NL Chamber / Macedonia Newsletter 2014 no.04

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newsletter MARCH 2014 c/o Netherlands Embassy Aminta III 69-71 1000 Skopje Republic of Macedonia e: w:

NL Chamber was established in J­ anuary 2012 as official Dutch-Macedonian Chamber of Commerce by 50 Macedonian companies, according to the Macedo­nian Law on Chambers of Commerce. One third of these companies is partly or fully Dutch owned. Objective of NL Chamber is to promote and support successful business relations between Dutch and Macedonian companies.

events Second Dies Natalis at Stobi Winery Third General Assembly: 31 March 2014 TEDxBinnenhof: “Global Challenges, Dutch Solutions” Conference: Dutch business experience in Macedonia projects Dutch attention for Macedonian dairy farming network Cross-border network members Zavar Company celebrates 25th anniversary Dutch Van Puijenbroek Textiel opens VPTex Macedonia Walking tree plantation at dawn statistics Online shopping short Urine fertilizer/New flight times Eindhoven-Skopje/Work at home/Industrial property/Netherlands Enterprise Agency click to read earlier editions! online reading pdf download No. 3: No. 2: No. 1: Sponsors of Foundation NL Chamber:

photo: NL Chamber

Dutch-Macedonian Chamber of Commerce


newsletter no. 4 / March 2014


Second Dies Natalis at Stobi Winery Stobi Winery in Gradsko hosted the celebration of the second Dies Natalis, the anniversary of NL Chamber. On Thursday 16 January 2014 the celebration of the second Dies Natalis of NL Chamber took place at Stobi Winery in Gradsko. “Meeting eachother is essential for the work of NL Chamber. A celebration is both a pleasant and a very efficient way to get up to date and develop new actions,” says Bob Smit, Executive Director. Next to NL Chamber members and the Netherlands Embassy, also the new Dutch investor Anthura and new member BDO joined the celebration. BDO is part of a global network with its headquarters in Belgium and offers accountancy, tax advisory and bookkeeping services to various Dutch companies in Macedonia.


Third General Assembly: 31 March 2014 The third annual gathering of the General Assembly of NL Chamber will be combined with the TEDxBinnenhof conference on Monday 31 March at Cineplexx Skopje.

vacancies and candidates Board members Marcel Melles and Marta Naumovska Grna­

rova have finished their first mandate of two years. Both have decided to go for re-election for another two years. The same goes for the members of the Supervisory Board.

The official invitation has ­already been sent to the members. There are no other nomi­ nations for the mentioned positions and further details will follow by email. route description Drive around Skopje City Mall from Bul. Partizanska Odredi to enter the free parking garage at the east side. From the top parking level you have ­direct access to Cineplexx.

photo, illustration: NL Chamber

The Board of NL Chamber has decided to combine this year’s General Assembly with the TEDxBinnenhof ­conference, organized by the Dutch govern­ ment. Therefore, the General Assembly will take place at Cineplexx 8, on the top floor of the brand-new Skopje City Mall.


newsletter no. 4 / March 2014


TEDxBinnenhof: “Global Challenges, Dutch Solutions” Live from The Hague and brought to you by NL Chamber and the Netherlands Embassy: TEDxBinnenhof, hosted by Sashko Kocev. Plus an additional presentation of a myste­ rious tool by the Dutch inventors, live in Skopje.

TEDxBinnenhof is licensed by TED, a world-wide movement showcasing talks to inspire entrepreneurs and policy makers to improve the world under the slogan Ideas worth spreading. NL Chamber and the Netherlands Embassy have secured live streaming of this extraordinary event at Cineplexx 8, in Skopje City Mall. Host of this

mysterious tool Additionally, two Dutch engineers will come to Skopje to present their mysterious, innovative tool to the audience. iF product design award Their story is one of great entrepreneurship, battle with global brands, perseverance, venture capital and the prestigious German iF Product Design Award 2014. Moreover, one of the inventors has Bosnian roots!

City of the Future latest technological advancements


Bert Weckhuysen

The story of the mysterious tool will be revealed prior to the start of the live streaming, together with Sashko Kocev. NL Chamber members have already received an invitation.



spinning disc technology for micro reactors

Jeoffrey van den Berg

electricity from living plants

Marjolein Helder Makeshift Chimney

Blue Innovation extracting nutritions from live plants

Jeroen Rondeel

self-made chimneys as preventive medicine

Onno van Schayck


community mutual support platform

Hydrea Thermpipe

Coen van de Steeg

sewerage heat exchanger


solar energy car

Juliette van der Lof www.solarteam­

Heleen Herbert Smart Polder


pectin from coffee pulp for food and pharma

Rudi Dieleman

energy from watermanagement

Barry Scholten

Your Aruba

fully sustainable, self-sufficient society

Mike Eman prime minister Aruba

photos: TEDxBinnenhof; illustrations: NL Chamber

ideas worth spreading

event is the Macedonian actor and showbusiness personality Sashko Kocev.

“Global Challenges, Dutch Solutions” is the theme of this edition of TEDxBinnenhof, a series of talks on various innovative ideas, organized by the Dutch government.


newsletter no. 4 / March 2014


Conference: Dutch business experience in Macedonia The stories of Dutch entrepreneurs about their experiences with doing business in Mace­ donia received great interest at business fora in Rotterdam and Venlo.

276 stamps and signatures Mark Lammers, Managing ­Di­rec­tor of Holmak HeatX BV shared his ­experience with the take-over of a factory in ­Bitola: “It took us 276 stamps and signatures, but it was worth it.” At the panel discussion Stavreski pointed out that a take-over of an existing company cannot be compared to a greenfield investment and that the latter should not be confronted with extensive b­ureaucracy.

Dutch entrepreneurs attending Doing Business in Macedonia

within time and budget


Winfried Rooswinkel was as project manager at Van Puijen­ broek Textiel (also known as HaVeP and VPTex) responsible for the construction of a “quick response” production facility for workwear in Mace­ donia. Rooswinkel explained about significant differences in principles of construction, but also proudly stated that the buil­ ding was finished both within the time frame and within the budget.

“I will speak as Minister of Agri­ culture, but I will think as a Dutch entrepreneur,” said economist Dimovski at Greenport Venlo. Like Mark Lammers in Rotterdam, also Willeke Roes of conifer tree nursery European Plants did not hesitate to politely suggest to the Macedonian government to continue working on dri­ ving back bureaucracy: “The amount of papers you need to get permits is quite enormous, I must say.”

Opening ceremony new factory VPTex Mace­donia: page 8

Rooswinkel and Lammers

Visit plant nursery on page 9

Agriculture professionals exchanging experiences at Greenport Venlo

photos: NL Chamber

The Embassy of Macedonia in the Netherlands and Invest Macedonia organized two fora on doing business in Macedonia. Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Stavreski addressed the Dutch business community on Monday 25 November at the Chamber of Commerce in Rotterdam and Minister of Agriculture Ljupco Dimovski travelled to Greenport in Venlo to outline the agribusiness potential of Macedonia on Tuesday 26 November.


newsletter no. 4 / March 2014


Dutch attention for Macedonian dairy farming Three pages on Macedonian dairy sector in Dutch cattle breeding magazine. Following the efforts to mobilize Dutch expertise to improve the Macedonian dairy farming practice, the Dutch professional magazine for the 足cattle breeding sector Veeteelt published a three-page arti足 cle in the edition of November 2013. Already in May last year NL Chamber guided the journalist Bert Hartman and pho-

tographer Ron Stoop on a field trip to Bitola, were they met with Zlatko 足Najdovski, general manager of Bimilk. The magazine Veeteelt is available online at ISSUU:


Cross-border network NL Chamber joined the Netherlands Embassy on a networking trip to Pristina and Tirana.

Dutch Zinkunie in Prizren Zinkunie is a wholesale company in zinc, copper and stainless steel articles with its headquarters in Boxtel, near Eindhoven. The company has invested in total 9 million EUR

in a plant near Prizren for galvanizing various products with zinc. Recently Zinkunie also opened an office in Skopje. Tirana In Tirana Mr Gilles Bauwens, a Belgian diplomat stationed at the Netherlands Embassy, provided detailed insight in the Albanian business climate for foreign investors. Biznis Albania organized a seminar on Dutch private sector development instruments.

photos: NL Chamber

On 29 October NL Chamber joined the Netherlands Embassy on a networking trip to their colleagues in Pristina. At the embassy in Pristina also the Dutch company Zinkunie was present.


newsletter no. 4 / March 2014

Sponsors of Foundation NL Chamber 6

newsletter no. 4 / March 2014


Zavar Company celebrates 25th anniversary With an inspiring performance at Skopje Design Week, Zavar Company marked its 25th anniversary as well as the 10th anniversary of interior design label Zavar Design. general management of the company in 2005. Skopje Design Week The celebration took place at Kurshumli An, a sixteenth century inn from the Ottoman era, during Skopje Design Week. Naumovska Grnarova is Programme Director of this annual design event and also member of the Board of NL Chamber.

process equipment and interior design articles

Marta Naumovska Grnarova

Dance and drums performance

Stainless steel design radiators

Zavar Company was foun­ ded in 1988 as a company for welded stainless steel process equipment. Being a mechanical engineer with a strong passion for fashion and design, Marta Naumovska Grnarova (40) widened the scope of work to interior design articles under the label Zavar Design in 2003, before assuming the

golden formula “An engineering background combined with an open, creative mind is a golden formula for prosperous business deve­ lopment,” says Bob Smit, Exe­ cutive Director of NL Chamber. “Marta is continuously travel­ ling all over the world, participating in trade fairs and master classes, gaining fresh inspiration and creating new opportunities. We are grateful to have her in our team!”

photos: NL Chamber, Olgica Gjorgieva, Skopje Design Week, Zavar Company

Modern dance, stainless steel vessels and pipes as percussion instruments and cuff links as gifts: the celebration of the 25th anniversary contained all characteristics of both Zavar and its general manager.


newsletter no. 4 / March 2014


Dutch Van Puijenbroek Textiel opens VPTex Macedonia Dutch producer of workwear and protective wear invested 2 million EUR in an own production facility near Skopje, Macedonia.

quick response “The facility offers us a quick response production unit in addition to our long-term outsourcing partners,” explains Rob Kwaspen, director at Van Puijenbroek Textiel. “Additio­ nally, our own factory allows us to enter the regional mar-

Minister of Transport Mile Janakieski and Commissioner Eduard van Puijenbroek cut the ribbon

ket, providing local industries with high quality workwear.” third production line Meanwhile, VPTex Macedonia started operating the second production line. Kwaspen: “We now employ 90 people in one shift. We are very satisfied with the results and have decided to add a third production line with another 30 emplo­ yees this quarter, instead of in 2015. This also means that we have to advance the extension of the building.” More pictures:

Directors Huub Zegveld and Rob Kwaspen

Opening dance

photos: MIA/Darko Popov, Van Puijenbroek Textiel BV, NL Chamber

Dutch Van Puijenbroek Textiel, established in 1865 in Goirle near Tilburg, started with outsour­ cing the production of industrial and protective workwear to factories in ­ Resen and Stenje in 1968 when Mace­donia was still part of Yugoslavia. 44 years later, on 26 October 2012 Van Puijen­ broek Textiel laid the foundation stone for its own factory, an investment of 2 million EUR. The construction site is conveniently located between Skopje and the international airport, in the village of Kadino. Less than a year later, on 16 October 2013, VPTex Macedonia was officially opened by Eduard van Puijenbroek, commissioner and former director of the Dutch family company and Minister of Transport Mile Janakieski.


newsletter no. 4 / March 2014


Walking tree plantation at dawn The Dutch company European Plants runs a 400 ha. conifer tree nursery near Tetovo. 07h30 was the scheduled time for a visit on 5 December to European Plants in the village of Preljubishte, near Tetovo. The fog created a fairy-tale scenery and hid the surroun­ ding mountains, peaking from 1,200 meters in the east to 2,700 meters in the west. 4 years investment

new market opportunities Until 2007 Michels worked 600 ha of land in the Netherlands. “Since these plots were really located all over the country, I drove 5,000 km per week.” This practical issue and the trend of the market development made Michels think of alternatives. “I noticed that conifer trees were hardly available on the Balkans and in South-east ­Europe. Since I also saw major new market opportunities for Istanbul, I started searching for land to start a large-scale tree nursery in the region.” Through an acquaintance in the textile industry Michels came to Macedonia, where he bought a concession on 400

Sculptured conifer trees with frost at dawn

ha. of a former state-owned tree nursery near Tetovo. daily management About the start of his Macedonian business Michels is very straightforward: “I made a big mistake by thinking that the new venture would flou­rish while the Dutch business nee­ ded my full attention. In two years time there was very little progress. Since 2011 I have taken on the daily manage­ ment of the Macedonian tree nursery.” From that moment Michels is a regular passenger on the Wizzair flight between Skopje and Eindhoven, often going home for just the weekend.

fer trees to retailers in Croatia, Romania, Hungary and even Turkmenistan.” From acces­ sion to the European Union Michels expects significant advanta­ ges: “The administrative procedures in Macedonia are ­ really suffocating. Procedures for obtaining various licences and especially customs formalities should really gain in speed and efficiency, resul­ ting in serious cost savings.”

300 truckloads From Macedonia Michels has indeed conquered new markets: “Until April 2014 we will export 300 truckloads of coni-

Own production of boxpallets for export of trees

photos: NL Chamber

A five-kilometer walk with owner Joost Michels along numerous plots with different varieties of conifer trees unveiled the enormous scale of the investment: “It takes 4 years before a tree is big enough to be sold. That means 4 years of investments before the first returns appear.”


newsletter no. 4 / March 2014

Online shopping

The online shopping market in the Netherlands is growing steadily. For 2013 a total turnover of 10.5 billion EUR is ex-

pected with the largest shares in travel, telecom and clothing. source:

illustration: Blauw Research



newsletter no. 4 / March 2014

­ ublished a “brownfield datap base”. This database lists over 400 objects of industrial real estate, available for sale, rent or lease to foreign investors.

Urine fertilizer

The Amsterdam waterworks Waternet opened a facility for the production of fertilizer from sewage water and pure urine. Urine - and therewith also sewage water - is rich of phosphate. Biological methods to avoid phosphates ending up in the surface water lead to deposition of the mineral struvite on pipes and equipment. The new facility allows for controlled crystalization and sepa­ ration of struvite with which the recovery of phosphate into fertilizer is complete. Waternet also uses pure urine, collected from mobile toilets at large festivals and events. Since Dutch law regards this recycled phosphate still as waste instead of fertilizer, an adapted law is expected to become effective per 2014 to enable international trade. source:

Duckweed is a replacement for soja as feed for the calves. Algae are fed to the calves with the water, leading to increased animal health and lower use of antibiotics. see:

New flight times Eindhoven-Skopje

Budget carrier Wizzair, connecting Skopje to Eindhoven will change the flight times per 1 April 2014 and add a third weekly flight.

The new sche­ dule shows the following times on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays: EIN 08h45 SKP 11h30 SKP 05h30 EIN 08h20

Duckweed as feed

Dutch calf breeder Evert Kroes from Uddel established a closed circuit farm. Urine, thin manure fragment, CO2 and body heat of the calfs is used to produce duckweed in a basin in a glasshouse on top of the stable. Thick manure fragment is fermented to biogas to produce electricity, sufficient for the farm plus 200 households. After harvest of the duckweed, the water is used for growing algae.

Work at home

The share of employees that work at home is about a third in the Netherlands. Working at home amounts for an average of six hours per week. In 2005 this share was a quarter. One out of every five employees can “regularly” decide upon his/her own working hours. source:

Industrial property

The Agency for Foreign Investments and Export Promotion, Invest Macedonia has

Netherlands Enterprise Agency

The Dutch governmental ­ agency that executes all entre­preneurial stimulation and support programmes, NL Agency, merged with the agri­ culture subsidies service. The new organization is now called Netherlands Enterprise ­Agency (in Dutch: Rijks­dienst voor Ondernemend Nederland or RVO). Amongst others, RVO executes the Match Making Facility (MMF) and the Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF, successor of the well-known PSI programme).

Netherlands Enterprise Agency Ministry of Economic Affairs

Prinses Beatrixlaan 2 PO Box 93114 2509 AC THE HAGUE The Netherlands t: +31 88 0424242 MMF - MatchMaking Facility w: DGGF - Dutch Good Growth Fund w: Netherlands Embassy Mr Jane Kjuka Economy and Trade Officer t: +389 2 3109250 e:

photos: Barry Verduijn / SH+E, Ton Kastermans / Boerderij, NL Chamber



newsletter no. 4 / March 2014


Calendar of Trade Fairs Selection of upcoming trade fairs. Selection of trade fairs in the Netherlands and Mace­donia. NB: All blue text is clickable!

The Netherlands


11-14.03.2014 18-20.03.2014 25-27.03.2014 25-28.03.2014 28-30.03.2014 02-03.04.2014 02-03.04.2014 09-10.04.2014 14-17.04.2014 20-21.05.2014 20-22.05.2014 04-06.06.2014 10-12.06.2014 30.09.2014- 03.10.2014 07-09.10.2014 02-04.12.2014

Major trade fairs take place at:


Skopje Fair, Skopje 16.000 sqm, 6 halls

Note: All mentioned fairs in Macedonia are organized by the same organizer and at the same place. At this moment the respective pages on the organizer’s website do not include any further details.

photo impressions of the fairs:

25-30.03.2014 10-12.04.2014 10-12.04.2014 24-27.09.2014 14-18.10.2014

The Netherlands Major trade fairs take place at: Jaarbeurs, Utrecht 99,000 sqm, 13 halls

RAI, Amsterdam 87,000 sqm, 11 halls

Ahoy, Rotterdam 30,000 sqm, 6 halls

Regional locations for trade fairs: Brabanthallen, ‘s-Hertogenb.

29,500 sqm, 6 halls IJsselhallen, Zwolle 17,000 sqm, 4 halls MECC, Maastricht 29,500 sqm, 4 halls

Most fairs in the Netherlands have entrance fees and offer discounts for early registration online. Please do not hesitate to contact NL Chamber when you plan to visit a fair in the Nether­lands.

Entrance tickets can only be purchased at the spot; online registration is not possible. Please do not hesitate to contact NL Chamber when you plan to visit a fair in Macedonia.

ESEF, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht engineering and subcontracting StocExpo, Ahoy - Rotterdam 180 exhibitors; pums, valves, pipes, tanks and related Zorg & ICT, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 180 exhibitors; ICT for health care sector Intertraffic, RAI - Amsterdam 762 exhibitors: traffic, parking, safety and infrastruct. Second Home International, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 156 exhibitors; Sale of recreational private real estate Empack, Brabanthallen - ‘s-Hertogenbosch packaging materials, machines, coding, labelling etc. Event, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 124 exhibitors; event management Overheid & ICT, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 100 exhibitors; ICT for the public sector Automotive Trade Show, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht entire automotive sector World Private Label / PLMA, RAI - Amsterdam european private label producers in food and non-food 3,800 exhibitors, 68 countries, 42 regional pavilions VIV Europe, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 547 exhibitors; animal husbandry and processing Vakbeurs Gebouwbeheer, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 200 exhibitors; management of business premises GreenTech, RAI - Amsterdam 200 exhibitors in horticulture and floriculture industry World of Technology&Science, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht Industrial Dairy Show, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht Macropak, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht Industrial Processing, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 338 exhibitors; automation, electronics, laboratory; dairy industry technology; packaging Energie, Brabanthallen - ‘s-Hertogenbosch energy, solar, passive building, sustainability. Healt & Natural Ingredients, RAI - Amsterdam 230 exhibitors; health ingredients, natural ingredients

Mebel furniture, interior, woodworking supplies and machinery Days of Education universities and major employers Skopje Travel Market congress tourism, agrotourism, rural tourism, wine tourism etc. AgroFood Fair food and beverages Tehnoma Fair metallurgy, electronics, non-metals, security 12

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