March 2015 Volume 9, No. 3 $5.95
March 2015
March 2015
WMABA encourages membership and gives exclusive information on major industry changes.
Image courtesy of www.cnn.com
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE 12 WMABA RESPONDS TO CNN STORY Anderson Cooper 360° gives insight into collision repair industry issues. BY JORDAN HENDLER
WMABA affiliates and industry leaders get involved with the largest regional trade show of its kind.
CIC unveils major plans and projects for 2015 at their Palm Springs meeting. BY JANET CHANEY
The national association reveals major initiatives.
The auto body community honors a brave soldier.
A judge’s decision could spell trouble for Multidistrict Litigation.
Editor’s Message JOEL GAUSTEN
Calendar of Events
News From Ford
What’s WMABA Up To?
WMABA Membership
Vendor Corner
President’s Message DON BEAVER
Advertisers’ Index
Images © www.thinkstockphotos.com
The charitable organization gifts a Recycled Ride to a single mother in need. March 2015
March 5, 2015
CORROSION PROTECTION Harrison Body Works, Richmond, VA SECTIONING OF STEEL UNITIzEd STRUCTURES Refinish Solutions, Springfield, VA AdvANCEd STEERING & SUSPENSION SySTEMS dAMAGE ANALySIS Automotive Collision Technologies, Randallstown, MD
March 7, 2015
March 10, 2015
MEASURING Harrison Body Works, Richmond, VA UNdERSTANdING & PREvENTING REFINISH dEFECTS Canby Motors Collision Repair, Aberdeen, MD
March 11, 2015
March 12, 2015
FULL-FRAME PARTIAL REPLACEMENT Southern Collision Center, Chesapeake, VA COLOR THEORy, MIxING TONERS & TINTING Harrison Body Works, Richmond, VA SqUEEzE-TyPE RESISTANCE SPOT wELdING Radley Collision of Stafford, Fredericksburg, VA SqUEEzE-TyPE RESISTANCE SPOT wELdING Coxton’s Gold Team Collision Center, Yorktown, VA COLOR THEORy, MIxING TONERS & TINTING Frederick Co. Career & Tech, Frederick, MD SECTIONING OF STEEL UNITIzEd STRUCTURES Kunkel’s, Baltimore, MD
March 15, 2015
ALTERNATIvE FUEL vEHICLE dAMAGE ANALySIS & SAFETy Radley Chevrolet, Fredericksburg, VA
March 2015
March 20-22, 2015 NORTHEAST® 2015 Auto motive Services Show Meadowlands Exposition Center, Secaucus, NJ For more information, visi t www.aaspnjnortheast.co m or turn to page 14. April 7, 2015 SCRS Annual Election, Cro wne Plaza Ravinia, Atlanta, GA April 8, 2015 Repairer Roundtable/SCR S Corporate Member and Industry Awards Luncheon, Crowne Plaza Ravinia, Atla nta, GA For more informa tion, visit www.scrs.com April 8-9, 2015 Collision Industry Confere nce, Crowne Plaza Ravinia , Atlanta, GA For more information, visi t www.ciclink.com
March 17, 2015
April 2, 2015
March 18, 2015
April 6, 2015
FULL-FRAME PARTIAL REPLACEMENT Keystone Linthicum, Linthicum, MD SqUEEzE-TyPE RESISTANCE SPOT wELdING Harrison Body Works, Richmond, VA COLOR THEORy, MIxING TONERS & TINTING Refinish Solutions, Springfield, VA wHEEL ALIGNMENT & dIAGNOSTIC ANGLES Radley Collision of Stafford, Fredericksburg, VA
March 19, 2015
ALUMINUM ExTERIOR PANEL REPAIR & REPLACEMENT Southern Collision Center, Chesapeake, VA RACk & PINION & PARALLELOGRAM STEERING SySTEMS Harrison Body Works, Richmond, VA FULL-FRAME PARTIAL REPLACEMENT King Volkswagen, Gaithersburg, MD SqUEEzE-TyPE RESISTANCE SPOT wELdING Refinish Solutions, Springfield, VA wHEEL ALIGNMENT & dIAGNOSTIC ANGLES Radley Collision of Stafford, Fredericksburg, VA
March 24, 2015
March 26, 2015
March 31, 2015
FULL-FRAME PARTIAL REPLACEMENT Refinish Solutions, Springfield, VA FULL-FRAME PARTIAL REPLACEMENT Coxton’s Gold Team Collision Center, Yorktown, VA PLASTIC & COMPOSITE REPAIR First Team Toyota, Chesapeake, VA
April 7, 2015
ALUMINUM ExTERIOR PANEL REPAIR & REPLACEMENT Manheim (Harrisonburg) Auto Auction, Harrisonburg, VA CORROSION PROTECTION Coxton’s Gold Team Collision Center, Yorktown, VA ALUMINUM ExTERIOR PANEL REPAIR & REPLACEMENT State Farm Silver Spring, Silver Spring, MD
April 8, 2015
April 9, 2015
ALUMINUM ExTERIOR PANEL REPAIR & REPLACEMENT Refinish Solutions, Springfield, VA SqUEEzE-TyPE RESISTANCE SPOT wELdING Automotive Collision Technologies, Randallstown, MD SUSPENSION SySTEMS Southern Collision Center, Chesapeake, VA RECyCLEd PARTS FOR COLLISION REPAIR Royal Collision, Richmond, VA
April 13, 2015
Industry training opportunities and don't-miss events.
April 14, 2015
SqUEEzE-TyPE RESISTANCE SPOT wELdING Canby Motors Collision Repair, Aberdeen, MD
April 15, 2015
SUSPENSION SySTEMS N T Auto Body Inc., Alexandria, VA
April 16, 2015
AdHESIvE BONdING Radley Chevrolet, Fredericksburg, VA ALUMINUM ExTERIOR PANEL REPAIR & REPLACEMENT Kunkel’s, Baltimore, MD SqUEEzE-TyPE RESISTANCE SPOT wELdING Frederick Co. Career & Tech, Frederick, MD OvERvIEw OF CyCLE TIME IMPROvEMENTS FOR THE COLLISION REPAIR PROCESS Coxton’s Gold Team Collision Center, Yorktown, VA wELdEd & AdHESIvELy BONdEd PANEL REPLACEMENT Southern Collision Center, Chesapeake, VA MEASURING Refinish Solutions, Springfield, VA
April 20, 2015
vEHICLE TECHNOLOGy & TRENdS 2015 First Team Toyota, Chesapeake, VA
April 21, 2015
STEEL UNITIzEd STRUCTURES, TECHNOLOGIES & REPAIR Coxton’s Gold Team Collision Center, Yorktown, VA COLOR THEORy, MIxING TONERS & TINTING Keystone Linthicum, Linthicum, MD MEASURING Manheim (Harrisonburg) Auto Auction, Harrisonburg, VA
April 23, 2015
REPLACEMENT OF STEEL UNITIzEd STRUCTURES Refinish Solutions, Springfield, VA STRUCTURAL STRAIGHTENING STEEL Rosner Collision Center, Fredericksburg, VA RACk & PINION & PARALLELOGRAM STEERING SySTEMS Southern Collision Center, Chesapeake, VA ALTERNATIvE FUEL vEHICLE dAMAGE ANALySIS & SAFETy Frederick Co. Career & Tech, Frederick, MD vEHICLE TECHNOLOGy & TRENdS 2015 King Volkswagen, Gaithersburg, MD
April 27, 2015
April 30, 2015
STRUCTURAL STRAIGHTENING STEEL Coxton’s Gold Team Collision Center, Yorktown, VA
www.i-car.com or (800) 422-7872 for info March 2015
March 2015
March 2015
Joel Gausten
(973) 600-9288 tgpjoel@verizon.net
Fifteen years ago, I walked into a meeting room in New Jersey to attend and cover my first-ever association membership event. Being new to the industry in those days, I was instantly impressed by the fact that a roomful of people had taken time out of their post-work hours on a weeknight to travel to a hotel to get news on what the association was doing to improve the business lives of collision repair facilities. Back then, the association was pushing for the passage of critical legislation that would add minimal education and equipment standards to body shop licensing in New Jersey. This bill eventually passed, helping to eliminate backyard shops and elevating the overall professionalism of the collision repair industry in the Garden State. This hard-fought victory was achieved through the involvement of those members in that meeting room and throughout the state who knew that being involved in the association mattered. Why am I bringing up a years-old legislative homerun in a different state? Because it serves as a personal example of what can be accomplished by a strong association
don Beaver Dbeaver@antwerpenauto.com 443-539-4200 ext. 17061 Torchy Chandler torchy.chandler@gmail.com 410-309-2242 Mark Schaech Jr. mark@marksbodyshop.com 410-358-5155 John krauss jkrauss@craftsmanautobody.com 703-534-1818 Barry dorn bdorn@dornsbodyandpaint.com 804-746-3928
Rodney Bolton (rbolton@aacps.org) 410-969-3100 ext. 250 Mark Boudreau (crashdaddy@aol.com) 703-671-2402 Kevin Burt (kevinburt@walkermillcollision.com) 301-336-1140
RT Plate (rt@pcirepair.com) 703-929-8050 Phil Rice (phil@ricewoods.com) 540-846-6617
ExECUTIvE dIRECTOR Jordan Hendler (jordanhendler@wmaba.com) 804-789-9649 wMABA CORPORATE OFFICE P.O. Box 3157 • Mechanicsville, VA 23116
comprised of dedicated, active members. Even if you’ve become numb to the phrase “strength in numbers” due to its constant use in this industry, it is still undeniably true. Over the next several months, WMABA will be calling on shops in the region to get involved in what the association is aiming to accomplish in 2015 and beyond. These plans include everything from legislative projects to helping owners and technicians stay current on changing repair technologies and procedures. If you are already a member, know that you are an important and valued part of making this industry better. When you are asked by the association to support its efforts, please do what you can. If you are not a member of WMABA, now is the time to join the effort (see page 41). Once you see what you get in return for a minimal investment of time and dues, you’ll wonder why you didn’t get involved sooner. For more information, please contact WMABA Executive Director Jordan Hendler at (804) 789-9649. H&D
March 2015
Thomas Greco thomas@grecopublishing.com
Alicia Figurelli alicia@grecopublishing.com
Joel Gausten tgpjoel@verizon.net
Jacquelyn Bauman jacquelyn@grecopublishing.com
Lea velocci lea@grecopublishing.com
Sofia Cabrera tgp4@verizon.net
PUBLISHED BY TGP, Inc. 244 Chestnut St., Suite 202 Nutley, NJ 07110 973-667-6922 FAX 973-235-1963 Reproduction of any portions of this publication is specifically prohibited without written permission from the publisher. The opinions and ideas appearing in this magazine are not necessarily representations of TGP Inc. or of the Washington Metropolitan Auto Body Association (WMABA). Copyright © 2015 Thomas Greco Publishing, Inc.
March 2015
Jordan Hendler
(804) 789-9649 jordanhendler@wmaba.com
WMABA REVIEWS CNN’S COLLISION REPAIR STORY BY ANDERSON COOPER On February 11, CNN’s Anderson Cooper aired a special exposé on the collision industry during his nightly broadcast of Anderson Cooper 360°, “Are Cheap Repairs Part of an Insurance Scheme?” If you have not already seen it, the video coverage can be viewed at http://cnn.it/1EZTGPa. It was a 10-minute piece that will go down in infamy for our industry, covering examples of how consumers have been harmed as a result of insurance company interjection into parts and repair service provider selection. Covering a broad range of issues in a short amount of time, the video left one sour taste for me: the notion that all preferred shops are providing poor repair quality. As an industry, we know that this is simply not true. The differentiation of repairers comes at the helm of education, tooling and dedication to providing safe, quality repairs on continuously advancing vehicle platforms with ever-increasing OEM requirements - not whether they participate in a Direct Repair agreement. There are plenty of great repairers in DRP agreements, and conversely a number of poor examples of independents. That issue aside, WMABA is pleased that CNN has given our industry this much-needed exposure. The Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS) highlighted the issue of differentiation in their review of the newscast, saying:
“In a well-functioning market, those with lesser skill, lesser capability and lesser quality would be incentivized to improve because those who perform better would receive appropriately higher degrees of compensation based on skill and competition. Consumers would seemingly seek out those with the best skill set available to them, further ensuring their vehicles are safely
March 2015
repaired, and providing those leading repairers with greater market share. Unfortunately, insurers often refuse to recognize these gradations in the marketplace, just as they have proven not to distinguish similar gradations between part qualities.”
Where we hope progress can be made is the incentivizing of having the proper education, tools and equipment, coupled with fair compensation. This emphasis - rather than the current lowest price, highest use of alternative parts or quickest turnaround would improve the overall quality of the repair process for all parties involved, most notably the consumer. All consumers want their car back fast, and with no additional out-of-pocket expense, but with rare exception would knowingly trade that for their safety or diminished value of their vehicle.
HOW DOES THIS EXPOSURE HELP US, AND HOW CAN IT BE USED FOR THE COMMON GOOD? This special report can be a steppingstone for other news media to give coverage to our industry. As an association, resources like this are hard to come by from an outside perspective, especially when they’re devoted to the position of the consumer while still conveying a meaningful story. Having momentum is important for
Image courtesy of www.cnn.com
securing meetings, memberships, news sources and more, so this serves as a tremendous help in that regard. In the end of it, we utilize this material to open a door more easily than it may have been before. If you are a shop that addresses the issues showcased in the footage on a daily basis, then you may want to consider putting it in a lobby video for your customers. You’d likely want to loop it with other helpful information, rather than on its own, so that the redundancy doesn’t become an irritation.
THIS IS WHY YOU NEED TO BE A MEMBER OF WMABA I know we say it a lot, but your support of this association is vital to keep up on these types of works. This story may have been produced from the inquiry made by those in the lawsuit, but we can utilize the same information at the local level, within the contacts we already have. We assist with these issues on a level at which we can create change for the better in your market. If you’re a member, thank you for your continued support. If not, please do get that application on page 41 and join us today! H&D
WMABA-affiliated associations prepare for another big year at NORTHEAST®.
On March 20-22, collision repairers throughout the east coast and beyond will gather at the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus, NJ for the 38th Annual NORTHEAST Automotive Services Show. Hosted by the New Jersey chapter of the WMABA-affiliated Alliance of Automotive Service Providers (AASP), NORTHEAST offers Washington Metropolitan-area repairers a major trade show experience without having to hit an airport. Only weeks away from NORTHEAST 2015’s arrival, Platinum Sponsor BASF is setting the stage for their most memorable experience yet. The paint company is pleased to welcome Ryan Friedlinghaus of West Coast Customs for a special autograph session on March 21, demonstrating BASF’s commitment to providing something truly special to the AASP/NJ community. Gold Sponsor Ford is also set to make a game-changing appearance at this year’s show. In conjunction with their sizable booth, Ford service engineers will present examples of the repair elements of the new 2015 F-150, including a look at the separately serviceable lower control arm brackets, the inner fender reinforcements that can be replaced more easily, the floor pan, cross member and rocker panel sectioning opportunities, along with the new b-pillar design that can be replaced without disturbing the roof. They will also cover enhanced service information, available training courses and recommended tools and equipment for these repairs. In addition to their enviable exhibitor presence, AASP/NJ will once again co-host the NORTHEAST East Coast Resolution Forum & Leadership Meeting with the WMABA-affiliated Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS). A NORTHEAST mainstay for decades, this afternoon gathering on Friday, March 20 welcomes industry leaders and participants from across the country for an in-depth, interactive discussion on the current state of the collision repair industry. The Forum has always provided an exceptional outlet for auto repair industry market leaders and influential representatives to network and learn from other state and regional collision repairers or associations facing very similar issues. NORTHEAST organizers anticipate this year’s forum to provide the same stimulating dialogue and insight that attendees have come to expect. For SCRS Executive Director Aaron Schulenburg, being an active part of this annual event provides his association an opportunity to connect with state affiliates and address some of the common issues affecting all segments of the industry. “Our affiliate associations are such an integral part of what we do,” he says. “While the issues that shops face are relatively the same across the country – and there’s a lot of good in knowing and
March 2015
understanding what those trends are – each regional market does have its differences. I think that pulling together associations in a regional market to talk about their efforts and the issues is a great benefit. SCRS gets to be in nearly every room and be a part of nearly every discussion in this industry, and we see that there is a lot of commonality from one discussion to the next. But for a number of individuals in that room at NORTHEAST, there isn’t that same opportunity to travel and to be part of all those discussions, so the Leadership Forum often represents the one discussion each year that they look forward to participating in.” The East Coast Resolution Forum will again be moderated by Ed Kizenberger, executive director for the New York State Auto Collision Technicians Association (NYSACTA) and the Long Island Auto Body Repairmen’s Association (LIABRA). Not surprisingly, he remains a believer in what this special gathering offers the industry at-large. “We’ve received nothing but increasingly good feedback regarding the information that participants are able to take back to their local areas,” he says. “Everybody seems to come away with something that is helpful to them and their constituent base. Over the years, we [in NYSACTA and LIABRA] certainly have benefitted from the information exchange, and we have adjusted our approach on various issues based on other people’s experience with those same issues.” NORTHEAST 2015 will also serve as the home of a variety of nationally focused industry meetings and events that will draw attendees from across the country. On March 19, the National Automotive Service Task Force (NASTF) will hold pre-show Spring Board and General Meetings at the Exposition Center. For more information, please visit www.nastf.org. On March 20, AASP affiliate representatives from around the country will gather at NORTHEAST for the Spring National Board Meeting. To learn more about AASP National, visit www.autoserviceproviders.com. A complete schedule for NORTHEAST 2015 (as well as registration details) is available at www.aaspnjnortheast.com. For more information, visit the website, the NORTHEAST Automotive Services Show on Facebook, the NORTHEAST Automotive Services Show on YouTube page (www.youtube.com/AASPNJNORTHEAST) or follow the show on Twitter @AASPNJNORTHEAST. H&D
March 2015
Contact these Ford or Lincoln Mercury dealers for all your parts needs: BOB BELL FORD 7125 RITCHIE HWY, GLEN BURNIE, MD 20161 Phone: 410-689-3038 Fax: 410-766-1275 www.bobbell.com
PLAZA FORD 1701 BEL AIR RD, BEL AIR, MD 21014 Phone: 410-879-3367 Fax: 410-877-7248 www.plazaford.com
HAGERSTOWN FORD 1714 MASSEY BLVD,HAGERSTOWN, MD 21740 Phone: 800-200-0276 Fax: 301-733-0603 www.hagerstownford.com
WALDORF FORD 2440 CRAIN HWY, WALDORF, MD 20601 Phone: 301-843-3028 Fax: 301-843-0334 e-mail: parts@waldorfford.com www.waldorfford.com
SHEEHY FORD 5000 AUTH RD, MARLOW HEIGHTS, MD 20746 Phone: 301-899-6300 Fax: 301-702-3650 www.sheehyford.com
KOONS FORD OF ANNAPOLIS 2540 RIVA ROAD ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401 Phone: 410-266-3083 Fax: 410-224-4239 www.koonsford.com
TED BRITT FORD 11165 FAIRFAX BLVD, FAIRFAX, VA 22030 Phone: 703-673-2420 Fax: 703-870-7982 www.tedbrittparts.com
© 2014, Ford Motor Company
March 2015
March 2015
NEWS CIC OPENS 2015 WITH NEW CHAIR, REFINED GOALS The January Collision Industry Conference (CIC) is always a popular event. This annual gathering is surrounded by a multitude of related industry venues and brings an increasingly larger crowd every year. The 2015 meeting, held January 15 at the Palm Springs Hilton in Palm Springs, was the first to be helmed by new Chairman Randy Stabler. Stabler, the owner of Pride Auto Body (a multiple-location name in Southern California), has been a regular CIC attendee and a significant voice in the collision industry. Past CIC chairs vote on who to elect for this position, and Stabler’s experience, knowledge and industry enthusiasm put him in the seat. Welcoming over 200 attendees to the Palm Springs meeting, Stabler announced his goals and vision for his tenure at CIC. He expressed a desire to raise the level of participation at the meetings in
Randy Stabler (left) observes the “kool Tools” segment with Technical Committee members kye yeung, Toby Chess and ken Boylan.
an effort to improve conditions within the collision repair community. “It is my intention to help bring our industry together by identifying areas of inefficiency and waste which, if eliminated, can benefit multiple segments of our industry,” he said. This year, the Governmental Committee will have a structured sub-committee, Electronic Commerce and Data Privacy. This change was recommended by Chairman Stabler to “shine a light” on BMS and help our industry understand the value that it presents for our businesses, as well as the potential costs to our industry for restricting its use. It is part of the Governmental Committee because electronic commerce is intertwined and inseparable from data privacy concerns, which is a regulatory issue. The Marketing Committee, chaired by Guy Bargnes (Painters Supply and Equipment), presented and offered a new strategy to increase participation. One project they are working on is segmentation of the audience into six sectors and surveying all attendees at CIC. Bargnes is looking forward to this year’s CIC activities under Stabler’s leadership. “Randy has a very clear vision about the future of CIC, and I think he will develop this into the industry ‘think tank,’” he said.
The Collision Industry Conference opened their 2015 meeting to a packed house.
March 2015
Palm Springs meeting reveals a bright future for CIC.
This is possibly the first time that CIC committees are working on a common strategy towards a shared goal, and it will be an interesting effort with the possibility of great reward. Stabler is diligently managing communications and effort with an open door policy for committee members. In addition to committee reports, special CIC presentations focused on safety and the benevolence of the international industry. Tom Bishonette, chairman of the Canadian Collision Industry Forum (www.ccif.ca), is working to bring the international automotive industry together to support the Haiti Arise Technical Institute, which exists to provide quality and practical education, hands-on training in skilled trades and technical studies to the people of Haiti. “We want to provide the tools, equipment and training to create a long-term, sustainable educational program that will improve the lives of thousands of Haitian families and create positive change in the community and country – and we are asking for your help,” he said. In a special “Kool Tools” presentation by the CIC Technical Committee, Kye Yeung, Toby Chess and Ken Boylan showcased a variety of affordable products that are helping shops improve efficiency and save money. The discussion was similar to the one hosted by Chess and Yeung during a January 14 meeting of the Society of Collision Repair Specialists (see story on page 22). During his CIC presentation, Brandon Thomas of GMG Envirosafe issued a warning to all shop owners regarding isocyanates and the possibility that spray suits may not completely protect the technician. His in-depth study is available at www.ciclink.com. Bill Shaw of the Collision Industry Foundation honored Sterling Keith, a collision repairer from Beaumont, TX. Keith, a retired Staff Sergeant of the United States Army, served two tours of duty in Afghanistan and Iraq. While on his second tour of duty, his tools were stolen. When the Collision Industry Foundation heard this story, they went into action and replaced his tools with a complete toolbox full of everything he will need to go back to work. The gift was the industry’s opportunity to thank Keith for his commitment and dedication to our country. Read more about this Collision Industry Foundation presentation on page 28. H&D
Executive Director’s Thoughts
WMABA attends all of the CIC meetings to represent our local industry and gather information about upcoming issues. Your attendance as a collision repairer, when you can, is imperative to give a voice to your segment. There are a lot of people in positions of effecting change who attend those meetings. - Jordan Hendler
March 2015
A high-profile suit stalls in the Sunshine State.
NEWS Auto Body Legal Fight Hits Roadblock in FL
The collision repair industry’s efforts to take on insurers in court has suffered a blow. In a controversial January 21 order by US District Judge Gregory A. Presnell, six of seven counts were dismissed without prejudice in A&E Auto Body, Inc., et al. v. 21st Century Centennial Insurance Company, et al., one of the more than 20 antitrust suits currently consolidated in the Middle District of Florida. One of the counts in the case, “quasi-estoppel,” was dismissed with prejudice, meaning that the plaintiffs cannot refile a revised argument for it. “Quasi-estoppel” prevents one party from taking a position inconsistent with a position that was previously advocated, regardless of whether the party to be estopped intended to misrepresent or conceal facts. According to the ruling, Florida courts have long recognized that equitable estoppel serves only as a defense, thus making it unsuitable as a plaintiff argument: In Count III, the Plaintiffs seek to have quasi-estoppel applied in regard to the repair estimating databases...The Plaintiffs allege that the Defendants “have relied upon and asserted the validity/authority of the databases … when it has been to their respective advantage” but that, in other instances, the Defendants “have refused to compensate and/or fully compensate Plaintiffs for materials expended and work performed, including labor and labor rates, upon reliance of these very same guides, claiming that they are unnecessary to complete the work at hand”...The Plaintiffs seek to have the Defendants estopped from denying the applicability and reasonableness of the repair databases...However, while Florida courts recognize the doctrine of quasi-estoppel, they do not recognize it as a cause of action. The Plaintiffs do not seriously attempt to argue to the contrary, and do not cite any cases in which a Florida court has permitted anyone to bring suit on the grounds of “quasi-estoppel.” The Court’s research has also failed to uncover any such cases.
March 2015
Additionally, the Judge denied the relevance of the muchdiscussed 1963 Consent Decree to the A&E case:
In the Amended Complaint, the Plaintiffs repeatedly refer to a consent decree entered in a 1963 suit between the United States on one side and three insurance trade associations on the other. (Doc. 167-5). Although some of the practices at issue in the consent decree are alleged to have occurred in the instant case, none of the parties in this case were parties to the 1963 case, and the Court does not find the 1963 consent decree to have any relevance to the instant case.
In a January 22 report on www.RepairerDrivenNews.com, plaintiff legal counsel Allison Fry (Eaves Law Firm) stressed that the Judge’s ruling applied only to the Florida suit. The story noted that Judge Presnell’s subsequent rulings “would apply to each of the states in the [Multidistrict Litigation] separately with regards to their arguments and state law,” although “the Judge’s decision on the federal antitrust issues in one state could have repercussions on others.” As this issue went to press, the plaintiffs filed a 92-page amended complaint to address the counts previously dismissed without prejudice. The full complaint can be read at www.repairerdrivennews.com/wp-content/uploads/ 2015/02/gov.uscourts.flmd_.294598.296.0.pdf. The full text of Judge Presnell's original order can be read online at www.repairer drivennews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/gov. uscourts.flmd_.294598.291.0-01-21-15.pdf. H&D
Executive Director’s Thoughts
The momentum shown by the group of repairers who have filed suit, and have been gaining traction with news coverage (see page 12), is potentially the mechanism needed to correct some of the long-lasting problems faced in our industry, including (and most importantly) the education of the consumer. - Jordan Hendler
March 2015
SCRS uses California meeting to unveil major projects.
Continuing its tradition as one of the national automotive community’s strongest allies and advocates, the Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS) has already spent the early months of 2015 addressing issues of importance to collision repairers and bringing valuable information to the industry at-large. As showcased during the group’s January 14 Open Meeting in Palm Springs, CA, SCRS is actively working to improve a variety of areas within the national collision repair field.
The biggest news from SCRS in recent times has been the official launch of www.RepairerDrivenNews.com, a free Web- and mobile-based news source that provides news, information and insights to collision repair professionals around the globe. Described by SCRS Executive Director Aaron Schulenburg as “a modern website that is purely focused on information delivery,” the site (owned by the SCRS-created company, Driven Communications) offers short-form stories on news as it occurs throughout the day. Currently, these stories are presented in the following categories: Technology: Coverage of automotive technologies, tools and equipment Repair Operations: Coverage of repair operations, repair information and other collision repair technical insight Education: Coverage of collision industry education and training Business Practices: Coverage about business and process management surrounding collision repair facility profit centers and departments Market Trends: Coverage of collision industry trends, automotive industry trends and notable changes in the marketplace
Insurance: Coverage of insurance industry news and reports that impact the collision repair marketplace Legal: Coverage of regulatory, legislative and litigious actions impacting the collision repair marketplace Announcements: News releases from industry entities Associations: News and updates from local, regional and national collision repair associations International: Coverage of news, articles, or releases taking place in other global marketplaces
Users who register at www.RepairerDrivenNews.com for free can customize when they receive information (monthly, weekly or daily), while a mobile app (which can be found under Repairer News in the Apple iTunes Store) will allow users to efficiently receive updates as news is posted. An Android version is slated to be developed and released later in the year. As SCRS moves forward in its mission to educate and inform collision repair repairers, Schulenburg is confident that www.RepairerDrivenNews.com will be utilized as a tool throughout the auto body field. “We have a great education program that really serves the first portion of our mission,” he explains. “We like to think that there’s not a more vocal advocate for the industry than SCRS. Where we knew we could probably amplify our mission more was in the information area. We saw an opportunity to expand on the types of stories and information we were often sharing with our 45-plus Affiliate Associations, and bring more information to the industry at-large.” The site’s day-to-day operations will be overseen by Editorial Content Director John Huetter, a well-versed news veteran whose extensive background includes stints at newspapers in Georgia, Florida and Nevada. Most recently the breaking news editor at the Reno Gazette-Journal, Huetter intends to unfold major stories on the site in real time. This goal was recently exemplified by www.RepairerDrivenNews.com’s regularly updated coverage of the dismissal of several counts in a major auto body suit against multiple insurers filed in Florida (see story on page 20). “This lawsuit is a great example [of what the site offers] because there are so many actions going on in different states with the consolidation factor of the Multidistrict Panel deciding whether or not to add more to that case,” Huetter explains. “We’ve been following that and other cases of interest to the repairer pretty heavily, and we’re going to keep doing that. It will definitely be in shops’ interest to check it out and see what’s happening, who’s involved in it in their state and how different states are faring in Florida.” The site’s focus on providing relevant summarization to breaking news (and pointing to areas where readers can find more expanded information on the topic) fits nicely with the industry’s ever-present desire to become more efficient. With stories traversing technical, political and legal ground, there will be plenty to interest everyone in the collision repair industry. Huetter encourages readers interested in learning more about www.RepairerDrivenNews.com to engage with him on Facebook (www.facebook.com/pages/Repairer-Driven-News/1543218649292037) and Google+ (https://plus.google.com/+Repairerdrivennews-SCRS/) or contact him at info@repairerdrivennews.com.
March 2015
In other news, SCRS continues to address gaps in the OEM repair information available to the industry. Schulenburg credits I-CAR for greatly assisting this mission through the development of their Repairability Technical Support (RTS) Portal. “I don’t think there’s been a period of time where I-CAR and SCRS have worked more closely than we are today,” he says. “I think they’ve made exceptional progress. The [RTS] tool works very much the way we envisioned when we made that initial request. We have members who are using it on a regular basis, and it has become a really fantastic tool for the industry. There is a lot of commonality between what they do in helping to identify procedural elements and what the Database Enhancement Gateway [DEG] does to identify estimating items. It’s become a really solid resource.” SCRS has also devoted time in recent months in working to clear up confusion surrounding non-OEM parts terminology in estimating systems. According to Schulenburg, phrases such as “Opt PE,” “OE Alternative” and “OE Surplus” are appearing in these systems without clarification to end-users. “We’ve reached out to the automakers to help us identify the different descriptions and definitions they use for those parts and find out what they are so that the repairers understand if these are surplus parts, cosmetically blemished parts, legitimately the same as the parts you’d get from a dealer or if there will be to steps [technicians] may need to take to rectify them,” he says. In response to concerns expressed by a number of Affiliate Associations, SCRS has used their regular Affiliate Association calls to take a look at different approaches to regulating paint and material tax across the US. According to Schulenburg, in some states this tax is representing a cost to the business instead of being paid to the jobber or the state and then collected on the estimate. In some cases, the shops are being taxed at the point of purchase as well as to the state and are only able to recover it once on the repair order. In other states, there may be regulatory barriers that prevent the business from collecting the tax on the repair order at all. Other SCRS initiatives include ongoing talks with General Motors regarding their in-development www.MyPriceLink.com pricing program (“GM Announces – Then Pauses – Parts-Pricing Program,” H&D, December 2014) and with the estimating system providers regarding ongoing product conversations. (As an example, an extensive exchange between Schulenburg and Gordon Henderson, AudaExplore’s vice president of collision repair solutions, regarding the product can be viewed at www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIN0_4Uywqs). In addition to providing an update on SCRS’ current and upcoming activities, the January Open Meeting featured guest presentations by Gerry Cecil of SCRS Corporate Member Arrowhead General Insurance and SCRS Technical Committee members Toby Chess and Kye Yeung. With everything from hurricanes to ice storms damaging businesses including auto body facilities, Cecil’s discussion detailed the importance of attendees ensuring that their shops had the appropriate amount of business insurance coverage and the knowledge needed to best manage risk. “Collision repair has been one of our core market segments since the early ’90s,” Cecil tells Hammer & Dolly. “The intention of my presentation was to raise the level of awareness and give them some hints as to how to set up the process and go about purchasing coverage for their
exposures. Purchasing business insurance is something every business owner does every year, but because they only do it once a year, they typically don’t develop as much expertise they may need in the process.” (A takeaway document was made available via SCRS as part of the presentation. A PowerPoint of Cecil’s discussion is available to SCRS Affiliate Associations for presentations to their kye yeung joined Toby Chess members.) in delivering a special "kool One very crucial element of Cecil’s Tools" presentation. presentation was convincing attendees (Photos by Janet Chaney) to make an informed decision and avoid making insurance purchasing choices based solely on price. “Commercial consumers are no different than regular retail consumers in many cases,” he shares. “Oftentimes, folks want to deal with what they seem to know or think they know, which is price. They make decisions based upon the low bid, and that is not necessarily the appropriate approach to take. There is more to it than just the price of the premium; there’s the cost incurred that results from buying the wrong coverage or purchasing coverage improperly. One of the challenges for a business owner is getting over that notion of price. It really should be about making an informed, cost-based decision in terms of deductibles and coverage – and the cost they’ll incur if they don’t have proper coverage.” The Technical Committee presentation, “Kool Tools,” showcased a number of new and innovative items that are having a positive impact on collision repair businesses. These special products included the Universal Dolly System from DJS Fabrications, Inc. (“[The dollies] have good-sized wheels, so they’ll roll over asphalt, concrete, anything,” Chess tells Hammer & Dolly), the Clay Mitt from Presta (a product called “phenomenal” by Chess that is five times faster than a clay bar) and the re-usable seat covers by AUTOCAP USA. Not surprisingly, Schulenburg was impressed by the professionalyet-affordable solutions offered in the presentation. “These aren’t tools that cost tens of thousands of dollars,” he says. “The things that the Committee is highlighting are relatively inexpensive and can really make a big difference.” Upcoming SCRS events include the 2015 SCRS East Coast Resolution Forum at the NORTHEAST® Automotive Services Show, as well as an Open Meeting and Annual Election on April 7 and the Repairer Roundtable on April 8, which will be followed by the SCRS Corporate Member and Industry Awards Luncheon from 11:15am – 12:45pm, prior to the start of CIC. The Open Meeting and Annual Election, as well as the Repairer Roundtable will be held at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia in Atlanta, GA. More information is available at www.scrs.com. H&D
Executive Director’s Thoughts
SCRS has been vocal at the national level for repairer issues for decades. Now more than ever, they are bringing relevant solutions to the problems repairers face. We are proud to be an affiliate! - Jordan Hendler
March 2015
What’s happening at the State House, in your industry and everywhere in between.
Attorney, The Law Offices of Alexander & Cleaver
THE NEW AGE OF PREGNANCY DISCRIMINATION LAWS The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently issued new guidelines regarding its enforcement of pregnancy discrimination laws. Among the most notable changes, the EEOC now interprets the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) to require employers to provide reasonable accommodation to employees who have work restrictions due to pregnancy, even if the employee does not qualify as disabled. This includes current pregnancies and past pregnancies, potential or intended pregnancies and medical conditions related to pregnancy and childbirth. In addition to the EEOC, additional federal laws would apply to protect pregnant employees. These include the Family and Medical Leave Act (which requires employers with over 50 employees to allow for maternity leave) and the Fair Labor Standards Act (which requires most employers to allow time – and a space – for new mothers to express breast milk). At the State level, Maryland, Virginia and DC have additional laws related to pregnancy discrimination. The Maryland Fair Employment Practices Act states that an employer cannot discriminate against or refuse to hire a woman because she is pregnant, require an employee to take mandatory maternity leave, treat pregnancy-related conditions differently from other disabilities or fail to afford pregnant women the same fringe benefits given to other employees. In addition, a pregnant employee can request a reasonable accommodation for a disability caused or contributed to by pregnancy under Maryland law.
March 2015
In DC, laws go beyond the protection of federal laws, stating that although there is no affirmative duty to accommodate a pregnant woman, all employers must treat an employee temporarily unable to perform the functions of her job because of pregnancy-related conditions in the same manner as other employees with temporary disabilities. In addition, the employer must provide a reasonable amount of unpaid break time and a private space (other than a bathroom) to accommodate an employee desiring to express breast milk for an infant child. Employers who have more than 20 employees must give employees up to 16 weeks of unpaid family leave during a 24-month period for maternity leave. Virginia law states that an employer cannot fire an employee because of sex, childbirth, pregnancy or related medical conditions, including lactation. This list is not exhaustive, and the easiest way to ensure compliance with federal and state law and to communicate family policies to your employees is to outline them in an employee handbook. This can also be helpful to prevent any discriminatory claims made by employees by allowing employers to point to uniform staff policies. If you need assistance creating a new handbook (or reviewing an existing one), please contact me at Alexander & Cleaver at (301) 292-3300. My business/commercial law practice consists of corporate governance, employment and transactions. I have assisted clients in forming new businesses and managing risk, and have drafted and negotiated numerous business contracts. H&D Whitney Cleaver Smith focuses her practice in Alexander & Cleaver's Business Law and Estate Planning Practice Groups. In the Business Law Practice Group, she focuses her practice on corporate governance, employment and transactions. She has assisted clients in forming new businesses and managing risk. For more information, please contact Whitney Cleaver Smith at wsmith@alexander-cleaver.com or (301) 292-3300.
March 2015
March 2015
March 2015
CIF honors an American hero.
BACK CIF Retools Veteran Soldier for Working in Collision Industry
Military veteran Sterling keith (under flag, with his wife, Rebecca, to his left) was honored by the Collision Industry Foundation for his service to our country. (Photo by Marie Peevy)
Sterling Keith is a soldier’s soldier. Over the course of a military career spanning three decades, he has served four tours in Iraq with the United States National Guard and Navy. In that same time, he also served as an auto body technician - and that’s where the Collision Industry Foundation (CIF) comes in. While deployed overseas, Sterling’s technician tools were stolen. Coming back from war, he needed a way to continue to provide for his family. CIF gave him the opportunity to do so by gifting him a Snap-on toolbox and tools at the recent Collision Industry Conference meeting in Palm Springs, CA. Presented in front of a large audience by CIF Board members, Keith (who was joined by wife, Rebecca) received a standing ovation from a very emotional audience. Hearing his story has since inspired others to express interest in the works of CIF and the future of giving back to those who need it most. “On behalf of me, my family and my wife, I want to say a huge thank you to Operation Comfort, [CIF Trustee] Nick Notte, Snap-on Tools and the Collision Industry Foundation for all they have done for us,” said Keith of the event. “From making it possible for us to attend a great conference in sunny Palm Springs, CA - where we met some of the industry’s best - to a generous donation of tools and a custom tool box. With the replacement of my
March 2015
tools, I will be able to not only support my family, but hopefully pay it forward by working to bring awareness of the industry to other soldiers/veterans through programs like Automotivation, which is run by Operation Comfort in San Antonio, TX. Soldiers who have PTSD and/or TBI [traumatic brain injury] like me can benefit from taking a damaged vehicle [kind of like our internal wounds], working on it [therapy] and making it beautiful again [progress].” “I’d like to thank everyone involved in making this incredible gift happen for a very deserving soldier,” commented Janis Roznowski, founder and executive director for Operation Comfort. “Sterling is a very nice guy - quiet and unassuming - and a very upstanding man who is always willing to help.” CIF President Bill Shaw encourages those in the industry to help the mission and vision of the organization come to fruition. “This one donation is a glimpse into what the Foundation has done throughout its lifetime,” he says. “There have been many technicians who have lost tools or their livelihood who have been assisted by our programs, including victims of hurricanes, fires or floods. Helping Sterling Keith to be a contributing member of our industry after serving our country for so long is something the entire CIF Board is proud of.” CIF’s vision is to bring awareness and emergency relief to collision repair professionals. If you know of someone in need, please direct them to the Collision Industry Foundation. To donate at any time or to learn more about CIF’s current projects, please go to www.collisionindustryfoundation.org. The Collision Industry Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable foundation dedicated to raising, managing and donating funds while fulfilling the philanthropic goals and needs of the collision industry and the communities they serve. The foundation was established in 2001 to allow for tax-deductible contributions for the National Auto Body Council (NABC)-sponsored Camp Make-A-Dream Children’s Hospital project and has subsequently been instrumental in several other collision industry charitable projects. CIF’s vision is to “bring awareness and emergency relief to collision repair professionals.” H&D
March 2015
March 2015
March 2015
The industry showcases its altruistic side.
BACK NABC Celebrates 20th Year with Heartfelt Donation Considering that the National Auto Body Council (NABC) was founded in the spirit of altruism, it comes as little surprise that it recently marked its 20th anniversary by gifting a Recycled Ride to a working mother in need. Olimpia Ruiz, a single mother of two who is currently balancing two jobs to make ends meet, was given the keys to a completely refurbished 2013 Chevrolet Cruze at the National Auto Body Council’s (NABC) annual Golf Fundraiser in Palm Springs, CA on January 14. Ruiz was selected by Variety - the Children’s Charity of the Desert to receive the vehicle, which was donated by Hertz and refurbished by PacificElite Collision Centers. This is the fourth year in a row that Hertz, the CA-based PacificElite Collision Centers and Variety have teamed up locally to donate a vehicle to a resident during the NABC annual Golf Fundraiser. Since the inception of the Recycled Rides program in 2007, members of the National Auto Body Council have donated over 1,000 cars to deserving individuals and non-profit service organizations.
NABC Executive director Chuck Sulkala
by Marie Peevy)
March 2015
Recycled Rides recipient Olimpia Ruiz gets into her refurbished 2013 Chevrolet Cruze during NABC’s annual Golf Fundraiser on January 14. (photo by Marie Peevy)
The Recycled Rides ceremony was one of many special events held January 13-14 to celebrate two decades of NABC. The festivities kicked off on January 13 with a Gala Reception and continued the next day with the Annual Golf Fundraiser. “We are proud of the role the National Auto Body Council and our members have had in shaping the positive image of the collision
industry today,” said Chuck Sulkala, NABC executive director. “We look forward to continuing our mission to promote the professionalism and integrity of the collision industry through our community service initiatives.”
More information on NABC and Recycled Rides is available at www.nationalautobodycouncil.org. H&D
March 2015
A major update from a leading manufacturer.
Ford Motor Company has updated some of the supplementary information it provides in connection with its approved paint systems for refinish, and it’s urging all repairers to make sure they’re aware of the latest guidelines and recommendations and have access to all current applicable paint company technical data sheets. The following paint systems have passed Ford’s series of rigorous and comprehensive technical evaluations - known as aftermarket refinish specification WSS-M2P-100-D - to earn approval for use on all Ford vehicle brands globally: AkzoNobel Paint Systems Sikkens Lesonal Axalta Paint Systems Axalta Spies Hecker Standox BASF Paint Systems Glasurit RM PPG Paint Systems Nexa Autocolor Sherwin-williams Paint Systems Sherwin-williams Martin Senour valspar Paint Systems deBeer
In the ongoing effort to provide repairers with all the information necessary to make proper repairs, Ford has issued the following key supplementary updates:
Catalyzed Basecoat: The recommendations in these systems call for the use of a catalyst in the basecoat. To match the OEM durability levels in all performance tests, the addition of the hardener/ catalyst was critical to the durability of the paint the difference is dramatic. Ford requires this for all warranty paint repairs.
March 2015
Panel Application of Clearcoat: The guidelines for the usage of these materials do not recommend or allow partial clearcoat blending. While the color/basecoat(s) may be blended, the only Ford-approved paint repair is full-panel clearcoat application.
Aluminum Panel Repairs: The paint company technical data sheets and their best practices information must be referred to and followed when working with the repair of bare aluminum substrates. Recommendations may vary, and the paint company information is specific to that system. When preparing a new Ford service part, try to maintain the factory applied E-coat as much as possible. Ford strongly recommends repairers print all technical data sheets and keep them handy for quick reference in addition to the paint company manuals. Dealers can find all the information on www.FMCDealer.com, while independent repairers should contact their local Ford or Lincoln dealer, the paint company in question or the Ford Collision Parts Hotline at cphelp@ford.com. For additional information on Ford-approved refinish paint systems or repairs in general, contact Gerry Bonanni, Ford’s senior damageability engineer, at (313) 317-9000, or the Collision Parts Hotline at cphelp@ford.com H&D
March 2015
March 2015
Conquest your Mitsubishi parts needs!
Mitsubishi now offers Genuine OEM parts through our new “Opt-OE” parts program at discounted prices. See Mitsubishi’s Ultra-Conquest parts and prices in the Optional OEM Suppliers category of popular collision estimating systems. Ultra-Conquest Collision Parts Program Highlights: • Discounted prices on quality new and unblemished OEM parts • Automated price and part selection in collision estimating systems • High parts availability • Delivery to most major U.S. cities within 24 hours • Available through all participating Northeastern area Mitsubishi dealers • Includes the majority of key collision components for select popular models • We can meet or beat aftermarket prices! To find out more about Ultra-Conquest pricing contact your local Mitsubishi dealer. For Genuine Mitsubishi parts, contact these authorized Mitsubishi Dealers. Jerry’s Mitsubishi
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March 2015
WMABA’S ALUMINUM DISCUSSION Experts Explore Future of the Industry
“There’s a train coming down the track. you need to either get on, or you get out of the way.”
Top: After the panel discussion, guests went through aluminum repair tools with the experts. Here, Pat O’Neill discusses the Pro Spot PR-5 Riveter, a self-piercing riveter that is available for use on aluminum, steel, plastic and other heat-sensitive materials. Bottom: wMABA Board members: (Back row, left to right) New Board member Phil Rice, kevin Burt, Immediate Past President Barry dorn, President don Beaver. (Front row, left to right) vice President Torchy Chandler, Executive director Jordan Hendler and new Board member RT Plate. (Not pictured: Treasurer Mark Schaech, Secretary John krauss, Rodney Bolton and Mark Boudreau.)
March 2015
These were the words of Assured Performance’s vice president of certification and network development, Aaron Clark, at WMABA’s Aluminum Repair Discussion & Membership Social on January 22. The event, held at Refinish Solutions in Springfield, VA, hosted a panel of aluminum repair experts who discussed the industry’s hottest topic. If an invaluable resource – one that can potentially change the fate of your business for the better – is placed at your feet, it is foolish not to take advantage of it, which is why the room was packed with attentive guests eager to get a leg up on the competition by finding out pertinent information about the future of their field from the people who know it best. After complimentary pizza and soda following a WMABA Board meeting (during which RT Plate and Phil Rice were elected to the Board), these automotive professionals listened to a panel of five aluminum repair experts to hear what they had to say about the future of their industry. In addition to Clark, the panel consisted of I-CAR instructor Dave Glista, Hammer & Dolly contributor (and owner and operator of Chesapeake Automotive Equipment) Pat O’Neill, Tysons Corner Collision Center Director of Operations Tim Pfeifle and WMABA President Don Beaver (who serves as manager at Antwerpen Nissan Collision Center and is also an I-CAR instructor). “If you’re here, you’re going to be the first in the know,” offered panel moderator and WMABA Executive Director Jordan Hendler to start off the presentation. “You get the information first. This meeting is a tool for information and for understanding your marketplace. It’s okay to talk about things in order to understand them. We are not enemies here.” “When it comes to changes in the industry, whether it’s aluminum or any other substrate, it’s not a question of if,” said Clark about the importance of staying current with issues in the automotive repair field. “It’s a matter of when.” As far as the current temperament of the industry in regards to major forthcoming changes such as this one, Glista feels like the field is infested with apathy. “What I see from the outside looking in as an I-CAR instructor is a lack of participation in the training we have available to technicians,” he explained. “Our turnout [at our classes] is not as big as we would like it. We offer some wonderful tools and we work with you hand-in-hand on a one-on-one basis. We’ve even stopped by people’s shops to help them in a more intimate setting. But the amount of shops taking advantage of these tools is low.”
wMABA members get expert information on upcoming industry changes.
The overall tone of the meeting was grim. It was the general consensus that the industry as a whole is either apathetic about the coming changes, or so overwhelmed by the information and the investment that they don’t even try. According to O’Neill, the first step to getting into aluminum repair in your own facility begins with asking yourself a few questions. “People first ask me, ‘What’s my investment? Do I need to jump into one of the OE programs or take baby steps?’” he explained. “Really, it’s on a shop-by-shop basis. There’s a lot of misinformation out there. Working with aluminum isn’t hard; it’s just different. The question you really have to ask yourself about getting started is, do you want to dip your toe in the water or do you want to go swimming?” As a supplier for the industry, O’Neill informed panel guests that their investment into aluminum depends not only on their level of desired involvement in aluminum repair, but also with whom they work. “As much as I’d like to be the only place you can get tools, I’m not,” he joked. Amongst all five panelists, there was a heavy emphasis on the importance of training, tooling and equipment as the three lacking areas that need to be strengthened in order for a shop to be properly prepared for aluminum repairs. “Why is all of this aluminum buzz happening?” Clark asked the audience. “Because Ford went ahead and built a pickup with an aluminum body. So what’s next? Who’s building the first carbon-fiber car? Who else is building cars that will require dedicated fixtures and benches? The big guys are. They’re simple yes or no
questions: Are you trained? Are you tooled? Are you equipped? Are you ready?” “There’s another component of [aluminum repair] that you may or may not even be aware of,” added Pfeifle. “As aluminum becomes more prevalent in these vehicles, aluminum structural components are restricted parts, so they won’t sell them to you unless you’re a certified facility. It’s so important to invest in your training and tooling so you can get to that level.” “I hear a lot of concerns because people have no experience with aluminum,” Clark continued. “But the truth is, there are going to be other substrates that are going to concern you just as much in the future. This is only the beginning. The scariest thing is that technology is changing faster than you can train yourselves to duplicate repairs in the aftermarket, which is why there needs to be a huge emphasis on training.” “The Ford F-150 program is the first big platform-specific program that I-CAR is doing,” explained Glista. “Other OEMs are going to look at the success of this training program, and considering I-CAR to be the outlet to deliver that information.” “There needs to be investments,” said Clark. “If the shop doesn’t invest in the tooling, equipment and training, they will become obsolete. Those who invest will be the ones who succeed in the future. You’re going to see a shift in the next decade. In three to five years from now, substantial changes are going to happen in this industry. Right now, we’re faced with the immediate decision of, ‘Do I invest in aluminum?’ To me, it’s the price of admission if you want to compete in this
Top: Jordan Hendler, Tim Pfeifle and Aaron Clark listen intently as wMABA President don Beaver shares his experience with being both a dRP and OE-Certified shop.
Bottom: I-CAR instructor dave Glista expresses his dismay at the lack of technicians taking advantage of the tools and training available to them.
If you’re here, you’re going to be the first in the know. - WMABA Executive Director Jordan Hendler
continued on page 42
March 2015
The Playbook
There has not been a better opportunity to join WMABA in the past 10 years than right now. For the first quarter of 2015, the association is offering a special membership promotion for new members. If you’re reading this, your first benefit is already being realized: Staying up on the news in our area and beyond. You can save $200 off an annual membership ($700 regular price) or get one free quarter (a $195 value) with the first quarter payment. Savings like this have not been available in more than a decade!
Get Your Team Jersey
Supporting WMABA is an investment in the future of your business and your industry. By becoming a member, you are represented in all of the places the Board or executive director goes. Whether at a trade show like SEMA, assisting with the SCRS OEM Technology Summit regarding certified repairs or locally at the state capitol meeting legislators or testifying at a hearing, your interests – and the interests of all repairers – are at the forefront of WMABA’s agenda. Though repairers often feel competitive, the association is a place for camaraderie and community. Here, we’re all on the same team.
The association is your resource for all things. Whether you have a question about current Labor Rate data, operations, customer interaction, insurer relationships, vendor products or national news, your association is the place to ask first. Through our national relationships, we are able to take issues to the foreground of places such as the Society of Collision Repair Specialists, Collision Industry Conference or to national contacts for insurers and vendors. Locally, we research government regulations and oversight to make sure the repair industry is protected from negative legislation. Represented in both Virginia and Maryland, WMABA proposes and opposes recommended bills that come into the legislature during open session. Also, we work with consumer-related entities, government agencies and other related industry organizations to ensure that the voices of the repairer and their customer are heard. Many repairers take advantage of the knowledge and community that the association provides for navigating situations that arise. A simple phone call or email can circumvent many of our members’ issues.
Call the Game
As a member, you decide your personal level of participation. Do you have an interest in committees that address particular issues about which you feel passionately? Would you want to be a Board member and assist in guiding the direction of the association? How about even sitting on the sidelines so you can focus on your own business? A positive answer to any of these questions is what we’re looking for! While WMABA would like to encourage your spirit of volunteerism, it is solely up to you at what level you get involved. H&D
Get Educated
WMABA offers issue-specific topic-driven education throughout the year. Participation in special events, such as the December 10 limited-seating seminar and tour at the Audi Training Center, offer your business the best opportunities to advance your understanding of changes within our industry.
The two obvious benefits of belonging to wMABA are: 1) keeping up-to-date on industry events, challenges and technical changes, and 2) Networking with industry shop owners and vendors. The not-so-obvious benefit is that we as shop owners can unify to make a change. Being a member assures each of us that we are not ‘the only one’ dealing with these issues. wMABA is the only association focused on making this industry better for the collision shop owners and technicians. No other organization can make that claim. Most of them just follow the money. Put your money where it counts – join wMABA! - Bill Denny, Bill Denny’s Automotive, Inc., Havre de Grace, MD
March 2015
Find more association updates at www.wmaba.com.
The minimum is getting your membership. The upcoming year can start off with your commitment to the betterment of your business and your industry. SIGN UP TODAY!
One Quarter Free!
Save $200 Off Annual Membership or get
wMABA keeps us in touch with what is happening in our industry, from class action lawsuits to pending legislation in our state and the whole country. Our membership helps us remember that we are not the only ones facing the discouraging burdens and issues out there. It reminds us that if we all stick together we can make a change for the better. Their coverage of PartsTrader, well before it hit home, was invaluable. They even went to the State and tried to make it unlawful for insurance companies to require it. They are working hard for us, on things that all body shop owners care deeply about, but don’t have the time to stand up and fight. - Barbara Chase, Sisk Auto Body, Owings, MD
I joined wMABA the very first year I opened my shop. I was immediately embraced by both colleagues and mentors who provided me the fellowship to know I wasn't the only one facing the challenges before me, advice that provided clarity and confidence to make the decisions that would guide my business and a network that I could call on repeatedly over the years I have been a member. wMABA's ability to educate the collision repair industry, speak on its behalf and lobby for issues that affect it has been - and is to this day - the greatest value I have received from any association of which I have been a member. - Mark Boudreau, Spectrum Collision Center, Arlington, VA
March 2015
COVER STORY continued from page 39 industry. Prepare yourself, invest in your business or make plans to get out.� As the key representative of Assured Performance, a company that works with the OE certification process, Clark informed that while some programs require OE sponsorship, others do not. While manufacturers like Ford, Nissan and Infiniti do require it, GM and Chrysler do not. The information and points of view listed in this article barely scratch the surface of what was covered at the meeting itself. The industry is rapidly changing with the future of aluminum, other substrates and autonomous cars, just to name a few possible turns the field can take in time. Those who attended this meeting received information that, if used properly, can help to get ahead of the competition and help their businesses thrive. This is just one small facet of how being a member of WMABA can help keep your business at the top of the market. The association offers a number of resources to help better your shop and your industry. For more information on WMABA events like this one, visit www.wmaba.com. H&D
March 2015
March 2015
A view from the supplier side of the industry.
THE IMPORTANCE OF TRAINING CUSTOMERS Training. I know I cringe every time I am told that I have to go learn something new on a subject that I of course already know everything about. And I know most of you, due to human nature, feel the same way. With that said, I also know I inevitably learn something new every time I participate in training. At my company, we are constantly providing in-house training to teach our team how to better do their jobs. Customer service, quality control, delivery efficiency and better use of technology are just a few of the areas we focus on in our training. Here are some examples of how this mindset has benefitted us:
We have taught our drivers how to properly load merchandise on their trucks so there is a smaller chance of damage happening in transit. We have also shown them how to efficiently load our merchandise, which helps save time when these products are loaded off. We hired a former collision shop owner to head up our quality control in an effort to gain an expert’s view on the sheet metal we deliver. He has been able to educate other team members on things to look at for evidence of damage or previous repair. Our sales team has worked on getting all the facts on an issue instead of jumping to a quick decision. They gather the information before connecting with their peers to discuss a good solution. This takes time, but in the end it offers better customer service along with good in-house team building.
Our accounting team has been trained to utilize emails to send out copies of invoices and statements to help streamline our accounting system. This better serves our customers and cuts back on paper usage. Our inventory staff has learned how to take pictures of each car that comes through our inventory system. This better helps our sales team when they need to see a specific detail on the car.
These are just a few specific examples of how some simple training has helped our organization. At this point, you might be thinking to yourself, “But how can I learn more from my vendors? Do they offer training? Do they offer a setting for me to train my team to be more efficient?” ASK! Over the years, we have offered our facility to numerous companies to come use as a training location. We have offered to participate as much or as little as they desire. Here are some examples of training opportunities that could be made available by an auto recycler:
March 2015
Work hand in hand with a trained customer representative to learn more about products offered. See firsthand how a recycled car is processed from start to finish and the equipment used to make this possible.
See how your orders are handled, from estimate to delivery. Learn the uses of technology to better serve our customers and how it can help you save time. Take a tour to see the different aspects of an automotive recycler.
Practice writing estimates and developing the capability to ask about obscure parts that may be available.
Work in a conference room setting to discuss the needs of your facility and your customers.
I suggest reaching out to your vendors and seeing what they have to offer, or even making suggestions of what you’d like to see from them. No matter what product they’re selling, all vendors want their
consumers to learn more about them to help their company offer more of what the customer is looking for. Working together and training will facilitate a more fluid relationship that will make everyone’s job easier and more profitable in the end. If you are interested in training at our facility, please contact me directly at scottie@allforeign.net. H&D
Scottie Davis was born into the auto recycling industry, working his way through every aspect of the business, and he is now a 30-plus year veteran of his company. You won’t find this owner behind a desk 8am-5pm, but always on the go, working side by side with his employees to ensure a high-quality product, superior level of customer service and fast and friendly delivery every day. Professionally, Scottie has been a longtime Board member and one-time president of the Virginia Automotive Recyclers Association, a longtime member of WMABA and he has also served as a Board member of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of Team PRP. Scottie has also spent time on Capitol Hill lobbying with the automotive recyclers association on behalf of the entire industry. His experience has gained him the knowledge to successfully navigate the day-to-day challenges every business encounters. Scottie can be reached for questions at scottie@allforeign.net.
March 2015
don Beaver
(443) 539-4200 ext. 17061 Dbeaver@antwerpenauto.com
First off, I would like to thank the WMABA membership and Board for the vote of confidence in re-electing me as your President. I would also like to welcome our two newest Board members, RT Plate and Phil Rice. Many times in the past, I’ve said if you’re tired of the direction in which our
industry is and has been going, then answer WMABA’s call when we say we need you. Well, that time is here and now. I never had the desire to be a salesman (and I never liked the thought of cold calling or soliciting), but here we go anyway. There are proposals for legislation going on all the time, and recent history has been focused on aftermarket parts, both certified and non-certified. In the discussions, interests of all parties are thrown around. If a bill passes that legitimizes something not in our best interest, or changes the way we do business, then we’re all set back even further than where we want to be. That’s why WMABA is there - to make sure that our interests, and our customers’ interests, are heard. Here is our call to arms. We cannot outspend insurance companies when it comes to politics, so we won’t even try. But what we will do is protect our customers and their rights by opposing these types of actions. I would like nothing more than to stay out of Annapolis and the political arena, but that is not possible. In order to combat actions of the outside influences, we need you to put your money where your mouth is. You can remain anonymous without fear of reprisals; we will speak for you, but we can’t without funding. Any amount will help. It doesn’t matter if you’re a technician, manager, owner or just a concerned individual; your contribution will matter. If you are tired of outside influences running our industry and preventing shops from making a honest living, tell us with your checkbook. There will be much more on this topic in the issues to come. Please stay tuned and continue to support us as we keep up our efforts for a better industry.H&D
WE NEED YOUR LEGISLATIVE CONTRIBUTION! I appreciate WMABA working on my behalf at the state capitol(s)! Here is my contribution to the legislative efforts.
P.O. Box 3157 • Mechanicsville, VA 23116
Name: ______________________________________Company: __________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ City:____________________________________________State: ______________________Zip: ________ Phone:
Donation Amount: Check Enclosed
____________________________________________ $500
Other ________________
Credit Card (Visa, Amex, MC)# __________________________________________________________ Exp: ________
Name on Card: ______________________________Signature: __________________________________ 46
March 2015
March 2015
March 2015
March 2015
ADVERTISERS’ INDEX Alexander & Cleaver............................25 Alexandria Toyota ................................42 All Foreign Used Auto..........................44 Audi Group ..........................................9
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March 2015
March 2015