NL Chamber Magazine Summer 2017

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magazine SUMMER 2017 c/o Netherlands Embassy Aminta III 69-71 1000 Skopje Republic of Macedonia e: w: NL Chamber was established in J­ anuary 2012 as official Dutch-Macedonian Chamber of Commerce by 50 Macedonian companies, according to the Macedo­nian Law on Chambers of Commerce. About half of these companies is partly or fully Dutch owned. Objective of NL Chamber is to promote and support successful business relations between Dutch and Macedonian companies.

events Holland Herring Happening NL MeetUp Hollandscheveld TexRec Seminar Seminar on challenges in corporate cyber security Congress on retail trends and logistics B2B Breakfast at Symphony Ambassador Plomp at Sveti Trifun celebrations Test drive for Ambassador Plomp at DAF Roadshow network Balkan business conference in The Hague Sixth sourcing visit by Dutch Fashion Business School members Four new members with a Dutch connection Van Puijenbroek installed 1.200 solarpanels Ezimit wine at Dutch wholesale company DeliXL Ambassador Plomp attended SS17 show by Linea Best Innovative Design Award for Zavar Design Kivo extended production facility Bato & Divajn sponsor of Dutch GP team Anthura started constructing extension New bottling line for Pivara Skopje short Short News / Calendar of Trade Fairs

supported by:

photo: NL Chamber

Dutch-Macedonian Chamber of Commerce


magazine no. 10 / Summer 2017


Holland Herring Happening For the first time NL Chamber organized a public event around the New Herring. Large attendance, wonderful atmosphere, great enthousiasm: a new tradition is born! Early June is the period in which the new herring is brought ashore at the Dutch harbours. The arrival is cele­ brated with herring festivals and local business communities also use the occasion for organizing social events - as is NL Chamber, for the first time this year and to be continued! The Holland Herring Happe­ ning took place on Wednesday 21 June, after work at the outdoor terrace of Distrikt Bar & Kitchen, Marriott Hotel Skopje. sponsors Pivara Skopje not only spon-

sored beer and soft drinks, but also provided an original herring cart! Exactly like on the Dutch streets, the herring was cleaned on the spot and served from this cart. Tikves Winery was our sponsor for wine and rakija. Marriott’s staff turned

Tikves sponsored wine and rakija Patron Member Pivara Skopje was our sponsor for beer, soft drinks and the herring cart.

traditional way of eating herring

all pictures:

photos: NL Chamber / Aleksandar Zlatev

Pivara Skopje arranged for a traditional Dutch herring cart.


magazine no. 10 / Summer 2017

everything into a wonderful event with a very pleasant atmosphere for 120 guests. bitterballen and chicken saté Next to herring also bitterballen (meat filled croquettes) and chicken saté were served, as well as “sharing plates” with a combination of these snacks and Dutch cheese. voucher system

set of vouchers

The Halkbank team.

Since this event was open to a wider public, several member companies regarded this event as a “company treat” and ordered vouchers for groups of employees. This served as a great opportunity for a get-­ together between membercompanies on staff level. Also the Dutch community in Frontwise Group.

One of our newest members, Dutch Data Solutions Group, joined the event with nine colleagues.

photos: NL Chamber / Aleksandar Zlatev

Following the example of our German colleagues with their successful annual Oktoberfest, NL Chamber also introduced a voucher sytem. Vouchers were sold in advance on invoice, per sets of 10 for 600 MKD.


magazine no. 10 / Summer 2017

Macedonia was present, as well as various other people with any kind of Dutch connection. social gathering of diplomats With great enthou­ siasm the Netherlands Embassy suppor­ ted the event by spreading the news and participating with a large group. Deputy Head of Mission Andri van Mens invi­ ted all his colleagues from the ­other embassies in Macedonia for a social gathering. Ambassador Plomp joined with his family and took the opportunity for individual chats with all guests.

successful trial There is a first time for every­ thing and this first Holland Herring Happening was a ­trial for NL Chamber. Although the herring itself did not fully meet expectations, the event was highly appreciated by all guests. Ambassador Plomp: “Congratulations! This was a very successful trial, so I hope we will get a Holland Herring Happening every summer from now on!” With this successful trial, a new tradition is born: the next edition of the Holland Herring

Feydom design team.

Happening will take place towards the end of June 2018. For more pictures of this first edition, check the photo album on our Facebook page at:

fat, juicy and not too salty


NL MeetUp Hollandscheveld As was agreed in a meeting of Dutch members in Veenendaal in January, a first introductio­ nary network gathering took place on Thursday 15 June. Tikves wine tasting The hosts for this event, the company Natuurgevelsteen and the micro-investment fund Micro­donia, prepared a company presentation and a tasting of Tikves wines by Danovino. Location was the “Inspiration Centre” of Natuurgevelsteen, showcasing the various types and colours of natural stone imported from Macedonian quarries, in Hollandscheveld, near Hoogeveen.

Some twenty representatives of Dutch members were present.

photos: NL Chamber / Aleksandar Zlatev, Netherlands Enterprise Agency, NL Chamber

NL Chamber organized the first network gathering in the Netherlands on 15 June, ­hosted by Natuurgevelsteen and Microdonia in Hollandscheveld.


magazine no. 10 / Summer 2017


TexRec Seminar Textile waste in Macedonia ends up at landfills. The TexRec Seminar provides insights on the opportunities and challenges of textile waste recycling. Several companies ­ producing garments or other textile pro­ ducts in Macedonia are ­facing increasing pressure from their clients to proof sustai­ nable treatment of their cutting waste. 9,000 tons per year

technical solutions

Textile waste stored separately at Prilep landfill

the industry. customs procedures

Technical solutions to process cutting waste from certain types of fabrics are already common elsewhere in the world. NL Chamber has invited the Dutch expert on this matter, Anton Luiken to provide an overview of technologies, possible new products after recycling and the consequences for

Since a large share of the textile waste originates from ­ fabrics that were imported for Processing under Customs Control (PCC), also the waste is bound to certain customs procedures which is hampering eventual recycling. The Dutch Customs Authorities have been training

Anton Luiken

Martien Ector

their Macedonian colleagues in several twinning projects and therefore NL Chamber also invited an expert from the Dutch Customs, Martien Ector, to provide profound insights into these procedures. customs procedures In order to get acquainted with the local circumstances, the experts will use Tuesday 27 June for a field trip, visiting two factories and the landfill in Pri­ lep. The seminar itself will take place in Stip on Wednesday 28 with the focus on the textile industry. On 29 June the seminar will be repeated in Skopje at Holiday Inn with representatives of the Macedonian government. Download the programme details for the TexRec seminar in Skopje at:

photos: Textile Trade Association, Anton Luiken, Martien Ector

According to the Textile Trade Association (TTA) the amount of textile waste generated in Macedonia is some 9,000 tons per year, most of which ends up at the local landfills. In Pri­ lep it is stored separately, compressed in bags, but in Stip the textile waste is dumped together with domestic waste. Drisla, the landfill of Skopje, has a dedicated area where cutting waste of polyester (PE) fabrics and polyurethane (PU) foam is stored: 1,400 tons per year.


magazine no. 10 / Summer 2017


Seminar on challenges in corporate cyber security Dutch cyber security expert Inge Philips-Bryan is expected to come to Macedonia in ­autumn for a seminar by NL Chamber and Deloitte. After almost two decades of experience in national security themes at the Dutch government and police, Inge PhilipsBryan moved to the private sector to become Director ­Cyber Risk Services at Deloitte Netherlands. Deloitte Macedonia

Inge Philips-Bryan

NL Chamber contacted ­Deloitte Macedonia with the proposal to invite Philips-Bryan to Macedonia for a seminar in autumn 2017. Deloitte Macedonia instantly accepted the challenge and the

Netherlands Embassy provi­ ded a recommendation for this ­initiative. Cyber Risk Services include: • Identity and Access Manage­ment • Security Incident and Crisis Management • Security Engineering • Cryptography • Privacy Compliance • Privacy Enhancing ­Technologies • Hacking as a Service • Covert Operations


Congress on retail trends and logistics Through two different members NL Chamber got in touch with a top executive from the Dutch retail sector and a Dutch expert on supply chain logistics for a congress. As a trading nation, the Nether­ lands is pounding with innovation in retail. Also the more traditional segment of FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) is continuously inves­ ting in new developments. Self-scanning has become common practice and meanwhile the first “online-only” supermarket is ­ now active in the big cities. The large supermarket chains have also extended their retail online at large scale: a costly endeavor with a major impact on logistics, not only for order picking and timely home-­delivery, but also for the ­supply chain. An inspiring congress provi­ ding profound insight in the latest developments for both sup­pliers and retailers is being planned for autumn this year.

Order picking for online retail at a major Dutch supermarket chain.

photos: Inge Philips-Bryan, Jumbo Supermarkten

online and logistics


magazine no. 10 / Summer 2017


B2B Breakfast at Symphony The annual Back to Business Breakfast this year will be hosted by Symphony Solutions in Skopje on Tuesday 5 September. Traditionally, NL Chamber members celebrate the end of the summer holidays and the start of a new business season with the Back to Business Breakfast. The gathe­ ring will take place on Tuesday 5 September at the cosy Dutch-styled bar and

relaxation area of Symphony Solutions, a Dutch software developer that opened a Mace­ donian branch in spring 2016.


Ambassador Plomp at Sveti Trifun celebrations The annual ceremonies of the pruning of the vines at Tikves and Stobi wineries was attended by Dutch ambassador Wouter Plomp.



Svetozar Janevski and Wouter Plomp at Tikves Domaine Lepovo

Export Manager Jadranka Klaric with Wouter Plomp and importers at Stobi

photos: Symphony Solutions, NL Chamber

For the Macedonian wine sector 14 February is Sveti Trifun day, marking the official start of the pruning of the vines. Ambassador Plomp attended the ceremony at NL Chamber members Tikves Winery and Stobi Winery. Tikves organized the annual celebration at their terroir vineyard Domaine Lepovo, near Negotino. Stobi Winery traditionally hosted the event at the winery in Gradsko. At Stobi the ambassador also met the team of the Dutch importer of Stobi wines in the Netherlands, Tanja and Martin Philipse of Schermer W ­ ijnkopers.


magazine no. 10 / Summer 2017


Test drive for Ambassador Plomp at DAF Roadshow Five of the latest models of DAF Trucks from Eindhoven hit the road for another European tour and arrived in Macedonia by the end of April. On 26 April Ambassador Wou­ ter Plomp visited the Roadshow of Dutch truck manufacturer DAF at its dealer D-M Trans in Ilinden. Plomp also met with Dutch area manager Atila Kaya, while sales mana­ ger Ljupco Andreski presented the features of the Euro6 ­model XF440.


Balkan business conference in The Hague After several years the Dutch government chose again to highlight the business opportunities for Dutch companies on the Western Balkans. The Dutch Ministry of ­ Foreign Affairs had commissioned the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RvO) to organize the confe­rence “Doing business on the Western Balkans” which took place on Thursday 1 June in The Hague. Kivo success story Some eighty people atten­ ded the conference where NL Chamber member Kivo Plastic Verpakkingen shared their success story. The family company from Volendam operates a brand new - and already extended - production facility ­ for plastic bags in Kacanik, Kosovo, employing 100 people.

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Photos: NL Chamber, Netherlands Embassy

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magazine no. 10 / Summer 2017


Sixth sourcing visit by Dutch Fashion Business School Students fashion business at TMO visited various NL Chamber members on their production sourcing study tour.

NL Chamber network The delegation was also welcomed by Ambassador Wouter Plomp at the Dutch residence in Bardovci for a network cocktail with several representatives of the textile industry. This time Pavic used NL Chamber’s network and introduced Kuli Confection and ­ Comfy ­Angel in Prilep and Feydom in

Skopje. Kuli Confection is a ladies’ wear producer, amongst others working for Dutch fashion brands E ­ xpresso and Setter. Comfy Angel is a large producer of duvets and pillows and Feydom is an innovative producer of upholstered furniture. product development platform The 35 students were very impressed by the inspiring story of Zoran Radonjanin, Feydom’s general manager. Radonjanin explained the concept of House of 1000 Designers, a product development platform for young designers, using the design, production and marketing resources of Feydom’s production facility in Vizbegovo. See also the article on page 16 in Magazine no. 8.

photo: Feydom

For the sixth time fashion business school TMO brought a large group of students to Mace­donia. The study trip aims to make the students acquain­ ted with production sourcing. Dejan Pavic of NL Chamber member EMT, a Dutch garment production agent in Stip was in charge of the programme. The tour always includes company visits to NL Chamber members VPTex Macedonia - a subsidiary of workwear specialist Royal Van Puijenbroek Textiel - and the producer of high-end men’s trousers, MGI.


magazine no. 10 / Summer 2017

Sponsors of NL Chamber 10

magazine no. 10 / Summer 2017


Four new members with a Dutch connection Like in the winter edition of this magazine, again we are happy to announce four new members.

Anubis Care e: w:

wine import Univin is the Dutch ­ importer for the Macedonian wine­ ries ­ zimit, Popov and Po­pova E Kula. Univin in Montfoort is focussed on import, wholesale and distribution of a wide assortment of Macedonian wines, but also provides warehousing and logistics services for various clients with webshops. Univin regularly brings groups clients to Macedonia for a tour along the wineries. On 28 March Ambassador ­Wouter

Delegation with Univin at Ezimit, Stip

Plomp met at Popova Kula Winery with a delegation of professional wine lovers. 15 years In 2002 Edwin van der Helm came to Macedonia for the construction of cold stores for a Dutch investment. Van der Helm decided to setup a com-

pany for the execution of cold store construction projects for Dutch Geerlofs Refrigeration BV all over Europe and even Africa. Fifteen years the anniversary was a double celebration with the official opening of a new building in Kocani. Geerlofs Frigotehnika employs 20 people and is also active in the installation of loading docks. agricultural supplies

Geerlofs Frigotehnika DOOEL w:

The fourth new member is again a company with a strong Dutch link that also recently opened a new building. Holland Farming Makedonija DOO in Strumica is the local partner of Holland Farming BV

Univin e: w:

Official opening of the new facility of Geerlofs Frigotehnika in Kocani

photos: NL Chamber

Anubis Care is a Belgian wholesale company in supplies for the wellness and beauty sector. The Dutch owner came in touch with Macedonia through NL Chamber member Steel Con and is planning to setup a production facility for treatment chairs which are currently produced in China.


magazine no. 10 / Summer 2017

from Groenekan, near Utrecht. Holland Farming produces ­organic, amino acid based fertilizers under the brand Cropmax, sold in over 20 countries. The company is also active in trade of agricultural supplies:

seeds, substrates, fertilizers and hard­ware. The new warehouse and ­office building was opened on 26 ­October 2016, as the first completed building in the Indus­trial Zone North in Strumica.

Holland Farming DOO e: w: w:


Van Puijenbroek installed 1.200 solarpanels Solarpanels now cover 2,000 sqm of the roof of the premises of workwear producer Van Puijenbroek in Goirle. The 1.5 century old ­ family company Royal Van Puijenbroek Textiel from Goirle, near Tilburg has been outsourcing the production of workwear and protective wear to Mace­ donia since the sixties. Since 2013 the company also runs an own production facility, ­VPTex Macedonia in Kadino.

At the headoffice - also including the former weaving mill that is now used for warehou­ sing, the Texperience Center and an event hall - Van Puijen­ broek installed 1,200 panels on a total surface of 2,000 sqm. The installation required 6.5 km of wire, tied up with 6,000 tie-wraps.

285,000 kWh The estimated annual yield of the solar panels is 285,000 kWh, whereas an average Dutch household uses 3,300 kWh per year. The estimated decrease of CO2 emission is 112 tons.

e: w: w: Solarpanels on the roof of Royal Van Puijenbroek Textiel in Goirle

photos: NL Chamber, Royal Van Puijenbroek Textiel

Royal Van Puijenbroek T ­ extiel


magazine no. 10 / Summer 2017


Ezimit wine at Dutch wholesale company DeliXL Importer Univin announced that the well-known Dutch wholesaler DeliXL added Ezimit wines to their assortment. Ezimit wines are now sold through DeliXL, a well-known wholesale company in foodservice, recently re-branded to Bidfood. This was announced by Ezimit’s importer Univin from Montfoort.

Ezimit Vino DOO w: “Forgotten wines from Macedonia” Article in the customer magazine ­Appetizer of DeliXL, Spring 2017.

illustration: Bidfood | photo: NL Chamber

Many Dutch will recog­nize the DeliXL-logo from the highways and maybe still remember its predecessor, GVA (Grootverbruik Ahold). DeliXL was sold by Ahold to South African Bidvest in 2005. DeliXL operates 16 locations where 1.700 employees supply 25.000 customers in horeca and healtcare with 350 trucks.


magazine no. 10 / Summer 2017


Ambassador Plomp attended SS17 show by Linea Ladies’ wear Linea participated in Fashion Weekend Skopje with a catwalk presentation of its collection Spring/Summer 2017. April 1st, the Saturday e ­ vening of the Fashion Weekend Skopje, was reserved for a ­ catwalk show by fashion house Linea from Stip. Ambassador Wouter Plomp and his wife attended. The ladies’ wear collection for Spring/Summer 2017 consis­ted of five lines: Botanique, Fragmented Feeling, Playful Transparents, Pure & Fresh and Urban Nomads. all catwalk pictures:

Linea DOO e: w:


Best Innovative Design Award for Zavar Design Marta Naumovska-Grnarova participated in the Architectu­ ral Digest Design Show in New York, presenting the design radiators of Zavar Design. She was awarded the Best Innovative Design Award. Zavar Design w:

photos: NL Chamber, Fashion Weekend Skopje, Zavar Design

At a New York design show, Zavar Design received an award for Best Innovative Design.


magazine no. 10 / Summer 2017


Kivo extended production facility Within two years after opening of the factory in May 2015, Kivo already extended the production facility with a 23 metres high production hall. Deputy Head of Mission at the Netherlands Embassy in Pristina, Peter Verheyen joined NL Chamber for a visit to Dutch plastic bag and foil producer Kivo in Kacanik, Kosovo.

granulate retrieved from this waste is again genuine raw material.

23 metres To accommodate even larger extruders, Kivo built an extension of 23 metres high. For Kivo’s location in the Netherlands - close to the historical centre of Volendam - the municipality does not allow buildings of such heights. recycling Kivo also invested in recycling of their production waste. The

Peter Verheyen watching recycling of production waste to new granulate KIVO Plastic Verpakkingen w: e:

cutting and bundling of bread bags (pictures)

new extruder in the extension


Bato & Divajn sponsor of Dutch GP team Early summer 2015 a delegation through NL Chamber member Natuurgevelsteen visi­ ted Bato & Divajn. The good vibes between owner Zoran Rosomanov and the delegation unavoidably led to a return visit which took place only weeks afterwards for the occasion of the TT in Assen. Meanwhile Bato & Divajn opened a Dutch company and became sponsor of RW ­Racing GP, the team of Roelof Waninge with Spanish Axel Pons in the Moto2 class.

photos: NL Chamber

Motor racing team RW Racing GP found itself a new sponsor in Bato & Divajn.


magazine no. 10 / Summer 2017


Anthura started constructing extension Dutch plant tissue laboratory in Kocani is doubling its capacity. in a ­later stage. Meanwhile the construction of the extension has started and is expected to ­finish around the beginning of November. 2.4 hectares The “old” building measures only 1 hectare, wereas the extension will measure 1.4 hectares. The two buildings will be connected to eachother and the result will be a plant tissue laboratory for propagation of Phalaenopsis of 24,000 sqm. up to 600 employees At the official opening of the laboratory in Kocani in May 2015, Anthura MK already planned to extend the facility

Currently Anthura MK employs 370 people. Some 60 of them now work in the second shift and those 60 will form the group that will start up opera-

Anthura MK DOOEL e: w:

tions in the extension. When the total facility will be in full operation, the total number of employees will be 550 to 600 people. Anthura started production in October 2014.


The Heineken joint-venture invested 1.4 million EUR in a new bottling line with a capacity of one million bottles per day. The new bottling line at Pivara Skopje increases the capacity with 30% up to 1 million ­bottles per day. Moreover the new equipment allows a large flexibility in form and dimension of the glass bottles.

photos: Anthura, NL Chamber, Pivara Skopje

New bottling line for Pivara Skopje


magazine no. 10 / Summer 2017


Bio-based car

Every year a new group of students at Eindhoven University of Technology develop an innovative electric car. The latest model, Lina, is a four person city car constructed from bio composites, weighing 310 kg.

Bus Stop Shop

In order to promote the new webshop and app, supermarket chain Jumbo turned a bus stop into a pop-up shop: by scanning the bar codes with the app on mobile phone, ­ clients could immediately order the products that were shown on the bus stop walls.

Lina: city car of bio composites, weight 310 kg, efficiency 52 Wh/km

monthly Globe Magazine. The three ambassadors point out the recent economic developments as well as the advanta­ ges for Dutch entrepreneurs in the region. The full article can be downloaded in PDF at:

of the new season, mid June. The total annual turnover is 300 mln EUR.

Cyber Security

Accountancy and tax consulting group BDO partnered with Financier Magazine to provide a report on the latest insights in Cyber Security & Risk Management. The report can be downloaded from:

Already in 2011 UK supermarket giant Tesco started with weekly changing posters with QR codes for instant mobile ordering.

Inkless Printing

Two students of Delft University of Technology developed a worldwide patented technology for printing black on ordinairy paper, without using ink. Their company is supported by YES!Delft startup incubator.


The Dutch federation of exporters and logistics ser­ vices providers published a four page article by the three Dutch ambassadors in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia in their

Herring Statistics

The Dutch Herring Wholesale Association published trade figures for the occasion of the start the new herring season. Total annual consumption of herring in the Netherlands is 180 mln herrings or 25 mln kg. One fifth of this amount is consumed in the first four weeks

photos: Tu/ecomotive, Jumbo Supermarkten, Tocado, EvoFenedex, BDO


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