Jersey Key V71, I1

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Volume 71, Issue 1

Official Publication of the New Jersey District of Key Club International


District Messages


Administrator’s Address


Executive and Webmaster Comments


District Convention 2017


Regional Training Conferences


International Convention and Farewells


Fall Rally 2017


District Project


Advocacy Focus


Stepping into Circle K


Summer Service Ideas


Club Service




2017-2018 service year

This service year, I have already seen such amazing service come to life, from the district, divisional, and club levels. It is so inspiring to see what we can all achieve as Key Clubbers around the state, and I think it’s incredibly important for all Key Clubbers and advisors alike to see what other clubs have been doing—to spread the love of service while showcasing what a dedicated group of students can accomplish together. With that, I encourage you all to send in photos and articles about your latest service projects to jerseykeysubmissions1718@gmail .com so you can be featured in this publication for your hard work!

Jersey Key Vol. 71, I1

Editor’s note: District Editor Hayley Beluch

Keep on serving and inspiring!


As I sit here writing this be serving you all as your 201 and hardworking Lieutenant everything they can from the purpose is to aid all of you in any of us with questions or co I, personally, have been District Treasurer all the whi honestly say from both a clu Jersey Key are incredibly impo magazine, you can get ideas f we will be holding and overall This year the District Bo will tackle Hunger in NJ. I c community even stronger. Jus line of homeless and hungry try to serve on a daily basis, o helping, I implore you to trul important part of our Advoca order to prevent Suicide in ou Thank you so much for help you in any way that you your experiences as members With that, I leave you Conferences and Fall Rally!

District Messages Governor’s note: District Governor Ciara Clarkin

introduction, I can honestly say that I could not be more happy nor honored to 17-2018 District Governor! Throughout the District, you have all elected amazing Governors and I promise that I will help them to make sure your clubs get e NJ District and Key Club International as a whole. The District Board’s main n serving your homes, schools and communities, so never be hesitant to contact oncerns! on the District Board two previous years serving as Lieutenant Governor and ile being an avid member of Vernon Township High School’s Key Club. I can ub member’s perspective and that of a board member that these issues of the ortant and house a lot of information from across New Jersey. Here, in this very for future service projects and fundraisers, learn more about the District events l learn more about Key Club! oard has changed a lot, from our Advocacy focus: Suicide Prevention, to how we can ensure everyone that these changes will only make our resolve to help the st the other day, I was in Newark getting on a train to Manhattan when I saw the people just waiting for food. It broke my heart and it reminded me of who we our District Project is Hunger in NJ and although we know it is people we are ly look beyond the food can and see the people. Seeing the people is also a very acy focus, we hope this year that we can advocate against bullying in all forms in ur community. taking the time to read this! As I said before, the District Board is available to u need so definitely feel free to contact us. Our goal is to make your clubs and the best it can be. all to peruse the magazine! I can’t wait to see you all at Regional Training 5

Administrator’s Address District Administrator Kaitlin McCann As we close out another amazing service year, I feel compelled to begin with expressing my gratitude for our faculty advisors. Working in a school is a busy, challenging and rewarding position. The best advisors are not just great staff members, but are willing to take on additional work to improve the lives of the students in your school. Thank you for giving of your time and yourself for your students. The best advisors also sign on for projects on weekends, Great adventure on a Sunday and a weekend long convention- and so many do it with a smile. THANK YOU. Our students would not be the amazing leaders they are without your coaching, understanding and patience. Our clubs would not raise thousands of dollars to improve the lives of those who are hungry in New Jersey. Our divisions could not be as strong without your efforts. New Jersey Key Club could not exist without you. As we look to another service year, we hope to continue our great work together. Please reach out to the Kiwanis Committee on Key Club and let us know what you would like to see remain the same, what changes we can make for the future and if you have any questions. To our students: Thank you for your service. If you are a graduating senior, we are grateful for the time you have spent in the organization. We are grateful for your service and leadership. We hope that you will consider joining Circle K in college or Kiwanis if you are going to the workforce. Our world needs your service to continue. Our world needs your leadership on our campuses and in our businesses. For our underclassmen, you have the unique ability to continue your service to your school this upcoming year. Look out for unique opportunities to hone your voice and to help out in any way you can. The lessons you learn in Key Club and the experiences you have will help you grow and be times you will not forget. Thank you for making the decision to join Key Club and include us in your high school years. Our world is a better place because of people like you.

“We often take granted the ve things that most serve our gratitu -Cynthia Ozic


e for ery t deude.� ck 7

Executive and Webmaster Comments Secretary’s note: District Secretary Abi Santos Hello New Jersey District! My name is Abi Santos, District Secretary for this service year. And as the service year goes on, here are a few reminders.  Please remember to fill out the club roster form! We would like to be able to contact the correct officers. Thank you to those schools who have already filled out the form!  Please remember to fill out the Club Monthly Report Form. This is due on the 10th of every month. Each division has their own individual link, and all of these links can be found on the New Jersey Key Club website. Thank you to those clubs who have filled out the CMRFs!  Tips for organizing: Create a spreadsheet with all of the names of the members in your club, list of activities, and hours per member. This can really help you fill out CMRFs, and eventually the Annual Achievement Report Form at the end of the year. Always feel free to contact me at anytime with any questions or concerns! Let’s make this service year the best it can be!

From left to right: District Treasurer Courtney Vita, District Secretary Abi Santos, District Governor Ciara Clarkin, District Editor Hayley Beluch


Treasurer’s note: District Treasurer Courtney Vita I hope you are having a great start to the new service year and I wish you the best. A big part of Key Club is paying dues so we are able to hold functions, such as Fall Rally and DCON. Dues also help your club run smoothly. Early Bird dues are due November 1st and Regular dues are due December 1st. Dues are $13.50, but you can charge up to 5 extra dollars to help your club’s finances. Dues truly help the district operate, so if you have any questions regarding the process this year, always feel free to reach out to myself or your LTG for help.

Webmaster’s note: District Webmaster Svanik S. Hello New Jersey District! This is your 2017-2018 District Webmaster here and I am thrilled to tell you about the district website! Did you know that clubs can now host their own club websites on the district website? If you don’t want to worry about spending money on website hosting visit for more information on how to set it up. Also have you checked out my tutorial videos on how to build a website from scratch? I go through two different ways to build a website, one is more in-depth and goes through programming it using HTML and CSS, and the other route is through the use of a free website builder. You can find more information about it at Lastly there are some fun Easter eggs that I have hidden throughout the site, good luck on finding them! 9

District Convention Lieutenant Governor Stephanie Shen From Friday, March 31st to Sunday, April 2nd, hundreds upon hundreds of Key Clubbers from around the state of New Jersey gathered around the Ocean Place a Resort and Spa in Long Branch for DCON and Beyond. This was the 71st annual District Convention and was absolutely out of this world. Each club sent two representatives to cast their vote for the new executive board for the 2017-2018 service year. New Jersey has elected Ciara Clarkin as a District Governor, Abi Santos as District Secretary, Courtney Vita as District Treasurer, and Hayley Beluch as District Editor. In addition, Svanik Shirodkar was installed as our District Webmaster. Everyone in attendance had the distinct pleasure of hearing the Keynote Speaker Ben Nemtin, a best-selling author and the cocreator of The Buried Life, a popular MTV show. Ben and a few friends famously went on a two-week road trip to cross items off a list of "100 things to do before you die," while helping strangers do the same for every item they completed. Ben and his friends even played basketball with former President Barack Obama! Nemtin wrote What Do You Want To Do Before You Die and has since appeared on famous talk shows and presented at over 300 colleges, businesses, and non-profit events. In addition, we also had the privilege of hearing Evan Wesley present about the Thirst Project. He is the director of Student Activation for this project and has spoken to over 75,000 students as a Keynote speaker, discussing the issues of the water cerise while working and speaking groups including the United Nations, UNICEF, Student Council, and Key Club. Evan. Urgently works closely with the government and Kingdom of Swaziland to build freshwater wells for communities in need. The prestigious International Key of Honor award and the Dr. Andrew Batsis New Jersey Key of Honor are the most coveted honors bestowed by Key Club International and the New Jersey District. These awards recognize individuals who have gone above and beyond on dedicating their time and effort to serving the youth of our homes, schools, and communities. In order to receive the award, individuals must be nominated through recommendation letters, have an application handed in by the Key of Honor deadline, and he reviewed by the International or District Board. The recipient of the 2017 Key of Honor award was our very own Stephen Gandley. Mr. Gandley will formally receive his recognition 10 at International Convention this year in San Antonio.

2017 Our District Project, The New Jersey Federation of Food Banks, revealed the totals all New Jersey Key Clubbers have raised in one service year. Through donations, selling baked good, and many other ways, Key Clubbers have raised $49,233.29. The total amount of pounds of non-perishables received was 44,675 pounds; think about all the meals these donations provided. None of this would have been possible without Key Clubbers’ community service, 11,679.65 hours of which was spent at their local food banks, holding can drives at school, and selling baked goods. With all of your help we can continue to feed New Jersey residents struggling with hunger. For the 2016-2017 service year, the New Jersey chose ‘Hunger in New Jersey’ as the new service project. The New Jersey district is still partnered with the New Jersey Federation of Food Banks, but we all decided as a collective group to shorten the name to get the message out easier. On the second night of District Convention was the district board auction, during which all twenty-two Lieutenant Governors and the Executive Board were auctioned off for one spectacular dance. This event was a big success and gave Key Clubbers around the state to meet those who serve them on the District Board. On Sunday Morning, the host club of the convention, Livingston High School, led participants in a walk around the hotel. The annual walk was to be outside, but weather conditions prohibited such. The District thanks Livingston for orchestrating this event, as well as ensuring that the entire weekend ran smoothly. Also on Sunday Morning was the farewell session, which concluded the proceedings of the weekend. Scholarships and awards were given out, the District Project was unveiled, old board members were retired and new members installed, and the 2017-2018 service year began.


“This year's DCON was a blast! The sessions were helpful, as always, and the chance to meet and get to know new Key Clubbers as well as spend more time bonding with the members in my club made it another unforgettable experience.“

Lauren Kim, Tenafly

“DCON was a wonderful experience where I bonded with Key Clubbers from around the whole district. I loved being inspired by the keynote speaker, watching fellow Key Clubbers show off their talents, and celebrating all of the successes of this past year. The best part of the weekend for me was listening to so many of the attendees listing a few of their biggest dreams; it showed me how passionate and motivated the entirety of the New Jersey District of Key Club really is. I developed amazing memories with my own officer board from my school, and we all had a great time meeting other club members as well.”

“DCON was a great expe more about being a lead At caucusing I had the op would later be elected to Delegates I saw that I pla The speakers were very i skills on topics such as pu favorite part of the conv room when hundreds of have the same goals in m

Jillian Kenny, Bridgewater-Raritan

Taryn Ross, Bridgewater 12

“Every year, DCON gets better than the year before. For me, DCON is an awesome experience spent with some of my best friends, where we can learn more about Key Club, service, and how to grow as individuals. This year's convention featured some of the best keynote speakers I have ever heard. One was even from MTV! As always, my friends and I look forward to going to the nighttime dances and socials, and this year they did not fail to disappoint. We even got the chance to win what we came for – the spirit stick! I recommend every Key Clubber goes to DCON next year; I promise you, you will have the time of your life. “ Chris Melillo, Southern Regional

“This year was my first time at DCON and it was an awesome experience! Everything was so much more than I could ever imagine! There was so much to do from participating in workshops, listening to keynote speakers and learning more about Key Club, to hanging out with friends, walking on the boardwalk, and meeting new people. All in all I had an unforgettable time and can't wait to attend next year!” Zach Cartnick, MATES

erience and gave me the opportunity to learn er as well as grow closer with my fellow officers. pportunity to ask questions to candidates that o run our New Jersey District and in the House of ayed a role in more than just my school’s club. inspirational and workshops taught me good ublic speaking and planning events. All in all, my vention was being able to feel the energy in the key clubbers joined together because we all mind and kindness in our hearts.”

r-Raritan 13

Spring Regional Trai Conferences Lieutenant

What are RTC’s and Why should I attend? Regional Training Conferences (RTC) is an event meant to give general members and officers a deeper look into their role in Key Club and the importance of our operations. This event always starts at 9am and ends at 1pm, no matter the date or location. At RTC’s, the district board will give a sneak peak to Fall Rally and ICON 2018. Members will be able to meet the district board and bond with other members during fun icebreakers. Of course, breakfast and lunch will be provided for free! We also offer workshops, to teach officers how to navigate the next year in their new positions and overall, give them more confidence in the tremendous job that they are taking on. RTC’s are not only for officers but it is open to any member, new or old. If you’re interested in running for a position or learning about how you can help raise awareness of Teen Suicide, our 2017-2018 Advocacy Focus, this is the event for you!


Check out njkeyclub on social media and YouTube to see videos and pictures about the RTCs!

ining Governor Stephanie Shen

The spring RTCs at Burlington Township High School and Phillipsburg High School on May 20th and 21st were a success! The theme being Finding Nemo, the attendees were exposed to the vast oceans of service, where we were able to inform all of them with different leadership skills while getting to know many other Key Clubbers from around the state. It was swimmingly awesome! The decorations and hard work from the host clubs really set the mood for Key Clubbers to embrace their love for Finding Service. Both of the RTCs held were full of learning, rock paper scissor games, and overall fun! New friends were made between clubs in the district and many people were able to win prizes in our raffles. Couldn’t go to the Spring RTCs? Don’t worry! There are still 3 more opportunities that you could go to in the Fall! Join the district board and Key Clubbers from around the state on September 16th at Millville High School, September 17th at Montville High School, and September 24th at Arthur L. Johnson High School. This is a perfect way to start off the school year and inform the members of your clubs on what is going on in the district and how they can help and lead different events. There will be multiple workshops teaching different leadership skills that will help your clubs set the service year to the max! We hope to see all of you at the RTCs! 15

International Conventio Lieutenant Governor Brooke Gallo International Convention is an annual event at which Key Clubbers from all around the globe come together. Celebrating a love for service and helping others, everyone attends workshops, dances, and sessions like no other. Last year, ICON was held in Atlanta, Georgia, but this year, our District will be traveling to San Antonio, Texas for an incredible District Tour before heading to convention. Visiting places like the San Antonio Zoo, the Alamo, and Ripley’s Believe it or Not, all attendees will be immersed in Texan culture, history, and food. Once convention begins, attendees have the chance to meet Key Clubbers from the Caribbean to Canada, elect the new International Board, and make friendships that are intertwined with the organization. If you can’t attend this year for the 74th annual convention from July 2-9, start saving now for next year’s in the wonderful city of Chicago! See you there! 16


San A

As an ambitiou of these clubs requir open arms, regards o inclusiveness. My school Key to the club because o other but to everyon unique nonprofit org By the end of start my term. Durin more and the club ra hoped to continue th the best spontaneous As Lieutenant was full of joy and d monthly newsletters, to a close I had one Governor and an Int International Trustee Soon came Int The International Tr the eleven Internatio As an Internat Alabama and Kentuc around me. I was ble though I was hundre Key Club will be lost in. I discover a love of service with It has been the


ly 2-9


Farewell: IT Shinbee Park Shinbee Park is serving as our 2016-2017 International Trustee. International Trustees are passionate individuals who serve not just in their district, but also help connect three different districts to the International Board. Shinbee, a member of the Capital District, was the IT for the New Jersey, Alabama, and Kentucky-Tennessee districts this past year.

us freshman, I searched for clubs, leadership positions and activities I could participate in. Many red one to pass an interview, or test to join, but not Key Club. Key Club welcomed anyone with of your qualifications or background. This exemplifies my favorite Key Club core value:

y Club had only 15 members when I joined. Despite its small number of participants, I felt drawn of what it stood for. The members displayed acts of kindness and generosity, not only to each ne. As a freshman representative, I enjoyed interacting with the various service projects and ganizations. the freshman, I decided to run for Club President. I secure the position and was so excited to ng my term as president, membership grew to 52 a 400% increase, service projects were assigned aised $1,100 for the Eliminate Project. I felt the impact that our club had on our community and hat. Out of the blue, I decided to run for Lieutenant Governor of Division 6A. This would be s decision I have ever made in my life. Governor, I met so many people who share the same passion as me. The Capital District Board dedication, as well as the adult board. This term went by so fast, with all the assignments and , I loved working with a diverse group of people to accomplish the same feats. As my term came more year of Key Club and I searched what I could do. My heart was torn between District ternational position. After several talks with my advisors and friends, I decided to seek for e. ternational Convention in Atlanta, where I never been so nervous and anxious about anything. rustee election process was string hung with series of challenges. After winning a spot of one of onal Trustee position, I felt so thrilled and lighthearted. tional Trustee, I had the chance to travel to the three districts I served, including New Jersey, cky-Tennessee. At these trips, I learned so much from the board, adults and the environment essed to encounter such passionate and caring individuals who made me feel at home, even ed miles away from Delaware. never be just an organization to me; instead it is a family, a friend and a community I will never red how no matter where you are in the world, Key Club will connect you with people who share h you. Key Club taught me how to be kind, open and never take the opportunities for granted. e greatest honor to serve as a Key Club member. 17

Devin Sun

When I joined Key C most defining experience in it, both as a Lieutenant would soon come to find away from home. My relationship with afraid. In addition to adap learning the ins and outs Suffice to say, it was not e individuals that would gu mentors emerged, and th Club career—and for the Those same individu home club gave me the in Division 12 of the New J me the foundations upon International Board allow came to lead. Now, as my term as y upon the past several year friends that we would not attest to firsthand. And th ways that we had thought

Farewell: IP Devin Sun

At this year’s International Convention, International President Devin Sun will be r serving his community throughout his years in high school, Devin Sun has been an Club values within his home district, NJ, as well as the entire international organiza District is proud to have such an amazing individual as part of its legacy. 18

Club three years ago, I had never imagined it to become one of the es of my life. To be frank, I joined because my brother was involved t Governor and a District Secretary. But over the next few years, I d a community of like-minded individuals that I could call my home

h Key Club at its conception was all but smooth. I was new and pting to a new environment in high school, I was also tasked with of Key Club—and at the time, specifically those of the district level. easy. On the District Board, I found a welcoming group of uide me on my journey. Almost immediately, new friends, allies, and hose individuals would stay by my side for the remainder of my Key ese individuals, I am forever grateful. uals have made me who I am today: your International President. My nitial support that allowed me to become Lieutenant Governor of Jersey District my freshman year. My 2014-2015 District Board gave n which I built my character and leadership. And my 2015-2016 wed me a cosmopolitan perspective on the organization which I soon

your International President nears its end, I find myself reflecting rs. During that time, we have performed much service, made many t have met otherwise, and exceeded our expectations—that, I can hat is what I love about Key Club: the ability for it to surprise us in t were impossible.

retired. Passionately n inspiring example of Key ation. The New Jersey

To surprise us in ways that we had thought were impossible 19

Fall Rally 2017 Board? Attend NJ Key Club’s Fall Rally!

Get it?

Lieutenant Governor Alex Ryan New Jersey Key Club – Fall Rally is fast approaching! Fall Rally is the largest gathering of Key Clubbers at Six Flags Great Adventure. During the rally, attendees get to watch and listen to Keynote Speakers, listen to addresses from the District Board, and meet other Key Clubbers. This is a great time to make lasting friendships, learn more about the district, and of course - ride rollercoasters and enjoy Fright Fest! After the rally is over, all the attendees are allowed to roam the park freely until closing! Fall Rally has a theme every year, and this year the theme is Monopoly! Be prepared to Pass Go and collect $200, because Fall Rally 2017 is going to be an amazing event.

Contact your LTG for registration information, so you can join us at Six Flags for Fall Rally!


Fall Rally Keynote Speaker

The Thirst Project was founded in 2008 and focuses on the global water crisis. Evan was 19 when he first learned of the horrors that countless people must go through to get water; that many have to drink dirty, contaminated water that causes them to become sick. He learned that 1.1 billion people don’t have access to clean drinking water, and realized that things have to change. Just like in Key Club, he knew that advocacy was just as important as physical labor and so he and his friends passed out water bottles in LA on a warm day and simply spoke to people about the ongoing epidemic. They spoke with around 1,000 people. And the amazing thing is that people gave back. They turned their $70 worth of water bottles into $1,700. And with this money, they brought clean water to a suffering community. But their story doesn’t end here, it begins. After their success, they were approached by many schools to come and speak with their students regarding their ‘organization’. After visiting a few schools and growing their funds, Evan and his friends understood the importance of their actions, and thus The Thirst Project was created. Today, seven years later from that initial, crucial decision to make a difference, The Thirst Project has been able to help over 280,000 people gain access to clean water and raise over $8 million to fund their projects. Evan Wesley is an inspiring self-proclaimed “Chief Big Kid” and works extremely hard to better the biggest community of all, the world. The New Jersey District Board hopes that you’re able to attend Fall Rally to be able to hear Evan’s motivation story! 21

Lieutenant Governor Evan Oberthaler

This year’s Keynote speaker for Fall Rally is none other than The Thirst Project’s founder, Evan Wesley! If you were at DCON 2017 than you already know about all the amazing work that the Thirst Project has done, but if you weren’t you should come to Fall Rally and learn about this amazing organization!

2017-2018 District Project Hunger in NJ Lieutenant Governor Maureen McLean Lieutenant Governor Milan Patel The New Jersey District of Key Club International has chosen Hunger in New Jersey as our 2017-2018 District Project. For the third year in a row, the New Jersey District is teaming up with the New Jersey Federation of Food Banks to provide meals to our very own communities. The New Jersey Federation of Food Banks includes five different food banks: NORWESCAP, Mercer Street Friends, the Food Bank of South Jersey, the Foodbank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties, and the Community Foodbank of New Jersey, which has two separate locations. 56,000 lbs While we consider our dedicated work combatting hunger in New Jersey last year to be a success, we recognize that it was only a step towards $60,000 our overall goal: eliminating hunger across the state altogether. Based on our results last year and our expectations for this year, the District Project Steering 14,000 hrs Committee has come up with the following goals: 14,000 hours of service, $60,000 of fundraising, and 56,000 pounds of food collected. With enough attention and effort, we not only believe that these goals are feasible but also capable of being surpassed. There are plenty of ways to support the District Project. From hosting food drives and collections at club meetings, to participating in district wide events, like the Spike Out Hunger District Volleyball Tournament, the possibilities are endless. Food banks and food pantries are in constant need of volunteers, and a great way to directly see the output of your service. New Jersey Key Clubbers, with your commitment and dedication to service, we can meet and exceed the goals we’ve set and continue to fight hunger right here in New Jersey. All in all, we are excited to continue our work against Hunger in New Jersey and join with you, the New Jersey District of Key Club International, in fighting this issue that affects so many of our friends, neighbors, and community members. Let’s extend our focus and drive from last year’s progress to this service year, and make it our most meaningful one yet. Let’s truly put an end to Hunger in New Jersey. 22

2017-2018 Advocacy Teen Suicide with an Focus

Emphasis on Bullying

Each service year, the New Jersey District Board chooses a different Advocacy Focus. The goal of the Advocacy Focus is not to raise money or reach a certain number of service hours, but to simply raise awareness. There are millions of issues in which surround our communities, but many of them fail to even be recognized. Advocacy is to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. The Advocacy Focus does just this by shedding light on issues that many people do not know much about or commonly receive false or stereotypical information on. This year, the New Jersey District Board has chosen the 2017-18 Advocacy Focus to be Teen Suicide with an Emphasis on Bullying. Many people know that Teen Suicide exists and many people know that many teens suffer from bullying everyday, but what many people fail to recognize is the impact that is has in their own community and the steps that can be taken in order to fight the issue. The first step to making a difference is awareness. Suicide is remains the third leading cause of death for youth in New Jersey. According to the New Jersey Youth Suicide Report from the New Jersey Department for Children and Families, 269 youth between the ages of 10-24 successfully committed suicide between 2013-2015. Not only this, but between these same years, 2,731 youth in New Jersey were treated in hospital emergency rooms because of suicide attempts or self-inflicted injury. Nationally, New Jersey’s suicide rate was one of the lowest, but in the last couple years, has increased upwards of 13 percent to tie for the second highest suicide rate in the United States. Teen Suicide has become an extremely underrated floating in a sea of false information and stereotypes, but in reality, Teen Suicide is becoming a bigger and bigger issue in New Jersey and each case is different in its own reasoning and complexity. So why might a teen decide to commit suicide? There are a number a different reasons why a teen might decide to take their own life, but one of the more prevalent causes of teen suicide specifically is bullying. Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, according to studies by Yale University. And according to statistics reported by ABC News, nearly 30 percent of students are either bullies or victims of bullying, and 160,000 kids stay home from school every day because of fear of bullying. One of the ways to bring advocacy to the problem of Teen Suicide is to bring awareness to one of its root sources. Although bullying is not the only cause of Teen Suicide, the bullying that many teens receive in their adolescent years is one of the main causes of feelings such as anxiety and depression that can lead to suicidal thoughts. Many people do not realize that it is their own actions that have the potential to lift somebody up or to bring somebody down. You have the power to help. Help the New Jersey District of Key Club support the fight against Teen Suicide by raising awareness and distributing the promotional materials to your club and school that will provided by the New Jersey District of Key Club throughout the upcoming service year. Promotional material will be sent out to all the Key Clubs as it becomes available. Key Clubs are not expected to complete any service hours or raise any funds for the Advocacy Focus, but are expected to help in the effort to raise awareness. Awareness is the first step to making a difference. In the upcoming service year, help New Jersey Key Club break the stigmas surrounding Teen Suicide and Bullying and bring attention to those around us on the seriousness of this issue.

Lieutenant Governor Madeleine Eichorn 23

The next step in the K-Family Lieutenant Governor Frank D’Agostino Circle K International (CKI) is the premier collegiate and university community service, leadership development, and friendship organization in the world. All 13,770 members worldwide strive to have a positive impact on the world every day. CKI blends community service and leadership training with the opportunity to meet other college students around the world. This integral part of the KFamily is the next step after Key Club, and is an amazing way to continue serving your home, schools, and communities. To join CKI, there are a few general requirements. First, you must be willing to serve. You also must show a commitment to humankind, and a dedication and adherence to the organization's ideals. If you found your passion for serving others throughout your time in Key Club, Circle K may just be the next step for you. If interested, contact your local college club or contact Circle K at this email:



Lieutenant Governor Kristen Nyampong

Club Service Roxbury High School

African Library Project

The African Library Project is a non-profit where we send books to this organization, who ensures they get delivered to villages throughout countries of Africa. It takes 1,000 books and roughly $500 to start a library. To date, the Key Club has collected over 46,000 books and have helped start 31.5 libraries. With this year’s total it should reach 50,000 books total and add a couple more libraries. These books have been shipped to Malawi, Swaziland, Botswana, Lesotho, and more! They provide an opportunity for education, where students otherwise wouldn’t have had the resources.


More than 400 Roxbury High School students, some alumni, and friends from surrounding districts spent last Friday night and early Saturday morning dancing the night away to raise money and support for the fight against pediatric cancer in the Roxbury High School Gymnasium.

Mike Gottfried, Key Club co-advisor and co-overseer of the Mini-Thon shared, “we are still in disbelief about how successful our fundraiser was. Our students stepped up in a way we have never seen before. We have to give a lot of credit to having our assembly three weeks in advance. That really inspired many students and motivated them to actually fundraise, rather than just pay $30 at the door. We are exhilarated and overcome with gratitude following this tremendous success.�

Press Release 27


Over the past three years, the RHS mini-THON team had raised $39,900 total and they wanted to raise the bar for themselves and shoot for a goal of $20,000, this year alone. With hard work, they ended up crushing that goal! As a wrap up to the night, the mini-THON team announced the amount raised, first deceiving onlookers and then revealing the final total of $50,876.82.

Madison High School On March 20th Madison sponsored an International Day of Happiness to increase awareness about mental health issues. The signature color for the event was yellow.

In order to participate on the school level, Madison High School Key Club members created "positive post-its" for every single locker in the building so that each student would have a positive message to start the week. Yes, it was a daunting task to provide handwritten notes for each locker, but the mission was accomplished.


Millburn and Chatham High Schools These two high schools paired together on April 30th to provide food for the hungry. With a successful Outreach event, the Key Clubs packaged an astounding 22,376 meals!

Millburn High School wins for both most food and money for school size in Students Change Hunger. 29

Parsippany Hills High School The week of 5/9, Parsippany Hills Key Clubbers participated in their annual Teacher Appreciation project. Key Clubbers brought in bags of candy which they then repacked into small goody bags along with a note that said “PHHS Key Club would like to thank you for all that you do for the students and our school!!!”. Students then went to the main office and distributed the goody bags into each teacher’s mailbox. This project was a reminder to students and teachers alike of just how fortunate we are to have amazing individuals teach us every day!


South Jersey Homeschool South Jersey Home school Key Club teamed up with Angels of God to help stuff Easter baskets for children living in domestic violence shelters and homeless shelters On April 9, 2017 at the Washington Township Senior Center in Washington Township. SJHS Key also collected $500 in Easter candy and $318 in monetary donations.


Livingston High School

From Tuesday May 9th until Saturday May 13th, the Kiwanis Karnival arrived in Livingston! The Carnival had tons of rides and games, including the Ferris Wheel and Pirate Ship, not to mention delicious carnival sweets! This is an annual fundraising event which helps to raise money for the community. Key Clubbers volunteered at the carnival and helped to run booths and food stands for Kiwanis.


North Brunswick High School North Brunswick High School also put on a successful carnival to benefit their community!

Millburn High School On May 15th, Millburn Key Club hosted its first Color Run! Key Club partnered with Christian’s Cause to raise money for the Thirst Project, the Community Foodbank of New Jersey, and for Christian Isola, the son of a Millburn elementary school teacher who has leukemia. This event raised a whooping $5000, with over 240 attendees! People not only from the high school came to support this event, but from the whole town, and even different schools!


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