Tito's International Programs Survival Guide

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Table of Contents

Cover Letter


March of Dimes Overview


Instructions for holding a coin collection for March of Dimes


Operation Smile and Penny War Plan of Action


How to Hold a Food Drive


Trick or Treat for UNICEF


Major Emphasis Overview


How to Start a Tutoring Program


Children’s Miracle Network Overview


How to Hold a Toy Drive for Children’s Miracle Network


Key Club International Convention 2013


Key Leader and How to Get There



Cover Letter Hi Everyone! It’s your favorite tomato‌the one and only Tito! This is my survival guide on everything International Programs. Need to know how to hold a toy drive? Well I can tell you! This booklet contains everything about our Service Partners, the Youth Opportunities Fund, Key Leader and ICON, as well as an organization called Operation Smile It also contains some service project ideas with step by step instructions. Happy Serving,


Put together by the New Jersey District Board International Programs Committee 2012-2013. Chairs: Melika Behrooz and Zack Waldorf Members: Mohammed Haji LTG Division 10 Alissa Perri LTG Division 5 Kelly Bian LTG Division 9 Advisors: Mrs. Leibowitz and Mr. Guenther 3

March of Dimes

MOD Overview Did you know that 1 in 8 babies are born prematurely? Premature birth is the #1 cause of death during the first month of a babies’ life. March of Dimes is on a mission to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. March of Dimes was founded by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the fight against polio. Key clubs can help improve babies lives by fundraising and raising awareness. During the month of November, Prematurity Awareness Month, Key Clubs can help raise money and awareness by selling bracelets, ribbons, etc. Key Clubs can also help educate others about the March of Dimes at their goals by making Facebook statuses with facts about the March of Dimes or you can tweet about it too! Don’t forget that November 17 is Global Prematurity Day, a good way to raise awareness is to try and get your whole school involved by selling ribbons and have everyone wear them on November 17! Another great way to participate in the March of Dimes is to sign up for the annual march. Go to marchforbabies.org/kiwanis to join or create your own Key Club team! Visit the March of Dimes website to locate the closet march near you!


Prematurity Awareness Month

How to hold a Coin Collection Competition: During Prematurity Awareness Month, you distribute boxes to each homeroom in your school and then compete with other homerooms by seeing which homeroom can raise the most money by the end of the month. Plan of Action: Step 1: Contact your principal or vice principal in person to discuss the idea (having a Key Club advisor with you would be effective) and explain to he or she what March of Dimes is and what they raise money for Step 2: If they approve, which they should, congratulations! Now, you can have the principals send an email out to all homeroom teachers explaining the competition Step 3: Have homeroom teachers provide their own containers in which to keep the coins. Step 4: At the end of each week, have homeroom teachers count up all the change and then have them email the Key Club advisor on how much they raised that week. Step 5: Make sure on the morning announcements, there is a report on which homeroom is in 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place – this will increase the competitiveness among the teachers Step 6: At the end of the month, count up the change and see who the winner is!


Penny Wars

Wars Usually Cause Grief and Sadness, But Use This War To Brings Smiles All Across The World. Start A Penny War For Operation Smile at Your School Today! Rules: Set up a jug for each grade. The grade that raises the most points will win. Each penny counts as one point. However, other kids from different grades can add other coins or dollars to a bin to cause point deductions! A nickel is a five point deduction, a dime is a ten point deduction, a quarter is a 25 point deduction, and a dollar is a hundred point deduction! Plan of Action: Step 1: Talk to you school adviser Step 2: Select a week of school to hold the event Step 3: Approach school administration with your idea and explain which charity you are fundraising for and why! Step 4: Make announcements explaining the rules. Step 5: Make Posters all across your school, emphasizing the cause and the date! Step 6: Foster Competition in between your grades. Step 7: Make Jugs for each grade. Step 8: Assign Volunteers to watch the jugs at lunch. Step 9: Spread the word. Use Social Media! Step 10: Watch the chaos and intense completion for a week! Step 11: Take the coins to a bank to be counted, and share the results! Step 12: Donate the money to Operation SMILE! 6

Holding a Food Drive Food drives are always helpful to the local community. Here’s how to start: Step 1: Contact a local food pantry to see how you can get involved. Step 2: Decide when you'd like to hold your drive. Host a themed food drive! A kidfriendly collection for back-to-school time or a cereal food drive is a great idea. Even a Christmas/Thanksgiving Food Drive is a great idea Step 2: Decide how long to hold your food drive. Will it be one day, a week, or a month? Step 3: Collect money as well as food! Step 4: Create a donation collection container for your group to use to collect money donations. Step 5: Create posters to advertise your food drive. Be sure to include all the important details: date, time, drop off location and that the food drive will benefit whatever food drive company. You can also let people know about your food drive through school, email, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Step 6: Distribute a preferred food list for people to donate. Step 7: Email your classmates, friends and neighbors to further publicize. Step 8: Contact the local papers to let them know about your food drive. Step 9: Put it in local newsletters, bulletins and websites to rally support. Step 10: Set a goal and monitor the progress. Step 11: Optional: Hold a contest between homerooms in school to see who can raise the most. Offer incentives for those who contribute the most to your drive. Step 12: Ask the food drive company if they will pick up the food for you or you can deliver it to the food drive center yourself! Step 13: Congratulations! You’ve made a great difference in your community. 7

Trick or Treat for UNICEF

In accordance to the Major Emphasis for this year, Key Club partnered with Kiwanis and UNICEF in the Eliminate Project to eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus. Tetanus is a deadly disease that originates from spores in the dirt. During unsafe birthing practices, these spores may enter the mother and child’s body and infect them. The first few hours of the child’s life is filled with excruciating pain and sensitivity to even a mother’s touch. To help fundraise and eliminate this deadly disease, every October during Halloween, Key Clubbers can Trick-or-treat for UNICEF. I know what you’re thinking, “Switch candy for change? Where’s the fun in that?” Although it may not be that fun alone, if a group of friends go around a neighborhood together, it could be quite entertaining. Maybe establish a competition and see which friend can get the most money total. Try going to busy places, such as the mall or downtown, where there are more people wandering around than in a desolate neighborhood. Key Clubbers have even tried trick-or-treating during school hours, around the cafeteria and during passing. By varying it up, ToT-ing for UNICEF could be a fun fundraiser to look forward to every school year.


Major Emphasis: What is it?

One of the most common questions that Key Clubbers probably get is; “What does Key Club do? Do you guys make keys?” The answer is yes. We make keys that unlock the doors to service all around the globe. For the 2012-2013 service year, Key Club has decided to direct its focus once again to the future of children with the slogan, “Children: Their Future, Our Focus.” Every Key Club has the freedom to choose its own fundraisers and service projects, as long as it sticks to the Major Emphasis. Key Club works towards a better future for our children with service projects such as the Eliminate Project by fundraising money to Eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus. Members also fundraise for the Major Emphasis with Key Club’s partner organizations: Children’s Miracle Network, March of Dimes and UNICEF. Since each club has the freedom to decide what projects it wants to focus on, there is a much larger range of organizations and fundraisers to choose from. From book drives to gift wrapping, the ideas are endless. Although some may require an ample amount of planning, the rewards reaped in the end are substantial.


How to Hold a Tutoring Program

To follow through with the Major Emphasis, clubs can hold a tutoring program in their school, or in a neighboring Elementary or Middle school. This allows members to engage in helping children focus on their future. That sounds familiar doesn’t it? Here is a plan to make that happen.

Step 1: Recruit tutors. Print a few flyers and distribute them to teachers in the upper level classes. Ask if they have any recommendations of kids who might be interested. Hold an information session and explain what the program will entail. Step 2: Transform students into teachers. At your first meeting, lead icebreakers to get tutors to know each other. Then, run a few training activities; Ask them to fill out a questionnaire asking about their strongest subjects and their best learning experiences. Now they can start discovering their own teaching process.  Together, come up with a list of good tutoring techniques.  Do some role-playing. Split tutors into pairs and give them different difficult scenarios they might face when tutoring. Ask them to perform a short skit for the group, showing how a tutor might respond a student that is having trouble. Some examples are:  a student who isn’t paying attention  an unresponsive student  a student who keeps distracting you by asking irrelevant questions  If tutors will be helping with specific subject areas, give them time to prepare.  Split tutors into groups and ask them to come up with a list of fun games or activities that they can use. 


How to Hold a Tutoring Program continued

Step 3: Collect supplies. Can your teacher lend you pencils, paper, or other materials? Should program participants bring their own supplies? Make a proposal to your school administrators or even community members. Maybe someone will be interested in providing snacks! Step 4: Teach! Run your tutoring program at regular times, and keep everyone active and interested: 

Hold monthly meetings. Talk to tutors and discuss problems they are having. Get tutors to share ideas or techniques they have used with their students. Maybe hold another training activity!

Celebrate your volunteers. Head out for ice-cream after one of your sessions. Even if you can’t afford to pay for all the tutors, this will give everyone a chance to hangout and get to know one another. It will help your program if everyone is able to get along and feel like a team.

Step 6: Evaluations. Ask students and tutors to fill out evaluations to find out what they like, or don’t like about the program.


Children’s Miracle Network

The Children’s Miracle Network is a non-profit organization that was founded by Marie Osmond and her family, John Schneider, Mick Shannon and Joe Lake in 1983. CMN raises more than $250 million each year to help save babies and children’s lives. The funds raised provide emergency transport vans for premature babies, prenatal and after birth education for parents and so much more. The goal of the Children’s Miracle Network was to help raise funds and awareness for local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Today there are more than 170 children’s hospitals affiliated with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. With so many hospitals involved, your Key Club can surely find a participating hospital near you! Your club can visit the hospital and visit the patients or volunteer. Your club can also raise money to donate to the hospital by holding a bake sale, a 5K race, a yard sale, or any other ideas you can think of! There are no limitations on how your club can raise money, you can hold anything from a movie night to school dance. Key Club and the Kiwanis Family has supported CMN Hospitals for more than a decade, therefore we need to keep up the tradition!


How to Hold a Toy Drive for Children’s Miracle Network Plan of Action: Step 1: Contact and consult your local Key Club and initiate planning a Toy Drive. Step 2: Contact your Key Club Adviser and School Principal to ensure their approval of your project. Step 3: Start planning the Toy Drive by creating a committee in your Key Club to be in charge of organizing the Drive. Step 4: Get in touch with influential organizations around your town that will support and help publicize the event. Step 5: Spread the word about the drive by talking about it, hanging up posters in your school, and putting it in the morning announcements. Step 6: Set a goal for your drive. Step 7: Establish a deadline, and make sure people know the date. Step 8: Divide the committee into sub committees and assign each subcommittee to either the collection, organization, loading, or delivery of the toys. Step 9: Set a definite place in your school where donations can be dropped off. Place empty boxes where the donations should be put. Make sure the place is marked and supervised. Step 10: Contact local hospitals, shelters, and organizations and see whether they are interested in receiving donations. Step 11: Organize and label the donations according to genders, ages, and conditions. (Female or male, baby or toddler, new or old.) Step 12: After the toy drive ends, make sure you plan a way to deliver the toys to the hospitals, shelters, etc. 13

International Convention

Key Club International is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. Key Club has 260,000 members in more than 5,000 clubs that are represented in more than 30countries and every year, Key Clubs from all over the world get together and have an International Convention celebrating a full year of service, introducing new programs, presenting awards to individual clubs, electing international officers for next, and much more. The 2013 International Convention will take place July 2-7 and will be held in Washington DC at the Washington Hilton. Hosting the convention will be the Capital District and they are already planning! Why should you go to International Convention? Last year’s ICON was held in Orlando Florida and the District tour was in Disney World, imagine three days of magic! This year, key clubbers will be able to take a tour around our National’s capital. Registration will be coming out soon so start planning, see you there

How to Pay for ICON: Having trouble paying for International Convention? Don’t worry; there are many ways in order to fundraise! As Key clubbers it is the norm for us to serve others, however, sometimes it’s good to help and serve ourselves. For Club members, the total price for ICON is around$1,500.00, which includes travel, hotel accommodations, District tour passes and more. That can seem a lot at first, especially if you’re paying for it all on your own. However, here are some fundraising ideas: 1. hold a fair 2. bake sale 3. school sports event Also look into asking your sponsoring Kiwanis, they might be able to pay for part of your trip! You can also look into asking a Kiwanis that doesn’t sponsor a Key Club. It never hurts to ask.

Hope to see you in Washington DC!


Key Leader Overview/How to Get There

Key Leader is a weekend experiential leadership program for today's young leaders. This life-changing event focuses on service leadership as the first, most meaningful leadership-development experience. A Key Leader will learn the most important lesson of leadership - it comes from helping others succeed. Key Leader, as any Key Clubber who has attended will tell you, is an amazing experience to learn what it really means to be a leader. You will have the opportunity to bond with your peers through group activities and fun games. The weekend includes large and small group workshops, discussions and team-building activities. Students have opportunities to learn leadership skills that will help them in their endeavors to influence their homes, schools, and communities. In addition, they will meet other kids like them who are looking to serve their communities. How to Pay for Key Leader: Ask your local Kiwanis Clubs! Your Kiwanians are basically adult versions of you and love to see kids taking the initiative to learn leadership skills. Attend their meetings and show you care and you’ll definitely get something in return. You can also try to fundraise to be able to allow students discounted prices.



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