NL Chamber Magazine Summer 2015

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Dutch-Macedonian Chamber of Commerce c/o Netherlands Embassy Aminta III 69-71 1000 Skopje Republic of Macedonia e: w:

NL Chamber was established in J­ anuary 2012 as official Dutch-Macedonian Chamber of Commerce by 50 Macedonian companies, according to the Macedo­nian Law on Chambers of Commerce. One third of these companies is partly or fully Dutch owned. Objective of NL Chamber is to promote and support successful business relations between Dutch and Macedonian companies.


events Macedonia pavilion at World of Private Label Amsterdam Back to Business Breakfast on 10 September Third Dies Natalis at Tikves Winery DAF Roadshow with a new truck for Mega Trans Business delegation from Hoogeveen visiting Macedonia General Assembly on 16 July in Skopje network Regular meetings with Customs and Tax Authorities members 150 year old Van Puijenbroek Textiel now Royal InterWorks on Dutch TV Anthurium and orchid giant opened laboratory in Kocani Laško to join the Heineken family Dutch fiscal law students visit BDO and VPTex DIK Fagus supplying horeca showroom Studio Senses Joint promotion by BiMilk and Vitalia Third exhibition for Tehnokoop at Dutch showroom New member: Greneth horticulture trade and consultancy Feydom and Bato & Divajn both opened Dutch company service PLMA 2016: Macedonia pavilion by NL Chamber short Short News / Calendar of Trade Fairs Sponsors of Foundation NL Chamber:

photo: NL Chamber

magazine SUMMER 2015

magazine no. 6 / Summer 2015


Macedonia pavilion at World of Private Label Amsterdam Members Konimex and Vitalia, together with 5 other Macedonian companies participa­ ted in the country pavilion at the private label trade fair in Amsterdam.

financed by Netherlands Enterprise Agency NL Chamber had been knocking on many doors to get support for such a pavilion, convinced of the enormous value of this fair. In February the Netherlands Enterprise A ­ gency (RvO) announced to be willing to finance the pavilion after which the Netherlands Embassy took over the co-ordination with Dutch contractor NEC. “The Embassy put a tremendous effort into this project, resul­ ting into an excellent participation of NL Chamber members ­Konimex and Vitalia and five

Vitalia’s managing director Iskra Vetadzokoska Mucunska introducing the latest product developments to Ambassador Igor Popov.

other Macedonian exhibitors,” said NL Chamber’s Executive Director Bob Smit.

tion (PLMA), retains very strict entrance policies to ensure the highest quality,” explains Smit.


returning in 2016

All Macedonian exhibitors were satisfied with the number of visitors at their stands and very impressed by the value of all these potential customers. “The exhibition is a highly concentrated, purely businessto-business no-nonsense marketplace for the global retail scene in just two very intensive days. The organizer, the Amsterdam-based International Council of the US Private Label Manufacturers Associa-

Excited about the results, all exhibitors confirmed their ambitions to exhibit again at next year’s PLMA to Igor Popov, Ambassador of Macedonia to ­ the Netherlands. The ambassador, accompanied by Economic Promotor Vedat ­Rushid, took several hours to get acquain­ted with each of them and expressed his gratitude to Mrs Brigitta Groenland, project officer at RvO and to the Netherlands Embassy and NL Chamber for making this participation possible. Meanwhile, NL Chamber already started preparations for another Macedonia pavilion, ­aiming to have the best Mace­ donian manufacturers joining forces at an excellent pavilion at next PLMA, taking place on 24-25 May 2016. See the article on PLMA 2016 here. all pictures of this event:

CEO Viktor Kolovski of Konimex presenting their wide range of organic teas, vinegars, herbal drops and spices to a potential customer.

photos: NL Chamber

On 19 and 20 May 2015 the Amsterdam RAI Exhibition Grounds were pounding with private label manufactu­ rers and representatives from major retail chains from all ­ over the world. No less than nine Mace­ donian companies exhi­bited at PLMA’s World of ­Private Label, of which s ­even at the Mace­ donia pavilion. Four of these companies had already exhibited at this trade fair in the past, but all indivi­ dually.


magazine no. 6 / Summer 2015


Back to Business Breakfast on 10 September The new Dutch ambassador and NL Chamber sponsor Boekestijn will join the table at this year’s Dutch breakfast.

Ambassador Plomp Arriving mid August, the new ambassador of the Netherlands to Macedonia, Mr Wouter Plomp, will use the opportu-

nity to join the table and get to know the members of NL Chamber. sponsor Boekestijn The owner and director of NL Chamber sponsor Boekestijn Transport Services, Mr Arno Boekestijn, has also announced his presence. Boekestijn Transport Services is the only Dutch transport company with regular transports to and from Macedonia. hosted by Bato & Divajn

Ambassador Wouter Plomp

Like last year the breakfast will be hosted again by prin­ ting house Bato & Divajn on the green slopes behind their premises near Dracevo, Skopje. In a pleasant atmosphere we catch up after a long summer and mee­ t new people, while enjo­ ying choco­ late springles, peanut butter, cheese and various ­other typical Dutch breakfast delicacies.

Arno Boekestijn, owner/director Boekestijn Transport Service Boekestijn Transport Services was established in 1994 in Mill near Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Since 2000 Boekestijn operates a subsidiary in Poland. Boekestijn became active in Mace­donia with local partner Mega Trans from Gostivar after the takeover of R&W Fashion Transport in 2007. The total fleet consists of 202 trucks. The Macedonian partner is Mega Trans from Gostivar with 10 trucks.

Boekestijn Transport Service

Eerste Industrieweg 28 PO Box 75 5450 AB Mill The Netherlands

e: e: w:

all pictures of this event:

photos: Boekestijn Transport Service, Wouter Plomp, Bato & Divajn

The concept of closing the summer holiday season with a “Back to Business” breakfast table, filled with typical Dutch products was highly apprecia­ ted last year, which is the reason to repeat this event on 10 September 2015.


magazine no. 6 / Summer 2015


Third Dies Natalis at Tikves Winery Traditionally the year started with the annual birthday celebration of NL Chamber, this time in Kavadarci at the fine restaurant in the cellars of Tikves Winery. tovska welcomed some thirty NL Chamber members for a tour through the winery, after which the group sat down at the cosy cellar-restaurant for an extraordinary dinner accompanied by a selection of Tikves wines. Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Three years had past since the establishment of the Dutch-Macedonian Chamber of Commerce, NL Chamber on Wednesday 18 January 2012 at the headquarters of Pivara Skopje. Meanwhile, it has become a tradition to honour this date with an intimate celebration, hosted by one of our members.

Guest of honour was Mr Joop Scheffers, who just arrived in Macedonia the week before. Following the early farewell of Ambassador Marriët Schuur­ man who got appointed as Special Envoj at NATO in Brussels per October last year, Mr Scheffers was appointed as Chargé d’Affaires a.i. to Mace­

Dies Natalis

donia untill summer 2015. keeping track of national holidays and trade fairs NL Chamber’s Executive Direc­ tor Bob Smit presented the table-calendar 2015, allo­ wing both Dutch and Macedonian business partners to keep track of eachothers national holidays as well as the major trade fairs.

all pictures of this event:

In the Dutch academic world Dies Natalis - Latin for birthday - is a common expression for the anniversary of universities and other organizations, so that is why also NL Chamber honours its Dies Natalis. Our host for this year’s cele­ bration was Tikves Winery in Kavadarci, the oldest and lar­ gest wine producer of Macedonia. extraordinary dinner CEO Igor Ilievski and export manager Katerina Kos-

No. No. No. No. No.

5: 4: 3: 2: 1:

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online reading

photos: Bato & Divajn

click to read earlier editions!


magazine no. 6 / Summer 2015


DAF Roadshow with a new truck for Mega Trans NL Chamber member D-M Trans hosted a roadshow with Dutch truck manufacturer DAF Trucks, celebrating also the hand over of a new truck to member Mega Trans.

Thursday 23 April the Mace­ donian road transport sector gathered in Ilinden to admire five of the latest models of Dutch truck manufacturer DAF Trucks NV from Eindhoven. The roadshow took place at the premises of D-M Trans, dealer and service station for DAF in Macedonia. Director Dragan Drago­ manov welcomed Dutch ambassador Joop Scheffers who officially handed over the keys of the Boekestijn-­branded DAF XF440 to Ramazan I­bishi of Mega Trans from Gostivar, ­ local partner of Dutch

Boekestijn Transport Services.

Area manager sales operations Twan Verhoeven presented the technological, economical and environmental advantages of the new EURO6 line of trucks. pictures and videos:

Twan Verhoeven of DAF shows the novelties of the XF510 to Ambassador Joop Scheffers.

D-M Trans DOO Ul. 34, no. 11 1041 Ilinden - Skopje Republic of Macedonia

e: w:

Ramazan Ibishi of Mega Trans receives the keys of the brand-new DAF XF440 from Ambassador Joop Scheffers.

photos: NL Chamber


magazine no. 6 / Summer 2015


Business delegation from Hoogeveen visiting Macedonia Member Natuurgevelsteen again brought a business delegation to Macedonia, this time a group of experienced entrepreneurs. The team behind the Dutch importer of Macedonian natural stone Natuurgevelsteen again brought a group of business people to Macedonia, this time experienced entrepreneurs from the region of Hooge­veen. Ambassador for breakfast After a long day of visits to stone processors and quarries, travel­ling from Dojran via Rado­vish to Kriva Palanka, the delegation arrived in ­ Skopje. On Saturday morning the group met for breakfast with Ambassador Joop Scheffers and NL Chamber director Bob Smit who introduced them to the current affairs in the Mace­ donian economy. Good match At the lastest Dies Natalis cele­ bration of NL Chamber at Tikves Winery, Jan Zwiers of Natuurgevelsteen was introduced to printing house Bato & Divajn. Now, part of the dele­ gation met with Zoran Rosomanov, owner of Bato & Divajn. “They expressed so ­ many common interests, that a return visit was very ­obvious!” Smit describes the pleasant atmosphere. “A few days later

Ambassador Joop Scheffers introducing the delegation to Macedonia.

Rosomanov adjus­ted his tra­vel plans to meet the Dutch again and visit their printing house.” Slaughterhouse While visiting the Velmej quarry on Sunday, NL Chamber arranged a slaughterhouse visit for two other delegation members for Monday. Prior to the last dinner with wine­ tasting, Thijs Zomer introduced a microfinance fund: see blue box.

all pictures:

Microdonia BV The ambitions of the driving forces behind Natuurgevelsteen, Thijs Zomer and Jan Zwiers are very clear: creating employment and prosperity in Macedonia, by supporting their suppliers with export and building up healthy, sustainable businesses. Reason for organizing a business mission to Macedonia, was to broaden the focus with a small investment fund for microfinan­ cing of projects in Macedonia. Meanwhile, all 20 bonds have been sold and the microfinance fund Microdonia BV will soon be established!

e: w:

Quarry of Velmej

photos: NL Chamber


magazine no. 6 / Summer 2015


General Assembly on 16 July in Skopje The fourth General Assembly of NL Chamber will take place on 16 July at the Netherlands Embassy in Skopje. Whereas plans for an earlier moment for the General Assembly by the end of February got cancelled, the annual gathe­ring where members decide about performance and plans of NL Chamber will now take place on 16 July 2015 from 15h30.

The invitation with the agenda has already been sent to all members by email. Location for the General Assembly is the conference room on the third floor of the Netherlands Embassy, Aminta III 69-71 in Skopje.


Regular meetings with Customs and Tax Authorities Last automn NL Chamber joined the so-called Advisory Body of the Customs Admini­ stration, that meets once every three months. Objective is to discuss concrete issues and suggestions from the business community. The Advisory Body was established in accordance with the International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of the Customs Procedures of the World Customs Organization. Amongst the other participants are the three Macedonian chambers of commerce, AmCham, the Textile Trade Association and the transport and logistics association. In a meeting with the then Minister of Finance Zoran Stavreski in December AmCham and NL Chamber proposed to ex-

tend the example of the Customs to the Tax Authorities. In April this year NL Chamber was invited to join this consultative group of which the first meeting took place on 30 June at the Tax Authority headquarters in Skopje. See also the publication on the Customs’ website.


Meeting the Mayor of Jegunovce NL Chamber and Embassy visit municipalities Companies may benefit from a visit of the Netherlands Embassy and NL Chamber to ­ the Mayor of their municipality.

Recently Deputy Head of Mission Peter Verheyen met with Mayor Toni Koceski of Jegunovce for European Plants.

photos: MFA, Nancy Boterblom, NL Chamber, Historisch Genootschap Oud West-Friesland

NL Chamber is participating in regular meetings of the Customs and Tax Authorities with the business community.


magazine no. 6 / Summer 2015

Sponsors of NL Chamber 8

magazine no. 6 / Summer 2015


150 year old Van Puijenbroek Textiel now Royal King Willem Alexander awarded the designation “Royal” to Van Puijenbroek Textiel from Goirle. Royal Van Puijenbroek Textiel celebrated 150 years of existence in June. During the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Van Puijen­ broek Textiel in Goirle, the King’s Commissioner of Noord Brabant, Mr Wim van de Donk on behalf of King ­Willem Alexander handed over the designation “Royal” to Mrs Anna van Puijenbroek. The company is producer of workwear and protective wear under the brands HaVeP and Bucofa. Van Puijen­ broek has been producing in Macedonia since 1968 and opened its own production facility in Ilinden, near Skopje in October 2013 under the name VPTex Macedonia. The new flag with a crown in the logo now also flutters in ­Ilinden.


InterWorks on Dutch TV From 16-20 March IT system integration specialist InterWorks participated in CeBIT. This participation was suppor­ ted by CBI, part of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, which also arranged for a TV InterWorks DOOEL

Karpos b.b. (dir. Granit) 7000 Bitola Republic of Macedonia

t: +389 47 221914 f: +389 47 240010 e: w:

crew. General ­ manager Aleksandar Pop Ristov introduced InterWorks to Business Channel as a promising nearshoring IT developing house. The programme was broadcasted on 22 March on RTL7, while CeBIT was still going on. Watch the video with Pop Ristov on:

photos: Van Puijenbroek Textiel, VPTex Macedonia, screenshots Business Channel

Supported by Dutch CBI, InterWorks exhibited at ICT trade fair CeBIT in Hannover and got interviewed for Business Channel, a programme broadcasted on RTL7.


magazine no. 6 / Summer 2015


Anthurium and orchid giant opened laboratory in Kocani Dutch Anthura opened an in-vitro laboratory for breeding and propagating anthurium and phalaenopsis in Kocani. It was a very warm and sunny day, that Wednesday 6 May when Anthura celebrated the official opening of its plant tissue laboratory, Anthura MK in Kocani. The new player on the local labour market already got to 140 employees who gathe­ red with the Dutch owners, their families and relations for the Grand Opening. Part of Anthura’s 12 ha. ultra-modern greenhouse in Bleiswijk, Netherlands.

Johan Scheele, managing director of Anthura MK at the Grand Opening.

The facility measures 1.2 ha. with laboratories under strictly controlled climate conditions for the propagation of phalae­ nopsis cutlings - an orchid genus. The main greenhouse complex of Anthura in the

Netherlands is with 12 ha. 10 times as big as the laboratory in Kocani. Anthura was esta­ blished in 1972 as a company for Anthurium breed­ing by Nic van der Knaap. Now, Anthura is a global leader in breeding and propagation of Anthurium and Phalaenopsis, both for pot plants as for cut flowers. Anthura production facilities are located in China, Germany, the Netherlands and Macedonia. Watch Anthura on: youtube

Anthura MK DOOEL Orizova 15 2300 Kocani Republic of Macedonia

e: w: Johan Scheele at one of Anthura’s facilities in Bleiswijk, April 2013

photos: NL Chamber, Anthura


magazine no. 6 / Summer 2015


Laško to join the Heineken family Dutch beer brewer Heineken agreed to acquire 51% of Slovenian Pivovarna Laško. Upon approval by the authorities, Heineken is obliged to extend a takeover offer for all shares. On 13 April Heineken announced that it had signed a binding agreement with consortium of shareholders to acquire 51% of the shares of Pivovarna Laško from Slovenia. Upon approval according to the competition regulations, Heineken will offer for the entire takeover. Pivovarna

Laško, originating from 1825, operates two breweries: Laško Brewery in the village of Laško and Union Brewery in Ljubljana. Both brands have a strong domestic position and Laško is sold in Macedonia as well.

Press Release:

Heineken participation Macedonia:


Dutch fiscal law students visit BDO and VPTex Since the direct flights between Eindhoven and Skopje, Dutch students regularly choose Macedonia for a study trip, as did a group of fiscal law students from Tilburg. Early April no less than 27 students of fiscal law from Tilburg University visited Skopje and Thessaloniki for a study trip. Dragan Dimitrov, director of BDO Macedonia organized a meeting at the Tax Authority and also hosted a presentation by Macedonian Tax Guide author Dushan Dimitrov at ­ BDO’s premises. Additionally, the group visi­ ted workwear factory of VPTex in I­ linden.


DIK Fagus supplying horeca showroom Studio Senses Last autumn chair factory DIK Fagus from Pehcevo was present at the opening celebration of the first horeca showroom Studio Senses. The concept is an initiative of Dutch horeca wholesaler Hanos and DIK Fagus is the supplier for upholstered wooden chairs. Impression of a Studio Senses showroom; DIK Fagus chairs in the back.

photos: InterWorks, NL Chamber

Dutch horeca wholesaler Hanos and their partners launched a new concept of horeca showrooms Studio Senses. DIK Fagus is main supplier of the chairs.


magazine no. 6 / Summer 2015


Joint promotion by BiMilk and Vitalia Two NL Chamber members recognize the added value of joining forces and conquer the domestic market with a “Combo Promotion”. In 2014 health food producer Vitalia introduced take away meals of oat and muesli to which water, milk or yoghurt should be added. Recently Vita­lia and Macedonia’s largest dairy products manufacturer BiMilk found eachother in a joint promotional action. Vitalia’s take away meal with BiMilk’s half a liter package longlife milk retails at 0.96 EUR. BiMilk BitolskoCupe

Vitalia... VitaliaMK

bimilk mlekarabitola


Third exhibition for Tehnokoop at Dutch showroom Furniture showroom centre De Woonindustrie prepares for its September exhibition. On 14 September, the first day of the autumn trade fair at furniture showroom centre De Woonindustrie in Nieuwe­ gein, Tehnokoop will present its la­ test collection at showroom 2B068b under the brand TKmeubels. Next to sales of sofas, Tehnokoop will also ­ focus on offering custom-made design and production of k ­ itchens.

catalogue (pdf):


Upon acknowledgement in Kocani, Dutch Greneth immediately joined NL Chamber. GreNeth EOOD, a Dutch com-

pany in Bulgaria joined NL Chamber in April. GreNeth serves clients in Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey and Macedonia with greenhouse projects, horticultural equipment and sup-

plies, as well as cultivation consultancy. GreNeth represents various Dutch suppliers, like Priva, Berg Hortimotive and Steenks Service. Owner Jaap-Jan Vermeulen is fluent in Greek and Macedonian!

photos: InterWorks, NL Chamber

New member: Greneth horticulture trade and consultancy


magazine no. 6 / Summer 2015


Feydom and Bato & Divajn both opened Dutch company Two NL Chamber members, 100% Macedonian companies, both recently opened a company in the Netherlands! Furniture designer Feydom was the first fully Macedonian member of NL Chamber to regis­ ter a company in the Nether­ lands in December last year. Since the city of Utrecht was the most appealing to the taste of Feydom, NL Chamber found a seat there and esta­ blished contacts with provincial invest­ ment support organi­ zation Invest Utrecht. Feydom European Retail Network Fern BV in Utrecht is the result of the ambitions of Zoran and Filimena Radonjanin to esta­ blish a Feydom Euro­pean Retail Network for the co-ordi-

Zoran Rosomanov of Bato & Divajn with Thijs Zomer of Natuurgevelsteen

the Dutch market”. Rosomanov is founder and owner of Divajn and Bato & Divajn and was triggered by the visit of the delegation of Natuur­gevelsteen (See the article on page 6). The Dutch sister company, Bato & Divajn BV in Hoogeveen, was established just a few weeks ago.

nation of EU-wide promotion, logistics and sales. logical step Zoran Rosomanov also regards the Netherlands as a good foothold within the EU: “For a company focussed on export to the EU it is a logical step to organize direct pre­ sence on


PLMA 2016: Macedonia pavilion by NL Chamber With the experience of PLMA’s World of Private Label fair this May, companies are eager to confirm their participation next year. NL Chamber will organize the pavilion.

country pavilion Unlike this year, the Dutch government will not subsidize the Macedonian participation, but that does not keep companiers from applying. As soon as ap-

plication is opened, NL Chamber will book the space for the pavilion. In a later stage NL Chamber will co-ordinate design and construction of the pavilion, as well as logis­ tics and other organizational details. Also the Netherlands Embassy has offered again to support in the organization of a successful exhibition.

These companies confirmed to exhibit at PLMA 2016:

Download the brochure on Macedonian participation at PLMA at:

photo: NL Chamber

All nine Macedonian exhibitors at this year’s edition of PLMA’s World of Private Label exhibition in Amsterdam were unanimous in there judgement: next year again!


magazine no. 6 / Summer 2015


Growing outlets

Batavia Stad Fashion Outlet

near Lelystad announced extension with 45 new shops and more space for existing tenants to a total of 31,000 sqm shop surface per end of 2016. Reason is a 12% turnover growth that tenants report. Total number of visitors is 2.3 million per year.

Google datacentre under construction in Eemshaven



Toilets & more

Started in 2011 to make clean restrooms at busy places feasible, now Dutch ­2theloo opera­ tes 180 rest­rooms in 14 countries at gas stations, shopping malls and public transport stations, but also banks. Watch the promo v ­ ideo:

On 50 ha. of land at the coast in the far northeast of the Netherlands Google is building a 600 mln EUR data centre, to be fully operational in 2017. At the nearby internet exchange hub, 11 out of 15 cables for trans-atlantic data traffic between the US and Europe come ashore. Ener­gy provider Eneco has sold the entire 62 MW capa­ city of a 19-turbine wind farm under construction to Google.

mass production it was all over the news: the tannery of Ecco Leather in Dongen near Tilburg was producing Dutch cow leather watchbands for the Apple Watch!


Google’s Project Ara (above)

would bring a mo­ dular phone to the market in 2015. In 2013 student Dave Hakkens at the Design



developed Phonebloks (below)

Apple watchband made in NL

A group of 40 employees was secretly working on a project, without knowing the client. When the project moved into

photos: Batavia Stad Fashion Outlet, Groningen Seaports

in Roosendaal has reached 1 million visitors and grew to 100 shops. Designer Outlet Roermond is champion with 5 million visitors per year and planning 50,000 sqm in 2017. The rent in these centres is not based on floor surface, but depends on the realized turnover. Rosada

Google data centre in Eemshaven


magazine no. 6 / Summer 2015


Calendar of Trade Fairs Selection of upcoming trade fairs. Selection of trade fairs in the Netherlands. NB: All blue text is clickable! The Netherlands Major trade fairs take place at: Jaarbeurs, Utrecht 99,000 sqm, 13 halls

RAI, Amsterdam 87,000 sqm, 11 halls

Ahoy, Rotterdam 30,000 sqm, 6 halls

Regional locations for trade fairs: Brabanthallen, ‘s-Hertogenb.

29,500 sqm, 6 halls IJsselhallen, Zwolle 17,000 sqm, 4 halls MECC, Maastricht 29,500 sqm, 4 halls

Most fairs in the Netherlands have entrance fees and offer discounts for early registration online. Please do not hesitate to contact NL Chamber when you plan to visit a fair in the Nether­lands.

The Netherlands 12-13.07.2015 10.09.2015 29.09.2015- 02.10.2015 29.09.2015- 04.10.2015 30.09.2015- 01.10.2015 06-08.10.2015 13-14.10.2015 03-06.11.2015 03-06.11.2015 10-13.11.2015 23-24.11.2015 11-14.01.2016 11-14.01.2016 12-17.01.2016 13-15.01.2016 20-21.01.2016 24-25.01.2016 27-29.01.2016 09-12.02.2016 15-18.03.2016 12-14.04.2016 24-25.05.2016 14-16.06.2016 23-24.11.2016

Modefabriek, RAI - Amsterdam sales exhibition of the major fashion brands Relatie Z, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 80 exhibitors; relational gifts and christmas packages Elektrotechniek, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 250 exhibitors in electrical engineering VT Wonen & Design Beurs, RAI - Amsterdam 250 exhibitors; consumer fair home interior & design Pumps & Valves, Ahoy - Rotterdam pumping equipment and industrial components Energie, Brabanthallen - ‘s-Hertogenbosch 200 exhibitors; energy saving, sustainable energy Offshore Energy Exhibition, RAI - Amsterdam 650 exhibitors; offshore industry suppliers/contractors Aquatech, RAI - Amsterdam 680 exhibitors; process/drinking/wastewater solutions Europort, Ahoy - Rotterdam 1,100 exhibitors, 40 countries; maritime technology Logistica, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 250 exhibitors in logistics and material handling World Bulk Wine Exhibition, RAI - Amsterdam 220 wineries from 19 countries Horecava and Wine Professional, RAI - Amsterdam 400 food service exhibitors; 100 wine exhibitors Ethnic Foods Europe, RAI - Amsterdam Dutch Tourism Expo, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 850 exhibitors; first day for professional visitors only Vakbeurs Facilitair, Brabanthallen - ‘s-­Hertogenbosch 400 exhibitors; products/services facility management i.e. maintenance, cleaning, catering, ict, reception etc. BioBeurs, IJsselhallen - Zwolle 350 exhibitors in the sustainable organic food chain Modefabriek, RAI - Amsterdam sales exhibition of the major fashion brands Gevel and Material Xperience, Ahoy - Rotterdam products and technology for facade construction materials expo for architects, creative professionals Integrated Systems Europe, RAI - Amsterdam integrated electronic systems: audio, video, lighting ESEF, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht engineering and subcontracting Empack and Label&Print Jaarbeurs - Utrecht packaging materials, machines, coding, labelling etc. World Private Label / PLMA, RAI - Amsterdam european private label producers in food and non-food 3,800 exhibitors, 68 countries, 42 regional pavilions brochure MK pavilion, see: GreenTech, RAI - Amsterdam 300 exhibitors in horticulture and floriculture industry Packaging Innovations, Taets Park - Amsterdam high-level event for brand managers, marketeers and packaging specialists


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