October 2012

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Give up hate and cultivate compassion Bhagavan has described the qualities of a true Bhakta in the Bhagavad Gita and everyone must strive to cultivate them. If one brings flowers, milk as offerings and worships Bhagavan, that alone does not make him a Bhakta. When the qualities of being a Bhakta are present, the Lord will be pleased even with a simple offering of a single Bilwa leaf or a Tulasi leaf and bless abundantly. However everyone must make oneself eligible first. The first quality mentioned for a Bhakta is that he must not hate anyone. A Bhakta would consider everyone to be his own. Without harbouring hate and anger towards anyone, a Bhakta lives with the attitude of “

meJex pevee: megefKevees YeJevleg” (let all be happy). There is also the prayer - “meJex mevleg efvejece³ee:~ meJex YeêeefCe HeM³evleg~ cee keÀef½eÎg:KeYeeiYeJesled ~” - that everyone live without diseases, let everyone come across his or her welfare and not be subject to suffering. Our ancestors have passed on such a noble thought. Hence why should we hate anyone? That is why Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada has said “lJeef³e ceef³e ®eev³e$ewkeÀes efJe<Ceg:, J³eLe¥ kegÀH³eefme ce³³emeefn<Ceg:~ meJe&eqmcevveefHe HeM³eelceeveb meJe&$e Glme=pe Yeso%eeveced ” – The same divine Consciousness pervades you and me. So why do you become intolerant and get angry? Behold the same Atman everywhere and give up the sense of differentiation. A Bhakta must have the quality of alleviating the suffering of another by rendering assistance. This is what the Shastras call as o³ee - Hejog:KeÒeneCes®íe – Compassion or dayaa is the desire to remove the suffering of others. Even the Lord exhibits compassion; for it is only out of compassion that He incarnates to bring about the welfare of world –

HejesHeke=ÀeflekewÀJeu³es leesueef³elJee peveeo&ve:~ iegJeeacegHeke=ÀeEle celJee DeJeleejeved oMeeûenerled ~~ The Lord took a balance, placed "Paropakara" on one scale and "being indifferent" on the other scale, and realizing that Paropakara is heavier, took the ten incarnations. May everyone thus understand the importance of cultivating such qualities, strive to cultivate them and attain Shreyas.



3 Planetary Evils & Remedial Measures

5 Jyotisha Chinta Nidhi

Cover Story

Mars Saturn 9 Conjunction & Indian Affairs

14 17 Sanskrit through Ramayana - 2


Do Gemstones Really Work?


Panchanga for the Month

33 This Month for You September 2012


Pancha Pakshi Shastra The Science of Five Birds




Lead Article

Planetary Evils

& Remedial Measures ANONYMOUS


HE SCIENCE OF ASTROLOGY becomes utterly useless if it does not provide the means to overcome the evil indications of planets. There is absolutely no fatalism in astrology and the so called inevitable is an ignorant fiction of the half educated brain. The higher the human knowledge, the greater are the chances of material and moral advantages to be secured. For one to be an astrologer, a thorough knowledge of astrology and kindred sciences is essential. We have ourselves seen a few imposters, who not knowing even the fundamentals of Astrology, have been posing themselves as astrologers and prescribing remedies, and exploiting the public. The chances for such quacks to thrive well have become more congenial especially after the death of Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao a great adept in the art of remedial measures. We warn our readers not to be carried away by the lure of advertisements, and become easy preys to merciless exploitation. They must be very careful and satisfy themselves fully before they enter into any business with any so-called specialist in remedial measures or astrology. Ancient Maharshis were past masters in every branch of knowledge. Messmer, Swedenburgh, Darwin and Spencer have but caught the glimpses of the heights of knowledge attained by Patanjali, Sankara, Vatsayana and Siddhas. The Rishis had solved all problems of life which modern science with the help of its limited knowledge has been endeavouring to solve. It is of course true that astrological science extends into deep and far-reaching metaphysical and occult domains, but after all what science does not ? The mathematical concepts of Einstein, Eddington and others have crossed the border already from the domains of fixed form and materialistic limitation to so-called fourth dimensional territories so that the argument that astrology and the remedial measures prescribed by the ancient sages are largely still in the realms of the metaphysical and thus not capable of rationalisation is not valid one. The modern scientist has to depend for his observations on mechanical contrivances. The ancient Maharshis, on the other hand, possessed a much more accurate, dependable, and comprehensive instrument with which to observe natural phenomena -their ability to function in what might be called, to use a modern scientific term, a fourth dimensional conciousness-Yoga-which enabled them to note, to measure and to classify all the


facts concerning the universe without the aid of micrometers and telescopes. Their super-consciousness made them aware of and able to comprehend, on the one hand, infinitesimal units of time and space too small to be measured by the most modern scientific instruments, on the other hand, vast spans of years and universes-spans of years guessed at only by modern geologists in search for the age of the earth-universes too remote to be found even by the largest telescope. The ancient Maharshies were never content to observe and catalogue facts; they applied knowledge to the material and spiritual welfare of man. In a like manner they discovered the various processes to be employed, which go under the name of remedies, to counteract the evil indications of planets. What are remedies? Suppose a man abuses another person, an abuse is nothing but a bit of ill-adjusted form of sound vibration which irritates the abused. It is a little bit of air which causes offence by its irregular vibrations and an apology which is also a bit of air-cures the offence by its well-adjusted form of vibrations. An abase is cured by the Remedy of apology. Similarly take other instances. Thermometer gives us the measure of solar heat. If it is very excessive it will not only act on the physiologicopsychological system of a person, but may also kill him by Sun stroke or asphyxia and can we do anything against it? We can understand the degree of heat or the degree of cold by meteorological observations, by various instruments and by our physical and mental feelings. Finding therefore the degree of heat or cold on any particular day by this science we are able to resort to various mental devices or what we call discoveries and inventions of men of genius and what do they say. The man of science says that a person subjected to excessive cold or heat will suffer such and such evil results. The remedy for this will be to remove to such cold or hot places as would neutralise the evil effects of excessive heat or cold and thus save ourselves from the consequent evils attendent on the climatic conditions. When it is very hot we hold a nice umbrella; when it is very cold we light fire and heat ourselves or cover ourselves with blankets so as to keep the cold away. When we want money we mus! ‘et money and that is the remedy for poverty. When we are suffering from disease the remedy is to introduce such stuffs into our body which act against such diseases. These OCTOBER 2012



Report by H. V. Pramod

Shatashloki Ramayana Magnum Opus Viewership of Video


AMAYANA IS POPULARLY KNOWN as 'Adi Kavya' (the first literature). It consists of 24000 verses in 7 Chapters (called Kaandas). It is extremely popular among Hindus, Buddhists and Jains in India and other countries such as Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Burma and Malaysia. The scripture begins as a dialogue between Sage Valmiki and the celestial saint Narada. Sage Valmiki asks Narada about the ideal being -- Perfection Incarnate - the person with the noblest qualities ever seen. Narada proceeds to answer Valmiki with the divine story of Lord Rama -- The Ramayana. Shatashloki Ramayana (Ramayana in 100 verses) is the first canto of this monumental epic written in the 32-syllable meter called the 'Anushtup'. Shatashloki Ramayana ends with a Phala Shruti narrating the benefits of chanting and listening to this hymn. His Holiness Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji, Senior Pontiff of Avadhoota Datta Peetham has sonorously chanted these 100 verses in the audio album "Shata Shloki Ramayana" in the Ragas Mohana, Charukeshi, Shuddha Dhanyasi, Hamsadhwani, Sriraga, Purvikalyani, Peelu, Sallapam and Madhyamavati. This audio album was released in 2004 in Datta Yoga Center, Trinidad & Tobago, where Pujya Sri Swamiji installed a massive 85 feet high Hanuman in 2003. In 2009, as per Pujya Swamiji's direction, an artist made sketches for each of the shlokas. This was made as a video slideshow and made available at Vimeo site in October 2011. You can watch this video at http:// vimeo.com/30708452. Also included in the video are the brief inner meanings of each verse in English and its English transliteration for easy learning.


People across the globe started watching this delightful video every day and today, it has crossed 130 million (13 crore) views. This video has achieved Akshara Koti views for each letter of Sri Rama Mantra (One crore views for each of the letters of Sri Ra-ma Ja-ya Ra-ma Ja-ya Ja-ya Ra-ma). Devotees of Bangalore celebrated the crossing of 13 crore views in a wonderful function held in Sri Karyasiddhi Mantapa in Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Ashrama, Girinagar, Bangalore on 9th September 2012.




... Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi (continued from 6)

The 14 Manwantaras are: Name of the Manwantara

Another version of the name














Vaivaswatha (the current one)















It will be exciting to note that the Tamils also had an independent time measure technique and their smallest measure of time ‘Thudi’ was equivalent of 13,834,000th part of a day or 160th part of a second. They appear not to have stopped with Brahmayus but improved the scale to the Ayus of Vishnu, Rudra, Maheshwara and Sadaasiva with a life span of 2.01 x 1033 years, whose one day is a ‘Thudi’ to ultimate Siva who is the lord of Santhiadeetakalachakra. It is not that the entire Yuga theory and the calculative elements are not undisputed. There are arguments in favour and against many of these contentions. THE A STROLOGICAL M AGAZINE of Bangalore carried many meaningful debates in the past, though no final conclusion could be arrived at. Controversies apart, we must remember that the efforts of our ancients in the computation of these time-scales is no mean achievement and cannot be dismissed lightly. It will be interesting to note that the present day scientific estimation of the origin of life of 18000 million years compares with the 17280 million years of the duration of the four Kalpas elapsed. The scientists hold that the modern the radio metric age determination of the earth has a relationship with the Vedic time measurement. If our ancients could, with a high degree of mathematical precision, compute the correct total number of revolutions of the planets around the Sun 8


in a Mahaayuga of 4.32 million years, their proficiency in tabulating time, in the micro and macro scales make us wonder whether they had any contrivances to compute that must have failed to reach us down the ages or they had any cosmic connection of revelations that overwhelm our comprehension. Can we go back in Time? Perhaps yes, according to the scientists, if we can travel faster than light. In a sense are not the astronomers, in their observations of stars and galaxies, going back in time, at least on assumptions? When we see the star Sirius to-day, we are seeing it, as it was in 2000, because it is 8.3 light years from us. Then can we go ahead in time? Perhaps yes. The astrologers who have the ability to foresee the future are doing so. As the great philosopher Patanjali says a true Yogi can be aware of the past, present and future, an ability to travel backward and forward in time, which perhaps is the very basis for the various astrological principles, that grow with the past, lead the present and unfold the future.

The Astrological eMagazine is now available for download on your Android, IOS, Amazon Appstore & Web http://www.magzter.com/publishers/ The-Astrological-eMagazine



person in political circles dies. Rioting takes place; assaults will be directed against persons in high place; and the army will be a source of trouble. In the Indian horoscope again, though Mars is in the 10th in Navamsa, he is aspected by the 10th lord Jupiter while the Navamsa Lagna is highly afflicted . The Sun here happens to be the 6th lord. This affliction expreses itself by way of secret plots and treachery directed against the Government. Therefore, no peace is indicated for the entire sub-continent of India for at least another two years. At the time the King gave assent to the Indian Independence Bill, the 12th degree of Scorpio was rising in Karachi while the 20th degree of Leo was on the meridian. Leo is a war-like sign and it is powerfully aspected by Mars, lord or Lagna and the 6th. Saturn transits this meridian point by about September October 1947. About this time the foreign policy of Pakisthan must be carefully watched. Summing up, we have to observe that India has come and will be coming under very un-favourable planetary vibrations indicating trouble within and without. Under the forces of Mars-Saturn conjunction, anything may happen that might jeopardise the safety and integrity of India. We have been quite exhaustive in our analysis with a view to

impressing on the minds of our leaders, the urgency of the problems and have commented with a certain amount of restraint. Astrology neither spreads despondency nor encourages complacency. It serves a very useful purpose in restoring public confidence. Astrological indications give warning in advance of the impending troubles. The preventive measures are, of course, in the hands of those who sit at the helm of affairs. Experience shows that no amount of proof will convince the sceptic whether he be honest or wilful in his disbelief. Personal investigation alone can bring real conviction to the mind. There are invisible and very subtle forces emanating from the conjunctions of planetary bodies and they are the direct cause of the production of all earthly phenomena including national crisis. Delhi must take up the question of India’s safety and security in all seriousness and avoid idle waste of time. Astrology helps the individual to help himself. The horoscope mirrors potentials and designates seasons for growth or for democracy. Astrology does not weaken the individual or nation by doing or taking the initiative for the individual. Astrology is only as any other science: it is knowledge which when rightly used, contributes to abundant living. Prevention is better than cure. (FOR)

English Panchanga

The Astrological eMagazine

Panchanga (2013 - 2014) Vijaya Nama Samvatsara April 10, 2013 to March 31 2014 .00 Price: ` 90

l dates, ys), festiva a d s u io ic p ana, s hurthas (au aksharabhyasa, upanay , We give Mu g lin about crad useful hints n (for the f informatio ber of etc. o r e n o k c re mem aily ready e earning This is a d seholder, th er too), the like of u o h e th , corporate ucated farm ier. and the ed arl the family ave seen e ave never h h u o y h ic wh



Compiled by Yagnavalkya

Now also available for download on your Android, IOS, Amazon Appstore & Web (Visit www.astrologicalmagazine.com) Available with UBS Publishers’ Distributors, Bangalore (080-26756377, 080-26756362) and New Delhi (011-23273601-04) all their branches



person in political circles dies. Rioting takes place; assaults will be directed against persons in high place; and the army will be a source of trouble. In the Indian horoscope again, though Mars is in the 10th in Navamsa, he is aspected by the 10th lord Jupiter while the Navamsa Lagna is highly afflicted . The Sun here happens to be the 6th lord. This affliction expreses itself by way of secret plots and treachery directed against the Government. Therefore, no peace is indicated for the entire sub-continent of India for at least another two years. At the time the King gave assent to the Indian Independence Bill, the 12th degree of Scorpio was rising in Karachi while the 20th degree of Leo was on the meridian. Leo is a war-like sign and it is powerfully aspected by Mars, lord or Lagna and the 6th. Saturn transits this meridian point by about September October 1947. About this time the foreign policy of Pakisthan must be carefully watched. Summing up, we have to observe that India has come and will be coming under very un-favourable planetary vibrations indicating trouble within and without. Under the forces of Mars-Saturn conjunction, anything may happen that might jeopardise the safety and integrity of India. We have been quite exhaustive in our analysis with a view to

impressing on the minds of our leaders, the urgency of the problems and have commented with a certain amount of restraint. Astrology neither spreads despondency nor encourages complacency. It serves a very useful purpose in restoring public confidence. Astrological indications give warning in advance of the impending troubles. The preventive measures are, of course, in the hands of those who sit at the helm of affairs. Experience shows that no amount of proof will convince the sceptic whether he be honest or wilful in his disbelief. Personal investigation alone can bring real conviction to the mind. There are invisible and very subtle forces emanating from the conjunctions of planetary bodies and they are the direct cause of the production of all earthly phenomena including national crisis. Delhi must take up the question of India’s safety and security in all seriousness and avoid idle waste of time. Astrology helps the individual to help himself. The horoscope mirrors potentials and designates seasons for growth or for democracy. Astrology does not weaken the individual or nation by doing or taking the initiative for the individual. Astrology is only as any other science: it is knowledge which when rightly used, contributes to abundant living. Prevention is better than cure. (FOR)

English Panchanga

The Astrological eMagazine

Panchanga (2013 - 2014) Vijaya Nama Samvatsara April 10, 2013 to March 31 2014 .00 Price: ` 90

l dates, ys), festiva a d s u io ic p ana, s hurthas (au aksharabhyasa, upanay , We give Mu g lin about crad useful hints n (for the f informatio ber of etc. o r e n o k c re mem aily ready e earning This is a d seholder, th er too), the like of u o h e th , corporate ucated farm ier. and the ed arl the family ave seen e ave never h h u o y h ic wh



Compiled by Yagnavalkya

Now also available for download on your Android, IOS, Amazon Appstore & Web (Visit www.astrologicalmagazine.com) Available with UBS Publishers’ Distributors, Bangalore (080-26756377, 080-26756362) and New Delhi (011-23273601-04) all their branches



Pancha Pakshi

Shastra The Science of Five Birds GAJENDRA BABU

Mr. Gajendra Babu, with a Master’s degree in Economic and a Master’s degree in Astrology is an Administrative Officer in Karnataka Handloom Corporation, Bangalore. He is doing research in the Science of Pancha Pakshi and Nadi Astrology. In the recently held Dr. B. V. Raman Birth Centenary Year Celebrations, he was in charge of Media and Publicity as its Director.


ANCHAPAKSHI SHASTRA CAN ALSO be interpreted as Biorythms of Natal Moon and is a part of Vedic Astrology covering the one’s recurring cycles of biological processes thought to affect a person’s emotional, intellectual and physical activities. This ‘Science of Five Birds’ also studies any periodic change in the behaviour or physiology of an organism. This system was propounded by ancient Tamil Siddha saints. It is based on natural laws of the five primary elements (Pancha Mahabhutas) combined with Astro Stellar force of each individual. This can be successfully applied in all matters of life in the fields of HORARY, ELECTIONAL, MEDICAL ASTROLOGY and especially on NATAL Astrology. The Siddas were not only great spiritualists to the core but also were great scientists, physicians and psychologists who analysed life in its fullness both on mundane and abstract levels and dictated scientific principles and needing man to success of both levels. On the gross-plane, if one lives in accordance with the nature, life becomes blessing which in the long run leads to spiritual well-being also. In such a seeking, the mysterious panchapakshi is one of the sciences which helps man progress simultaneously on par, and in accordance with the nature and both the planes get enduring bliss. How does it function? These 5 elemental vibrations act in 5 gradations of faculties for stipulated time intervals called Yamas. Each of them consists of a duration of of 2 hours 24 minutes each (6 ghatikas) over the 5 yamas in the day and 5 yamas in the night (spread over 24 hours evenly). These functional patterns vary, during waxing and waning Moon cycles, and also during the week days. These elemental vibrations of 5 gradations function in such a way that when one elemental vibration is at the highest ebb, the other four function proportionately in diminishing order, thus the last vibration being dormant (death). These 5 elemental


vibrations are personalised as pakshis or birds and the gradations of their faculties have 5 activities. The 5 birds are: 1. Vulture 2. Owl 3. Crow 4. Cock 5. Peacock The 5 activities of the birds are: 1. Eating 2. Waliking 3. Ruling 4. Sleeping 5. Dying Each bird performs these five activities during each day and in night over the week days and during waxing and waning Moon cycles during the 5 yamas in day and 5 yamas in night in a stipulated order. After identifying your birth bird (which is a permanent bird similar to your birth ascendant), you can see your bird activities as provided in the following tables. Subscribe to

The Astrological eMagazine TODAY! and NOW!! Web : www.astrologicalmagazine.com Email : info@astrologicalmagazine.com ` 450.00 per annum Subscribers who’s subscription expires with this issue are requested to immediately renew. Those wishing to getting their copies by registered post may add ` 204.00 extra




Courtesy Mr. Nagarajan Thinniam

Why does my child Study


Rutger Kortenhorst, a Sanskrit teacher in John Scottus School in Dublin, Ireland, speaks to parents of his school children on the value of teaching Sanskrit to children, based on his own experience with the language.

OOD EVENING LADIES and Gentlemen, we are going to spend an hour together looking at the topic ‘Why does my child study Sanskrit in John Scottus?’ My bet is that at the end of the hour you will all have come to the conclusion that your children are indeed fortunate that this extraordinary language is part of their curriculum.


All languages keep changing beyond recognition. They change because they are defective. The changes are in fact corruptions. They are born and die after seven or eight hundred years –about the lifetime of a Giant Redwood Tree- because after so much corruption they have no life left in them.

Firstly, let us look at Why Sanskrit for my child? We are the only school in Ireland doing this language, so this will need some explaining.

Surprisingly there is one language in the world that does not have this short lifespan. Sanskrit is the only exception. It is a never-dying constant. The reason for the constancy in Sanskrit is that it is completely structured and thought out. There is not a word that has been left out in its grammar or etymology, which means every word can be traced back to where it came from originally. This does not mean there is no room for new words either. Just as in English we use older concepts from Greek and Latin to express modern inventions like a television: ‘tele [far] – vision [seeing]’ or ‘compute –er’.

There are another 80 JSS-type schools in UK and also around the world that have made the same decision to include Sanskrit in their curriculum (they are all off-shoots from the School of Philosophy). Secondly, how is Sanskrit taught? You may have noticed your son or daughter singing Sanskrit grammar songs in the back of the car just for the fun of it on the way home from school. I’ll spend some time telling you HOW we approach teaching Sanskrit now since my learning from India. But Why Sanskrit? To answer that we need to look at the qualities of Sanskrit. Sanskrit stands out above all other languages for its beauty of sound, precision in pronunciation and reliability as well as thoroughness in every aspect of its structure. This is why it has never fundamentally changed unlike all other languages. It has had no need to change being the most perfect language of Mankind ever. If we consider Shakespeare’s English, we realize how different and therefore difficult for us his English language was although it is just English from less than 500 years ago. We struggle with the meaning of Shakespeare’s English or that of the King James Bible. Go back a bit further and we don’t have a clue about the English from the time of Chaucer’s ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ from around 700 AD. We cannot even call this English anymore and now rightly call it Anglo-Saxon. So English hadn’t even been born! THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Sanskrit in fact specializes in making up compound words from smaller words and parts. The word ‘Sams – krita’ itself means ‘completely – made’. So what advantages are there to a fundamentally unchanging language? What is advantageous about an unchanging friend, say? Are they reliable? What happens if you look at a text in Sanskrit from thousands of years ago? Exceptional Features The exceptional features of Sanskrit have been recognised for a few centuries all over the world, so you will find universities from many countries having a Sanskrit faculty. Whether you go to Hawai, Cambridge or Harvard and even Trinity College Dublin has a seat for Sanskrit – although it is vacant at present. May be one of your children will in time fill this position again? Although India has been its custodian, Sanskrit has had universal appeal for centuries. The wisdom carried by this language appeals to the West as we can see from Yoga and Ayurvedic Medicine as well as meditation techniques,




Aslesha : A change in your normal behaviour can make you selfish and therefore your personal involvement in matters of interest must be taken with care. Chandrashtama occurs from the early morning of the 24th till the noon of the 26th.

SIMHA (Leo) (Makha, Poorvaphalguni and Uttaraphalguni 1) Unfavourable Sun becomes favourable after the 17th and comes under check on the 1st. Mercury, favourable on the 1st becomes unfavourable till the 23rd and becomes favourable again and comes under check throughout. Venus, Saturn and Ketu, under check, are favourable. Mars, Rahu, both under check, and Jupiter are favourable. Enmity with a relative can happen. Simple ailments can cause discomfort and failure in spiritual practice. A close friend may pass away. Health of your mother can get afflicted. Some sort of change in position or obstacles in promotion can happen. Wait for some time to embark on any new partnerships. Financial gains and added bank balance can bring some happiness. Without drawing yourself into your shell, come out, cultivate and converse with friends and neighbours showing some flexibility in your behaviour that can fetch you a lot of comfort and console. Some of your desires can get fulfilled. Success in efforts in the business or recognition of your work in profession or service can give you much satisfaction. With no rival to cross your path, you can enjoy much power and position. With the expenses controlled and reduced, you can see your finances secured and protected that can bring in a feeling of fulfilment of your financial commitments. The month is fine for any intellectual involvement. Postpone starting any new venture. Women can feel depressed for no reason. The month is favourable for the students. Makha : Be careful about your diet or else digestive problems can taunt you. Avoid arrogant attitude. Profession and position can become shaky. Poorvaphalguni : Agree with dissenting family members to save much trouble. Uttaraphalguni : Those in service can face some transfers or change of place. Danger to a property lurks. Loss of zeal in your undertakings can result. Chandrashtama occurs till the evening of the 1st and from the noon of the 26th till the night of the 28th. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

KANYA (Virgo) Uttaraphalguni 2, 3, 4, Hasta and Chitta 1, 2 The Sun, Saturn and Ketu are unfavourable with the Sun under check between the 17th and the 23rd; and Saturn, till the 23rd. Mars and Rahu; both under check till the 23rd; and Jupiter and Venus are favourable. Mercury unfavourable on the 1st becomes favourable till the 23rd and again unfavourable thereafter. Though happiness, financial gains and company of good people can come about, they may not be without some of the adverse impacts also. For those who are on the lookout for a house property the month could be the propitious time to buy one. Eligible unwed can get married. Home and hearth can retain their warmth. Intellectual and spiritual thinking can help you to go on the right path. Luxury in the lifestyle can result. A good position and authority can devolve on you. Success in endeavours can embolden you to enforce your authority. Some can undertake a foreign travel. With the higher-ups in office unfavourable or the family members at loggerheads, peace can be threatened quite often. Comforts can get reduced. Mistrust with co-workers or colleagues can compel some sort of change in position. Though domestic happiness can gladden them, women must take care not to get into the centre of any controversy. This month can help the students to get totally absorbed in studies. Uttaraphalguni : Investments in gold or securities will be possible. Inclination for spiritual pursuits can be felt by those who are pious. Hasta : Respect and prestige can get enhanced. Pleasurable pursuits like pilgrimages or spiritual involvements can give you solace. Chitra : Even simple losses can make you wear out. Careful and cautious financial management can save you lot of trouble in the future. Chandrashtama occurs from the evening of the 1st till the early morning of the 4th and from the night of the 28th till the noon of the 31st.

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