The Jersey Key Issue 1, Vol. 73

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THE JERSEY KEY Issue 1, Vol. 73

April – June Issue 2019



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INTRODUCTIONS 3 19-20 District Year Calendar A Note from Your District Editor 4 A Note from Your District Governor 5 A Note from Your Circle-K District Governor 6 Introduction of NJDB 19-20 UPCOMING EVENTS 11 K-Family Picnic 12 International Convention 14 Fall Rally

DISTRICT UPDATES 16 District Project: Hunger in New Jersey 17 Advocacy Focus

STAY IN CONTACT 19 District Social Media Divisional Social Media

Please share The Jersey Key with fellow Key Clubbers and your friends! You can do this digitally and you can use your club’s social media platforms to do so.


DATE July 1-7, 2019 July 14, 2019 Sept. 14, 2019 Sept. 15, 2019 Sept. 21, 2019 Oct. 13, 2019 Dec. 6-8, 2019 TBD March 27-29, 2020

EVENT International Convention Kiwanis Family Picnic Fall Regional Training Conference Fall Regional Training Conference Fall Regional Training Conference Fall Rally Key Leader District Volleyball Tournament 74th Annual District Convention

LOCATION Baltimore, Maryland Toms River, NJ Voorhees High School TBD West Deptford High School Great Adventure, Jackson, NJ Port Murray, NJ TBD Ocean Place Resort, Long Branch

A NOTE FROM YOUR DISTRICT EDITOR Hello New Jersey District, I hope you are having a splendiferous day! Welcome to the 1st issue of Vol. 73 of the Jersey Key, the official publication of the New Jersey District. I’m so excited for the new service year and all the amazing work we, as a District, will do together. With summer break just around the corner for many, let’s maintain our enthusiasm for service! I encourage you all to meet with your club over the summer, plan events for the next school year, and use the summer to coordinate amazing service projects so you all can hit the ground running come September. For the seniors who are leaving, I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. I know you will all do amazing things! For the returning Key Clubbers, keep your passion for service high and use this Issue to learn more about the District. Yours in Caring and Service, Sarah Jacob District Editor


Hi New Jersey District! Welcome to the new service year! My name is Emma Ke and I am honored to be serving as the 2019-2020 District Governor for the NJ District Key Club! Being in Key Club for three years has taught me so much not only about serving others in your community, but truly making a difference. It has grown to be such a large part of my life, and I am so honored to get to work with people who have the amount of passion and hard work into bettering our homes, schools, and communities. I am currently a junior at Hunterdon Central Regional High School in Division 13. There, I am in multiple honors societies and the school’s Dance Team. While I do participate in these other activities, Key Club has been and will remain my number one priority. In the past service year, I served as the Lieutenant Governor for Division 6 and the chairperson for the District Programs and Midwinter Training Conference committees. Our incredible district has made significant strides in helping district growth, in aspects such as our District Project Hunger in New Jersey, raising awareness through our Advocacy Focus, and aiding Key Club’s Preferred Charities. We accomplish so much this year, and I hope to build upon this success to further make an impact. will Some of my goals for the service year include but are not limited to: • Stretch our influence to the K-Family to improve communication and support with clubs • Utilize resources and members to maximize efficiency in the district • Constantly communicate with all district board members • Connect with the New Jersey District through a District Remind and video updates • Evaluate and support all committees to ensure their success • Serve the district through the best training and resources • Share the love of Key Club through membership growth promotion I cannot wait to work with you all this year! I will do my best to see that all of my goals are met through constant persistence and leadership. Not only that, but I will do my best to serve as your as a fellow Key Clubber, because we are all student leaders. If there is absolutely Governor and anything that you need, please feel free to reach out through email, text, or call. I will be more than happy to help out, and I cannot wait to grow with all of you this year! Yours in Caring and Service, Emma Ke Key Club was first formed in 1925 in Sacramento, California and Frank C. Vincent, who both were in Sacramento Kiwanis is the oldest and largest service program for high school stud

Did You Know?

Hello New Jersey Key Club! My name is Taylor McKay and I consider myself very lucky to serve as the 2019-2020 District Governor for the New Jersey District of Circle K International. As Governor, I have the opportunity to work with my district board to support the 13 clubs in the New Jersey District. The following is a list of the Circle K Clubs in New Jersey: Atlantic Cape Community College, Rowan University, Stockton University, The College of New Jersey, Rider University, Monmouth University, Brookdale Community College, Rutgers University-New Brunswick, Montclair State University, The New Jersey Institute of Technology, St. Peter’s University, Caldwell University and Seton Hall University. If you see a club listed that is your school, reach out to me and I will help you get in touch with them! Circle K members would love to get near involved with Key Club members for service projects, fundraisers, or meetings! This year, I am looking forward to working alongside Governor Emma and the New Jersey Key Club District Board! My K-Family journey actually started in Key Club when I was a junior at Old Bridge High School. I joined Key Club because I wanted to give back to my community, but little did I know how much the organization would be able to give to me. Through service, I was able to learn so much about myself which helped me develop into a confident leader! My senior year I served as club treasurer. I really learned what the K-Family was as I had the opportunity to attend Key Leader and District Convention. At District Convention I met the Circle K District Governor and it was then that I decided that I wanted to continue my involvement in the K-Family! Upon my arrival to Stockton University, I searched for Circle K. Once I became involved, I served as Club Editor, Club President, District Kiwanis Family Relations Chair, and District Conventions & Conferences Chair, leading to me running for District Governor at the most recent Circle K Convention. District I am excited to continue my involvement in the K-Family and work to better the New Jersey District of Circle K International. I have 3 main goals for this year which are: 1. To increase membership and provide resources to educate our members on what Circle K International and the Kiwanis Family are 2. To develop leaders in our district by allowing members to serve on district committees, increasing attendance at district events, and hosting informational webinars throughout the year 3. To increase district unity and diversify service opportunities through our district service initiative: Education & Literacy for Youth in Our Communities I am always so inspired by the enthusiasm and passion that NJ Key Club has for service! I am looking forward to hearing about all the exciting things that your clubs accomplish this service year. I hope that this service year provides you all with many great memories, experiences and opportunities! Yours in Service, Taylor McKay 2019-2020 NJCKI Governor with 11 charter members. It was the idea of Albert C. Olney and wished to start a junior service club. Today, Key Club ents in the world.


INTRODUCTION OF Club: Hunterdon Central Regional High School Key Club Grade: 11th Favorite Quote: “Don’t stop until you’re proud.” or “There's always a reason to smile." Dream Job: Food connoisseur Life Motto: “A day without

Emma Ke District Governor

Bhavana Chamarthi District Webmaster

Caitlin Sia Lieutenant Governor of Division 4

laughter is a day wasted.” Fun Fact: I accidentally dropped a candle (don’t worry it was fake!!) during my school’s NHS induction ceremony. My Life in One Word: Vivacious

Kingsway Regional High Club: School Key Club Grade Level: 10th Favorite Quote: "The most thing one can do is help selfish others. So, stay selfish." Anonymous Dream Job: Chocolate Taste Tester Life Motto: Go with the flow, you never know what will happen! Fact: I've never had a Fun PB&J sandwich before! My Life in One Word: Spontaneous Club: MATES Key Club Grade Level: 10th Favorite Quote: "I usually get to where I want to go by walking away from where I've been" - Winnie the Pooh Dream Job: Pediatric Surgeon Life Motto: Cute things are Best things! the Fun Fact: I take care of the best turtle in the world (Xavier)! My Life in One Word: Family

Katrina Pham District Secretary

Raymond Gan Lieutenant Governor of Division 1

Mary Zhou Lieutenant Governor of Division 5

Club: Livingston Key Club Grade: 11th Quote: “In order to fly, you need something solid to take off from” - P.L. Travers Dream Job: Journalism Life Motto: Always talk about your feelings, don’t let it bottle up because then it will all explode like a bunch of oatmeal you put in the microwave for too long. Fun Fact: I was born in Chicago, Illinois, moved to Bellevue, Washington, and then I moved to Livingston, New Jersey when I was in 8th grade! My Life in One Word: Serendipity

Club: Mainland Regional Key Club Grade Level: 10th Favorite Quote: “More tolerance, more understanding, more happiness” Dream Job: Neurosurgeon Life Motto: Never let someone else down Fun Fact: I’ve owned 7 dogs over the course of my lifetime My Life in One Word: Odd

Club: Eastern Regional Grade Level: 10th Favorite Quote: "It is likely that if more time had been taken in the first place, the world would have been made right, and this ceaseless improving and preparing would not be necessary now." - Mark Twain Dream Job: Anesthesiology Life Motto: "Do not put off till tomorrow what can be put off till day-after-tomorrow just as well." Mark Twain. Fun Fact: I spent both my first and fourth birthdays on a plane. My Life in One Word: Entropy


Gillian Bayne District Treasurer

Raza Abbas Lieutenant Governor of Division 2

Zobia Bokhari Lieutenant Governor of Division 6

Club: Phillipsburg High School Key Club Grade Level: 11th Favorite Quote: “The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. the first to forget is the And happiest.” Dream Job: Animator Life Motto: Do whatever makes happy, as long as you are you not depriving someone else of doing the same. Fun Fact: Yellow has always and will always be, my been, favorite color:) My Life in One Word: Sweet

Egg Harbor Township Club: High School Grade: 11th Favorite Quote: " yeet yourself oblivion" -Katrina Pham into Dream Job: AI Researcher Life Motto: Build your own doors Fact: I own a pet rabbit Fun My Life in One Word: Sad Club: Bordentown Regional School High Grade Level: 11th Favorite Quote: “We’re almost there & nowhere near it. All that matters is that we’re going!” Dream Job: Human Rights Lawyer Life Motto: “Life your life so that you’ll be able to read an in depth biography about yourself in later years without wanting to cringe.” Fun Fact: I have never broken a bone. My Life in One Word: Caffeinated

Sarah Jacob District Editor

Club: Brick Memorial High School Key Club Grade: 10th Favorite Quote: “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” - J.K. Rowling Dream Job: Author Life Motto: Go to bed with dreams; wake up with a purpose or We must become the change we wish to see in the world Fun Fact: I can sing the alphabet both frontwards and backwards! My kindergarten taught us and I’ve remembered ever since. My Life in One Word: Rollercoaster

Club: Lower Cape May Regional Key Club Grade: 11th Favorite Quote: "Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character." -Albert Einstein Dream Job: Clinical Psychologist! Life Motto: Everything happens for a reason! Fun Fact: I have a twin! My Life in One Word: Crazy

Ryan Devine Lieutenant Governor of Division 3

Club: Southern Regional High School Grade Level: 11th Favorite Quote: “You miss 100%of the shots you don’t take” Dream Job: Actress Life Motto: Whoever is happy will make others happy too Fun Fact: I live on an island My Life In One Word: Unexpected

Aly Landon Lieutenant Governor of Division 7

Grace Pluemacher Lieutenant Governor of Division 8

Haley Garnett Lieutenant Governor of Division 12

AliceMae Lacson Lieutenant Governor of Division 16

Club: Point Pleasant Beach High School Key Club Grade Level: 10th Favorite Quote: “You don’t need a license to drive a sandwich.”- Spongebob Dream Job: Electrical Engineer Life Motto: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”Wayne Gretzky Fact: I can spin a Fun basketball on my finger and juggle My Life in One Word: Unpredictable

Club: Bridgewater-Raritan High School Grade Level: 11th Favorite Quote: “Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional” -Walt Disney Dream Job: Architect for Disney Motto: Treat others as you Life would want to be treated. Fun Fact: I love to cook and bake, and my favorite thing to is soft pretzels! make My Life in One Word: Busy Club: County Prep High School Grade Level: 11th Favorite Quote: “Take it one step at a time” Dream Job: Pediatrician Life Motto: “Do whatever you want to do, just own up to it” Fun Fact: I don’t eat the tails shrimp. Idk it’s something of I’ve always done. My Life In One Word: Berserk

FOR 2019 Club: Jackson Memorial High School Grade Level: 11th Favorite Quote: “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” – Walt Disney Dream Job: Disney Imagineer Life Motto: Vision without action is a daydream (Japanese proverb) Fun Fact: Even though it’s super curly now, my hair used to be pinstraight My Life in One Word: Vibrant

Holly Buonocore Lieutenant Governor of Division 9

Club: North Hunterdon Regional High School Key Club Grade: 10th Favorite Quote: "Don't tell people your plans. Show them your results." Dream Job: Doctor Life Motto: Fall down seven times, stand up eight Fun Fact: My favorite food is whipped cream! My Life in One Word: Energetic

Noah Stockwell Lieutenant Governor of Division 13

Lindsey Kim Lieutenant Governor of Division 17

Club: Tenafly High School Grade Level: 11th Favorite Quote: "Why is a raven like a writing desk?” - Lewis Carol, Alice in Wonderland Dream Job: Psychiatrist Life Motto: Be good and do good! Fun Fact: Alice in Wonderland (the 1951 version, of course) is my all-time FAVORITE movie! Your Life in One Word: Perseverance

TO 2020

Adenike Ade Lieutenant Governor of Division 10

Aakaash Margam Lieutenant Governor of Division 14

Glory Kalu Lieutenant Governor of Division 18

Club: North Hunterdon High School Key Club Grade Level: 11th Favorite Quote: “Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution.” - Albert Einstein Dream Job: Pediatrician

Life Motto: Dreams don't work unless you do Fact: 2 years ago I lived in Fun Texas My Life in One Word: Productive

Club: John P. Stevens High School Grade Level: 11th Favorite Quote: "No matter rich, talented or how educated you to think you are, how you treat people says everything about you." — Jay Shetty Dream Job: Grammy nominated producer and songwriter Motto: Without work ethic, Life talent will only get you so far Fun Fact: I'm over 6 feet tall My Life in One Word: Movie Club: Bloomfield High School Grade Level: 10th Favorite Quote: “Responsibility has a cost, and there’s no such thing as perfection.”- Tom Hardy Dream Job: Orthopedic Surgeon Motto: Do now, think later Life Fun Fact: I am the oldest of four. Life in one

Yeleena Rivera Lieutenant Governor of Division 11

Club: Piscataway High School Key Club Grace Level: 11th Favorite Quote; "The reality is: sometimes you lose. And you’re never too good to lose. You’re never too big to lose. You’re never too smart to lose. It happens." Beyonce Dream Job: Forensic Anthropology Life motto: “Always do what you're afraid to do.” - E. Lockhart, We Were Liars Fun Fact: I run an Instagram account for my dog @lorelaithecavalier My life in one word: Tired

Club: Millburn High School Grade Level: 10th Favorite Quote: "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end" (Closing Time, Semisonic) Dream Job: Astrophysicist Life Motto: Life is a journey, not a destination. Fun Fact: I have traveled to over 30 countries in the world! My Life in One Word: Joyful

Joy Luo Lieutenant Governor of Division 15

Adriana Chigo Lieutenant Governor of Division 19

Club: North Bergen Grade Level: Sophomore Favorite Quote: "You're not learning, you're just memorizing" I don't know who said this but it was a teacher who brought it up and I've never stopped thinking about it. Dream Job: Medical Examiner Life Motto: just to live in the moment. Fun Fact: I'm currently learning Arabic My life in one word: Sleep

Tracey Peng Lieutenant Governor of Division 20

CJ Ziabakhsh Lieutenant Governor of Division 22

Club: Mountain Lakes High School Key Club Grade Level: 11th Favorite Quote: “You can cut all the flowers but you cannot stop spring from coming.” – Pablo Neruda Dream Job: Scholar/Researcher at the Council of Foreign Relations Life Motto: Love yourself. Fun Fact: My puppy’s previous owners named her Tracey My Life in One Word: Personas

Club: Vernon Township High School Key Club Grade Level: 11th Favorite Quote: "You can be very intelligent, but love, passion and dedication you cannot improvise. Either you have that or not." ~ Dr. Alberto Pena. Life Motto: Helping one person not change the world, may but it could change the world for that one person. Fun Fact: I have a pet turtle named Sebastian. My Life in One Word: Ambition

Andrea Potesta Lieutenant Governor of Division 21

Club: Parsippany Hills Key Club Grade Level: 11th Favorite quote: Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela Dream Job: An interpreter, translator or language teacher Life Motto: “Whoever is happy, will make others happy too” – Mark Twain Fun Fact: My favorite bands are Three Days Grace and Breaking Benjamin! My Life in One Word: Unkempt

Club: MATES Key Club Grade Level: 9th Favorite Quote: “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.” Dream Job: Anesthesiologist Life Motto: Aspire to inspire My Life in One Word: Extraordinary

Taner Drexler Lieutenant Governor At-Large


Kiwanis Family Picnic Every year, over the summer, the New Jersey Kiwanis Family Picnic is held to unite the K-Family in an afternoon of fun! CircleK hosts the picnic and plans exciting activities for guests. The price to attend is $10. At the Kiwanis Family Picnic, you will meet all members of the K-Family, play games like volleyball, do service projects, and overall have an engaging time. This year, the Kiwanis Family Picnic will be held in Green Island Community Association Club House, Toms River, New Jersey on Sunday, July 14th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Ask your Lieutenant Governor if you have any questions!

Sunday, July 14th 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Green Island Community Association Club House Toms River, NJ


What is ICON? By, Edward Hou

International Convention, or ICON, for short, is the annual international gathering of Key Clubbers across the world. ICON is typically held within a notable United States city, but Key Clubbers from faraway places like Jamaica and Taiwan are also in attendance. Attendees of ICON are the representatives of all districts of Key Club International, and they tour the city that ICON is held in, meet Key Clubbers across the world, vote for next year’s International Board, listen to motivating and/or hilarious Keynote speakers, and overall have the experience of a lifetime mingling with friends for a week in a beautiful city far from the stresses of high school. The 2019 International Convention will be held in Baltimore, Maryland, from July 1st to July 7th, with pit-stops in Washington D.C. Sightseeing locations and events include the Museum of American History, a Night tour of the Monuments, the Smithsonian National Zoo (which has pandas!), and Fort McHenry. The registration fee is $825, with the nonrefundable initial deposit of $200 due by Tuesday, April 30th. The price includes the registration fee, rooming for all nights at a 4.5 - 5 star hotel, bus transportation, admission for all listed attractions, and breakfast every morning. The New Jersey District Board is encouraged to continue promoting ICON through the ICON video and ICON flyers, one of which has the registration link within the PDF. If you are in need of money to pay the $825, consider contacting your local Kiwanis club for sponsorship, as well as your Lieutenant Governor! If you are on the fence on whether or not to attend ICON, please, just sign up, for it is a week that is impossible to regret.

Why Should You Go to ICON? By, Raymond Gan This year, Key Club International’s International Convention will be taking place in the beautiful city of Baltimore, Maryland. It is here that you as a fellow key clubber will have the experience of a lifetime, with opportunities unforeseen and chances to create the bonds of a lifetime! New Jersey as a district will also be touring the National Zoo and the Museum of American History, as well as other wonderful tours which will be taking place at the Holocaust Museum, the Capital, and Fort McHenry! If that is not enough to convince you to go, then surely the night tour of our capital’s gorgeous monuments will persuade you! On top of all the fun event that we will be doing as a district, we will also have the chance to attend workshops of a whole new caliber. You will also be given the esteemed honor of electing the new International Board for the 2019-2020 service year! There is plenty of reasons to go to International Convention this year, so why would you not? Hope to see you there!

July 1st-7th Baltimore, Maryland Did You Know?

Our International Trustee is Lamiya Kudrati.

Convention Baltimore Fun Facts As you may know, our Key Club International Convention is quickly approaching. The New Jersey District will be headed to Baltimore, Maryland. Below are some fun facts about Baltimore! • Baseball legend Babe Ruth was born in Baltimore. • The first telegraph line in the world was established between Washington, D.C., and Baltimore in 1844. • Baltimore has more statues and monuments per capita than any other city in the U.S. • Baltimore is home to the USS Constellation, the last Civil War vessel afloat. Built in 1854, the Constellation is the last all-sail warship built by the US Navy. • Baltimore has been known by many nicknames through the years, including Charm City, the City that Reads, the Monumental City, and the City that Believes. • The first umbrella factory in the United States was established in Baltimore in 1828. • The first United States post office system was inaugurated in Baltimore in 1774. • Many historic African Americans have called Baltimore home, including Thurgood Marshall, Frederick Douglass, Isaac Myers, Billie Holiday and Cab Calloway. • Baltimore’s World Trade Center at the Inner Harbor is the world’s tallest five-sided building. (Take the elevator to the 27th floor for a panoramic view of the city.) • Fort McHenry is the birthplace of the American national anthem, written by Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812, when the Fort was defending the Baltimore harbor.

Also, our International Vice President, Hannah Nivar, is from NJ!

Fall Rally “Into the What is Fall Rally? By, Aakaash Margam Have you ever wanted to attend an event that not only brings you closer to other Key Clubbers, but also allows you to enjoy an amusement park for a whole day? Then come to Fall Rally! The 2019 Fall Rally will be on Sunday, October 13th, 2019 at Six Flags Great Adventure, home to the largest gathering of Key Clubbers in Jackson, New Jersey. Fall Rally begins with an hour opening session featuring more information on the District Project of Hunger in New Jersey, listening to an amazing keynote speaker, fighting for the spirit stick, and finding out more about the theme of Fall Rally to explore the jungle of service. After the session, members have the opportunity to enjoy the park for the rest of the day… and only pay half the normal ticket price! This year, the goal for Fall Rally attendance is at least 3,000 Key Clubbers: this goal has been reached before, and the New Jersey District Board believes it can be reached again. Not only is attending Fall Rally a great way to hang out at Six Flags with friends for half the price, but it also allows you to meet Key Clubbers from across the state, exposing you to the District Level of New Jersey and likely changing your perspective on service and how far-reaching Key Club is. For all these reasons, we hope to see you at this year’s Fall Rally on Sunday, October 13th, and wish you good luck exploring the jungle of service!

Planning Transportation By, Taner Drexler

Fall Rally is a super exciting event that attracts a plethora of Key Clubbers from across New Jersey. However, transportation is a recurring problem that many clubs face when planning to attend Fall Rally. For instance, many clubs are very far from the location of Fall Rally at Six Flags Great Adventure. To solve this problem, most clubs take a bus to the event; however, getting a bus is not cheap, and must be organized ahead of time by your school. If your school/club is planning to attend Fall Rally, make sure they organize a bus now, or else they will not be able to get one later on. Another transportation issue is that some clubs can’t afford to bring a bus. As a result, students that want to attend could rely on carpooling with other students, or going on the bus of a another school nearby. Although, make sure you are allowed to ride on the bus of another school to the event, by checking with the school and their Key Club advisor. This seems like a very reliable option, however, some schools have liability policies and can’t allow students from different schools to ride on their busses. Carpooling is a very good alternative to this issue, as you are maximizing efficiency and bringing multiple Key Clubbers with only one vehicle. Once again, make sure your school allows you to carpool, and ride with other students to the event. Overall, Fall Rally is one of the best events Key Club has to offer. Make sure you have a solid plan for transportation, as it could be an issue as well as the reason preventing you from attending such a fantastic event!

October 13th, 2019 Great Adventure Jackson, NJ

Jungle of Service� Conquering Financial Issues By, Yeleena Rivera Fall Rally is the absolute largest gathering of Key Clubbers in all of New Jersey. I mean who wouldn't want to go to Six Flags Great Adventure? The root of most problems with attendance for club members tends to be the cost. One enormous way to counteract this is by fundraising. Although seemingly an obvious answer, fundraising can be a very daunting task. The most important step to fundraising is simply to start early. When starting early you can make more profit because you have more time to plan. A deciding factor when picking a fundraiser is knowing your audience. Make sure that another club is not also doing the same fundraiser or your fundraiser will not do as well. Try and keep up with the supply and demand of your school. For example, in the summer/spring months selling icecream after school could be very profitable but selling that same thing in the winter will not be. As you all may know, many schools do have a problem with selling things during or inside of school. One way to offset this would naturally be using fundraisers outside of school to sell to family and friends. This may work for some but not for others which is why it's important to have variety. Some fundraisers sell candy, some sell frozen pizza and others sell cookie dough. Allowing for diversity will allow for some fundraisers to not do so well without your club having too many problems. Some fundraisers will simply be more successful than others and its important to figure out which will work best for you. Another option or your club to try is canning. When canning, you partner with some of your local stores and stand outside them asking for donations. Many Girl Scouts troops and sports teams already do this so it will not be very out of the ordinary. If this is the fundraiser you choose please make sure to have permission from the store you are choosing to do it in front of and an advisor or guardian present with you at all times. Another Fundraiser to try is to get in touch with a local restaurant. Some restaurants like Chipotle will allow clubs to hold fundraiser where a percentage of the proceeds got to the club. This fundraiser is by far the easiest because all your club has to do is publicise the date. One Fundraiser that is also a service project is bagging items for supermarkets. Stores like shoprite generally participate in this and usually allow you to have a tip jar with you which your club can collect as fundraising. Lastly, what many clubs tend to do is add the payment of dues on top of the fall rally payment and have their members pay all at once. This tends to help so that your members are not constantly asking their parents/guardians for money and you kill two birds with one stone by sending all payments at once. Please don't hesitate to ask your Lieutenant Governor any questions you may have because we are here to service you!

Approval By, Grace Pluemacher The New Jersey District understands there can always be major issues when it comes to planning out Fall Rally. Your club may really want to go, and have many attendees on the list, but there are always things involved with planning that you can’t sometimes control, and can completely ruin all of your plans. The best thing your club can do to ensure the Fall Rally planning process runs smoothly is by starting early! Reach out to your administrators and prospective chaperones before the school year ends. This way everything is set in stone over the summer, rather than the beginning of the school year, which is the busiest time. If you wait until the beginning of the year, approval for a bus and the trip may not be done in time, so instead of stressing, try your hardest to start now.`

DISTRICT UPDATES Hunger in New Jersey An Overview By, Noah Stockwell For the past three years, the New Jersey District Project has been “Hunger in New Jersey”, focusing on families with food insecurity, unsure of where their next meal would come from. We are proud to announce that we will be continuing with this project for the 2019-2020 service year! Many of you reading this are familiar with our project as we have been doing it for so long, which is why our goals have confidently been set to reach $50,000 in monetary donations, 55,000 lbs of food, and 15,000 collective service hours by next year’s District Convention. According to recent statistics, the food insecurity rate is at 13%, with 1,141,890 people being food insecure. By donating to and volunteering at food pantries, we can help lower this statistic, and with this service year being our fourth with Hunger in New Jersey as the District Project, we hope to not just reach our goals, but greatly exceed them. Throughout this service year, you will hear from the District with ways to increase your involvement with the District Project whether it be through you as an individual, or with the help of your entire club. Not only this, but in order to properly track collections of money, food, and service hours, Club Monthly Report Form completion can’t be stressed enough! Please remember to fill out your CMRFs by the tenth of each month. Also, to keep track of monetary donations, we are setting up a new system to mark everything down. If your club plans on sending a check to a local food bank, please first mail the check to Helene Meissner at 201 Broad St, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 along with your school name and the food bank you would like it to be sent to from there. Thank you to everyone for your amazing work this past service year, and lets make this next one our most lucrative!

How to Get Involved By, Haley Garnett

The District Project for the 2019-2020 service year has once again been announced as Hunger in NJ! This means New Jersey Key Club is placing a large focus on reducing hunger and food insecurity around the state. The District Board has set lofty goals for food donated, money raised, and service hours contributed to this project, which means all clubs must get involved and contribute to the cause. The easiest way to do so is attending district events. Almost all district events, such as Fall Rally and RTCs have places where you can donate either food or money to benefit Hunger in NJ. Additionally, proceeds from divisional events, such as volleyball tournaments, all go to the District Project, so simply attending those goes a long way! At a school level, clubs can do various different projects for Hunger in NJ. Clubs can host a food drive, and donate the food to their local food banks. They can also reach out to these food banks, who will often allow students to come in and help pack food, which is a great way to allow general members to serve for the District Project. Additionally, they can ask about making meal kits as a service project, where members can assemble bags of forks, spoons, napkins, etc. for soup kitchens or other facilities to use. Finally, clubs can host events, charge for entry, and donate the proceeds to Hunger in NJ. Movie nights, sports tournaments/other contests, and talent shows are great ways to do this. Ultimately, clubs should do their best to contribute, no matter how small, to the District Project, as any amount goes a long way in reducing hunger in NJ!

Our Impact By, Andrea Potesta For the past five years, Hunger In New Jersey has been our District Project. Over these years Lieutenant Governors have seen lots of success with their clubs, whether it be through monetary donations, food contributions or service hours. Last year, the District raised $88,513, 61,061.63 pounds of food, and 15,208.25 hours, passing the initial goals. According to Feeding America’s 2012 Food Insecurity and Food Costs in the US report, the food insecurity rate is at 13%, with 1,141,890 people being food insecure, in New Jersey. For New Jersey to be one of the richest states in the United States and one of the finest in education, these statistics are staggering. The New Jersey District of Key Club International has been working tirelessly to change these numbers. With a heavy emphasis on accurately recording money this year, the New Jersey District hopes that this change will heavily impact the hunger crisis in NJ and will make sure that the goals are reached accurately. Examples on how you can aid the food insecure are: • Ask your local Key Club or Kiwanis Club on how you can get involved 
 • Volunteer at a local soup kitchen 
 • Participate in divisional events, in which all the proceeds go to Hunger in NJ
 • Attend a food packing event
 Attend events like Fall Rally and District Convention, where cans of food and money are collected

GOALS 55,000 lbs 15,000 hours $50,000

Advocacy Focus Anxiety Awareness and Associated An Overview By, Tracey Peng This year’s advocacy focus is centered around mental health, particularly concerning teenagers. Almost half of the American adolescent population has a diagnosable mental disorder, not counting general stress and anxiety as a result of elevated societal standards. However, while all of us were eager to dive into such a prominent and relatable subject area, mental health itself was an incredibly broad topic. We had originally planned to focus on one category of mental illness each month (i.e. depression and bipolar disorders for May, eating disorders for June, etc.). But, one month is short in the scheme of event and project planning, and simply not enough time to give each subtopic the in-depth attention it deserved. In the end, we decided to narrow our focus to Anxiety, a group of disorders with related conditions with a unifying symptom of persistent, excessive fear or worry in situations that are not threatening. Anxiety disorders are the most common of mental disorders and affect nearly 30 percent of adults at some point in their lives. More than that, however, was the fact that we understand the familiarity of stress in a teenager’s life, and we wanted to be able to offer insight, understanding, and resources. The interconnected nature of mental disorders also urged us to focus on anxiety’s most common comorbid, or co-occurring, disorders. Comorbidity refers to the presence of more than one disorder present within the same person. General anxiety is often comorbid with major depression, while OCD—one of five major types of anxiety disorder—is most frequently diagnosed together with eating disorders. In order to address the different types of anxiety disorder and their associated comorbid disorders, we decided to schedule bimonthly sub-focuses, assigned as such: • • • • •

May–July: August–September: October–November: December-January: February–March:

Social Anxiety Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Comorbid General Anxiety and Depression Comorbid OCD and Eating Disorders Panic Disorders

We will be creating bimonthly newsletters focusing on each subtopic, with articles on the disorder itself, symptoms and treatments, as well as hotlines and professionals to reach out to. We’ll also be sending out occasional self-care tips to encourage a healthier lifestyle that Club Editors can include in their newsletters. A list of possible service projects, such as wellness fairs, yoga day, and etc. will be created for your reference, as well as a list of organizations to partner with. It is our hope to raise awareness about the complexity of anxiety disorders and eliminate the stigma surrounding it. Please remember to support the 2019-2020 New Jersey Key Club Advocacy Focus: Anxiety Awareness and Associated Disorders.


Service Ideas By, Glory Kalu


Mental Illness can be approached through a variety of service projects that you, as a club, can host and create. These projects serve as an advocator of the focus, but should not be an event that directly targets and essentially diagnoses any illness. When trying to tackle a service project, you should go simple and try to focus on a specific mental illness. If you would rather take a general route, then try to create an event that displays information about all mental illnesses. Remember, the main purpose of any service project centered around the Advocacy Focus should promote and raise awareness for the issue. One idea for a service project would be a wellness fair. This is an event where you can promote the various mental illnesses, share various facts surrounding the issue, and hold mini service projects where you make stress balls and write motivational cards. You can invite a Keynote speaker to the event to talk about their experiences with mental illness or share their understanding of it. If you do not want to go as large as a wellness fair then you just make a service project in your club where you create stress balls, write cards, knit, or do any other relaxing activity. If you have a club in your school whose ideals are centered around or are similar to the Advocacy Focus, then team up with them and host an event together. You do not have to take any of these ideas and you can just come up with a service project yourself. Just keep in mind when making your service project to promote mental illnesses, inform others about major facts surrounding mental illnesses, and motivate others to seek help if they need it. We all need to work together to help promote this issue and raise awareness for it in our clubs. By creating and holding events that promote Mental Illness, we can bring the attention of hundreds to the matter and help contribute to the actions towards helping those that suffer from such illness.

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18.1% of the population every year. Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, yet only 36.9% of those suffering receive treatment.

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