November 2012

Page 1


3 Indian Astrology – Facts and Fallacies –

5 Jyotisha Chinta Nidhi

Cover Story



The Supreme Mantra

15 13

Cancer Disease An Astrological Study – II

Sanskrit through Ramayana - 3



Panchanga for the Month

33 Lagna Table for November 2012 THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Pancha Pakshi Shastra-II The Science of Five Birds



Report by Shivkumar

Indian Astrology – Facts and Fallacies – Sri. P S Narasimhan Memorial Endowment Lecture


ELIVERING THE ANNUAL - “Sri. P S Narasimhan Memorial Endowment Lecture,” - on the 16th October 2012 at the Institute of World Culture, Basavangudi, Bangalore, the well known scholar and resource person, Prof. V S Kalyanraman spoke about “Indian Astrology – Facts and Fallacies” Making a distinction between Indian Astrology and other astrological systems of the world, he made it clear that Indian Astrology was totally interwoven with the socioreligious stratum of the society and carried with it the rules required to oversee the needs and necessities of the society. Astrology can be broadly divided into three major sectors – scientific; social and religious. That which is scientific about Astrology is common for the entire world. The Moon controlling the moods, Mars connected with mass upsurges or diagnosis of any disease from the birth chart cannot be different for different nations. But when it comes to samskaara it is peculiar to the Indian society, or more specifically to certain sections. Indian Astrology has its own rules for conducting all of them, like Pumsavana, Upanayana and the like. Further when it takes sides with religion, it has rules to worship various Gods and prescribes a volley of propitiatory measures that are totally absent in other systems. However, Indian astrological thoughts are well founded on the astrophysical qualities of the planets and nakshatras. They could call Jupiter as Jeeva who is the saviour of mankind and any aspect of Jupiter is capable of cancelling thousands of doshas - sahasradoshahanti. Astronomically, as well, Jupiter as planet 100 times bigger than the earth was solely responsible for saving the earth from many celestial catastrophes, the latest to remember being the crash of the Shoemaker comet, into it in 1964. But for Jupiter it could have hit the earth and devastated it. Prof. Kalyanraman drew may such parallels from astronomy to corroborate with the Indian astrological thoughts. In short he proved that all the Indian astrological thoughts were the results of meticulous years of observation and experiment.


Stating that astrology has been a part of life with almost all Indians, the Prof. explained how it becomes an essential factor as soon as a child is born, by making out a horoscope for the moment of birth. It is interesting to note, that is only in India, Astrology has been employed to fix even a proper time for consummation of a marriage, so that only worthy progeny could be brought out to make the successive generations exemplarily civilized. As a social science, Astrology has always been the guiding factor for the Indian society. No planet or nakshatra has been branded as bad in our ancient texts contrary to the false beliefs now circulated by some half-baked astrologers. Moola Nakshatra for a girl, deemed as bad by many, is essentially a good nakshatra approved for all auspicious deeds. There are many such mistaken notions, not supported by our ancient texts, for which no credence must be given. Many such instances were cited by the learned speaker. Coming to the fallacies, Prof. Kalyanraman was sorry to note how casually and evidently erroneously the marriage compatibility rules were interpreted and employed by psuedo professionals. Dismissing the marriage-matches purely on Kuta agreement is not only erroneous but also injurious because such an approach rejects most eligible ones and approves and allows the hazardous ones ultimately inviting avoidable disaster. The speaker dealt with many such fallacies in detail. Coming to hasty conclusions in juding a horoscope was very erroneous, he averred. Before pronouncing a verdict the astrologer may have to have to develop a lot of intuitive skills that are possible only through proper prayers and meditations. The speaker exhorted the practicing astrologers, and especially the students to make it a habit to start the day with a short prayer to the Navagrahas. The packed hall, with the astrology enthusiasts that included several scholars, heard the speaker in rapt attention. The scholarly lecture ended with the speaker answering queries from the audience.



The Father of Modern Astrology


Aralumallige Parthsarathy is a scholar of international repute. He is the author of more than 42 books on culture, literature and management, and over 35 CDs on scriptures, including Dasa Sahitya, Bhagavatha, Bhagavad Gita and Ramayana. His writings and lectures on Dasa Sahitya, bhagavatha, Vishnu sahasranama, Indian heritage, Indian culture, Indian values, Geetha, have been read and listened by millions of people in different parts of the world. They are functional and transformational with contemporary relevance. The Hindu University of America in Orlando, Florida has hailed his lecture tours to the US as a renaissance movement of Indian values on the soil of America. He is honoured with rajyothsava award, the highest honour of Karnataka government. His Vishnu Sahasranama chakra movement has become very popular in different countries. In 2011-12, he rendered twenty one bhagavatha sapthahas in the US and Canada, creating a massive bhagavatha awareness all across America. He was invited as the guest of honour from India for the Martin Luther King Jr. bithday celebrations in Washington, D.C. in 2012. He is a retired professor of Management from MES College in Bangalore. His Magnum opus book “Vishnusahasranama”, a 600 pages English commentary has been released in 14 countries of the world. He is an ardent lover of Indian astrology with great regard to Dr.B. V .Raman.


F THERE WAS A PERSON who was Abhinava Varahamihira, Jyothishya Vignana Maarthaanda, Abhinava Bhaskara, it was none other than Dr. B.V. Raman. If there was a person who was a fellow of Royal Astronomical Society, London, and Member of Royal Asitatic Society, it was Dr. B.V. Raman. It was Dr. B.V. Raman who could uphold the dignity and credibility of astrology against the biased criticism of pseudo-intellectuals and “unconfirmed” scientists. Whatever significance and glorious days astrology enjoyed in the Vedic age, similar glory and global acceptability was brought back during Dr. Raman’s life. He could analyse systematically every detail of astrological science, and present it in a very simple, lucid and easy to understand way. Astrology deals with signs, symbols, planets, elements and many more things. It is said that astrology is one of the oldest science and some say its antiquity extends beyond many millennium years. Some work was done for the growth and development of astrology, between sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, by astrology scholars Dhundiraja, Balbhadra, Durgadeva, Baghji muni, Neelambar Jha and Samanth Chander Shekar and others. However, based on the magnitude of the contribution and its global impact, it was Dr. B.V.


Raman who could be considered as the towering personality and the greatest among the successful scholars of astrology of last five hundred years. During 1962, on the occasion of Ashtagraha Koota or eight-planent combination, Dr. B.V. Raman cautioned the then Prime Minister Mr.Jawaharlal Nehru that the eight planet combination indicated severe affliction to his health. On the eve of that event, Mr. Nehru reportedly remarked that he did not see how planets are interested in the affairs of the people on earth. One can recollect that Dr. Raman’s polite, friendly and effective rejoinder highlighting Nehru’s limited knowledge of astrology receiving wide publicity in media all over India. He was an intellectual and international celebrity with a silver tongue and golden heart. He was a great source of inspiration and more importantly provided moral support, guidance and comfort to thousands of astrologers. His predictions were extraordinary and precise to a point. Some of his remarkable predications covered the rise and fall of Hitler and Mussolini, India’s Independence, assassination of Mahathma Gandhi, Chinese invasion, Prime Minister Nehru’s death, President Nixon’s election and fall, Mr.Kruschev’s fate, fall of Shah of Iran, Vietnam War, “ Emergency” in India and assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.



Gayatri The Supreme Mantra AGASTYA


HEN THE FIERY SAGE Viswamitra discovered the Gayatri Mantra, he gave it to all mankind. Bom a Kshatriya king, Viswamitra vowed to outdo Vasishtha in his spiritual prowess and in the bargain ended up a Brahmarishi proving to posterity, Brahrninism was only a plane of evolution anyone could work at and obtain. This universal nature of the Gayatri Mantra was reaffirmed recently in a ruling of the Madras High Court. The United India Insurance Company, some years back, had carried the Gayatri Mantra on i ts Divali greeting cards. This incensed the Dravida Kazhagam so strongly its general secretary K. Veeramani challenged it in the Madras High Court as violating the secular concepts enshrined in the Constitution.

For those who always identify secularism with antiHinduism the judgement cairied quite a few insights-into the term. It said secularism could not mean any-thing anti-religious. It only implied thai the State did not identify itself with any particular religion but treated all religions alike. The learned Judge further said that the founding-fathers of the Constitution nor any of its provisions implied doing away with-the philosophical and spiritual ideologies and high values of life which formed the core of Indian polity and culture.

Justice D. Raju dismissing the petition, held: "The Gayatri Mantra is said to be "Shabda Brahmam" and it appears in the Rig Veda and is said to be ths key to Vedic wisdom. It will be anachronistic for anyone to contend that it signifies or relates to anv particular religion. The Vedas have always been considered to belong to all mankind and are not limited to any particular religion, race, caste or community.

"O! effulgent light that has given birth to all the Lokas (spheres of consciousness) 0 God who appears through shining Sun, illumine our intellect."

"There is nothing on record to demonstrate that the Gayatri Mantra is the exclusive privilege or property of any class or race or community. Evenancient texts and scriptures will belie such blasphemous claims, if any, of any vested interests. Saints and philosophers of world repute who stood above the barriers of religion had commended the recitation and chanting of the Mantra."


ß YetYeg&Je: mJe: leled meefJelegJe&jCs ³eb Yeieex osJem³e Oeerce efn ~ efOe³ees ³ees ve: Òe®eeso³eeled ~~

The Gayatri is said to be the Supreme Mantra.

ve iee³e$³ee: Hejes cev$e: ~ It is also said to be a saviour Mantra protecting its reciter from all kinds of calamities.

iee³evleb $ee³eles ³emceeled iee³e$eerefle ÒekeÀerefle&lee ~ It is primarily a purifactory Manta. Proper and regular recitation of the Mantra cleans the mind of all the dross and prepares the spirit to merge into the Universal Soul.



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18 NOVEMBER 2012


Vastu & Solar Power DR. J. KISHORE

Dr. Jandhyala. K. Kishore, with a doctorate from Department of Aerospace, Indian Institute of Science is a Senior scientist at ISRO (Indian Space Research Organsation), Bangalore. He is associated with its satellite programme and has tremendous interest in solar power and its policy

(The main thrust of this article is to highlight personal power (via solar power) as an integral part of Vastu for middle class and upper middle class families for their residential homes and apartments to avoid blackouts and load-shedding to protect the high energy modern life-style and ensure personal security and safety. The recent black-out in the northern states of India (nearly 20 states affecting 60 crores of population ) on 31st July 2012 is a serious wake-up call to use personal power (via solar power) for residential homes and apartments. The electric power consumption for residential homes and apartments across the nation (Tens of Gigawatts ) is being supported largely from centralized thermal power plants which are dependent on imported coal. Thermal power plants also need precious water from reservoirs that need to be given to agriculture first for food security. Already, tense situations have arisen across the nation w.r.t water distribution between agriculture and coal based power plants leading to blackouts and load-shedding for residential homes. If a few million homes establish 1 to 2 KW Roof Top Solar Power for domestic consumption, it will lead to Gigawatts of Vastu appropriate solar power. State support as in Germany will result in personal power (via solar power) across the nation on roof-tops of residential homes and apartments. If all the energy requirements are met with Personal Power (via Solar Power), a residential home or apartment should be encouraged with 10% savings on property tax. Additionally, there should be a Feed in Tariff ( FIT ) strategy that enables surplus roof-top solar power to be fed back to the grid. Solar power is essentially a dimension of Vastu which aims at welfare of family in a residential home or apartment. Personal power (via solar power) should be viewed as a security and economic asset for the family to protect it from domestic blackouts and also reduce the recurring monthly electricity bills. It should be considered as an integral part of residential homes and apartments similar to car, mobile, internet, cable television, refrigerator, washing machine, microwave oven, personal computers, etc., personal power (via solar power) will also lead to climate protection as CO2 emissions get reduced significantly. Electric utilities can divert the domestic power to industry and commercial establishments to improve their financial health. The precious water becomes available to agriculture for food security.)


OLAR POWER IS ESSENTIALLY a dimension of Vastu which aims at welfare of family in a residential home or apartment. As the growing urbanization with Western life-style (high energy consumption ) is being increasingly adopted, residential homes and apartments have become major consumers of electric power ( Tens of Gigawatts ) across the nation. Table I below shows that the days of domestic black-outs and load shedding can become a routine nightmare as tense situations have started emerging across the nation with respect to water distribution between agriculture and coal based power generation. The growing urbanization with Western lifestyles has led to high energy consumption in residential homes and apartments. As we cannot go back to the simple life style of the past, the solution for middle class and upper middle class to sustain the affluent life-style in future is to have personal power (via solar power ) enabling the consumer himself to become the producer. The 5% investment on personal power (via solar power) will protect the remaining 95% of the investment made to 20 NOVEMBER 2012

establish the modern high energy life-style of middle class / upper middle class families as it is dependent on electric power. A typical flat costs anywhere Rs 45 lakhs to Rs. 75 lakhs ( Two to Three bedroom ) and fetches a rent of Rs 15,000 to Rs, 25,000 per month. The same amount in bank will give 10% interest. However, the middle class and upper middle classes purchase residential homes and apartments essentially from the viewpoint of personal security and asset formation only. Considering that loans are taken for 15 to 20 years, the EMIs paid back to the banks is easily two to two and half-times the loan amount. The car we own costs Rs 3 to 7 lakhs. Many upper-middle class families have 2 cars. Taking petrol, maintenance and insurance costs into account the car costs us a few thousand rupees every month. Additionally, there is an EMI for the vehicle purchase also. Although public transport is available, people prefer personal transport as it is convenient and gives self-reliance. In many families, the mobile and internet form a major expenditure but is part of the family as they give personal communication


your environments you do not succeed. Proposals for marriage do not generally succeed. But in some cases by extraordinary efforts may click. Newlyweds enjoy themselves by travel and other methods giving mirth and jollity. With all these you may become lethargic at times and show indifference to work. But soon you realize your mistake and start working with smartness. It is true that you face the opposition of women in the beginning. But it gets obliterated soon. Not a desirable period. Dhanishta : You gain from investments. You win in disputes. You also are blessed with many favourable currents. Satabhisha : There will be problems of health. You may have injuries. Many favourable currents cheer you up. Poorvabhadrapada : You enjoy the favour of seniors. Many unfavourable currents disturb you. You win in disputes and vanquish your enemies and these earn wealth.

MEENA (Pisces): Poorvabhadrapada 4, Uttarabhadrapada and Revati Mars, Mercury, Venus and Ketu grace you. Others do not. This offers a grim picture. Many important problems remain unsolved. The fact is that despite your skill and

efforts, the environments are not quite favourable. You present your case very sincerely, but the response is poor. In the official life dislocations, misunderstandings, quarrels, rivalry and machinations disturb you. New ventures do not succeed. You may try to take up new projects, but the bottleneck hardly allows you go forward. Proposals for marriage do not click. There is delay. At times there may be partial success, but not of much use. Newlyweds find that their proposals are partially successful. With all these things you do fairly well in financial matters. There is flow of money. Disputes on properties are favourably end in your case. The obstruction caused by women end and you are able to continue your work. Your earlier lethargy slowly vanishes and you are able to act with enthusiasm and execute your task admirably. It is true that your acts are certainly praise worthy. But when the odds against you are many, you do not succeed as you desire. Poorvabhadrapada : There will be gain from investments. There will be success in disputes. There will be unfavourable currents. Uttarabhadrapada : There will be favours of seniors. You face injuries. There will be favourable currents leading you to success. Revati : .There will be problems of health. You gain from disputes. You may succeed in lawsuits. There will be some unfavourable currents. But you can get over some of them.

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Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka 12 hours of the day and 12 hours of the night are divided into 8 sections each having duration of 90 minutes or 1½ hours each. The seven Upagrahas kaala, paridhi, dhooma, ardhaprahara, yamakantaka, indrachaapa and Maandi take over by turns their ruler-ship of the seven sections, each day, leaving one to Rahu. The period ruled by Rahu is called Raahukala which is generally considered inauspicious. The timings of the ruler-ship of Raahukala for the seven weekdays are furnished in the table below. The timings given are for days when the sunrise is 06.00 AM and sunset 06.00 PM. For calculating the exact duration of the period of Raahukalam, on any day, the duration of the daytime must be ascertained first and that has to be divided by 8. The result arrived will denote the duration of the

38 NOVEMBER 2012

each of the 8 sections for the day. For example take a Sunday having the sunrise at 06.20 AM and sunset at 05.40 PM. The duration of the daytime will then be only 11h.20m.., or 680minutes. Divided by 8 the sectional value will be only 85 minutes. Raahukala generally for Sunday is from 16.30 to 18 hrs. In this case Raahukala must therefore be only for

85 minutes. It would commence 85 minutes before the actual unset of the day namely, 05.40 AM. Therefore the Raahukala for the day will be from 16h.15m, to 17h.40m. It has to be worked out accordingly for the periods of other Upagrahas also. Gulikakala is considered auspicious. Regarding Yamakantaka, popularly considered inauspicious, opinions however, differ.






16.30 to 18.00

15.00 to 16.30

12.00 to 13.30


07.30 to 09.00

13.30 to 15.00

10.30 to 12.00


15.00 to 16.30

12.00 to 13.30

09.00 to 10.30


12.00 to 13.30

10.30 to 12.00

07.30 to 09.00


13.30 to 15.00

09.00 to 10.30

06.00 to 07.30


10.30 to 12.00

07.30 to 09.00

15.00 to 16.30


09.00 to 10.30

06.00 to 07.30

13.30 to 15.00


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