M Movie ONLY, NO COST Encore presentation: Wednesday, Mar 15 • 1:00pm • NO COST Dinner & Movie: Magnificent Seven (PG13, 2016, 133 min) Starring Denzel Washington and Chris Pratt “Director Antoine Fuqua brings his modern vision to a classic story in The Magnificent Seven. With the town of Rose Creek under the deadly control of industrialist Bartholomew Bogue, the desperate townspeople employ protection from seven outlaws, bounty hunters, gamblers and hired guns. As they prepare the town for the violent showdown that they know is coming, these seven mercenaries find themselves fighting for more than money.” Dinner includes hot dog, chips and dessert Tuesday, Apr 18 • 5:00pm • $2M/$3M Movie ONLY, NO COST Encore presentation: Wednesday, Apr 19 • 1:00pm • NO COST


Seasonal Programs Hooked-On Fishing

2017 Hooked-On Fishing Outings Cost includes: continental breakfast, bait, prizes, and lunch - $18 Everyone

2017 Hooked-On Fishing Schedule Friday, Apr 21

Busse Woods

Friday, May 26 Fish Lake Friday, Jun 16

Friday, Jul 21 Big Bear Little Bear Friday, Aug 25 Lake Opeka

McHenry Dam

Golf Leagues

Men’s & Women’s Golf Kick-Off Meeting An informative meeting about this year’s golf season. Refreshments served, raffles, and more! New participants are welcome! After the meeting you can register for outings. NO COST Men’s – Wednesday, Apr 26 • 10:30am Women’s – Friday, May 5 • 10:30am

Seasonal Programs - Fishing/Golf

Hooked-on Fishing Kick-Off Meeting Join us for a great afternoon discussing the upcoming fishing season. Refreshments will be served, raffles and more! New participants are welcome. Friday, Mar 10 • 1:00pm • NO COST

Men’s Golf Leauge 2017 Schedule - Tee-Off Time 8:00am - $21R/$25NR Wednesday, May 10

Wednesday, Jul 5

Wednesday, Aug 30

Wednesday, May 24

Wednesday, Jul 19

Wednesday, Sept 13

Wednesday, Jun 7

Wednesday, Aug 2

Wednesday, Sept 27

Wednesday, Jun 21

Wednesday, Aug 16

Women’s Golf League Schedule - Tee-Off Time 8:45am - $19R/$23NR Friday, Jun 30

Friday, Aug 11

Friday, Sept 22

Friday, Jun 2

Friday, Jul 14

Friday, Aug 25

Friday, Oct 6

Friday, Jun 16

Friday, Jul 28

Friday, Sept 8

Pickle-Ball! Pickle-ball is the fastest growing sport in America and the Niles Senior Center is joining the craze. Played with a paddle and plastic ball, it is an easy-to-learn sport that combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong. Come join the group for fun and get an awesome work out while you’re at it! For more information, call 847-588-8400. Tuesdays, 10:00am • Niles Fitness Center

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Friday, May 19

10 Culture Club Culture Club

An Evening in Bronzeville Join the NSC Culture Club express! Between 1910 and 1920, a tremendous number of African-American workers journeyed to Bronzeville to escape oppression in the southern United States. As one of the most significant landmarks of the "Great Migration," this South Side neighborhood is shrouded in a glowing, African-American cultural allure. We will take a riding tour of Bronzeville’s most famous spots and make a surprise visit to one of their most notable places today. (It’s a surprise!) Afterwards, we will go to Yassa Restaurant, one of Chicago’s only dining destinations featuring Senegalese cuisine. We will have the opportunity to sample their homemade juices and have a wonderful dinner, dining to the tunes of the Junta Ensemble. The Junta Ensemble has been together for over 15 years, but has been performing individually in the Chicago area for years in various genres of music, Blues, Classical, Gospel, Jazz, R&B and Rock. What you will encounter is a meeting of individual tastes that form an agreeable and pleasing blend as they put their collective spin on music. Saturday, Apr 8 • Check-in: 4:00pm • Depart: 4:30-10:00pm • $55M/$60NM (Please register no later than Mar 27)

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Asian-American Heritage Month Events (Details to follow in April/May book) AAHM Trip: Little India (Anticipate heavy walking, with breaks as needed) Come explore India’s food and culture during a walking tour of Chicago’s world famous “Little India” neighborhood! Please see fliers in our lobby for more information. Wednesday, May 10 • Check-in: 9:30am • Depart: 10:00am-3:00pm • $60M/$65NM AAHM Community Movie Presentation- Moana Meal includes: Sweet and sour chicken, sticky white rice, egg rolls, beverage, and dessert. Friday, May 12 • 12:00pm • $4 Children/$6 Adults Who is My Muslim Neighbor? The NSC will be hosting CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) as they present “Who Is My Muslim Neighbor?” This presentation is part of the NSC’s expanding enrichment programming efforts to explore different cultures, religions, and ethnicities in the Niles area. CAIR will discuss demographics, perceptions, and stereotypes about Islam in an open and respectful Q&A based discussion. Light traditional refreshments will be provided. Saturday, May 20 • 11:30am • NO COST, but pre-registration is required. Bingo and Dinner: Hawaiian Style Menu includes: Kahlua pork, white rice, island-style cole slaw, roll, beverage and dessert. Tuesday, May 23 • 4:30-6:00pm • $8M/$12NM (Register by May 19)


Sizzle, Sequins, Murder & Mayhem! The 1920’s was a delirious decade. What made this time so remarkable? Was the film Chicago really inspired from a true story? Find out with this engaging, educational, and entertaining program that is really fun! This program will be presented by Martina Mathisen, Educational Entertainer with Edu-tainment Living History. This event includes lunch of: chicken piccata, lemon aioli pasta, green beans almondine, dessert, and beverage. Tuesday, Mar 14 • 11:30am-1:30pm • $10M/$15NM (No registrations will be accepted after Friday, Mar 10)

Women’s History Month Movie Presentation: Iron Lady (PG-13, 2011, 105 min) Starring: Meryl Streep An elderly Margaret Thatcher talks to the imagined presence of her recently deceased husband as she struggles to come to terms with his death while scenes from her past life, from girlhood to British prime minister, intervene. (IMBd) Meal includes: Chicken sandwich, toppings, chips, beverage, and dessert. Wednesday, Mar 29 • 12:00pm • $5M/$7.50NM • Movie ONLY, NO COST (Register by Mar 28)

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Women’s History Month Cabaret Dinner Hosted by the NSC Red Hat Club The ladies of the NSC Red Hat Club cordially invite you to celebrate Women’s History Month with a cabaret concert and dinner. Featuring EWTS 2016 vocalists Tracy Holmes, Jodi Fox, CeeJaye and pianist Wesley Dziedzic, this event will be a tribute to musical legends who shared with the world powerful songs of empowerment. Menu includes your choice of 1) artichoke chicken (boneless breast of chicken sautéed with artichoke hearts, tri-color peppers and capers in a lemon white wine sauce) or 2) stuffed pork braciole (rolled with spinach, roasted red peppers, and provolone cheese served with a tomato cream sauce), roasted vegetables, oven roasted potatoes, rustic salad, two (2) glasses of wine, and dessert. Please make meal selection at the time of registration. The NSC reserves the right to request identification at the discretion of staff. Saturday, Mar 25 • 4:30-7:00pm • $9 (Under 21)/$15 Adults (Over 21) (Register by Mar 20)

Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month Movie Presentation: Suffragette (PG-13, 2015, 106 min) Starring: Carey Mulligan, Ann-Marie Duff, Helena Bonham Carter In early 20th-century Britain, the growing suffragette movement forever changes the life of working wife and mother Maud Watts (Carey Mulligan). Galvanized by political activist Emmeline Pankhurst (Meryl Streep), Watts joins a diverse group of women who fight for equality and the right to vote. Faced with increasing police action, Maud and her dedicated suffragettes must play a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse, risking their jobs, homes, family and lives for a just cause. (Wikipedia) Meal includes: Greek salad with chicken, roll, beverage and dessert. (Register by March 8) Thursday, Mar 9 • 12:00pm • $5M/$7.50NM • Movie ONLY, NO COST




Hamilton: The Man, Miranda and the Musical Luncheon Barry Bradford returns to the NSC to present a mini-biography of the real Alexander Hamilton and his place in American history. Then we will look at Lin Manuel Miranda, the genius who created and starred in Hamilton. Finally, we will look at the musical itself. We’ll listen to excerpts from the songs, and have a discussion to help you have a greater appreciation for the show, whether you’ve seen it a dozen times already or are seeing it for the first time! Menu includes: pulled pork sandwich, coleslaw and dessert. Wednesday, Mar 1 • 11:00am-1:30pm $10M/$15NM St. Patrick’s/St. Joseph’s Day Luncheon Hosted by NSC Men’s Club This year’s Italian themed luncheon will feature a menu of a house salad, penne marinara with miniature meatballs, chicken asiago, bread, dessert, and beverage. Afterwards, local favorite vocalist Sam Magdal will entertain us. For over ten years, Sam has been known for sharing his “Tribute to Sinatra” capturing hearts and arousing the romance in his audiences with his gifted talent to perfectly match the voice, style, and sex appeal images of the one and only Frank Sinatra. Now he has added hundreds of songs popularized by major recording artists to his repertoire and delights his audiences with ballads, swing, and Rock ‘n’ Roll songs that transport listeners on a musical journey through the decades. Sam is renowned for singing the songs that for years have uniquely stimulated the emotions and wooed the senses of fans. Please note: Guests requiring dispensation to participate in this event are encouraged to reach out to their faith communities for assistance. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Forms for reserved seating must be returned by March 17. Friday, Mar 24 • Doors open at 11:30am • 12:00pm-2:00pm • $15M/$20NM (Register by Mar 22)

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Burt Bacharach: What the World Needs Now Luncheon by John Boda Lunch will include 1/3 bbq ribs, salad, baked potato and dessert. Following lunch, enjoy a performance by the amazing musician and storyteller John Boda presenting Burt Bacharach. Burt Bacharach is an American composer, songwriter, record producer, pianist, and singer. This six-time Grammy Award winner and three-time Academy Award winner. wrote over 70 top 40 hit songs! Everyone knows his big hit songs today and they have been covered by hundreds of artists, but many were first introduced and performed by Dionne Warwick such as: “Do You Know the Way to San Jose?”, “Walk on By”, “What the World Needs Now” and others. Hits will be performed such as “Magic Moments”, “The Look of Love” and a few Grammy winners “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head” , “Arthur’s Theme” and more! Burt Bacharach was born May 12, 1928 and is an American legend. John Boda will have his life story and perform his big hits. Friday, Apr 7 • 11:00am-1:30pm • $9M/$13.50NM “One Nation Under God” Luncheon by Rochelle Pennington Lunch will include chopped salad, roll and dessert. Pennington’s presentation will guide audience members through the sacred dimension of our country’s history, from the Declaration, which acknowledges “nature’s God,” the “Creator,” and the “Supreme Judge of the World,” to the sacred aspects of the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the “Star Spangled Banner,” the Gettysburg Address, the Pledge of Allegiance, and more. This lecture is packed with historical trivia and will focus on faith’s influence on our nation. Come and learn how every American President in history, from George Washington through Barak Obama, has acknowledged God in an inaugural address, a God referred to by the name “The Almighty, Divine Providence, Heavenly Father, Our Great Maker, Giver of Good, The Being Who is Supreme Over All,” and others. Although our Presidents have had varied political visions, they have been united in their conviction that there is a spiritual component to America. A continuous thread of reverence runs through our Presidential speeches, letters, proclamations, and memoirs. America is a land of multiple races, multiple ethnic backgrounds, and multiple faiths. Our freedom of religion gives each of us the liberty to ponder God “according to the dictates of our own conscience.” Thursday, Apr 20 • 11:00am-1:00pm • $9M/$13.50NM

Special Events

Cooking for One Chef Parker will be back to lead our new Cooking for One program! Has your family size changed significantly in recent years? Did you once enjoy cooking but now find it to be too much of a physical and emotional chore? If so, this is the program for you! Chef Parker will teach how meal prep for one can be easy, budget-friendly, AND tasty. Stuffed peppers are a big hit at the NSC, so we encourage you to bring your own recipes to share with the group! Fee includes demo and lunch. Wednesday, Mar 22 • 11:30am • $9M/$13.50NM

13 Special Events

Spring BBQ Hosted by the NSC Men’s Club Performing for over 25 years, Jerry Armstrong has entertained crowds throughout the Midwest. His vocals are “deadon”, people can’t believe it’s his own voice. A singer impressionist, Jerry does tribute shows to timeless legends: Frankie Valli, Sinatra, Dean Martin, Neil Diamond, Elvis and many more. Menu includes: Pulled beef brisket, grilled chicken, sides, beverage, and dessert. Please note: Doors open at 11:30. Friday, May 5 • 12:00pm-2:00pm • $15M/$20NM (Register by May 3)

Pancake Breakfast Hosted by NSC Men’s Club Get the most important meal off to a delicious start with our pancake breakfast. Our Men’s Club will be preparing and serving up buttermilk pancakes, sausage, bacon, breakfast potatoes, and juice. Afterwards, Take Two will take us back down memory lane with their Oldies But Goodies performance. (Please note time change for this event.) Monday, Apr 17 • 9:30am • $9M/$13.50NM (Register by Apr 13)

NSC Celebrates Earth Day! Join us as we welcome our young friends from the area pre-schools, day cares, and local families for an Earth Day celebration starring Ricky Recycle! Featured on Fox & NBC News Chicago, the Ricky Recycle Show is a dynamic, high-energy, fun-filled, interactive and educational program using word, song, comedy and extreme zaniness to teach all the benefits of recycling. After the show, we are seeking volunteers to have a share in a community art project with our young guests. Wednesday, Apr 26 • 11:00am, NO CHARGE, but pre-registration is required. NSC Family Recipes Rock! We are excited to have NSC member Anayis Kasper show us her family recipe for baklava. Anayis makes THE BEST baklava and we are sure you won’t find it this good anywhere you go. While there are many variations for this popular treat throughout Europe and the Middle East, Anayis’ special recipe was passed down to her by her father who worked in a pastry shop while he was in college. Plus…she says it is much easier to make than it looks. You simply cannot pass up the chance to learn how to make this special sweet treat! Thursday, Apr 27 • 12:00pm • $5M/$7.50NM Swing into Spring Senior Expo at Golf Mill Mall Don’t forget to stop by the NSC booth at the Senior Expo to enter our raffle for a chance to win fantastic prizes! Friday, Apr 28 • 9:00am-2:00pm

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An Evening with the Stars Starring: Knuckleball Comedy Ethan Blumenthal, writer, director and performer extraordinaire of acclaimed sketch comedy shows featured at The Second City, is bringing his two-person improv comedy show, Caught Looking, to the Niles Senior Center. This improv show was created specifically for the enjoyment of people ages 55 and better. This duo of improv performers bring a special type of energy to have everyone engaged and laughing throughout. From their famous improvised stories, to bringing in their talented panel of “experts,” this show is unlike any other. Please register in person or via phone at: 847-588-8420. Ticket price includes: Two (2) glasses of wine, small bites, and performance. Open to anyone 21+ Friday, Apr 21 • Pre-show reception 5:30-6:30pm • Performance 6:30pm-7:30pm $10M/$15NM


= Minimal Walking

= Moderate Walking

= Heavy Walking



My Way (Anticipate minimal walking) Join us as we head to Theatre at the Center in Munster, Indiana. After lunch, enjoy a musical tribute to Frank Sinatra in “My Way.” Relive the legendary career of Frank Sinatra as four actors share more than 50 of his beloved hits. When asked the key to his success, Sinatra replied, “sing good songs.” “Fly Me to the Moon,” “Chicago,” “New York, New York,” “The Way You Look Tonight,” and “That’s Life” are just some of those songs showcased in this musical tribute to the iconic success story of Ol’ Blue Eyes. Lunch includes white bean minestrone soup, a choice of Mediterranean tilapia with tomatoes, olives and capers or pepper steak, steamed white rice, Italian green beans and chocolate marble cake for dessert. Wednesday, Mar 8 • Check-In 10:00am • Depart 10:30am-6:00pm • $70M/$75NM Saturday Night Fever at Drury Lane (Anticipate minimal walking) Grab your bell-bottoms and take a trip back in time with “Saturday Night Fever.” Based on the 1977 hit film, Saturday Night Fever follows Brooklyn teen, Tony Manero, in his attempt to escape his tribulations by spending weekends at the local discotheque. Watch as Tony tries to win the admiration of the crowd as well as his heartthrob, Stephanie Mangano, with his electric moves. Featuring your favorite Bee Gees songs from the movie such as “Stayin’ Alive” and “More Than a Woman,” Saturday Night Fever is a nostalgic classic that will have you dancing in the aisle. Lunch will include:Spinach Mandarine salad, a choice of 1) grileld chicken breast with Mediterranean relish) or 2) baked lemon sole with dill sauce and dessert. Thursday, Mar 16 • Check-in 10:15am • Depart 10:45am-5:00pm • $74M/$79NM

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An Evening in Bronzeville (Anticipate moderate walking with frequent stops to get on and off bus) Join the NSC Culture Club express! Between 1910 and 1920, a tremendous number of African American workers journeyed to Bronzeville to escape oppression in the southern United States. As one of the most significant landmarks of the “Great Migration,” this South Side neighborhood is shrouded in a glowing, African American cultural allure. We will take a riding tour of Bronzeville’s most famous spots and make a surprise visit to one of their most notable places today. (It’s a surprise!) Afterwards, we will go to Yassa Restaurant, one of Chicago’s only dining destinations featuring Senegalese cuisine. We will have the opportunity to sample their homemade juices and have a wonderful dinner, dining to the tunes of the Junta Ensemble. The Junta Ensemble has been together for over 15 years, but has been performing individually in the Chicago area for years in various genres of music: Blues, Classical, Gospel, Jazz, R&B and Rock. What you will encounter is a meeting of individual tastes that form an agreeable and pleasing blend as they put their collective spin on music. Saturday, Apr 8 • Check-in: 4:00pm • Depart: 4:30-10:00pm • $55M/$60NM (Please register no later than Mar 27)

Change of Date

Chicago at Drury Lane (Anticipate minimal walking) After 30 years, the hit musical Chicago returns to Chicagoland. Filled with fame, fortune, and all that jazz, this edge-of-your seat story features one Fosse showstopper after another. Lunch will include a mixed green salad, a choice of sautéed tilapia or bistro steak and dessert. Thursday, May 4 • Check-in 10:15am • Depart 10:45am-5:00pm $74M/$79NM

= Minimal Walking

= Moderate Walking

= Heavy Walking


AAHM Trip: Little India (Anticipate heavy walking, with breaks to visit stores) Come explore India’s food and culture during a walking tour of Chicago’s world famous “Little India” neighborhood! (More information will be available at the front desk) Wednesday, May 10 • Check-in: 9:30am • Depart: 10:00am-3:00pm • $60M/$65NM


Cabaret (Anticipate minimal walking) Theatre at the Center Join us as we head to Theatre at the Center in Muenster, Indiana to see the classic “Cabaret.” Welcome to the Kit Kat Klub in 1930s Berlin, where a mischievous Emcee invites us to join cabaret singer Sally Bowles and an American writer searching for inspiration, in a world on the brink. Winner of eight Tony Awards, including Best Musical and Best Original Score, this timeless classic features “Maybe This Time,” “The Money Song,” “Willkommen” and “Cabaret.” Prior to the show, we will be having lunch at the Theatre. Menu includes: spinach salad with strawberries, a choice of a grilled boneless pork chop or mustard chicken breast with cream sauce, German potato salad, green peas and German chocolate cake for dessert. Wednesday, May 24 • Check-in 10:00am • Depart 10:30am-6:00pm •$70M/$75NM

Sentimental Journey at White Fence Farm (Anticipate moderate walking) Take a trip down memory lane with Doris Day, Rosemary Clooney, Dinah Shore & more! Entertainer Susan Currier will warm your heart in this memorable show with songs from the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. Before the show enjoy White Fence Farm’s famous four piece chicken dinner, baked potato, coleslaw, pickled beets, kidney bean salad, cottage cheese, corn fritters and vanilla ice cream for dessert. Wednesday, Aug 9 • Check-in 10:15am • Depart 10:45am-5:00pm $60M/$65NM

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Chicago White Sox vs. Baltimore Orioles (Anticipate very heavy walking) Let’s go Sox! The day will include a 2-hour pre-game, all you can eat buffet, bingo in the patio area, and a game ticket in the lower level. Patio buffet features: Cajun chicken, fried chicken, hot dogs, bbq ribs, hamburgers, salads, unlimited beer, wine and soft drinks. The patio opens at 11:40am and bingo begins at 12:00pm. A former White Sox player will be calling the Bingo numbers as well. Thursday, Jun 15 • Check-In 10:30am • We will leave after the game is over • $68M/$73NM


Assistance & Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities & Assistance

*NEW* Telephone Reassurance: The Telephone Reassurance Program provides a daily safety check phone call to an older adult or adult with disabilities to offer a sense of security and reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness. The service is available to any older adult or disabled resident, who lives alone. Not only does this service provide peace of mind to the person that lives alone, but also to the family and friends of that person. Reassurance will be provided by: * Phone calls made between 10:00am-12:00pm. * If calls remain unanswered, a procedure is implemented by NSC Staff to locate the individual and make sure he or she is safe. If you or a loved one would like to receive a free phone call every day, Monday through Friday, please contact the Niles Senior Center (847)588-8420. Friendly Visitor Program The Friendly Visitor Program volunteers provide companionship and friendship to isolated adults who are homebound. The program pairs an older adult with a friendly visitor who provides friendship and support through weekly visits.

NEW - ONLINE REGISTRATION Registration is now available online for most of the NSC’s programs and events as well as most membership packages. Register from the comfort of your own home for luncheons, trips, etc. To register for a program or event, please follow the steps below:

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• Go to our website at, select Online Registration • Login to your existing account using the email address on file at the NSC (first time users, please click on “Forgot Password” and an email with a temporary password will be sent to you, you may then set up your permanent password). • If you do not have an existing account with the Niles Senior Center, please call 847-588-8420 for assistance. • Select the programs and/or events you wish to attend; to view the full description, click on “Register”. To make a purchase, click “Add to Cart”. All selected activities will be placed in your shopping cart. • When you have completed your selections, choose “Checkout” where you may review and modify your selections, and continue to the payment screen to complete your purchase using MasterCard, Visa or Discover. • When your purchase has been completed, you will receive a confirmation email. Should you have any further questions, please call the Niles Senior Center at 847-588-8420.

Social Services Programs

Social Services

Circle is Getting Smaller Losing a loved one is hard enough but losing the members of your circle of friends is just as hard. The group can focus on whoever a person defines as a “friend” who can include spouses, children, friends of childhood, long time neighbors, etc. NO COST • For more information, contact the Niles Senior Center.


Growing Older in Niles Let’s get prepared for aging in place! These weekly sessions will address how to make “growing older in Niles” a success since you will learn the essentials of what is offered in the community regarding senior housing, available equipment to keep you safe & secure in the home, legal documentation to safeguard your finances and health directives, & overall questions you may have that need to be answered. NO COST • For more information, contact the Niles Senior Center.

Polish Coffee Hour - Witamy The Senior Center would like to invite all Polish speaking seniors for a coffee and chat about everything and anything. All meetings will be held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 11:30 AM. For more information, please contact: Monika Lucarz, MSW or Brigitte Powidzki, RN at 847-588-8420. Please join our group! Zapraszamy wszystkich seniorόw na kawę oraz rozmowę o wszystkim i o niczym. Spotkania odbywaja się w III czwartek każdego miesiaca o godzinie 11:30 AM na drugim pietrze. Masz pytanie? Prosze zadzwonic to Moniki albo do Brygidy, 847-588-8420. Dołącz do naszej grupy! Thursday, Mar 16 • 11:30am-12:30pm • NO COST Thursday, Apr 20 • 11:30am-12:30pm • NO COST

Growing Older in Niles/Geared toward the Loved Ones Involved in Senior’s Lives This is a part two type offering of the above but geared towards educating daughters, sons, friends, & partners who are involved in the life of a senior. Often times family members do not know what is available for their loved one until a crisis hits such as a fall, a hospitalization, or until a medical professional is asking direct questions. The above topics will be addressed again so that a family knows what is available and what should be arranged, before there is a problem. NO COST • For more information, contact the Niles Senior Center.

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Dinner with the Social Worker Kathy O’Grady, LCSW would love to have available seniors who are interested in dining out at the Omega Restaurant, join her the second Friday of each month. Kathy will meet interested individuals at the Senior Center and transportation will be provided to the Omega Restaurant in Niles. We will meet at the Senior Center at 4:30, and arrival to the restaurant will take place at approximately 5:00 (individuals with their own transportation can meet there) and a meal will be enjoyed. Individuals will be expected to pay for their own dinner/drink. The purpose of the group is to dine together, meet new friends and enjoy one another’s company. • For more information, contact the Niles Senior Center.




Membership Niles residents may purchase a membership to the NSC for $20 a year per person, or $30 a year for two residing at the same address. Non-residents may purchase a membership to the NSC for $35 a year per person, or $45 a year for two residing at the same address. Members receive the bi-monthly program guide and priority registration with member pricing. Your membership card must be scanned in at the Membership Services Desk to allow access to the Center including the card room, billiards room, main lobby with large screen TV and Free WiFi, library for books & movies, and multi-media center. Registration So that we may contact you in the event of a cancellation, all programs, both FREE and paid, require registration. Payment is due at the time of registration. Registration is available online, by mail or in person at the Senior Center. Member registration begins the second Tuesday of the mailing month. Non-member registration begins the third Tuesday of the mailing month. Early registration is encouraged, as programs with insufficient registration may be cancelled. A waitlist is started when a program reaches its maximum capacity. Refunds Programs cancelled by the NSC due to low enrollment, weather, or other scheduling conflicts, will be fully refunded to the payor. In the event a registrant cancels less than 24 hours prior to the program (excluding trips), the Program Coordinator and/or Director will make a determination regarding a refund. Refunds will be made to the payor of the event by account credit, refund check or a refund to the credit card used at the time of registration (Please note that refund checks may take up to thirty days from the date of cancellation). Trip Cancellation Policy Fees for day trips are non-refundable within 10 working days of the trip if a replacement cannot be found. Please call and speak with a staff person if you cannot attend the trip. If we are successful in finding a replacement, the payor of the trip will receive a refund by account credit, refund check or a refund to the credit card used at the time of registration. Code of Conduct In order to provide a welcoming, safe, and supportive environment for our members and guests, Niles Senior Center has developed a Code of Conduct. Copies are available at the front desk.

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Inclement Weather The Niles Senior Center will have a delayed opening on the days that Culver School is closed because of inclement weather or when travel is hazardous. Programs will be cancelled on a case by case basis; registrants will be notified.

In memory of... Ned C. Cacioppo, Veega Faltum, Marianne Kopp, Margaret Mazzanti Jim Michelotti A memorial sign is placed at the front desk when we hear a member has passed.

Services Gift Certificates

Available at the front desk

Handicapped Placards

Forms available at the front desk.

Medical Lending Closet

Walkers, canes, or wheelchairs available for short term use to Niles residents.

Notary Public

The Senior Center has a notary on staff. No appointment is needed, but please call before you come in to verify availability. Documents must not be signed beforehand and a photo ID is required.

Program Guide

FREE M/$1NM or FREE online at

Optelec Clear Reader

A photo is taken of typed materials, such as a magazine, newspaper, or book, and reads the information out loud. The Reader is available for use in the multi-media center.

Parking Vehicles must be parked in a designated space. If a parked vehicle is taking up more than one space, it is not an acceptable excuse for another operator to do the same. Drivers should be aware that spaces in prime locations tend to fill up quickly. Depending on your time of arrival, the outer lots may be the best choice for parking. Should the staff witness or be notified of any issues in the Senior Center lot, including locked cars with engines running, parking illegally in or next to a handicapped spot, fender benders, and/or observed difficulty with driving, the police will be called to respond.

Ventra Card

Permission to Photograph Photos are periodically taken of participants in a class, during a special event or any other Senior Center function. These photos are for Village of Niles use and may be used in Village publications.


Americans with Disabilities Act The Village of Niles intends to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by making reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. We hope that this will enhance our building’s appearance and make your efforts to be informed easier. If you or someone you know with a disability requires accommodations for a Village service or have any questions about the Village’s compliance, please contact Steven Vinezeano, Village Manager, Village Administration Building, 1000 Civic Center Drive, Niles, IL 60714.

Yard Waste Stickers

Forms available. Photos taken for a $3.00 processing fee.

SHIP Appointments

(Senior Health Insurance Program) Call for appointment.

TDD (Hearing Impaired Phone) Will Appointments Call for more information. Available for $2.00 each at the front desk The NSC reserves the right to correct errors in this publication


Mail-in Registration Form

Name _____________________________________________ Phone _______________________________ **Please let us know at the time of registration if special accommodations are needed.**






Registration Starts: Tuesday, Feb 14 • Feb 21NM

Total $ Release and Hold Harmless Agreement: Participants should read this form carefully and be aware that in signing up and participating in this program you will be waiving and releasing all claims for injuries or damages you might personally sustain which might arise out of this program. As a participant in this program, I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury associated with such participation, and I agree to assume the full risk for any injuries, damages, or loss which I may sustain as a result of participating in such program as against the Niles Senior Center, its officers, agents, servants, and employees. I do hereby fully release and discharge the Niles Senior Center and its officers, agents, servants, and employees from any and all claims from injuries, damages, or loss which I may have or which may accrue to me on account of my participation in the program. I further agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the Niles Senior Center and its officers, agents, servants, and employees from any and all claims resulting from injuries, damages, and losses sustained by me and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with the activities of the program. I have read and fully understand this Release and Hold Harmless agreement and any program details provided to me. It is mutually understood that the facsimile registration document (including waiver and release of all claims) shall substitute for and have the same legal effect as the original form.

Payment Information: Cash Paid $_________

Check #_____________ Payable to the “Village of Niles”

__________________________________________________________ Date _______ / _______ Signature (Release & Hold Harmless Agreeement)

Frequently Called Numbers 847-297-2510 847-673-9300 847-588-7960 847-364-7223 800-772-1213 847-588-8000 847-588-8040 847-588-8460 911 847-588-6800 847-588-8400 847-588-8460 911 847-588-6500 847-588-7900 847-588-8030

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Maine Township Assessors Office Niles Township Assessors Office Niles Free Bus Pace Bus Social Security Office - 705 N Wheeling Rd, Mount Prospect Village of Niles Administration Building, Mayor’s Office, Village Manager, Village Clerk, Vehicle Sticker, Voter Registration Community Development Family Services Fire Department, EMERGENCY Non-Emergency Niles Family Fitness Center Niles Family Services Food Panrty Police Department, EMERGENCY Non-Emergency Public Services, Garbage Collection, Forestry, Water Main Breaks Water Billing

999 Civic Center Drive Niles, Illinois 60714 847-588-8420

HOURS M-F 8:30am - 5:00pm

First Class Mail

Nights & weekends as scheduled

MAYOR Andrew Przybylo TRUSTEES George D. Alpogianis John C. Jekot Joe LoVerde Danette O’Donovan Matyas Denise M. McCreery Dean Strzelecki VILLAGE MANAGER Steven C. Vinezeano VILLAGE CLERK Marlene J. Victorine SENIOR CENTER DIRECTOR Kelly Mickle PROGRAM COORDINATORS Jaymi Blickhahn Milcah Baraona NURSE Brigitte Powidzki SOCIAL WORKERS Bev Wessels Monika Lucarz Kathy O’Grady MAINTENANCE Marco Aviles RECEPTIONIST Jolanta Banasiak ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Bernadette Knapik

Label This publication is FREE M/$1 NM


Feb 21NM

MAINE SOUTH DANCE PERFORMANCE The Maine South Dancers are returning to the NSC to perform a number of their original choreographed pieces. You’ll feel like you’re in the audience of Dancing With The Stars as you enjoy both large ensemble, and smaller group productions spotlighting a variety of dance styles. There may also be a few surprise performers. This is a show that must not be missed. Light refreshments will be served after the show. Tuesday, Apr 11 • 11:30am •$1M/$2NM

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