by Niravkumar Patel Project Supervisor: Prof. Walter PeetersThe cover page of the report is designed by author with the help of various elements from sources such as (from left),
Nuclear Reactor: (Harbaugh, 2021), Humans working in the fields: (Sathyan, 2018), Landing of Perseverance: (NASA, 2020b), Perseverance Rover: (Howell, 2020), Ingenuity: (NASA, 2020c), Pressurized Rover on Mars: (Hall, 2020) and Astronauts Walking: (Bendix, 2021)
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
Since Apollo missions Space has been contributing to humankind endlessly and it has never stopped. A lot of technologies have been developed specifically for space exploration, but we have found a way to bring them back to us in our everyday life. Spinoffs are a very important asset of space exploration. Spinoffs provides not only commercial benefits, but also keeps the curiosity burning among space enthusiasts. From memory foam to fireproof suits for firefighters, we as a humankind come across every day. Space is enormous and we are taking baby steps towards it. As we move on, we have started exploring our lower orbit, higher orbit, Moon, and many other planets of our solar system. Humans are now preparing to go to Martian surface after our natural satellite Moon. We are aware that Mars does not have a suitable environment to live for humans, but Curiosity kept our curiosity alive. We have sent many rovers on the Red Planet to collect as much data as we can. NASA, ESA, and many other private companies are dreaming about going to Mars to reveal it’s secret. Scientists and researchers are now preparing for human missions to Mars keeping in mind that it is not easy. A lot of new technologies are being developed specifically for Mars missions which are going to be expensive. What if we start thinking about the spinoffs from the future Martian technologies? In this report, a thorough literature review has been conducted about the spinoffs from past and then identified current developing technologies for upcoming Mars missions. This topic has been investigated by a student from the Master of Space Studies 2022, International Space University (ISU), within the frame of the Individual Project Research Identified technologies are assessed via TRL – Technology Readiness Levels, which is a tool developed by NASA to measure the technology readiness. It is acknowledged that spinoffs are not the main reasons why we are conducting space missions and space exploration, but they are a byproduct. The intention of helping the humankind should not be a process via Space exploration. Spinoffs are profit earned from the curiosity inside us to unfold the universe.
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my Individual Project Research supervisor Prof. Walter Peeters, for his approach towards this topic, explanations, discussions, guidance, and support during this project. I must say that without his guidance, this research would be incomplete. I would also like to thank all the members of the faculty and staff of the International Space University, in particular Muriel Riester, the library manager.
I would like to gratify my family for being a constant support & trusting me during hard times and providing encouragement.
Studying at International Space University – ISU, was an amazing experience in terms of the culture from across the world and amazing working environment. The students after getting their degree from this university achieves great successes in their lives without a doubt but many of the students who graduates choose to find some other interesting paths towards their passion which they might have developed from being at ISU University has pushed myself towards different possibilities to explore and not to stick with one element at a time, which I feel is important
I would never be so grateful to have my batch MSS22 as wonderful patrons.
At the end, I would like to thank Valentine, Damini, Mickael, Anastasia, Andrea, Laura, Tom, Katia, Eszter, and many other amazing people. I have learnt a lot of things from them in my curriculum and life. I would never ever take these beautiful human beings out of my professional and personal lives. I would like to thank Vishwa, Rutvij, Hari, Nandni, Sanjana, Bhavya for being my constant support during hard times.
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
Table 1: Detailed description of TRLs 20
Table 2: Various spinoff potential technologies for future Mars missions. 22
Table 3: Potential of Martian renewable fuel on Earth. 23
Table 4: Potential of 3D printing habitats on Earth (Materials). 24
Table 5: Regenerative Fuel Cells on Earth. .................................................................................................24
Table 6: Space Medicine to Earth. ..............................................................................................................25
Table 7: Few winners from Deep Space Food Challenge............................................................................26
Table 8: Deep Space Food on Earth. ...........................................................................................................26
Table 9: Efficient Solar Panels on Earth. 27
Table 10: NDL on Earth. 27
Table 11: Nuclear Reactors on Earth. 28
Table 12: Reclamation Applications as Disinfectants on Earth. 28
Table 13: Developed AI on Earth. ...............................................................................................................29
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
Figure 1: Cordless Drill machine 10
Figure 2: Earth to Mars - Mars to Earth............................ 11
Figure 3: Mars in Solar System 12
Figure 4: Different Rovers for different missions 17
Figure 5: Technologies NASA is Advancing to Send Humans to Mars....................................................... 18
Figure 6: Martian Habitat concepts............................................................................................................19
Figure 7: SIMOC Dashboard........................................................................................................................19
Figure 8: Thermometer Diagram for TRL....................................................................................................20
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
3D – 3 Dimensional
ACTS – Advanced Communications Technology Satellite
AI – Artificial Intelligence
AU – Astronomical Unit
CIMON – Crew Interactive Mobile Companion
ISRU – In-site Resource Utilization
NDL – Navigation Doppler Lidar
CSA – Canadian Space Agency
CT scanner – Computer Tomography scanner
ESA – European Space Agency
GPS – Global Positioning System
ISS – International Space Station
ISU – International Space Agency
IT – Information Technology
JPL – Jet Propulsion Laboratory
LAN – Local Area Network
LEO – Low Earth Orbit
MMRTG – Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NDL – Navigation Doppler Lidar
NTP – Nuclear Thermal Propulsion
R&D – Research & Development
RADAR – Radio Detection and Ranging
RFC – Regenerative Fuel Cell
SBIR – Small Business Innovation Research
SBTR – Small Business Technology Transfer
SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals
SIMOC – Scalable Interactive Model of an Offworld Community
SSP – Space Studies Program
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
STI – Scientific and Technical Information
TRL – Technology Readiness Level
UVS – Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer
Space, it says, is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. - Douglas Adams.
Human curiosity is bound, which leads to the development of various areas that make our lives easier. With the launch of the Sputnik, humans have begun their adventures into space since 1957 (Elizabeth Howell, 2018) After the revolutionary start of the space race, scientists, researchers, engineers, astronauts, and others have contributed to new space technology in the best possible way, bringing many beneficial space technologies to Earth. Various Space Agencies from across the world are trying hard to contribute towards this global mission of exploring space. Since 1998, astronauts have been living and conducting many experiments on the International Space Station (ISS). Respected space agencies are spending a fortune to keep them going for a good cause. All the data that we have found until date is useful for us to move further. Apart from all the success we have seen, there were failures, but we kept moving forward with all the learnings. ISS is orbiting Earth in Lower Earth Orbit (LEO) microgravity environment which is a great testbed for us to test various technologies to be applied in the larger future missions.
Most of these technological advancements have been developed according to the requirements of those specific missions Scientists and researchers have found many opportunities as well to bring back the technology to Earth as Spinoffs Since 1958, space exploration began with a spinoff (simply the commercialization of space technology) and has had a profound impact on the usefulness of people on Earth. NASA and ESA have drawn many technologies from space missions that have been commercialized and are now regularly used in critical industries. NASA’s longest continuous mission till date is considered the Technology Transfer Program. As a result of that, every year NASA releases a book - Spinoff with brand new spinoffs across the world. There are many remarkable benefits from spinoffs since it has started. There are various fields in which commercialization of space technology took place in terms of type of technology. Advances in materials technology, mechanical technology, medical field, electronics, communications, nuclear technology, biotechnology, and information technology (Kumar, 2022)
It all started as the smallest but the most effective products of all time. One of the most used devices is Cordless drill machine was first invented for space missions. Apollo astronauts needed a way to excavate under the moon. For the development of the drill, NASA chose a company that became famous for its cordless products:
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
and Decker. Cordless drills, screwdrivers and hedge trimmers are just a few examples. (Mansfield, 2006) In 1976 with the help of NASA-sponsored summer institute in biomedical engineering, they developed a weighing device for premature babies. The babies can be weighed from inside the incubator itself (Spinoff, 1976). However, back to 2022, it is mentioned that Robots are important to our efforts to explore space and other planets. Robots can support astronauts and become pioneers in places that humans have not yet reached. However, it is difficult to duplicate a human machine. By collaborating with the industry, we were able to create a better robot hand. That effort has been transformed into robot gloves that help manufacturing workers reduce injuries (NASA Spinoff, 2022).
Currently, there are many technologies which are being developed to explore Moon and then Mars in various levels. ISS and Moon serving as a testbed for the ultimate missions to the Red Planet. know from the past that breakthrough space technologies have certain benefits on Earth after doing specific modifications. In this document, a thorough research on developing Martian technologies have been carried out. Spinoffs from previous Mars and Moon missions have also been listed and extracted the important aspects accordingly. Looking at the past, one can analyse the potential of a space technology and if it could be beneficial to the Earth, us. The technologies here are analysed through Technology Readiness Level – TRL, a tool developed by NASA.
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
Mars, as the Egyptians called it “Her Desher,” which means “Red Planet” due to the iron minerals in the Martian dirt oxidize, or rust which causes the surface to appear red in color. The environment for living is not suitable for the human beings without a protective shell due to varying temperature, thin atmosphere, and many other aspects. Currently, scientists and researchers are not expecting to find any living things on Mars. They have started looking for traces of life that existed long ago when Mars was covered with liquid water and warmer in temperature (NASA, 2018a). Asaph Hall was almost about to give up his tiring research for the Martian moon in 1877, but Angelina (his wife) urged him on to continue the hunt. Later next night, he discovered Deimos. Six nights later, he found Phobos as well (NASA, 2018b)
2.1.1 Size and Distance:
Mars has a radius of 2,390 kilometers which is about the half the size of Earth. Which means, If Earth were the size of a regular tennis ball, Mars would be about as big as a golf ball. Mars is about 1.5 AU (Astronomical Unit) away from the Sun (figure 3), which is about 228 million kilometers. Where 1 AU is the distance between the Sun and Earth. Due to this distance, light takes 13 minutes to reach Martian surface from the Sun. Mars is farther away from the Sun compared to Earth. Thus, it has distinct seasons, but they last longer than Earth (NASA, 2018a)
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
Mars completes one rotation every 24.6 hours around the Sun, which is very comparable to a day on Earth which is 23.9 hours. Martian days are also called sols, a short form for “Solar Day”. It can be said that a year on the red planet lasts 669.6 sols, which is the same time as 687 Earth days. Talking about similarities with Earth, Mars’ rotation axis is tilted 25 degrees with respect to the plane of its orbit around the Sun (Earth has an axial inclination of 23.4 degrees). On Earth, the seasons last for around 3 months approximately, but they vary on Mars because of its elliptical, egg-shaped orbit around the Sun (NASA, 2018a)
Surface and Structure:
The surface of Mars is covered by the dust which is fine like talcum powder. Below the dust layer, the Martian crust dwell essentially volcanic basalt rock The surface is colors visible are brown, gold, and tan. The Martian regolith flies above into the atmosphere and makes the planet appear mostly red. Water on Mars is available today, but the atmosphere is thin for the water to exist for long time on the surface. Water can be found on Mars today in the form of water-ice below the surface in polar regions, which seasonally flows down some crater walls and ridges (NASA, 2018a)
The soil of Mars has nutrients such as Na (sodium), K (potassium), Cl- (chloride) and Mg (magnesium). According to NASA, the thickness of the crust is between 10 and 50 kilometers. Also, unlike Earth, the crust of Mars is thought to be in one piece. It doesn’t have any tectonic plates that sets on the mantle to reshape the terrain. (Sharp, 2017) According to the new research, powerful landslides may speed down Martian slopes at up to 725 km/h (Wall, 2017). Looking at the evidence, the mantle beneath the crust is largely dormant. It is primarily composed of Si (silicon), O (oxygen), Fe (iron) and Mg (magnesium). According to NASA, the thickness of the mantle is around 1,240 to 1,880 km. The solid core of Mars is composed of Fe (iron), Ni (nickel) and S (sulfur).
2.1.4 Atmosphere and Weather:
The configuration of Martian atmosphere was first determined by the Viking landers in the mid-1970s. After analyzing all the ratios, Carbon Dioxide is the main constituent, followed by Nitrogen, argon, and other elements. There are other minor and highly variable constituents such as ozone, water vapor, and dust particles (Haberle, 2003) According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the average temperature on Mars is about -62.7 degrees Celsius However, temperatures range from about-153 degrees Celsius in winter in the polar regions to +21 degrees Celsius in low latitudes in summer (NASA, 2018a).
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
According to NASA STI (Scientific and Technical Information) Program, one of the key aspects of space planning is the technological advances we see every day because of space exploration. A "Spinoff" is created from a space experiment, invention, or technology. There are many examples of Spinoff which are very helpful for humankind. For example, telecommunications equipment used by television news crews and other organizations that require a reliable mobile satellite antenna system was developed by converting NASA / JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) equipment. This product is an improved mobile satellite antenna designed to lock certain satellite signals smoothly without fluctuations If we look in the past, NASA / JPL has developed an antenna prototype under the ACTS (Advanced Communications Technology Satellite) program.
According to NASA, Spinoff is a commercialized product or service incorporating NASA technology or expertise which is beneficial to the public. These include products or processes that:
• were designed for NASA use, to NASA specifications, and then commercialized.
• are developed because of a NASA-funded agreement or know-how gained during collaboration with NASA.
• are developed through Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (SBTR) contracts with NASA.
• incorporate NASA technology in their manufacturing process.
• receive significant contributions in design or testing from NASA laboratory personnel or facilities.
• are successful entrepreneurial endeavors by former NASA employees whose technical expertise was developed while employed by the agency.
• are commercialized because of a NASA patent license or waiver.
• are developed using data or software made available by NASA.
2.2.1 Different types of technology and Spinoffs
Space technologies can help humankind in many sectors such as SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), enabling connectivity, security through space, responsible business promotion, and fueling the global economy (Global Future Council, 2019) Technology refers to the tools, machines, and set of technologies that can be used to solve a real problem. Tools and machines can range from as simple as a nail pin to as complex as a particle accelerator or space station. Also, they don't have to be physical. Virtual technologies such as software and cloud services fall within this definition of technology, which is meant to achieve human goals. Technology can be categorized in 8 different groups as below (Kumar, 2022): Materials Technology
Material technology is a wide range of areas related to the selection of materials with the optimum properties for the needs of the target application. It also includes maintaining the performance of the material over the life of the machine by withstanding fatigue, corrosion, and other damage. An improved zinc-rich coating that protects against salt sprays was developed by space scientists and turned out to be the ideal paint for bridges. In 1976, tests were conducted at the Golden Gate to determine the paint life of coastal bridges where salt corrosion was a major issue (NASA Spinoff, 1976)
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
Applications: Piezoelectric materials used in satellite micro thrusters; self-healing coatings used to protect metal products.
Mechanical Technology
Mechanical technology deals with the technology of combining mechanical parts and materials to build functional structures and control or transmit motion. Mechanical engineers are expected to apply the principles of product design, materials science, and manufacturing processes to create useful products and production machines. Originally developed for jet aircraft, gas turbines were widely outsourced to power plants to generate electricity as an output of spinoff (NASA Spinoff, 1976)
Applications: Automotive manufactured in mechanical robots, 3D printers, power plants, and highly specialized disciplines includes energy, petroleum, nuclear, automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, industrial design, and product development.
Medical Technology
Medical engineering is often defined as an application of science to develop solutions to prevent illness, injury, or other health problems. This includes advanced mechanical disease detection, patient treatment, and health monitoring. A medical device can be an instrument, device, implant, reagent, or software. One of the most important technological developments in healthcare is 3D printing. It is used to manufacture special prostheses, splints, parts for inert Implants, and custom replaceable body parts. Perhaps the best-known space spinoff for your health was a cardiac pacemaker, a by-product of miniaturized solid-state circuits designed for spacecraft. When the natural heartbeat becomes irregular due to heart disease, the electronic pacemaker gives a small regular electric shock to stimulate the heart. Developed by industry researchers with the support of NASA, the new cardiac pacemaker was able to recharge the skin with an inductor NASA then spun off Skylab Telemetry into a "telecare" emergency system. Telecare includes all the tools that a physician or emergency care professional may reasonably need in a cardiopulmonary emergency in one package ( NASA Spinoff, 1976)
Applications: Stethoscope, pacemaker, ventilator, computed tomography (CT) scanner, surgical robot Electronics Technology
Electronics mainly includes passive and active components, solid state devices, operational amplifiers, audio and radio frequency amplifiers, oscillators, frequency modulators, digital circuits, digital circuits, power supplies, and optoelectronic devices such as solar cells and light emitting diodes, and optical fiber. Silicon integrated circuits are ubiquitous in everyday household appliances, automobiles, and even satellites. They are widely used in telecommunications, signal processing, and information processing.
Applications: Computers, smartphones, digital camera, RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging), power suppliers, multimeters, interactive Sensors
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
Communication Technology
Communication technologies include audiovisual and telephone network and computer network integration over integrated cable systems or links. This is a broad and ever-evolving field that covers all devices that receive, store, retrieve, process, and transmit information electronically in digital form. This includes radios, televisions, mobile phones, communication devices, satellite systems, and various services. This technology is also widely used in space. For example, NASA and institutions are using free-space optical communication in space to transmit more data in less time.
Applications: LAN (Local area network), videotext, teletext, Internet, wireless information transfer, GPS
Nuclear Technology
When the nucleus changes, a large amount of energy is released. Nuclear technology covers all technologies that manipulate / control such changes in the core of a particular element and convert them into usable energy. Widely used for power generation in nuclear power plants. Nuclear elements can provide a reliable long-term power source for space missions. Spacecraft operate unmanned for years using atomic batteries. For example, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, launched in 1977 to explore the outer solar system, are still transmitting data.
Applications: Electrical energy generation, radiation therapy, smoke detectors, sterilization of disposable products, radioisotope heat generators for space missions
Biotechnology uses biological systems and living organisms to develop a variety of products. It covers a wide range of fields, from genetics and biochemistry to molecular biology. Modern biotechnology provides innovative technologies and products to combat serious and rare diseases, reduce environmental impact, use clean energy, and make industrial production processes safer and more efficient
Applications: Microorganisms are used to produce bio-products such as milk and bread, and organisms are used to extract metals from ores (bioleaching) to produce biological weapons.
Information Technology
Today, information technology (IT) refers to everything people use computers. This area typically deals with computers and computer networks, but also includes other information distribution technologies such as telephone, television, and the Internet. For the past decade, technology giants have focused on artificial intelligence and machine learning, enabling computers to make "human-like" decisions based on real-time data. At this point, AI can perform a variety of tasks that are far superior and precise than humans. Computer program for structural analysis, the NASA program was originally developed to help design efficient spacecraft but is now used in the design of railroad tracks, cars, cars, bridges, skyscrapers, and many other structures.
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
Applications: Multimedia Conference, E-Commerce, Cloud Computing, Online Banking, Speech Recognition, Intrusion Recognition System, Online Advertising
2.2.2 Current technologies being developed for Mars missions. Various technologies have been introduced to humankind since one of the most important Mars exploration steps such as Mariner 4 (1964) and Vikings missions (1975) (Ajey Lele, 2014). As discussed briefly in the previous section, there are many technologies in different sectors have been developed specifically for space missions and thus they are expensive to invent and develop further. Technological Advancement through Rovers
We have managed to send rovers and landers such as Pathfinder, Mars Polar Lander, Spirit & Opportunity and many more. The most recent ones are Mars 2020 Perseverance and Ingenuity Mars Helicopter. For example, the electrical power source in Perseverance, MMRTG or “Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator” converts heat from the natural radioactive decay of plutonium into electricity (NASA, 2020a). Similar concept can be used on Earth to generate power with precautions for radiation. Technologies like these have sub-parts which requires certain attention to detail to understand the functionality better. Current and earlier missions are indeed important for us to understand The Red Planet better each and every day.
Currently, NASA is focused on various technologies to make this journey to the Red Planet easier such as Propulsion, Power, Telecommunications, Avionics and Software Engineering. For In-situ exploration and Sample Return, upgrades need to be performed in Entry-Decent-Landing, Autonomous Mobility, Tech for Severe Environments and Planetary Protection (NASA, 2020d).
Figure 4: Different Rovers for different missions, Credits: (Kruse, 2020)
Recently, NASA has declared a list of technologies (Images are shown in figure 5) they are advancing to send humans to the Red Planet (Hall, 2020):
1. Powerful propulsion systems for a round trip to Mars
2. Inflatable heat shield to land astronauts on the other planets
3. High-tech Martian spacesuits 4. Martian home and lab on wheels 5. Uninterrupted power
6. Laser communications to send more information to Earth
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
NASA plans to demonstrate many of these capabilities during the Artemis missions to the moon as a test bed. Whilst other developing technologies are made for deep space exploration purposes. Technological Development through Martian Habitats
Along with the technologies to reach there quickly and sustain for smaller missions. According to NASA, a one-way trip to Mars will take about nine months. It takes about 21 months in total, as you must wait about three months on Mars to make sure the Earth and Mars are in the right place on a round trip. In order to sustain there for longer periods, many agencies and architectural practices are developing various concepts for habitats. Majority of them are focusing on the development of existing 3D printing technology which can be incorporated on Mars with the main material as Martian regolith. Companies such as AI SpaceFactory and Hassell Studio are working on autonomous 3D printing habitat concepts (Examples: Figure 6) which are thought to be ready before the first humans put their feet on the Red Planet. For Studio Hassell, the 3D printed shell is to be imagined as an outer shell part of the habitat. For the interior, they are planning to use inflatable modules that they will deploy once they reach on the surface of Mars (Hassell, 2018). Development of these technologies require technological advancement
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
in terms of Information Technology and AI (Artificial Intelligence), Materials Technology, and Mechanical Technology (Categorized from Section 2.2.1). Information Technological Development
Connected to the Martian Habitat, SIMOC – a new Scalable Interactive Model of an Off-world Community is being developed by Arizona State University’s School of Earth and Space Exploration Interplanetary Initiative. This model is a research-grade pilot project which is a computer model and web interface to design and operate a habitat on Mars for citizen scientists. (See figure 7 below) SIMOC can be operated as game with existing data for mechanical life support systems used on ISS –
from future Martian technology
International Space Station and bio regeneration. The project itself is very detailed in terms of specifications about the requirements to self-sustain on the Red Planet without any outer supply from Earth except the primary phases to make it cost-effective. The president, CEO, and co-founder of Paragon Space Development Corporation Grant Anderson, who are now working on the Artemis program team is a consultant on SIMOC (Seckel, 2020).
2.2.3 Methodology: TRL (Technology Readiness Level)
TRL is a set of management metrics that allows you to assess the maturity of a particular technology and consistently compare the maturity of different types of technologies in the context of a particular system, application, and production environment (ESA, 2008). Technology readiness level (TRL) is a type of measurement system used to assess the maturity of a particular technology. Each tech project is evaluated for parameters at each tech level and receives a TRL rating based on the progress of the project. There are nine technical readiness levels. TRL 1 is the lowest and TRL 9 being the highest (Tzinis, 2015) A well-known diagram for TRLs is shown as figure 8, where all the levels are categorized on a thermometer which also acts as a metaphor for increasing technological maturity.
To learn more about the TRLs, a detailed description of basic definitions and explanations of each level is provided in the table 1
Table 1: Detailed description of TRLs, Credits: (ESA, 2008).
TRL 1 Basic principles observed and reported
TRL 2 Technology concept and/or application formulated
TRL 3 Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof-ofconcept
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
Figure 8: Thermometer Diagram for TRL Credits: Adapted from (Ahn, Kim and Lee, 2015)
Lowest level of technology readiness. Scientific research begins to be translated into applied research and development.
Once basic principles are observed, practical applications can be invented, and R&D started. Applications are speculative and may be unproven.
Active research and development are initiated, including analytical / laboratory studies to validate predictions regarding the technology.
TRL 4 Component and/or breadboard validation in laboratory environment
TRL 5 Component and/or breadboard validation in relevant environment
TRL 6 System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment (ground or space)
TRL 7 System prototype demonstration in a space environment
TRL 8 Actual system completed and “flight qualified” through test and demonstration (ground or space)
TRL 9 Actual system “flight proven” through successful mission operations
Basic technological components are integrated to establish that they will work together.
The basic technological components are integrated with reasonably realistic supporting elements so it can be tested in a simulated environment.
A representative model or prototype system is tested in a relevant environment.
A prototype system that is near, or at, the planned operational system.
In an actual system, the technology has been proven to work in its final form and under expected conditions.
The system incorporating the new technology in its final form has been used under actual mission conditions.
2.2.4 Identify and classify technologies based on TRL
Currently, there are many technologies that are being developed for Mars missions. Some of them are shown below in the table 2. These technologies are being discussed globally by scientists and researchers at various levels of readiness according to the availability of resources and funding. Many of them are in the middle stage of exploration and execution. Some of the technologies from the table below have been listed from a Team Project, which is a part of 2016 Space Studies Program of International Space University. The project is named as “aMARTE: A Mars Roadmap for Travel and Exploration” (ISU SSP, 2016). These technologies have been categorized according to section 2.2.1. (In table 2, Communication Technology and Information Technology have been combined.)
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
Table 2: Various spinoff potential technologies for future Mars missions.
Materials Technology Renewable fuel
Mechanical Technology Pressurized rovers
3D Printing habitats Advanced shape memory alloy
Regenerative Fuel Cell (RFC)
Hydrogenated boron nitride nanotubes
Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (UVS) 3D Printing habitats
Medical Technology Life support equipment Space food CIMON (AI Robot)
Electronics Technology Efficient solar panels Navigation doppler lidar
Nuclear Technology
NTP – Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Nuclear fission reactor
Biotechnology Synthetic biology
Information Technology Autonomy (AI)
Reclamation applications
3D Printing Food
3D Printing habitats Software Development
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
According to the table 2 in section 2.2.4, there are potential technologies which can be beneficial to Earth for commercialization. As discussed in the Introduction, we as a humankind do not reply on spinoffs for our development The reason behind the analysis is to look for the potential benefits on Earth but that should not have been our main goal while developing these technologies. The analysis can be done through TRLs. If the TRL is higher, there is a good chance of bringing that technology back to Earth for commercialization
Hereby as well, the classification of the technologies can be done according to section 2.2.1
3.1.1 Renewable Fuel
Currently, scientists from government and private agencies are trying hard to develop rocket fuel from perchlorates and CO2 on the Martian surface. SpaceX has recently developed Raptor Engine containing cryogenic methane to be able to use in-situ resources while returning from the red planet (Patel, 2016). Along with that, UCI assistant professor in physics & astronomy, Houlin Xin and team recently discovered a more efficient way of producing methane-based rocket fuel but theoretically. New discoveries come in the form of single-atom zinc catalysts that transform the current two-step process into a one-step reaction using a more compact and portable device (Anzlowar, 2021)
This technology is currently being tested on Earth environment which does not allow it to go beyond 5 in the TRL. Once these technologies are tested in the relevant environment and if it succeeds, we could have a lot of benefits on Earth as the result of spinoff.
Table 3: Potential of Martian renewable fuel on Earth. Potential
fuel from perchlorates and CO2 (e.g., methane, butane for everyday use such as cooking and heating) can reduce the greenhouse effect. Estimated TRL:
3D Printing Habitats (Materials)
There are many Architectural practices which are currently working on Outer Space habitat projects which are also funded by NASA. For example, AI SpaceFactory’s David Malott said in an interview with space.com "One of the challenges on Earth is building in places, say, like the Bahamas, right, which recently got obliterated by a hurricane," he said. "If you need to go somewhere fairly remote where the infrastructure's just been destroyed, and you have to produce a lot of housing, how do you do that?"
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
(Gohd, 2019). It is also necessary to go sustainable to continue living on this planet without any harsh concrete jungle.
Table 4: Potential of 3D printing habitats on Earth (Materials).
Potential Spinoff: Earth materials can be used with binders instead of concrete and cements to make upcoming housing more sustainable and quicker
Estimated TRL: ~ 6
3.2.1 Regenerative Fuel Cells (RFCs)
Regenerative fuel cells (RFCs) are a method of energy storage as the demand for energy storage capacity and duration rises. This separates the energy conversion element of the power system from the energy storage element, allowing independent dimensions of energy conversion (power) and energy capacity (storage). In addition, it stores energy in the form of reaction gas and water (Guzik et al., 2017). Currently, RFCs are being tested by NASA in a simulated Lunar Environment to develop it further for the future Lunar and Mars missions (Furnas, 2020).
Table 5: Regenerative Fuel Cells on Earth.
Potential Spinoff: A method to store energy effectively on Earth as well after providing excess power through larger solar panels to utilize the power in the night as well. It can be used especially in remote areas where there is shortage of electricity.
Estimated TRL: 3 - 5 (Furnas, 2020)
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
3.3.1 Life Support Equipment
Living conditions on the red planet is not perfectly suitable for human species without any protective shell and available medical supplements. If there is any medical emergency while astronauts or future space tourists are far from Earth on the surface of Mars, they must take care of themselves without any supplies or help from Earth because it takes a lot of time to reach there. Travelers need to be prepared to diagnose and operate according to the situation. To help them recover, space doctors and researchers are working on compact but high-performance life support equipment to deal with any sort of emergency during the trip. These kinds of systems are being tested on ISS and on Analog missions on Earth, but they are not fully self-sustainable. These life support devices can be used for Earth as well!
Not only the physical health, but mental health is important as well while travelling to the red planet. Living in isolation makes your behavior angry which can ruin the team-spirit or maybe the whole mission. To cope up with that, Boeing is developing an AI robot named CIMON, who can eventually help monitor and improve astronauts’ mood (Best, 2019). The latest version of CIMON, CIMON 2 has demonstrated its capability on the International Space Station (Airbus, 2021).
Table 6: Space Medicine to Earth.
Potential Spinoff:
Miniaturized / rugged life support system for workers in mining, hospitals, laboratories, and sensitive environments, Personal AI Robot in our daily life for maintaining our mental health.
Estimated TRL: CIMON 2: 8, Life Support System: 5 - 7
3.3.2 Better Space Food
Recently NASA and CSA have organized Deep Space Food Challenge and teams across the world participated in it. The challenge is designed in 3 phases with different winners. The challenge is not only focused on the Space Food but also for Earth. The types and duration of future lunar missions are constantly evolving and maturing based on new technological advances and scientific knowledge. Space agencies need to work on long-term missions and how to provide safe and nutritious food to future crew members in orbit or on the surface of the Moon/ Mars In addition, food insecurity has become a serious and chronic problem on Earth in urban, rural, harsh environments and communities Disasters can also disrupt the supply chain on which all people depend and further exacerbate food shortages (NASA & CSA, 2021).
There are many great ideas coming from the winning teams in categories of manufactured food, bioCulture, and plant growth. In the table 7 below shortages (NASA & CSA, 2021), some of the ideas are listed from various teams. Though the ideas are in phase-I and their TRL is lower compared to other technology but, they have potential in the near future.
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
Manufactured Foods Bio-Culture Plant Growth
ALSEC: Includes Four exponential technologies: microencapsulation, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, and 3D printing for the formulation and development of natural, organic, and nutritious food powders.
Electric Cow: Uses food-grade microorganisms and 3D printing to convert CO2 and waste flows directly into food.
Hefvin grows fruit cells in a nutrient-rich medium and uses spherification to encapsulate various cell types into edible berry structures with skin and pulp. This technology produces berries that are rich in taste, color, and aroma.
Keeta: A 3D printed food system that uses the results of an interdependent microecosystem to produce a variety of nutritious foods. The ecosystem is made up of producers, insects, and decomposers. Insects are rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals and offer a variety of flavors.
Natufia x Edama: A closedloop indoor farming technology consisting of a hydroponic cultivation system, composting solution and large algae cultivation is all seamlessly integrated into a large automated system.
Nolux: An artificial photosynthesis system that can produce plant-based and fungal-based foods independently of biological photosynthesis.
Table 8: Deep Space Food on Earth.
Potential Spinoff: Technologies that reduce the impact on the resources such as water and volume, needed for global food production. Especially in extreme environments and resourcescarce regions. Estimated
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
3.4.1 Efficient Solar Panels
During the deep space missions, powerful and extended capacity solar panels are being used to generate enough power to perform various tasks. Except the nuclear energy and in-situ resource utilization, solar energy is our main source of energy. Mission on Mars requires powerful solar array to capture most of the solar energy because sunlight there is comparatively lower than Earth (Anzlowar, 2021).
Table 9: Efficient Solar Panels on Earth.
Potential Spinoff: Fossil-fuel may run out in a few decades from now and Sun would be an important resource as a fuel. Efficient solar panels can produce energy needed to perform daily tasks.
Estimated TRL: 4 - 5
3.4.2 Navigation Doppler Lidar
Navigation Doppler Lidar is being developed to address NASA’s necessity for a compact but highperformance, cost-effective altitude and velocity sensor onboard the landers. The lidar sensor is referred to as a NDL (Navigation Doppler Lidar). They can operate from over four kms altitude. Upcoming robotic and manned missions to the body of the solar system will require accurate ground relative velocity vectors and altitude data to perform complex descent operations and safe and soft landings in place. (Amzajerdian et al., 2016) Incorporating this near future technology in cars on Earth can be a benefit to avoid major road accidents.
Table 10: NDL on Earth.
Potential Spinoff: NDL can be used ono Earth technology with GPS systems, radars, and range imaging lidars with required technical changes.
Estimated TRL: 5 - 6
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
3.5.1 Nuclear Fission Reactor
As discussed in the section, researchers are planning to use nuclear fission reactor on Martian surface to generate necessary power to perform various tasks. Nuclear power is reliable power source. MMRTP, or Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator was used During Curiosity, and it ran twice the time than it was designed for (LaMonica, 2012). Like section 4.4.1, Nuclear technology on Earth can be used in regular life if proper precautions are taken legally and medically. There are chances of misusing the radioactive element to make nuclear weapons.
Table 11: Nuclear Reactors on Earth
Potential Spinoff: Regular use of Nuclear Fission Reactor with precautions and modifications keeping radiation to human body in mind. It is a reliable and long-lasting resource to produce energy.
Estimated TRL: ~ 9
3.6.1 Synthetic Biology and Reclamation Applications
Perseverance rover is currently searching for signs of life on Mars. Alongside, it’s also analyzing synthetic biological aspects from the Martian regolith. Far but important concept of terraforming Mars can be developed in detail based on that research data. Synthetic biology can be of help to increase the shelf life of the medications that needs to be carried during the trip. Yeast can be programmed to produce a variety of medicines, including antibiotics which currently is under development (Perez-Pinera et al., 2016). On Earth, synthetic biology can help disinfection of wastewater and soil (ISU SSP, 2016)
Table 12: Reclamation Applications as Disinfectants on Earth.
Potential Spinoff: It can be used to treat drinking water, groundwater, wastewater, industrial process water as a stand-alone process or as part of a treatment chain (Kalumuck, 2022)
Estimated TRL: ~ 9
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
3.7.1 Autonomy
Before sending humans to explore the red planets, we have sent autonomous rovers such as Curiosity and Perseverance to function on their own. The advantages of sending robots are very valid: No human – no risk to human life and any life support systems. With their sensors as discussed in the section 4.4.2, they can sense obstacles and respond accordingly. Similar concept can be applied here as well to avoid humaninvolving issues with the benefit of precision.
Along with that, we are moving towards longer missions to the red planet. Which means before humans reach there, their habitats must be ready with 3D printed outer shells. We need to have tried and tested self-functioning 3D printing technology alongside the digger and collector robots. 3D printing technology is valid on Earth as well to decrease human efforts and work faster.
Table 13: Developed AI on Earth
Potential Spinoff: To use robots and 3D printing technology effectively, the AI technology needs to be spot on which can be inherited from space missions
Estimated TRL: ~ 4 - 5
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
• Spinoff as a term should be taken only as a bonus profitable asset to humankind because of space technology and it should not be the other way round.
• Communications technology is being developed mostly by spin-in concepts which possible do not have spinoff capabilities. Example: The most powerful communication link possibility we have is Earth to Mars which takes approximately 40 minutes for one way message transfer. This does not have any spinoff potential on Earth on a daily basis.
• The topic seems to be too large to identify potential spinoffs from developing Martian technologies. Instead, a specific type of technology needs to be chosen and develop the literature review based on that which follows analysis of various developing technologies in detail.
• All the developing technologies in which TRL is below 5 requires more research and development.
o Needs to be tested in microgravity environment such as ISS or Moon to increase its TRL.
• In Materials Technology,
o Further research needed in the obtaining fuel perchlorates and CO2 to use natural gases regularly.
o In 3D printed habitats, further research should be promoted among more architectural practices, scientists, and researchers.
• In Mechanical Technology,
o RFCs (Regenerative fuel cells) need to be tested for Earth use and to be modified according to requirements.
• In Medical Technology,
o Further research to be established for miniaturized life support system for workers in mining, hospitals, labs, and sensitive environments.
o Development of CIMON 2 AI robot to improve mental health in regular life.
o Challenges such as Deep Space Food Challenge from NASA and CSA should be encouraged in to get people participate and learn more about.
o Steps to be taken to improve food standards in resource-scarce regions, especially in extreme environments.
• In Electronic Technology
o Further research to develop and modify the space solar panels technology for commercial usage on Earth.
o NDL – Navigation Doppler Lidar technology to be further researched and modified according to requirements in cars.
• In Nuclear Technology, o We are aware that nuclear energy is important and long-lasting but dangerous for environment and human health
o Further research to be done to build a protective shell around the nuclear reactor which is going to be used everyday
• In Biotechnology, o Martian regolith needs to be simulated to test ISRU technology.
Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
We all are contributing a small part of our lives towards the development for this Planet Earth. Spinoffs are working as an energy source of motivation which keeps us going. Behind this phenomenon, we have had great thinkers and doers who contributed their everything to discover and explore wonderous things. This project allows oneself to be in a transition phase between what we found from space tech to what else we can find. That does not mean we always have to look for it and expect something beneficial every time. Focusing on the main mission is our priority but there is no harm in look for possibilities and improve ourselves accordingly. Said correctly,
Part of life’s mystery depends on future possibilities, and mystery is an elusive quality which evaporates when sampled frequently, to be followed by boredom.
-Michael CollinsPotential spinoffs from future Martian technology
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Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology
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Potential spinoffs from future Martian technology