Those Boys in the Band Magazine Issue 3

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Full Name: Susan Elaine Oser DJ Name: DJ StickyAngel Birth Sign: Aries

Favorite vacation spot: Myrtle Beach

Favorite Color: Purple

Where would you like to travel? I would love to go back and visit South Korea, as well as see sites in Germany and Switzerland

Favorite Food: Korean and Chinese Favorite Snack: Popcorn Favorite Book: On the Road by Jack Kerouac Favorite Movie: Four Corners of Nowhere and Before

Sunrise Favorite Singer(s): John Lennon, NKOTB, Bon Jovi, Brioni Faith, The Party, and Janet Jackson Favorite Song(s): “I’ll Be Loving You (Forever)” NKOTB, “Imagine” - John Lennon, and “It’s My Life” - Bon Jovi Favorite Tv Show: The Brady Bunch Favorite Actor: Keanu Reeves Favorite Actress: Winona Ryder Most Memorable Moment: World Cup 2002 in Korea and seeing the Three Tenors in South Korea. What are your best qualities? Hard-working, devoted to what I do, and having fun

Worst Habit: Thinking about something so much that I can’t sleep, especially if it worries me a lot. Favorite Childhood Memory: Family road trips and visiting grandparents in the summer Biggest Like: People that I can connect to, listening to music, and creating things Biggest Dislike: People who don’t respect their space or their neighbor’s space Favorite Quote: “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” – John Lennon’s “Imagine” Describe Yourself: Other than what you’ve read about me, I am a member and past president of Michigan’s Business and Professional Women. As a day job, I work as an online ESL teacher for Carrot Global. In the future, I would love to write for magazines and/or re-publish my poetry book.

Special message to our readers: “Thanks for being a great support to the station. It really means a lot to What are your worst qualities? Impatient, worrying too connect with you on the Internet. I hope I can meet a few of you in person or see you at a Zoom event much sometimes someday.” Hobbies? writing (songs, short stories, poems, music, and traveling) 5

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