Blue bottle-wen shu huang

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cocoBlue luxe Bottle Blue bottle coffee Coffee with



About Coco•luxe Confections History Concept

p. 4–9

About Blue Bottle Coffee History Concept

p. 10–17

How to make coffee Espresso Latte Cappuccino Mocha Single cup drip

p. 18–29


About Coco luxe Confections

How we start... “Chocolate is the first luxury. It has so many things wrapped up in it: Deliciousness in the moment, childhood memories, and that grin-inducing feeling of getting a reward for being good. �

Coco-luxe is the vision of Stephanie Marcon, a dedicated sweet tooth. Growing up in an Italian-American household, it was compulsory to learn the merits of slow cooking and fine ingredients. As she outgrew her easy bake oven, she expanded to gourmet sweets and loved how they delighted others. Travel interests and work assignments took her through Europe and while living in France she was enchanted by fine chocolatiers. Following an MBA and ten years in corporate America she decided to leave big business and put her passion for sweets to work. After graduating from the pastry program at the Culinary Institute of America she launched Coco-luxe Confections.



What do we want to give... “There are four basic food groups: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and chocolate truffles.”

Coco-luxe is dedicated to producing quality confections marrying gourmet chocolate with fun, familiar flavors. As inspiration we look to classic dessert flavors and timeless favorite treats, to create playful chocolates that indulge the senses in nostalgia. At Coco-luxe we capture all of your favorite childhood flavors in our delicious artisan chocolates. Handmade with premium chocolate and luxurious fillings, Coco-luxe Confections are all natural and a glorious indulgence for all occasions — or no occasion at all. We are a local company. Everything is made in our sausalito kitchen. Our products are all natural and use fresh sonoma cream in our truffles. We support green packaging using compostable cups, boxes, bags. Our goal is to indulge your inner child with classic americana treats!


About the blue bottle coffee

We are from... “I believe humans get a lot done, not because we’re smart, but because we have thumbs so we can make coffee.” Franz George Kolshitsky, who spoke Turkish and Arabic, took on the assignment disguised in a Turkish uniform. On September 13, the Turks were repelled from Vienna, leaving everything they brought: camels, tents, honey, and strange bags of beans which were thought to be camel feed which were bags of coffee. Kolshitsky bought the Turks’ coffee, opened Central Europe’s first coffee house (The Blue Bottle), and brought coffee to a grateful Vienna.

How do we grow... “The discovery of coffee has enlarged the realm of illusion and given more promise to hope.� Now, a few years later, thanks to the enthusiastic support of many loyal customers, Blue Bottle Coffee has grown to a small network of cafes We are still united by the simple purpose of getting great coffee to everyone who asks for it. We roast great coffee on two coasts, we make great drinks, we type up invoices, we say please and thank you. We offer the elderly and pregnant our seats on the bus and brush and floss daily.


“I will only sell coffee less than 48 hours out of the roaster to my customers, so they may enjoy coffee at its peak of flavor. I will only use the finest organic, and pesticide–free, shade–grown beans.” – Franz George Kolshitsky

How to make coffee

espresso Ingredients 1. Blue Bottle Coffee Espresso Blends — Without a good espresso coffee blend you cannot have a good espresso. 17ft Ceiling Hayes Valley Espresso Retrofit Roman Espresso Decaf Noir 2. Espresso Grinder 3. Water


Espresso blends Grinding espresso 25–30 seconds

Water temperature 92–96 degree

Extraction time 25–30 seconds with 1– oz cups


Latte Ingredients 1. Espresso 2. Steamed milk 3. Frothed milk

Introductions Latte is a portion of espresso and steamed milk, generally in a 2:1 ratio of milk to espresso, with a little foam on top.


Frothed milk



Steamed milk




cappuccino Ingredients 1. Espresso 2. Steamed milk 3. Frothed milk 4. Cinnamon or flaked chocolate

Introductions Usually equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk, often with cinnamon or flaked chocolate sprinkled on top.


Flaked chocolate or Cinnamon

Frothed milk


1 Steamed milk




mocha Ingredients 1. Espresso 2. Steamed milk 3. Chocolate syrup 4. Whipped cream

Introductions A cafĂŠ mocha like a latte, it is typically one third espresso and two thirds steamed milk, but a portion of chocolate is added, typically in the form of a chocolate syrup. Mochas can contain dark or milk chocolate.


Whipped cream Steamed milk 1/5


1/4 Chocolate syrup 1



Single cup drip Ingredients 1. The Blue Bottle coffee Brewed Coffee Blends — Bella Donovan Giant Steps Three Africans 2. Water 3. Ceramic dripper 4. Paper filter 5. Kettle

Introductions One gram ground coffee to 10 ml water is a good rough ratio. Put the good quality water that is very important for coffee. When you are ready to pour, gently drizzle a small amount of hot water in the center of the mound of coffee. The drizzling should circumscribe a circle about clock wise or counter clock wise.


Brewed coffee blends 300 ml/ 30g Kettle Clock wise 2 ml/ second

Paper filter

Water temperature Ceramic dripper

85–90 degree


Coco Luxe confections Information 200 Gate Five Road Ste 107 Sausalito, CA 94965 Store 1673 Haight Street San Francisco, CA 94117 (415) 367– 4012 Mon– Sun

12:30 pm– 8 pm

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