The Jersey Key: Volume 69, Issue 1

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INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION • INDIANAPOLIS Let me let you on in on a little secret…I will not be able to capture the whole experience of International Convention 2015. However, I will try my best to put my experience into words that will create a vision into your mind. To give a brief overview, the New Jersey District started its journey for ICON on June 23, 2015 at Burlington/Phillipsburg High School to Indianapolis, Indiana. The trip lasted seven days with around 40 people from both the district board and clubs throughout the district. The road trip was hectic, fun and also tiring as we traveled to Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. DAY 1




From the best of my memory, I remember staying up the night before ICON with excitement and butterflies in my stomach of what was approaching me. 7:00 am, my dad pulled up to Burlington High School. And 30 minutes later we were off to Phillipsburg High School to pick up the rest of the people. After about driving about two hours, we arrived at Hershey, PA to visit Chocolate World. We were able to experience a tour of how chocolate is made and get a complete tour of the area. Afterwards, we drove to Columbus, Ohio for six hours. On the bus ride, it was filled with many games such as BINGO and deep talks with friends. I can remember each time someone fell asleep, many Snapchats were taken. Luckily, we arrived at Columbus, Ohio to visit Magic Mountain. It was a place filled with numerous fun activities such as laser tag, go-carts and even a water ride where I got soaked. The day came to an end soon after at our hotel as we were all tired and couldn’t wait to sleep.

All members of the New Jersey District woke up bright and early for our next road trip to Indy to visit the Indianapolis Speedway. From the amount of corn we saw as we drove to the movies we watched on the bus, every minute, every second was spend with fun. Soon after we arrived at Indianapolis Speedway to get a tour of the whole racetrack. We even got to kiss the bricks which apparently is a tradition. However, with all this fun, we were starving and craving some food. We ended up at Steak and Shake were we each got burgers, fries and milkshake. After eating, we were able to check into the hotel and get settled in. Later that day, ICON kicked off with the Kiwanis World Showcase and a Key Club opening session. The Key Club session was filled with screaming and tremendous amounts of fun. However, the session slowly came to an end and the Meet and Greet. The Meet and Greet had Human Bowling and dance; it was a fun time spending time meeting new people from the world.

The day started off early filled with four workshops in the morning. All members of the New Jersey District were able to learn new information to help them throughout the service year. After the workshops finished, there was a Pancake Lunch on the Circle where IHOP served free pancakes to everyone who came to get one. Later the day, causing began for people running on International Board; it was a long process but it was interesting learning about the different platforms about the candidates. After the long day, it was time for a little fun with a dance. I can clearly remember dancing with different people and having a fun time without being awkward.

As the morning began, House of Delegates was early in the morning. With the new service year beginning, many amendments such as an amendment to an amendment to another amendment were passed. After the short break, it was time for a Recognition Session where editors, treasurers, secretaries and district governors were disguised. Likewise, there was winners of the talent show were Sarah Park, Shannon Peng, Meghan Novela and I (Priya Lad) performed in front of everyone singing and dancing to Hey Soul Sister. Soon after was the Kiwanis Family Bash and Kiwanis Fireworks Night at the Ballpark. We were able to watch a whole baseball game and fireworks. Likewise, there was a Key Club Film Festival were they showed different short clips of Key Club videos throughout the night.





Saturday morning was filled with workshops once again and afterwards there was a Kiwanis Launch for the Next 100 Years and Closing session. We were able to learn about how Key Club started up and the history behind it throughout the centuries. It was busy day but we got to cool off by going to the HelloGoodbye Concert.

We checked out early in the morning and headed straight to Indianapolis Zoo were we were able to see different animals and even a dolphin show. Likewise, we drove to Sandusky Ohio for six hours.

Monday was a day to visit Cedar Point Amusement Park. With my friends and I, we went to all the rides in the park and ended up coming back early due to the weather. However, we spent the rest of the day swimming in the pool and using the hot tub.

Unfortunely, the trip was coming to an end fast as we visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio. We ended seeing the different outfits and historical background of different artists. However, afterwards, we began our long journey back home.

ICON 2015 was one of the highlights of my summer. Many bonds were formed and true idea of having a second family was born. I would like to thank everyone who ttended because it was one of the best experiences I had.

This year, during the International Convention’s House of Delegates session, three new bylaws were proposed and passed by delegates from Key Clubs all over the world. The three amendments were: Article V: Organizing and Chartering of ClubsSection 1- A Key Club may be established in a high school or community based organization that does not have a chartered Key Club upon petitioning Key Club International. Article VI: Club OperationsSection 1- The recognized officers of each Key Club shall be the president, one or more vice presidents, the secretary, the treasurer, the editor, webmaster and technology associated positions, and one director from each class. These officers shall constitute the board of directors of the club and shall have such duties as shall be prescribed in the club and/or district bylaws. All officers shall be active members in good standing of the club.

Section 2- The president, vice president(s), secretary, treasurer, bulletin editor and webmaster and technology associated position of the club should be elected at a meeting in February. These officers-elect shall serve as observing members of the board of directors from February to May in order to become more familiar with the administration of the club and shall take office in May, service for one year or until their successors are duly elected. The outgoing president and secretary shall promptly certify to the Key Club International director the names of the newly elected officers. Article IX: Districts Section 6- The officers of each district shall be the district governor, one lieutenant governor for each division of the district, the secretary, the treasurer, (or the secretary-treasurer), the bulletin editor (where applicable), the Webmaster (where applicable), and technology associated positions and such other nonvoting officers as called for in the district bylaws. These officers shall constitute the board of the district and shall have such duties as prescribed in the district bylaws. Each officer shall be an active member in good standing. This amendment was not passed. Section 7-The district officers shall be elected at the annual district convention in the manner prescribed in the district bylaws except in such cases where bylaws call for lieutenant governor elections at prescribed divisional caucuses prior to the annual convention. In the case of the bulletin editor, webmaster and technology associated positions, the district shall have the prerogative of appointing or electing them. They shall begin their official duties immediately following induction and shall serve for one year or until their successors are duly elected. Article V’s amendment discusses the building of new clubs in schools that already have one, saying that there is no need for multiple. This was the most controversial amendment because it was aimed primarily at the CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Kiwin’s District, as they overlap with the California-Nevada-Hawaii district, and are forced to have to build Key Clubs in school’s that already have one because CNH is the largest district. The motion, however, passed, and left many Kiwiner’s disappointed. Article VI’s amendment discusses the position of Webmaster and any other technology based positions at the club level being elected rather than being appointed. Many people approved this because they believed the position of club webmaster to be a vital one to the club’s success. Very similarly, Article IX’s amendment discusses the position of Webmaster and technology based position at the district level being elected as well. Although being a very heated session, this year’s House of Delegates proved to be very successful and worthwhile!

International Programs, one of the three standing committees on New Jersey District Board, aims to promote outside organizations that share the K-Family’s service goals, inform Key Clubbers throughout the District about global issues, and help shape the world around us by combining with the forces of UNICEF, March of Dimes, and the Children’s Miracle Network. We also focus on our Vision Partners, which are organizations that partner with Key Club International to tackle a set goal, or vision, together as a team. Namely, Key Club International is partnered with Nickelodeon “The Big Help”, Landscape Structures, the U.S Army, Rustic Pathways, and the Hershey Company. Together, we provide educational and service opportunities to students across the globe! On the committee, LTGs Emma Clark and Iskander Turan serve as Committee Cochairs, with LTGs Sarah Remig, Josh Mariscal, Tom Beeby, and Stephania Gonzalez as Committee members, and Mr. Guenther as the Committee advisor. We, as a team, find great joy in learning other ways to better our homes, schools, and communities from these other great charities, and we will continue to fundraise together and promote each other so we can leave a bigger impact on the world.

District Convention, also called DCON, is a weekend gathering of hundreds of New Jersey Key Clubbers at the Ocean Place Resort in Long Branch, New Jersey to celebrate the new service year! DCON has plenty of fun activities to keep everyone involved all weekend. With a service project, two dances to mingle with Key Clubbers from all over the state at, and plenty of new friends to be made it was one of the best experiences for a New Jersey Key Clubber. DCON also has a lot of inspiration and information to offer. Workshops to teach you more about how you can improve your home, schools, and communities, the electing of the 2015-2016 District Executive Board, and inspirational speakers are sure to inspire you to be the best Key Clubber you can be! After a 5-year hosting of the ELIMINATE project as our district project, the new 2015-2016 district project was also revealed to be supporting the New Jersey Federation of Food Banks. The new District Executive Board was also elected, as they are at DCON every year. After an initial caucusing, the candidates were elected ar the House of Delegates and the new Executive District Board was announced on the last day of the convention. Josie Suddeth from Southern Regional High School was elected District Governor, Secretary Sarah Park* from Millburn High School was elected District Secretary, Bobbie Boettinger from West Essex High School was elected District Treasurer, David Guirgis from Dr. Ronald E. McNair Academic High School was elected District Editor and Shannon Peng from Millburn High School was appointed District Webmaster! DCON 2015, hosted by Jackson Memorial Key Club and the 2014-2015 New Jersey District Board, was an amazing experience for everyone involved and we can’t wait to see you there next year! *As of August 2015, Immediate Past LTG of Division 11 Farwa Shakeel has replaced Ms. Park as District Secretary.

REGISTER HERE Be sure to visit for news and information regarding Key Leader!

Key Leader: a weekend leadership program for today's young leaders. This life-changing event focuses on service leadership as the first, most meaningful leadership development experience. A Key Leader will learn the most important lesson of leadership; it’s from helping others succeed. 

Learn about the inner workings of effective leadership!

Make connections and lasting friendships with the people you meet!

Registration is $175 by November 20, with a late fee of $25 if you register after this date. Students who have attended Key Leader before may apply to become a student facilitator; their registration will cost $115. December Key Leader is open to high school-age non-Key Clubbers and Key Clubbers alike!




On May 1st, the Bloomfield High School Key Club hosted its annual Coffee House, a social gathering and open mic night for high school students. The Coffee House brought Key Club together with other students in a way that few events could because it is an event that could not have been as successful without outside help. Those who signed up gave phenomenal performances that kept the crowd engaged. The Television Arts teacher of Bloomfield High and "I, Ventriloquist," a local band, lent vital equipment, including amplifiers and microphone stands. Donuts, cupcakes, and delicious brownies were donated by members of a Bloomfield Key Club. The hard work and donations that everyone involved invested into this event made it a memorable one that strengthened the bond between members and gave future members a look into what a Key Club can really achieve.

Relay For Life is an event run by the American Cancer Society in which people are encouraged to raise money for cancer research. The Clark Relay For Life took place on June 13th. This year, in memory of Tylor Collins, a classmate who lost his battle to Ewing Sarcoma after two long years, the Arthur L. Johnson Key Club decided to support a team called "Tylor's Soldiers". The team was made up of many of Tylor's family members, friends and people in the community who realize the devastation of losing someone at such a young age. The team spent twelve hours on the field of the high school and each member walked at least twenty laps raising $6,771.There was a lap dedicated to Tylor and another for Ewing Sarcoma. The 2015 Relay For Life in Clark was a great way to help keep Tylor's memory alive, and we continue to have a better and better turnout each and every year.



On June 15, 2015, County Prep High School's Key Club officers decided to turn their biweekly meeting into a service project. How so? They took advantage of the fact everyone was present at their meeting to make letters that would then be delivered to Veterans for Memorial Day. County Prep Key Club President Chengru Long said, "Our Key Club wanted to show appreciation for our veterans for their dedication and bravery, so during one of our club meetings, we decided to send them letters. Our club officers and members had fun writing and decorating the letters. Altogether, we managed to write over 50 letters! It was a great experience and I definitely plan to do this with my club more often."

This May, High Technology High School held a stuffed animal drive for SAFE, or Stuffed Animals For Emergencies, which is an organization focused on providing children who have suffered traumatic situations such as hurricanes or fires with small comforts such as stuffed animals, toys, or books. This organization is dedicated to such a great cause, and by holding a stuffed animal drive, High Tech was able to make a huge difference! In total, they collected 450 items, which is incredible! This just shows what a difference a passion for helping others can do for your community. Drives can be very successful and are fairly easy to set up, try one at your school this service year!

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