September 2012 - Surya Prakash Memorial Number

Page 1


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Remembering Dr. B.V. Raman’s Son

Jyotisha Chinta Nidhi

Nakshatra Paddathi - II


Cover Story




Continuity of Life

13 Feng Shui for Harmony & Prosperity

16 Importance of Homas

Planets & Foreign Travels

29 Panchanga for the Month


33 This Month for You September 2012




Lead Article

Remembering Dr. B.V. Raman’s Son AGASTYA Sri B. Surya Prakash HIS ISSUE OF THE ASTROLOGICAL EMAGAZINE is dedicated to the sad memory of Sri B. Surya Prakash whose promising sareer as one of the foremost practitioners and theoreticians of astrology as an art and science, was so untimely cut off by the cruel hand of death at the age of 27.


Son of Prof. B. V. Raman and great-grandson of the late Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao who secured for astrology its natural great place in the republic of science or sastras in recent times and whose work is being carried on by Prof. Raman on the same scientific level, Sri Surya Prakash had already shown in his writings and readings that he had amply inherited the great qualities of his great-grandfather and father. His work even in so short a time shows that he possessed a high level of intelligence and profound insight into the world of astronomy and astrology and the secrets of the formative factors that govern human destiny. He had mastered the art of scientifically interpreting astrology in terms of the consequences and tendencies of their subjects with uncanny insight. There is no doubt whatever that if he had lived to the full term of normal existence he would have attained to unprecedented heights in his chosen line. Heredity and genius combined to produce a personality that was sure in the normal course of life to develop into one of the greatest and most creative practitioners of the ancient sastra, which deals with the THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

final fruits of life, as ripened by its cosmic background and past karma in previous incarnations. The genius is he who thinks with the entirety of the cosmic background impinging on his subject, while concentrating on the immediate focus of his thought. He realises that the cosmic structure combines in a mysterious way both the infinitely little and the infinitely great: anoraniaan, mahato mahiaan. In addition to this intellectual heritage and high level of actual achievement, young Sri Surya Prakash was distinguished by a personality of great charm. He combined a simple disposition with an ingrained aristocratic temperament in the sense of having a high sense of values and appreciation of excellence. His extraordinary endowments and achievements did not breed the usual defects of modernism. He retained the old world respect for age and parents and elders. Above all, for one of his age, he showed a remarkable detachment in life, looking at all things from a broad impersonal point of view, free from narrowness and prejudice. He had naturally a great respect for and love of Indian culture. In harmony with these high intellectual gifts, young Surya Prakash naturally displayed ethical dispositions and virtues like generosity, freedom from jealousy, hatred or vindictiveness. He was a highly evolved soul in a young body, carrying trails of high samskara from previous embodiments. May his soul rest in peace and carry on his mission in other incarnations! (FOR)



Planets& Continuity of Life DR. B. V. RAMAN


E LIVE IN A SCEPTICAL or, shall we say, a cynical age, The triumphs of physical science during the past half a century or so seem to have so completely blinded some of the modern scientists that ultimate realities are completely ignored. In the world of today, we have a “psychology without a soul”. The human body and the human mind are mere machines; but it has not occurred to these omniscient men that the accomplishment of intelligent work by these “machines”, most clearly suggest the existence in man of some “active, conscious principle”. The fantastic notion is current amongst a certain section of these “thinkers” that death is the end of all things. But the great writings of the sages of India and the investigations of psychical researchers such as Sir Oliver Lodge, etc, who were also scientists, have been lending most impressive support for the survivalistic hypothesis. The truth of survival of the human personality is no more a matter of doubt or debate. A theoretical explanation of how a human being can survive physical death may not be as yet forthcoming. But such facts are available in the form of certain psychic phenomena that in the words of Jules Romain “ positive science will be challenged within its own province and that human reason will have to discard very nearly all its current ideas of time, space, causality, the determinism of phenomena, human free-will, the nature of the soul and the cosmos “. The findings of great sages and the experiments recently undertaken in Europe and America have proved beyond doubt that some of the powers or


faculties possessed by men transcend space and time and are entirely inexplicable by mechanistic science. Where have we come from ? Whither are we going? Why are we here? What is the object of our existence? Such questions must have occurred to all thoughtful persons in all ages. It is the belief in the survival of human personality that would give a meaning to our life and that could attempt to answer these questions eternally perplexing mankind. If death be the end of our existence as materialists think, we can see no valid reason for the perfection of human consciousness. There are still scientists who think that the mind cannot exist apart from the brain. Their theory is that the brain oozes thoughts just as the lever oozes bile. But the pity is that such materialists cannot prove that the brain could ooze thoughts. The truth as revealed by the sages and confirmed by western psychical investigators is that (in the words of Sir Oliver Lodge) “Death is separation of soul and body, death is not extinction as life is continuous. The condition of the whole universe is unchanged by death and life goes on under different surroundings”. It is said that those who have parted company with the physical body find that they have a body made of something subtler than the physical matter we are accustomed to here, but it is real and substantial. It is also said that most of those who leave this world are not prepared to come back for anything. “Beyond question,” said Socrates, “the soul is immortal and imperishable and our souls will truly exist in another world”. SEPTEMBER 2012


A Report by Bharadwaja

Dr B. V. Raman Birth Centenary Celebrations 5th August 2012


TH AUGUST 2012 was a golden and memorable day for the lovers, students, scholars and researchers of astrology. Thousands of admirers of Dr. B. V. Raman gathered at the venue of MES College, Malleswaram, Bangalore, to celebrate the Birth Centenary of that great ‘Yuga Purusha’ the ‘Abhinava Varaahamihira’ of the modern times; who was one to become “Na Bhooto Na Bhavisyati” and one who was globally venerated as a great scholar of Astrology and an illustrious son of Karnataka.

in southern India. He emphasized that it is also hard to believe that a small village was once the home of three great and extraordinary personalities from three different generations: His great-grand father (Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao), grandfather (Sri Nanjunda Rao) and father (Dr. B.V. Raman). No wonder, even the new and magnificent Bangalore International Airport is located close to Hunsamaranahalli. Hunasamaranahalli is, indeed, blessed by God.

Dr. Sureshwara

Sri Swamiji To add to the glee, glamour and lustre of this unique occasion, many illustrious personalities adorned the dais to be blessed by the lustrous presence of H. H. Acharya Mahamandaleswar Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Jayendrapuri Mahaswamiji, Peethadhipathi, Sri Kailash Ashrama, Bangalore who blessed this fascinating function with his benign presence. Several astrological institutions and eminent astrological savants participated in the pleasant function organised in association with Prof. M P L Sastry Educational Foundation’s Indological Research Centre, Malleswaram. Dr. Sureshwara welcomed the large audience that had by then practically filled the entire seating area. He recollected that a hundred years back his father Dr. B.V. Raman was born in Hunasamaranahalli (“Tamarind Tree” village) then a small village located about 15 miles from Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka state THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

He recollected that great-grandfather generated significant interest in Astrology among the then emerging English educated Indians, when he started English language periodical THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE in 1895. Grandfather showed a spiritual path to the youth of the nation that was under a harsh colonial rule that challenged India’s spirituality and culture, when he set an unparalleled example by chanting a crore (ten million) plus Sri Gaythri Mantras or Japams (prayers). At a young age, his father ignited the world of Astrology when he demonstrated to India and beyond its shores that Astrology is not only a spiritual subject but it is a subject of practical application that can be utilized to the benefit and welfare of an SEPTEMBER 2012


individual, society, country and even the world. At the time, computers and today’s technology were non-existing. Dr. Raman was a child prodigy and by the age of ten, he was casting the horoscopes by hand-calculations, in matter of minutes. Dr. Sureshwara said that THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE that father edited for sixty two years continues to be published today, as THE ASTROLOGICAL EMAGAZINE and the Chief Editor is his brother Mr. Niranjan Babu, In addition, consistent with the technology of the times, it is also released in an electronic format, he added.

Mr. Niranjan Babu

Dr. Sureshwara reminded the audience that a number of well known scholars will be sharing their knowledge and recollecting their impressions about his father D. B.V. Raman. Mr. Niranjan Babu, who now carries the mantle of his illustrious father, narrated how Raman & Rajeswari Research Foundation, founded by Dr. Raman, carries forward the mission and message of Dr. Raman, by

organising various seminars, sessions and scholastic debates apart from helping various social organizations.

H. H. Acharya Mahamandaleswar Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Jayendrapuri Mahaswami ji, Peethadhipathi, Sri Kailash Ashrama, Bangalore (Others - L to R - Dr. Ashwath Narayana, MLA, Malleshwaram, Mr. Surendra Kumar, Dharmasthala, Mr. Niranjan Babu, Dr. Sureshwara, Prof. Siddhe Gowda, Dr. T. S. Vasan, Prof. Seshadri Iyengar, Secretary Myosre Educational Society, Bangalore

In his scintillating presidential address Sri Swamiji traced the origin of astrological studies to the Vedas and recounted the apt references from them. Referring to Dr. Raman as “Maha Purusha’ Sri Swamiji referred to his talk at the United Nations on the greatness of Jyotisha (which he referred to as a Siddhantha). Making a subtle distinction between the astrologers and astrologists, he cited the instances of scholars dedicated fully to the studies and researches in astrology, with no intention 18 SEPTEMBER 2012

to commercialize it. He further stated more than half the population of the world are staunch believers in astrology, while others, including those who claim that they are nonbelievers, do consult astrologers when in distress. Sri Swamiji’s address was a perfect illustration of his consummate knowledge of different disciplines which he was kind enough to impart to the audience who heard him with rapt attention throughout.


A.V.M.S.G.D.P.S. Samithi “Sri Govinda Deekshitha Ghatikasthanam” 29-30, East Iyen Street (Entrance at Yagasalai St) Kumbakonam, Tamilnadu – PIN: 612001. Phone Office : 0435-2401789, Tele Fax 2425948 Email: Web site:


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*Adhoc Donation Amount

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Rs. 700/-

Rs. 9,000/-

Special Samaradhana: (Special meals are served)

Rs. 2500/-

Rs. 30,000/-


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Rs. 1,600/-

Rs. 20,000/-


Milk Endowment: Distribution of Milk to students

Rs. 500/-

Rs. 6,000/-


Vedas & Shastras Siksha (Education) Rakshana Endowment : (One student’s maintenance expenses per month around Rs.1000/(Towards boarding, clothing, medical treatment, study materials and other maintenance expenses,)

Rs. 12000/P.A., per student

Rs. 1,50,000/-


One Time Vasthram Distribution : Rs. 24,000/-

Rs. 33,000/-

Rs. 2,40,000/-

Rs. 3,30,000/-

Rs. 1,250/-



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Cash Award Endowment: Donations received for this scheme are accumulated and utilized for distribution of “ Cash Award " and other merit awards (in cash & kind) with certificate to meritorious students in the Annual Day celebrations every year

* Date of Samaradhana / other schemes are not exclusively reserved for one individual donor. Hence, adhoc amount is fixed with a view to give an opportunity to the donors to participate in the above mentioned schemes and our per day average expenses are also shared. ** 'Corpus' fund for endowment is fixed to yield an income to cover the donation amount to each scheme as per prevailing rate of interest. Please send your contribution the Demand Draft/ C B S Multi City Cheque in favour of A.V.M.S.G.D.P.S. Samithi and mail the same to address mentioned in the form. Donations to this institution are exempt U/S 80-G of IT Act



Dr. Raman organized several talks for me during my visits to Bangalore, where I was involved with various Yoga, Ayurveda and Hindu organizations. Through my interaction with him, I learned that Dr. Raman was not simply an astrologer but was also a philosopher, spiritual leader and statesman. He did not simply give personal predictions but looked to the wisdom of astrology to guide both the individual person and humanity as whole. Many great spiritual and social leaders of modern India came to him for his guidance. Dr. Raman was beyond any personal seeking for fame, wealth or power, but spoke for the good of all. He used astrology carefully, gently and with discretion. He spoke from a place of spiritual guidance, not simply one of astrological techniques, though he knew these quite well also. He didn’t simply give predictions, he also provided accurate guidance and sound advice. His yearly mundane predictions about the state of the world for the coming year were regularly both profound and accurate, and eagerly looked for by all. Let us fervently hope that Dr. Raman’s spirit can inspire a new generation of Vedic astrologers to continue and expand the work that he has provided such a good foundation to build on. The worldwide interest in Vedic astrology continues to grow and can only expand much more greatly in the years to come. Much of it is his legacy for future generations.


Astrology for Beginners Rs. 35.00 US $ 3.50

Handbook of Vastu Rs. 175.00 US $ 18.00


A Manual of Hindu Astrology Rs. 70.00 US $ 7.00

Hindu Predictive Astrology Rs. 80.00 US $ 8.00

Vastu Relevance to Vastu FAQs Modern Times Answered Rs. 195.00 US $ 20.00 Rs. 175.00 US $ 18.00

How to Judge a Horoscope Vol I : Rs. 95.00 US $ 10.00 Vol II : Rs. 150.00 US $ 15.00

Vastu Directional Influences on Human Affairs Rs. 195.00 US $ 18.00

Send your remittances by Bank Draft, Money Order, Postal Order or Bank Transfer in favour of

The Astrological eMagazine 101C, Sarathy Apartments, No. 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleshwaram, Bangalore-560 003. Tel: + 91-80-65991845, +91-80-23313260 Web :; Email :




This Month for You

SEPTEMBER 2012 VARAHAMIHIRA The Sun enters Virgo on 16th September. Mars enters Scorpio on 29th. Mercury leaves Leo and enters Virgo on 14th. Venus enters Leo on 29th. Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu continue to stay in Taurus, Libra, Scorpio and Taurus respectively. Krittika 1: You face some problems with senior relatives. Injuries are likely. Favourable currents make you cheerful.

MESHA (Aries) Aswini, Bharani and Krittika 1 The Sun in the latter half, Mercury in the latter half, Jupiter and Venus favour you. Others do not. This offers a bright picture. Your activities in the profession elevate you to the rank of a trailblazer and you are rewarded consequently. The higher ups favour you and your requests for loan or any other perquisite is granted without any difficulty. Proposals for marriage and attempts for childbirth succeed. The enmity with children vanishes and they on the other hand support you. In some case birth of grandchildren is also likely. There may be adoption of child in some cases. There may be reunion with friends and relatives and revival of former links. Investments prove quite successful. You vanquish the antagonists and establish your might powerfully. Repayment of loan offers no challenge. The tantalizing moments are over and you clear the debts without any hitches. Newlyweds enjoy themselves.

VRISHABA (Taurus) Krittika 2, 3, 4, Rohini and Mrigasira 1, 2 Mars, Mercury in the first half Venus, and Saturn grace you. Others do not.

With all these there is some bitter share. Chronic illness may lead to complications. Some misunderstandings with the consort and the concerned relatives perturb you. Many people who try to sideline you feel frustrated and give up their efforts. On the whole, a good period with a small share of unpleasant experiences.

This offers a fairly good picture. It is true that you face several problems. There will be machinations to strip you of your position and denigrate your achievements. Still you are able to know these things in advance and take ingenious steps to put down the antagonists. In official career too you face dislocation and may face other problems. But your consistently good performance and loyal assistants protect you. You get a good share from the father’s side and the legal problems connected with inheritance are also solved by you with sagacity. It is true that childbirth is difficult. But with great efforts you may be able to solve your problems gradually paving way for success in your endeavour. Despite the opposition you face you wield power and influence. Your investments prove successful. Favour of your wife and her kinsmen help you to solve problems. Financial position is sound. Your conjugal life will be happy. Newlyweds enjoy themselves though they may have some minor problems and mischief cause by friends.

Aswini: There will be problems of health. Those with chronic illness may face sudden problems. Injuries are likely. Favourable currents cheer you up.

Krittika 2, 3, 4: You are likely to be unsuccessful in relation to ancestral properties. There may be surgical treatment. Favourable currents cheer you up.

Bharani: There will be gains from disputes. There may be favour of seniors. Unfavourable currents disturb you.

Rohini: There may be gains from ancestral sources. You may win in disputes. Unfavourable currents disturb you.




BOOKS YOU SHOULD POSSESS DR. B.V. RAMAN Rs.Ps: US $ A Catechism of Astrology ......................................................................... 65.00 ................................. 6.50 A Manual of Hindu Astrology ................................................................... 70.00 ................................. 7.00 Ashtakavarga System of Prediction ......................................................... 70.00 ................................. 7.00 Astrology for Beginners (PB)................................................................... 35.00 ................................. 3.50 Astrology in Predicting Weather and Earthquakes ......................................................................... 40.00 ................................. 4.00 Bhavartha Ratnakara ................................................................................ 70.00 ................................. 7.00 Graha and Bhava Balas ............................................................................ 50.00 ................................. 5.00 Hindu Predictive Astrology ....................................................................... 80.00 ................................. 8.00 Hindu Astrology and the West .................................................................. 75.00 ................................. 7.50 How to Judge a Horoscope, Vol. I (Paperback) ...................................... 95.00 ................................. 9.50 How to Judge a Horoscope, Vol. II (Paperback) .................................. 150.00 ............................... 15.50 Muhurtha or Electional Astrology ............................................................ 65.00 ................................. 6.50 My Experiences in Astrology .................................................................... 95.00 ................................. 9.50 Notable Horoscopes (Paperback) .......................................................... 150.00 ............................... 15.00 Notable Horoscopes (Hardbound) .......................................................... 295.00 ............................... 25.00 Planetary Influences on Human Affairs .................................................. 65.00 ................................. 6.50 Planets and the Next World War .............................................................. 60.00 ................................. 6.00 Prasna Marga Vol I(Paperback) ............................................................ 325.00 ............................... 32.00 Prana Marga Vol II (Paperback)............................................................ 295.00 ............................... 29.00 PrasnaTantra ............................................................................................. 65.00 ................................. 6.50 Studies in Jamini Astrology ....................................................................... 65.00 ................................. 6.50 Three Hundred Important Combinations (Paperback) ............................ 95.00 ................................. 9.50 Three Hundred Important Combinations (Hardbound) .......................... 195.00 ............................... 19.50 Varshaphal ................................................................................................. 65.00 ................................. 6.50 PROF. B. SURYANARAIN RAO Brihat Jataka (Hardbound) ..................................................................... 395.00 ............................... 39.00 Brihat Jataka (Paperback) ...................................................................... 250.00 ............................... 25.00 Jaimini Sutras (Adhyayas 1&2) .............................................................. 125.00 ............................... 12.50 Stri Jataka or Female Horoscopy ............................................................. 45.00 ................................. 4.50

MRS. RAJESWARI RAMAN Hatha Yoga for All .................................................................................... 65.00 ................................. 6.50

NIRANJAN BABU BANGALORE Handbook of Vastu ................................................................................. 175.00 ............................... 18.00 Vastu Relevance to Modern Times ........................................................ 195.00 ............................... 20.00 Vastu FAQs Answered ........................................................................... 175.00 ............................... 18.00 Vastu Directional Influences on Human Affairs .................................... 195.00 ............................... 20.00

Send your remittances by Bank Draft, Money Order, Postal Order or Bank Transfer in favour of

The Astrological eMagazine 101C, Sarathy Apartments, No. 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleshwaram, Bangalore-560 003. Tel: + 91-80-65991845, +91-80-23313260 Web :; Email : Forwarding charges extra Edited and Published by Bangalore Niranjan Babu at 101 C, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore 560003

40 SEPTEMBER 2012 and Printed by him at Sharadh Enterprises, # 51, Car Street, Halasuru, Bangalore 560008.THE Ph:ASTROLOGICAL 25556015. Email:


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