Key Club Past and Future A Great Time at Angels for Action Holiday Craft Fair Reaching that Goal Next Kiwanis Meeting for Parents The Other Goal CHOCOLATE SALES Food Bank Volunteering
Top Stars Autism Advocacy Officers 2015-2016 Want to be an officer next year? DCON Have An Idea? Upcoming Dates Keep in Touch
THANK YOU! Key Club Past and Future With the New Year just around the corner Key Club would like to take a moment to thank all those who made the 2015 year of service a great one! Together we’ve raised money for March of Dimes, volunteered at the Hillside Community Foodbank, helped kids at Angels for Action have a great winter craft fair and so much more. With the New Year we have a chance to continue this great community service work and reach new heights. With some events already planned for the spring we are poised for success but what will really push our service year to the next level are the great efforts by our club members. We hope that everyone will jump on board and make the 2016 year of service the best year yet for Westfield Key Club!
A Great Time at Angels for Action Holiday Craft Fair On Saturday December 12th Westfield Key Club drove to Angels for Action in Plainfield to host a holiday craft fair for the children there. Over 20 children enjoyed decorating cookies, making crafts and playing games. Thank you to the 10 Key Club volunteers who made the day a great time!
$61.54 away from reaching our $190 goal for March of
Next Kiwanis Meeting for Parents
Dimes. We discussed this at the last meeting and members
The Kiwanis Club is the
came up with some different ideas to raise the money to
parent organization of
reach the goal. Possible ideas include selling the rest of the
Key Club and a new club
March of Dimes bracelets during lunch but at different
is being chartered in
prices and bake sales after school. We will also be doing a
Westfield this year!
Reaching that Goal In the last newsletter we wrote about how we are only
March of Dimes’ March for Babies on May 1 at Rutgers
Please invite your
Stadium. Officers are in the processes of planning these
parents and neighbors to
events right now. If you have any other ideas of
a Westfield Kiwanis
suggestions let us know!
meeting on Tuesday, January 5th at the YMCA from 6-7pm. If your
The Other Goal
parents have questions
The other goal set by the New Jersey District Board is to
they can contact Susan
raise $170 for the Children’s Miracle Network which is an
Dougherty by email at
international charity that helps purchase new equipment for
children’s hospitals, fund research, and help parents pay for
medical treatment that they cannot afford. Currently we have not fundraised for Children’s Miracle Network this year but see the below article for our first step to reach our goal.
CHOCOLATE SALES To reach our goal of $170 for the Children’s Miracle Network we will be selling Gertrude Hawk Chocolate bars in the month of January. If you are interested in selling the chocolate bars let us know! We will have boxes to distribute at our January meeting.
Top Stars Stars (Hours) are earned for attending meetings, volunteering, bringing in donations and attending other events. At the end of this month these are the leaders! Katarina von der Wroge Kayla Egberts Alan Fang Catherine Simon Sophia Morales Julia Burk
Autism Advocacy Advocacy – to speak on the behalf for those who cannot speak for themselves
Food Bank Volunteering! The next date to volunteer at the Hillside Food Bank will be Saturday January 23rd from 11:30am-1:30pm. We might be restocking the school store, stuffing envelopes, working at the thrift shop or a number of other things. Thank you to those who came to the food bank in December to help out! It was greatly appreciated!
Officers 2015-2016 President – Sarah Morton – Senior Vice President – Ben Cook – Senior Recording Secretary – Emily Mordkovich – Senior
This year Key Club’s Advocacy Project
Corresponding Secretary – Franki Colucci – Junior
is autism awareness.
Treasurer – Megan Why – Junior
Autism Fact #2: According to Autism
If you ever have any questions, comments or suggestions feel free to reach out to any of the officers!
Speaks, autism is “one of the fastinggrowing developmental disorders in the U.S.”
With three senior officers, this could be you next year!
Want to be an officer next year? Elections for Westfield Key Club Officers will be held at the end of April 2016. Any Key Club member is able to run for any of the following positions: Editor (writes the newsletters), Corresponding Secretary (handles communication and minutes), Recording Secretary (records hours and fills out CMRFs), Treasurer (handles money), Vice President (helps everyone and morning announcements), and President (leads the club). Or there can be co-presidents and another possible position is Web-master. There will be more information coming in the future. New officers will be trained by current officers for the last two months of school. If you have any questions feel free to ask any officer!
DCON! The spy themed District Convention or DCON will take place on April 1st-3rd at Ocean Place Resort and Spa in Long Branch New Jersey! It is a three day convention that celebrates the year of service for New Jersey Key Clubs! There are workshops, contests, and dances all taking place only yards away from the beach. We are currently looking into our attendance at this event for the first time in at least 4 years. It will cost $285 per person. Let us know if you are interested and we’ll keep everyone updated!
Important Upcoming Dates
Keep in Touch with NJ Key Club Courtesy of njkeyclub.org
Tuesday, January 12th – NEXT MEETING in room 117 after school 11:30am-1pm Saturday, January 23rd – Volunteer at the Hillside Food bank January – Chocolate Sales in school
Keep in Touch with Key Club Join the Facebook group! The group name is WHS Key Club 2015-2016 Receive text reminders about upcoming events and important information! All you have to do is text @wkeycl to 81010
Have an Idea?
Have questions, comments, or suggestions! Feel
Have a favorite charity? Have a great idea for a fundraiser? Let us know!
free to reach out to an officer or Ms. McGinley directly or email us all at the club email! westfieldhighschoolkeyclub@gmail.com