The Aem March 2014 preview

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Offering the Mind When we wish to make an offering to God, we tend to take fruits, flowers, food, etc. However Sri Adi Shankaracharya says, "This is fine. But this alone is insufficient. There is one thing, which is of utmost importance and must be offered. What is that? It is your mind. Without first offering your mind, there is no use of offering anything to God." Therefore, Sri Adi Shankaracharya has said: meceH³ezkebÀ ®esle: mejefmepecegceeveeLe YeJeles - O Lord! Let me offer my mind as a flower to You. In this context, what is meant by offering the mind to the Lord? The mind is not a tangible object. How then is it possible to offer the mind? One has to understand that offering the mind means meditating upon the Lord always. You should think only of the Lord and not of other unnecessary things. There are so many things happening in the world. But do we stand to gain anything by thinking about them? No. However, if we use the same time to meditate upon the Lord, it will give us great benefit. In our life, time is invaluable. The only way to not waste it, is to think of God always. If even a small amount of time is spent without thinking about the Lord, we should be as pained as we would feel, if there was a theft in our house.

cegntle&cee$esçefle¬eÀevles YeieJeeq®®evleveb efJevee~ om³egefYeceg&ef<elesvesJe ³egÊeÀcee¬eÀefvolegb Oe´gJeced ~~ However, some even when attending a Puja, start discussing irrelevant matters. Is that the time to talk such matters when seated in front of the deity? Where have you come & what are you discussing? If you let your mind dwell on impertinent matters, there is no bigger mistake. Your duty here is to keep thinking of the Lord & watch the Puja. You have to chant the Lord's name & meditate upon Him. Therefore, Sri Adi Shankaracharya has asked us to offer our mind as a flower to God. In essence, it means: Focus on the Lord, without letting your mind wander. May everyone realize this and attain Shreyas.

Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number


3 Astrology & Weather Forecasting

7 Astrology & Child Training er

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An Astrological Analysis


Occult Power of

The Indian Rupee Crisis





15 32 March 2014 for You

The astrological emagazine

March 2014


Astrology & Weather Forecasting A Correspondent


CCORDING to recent press reports, the establishment of a high altitude astronomical observatory on the Himalayas with an hundred-inch reflecting telescope is being planned by the Indian Meteorological Department. The observatory " when set up will help in the study of the heavenly bodies, researches on cosmic rays, astro-physics, geology, geo-physics, high level meteorology, micro-biology, etc." Such an observatory would doubtless be a valuable addition to the extant ones in the other parts of the world. But a National Government in India is expected to do something more than merely add to the huge number of observatories already existing. The Government should do something to give a fillip to the indigenous culture and indigenous sciences, not the least important of which is Astro-Meteorology. It is a fashion with some of the Western educated Indians to refer to the achie v e me n ts o f t h e ancient Indian sages in the realms of physical science including Astronomy and Meteorology, let alone the superstitious subject of Astrology, in contemptuous terms. According to them, the ancient Hindus were only a set of hair-splitting philosophers. Such a misconception is due to two factors, viz., (1) the one-sided education they have received and (2) pre-possession. It is evident from the remains of some of the most important achievements of the Hindus that in addition to Philosophy, Mathematics and Astronomy, many other equally important sciences flourished in ancient India. Chemistry, Dynamics, Meteorology, Physics and other cognate sciences existed in a much more advanced state than what we find them at the present day. That there were powerful telescopes in ancient India is doubtless a fact. One is mentioned in The astrological emagazine

Mahabharatha. It was given by Vyasa to Sanjaya at Indra Prasta in order to witness the battle going on at Kurukshetra. Coming to recent times less than two centuries ago Rajaputana produced an astronomer, no doubt the greatest of his time. This astronomer was no other than the famous Jai Singh of Jaipur. Raja Jai Singh constructed a set of observatories at his capital Jaipur, Muttra, Benares, Delhi and Ujjain, and "was able to collect the astronomical tables of De La Hire published in 1702 A. D. The Raja left as a monument of his skill, a star list collated by himself". It must be noted that all these astronomical achievements were intended for the good of humanity especially for the benefit of the navigator and the agriculturist. The study of astronomy could not be divorced from the study of astrology, for the simple reason that according to the ancients, celestial combinations always coincided with terrestrial disturbances. This gave them a clue to pursue the subject of astrology, astronomy and meteorology in all their aspects and arrive at remarkable conclusions about weather forecasting. Even now, it is a matter of common occurrence that village astrologers are right in a surprisingly high percentage of their weather predictions. Their rules are simple and dispense away with costly apparatus and ' laboratories. Observation coupled with experience enabled the great sages of India to dive deep into the subject at meteorology and discover the laws governing weather, rainfall, storms etc., which are of utmost importance to us. It must be noted that the ancients had been faced with the same problems that we are and they must have therefore wracked their brains to find out solutions for such problems. They had to study weather conditions and guide the farmer in his March 2014


& Child Training A Correspondent


STROLOGY has suffered a great deal from its misconception as fortune-telling. It acts as a guide, not from the sensational publicity standpoint, but as a factor of understanding. Especially in the matter of child training, astrology affords the greatest assistance. Great care is necessary in encouraging the normal development of the faculties. The utmost of tolerance must be practised by the parents. Between the ages of 10 and 20 the child is in the greatest need of sympathy and understanding and a careful scrutiny of the directional influences of the horoscope during this period will be of immense assistance to the parents in the matter of developing the child's faculties in the proper grooves. The correct development of the child and the proper opportunities presented in correct order are the essential differences between the child that fincls a normal place in life and the one who is left to learn through sad mistakes. Astrology helps you to work in harmony with nature and if you adopt proper astrological advice your children will develop and grow into the flower" of manhood and womanhood with ease and quiet diginity of strength and character. By an examination of the horoscope it is possible to ascertain the energy both constructive and destructive that one has to his or her credit. Supposing a horoscope reveals criminal tendencies. These, are of course destructive in nature. If a constructive outlet for this destructive energy is presented, criminal instincts may be checked. Herein lies the value of astrology. It rests on the parents to have their children's horoscopes examined and then seek remedies to have their potential energies directed into useful and constructive channels. Psychologists must use astrology in determining the possible trend of the development of children. Throughout the world crimes committed by juveniles are on the increase. Quite recently a child aged about 9-or 10 set fire to the residence of his parents. Not a day passes but some crime more or less terrible is committed by children. That there is something seriously wrong with such children is admitted. Several distinguished scientists contend that crimes committed by children can be avoided and stopped. Special schools and reformatories are needed. Those with The astrological emagazine

criminal instincts must be particularly watched and dealt with in a proper manner. This suggestion of course comes from a respectable medical source. It is true that those with criminal instincts must be particularly watched. How to detect the presence of such criminal instinct in a child and the period of its manifestation ? Here modern psychology cannot be of any use because it is yet in an experimental stage. Instead of waiting till a child comes up to a certain age and then find out by a study of its mental and physical behaviour, whether or not it exhibits criminal tendencies it would be far more beneficial to examine horoscopes and find out the presence or absence of such evil and destructive tendencies. We now come to another important question. A boy does not like a mental occupation but he is forced to work in this line having been given an education which really does "not suit his aptitudes. What will be the result ? His capacity will be overtaxed and he may lose the mental balance with the result he may become insane. Such instances are not rare.. We have hundreds of horoscopes of boys whose careers have become tragic, just because the parents did not take proper care in the training of the boys concerned. March 2014



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An Astrological Analysis Madhu N Nair


strologers are generally scared to give predictions on celebrity horoscopes since the time of birth and in many cases even the date of birth furnished turn to be purely speculative or even faulty. It is easy to justify an event using the tenets of astrology subsequent to its occurrence. It is a tough task to make predictions in advance. The accuracy of a horoscope can be relied only if the repeated predictions using sound cannons of Jyothisha come true, based on the given or corrected birth time.

Rahul Gandhi is the scion of the illustrious Nehru family that had made great contribution in freedom struggle as well as in shaping up the modern India. Rahul is the son of former Prime Minister Rajeev Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi, the present president of Indian National Congress and the chairperson of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA). His father and paternal grandmother laid down their lives for the country. The astrological emagazine

March 2014


Mr. A. S. Kumar, a mechanical engineer by profession, is a practicing astrologer from Bangalore India


very Indian experienced the Rupee Crisis against Dollar in 2013. The free fall has pushed the Indian economy to the edge. Although not entirely unexpected, the extent of the slide has left the people and economists stunned. Everyday, as the INR hits a new alltime low, things get pushed from bad to worse, making it rather very difficult for India’s already turbulent economic and political scenario. The RBI’s attempts to control the situation and restore people’s confidence in the Indian economy seem to be going in vain From an astrological perspective, India's current troubles do not come as a surprise. India was likely to experience difficult economic conditions during this time and indeed for much of 2014 also. In the beginning of the year 2013, planet Jupiter was already in retrogression (Taurus), while at the end of the year, it was in retrogression too in Gemini. Jupiter will be twice in retrogression in the same year 2014. Analyzing similar retrograde transits in similar pattern in the previous years, it is noted that Jupiter’s transit is similar to the year 1930. On 1 Jan 1930, Jupiter was in Taurus at 14°57’ in Taurus and ended the year 31 Dec. 1930 at 23°20’ in Gemini in the constellation of Punarvasu (2nd pada). Similarly, as the year 2013 began, one can notice that Jupiter was already in at 13°44’ in Rohini (2nd pada) and at the end of the journey on 31 Dec’ 2013 at 22°05’ in the constellation of Punarvasu (1st pada) → In 1930, the total distance travelled by Jupiter = 15°05’ +23°20’ = 38°25’ → In 2013, the total distance travelled by Jupiter = 16°16’ +22°05’ = 38°21’ In 1930, the world faced the Great Economic Depression, when Jupiter’s transit was in similar pattern. The significations of Jupiter which rules the wealth of the country, central banks, financial institutions, monetary system, currency situation, depreciation values, gold prices, national wealth – all of this get affected. Based

12 March 2014

2013 A. S. Kumar on the pattern of transit, it is indicative of international financial crisis. Are we heading for another Great Depression? Perhaps, time can answer Let us have a look at Indian chart as on Independence Day i.e 15 Aug 1947. In the horoscope of a nation, the 2nd house represents wealth, the 3rd house Sun, Mer represents business and Indian Ven, Sat Independence Moon enterprise, the 5th house is Chart 15th August seen for stock markets and 1947 entertainment industry, the 9th house represents fortune Ketu Jupiter and the 10th house represents occupations of the country. Similarly, the 11th house represents income and 12th house represents expenses and outgo of funds to foreign lands. Ascdt. Rahu


The tenth lord in the horoscope of India is Saturn that happens to be placed in the 3rd house. Sun, Mercury, Venus and Moon are conjunct with the 10th lord. The 11th lord Jupiter aspects the 2nd house as well as the 10th lord Saturn. These placements indicate that the people of India will have varied vocations like agriculture, industry, mining, commerce, entertainment, flourishing media and IT sector etc. The people of the country will have presence in almost every field because of the influence of so many planets with the 10th lord. This will help in the process of wealth creation. Taurus is the Ascendant sign. The country is running the Dasa (major period) of Sun and Bhukti (minor period) of Saturn till June 26th and thereafter Mercury. The astrological analysis points at 3 key factors that can make the Rupee slide to 68: Affliction of Saturn by Rahu – Saturn, which is the 10th house lord, rules foreign trade and currency The astrological emagazine

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This attractive book is published by Raman & Rajeswari Research Foundation, Regd., Bangalore. You can also call 65991845 for copies of the book or visit 14 March 2014

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