Architectural Portfolio_Nirav Patel_CEPT UNIVERSITY

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STUDIO03:Building-Antibuilding Programme

: RegionalLitratureLibrary

Site : Riverfront,Ahmedabad Instructor : MilindPatel Brief

: Balancedandneutralsystemsinthefieldof physicsusuallyrequiresmatterandanti-matter. Similarly,inordertocompletethebuildform onemayrequire thepresenceofAnti-Building. TheStudioengagesindesigningregional libraryinAhmedabad.Itexaminestheassociation andmeaningsoftheterms“Building”and “Anti-Building”.


: ViewsthroughtheBuilding/ Buildingisapartofyoursighttowardsthe Riverfront Anti-building:howthewallsarehelpingtocreate thoseviewsindirectly








ા ર જ ુ ગ

R e l a t e dS t u d yP r o g r a m

D o c u m e n t a t i o n| M e a s u r eD r a w i n g H o u s e si nv i l l e g eA v o l i,G o a



ClubEvents:AWA(ArchitectureWithArchitects)and SketchingTrip

ા ર જ ુ ગ

P h o t o g r a p h y

E m o t i o n s|F o c u s|C o l o u r s|F r a m e|C o n t r a s t S u mm e rW i n t e rS c h o o l:H i m a c h a lP r a d e s h,I t a l y




ા ર જ ુ ગ

I n s t a l l a t i o n s

M a t e r i a l s|P r a c t i c a l i t y|A e s t h e t i c s|A s s e m b l y|J o i n e r i e s|W o r k s h o p|C o o r d i n a t i o n

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