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INDEX 1 - Special thanks - pag. 2 2 – Project Partners – pag. 3 -4-5 3-Introduzione – pag.6-7 4- State of art of 2 regions: In Europa -pag.8-9-10 5- La situazione attuale sulla formazione in servizio in Italia- pag. –10-11-12 6 - Modello di formazione – pag.13-14-15 7-Raccomandazioni- pag. -15 8-Modalità di conduzione dei lavori Comenius Regio “Refreshment policies for teaching Staff” - pag. -16-17 9-Autori e Riflessioni – pag.17-18-19 10-Bibliografia/Sitografia - pag. –20-21-22


1.Special thanks to Mr Kamil Aydoğan (Education Director of Ankara) and Mr Rosario Leone (Minister of Education in Palermo - Sicily) for their valuable contribution and support to the project. This project is funded within the EU Lifelong learning Programmes Comenius Regio Projects and based on partnership of Educational Directorate of Ankara and Municipality of Palermo. The project is implemented between November 2010 - June 2012 Objectives Development of professional qualifications via in-service training programs is crucially important for today’s quickly change knowledge based society. Teaching as profession in this context has a unique position derived from the needs of both teachers and pupils. Regarding the rising importance of lifelong learning, the project aims at analysing and comparison of in-service teacher training systems of both regions to contribute generation of innovative in-service teacher training models required by knowledge based society. Therefore knowledge and experiences of partners in line with the needs, challenges and the best practices in the field of in service teacher training will be shared and examined in both regions. Outcomes of the project 2


An educational cooperation protocol between Educational Directorate of Ankara and Miur USR Sicilia Ufficio XV Ambito territoriale per la provincia di Palermo

2- Evaluation report of in-service training policies of teachers in Ankara and Palermo and suggestion of a model. 3- Two conferences in Ankara (04/05/2012) and Palermo for disseminating the results of the project.

2.PROJECT PARTNERS TURKISH NETWORK ANKARA MILLI EĞITIM MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ (Coordinator) Educational Directorate of Ankara is the second biggest local public education authority in Turkey. It is responsible for the planning, coordination and management of all kinds of educational activities for pre-school, primary, secondary and adult education in the 25 districts of Ankara. According to the 2008-2009 educational statistics of the institution; there are 46468 teachers and 848299 students in 1524 schools. The directorate provides in service training courses to its teaching staff free in charge in various subjects including "active learning methods" and "teaching with children at risk". In-service training department of the directorate is responsible to plan and coordinate all kind of training courses (school, district or city centralized). Teachers apply these courses by online registration. There were 831 in service training courses were organized in 2009. These courses totally took 947.995 hours and 25.311 teachers were attended these courses. GAZI UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF EDUCATION Gazi University was founded in 1926 as the first teacher training institution in Ankara. Gazi University Faculty of Education is the leading faculty of Turkey among the institutions training teachers in terms of its deep rooted history, education quality, scientific activities and number of faculty of academic staff and students. Academic and administrative staff aim to train modern, innovative, self-confident, productive and questioning learners. Currently more than 9,000 3

students are enrolled in 9 departments and 26 programs of The Gazi Faculty of Education. The faculty is a center of attraction in terms of not only in the number of learners and teaching staff also in the application of information technology efficiently by putting the Understanding of Modern Schooling into practice. HASANOĞLAN ATATÜRK ANATOLIAN TEACHERS TRAINING HIGH SCHOOL (HAAÖL) HAAÖL is a kind of initial teacher training high school at secondary education level, which makes it a unique example of teacher training in the world. It is attended by students who are successful at final exams while leaving their primary education. It is a mixed boarding school with students from all parts of Turkey. It has been a cornerstone in teacher training since it was a Village Institute, spirit of which is students' being active in learning process. Most of its students win university exam held at national level and attend Education Faculties. In other words, they are nominee teachers. The school consists of 535 students and 36 teachers. Italian partners. ITALIAN NETWORK Comune di Palermo Municipality of Palermo and specifically the Education Department of the Municipality is a local authority responsible for schools in the City of Palermo, from kindergartens to secondary school degree. The Municipality of Palermo directly manages 24 kindergartens with 980 pupils and 97 schools within kindergarten sections with 2048 pupils and provided services to 66,498 pupils in total 28 regional pre-primary schools, 118 pre-primary schools, 101 primary and secondary state schools. The administration structure is divide in to two part, the educational services and territorial services, headed by an executive. The missions of the Administration for services aimed at pre-primary schools is to promote the growth of children and focused on providing parents the qualified trained personnel and secure structures. Miur USR Sicilia Ufficio XV Ambito territoriale per la provincia di Palermo Each Region in Italy has a Regional Education Office which is located in the main city. Then, each province has a local Office. Both represent autonomous center of administrative and education responsibility. Sicily has 9 provinces and 9 Provincial Education Offices. 4

In Palermo, the main city, Miur USR Sicilia Ufficio XV Palermo is responsible both for supporting the actions of educational institutions and implementing innovative processes in education mostly related also to different topics focusing on in service training. It is responsible for the planning, coordination and management of all kinds of educational activities for pre-school, primary, secondary and adult education in Palermo and other Sicily provinces (Trapani and Enna). Miur USR Sicilia Ufficio XV Ambito Palermo aims to extend government policy for all education levels through the territory of Palermo district. According to the 2008-2009 educational statistics of the institution, there are 17.219 teachers and 200.000 students in 270 schools in the province of the Palermo. The functions are: Connection and interaction with schools, Regional and Local Authorities Ensure the regular beginning of the school Support the on-going innovation processes in the school system Extend the qualification initiatives and staff training Ensuring the right of instruction and education Promote inclusive education Enhancing school autonomy Istituto Superiore “Majorana� The Istituto Superiore Majorana is a Vocational high school which is geographically located in one of disadvantaged area of Palermo. Given the difficult situation of this area and the challenges which teachers have to face in their profession in this school it becomes necessary to equip them with new skills and knowledge which would be useful in facing the difficult situations in the school context. The school includes several addresses all variously related to the needs of the territory: the informatic one that trains experts in the field of computer management and IT management company, the chemical that forms specialized personnel in the classic chemical industry, but also in food and alimentation industries, and finally, agrarian address for the personal for the management of companies operating in agriculture and in that of the ornamental nursery industry in the region. 5

CEIPES No profit organisation CEIPES is name of a network (CEIPES Network) from divers Institutions from University of Palermo; CUD - University Centre for the Disability, IAL CISL SICILIA (Coordination of Regional Education Services), CE.D.AP - Centro per i Disturbi dell’Apprendimento (Centre for learning disorders), Schools and Municipalities and also other private and public institutions (Adult Education Centres) in Sicily Region. The main purpose of CEIPES is to promote the Education and Development of young people and adults through activities in education, training, culture, nonviolence, interculturality, solidarity, human rights, active citizenship, international cooperation, and promote services thus contributing to human and civil growth at individual, community and world levels.

In service teacher training 3.Introduction: During sensitive moment of change both the society and the schools require harmonization of the innovative tendencies with consideration of the technological revolution to solve the problems of the education system that is recently going through a crisis. We need new radical thoughts in order to renew and adapt specific initiatives regarding methods and concepts of trainings and put it into action. Such elements as the increasing cultural distances between generations, loss of social prestige of schools and the education, wide gap between scholastic culture and extracurricular activities or the old style of composing the classes (mixing heterogeneous youngsters coming from different background and different context, so they have different capacities and) and high rates of drop-offs among students require from teachers abilities to motivate students to be active in the learning process. From this perspective a good educator should be characterized as passionate and curious for the taught topics, people they meet and work for, taste for adventure and awareness of topics that might be 6

controversial, which are an integral part of human relations. Teachers should become first of all aware of the complexity and the meaning of their work which has a great social value. Educators need to know their own extent of ignorance and propensity to rethinking each day the meaning of work in classroom. Building the common context with the students and other teachers and complete set of learning process is of crucial meaning. Active and cooperative work is more difficult but more profitable than passive listening to specialist knowledge, already practiced for years by teachers at schools. The project Comenius Regio “Refreshment of the policies for teaching staff” has an objective of rethinking the service training modalities of teachers in order to request scientific community and policy makers to renew the rule of the school and, more general, education and training system. The society of knowledge increasingly requests that the training system will contribute to facilitating research field through project related analysis at a local level, and to creation of innovative model of training and service training. From elaboration and description of proposed model arises a pool of elements of a modern and efficient service for training European teaching staff. The Teacher: an in mobility profession ● Profession based on partnership ● Collaboration with stakeholders at a local level ● Responsible for increasing the value of research: Teacher A Researcher ● Comparison of systems and best practices ● Building a significant repertoire 3 corner stones to develop the training ● work with information, Technologies, knowledge ● work with similarities: community practices, either in a team or in cooperative learning ● work with and for a society at local/regional/national/European and world-wide level Presentation of the program and project, Sicily 7

The educative regional institution of Ankara and Palermo undertake a project Comenius Regio in collaboration with schools, organizations and institutions. This project fosters the opportunity of international cooperation between two European countries: Italy and Turkey which are participants to the programme. The project “Refreshment policies for teaching staff” is focused on development and exchange of good practices between the involved regions. After an exhaustive study actual situation of the professional development in respective territories through surveys, interviews and statistical studies the research has been expanded to the European and international level. Within the space of the project several studies and deepening materials have been produced, exchanged and spread to educational institution in both territories, in order to realize a better outcome in the respective context. Collaboration between institutions of the two regions has been enhanced from creation of an agreement protocol, which will have a positive outcome beyond the temporal deadline of the project, guaranteeing fundamental sustainability. An another outcome of the project is a new conception of a common model of training between the two regions. After sharing and confronting respective proposals partners created a model potentially applicable into educational reality at European level. Results of the project will be described and reasoned trough the “ Benchmark Report Regarding InService Teacher Training Policies”, which will be presented during two conferences in Ankara and in Palermo, and spread through all previewed modalities. This report, common for both of the countries, will be available in three languages: Italian, Turkish and English. The project has been also an occasion to get to know respective cultures and habits. It enabled to all participants to grow enormously their own intercultural competencies, increase reciprocal knowledge and foster exchange opportunities. 4.State of the art of the two regions In Europe Development of European professional qualifications through the inself education is crucial and it needs to be changed now and with a certain speed. In this specific context it is fundamental that the EQF - The European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (Recommendation of the European Parliament and EU Council of 23 April 2008), will be called common European framework and point of reference that links the qualification systems of different countries, 8

serving as a kind of explanatory device to make these qualifications more readable and understandable across countries and in different European systems. The Lisbon European Council stressed the fact that citizens are the greatest resource of Europe and basically meant that investment in human resources will be crucial for Europe's position in the economy of knowledge. Progress has been so far insufficient regarding achievement of objectives such as reducing the number of pupils who leave school early, the increasing rate of young people completing post- secondary education, or reduction of the number of teenagers with poor reading skills. Some studies show a close correlation between the quality of teachers and the pupils' performance, certainly not depending on school’s organization, management or financial situation. Continuing education of teachers in fact indicates that professional quality can be a less expensive way to improve outcomes and quality of learning, rather than reduction of number of students per class, cutting or extending school hours. In-service training focused on school should be aimed at solving specific problems of an educational, methodological, organizational and relational level, typical for this specific operational context. The teacher is a professional who works in an institution and because of its cultural autonomy, its subjectivity he/she must combine with the ethos of a shared project, avoiding the rites of collegiality, but also the excuse of freedom of teaching. Training is then inserted into strategies of self-analysis, development and improvements which are essential for school’s autonomy and have strong links with work experience, taking an empirical, factual and short-term relapse. Training on that field needs to be re-oriented and joined together to the national, regional and European level in order to create connections with universities, scientific and cultural institutions, businesses and local economic-production facilities, professional associations and discipline. On 18 December 2006 the European Parliament and the Council approved a recommendation 'on key competences for lifelong learning. " This document forms part of the process, which follows the European Council in Lisbon in 2000 and is known as “ The Lisbon strategy”. Its aim it to make Europe 'the world’s most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs, and greater social cohesion ".


Recently the annual report on progress in achieving the goals set by the Lisbon strategy in education and training points out insufficiency of the member States in meeting the challenges of the twenty-first century. The PISA 2006 (Programme for International Student Assessment) reports a delay in preparation of Italian students: overall result of research on Italy has shown that the performance of students reveals rather depressing situation. In fact the average score of Italian students in science is 475, with respect to the OCSE average equal to 500; in mathematics is 462, compared to 498 to the OCSE average; in reading the score is 468, compared to the OCSE average equal to 492. Also the average scores show huge distances on a regional level and between single schools as well. As is well known, Europe is going through transformation. The crisis has wiped out years of economic and social progress and highlighted structural weaknesses of the European Union. Meanwhile the world is moving fast and long-term challenges (globalization, pressure on resources, aging) are emphasized. The EU must take care of its future. In order to go out from the severe crisis that is still unresolved after Lisbon 2010, we need a strategy to emerge as stronger power and transform the EU into a smart, sustainable and inclusive system characterized by high levels of employment, productivity and social cohesion. Europe 2020 extends even further the proposals from Lisbon 2010 Strategy, mainly because it emphasizes the fact that as a union Europe needs to act collectively.

5.The actual situation of the in-service formation in Italy After studies on the theme in-service formation, comparison with teachers and with the working team, we stated several issues. There is a visible lack of general vision of important aspects of "maintenance of knowledge." Teachers limit their engagement in their work to the absolute minimum, and at the same time have the audacity to look with apprehension on the cuts and position of the Institute in rankings. The professional life of everyone remains buried by colleges, class councils, receptions, remedial courses, PON, school trips. 10

This approach to the system is disruptive that it doesn’t leave any space for reflection and discussion. The school reality that we know is the one where there are not enough means (singularly economical ones) so the search for motivation and change of style of teaching learning is continued with no success. Surveys conducted with groups of teachers have demonstrated that there’s a need of rebuilding the knowledge at school in relation to new cultural and social challenges, especially in terms of key skills of citizenship. In context of reformation the institutions may ask themselves following questions: 1. What knowledge is necessary to raise conscious citizens? 2. How to fight against dispersions and dropouts? 3. What is the relationship between knowledge / school knowledge / independent research and testing of teachers? Education that invests in quality must promote a pedagogical reflection with the aim of developing didactic, organizational, relational and communicative capacities. The teachers as professionals in their subjects and areas must have a chance to experiment new means of knowledge transmission, the acquisition of skills and reflect on the complex issues of teaching mediation in order to promote successful teaching and learning. In the Italian school system, as shows the model developed by the research group, schools or teachers may monitor individual training initiatives at national and European. Teachers’ training in Italy consists of a compulsory training at beginners level and in-service training, still considered as a “right and duty” according to law (art.282 Decree 97/94). Although it is not codified as an obligation to train oneself, many teachers may develop their professionalism thanks to the formation of national MIUR, European initiatives, formal and non-formal approved private institutions which provide vocational training in various forms. A significant number of teachers, however, is not interested in upgrading education due to the lack of incentives that can serve as “stick and carrot” to their different conducts. The beginning training level includes a TFA (Decree n.249/2010) as last instance. It consists of a three year degree disciplinary cycle which is 11

followed by a two-year degree for teaching and finally, of a year of practical internship (TFA) in primary or secondary schools. For in-service trainings, teachers can apply through ministerial training initiatives such as Poseidon, Mat@bel, IISS, LIM (technological interactive instruments) These types of courses are optional. Other training courses are included in the Pon Programs and can be organized independently by schools: National Operational Projects in Convergence objective regions (Sicily, Calabria, Campania, Puglia). Other initiatives, such as CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), provide specific courses based on the innovations introduced by the reform of the II cycle of school and are based on the interest of secondary school teachers to develop methodological skills to teach language and other subjects integrated. There is a high percentage of teachers who take care of their professional training thanks to non-formal methods of learning that are proposed by various websites - by the Ministry of Education, private associations that provide trainings for free (see for CIDI example, ANP, etc. ...). Another compulsory in-service training addressed to primary school teachers with no competence in English language. The regulation for this idea states that: "Teachers that are not yet specialized in teaching English as foreign language are supposed to attend appropriate courses, as underlined in the training plan�. The educational institutions should provide the contents that are "functional" to achieve the objectives identified in the plan offered by each school. The training activities are organized by schools, individuals or other institutions members depending on if they are functional according to offered plan. In parallel, within a regulatory framework in place of the DPR 275/99, inservice training is one of the priorities that institutions in their own autonomy, even interacting with each other in networks of schools and local authorities, might organize on the basis of individual needs and needs of the area, to open a cultural perspective. The funding does not come from State subsidies. 12

To equip the teachers with the skills and competencies needed for these new roles requires a renewed commitment of the training and education system offered for teachers. There is a need have an initial and continuous high quality which enables a process of further personal development. That allows teachers continually update and equip him/herself with the skills needed in a knowledge-based society. They have to be able to take responsibility of expanding boundaries of professional knowledge through a culture of reflection and to encourage research and systematic effort for continuous professional development throughout their careers.

6.The Model of in-service teachers training (see the attached map )

State region In-service teacher trainings To all the schools The in-service training for school personnel (as well as the staff of each work environment) should involve not only teachers but whole working environment. This is why we propose a training plan in the territory, regular and structured in such a manner: Territorial REGIONAL Forum - where different actors of territory are be asked to analyze the training needs through surveys and analysis of regional needs and connect them with their own initiatives. This way one can maintain a "mixed" techniques of: public-private system, formal and non-formal aspects (favoring the initiative of schools, associations, institutions, businesses, corporations, universities, etc.) to ensure cultural diversity and research autonomy. ESSENTIAL: adopting of culture of "thinking" and "doing" rather than applying over- rhetorical and useless former approach of implementing strategies; reducing the time of funding. â—?


The Regional Forum prepares periodically a "booklet" with several offers of trainings to be disseminated publicly, renewable for each year. In parallel it runs website called WEB LEARNING REGIO 13

(see example of best practice where one can find products and training services related to specific areas of cross-cutting issues (this example of TUSCANY REGION contains 450 pages of educational offers). ● The Catalog of Courses - paper and online version - is divided into thematic paths, cross trails and other inter-disciplinary courses. ● The Training Plan is an initiative to involve teachers in training and it has to be a constituent part of the system. The training, in order to be effective and to make changes and "value added" in the system a teacher belongs to, must be "mediated" by persons within educational institutions. ● In this context, a headmaster, real corner stone in the training, takes the regional plan as the strategic plan within the educational institutions and promotes a series of activities related to planning training. The Headmaster is supported by the Manager for the inservice training and by the specific Department of Research (or workgroup). The management of a in-service training and of research consisting of a specific team, can be a working group from which appropriate opportunities for training, support, documentation. (DPR 275 Art. 6 "Autonomy of research, testing and development"). The Teachers College shall issue a kind of training that will be mandatory and suggest another type of volunteerism taking into account the training needs. From Autonomy of the research networks of schools DPR 275 Art 7 and Art 9 integration between schools and territory. ●

In parallel with the previous proposal, the Teachers College, under the Italian system and school autonomy, promotes and organizes a series of initiatives to promote a European dimension of teacher training through the following ways:

• Networks of schools • Exchanges of teachers and best practices • Stages • Learning Networks • Workshop teachers - students • Job-shadowing, • Corporate Training • Exchange of students / classes and twinning 14

It would be a strong signal to guarantee by law a minimum training and research, within the budget of Education (for example the order of 1%) Another symbolic act would be to deduct the cost of training (courses, books, conferences) from the annual income, as costs of production. Specifically, each school should be served with a normal average annual budget for training, documentation, research. Outputs To compile the best practices and build a repertoire of training of any experience and to maintain a constructive path of lifelong learning Training contents: • Expansion of knowledge • Development of basic and transverse skills • Development and implementation of teaching skills • Development of across contents knowledge in a European dimension • Development of formal or non-formal educational workshops • Action Research Papers reform and European Reference • Adaptation of methodologies • Training of teachers to support change and equal opportunities • Development of services to support innovation system • Development of training initiatives to prevent distress and school dropout (one of the European crises) • more Evaluation of initiatives 1. Audit 2. Qualitative surveys for each Action 3. Focus Group 4. Research / action aimed 5. Intermediate Independent Evaluation 6. Institute Evaluation 7. National and International Surveys The proposed training model attempts to create a flexible system, consisting of "communicating vessels", represented by various actors working in / with the educational system at different institutional/ not institutional levels. It is all about building a network system in which the integration of schools (for example agreements made by the network) will 15

be combined within the territory in a cross-regional, national and European level. The aim is not only to optimize the services within the education - formation system but also to create a system of continuous learning throughout life that is essential for each person.

7.Recommendations In conclusion of these practices in a context of scholastic use, reflective dimension should be increases in order to achieve following results: 1. Approach the education problems with more critical spirit; 2. Observe/self-assess teaching practices to improve efficiency; 3. Assess the fallout on pupils. To equip the teaching body with skills and competencies necessary for these new roles, we need a new commitment from the education and training systems for teachers in order to: 1. Prepare an initial and ongoing high-quality and innovative training 2. Activate a continuous process of personal development and certification of skills 3. Stimulate an active research 4. Enhance the European dimension of training and increase the mobility of teachers at local, European and international levels 5. Activate networks of schools in the region and at international level for further exchanges of teachers, best practices, placements, jobshadowing, internships of enterprise, exchange of students/classes in specific areas 6. Establish synergies between institutions and organizations of various types, at national, regional and European levels 7. Encourage the blended training and e-learning 8. Encourage learning networks and cooperative learning 9. Promote the teachers - students workshops 10. Collect the best practices and build a repertory of training and restitution of any experience for maintaining a constructive point of view of lifelong learning 11. Define indicators to monitor the system and promote continuous evaluation 12. Other


8.Modalities of conduct work Comenius Regio “Refreshment policies for teaching Staff” After the opening meeting in December in Ankara and after the assignment of the tasks to be develop in the Region we will start to organize several meetings and several previewed activities. First identified element was an extension of research and administration of tests and interviews for schools group belonging to three different orders (classical, scientific and technical) with teachers and students representing three kinds of schools. Material prepared for the research and the administration was handed directly to schools, via email, in both Italian and English, giving teachers an opportunity to choose preferred version. The material was sent online and arrived on the due date with the same mode: via e-mail. This is a powerful communication tool to be considered as innovative in places where school’s employees never check the mail and prefer short communication by fax. This mode also enables reduction of printing sheets or photocopies for the exchange of materials between students, faculties and research group. In the first phase of the research on the 02.02.2011 we made an interview with the Regional Referent about the in-service training. Subsequently, on 23.02.2011 a group of 15 teachers from three different institutions (Liceo Scientifico “Basile”; IS “Majorana”; Liceo Classico “ Vitt.Eman.II°”) met at Miur USR Sicilia-Ufficio XV Ambito Territoriale located in the province of Palermo (via Praga 29) to construct a questionnaire on the in-service training. In order to involve students we asked for a representation of 5 students from each school involved - a total amount of 15 - and we sent them previewed structured materials a questionnaire with sketches (it was received on the 28.03.2011 via e-mail by referent teachers of the Liceo Classico (senior high school specializing in classical studies) “Vitt.Eman.II°”; IS “Majorana”; Liceo Scientifico “Basile” (senior high school specializing in science education)). Finally, on the 18th of May, we organized a workshop with named “Workshop and Action Research on the in service Training” in which 35 people participated: teachers, students, headmasters that formed 4 working groups which prepared the final report. In the working place we arranged so far collected materials in a single version for consultation providing also a bibliography for further reading. The organizational method was to: 17

- Present the work so far realized - Take stock of the school environment and in-service training - Propose some useful models and then group work. Subsequently, there were conducted: - a comparison and a debate - a brainstorming session with participants stimulated by specific phrases and significant inputs - a division into groups, already prepared so we optimize the time of work, with specific deliveries to be developed - finally, a socialization of results. It is worth noting how the participation of students was very important to outline the skills of teachers in training. Overall it was a useful contribution for the teachers, administrators and students who faced the problematic of the project and created models and strategies to innovate their profession in order to contribute to the educational success of students and the school system. It should also be noted that the structured material is provided by the University of Ankara with suitable adaptations, effective for the purposes of scientific research. There was a very important moment when the authorities in charge of the two regions have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the 3rd of June 2011. The meeting in October 2011 presented an opportunity to compare the inservice training in Europe and worldwide. Finally, from 9th to 12th of January 2012, the respective regions proposed their own training models. 9.Authors and Reflections Many authors have contributed to provision of valuable reflections on the topic of in-service training. We would like to mention some of the ideas about the topic of in-service training of teachers. As stated in summary of Alessandra Rucci's book “Insegnanti al bivio. L’impatto delle ICT nella professionalità docente”, good practice in educational use of ICT are still rare and circumscribed, not only in our country but also in others. The research has already shown that increasing technological endowments doesn't have direct effects on promoting the educational use of ICT quality and that much depends on the teachers, their beliefs and their teaching skills. It is useful to observe how such statements support 18

the thesis that in-service training is a strategic and leverage innovation even more than investments in highly modern and technological supports. Giancarlo Cerini in his book entitled “Quattro variabili per rilanciare la professione dei docenti” raises the question about the quality indicators of the teaching work. Teachers were asked to describe different characteristics of their profession so one would able to recognize real working conditions of teaching. It could be ordered in few categories: 1. First category is considering context of professional pracitce of a teacher (at-risk areas, schools marked by turn-over, etc.) 2. Second set of indicators concerns the time actually served for professional activities which can refer to the conduct of additional tasks to the teaching 3. Third area considers ability to realize projects of innovative work in terms of collegial businesses (team teaching, class council, departments, plexus...) with agreed definition of the objectives of teaching qualification, and verification of achievements; 4. Finally, even "professional maturity" achieved as a result of working experience in the classroom, educational research, participation in innovative enterprises and researches, documentation and socialization of knowledge acquired, can be a subject of an appreciation as part of a personal portfolio. Domenico Chiesa in “Formazione e ruolo dell'insegnante nel cambiamento” focuses his attention on two fundamental aspects: ●

Rethinking the meaning and practice of in-service training traced back to the logic of research-action aimed for rethinking and consolidating skills that are helpful in educational use of knowledge. "Individual responsibility" as a decisive element in guiding the redesign schools’ organisation: Each "power" must come from "responsibility" and each responsibility needs to be built on "professional competence"

10.Bibliographies/Sitography Competenze di cittadinanza al termine della media: come certificarle

19 Indicazioni per il curricolo: Istruzione e formazione 2020 (ET 2020) ef0016_it.htm DM22agosto2007_139_doc_tecnico action=read_doc&id_m=3929&id_sez=4065&id_cnt=4078 Documento tecnico Asse dei linguaggi html I 4 Assi culturali Dalla scuola: idee, esperienze, percorsi Sistema di riconoscimento delle competenze e delle qualifiche: un modello ed un’occasione per non escludere Il Professor Alfredo Mazzocchi illustra un sistema da cui ancora troppe persone sono escluse, per questo occorre fare qualcosa action=archivio&id_m=4403&id_cnt=6525 Quali competenze digitali per insegnare al tempo del web2.0? The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) acts as a translation device to make national qualifications more readable across Europe, promoting workers' and learners' mobility between countries and facilitating their lifelong learning. CARAP A Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches Cadre de Référence pour les Approches Plurielles des Langues et des Cultures Profilo Europeo per la Formazione dei Docenti di Lingue Un Quadro di Riferimento Southampton 2004 – Kelly Luigina Mortari “Ricercare e riflettere. La formazione del docente professionista” “A scuola di libertà. Formazione e pensiero autonomo” Mario Ambel %20materie/italiano/Lend-_Ambel_Soggetti_Oggetti_Procedure.pdf 20

Education and training: Ricerca su per Pdf in It EQF: Curricolo e competenze Il curricolo verticale (C.Fiorentini) Il curricolo verticale (G. Cerini) Il curricolo progressivo (D.Chiesa) Curricolo e scuola di massa (M.Muraglia) La scuola delle competenze Le competenze chiave europee per l'apprendimento permanente La raccomandazione del Parlamento e del Consiglio europeo per realizzare la strategia di Lisbona. Competenze, abilità e conoscenze, quali relazioni? Una didattica per competenze BIBLIOGRAFIA/SITOGRAFIA (seconda parte ricerche) DPR 417 1974 Norme sullo stato giuridico del personale docente, direttivo ed ispettivo della scuola materna, elementare, secondaria ed artistica dello Stato DPR 419 1974Sperimentazione e ricerca educativa, aggiornamento culturale e professionale ed istituzione dei relativi istituti DPR 209/1987 (contratto)Norme risultanti dalla disciplina prevista dall'accordo del 9 febbraio 1987 relativo al personale del comparto scuola DPR 399/1988 (Contratto) Norme risultanti dalla disciplina prevista dall'accordo per il triennio 1988-90 relativo al personale del comparto scuola TESTO UNICOD.lgs 297/1994. Questo T. U. sta alla base dell’organizzazione attuale della scuola italiana TESTO UNICO D.lgs 297/1994 Testo Unico delle disposizioni legislative in materia di istruzione CCNL 1994-1997 (Firmato nel 1995, è il 1° contratto di diritto privato) CCNL 1998-2001 (del 3.05.1999) Regolamento sull’autonomia delle scuole (DPR 8 marzo 1999 n° 275)Regolamento sull’autonomia delle scuole(DPR 8 marzo 1999 n° 275)Regolamento recante norme in materia di autonomia delle istituzioni scolastiche, ai sensi dell'art. 21 della legge 15 marzo 1997, n. 59 21

Istituzione Europea del “Lifelong learning project”: le scuole possono attingere ad interventi di formazione nel quadro complessivo della conferenza di Lisbona (2000) e ribadita in quella di Stoccolma (2001) uri=OJ:L:2006:327:0045:0068:it:PDF Decreto Legislativo 17 ottobre 2005, n. 227Definizione delle norme generali in materia di formazione degli insegnanti ai fini dell'accesso all'insegnamento, ai sensi dell'articolo 5 della Legge 28 marzo 2003, n. 53 2006-2009 CCNL Atto di indirizzo prot. n. 5918 del 6 agosto 2010 df Legge Decreto 249/2010 pubblicato il 31/12 nella G. U. Di quest'anno in vigore dal 15 febbraio 2011 ti.pdf STUDI E DOCUMENTI DEGLI ANNALI DELLA PUBBLICA ISTRUZIONE 1.L’AGGIORNAMENT DEL PERSONALE DELLA SCUOLA RAPPORTO PER GLI ANNI 1977 E 1978 - le monnier 2.ANNALI DELLA PUBBLICA ISTRUZIONE 3-4/2006 3.La ricerca educativa nel «sistema scuola» Progetto R.I.So.R.S.E. Terzo Rapporto Nazionale – le monnier 4.ANNALI DELLA PUBBLICA ISTRUZIONE 3/2008 Istruzione e formazione: quali prospettive per la cooperazione europea LE monnier 5.QUADERNI DEGLI ANNALI DELL’ISTRUZIONE 110-111/2005 Puntoedu: un modello di apprendimento Le monnier 6. Eurypedia - l’enciclopedia online sui sistemi educativi europei, creata dalla rete Eurydice


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