Jersey Key: Volume 68 Issue 1

Page 1

“Key Club is an amazing organization made of 267,000 selfless teenagers around the globe with one mission: to positively change individual communities and the world.� -Maria Palazzollo, Key Club International President


Eliminate Updates 11

Humans of Key Club 17

RTCs 6 Division Reorganization



6 DCON 7 ICON 12

K-Family Picnic


Key Leader

International Trustees Fall Rally


Bylaw Amendments 8

Report Forms


8 New Website 10 Advocacy Focus 10

16 International Message 17 Major Emphasis 17


Clubs EHS Graduation 20 Recruitment 20 Social Media 21




The Jersey Key

Messages Governor’s Welcome Samantha Levisay Hello K-Family! It is a pleasure to introduce myself, Samantha Levisay, from Phillipsburg High School Key Club, as the New Jersey District Governor for the 2014-2015 service year. Joining Key Club as a freshman I joined with the thoughts of filling up my college application, but I stayed for the service. Key Club is a phenomenal organization that has evolved me from a fervent follower to a bubbly, passionate leader. The most remarkable aspect of Key Club is that it truly is student-led. Being a part of this organization has introduced opportunities to me as well as the student leaders of the world. Serving on the New Jersey District Board is a time consuming job. From writing Jersey Key articles to collecting dues there is always a job to be done and a duty to be fulfilled. Joining this board, every member knew of the seriousness and dedication they must have yet I have not met a single board member who regrets becoming a part of this family. I want to keep their enthusiasm and excitement peaked throughout the year while also achieving my goals. My main goals of this year are to improve District events and materials taught to officers, to improve communication with the district board, clubs, and the K-Family, to build clubs throughout the K-Family of New Jersey, and to make New Jersey the best District in Key Club International. My goals seem simple but they are the foundations to strengthening New Jersey Key Clubs and allowing for the members to foster a love for service and leadership. I have many ideas in store for this year, and I plan to lead this district with devotion. Club members serve a vital role in Key Club. All Key Club members make this organization the most amazing in the world. It is up to you to promote Key Club in your school and improve is club wide, divisionally, district-wide, and ultimately internationally. I challenge all of you to improve one thing about your club and see the gigantic effect it makes on your members, school, and community. I would love to hear from you even if you just changed the day

you have your meetings. Your success is my success. This service year, I hope to become not only a friend to my board but also a leader. I look forward to working with you to serve not only Key Clubs but the world. Yours in caring and service,

Editor’s Message|Patrick Quinn Hello Readers, I’d like to thank you for taking the time in reading this issue of the Jersey Key. This issue is the first issue of the 68th volume of the publication and the first one I created as editor. I have enjoyed my time as editor thus far and I’d like to thank all of those who have supported me throughout it. Now in this issue of the Jersey Key you will find articles on everything you need to know as a New Jersey Key Club member. There is news from International Convention, important things to know about the District, and even some articles about what some clubs are doing on the club level. In addiction to the articles that are usually found in the publication, I have also tried to include an Art Contest. I got a several submissions from Key Club members throughout the District. I plan on doing something similar in the next issue, so if you missed this one, its not to late to be in the next issue. As editor, it is my job to make sure as much news about Key Club in New Jersey gets out in the Jersey Key. Help me help our district. If your club does something noteworthy, please feel free to write an article about it and submit it to me to be featured in this publication. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or feed back. You’re in Caring and Service,

September 2014

District Administrator| Ms. McCann Hello New Jersey District! You have been given a great opportunity. You will change and shape the world for yourselves, your parents and mine, your future children and so many other people. Your impact in Key Club can and will be longlasting and I am so glad you have chosen Key Club as just one way that you will spend your precious time in high school. I would like to begin by thanking you for joining Key Club, the largest (and greatest) community service organization for high school students around the world. I truly believe that you will get more out of Key Club than anything we could ever give you- you will have the opportunity to change lives, transform your community, and learn more about yourself through your experiences. Additionally, you will have opportunities for fun and fellowship at your divisional events and our district events like Fall Rally and District Convention. As you embark on your Key Club journey for the year, I encourage you to think of this like a road trip. Although you can do service to your home, school and community alone, it is like taking a road trip by yourself. Key Club allows you a way to bring your friends for the ride- whether in a carload or bus load. You can team up with other members from your club, division and the district to impact more lives I push you to look for new service opportunities. Is there a local organization you can work with? How about a hospital, nursing home, nursery school, animal shelter, homeless shelter, food pantry? Can you sell products? Can you spread the word about illnesses, hunger, the need for clean water? Can you raise money to Eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus or for March for Dimes? Can you host a party at a local branch of Children’s Specialized Hospital? As a member of Kiwanis, I truly am lucky to be able to work with all of you. Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions, including those about Key Club, Kiwanis, dues, and events. I am here to be your resource. I look forward to working together with you this year as we continue to change the world, one child and one community at a time.



DISTRICT RTCs | Lt. Governor Nate Silberman Regional Training Conferences, or RTC's, are not only the quintessential Key Club experience, but also a TON of fun. RTC's are a series of workshops held to train Club Officers, Advisors, and General Members to become more active and knowledgeable leaders in their communities. This year's theme is "Mount Service," based on Classical Greek/Roman Mythology. It is only at RTC's that attendees can learn to become true "Heroes" of service. All topics related to Key Club are covered, from Public Speaking to Icebreakers to Fundraising! RTC's are held in the Spring and in the Fall. The dates for the upcoming Fall RTC's are as follows: September 13th, September 14th, and September 20th (South, Central, and North locations accordingly). We hope to see you there, and cannot wait to assist you on your "quest" for service!

Central Voorheers H. S. September 13 South Egg Harbor Township H. S. September 14 North Parssipany Hills H. S. September 20 Starts at 9am COME CLIMB MOUNT SERVICE WITH NJ KEY

Division Reorganization | Lt. Governor Tara Engelken What are divisions? The construction of Key Club International can sometimes be confusing. Key Club International is broken down into districts, each district is broken down into numerous divisions, and each division contains numerous clubs. The New Jersey District of Key Club International has 22 divisions, each of which has anywhere from five to nine clubs. Last year, the New Jersey District had 23 divisions, because there were divisions 1A, 1B, 3A, and 3B. This was because 1A and 1B, 3A and 3B were too large to combine into single divisions. However, this could get quite confusing for Key Clubbers so the New Jersey District re-divisioned. So what does that mean? Divisions 1A and 1B were combined to make Division 1 and Divisions 3A and 3B were combined to make Division 3. To prevent these divisions from being too large however, clubs were switched around between divisions. Some divisions lost clubs to other divisions and other divisions gained clubs. Geographically, the map of divisions was changed as well. Each division was moved slightly south to prevent divisions 1 and 3 from becoming too large to handle. Now, each lieutenant governor has some similar clubs and some different clubs than heir immediate past lieutenant governor had. By re-divisioning, it has made it much easier for lieutenant governors to visit their clubs, have divisional events, and hold divisional council meetings. Still confusing? Don’t worry! The only thing our 2014-2015 Key Clubbers need to be familiar with is the new district map! Division 1 is at the very bottom of New Jersey, and Division 22 is at the top. By unifying the district, divisions are a simple 1-22, bottom to top. If this is still confusing, please contact your respective lieutenant governor with any questions or comments!



DCON: DESTINATION SERVICE Lt. Governor Farwa Shakeel

District Convention, or DCON, is the time of the year! Each year, hundreds of New Jersey Key Clubbers come together at the Ocean Place Resort and Spa in Long Branch to celebrate a great year of service, and start a new one! So, what exactly is DCON? DCON is not only a fun event, but it’s also an informational one. There are several workshops to help you learn more about Key Club and get ready for your new officer position! Along with workshops, you have the opportunity to elect the new District Board! Of course, the hotel is right on the beach, and, each night, there’s a dance. Not to mention,

you have the opportunity to meet several other Key Clubbers from around the state! At this year’s DCON, there was also a special service project. During free time, advisors and Key Clubbers had the opportunity to fill backpacks with food for children in need. Along with the service project, several clubs showed off their best projects at the Service Fair, from Haunted Houses to Karaoke Nights for the Eliminate Project, Key Clubbers had a plethora of ideas to take home to their clubs. Also at this year’s DCON, there was a very special guest speaker in the house: Mr. Lance Incitti, president of the

Kiwanis International Foundation. Mr. Incitti encouraged all Key Clubbers to make their best effort in this last year of the Eliminate Project Campaign. Of course, there was a new District Executive Board waiting to be elected! This year, the races for Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor were tight. During the second day of DCON, the House of Delegates decided the new District Board and the winners were elected on the last day. Sam Levisay, from Phillipsburg High School, was elected District Governor. Jacqueline Dragon, from Tenafly High School, was elected District Secretary. Daniel McCor-

mack, from the MAST, was elected District Treasurer. Patrick Quinn, from Hunterdon Central Regional High School, was elected District Editor. Srikar Gudipati, from Piscataway High School, was appointed District Webmaster by former District Governor Ryan Clarkin. This year’s DCON was a reminder that this is the last year of the Eliminate Project Campaign. Key Clubbers, do what you can to make this year the best year for the Eliminate Project yet- it will make DCON that much more exciting next year! See you there!


DISTRICT Fall Rally | Lt. Governor Josie Suddeth Are you ready to Get Animated with Service at Fall Rally 2014? What is Fall Rally you ask? Fall Rally is the largest gathering of NJ Key Clubbers to motivate Key Clubbers to have a great rest of the service year. This year Fall Rally will be on October 12th at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson New Jersey. Get ready to see the NJ District Board dress up as your favorite animated characters rang-

ing from Aang to Wanda! Get ready to learn all about what the New Jersey District is doing ranging from Eliminate updates, Advocacy information, dues, and different district events! The NJ District will also get to meet some animated stars of the K-Family like the Circle K and Kiwanis District Governors, our International Trustee Barry Seng and more! Our Keynote Speaker will also give a very inspiring speech that for sure will

leave your club ready for the service year. Another highlight of the event will be the spirit stick competition! Every division will have to prove how ready they are for the service year as the cheer their heads off hoping to be the loudest division in the district! The winner will win the honorable spirit stick! The day does not have to end with this fun session! Clubs have the option to explore the

park and go on the rides before the park officially opens! Your club will also has the option to stay for Fright Fest. The cost of the event is $37 for non-season pass holders, $6 for season pass holders and $41 for late registration. Early registration is due . Get ready to get animated at one of the best events of the service year! We can’t wait to see you there!

Report Forms 101 | District Secretary Jacqueline Dragon There are three main forms that clubs need to complete annually. These forms allow for communication with and by the district to the club, insure that the district is aware of club activities, and provide enough information about those activities so the district can recognize the club’s achievements. These forms are the club officer roster, Club Monthly Report Forms (CMRFs), and the Annual Achieveme nt Report For m (AARF). Club officer rosters are one of the most important documents a club can send to the district (and send only one time each service year/ each board of officers). This officer roster provides contact information for each club officer and adviser, which is invaluable when connecting with the host clubs of district and divisional events. This information is put into a club directory by the district secretary and stays in Key Club and is used for Key Club purposes only---it is not sent out to other organizations. Nevertheless, if any officers feel uncomfortable about including their addresses, they can just put down their emails and phone numbers or whatever information they are comfortable sharing. Ros-

ter collection is taken into account for the RFL Award and Distinguished District Secretary Award because it helps strengthen the district, so club secretaries and presidents should make sure to send in their rosters to their lieutenant governor and to me ( m) as soon as possible! Club Monthly Report forms, or CMRFs, are powerful tools for communication when filled out correctly. They update the district on the club activities that occurred the month before, as well as on the contact the club has had with the district and the club’s respective lieutenant governor. Did the club receive the lieutenant governor’s newsletter or the district mailing? Questions like those are important to the executive board, as they allow for a more comprehensive view of the progress that was made that month. CMRFs must be filled out each month---including the summer months---by the club secretary or president and sent in by the district deadline of the 10th of the following month (different divisions may have different divisional deadlines). The forms must be sent to the lieutenant governor of the division, the district secretary

( m), and the Zone Administrator. It is recommended that the form is also send to the faculty adviser, sponsoring Kiwanis Club president, and Key Club president and vice president, to make sure everyone is on the same page. This year a new award will be given at District Convention to the clubs that turned in 100% of their CMRFs, as well! Updated CMRF Instructions as well as a CMRF template can be found on the NJ District Website under the “Resources” tab, the “District Resources” section, and the “For Club Secretaries” pulldown. The final, most comprehensive form is the Annual Achievement Report Form (AARF), which is filled out once before District Convention by the club secretary or president and due on March 1st to the district. This form is made by Key Club International and uses a point system to award clubs of different sizes for their achievements throughout the year. The form includes sections on interactions with other members of the KFamily to sections about meetings and the percentage of members that had some leadership role in club events. Much of the

information can be directly taken from completed CMRFs, which is why it is so necessary that those forms are also completed correctly and on time. Clubs are distinguished based on their number of members, with the different levels being bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. The highest award a club can receive is to become a diamond level club, which is internationally recognized and a representative is awarded with a plaque at International Convention for the club’s achievements. The submission of the Annual Achievement Report Form is also necessary for the club and its members to receive any other awards from the district. Reviewing the AARF in the beginning of the school year to help plan club events is often useful for club officers, as it contains activities that are suggested by Key Club International. Any questions on these report forms can be directed to your respective lieutenant governor or to me at Report forms help keep the district organized and functioning well and can also result in awards for clubs---making them definitely worthwhile to complete!


DISTRICT The New Website | District Webmaster Srikar Gudipati Hello everyone! This is your District Webmaster Srikar, and I am proud to announce that the new district website has been released!In terms of design, not much has changed since the last version of the website. I greatly appreciate the design skills of our former webmaster, Yuya Jeremy Ong. However, I have added several new features to the website that make it even easier to access and gain information from! The following is a list of those changes: The website is now mobilefriendly. What does this mean you ask? Well, now you can browse the district website on small screens without having to scroll around and zoom in and out. In short, the contents of the website fit to any screen that you may have. Try resizing your browser now! Each district board member now has their own blog! You can see the posts of a member by clicking on their name in the board section of our website! You can also find the contact information and introduction letter of a member on the same page as the blog posts! There is a new calendar page on the website which has a Google Calendar. This calendar will be updated with various district events, so it's a good idea to sync it with your phone and computer! You can now find Key Clubs near your location by visiting the District Map Page! Once the page loads, allow it to access your location and soon, you will see a map with markers indicating Key Clubs near your current area. Try zooming in and out of the map to find more Key Clubs! I added a new Quotes Page which includes several inspirational quotes that the District Board and Key Clubbers have found! Have a new quote? Send it to my email ( with the subject line New Quote For District Website! Key Clubbers can comment on blog posts now! Please note that comments are approved by the District Board before they are posted. This system is in place to prevent spam com-

Advocacy Focus| Lt. Governor Brooke Willemstyn For the 2014-2015 service year, the NJ District Board committee District Programs Committee has incorporated the new and introspective focus of Hunger in the US to this years service goals. Part of this Dues | District Treasurer Daniel McCormack This article of the Jersey Key will address the purpose of dues payment, the new amendment pertaining to dues payment, dues deadlines, and the process for dues payment.The timely payment of dues by all member clubs of Key Club International is crucial toward the success level of district and international management. Our goal as a district is to return dues as holistically as possible back to all members; in the form of scholarships, pins, as well as for district functions like Fall Rally and DCON. Dues not only come back to help clubs but they also help to foster service opportunities in our homes, schools, and communities. As adopted at the 71st International Convention held this summer in Anaheim, California, international dues are now $7.00. District dues have remained constant at $5.50. Clubs are also permitted to charge an additional $5.00 in

committee ’s directives included picking this singular focus under the category of advocacy. Advocacy essentially means speaking on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves. As Key Clubbers, we are responsible for the betterment and creation of a more service-oriented world, and what better way to do this than to help those who are not capable of helping themselves. By partnering with the organization Students Change Hunger, the New Jersey District will be participating in food drives

specifically in the United States focuses on a domestic and more personal issue. While many people automatically assume it is best to send supplies abroad, and while this is also important, it’s shocking how many people in our own neighborhoods may be going to bed without eating that entire day. For many families, giving their children 3 meals a day is not a reality, and this is where advocacy makes all the difference. These active food drives will create real change for real people, most of whom are suffering in silence. As Key Clubbers, we can unite behind this focus, and create real change to incite real good in the world. Join us and Students Change Hunger, in making a difference this service year!

order to nurture their club treasuries. Therefore clubs can charge no less than $12.50 and no more than $17.50. The Early Bird Award Deadline is November 1st, 2014 and the Regular Dues Deadline is December 1st, 2014 (Received NOT postmarked).

How to Create a Password (Completed by an Adviser) 1. If you are new to using this system click the Register/Reset Password the first time you use the Membership Update Center 2. Enter a faculty adviser’s email address (NOT a personal address) and further instructions to set up a password will be sent to that address – check for this email but note the response may not be immediate. 3. If an adviser or club secretary is having difficulties accessing the Membership Update Center, send an email to Member Services and be sure to include what the problem is and all pertinent information (club’s full name, your name, phone, email). Note this information must be emailed.

Process for Dues Payment 1. Go to MUC 2. Log into the Membership Update Center using the information provided from your adviser (see the below list for instructions on setting up a password if you do not already have one). 3. Update and edit all necessary member information (ex: deleting seniors, updating officer list) 4. Once your club member information is accurate and updated, print the invoice and either 1) mail it with a check or 2) submit credit card information directly after generating an invoice



Eliminate Project Updates | Lt. Governor Aleena Kazami

The ELIMINATE Project joins forces between Kiwanis International and UNICEF in a global effort to eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus (MNT) from the face of the earth. MNT is a lifethreatening disease that causes severe convulsions and pain to a newborn child and extreme pain during childbirth for the mother and is contracted when tetanus spores come into contact with open wounds, especially during childbirth. This life-threatening disease takes the life of one baby every nine minutes, nearly 60,000 lives a year and overall impacts nearly 61 million women and babies. A baby that is infected with tetanus only lives between three and seven days, dying after suffering excruciating pain and sensitivity to light and touch. The Kiwanis family will raise US$110 million by 2015, the last year of the active effort. As of August 3rd, 2014, the Kiwanisfamily Service Leadership Programs have raised $3,084,255.30

in total funds, w ith $2,469,934.98 of that total coming from Key Clubbers alone. This coming year, 2015, is the final year of the five-year plan for the eradication of MNT. So, as we come upon the last few months of the program, the New Jersey District Board asks that all of you strive for new heights in your fundraising efforts. So far the Eliminate Project has made great progress, having eliminated MNT in 35 countries, including the recently eliminated Madagascar, but 24 countries still remain afflicted with the disease. The NJDB has set a goal of $109,325.15 for the 2014-2015 service year; such a hefty goal can only be accomplished with your help! So, what can you do to aid the campaign? In order to save one mother and all of her future children, a vaccination in a series of three doses is administered, each dose at the cost of $0.60, or $1.80

altogether. Such a small amount of money can be collected just by skipping a morning coffee or by not buying that extra snack during lunch. Other projects you can participate in are Trickor-Treat for UNICEF or “Show Your Love, Save a Life.” The biggest impact you can have for this project is by preparing your club for the challenges of fundraising, educating yourself and your community about MNT, and advocating on behalf of those suffering. Whether you go trickor-treating for change or work with your school to raise awareness, you or your club can become recognized for meeting and exceeding fundraising goals! The first of these awards includes the Unity Award; in order to earn this award you Key Club must join forces with your sponsoring Kiwanis clubs. If your club raises a minimum of $500 to be matched by your Kiwanis club, your Kiwanis

Club will receive a Unity Award patch and the Key Club will be eligible for the 1K Club award, which requires that your club plan a unique fundraiser to raise $1,000, saving 550+ lives, for the Eliminate Project. Individuals who go above and beyond will be awarded an Elimidallion if they raise more than $625, saving 350+ lives– this award, a medallion, can be used to honor an advisor, administrator, or special individual. The final award that you can earn is the Global Service Society award, based on the donation permember average of each club. Clubs that raise $50 (Gold), $25 (Silver), or $10 (Bronze) per member earn a certificate and Kiwanisfamily banner patch. So Key Clubbers, take action and help end this fatal disease $1.80 at a time. 1-2-3-4, let’s kick tetanus out the door, 5-6-7-8, together let’s eliminate!



International Convention Recap|Sarah Remig & Sing Lee Day 1 Fifty amazing and dedicated key clubbers hopped off the plane at LAX with our dreams and our cardigans fully intact. Even after hours of waiting for several shuttle buses, hotel rooms to be prepared, and learning how to count off in a group of fifty, the group kept an positive attitude as the majority of us explored California for the first time. As the day progressed and we all settled in we collected together again at the end of the day to go to dinner at the Fire and Ice restaurant on the Anaheim Garden Walk to be served delicious Mongolian barbeque. After our first meal together, which was amazing and unique to say the least, we all explored the Anaheim Garden Walk which had shops, a movie theater, bowling, and an arcade in store for us. That night we settled in and prepared ourselves for one of the most magical adventures ever with Disney, Anaheim, and of course Key Club.

Day 2 Waking up and realizing that it was not a dream, and we were really in California at the site of the Key Club International Convention was one of the most magical feelings in the world. After we had our breakfast and played MarioKart together we ventured off to Disney’s California Adventure for a day filled with memories to last a lifetime. Upon entering Disney we attended the Disney Youth Education Series Program where we learned about animation, the magic behind Disney, and about Walt Disney himself. This informative program showed the ways in which Disney has evolved over time without letting go of their foundation which Walt Disney had built, much like how Key Club remains true to our core values. Throughout the day we explored Disneyland’s California Adventure, going on everything from the famous Hollywood’s Tower of Terror to watching street performers on the restoration of Walt Disney’s Hollywood Boulevard. July 1st showed us just a glimpse of the magical effect Disney and Anaheim would have on us while we still cherished every minute of it.

Day 3 The third day was an adventure filled day as we explored California on a tour of Los Angeles and Hollywood. Our first stop was on Venice Beach where we marveled at the amazing street art and beauty that Venice itself held. We then moved on to the Santa Monica Pier that held the opportunity for rides, food, shopping, and making memories. After a sad departure from the beautiful Santa Monica we explored the Hollywood Walk of Fame where we experienced the mark of so many inspirational figures. Our last stop of the day was at the Griffith Observatory which overlooked the Los Angeles Basin and had a spectacular view of the Hollywood sign. Once we returned to the hotel, we joined with all the Key Club members in attendance at the Meet and Greet session. This session was filled with live music, pin trading, selfie taking, and making many new friends from all over. It was a great way to kick of ICON.

Day 4 The fourth day of our trip marked the official beginning of the 71st Key Club International Convention. The excitement and pride of Key Club were certainly more than present as we walked into the Anaheim Marriott Convention Center to attend the opening. Hearing of the inspirational journey of Keynote Speaker Chris Bashinelli, star of the PBS show Bridge the Gap which shows what it’s like to live in someone else’s shoes for a day, was an inspiring kickoff to the convention. After returning from a break for lunch many of us attended the first session of House of Delegates, which was, although containing heated debate, very essential as it dealt with many proposed modifications to amendments which would determine the status of Key Club International in the upcoming service year.

Day 5 They fifth day of ICON was the Fourth of July which was filled with many amazing moments. The day included an interesting workshop, a service fair that revealed many different service projects from districts all over the world, and a recognition session that had many impressive talent acts which included the Lieutenant Governor of Division 19, Bobbie, and our Governor, Sam. The end of the night was also fun since we were able to go to Disneyland to watch the fireworks Overall, the day was a great day for all of us. Day 6 The sixth day of our trip was also an exciting day that started off with many informative workshops. These workshops allowed me to improve our understanding with community service and this will assist with our futures in Key Club and the K-Family. The workshops also allowed us to meet many new people from all over the world After the workshops was the last session of ICON and the highlight of that session was Nicole Lemma, from the New Jersey District, becoming an International Trustee and it was heartbreaking having to see ICON end. Finally, to end the night was the Eliminate Dance filled with key clubbers having fun together for the last time. The dance was fun, but the main thing was that Key Club was trying to raise money for Eliminate which turned out very successful. This was the last day of ICON and we had an amazing experience overall. Day 7 Before we left California, we enjoyed our last day in Disneyland. We got to go on all the amazing rides like Space Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean, the Haunted Mansion, Star Tours, Splash Mountain and many more. After a fun day at the most magical place on earth, we headed back to hotel to collect our baggage and wait for our shuttle to the airport. After going through all the security at LAX, we hopped on our plane for the red eye back to Newark. The Key Club International Convention was one of the best experiences as a Key Club member. We made friends from all over the world and memories which will last us for a life time. The New Jersey District cannot wait until next year’s International Convention with both Circle K and Kiwanis at the Kiwanis Headquarters in Indianapolis.

International Trustees Devin Sun What constitutes an International Trustee? Are international trustees defined by their character, their leadership, and a will to serve? Or is it simply characterized by a one, significant trait? It is important to note that each international trustee is similarly unique. Each trustee, without a doubt, exemplifies the four core values of Key Club International; leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness. But exemplifying these four core traits is not the sole, or even the determining factor in what constitutes an international trustee. Every year, the International board is elected at the annual International Convention. At each convention, a set of candidates are put to the test in a vigorous set of caucusing and elections. After listening to speeches and caucusing, delegates sent from each attending club converge at the House of Delegates. During the House of Delegates, attendees vote for seven to eleven trustees. Once the votes are counted, the election results are announced. For the 2014-2015 service year, eleven international trustees were chosen. These eleven key clubbers were chosen to represent all thirty-four districts of Key Club International. According to Key Club International, a trustee’s main objective is to, “work with the rest of the Key Club International Board to define the administrative policies of Key Club International.� Each trustee completes this task by examining bylaws, carrying out committee directives, while also maintaining contact with his or her assigned districts. He or she is also assigned a several districts to oversee. The international trustee is the link between the International board and the district level. Trustees serve as the liaison between Key Club International and the district level. Together, the districts assigned to each international trustee will come together as sister districts, and along with their trustee, will work together for the service year. We are happy to announce that Nicole Lemma, a past Lieutenant Governor from the New Jersey District, was elected as an international trustee. We were happy to support her throughout her election process


INTERNATIONAL and we are happy to once again have a International Trustee from our great district on the International Board. We would also like to congratulate Zack Waldorf from the New Jersey District on completing his term as International Trustee successfully. We would also like to congratulate all the other International Trustees on being elected to the International Board. Left: Nicole Lemma from New Jersey giving her campaign speech at International Convention Right: The recently elected 2014-2015 International Board

Bylaw Amendments Lt. Govenor Darren Khong & Alexander Marino This past Key Club International Convention held in Anaheim, California there was a total of six proposed amendments up for discussion and to be decided upon. After two heated sessions of the House of Delegates, representatives from 32 nations of Key Club International debated upon each amendment and came to a general consensus on whether or not each amendment was to be passed. In this article, we will recap each proposed amendment and summarize the reasoning for proposal and whether or not it had passed. Amendment number one proposed to adjust Article IX, Section 4 of the Key Club bylaws to lower minimum requirement of clubs in order to form a new Key Club district. Originally, the each district was required to have no less than 25 active clubs, and minimum of 375 total members. However, this amendment proposed to lower the club minimum to 15, and increase the membership requirement to 450 active members. For some smaller districts, it has been a constant problem in the past to meet the 25-club minimum despite reaching the overall membership requirement. Seeing this issue, this amendment was successful passed and lowered the club requirement necessary for a district to maintain its district status. The second amendment aimed to modify Article VIII, Section 6 regarding honorary members of Key Club. Prior to the amendment, any person not in high school or an educational equivalent who has done some sort of distinguished public service may be elected an

honorary member of a club for one year. Originally, honorary members would not be required to pay dues and would be entitled to the same privileges and rights as any other Key Club member. However, with the passing of this amendment honorary members will no longer have the same rights as general members; they will only be equivalent in name. Amendment number three was proposed to change Article XXII, Section 1 in relation to the Youth Opportunity Grant (YOF) fund. When this bylaw was originally created, it was decided that fifty cents of the dues paid by each member would be deposited into the fund each year. It was intended that this would continue until the YOF account would grow to US$1 million, and then use the annual interest to grant clubs that requested the money necessary to help fund various service projects. At this point in time, the YOF account now exceeds US$1.6 million and it has been decided that the fifty cents of each dues paying member is no longer a necessity as the account has already surpassed the original goal and is self-sustaining. Although money from the dues will no longer be added towards the YOF fund, this will not have an affect on a club’s chances of receiving YOF grants. Up next for debate was amendment number four that proposed to increase the dues that each member of Key Club must pay in order to be recognized as a valid member of the organization. Originally, members had to be pay US$6.50, however, it was proposed that the dues be increased to US$8.50. This increase in dues would then help to cover the deficit that our organization faced, however, after much debate, it was decided that a US$2 would be too drastic of a change. Instead, the representatives at the House of Delegates came to an agreement and decided that the dues be increased to US$7.

With this increase, we will be able to cover the issue of the deficit without making that large or drastic of a change to the dues each member must pay. Next, the only amendment not to be passed, amendment five aimed to change the amount of time that any member may hold an elected office position at any level of Key Club. In some districts, high school lasts longer than the typical four years, therefore members of these districts are able to have a longer Key Club career than others, and potentially hold an elected position for longer than other members are given the chance to. This amendment was proposed so that members may only hold an elected position at any level of Key Club for a maximum of four years. After much debate, this amendment failed and was not passed and so Article VIII, Section 1 of the Key Club by-laws shall stand as it was before the amendment was proposed. Lastly, amendment six aimed to alter Article VIII, Section 1 of they Key Club by-laws. Originally, it was stated that one’s Key Club membership would only cover the time-span of the four upper class years (or five years in the Canadian Provinces). However, with the passing of this amendment, now one’s membership is able to last for the entire tenure of one’s high school career as defined by their education system.


INTERNATIONAL #PALABOWLO | Lt. Governor Bobbie Boetinger At the 2014 International Convention in Anaheim, California the new International Board was elected. The new International President is Maria Palazzolo from the Illinois-Eastern Iowa District. The new International Vice President is Kevin Zhang from the Pacific Northwest District. Together they are known as Palabowlo. They both are extremely dedicated to Key Club and are determined to have a successful service year! Questions and Answers with Maria & Kevin 1. What is your favorite Key Club event? 2. What made you want to join Key Club? 3. What is your most memorable Key Club experience? 4. Have you ever been to New Jersey and if so what is your favorite thing about New Jersey? 5. Finish this sentence "Key Club is....." International President Maria 1. Besides ICON, I love Kiwanis Family Conference in North Carolina. It's absolutely beautiful staying in the mountains for a weekend. All members of the Kiwanis family are invited, but most of the attendees are Key Clubbers. We have a fun and relaxing weekend full of team activities and a lot of free time to explore the area! I'll be there this year, and I hope to see some of you there!

International Vice-President Kevin 1. My favorite Key Club event, other than ICON of course, has to be the Pacific Northwest District Convention. After seeing how spirited everyone was at my first DCON, I knew that I wanted to get even more involved with Key Club. Every year I still look forward to attending the event that made me fall in love with this organization.

2. Both of my parents have always been super involved in the Kiwanis family, and they raised me to believe that one of the most important things in life is service. I would follow my dad to Kiwanis Pancake Breakfasts or to a local store to ring bells for the Salvation Army. Once I entered high school, I just knew that I wanted to get involved in my Key Club.

2. Service has always been a part of my life. I remember as a child spending my Saturday mornings with my mom sorting food at the Thurston County Food Bank. In middle school, I spent my summers volunteering at the Olympia Timberland Library for their summer reading program. It only seemed natural that I joined Key Club in high school.

3. My most memorable Key Club experience would be from volunteering at a local grade school in an underprivileged area of my town. It's not a specific moment that I could write about, but it's just the little moments that mean so much to when the pre-schoolers are so excited when we walk into the room and are so sad when we have to leave. Just knowing that we are positively impacting a child who has a difficult life makes me happy and grateful for the time I have with them.

3. My most memorable Key Club experience has to volunteering at my local Kiwanis Food Bank Garden. Every year, the garden produces over 18 tons of fresh and organic vegetables that are donated to the Thurston County Food Bank. To be apart of something that helps over 10,000 people in my community is absolutely remarkable!

4. Actually, like I mentioned earlier, my family is pretty involved in the Kiwanis family, so when I was probably 10 or 11, I was able to attend a New Jersey Key Club District Convention. I remember absolutely loving the atmosphere. The Governor was so welcoming, and I just wanted to be her because she was so cool! I loved everyone's accents, too! 5. Key Club is an amazing organization made of 267,000 selfless teenagers around the globe with one mission: to positively change individual communities and the world. 6. Passionate, Not-actually-like-the-Jersey-Shore, and Tomato-ey (Get it? Since that's your mascot? HA.)

4. Unfortunately, I have never been to New Jersey. However, I am looking to apply to some colleges in the East Coast so hopefully I will get the chance to visit sometime soon. 5. Key Club is...not only the largest and oldest service organization but also an organization that provides its members with the opportunity to serve with passion though leading their homes, schools and communities. 6. Spirited, involved, and united.


INTERNATIONAL International Trustee Message Greetings New Jersey District, My name is Barry Seng and I am honored to serve as your International Trustee. I am thrilled that I have the opportunity to work with all of you to improve the organization as a whole. Together, we will spread Key Club values around the world. As trustee, it is my duty to connect the district and international levels. I will provide updates from international to your district board and will represent all of you at international board meetings. The constant communication will allow me to better serve your district. I will work closely with Governor Sam and all of you to ensure a successful year of service. One of my goals for the year is to make Key Club International more accessible to Key Club members. Through increased communication between international and district levels and transparency on the international board, more members will be involved in the organization. My main goal is to emphasize service, the foundation of our organization. I will help your district with its service initiatives and service projects. We will strengthen Key Club through service. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I am here to serve all of you. I look forward to a great year of service with the New Jersey District!

Humans of Key Club: Humans of Key Club, also known as HOKC, was launched on May 11th, 2014, based off of the very popular photoblog, HONY. We here expand the mission of Brandon Stanton by capturing the stories of the ostensibly mundane and demonstrating the uniqueness that is in every human we speak to, hear of, or even just see once in our life in Key Club. Follow us on: Facebook: Humansofkeyclub Instagram: humansofkeyclub Tumblr:

Major Emphasis | Latifa Ali Ever since 1925, Key Club International has dedicated countless hours of service to homes, schools, and communities. From volunteering at children hospitals to fundraising for March of Dimes, Key Clubbers continue to go out of their way to serve the children of the world. In 1946, Key Club International challenged all key clubs and members to join forces and focus their energies towards one program. This program is still followed by many members today through the Major Emphasis: Children: Their Future, Our Focus. Major Emphasis focuses on serving children in any ways. These include hands-on services for the Eliminate Project and fundraisers for our preferred charities. Key Club International's preferred charities are Children's Miracle Network, March of Dimes, and UNICEF. Children's Miracle Network raises funds for children's hospitals. From 1983 till now, CMN has raised over 5 billion dollars for 170 hospitals around the United States and Canada. These donations support research and training as well as improve medical facilities and healthcare of sick children. March of Dimes Foundation focuses on improving the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality through: Community, Advocacy, Research, Education, and Support. Since 1978, Key Clubs have raised over $116,000 through fundraising and awareness programs. UNICEF is exclusively dedicated to assisting the needs of children and mothers around the world. Key Club has been Trick-or-Treating with UNICEF since 1994 and has raised millions of dollars doing so. In all, Major Emphasis works closely with Children's Miracle Network, March of Dimes, and UNICEF in order to serve the children around the world. Key Club International continues to make a substantial impact and works towards a better future.



K-Family Picnic Lt. Governor Jeff Maziarz and Lt. Governor Dianna Torres On July 20th, each branch of the K- Family came together for a day of celebration and service in Toms River, New Jersey. The majority of the district board was in attendance, including Governor Sam Levisay, Treasurer Dan McCormack, Secretary Jacqueline Dragon, and Editor Pat Quinn. Also in attendance were several Kiwanians, past board members, and Circle K officers, who hosted the picnic. The day began with a service project in which members of the district board assembled coloring book packets for children at the Ronald McDonald house.

After that, there was a delightful variety of food at the buffet for lunch before other festivities began. Following lunch there were several exciting events to come. This included a sand castle contest, won by Governor Sam’s team, volleyball, and water balloon toss won by Past Governor Ryan Clarkin and current Lieutenant Governor of Division 6, Jeff Maziarz. However, the most enjoyable part of the day was the final event before the picnic concluded. Here, several Circle- K board members were pied in the face by the highest bidder, ending with newly elected International Trustee and past Lieutenant Governor Nicole Lema and

Governor Sam Levisay. Overall it was an enjoyable and fun day for everyone that you should be looking forward to next year! We thank New Jersey Circle K for organizing this event for us all and we also encourage any

Key Clubbers who are now in college to join the Circle K organization and continue serving as part of the Kiwanis Family.



What is the K-Family?

Key Leader Lt. Governor Becca Lordon Last November I attended Key Leader in Port Murray at Crossroads Camp in New Jersey and I know I’ll never be the same. I met the most amazing people I have ever known; some of them are closer to me than my own family. I also opened up and came out of my comfort zone. The crazy thing was that it opened up my eyes to what Key Club really is. It’s not just something to put on your college application or resume; it’s so much more than that. It’s about giving a part of yourself to your school, community, even to a mother and her baby with maternal/neonatal tetanus. It’s about doing something without any selfish need to get something in return. It’s about being compassionate and self-sacrificing for others less fortunate. Since that time I have become much more involved in Key Club and am currently serving as a Lieutenant Governor on the New Jersey District Board; attending Key Leader was truly one of the best decisions of my life. The importance of attending Key Leader is crucial because although I was involved in Key Club throughout my high school career, it never really clicked until Key Leader. Key Leader is a life-changing weekend and experiential leadership program for today's young leaders. At Key Leader, participants will learn the most important lesson of leadership—it comes from helping others succeed. You begin by attending a Key Leader conference/retreat followed by discussions and team-building activities, which will take place over the course of the weekend. While exploring leadership in a whole new way, you are sure to make amazing new friends and have experiences you won’t soon forget. Startling workshops, obstacle courses, late night laughs, emotional bonfires, and that’s only the beginning. Step out of your comfort zone and give Key Leader a try and I promise you’ll never look back.

“Service is at the heart of every Kiwanis International club, no matter where in the world it’s located. Kiwanis members stage nearly 150,000 service projects, devote more than 6 million hours of service and raise nearly US$100 million every year for communities, families and projects. Key Club members pitch in 12 million hours of service each year, and CKI members another 500,000 hours of service! Aktion Club members donate another 92,000 hours of service every year. Add it all up, and that’s more than 18 million hours of service every year!” Circle K “The collegiate years are the crossroads of life—time to choose a path and follow a passion. It’s the time to make a difference in the world. By giving back to others, Circle K International (CKI) members learn the skills they need to become the next generation of community-minded leaders.“


CLUBS Graduation | Elizabeth H.S. Editor Jacqueline Salgado As an old chapter of life came to an end, a new one began for our fellow 2014 graduates. The Elizabeth High School Key Club played a huge part in creating the final pages of this old chapter. On the morning of June 27th, we prepared the covers for the diplomas, counted them and placed them back into their boxes. Later on, we went to Williams Field to set everything up for the graduation. Key Clubbers were parched from working for so long under the sun’s rays. However, once the graduation ceremony began and we saw how excited the seniors were; it was all worth it. The president, vice president and myself had the privilege of remaining on stage throughout the entire ceremony along with the members of the Board of Education. It was a once in a lifetime experience to be on stage and witness the faces of each and every graduate as we helped pass the diplomas to their principles. The joy was contagious as some of them danced their way to the stage. Others said their farewells in tears, and we couldn't help but to feel emotional while the valedictorian Luisa gave her speech. Board of Ed. President, Tony Monteiro stated, “Wow I truly love Key Clubbers! These guys always help out; they’re awesome!” Without the help of Key Clubbers, this day wouldn't have ran as smoothly as it did. The Elizabeth High School Key Club helped make this day memorable for all the graduates.

Member Recruitment | Lt. Governor Charmaine Chew Start putting up those posters! You want as many people at your first meeting as possible. The start of the school year is Key Club recruitment season. This is when all the upperclassmen start finding Freshmen to bring to the first Key Club meeting and all the officers start preaching about how amazing this internationally-connected student organization is. Membership recruitment and retention is the key to a successful Key Club. These are the people who will be your club’s backbone and spirit club. The key to finding members to recruit is to start early, especially with incoming Freshmen. Go to your school’s Freshman Orientation or Activities Fair and advertise to them how Key Club can both benefit you and your community. Give them a lasting first impression by having your PR committee or any other enthusiastic alumni make and display posters to draw them to the first meeting. Although Freshman are the target coming in, remember to also advertise to upperclassmen who have not yet been in the club, and don’t forget to remind past members about the fun that they had and will have when they join for another year. Once the new recruits are at the meeting, only spend some time informing them about the club and other official announcements. Save the rest of your time for fun Icebreakers and stories about Key Club. Tell them things that Key Club has done, and what they can do to make it better. Perhaps you can have the upperclassmen mentor the Freshmen so they can someday rise as great leaders. Make them feel welcome, as this is an all-inclusive family club. All new members will receive a pin once their first dues payment is made; try to host a pinning ceremony to show them that they are really part of this organization. With new members, you may then proceed to plan events to keep members active. While service events and fundraisers should be your main focus, remember to also hold social events such as recognition parties at meetings to keep your members interested and focused. Keep members updated and educated about all the upcoming events, and keep them active by making it interesting, inclusive, and fun. Be creative with all your events, both service and social. The key to keeping members is to give them a purpose. Coming in to a new club, many people will be shy and scared and unsure if they are up for the challenge. It will be up to you to show them how important their service is and what kind of a difference they can make. Show them how they can grow as a leader over time. Have them set goals in the beginning of the year, and then reward them for their progress and ultimate success. Always try to recognize good work, and never leave members out. Right from the start, make sure they feel like they are part of something bigger than them, because they are. The members live up to the Key Club values of caring, leadership, character, and inclusiveness, and that is what makes the club strong.


CLUBS NJ Key Club Media | David Guirgis, These days, when you look around, the number of people with some sort of smart tech device is so great we’re barely fazed by it. At this point, Wi-Fi is pretty much the equivalent to oxygen in the modern world, and the amount of information we have available to us is unprecedented. And how do most people get their information today? The answer, shockingly enough, isn’t Google. It’s the social network. You’d be hard pressed today to find someone who isn’t on at least one form of social media today, whether it’s Twitter or Instagram or the most iconic of them all, Facebook. In fact, according to statistical research, 98% of teens report that they have an account on at least one form of social network. In short, the number of #throwbackthursday pictures posted on Instagram every Thursday is pretty gigantic. But in all seriousness, NJ Key Club has been well aware of the global social media revolution, and we’ve never been more excited about it. Over the past two service years, our social networking footprint has grown. Last year, our Immediate Past Public Relations Committee, headed by (iconic) IP District Editor Pak Chau, launched a New Jersey District of Key Club International Facebook page, in addition to @njkeyclub accounts on both Twitter and Instagram. And the current Public Relations Committee is no less dedicated to bringing you news and bits of inspiration and encouragement through social media. What’s so beautiful about networks like Facebook and Twitter is that they allow us to connect with our Key Clubbers like we couldn’t only a few years ago.

We’re more interactive than ever now, and every day we get to respond to snippets of our members’ lives, offering them humor as well as encouragement. (The power of Spongebob pictures, guys!) It’s actually one of the best parts of being active on social media—we hopefully get to brighten your day just a bit with equal parts snark and warmth. But while social media provides us with ways to communicate service projects, news, and fun quotes with everyone, there are a few things you should be aware of about how to stay #KEYpingitclassy within social media. Because yes, social media can provide a way to open yourself to people, but at the same time you carry the namesake of Key Club with you—so, without further ado, WAY S T O STAY #KEYpingitclassy ON SOCIAL MEDIA • James Franco couldn’t even pull off gross selfies. It’s pretty uncomfortable seeing scanty pictures of someone on your feed, so please keep your selfies appropriate. This isn’t even a request at this point, it’s a plea for mercy. • You’re more than allowed to hate your teacher or people in school or school in general. But posting rude statuses about them isn’t exactly the most professional way to handle it. We’ve all been guilty of this, so I can’t say much—just watch what you type. • On those same lines, language, please! The only “s-word” you should be saying is “service”! (yes, I managed to get at least one bad joke in!)

• If you’re promoting a service project or event, please be grammatically neat. People respond better to “Please support the Eliminate Project and the fight to end MNT by purchasing an Eliminate Week Hand!” than “pls buy like all the eliminate hands its 4 charity save the kids xoxo”. But most of all, have fun with it! Social media is, after all, meant for you to express yourself. Be professional, but be the bubbly, clever, witty people we at NJ Key Club are so proud of you for being and I promise you will end up killing the retweet game”

Follow @njkeyclub on social media

Submitting Articles District Editor Pat Quinn Hello Jersey Key readers. Who wants to help make the Jersey Key better? As Editor, it is your job to make newsletters, do Public Relations work, and get the news about what your club is doing out. What better way to get the news out about your club than submitting an article to be featured in the Jersey Key? If your club does a really interesting fundraiser or service project and you want people to know about it, just write an article and sent it in. Your article could be very helpful to one of the many other clubs who read this publication. Also, if you do submit an article, share some photographs too; the visuals will help the appearance of your article and facilitate the readers’ understanding of the content. Send any article to me, District Editor Pat Quinn, by November 14 so it can make it in the next issue of the Jersey Key.


Ben Rogers-Boehme Bordentown High School Key Club Member

Jacqueline Salgado Elizabeth High School Key Club Editor

Alexisis Correa Alexander Hamilton Preparatory Academy Key Club Member

Priyanka Patel Key Club Member

Cathy Wong McNair Academic Key Club Member

Ben Rogers-Boehme Bordentown High School Key Club Member

Naini Bansal North Brunswick Township H.S. Key Club Member

Daniella Simari Mt. St. Dominic Academy Key Club President

Is your artwork not here? We thank all of those who submitted artwork for this issue of the Jersey Key. We’re sorry we could not showcase all the art we received but you can submit more artwork for the next issue by emailing it to District Editor Patrick Quinn with the subject “Art Contest” by November 14 and it may be showcased in the next issue

District Governor Samantha Levisay

District Secretary Jacqueline Dragon Njsecretarydragon

District Treasurer Daniel McCormack

District Editor Patrick Quinn njeditorpatquinn@

District Webmaster Srikar Gudipati Njwebmastersrikar

Lt. Governor 1 Angela Becker Lt. Governor 2 Dianna Torres Lt. Governor 3 Charmaine Chew charmaine. Lt. Governor 4 Thomas Michael tommichael.ltg.div4 Lt. Governor 5 Becca Lordon Lt. Governor 6 Jeffery Maziarz Lt. Governor 7 Josie Suddeth Hsuddethltgdiv7 Lt. Governor 8 Rebecca Austin Ltgrebeccaaustin

Lt. Governor 9 Tara Engelken tengelken.ltg.div9

Lt. Governor 16 David Guirgis davidguirgis.ltg16

Lt. Governor 10 Brooke Willemstyn ltg.brooke.div.10

Lt. Governor 17 Jae Shin

Lt. Governor 11 Farwa Shakeel ltg.farwa.shakeel Lt. Governor 12 Devin Sun devin.sun.ltg12 Lt. Governor 13 Nate Silberman Natesilbermanltgdiv13 Lt. Governor 14 Latifa Ali latifa.ltgdiv14 Lt. Governor 15 Darren Khong

Lt. Governor 18 Ricky Thompson Lt. Governor 19 Bobbie Boettinger ltg19.bobbieboettinger Lt. Governor 20 Aleena Kazami aleenakazami.ltg20 Lt. Governor 21 Harsh Patel harsh.ltg.div21 Lt. Governor 22 Monica Gallagher

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