NL Chamber Magazine Summer 2018

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magazine SUMMER 2018 c/o Netherlands Embassy Aminta III 69-71 1000 Skopje Republic of Macedonia e: w: NL Chamber was established in J­ anuary 2012 as official Dutch-Macedonian Chamber of Commerce by 50 Macedonian companies, according to the Macedo­nian Law on Chambers of Commerce. About half of these companies is partly or fully Dutch owned. Objective of NL Chamber is to promote and support successful business relations between Dutch and Macedonian companies.

events B2B Breakfast at Feydom Dutch entrepreneurs to train high school startup teams Second NL MeetUp at Anthura in Bleiswijk Conference metal, electrotechnical and plastics industry Hundred participants in Balkan Business Dialogue Exiting excursion Van Hool Sixth Dies Natalis bubbling with inspiration Filimena Radonjanin joined the Board of NL Chamber network Royal Dutch Shell entered Kosovo Dairy students on internship in the region Dutch-Serbian Trade Association established TexRec working group briefed Makraduli Mihajlo Zefairovski Chargé d’Affaires in The Hague members Anthura opened extension and celebrated 80th anniversary New member: Law Office Pepeljugoski Deputy Minister of Agriculture visits European Plants Tinex Retail Logistics Conference DAF innercity trucks for Tinex Management changes Tikves, Bimilk, Pivara and Havep Ambassador Plomp visited Dojrana Fresh Produce Design business workshop for 40 Dutch students Tikves in close cooperation with new Dutch importer short Statistics / Short News / Calendar of Trade Fairs supported by:

photo: NL Chamber

Dutch-Macedonian Chamber of Commerce


magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018


B2B Breakfast at Feydom Furniture designer Feydom is hosting the Back to Business Breakfast. NL Chamber’s “Back to Business Breakfast” will this year take place at the premises of Feydom in Vizbegovo, Skopje on Wednesday 5 September. pictures:


Dutch entrepreneurs to train high school startup teams Experience, inspiration and motivation for the future innovators! Early November 16 teams of high school students from all over Macedonia will compete in the startup competition. The teams will pitch their innovative business ideas, following the competition formula of Dutch Get in the Ring. Organizer NCDIEL, licensee of the formula, asked NL Cham-

ber to involve Dutch entrepreneurs for preparing the teams with their experience, inspiNCDIEL - GITR licensee

ration and knowledge. Five Dutch entrepreneurs will join the training sessions.

National Centre for Development of Inno­vation and Entrepreneurial Learning

e: w: /


Second NL MeetUp at Anthura in Bleiswijk With the first edition of the NL MeetUp last year at Natuur­ gevelsteen in ­Hollandscheveld, we now move some 200 km south-west to Bleiswijk. The second NL MeetUp is scheduled for Thursday 11 Octo­ber and will be hosted by Anthura, a leading company in bree­ ding and propagation of anthu­rium and phalaenopsis. Anthura’s laboratory in Kocani opened in May 2015, followed by an extension in May 2018.

NL MeetUp

11 October 2018 Anthura - Bleiswijk

Anthura e: e: w: w:

photos: Feydom Furniture DOO, Anthura International BV

The annual member meeting in the Netherlands will be hosted by Anthura.


magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018


Conference metal, electrotechnical and plastics industry Macedonian branch organization hosts an international B2B match-making conference. The Macedonian Association of Metal and Electrical Industry (MAMEI) is organizing its se­ cond Manufacturing Expo with Dutch support. MAMEI expects some 250 participants, both foreign and domestic companies, with a strong focus on the pre-arranged B2B session. Download the Expo Leaflet at:

leading manufacturers MAMEI was founded in 2014 with support of Switzerland

Global Enterprise, S-GE and the Swiss Import Promotion Programme, SIPPO to join the forces of the leading manufacturers in this sector. The association represents the industry both domestically in dialogues with governmental institutions as internationally through trade fair participations. 1.45 bln EUR According to MAMEI the sector is responsible for 19% of the industrial exports with a value of 1.45 bln EUR per year.

register free of charge at: m: +389 71 277047 e: w:


Hundred participants in Balkan Business Dialogue About a hundred participants gathered in The Hague on Friday 16 March to discuss business opportunities on the Western Balkans at the Balkan Business Dialogue organized by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RvO. second time It was the second year in a row that the Foreign Economic Relations department at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs commissioned such an event and it is intended to do so every year.

photos: MAMEI, Netherlands Embassy Tirana

ICT, agriculture, water and energy were the sector themes at the Balkan Business dialogue in The Hague.


magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018


Exiting excursion Van Hool Twenty participants on excursion to the Belgian coach factory.

shift per line, we can produce 3.5 busses a day using one shift.” Four lines are dedicated to the US market, the others to the EU market. Lead time variation occurs mainly at interior decoration, which can vary from 1 to 10 days. Van Hool aims to increase local supplies.

photos: NL Chamber, Van Hool Macedonia DOOEL

CEO Avram Stojcevski himself took charge of NL Chamber’s excursion to Van Hool on 25 April. Stojcevski guided the twenty participants through the entire production process of the Belgian bus and coach manufacturing plant near Skopje. “With a capacity of 0.5 bus per


magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018


Sixth Dies Natalis bubbling with inspiration Introductions, small chats, long conversations, laughter and surprising food: the sixth anniversary celebration was a warm experience.

testimonials “No one organizes anything close to this. Your events feel like family gatherings!”

- regular visitor

“My head is still bursting from all the new contacts and ideas!”

- first-time visitor

“I always love your events!” - regular visitor

“It was our pleasure to attend such an unordinary event and to get to know people from various business sectors.”

- first-time visitor

The winners of the startup competition, high school students from Kumanovo, inspired the guests with their extraordinary startup pitch.

The sixth Dies Natalis was cele­ brated with a Surinamese dinner on Wednesday 17 January.

training entrepreneurship Based on that experience, seve­ ral members will now be involved in training of high school teams for the next edi-


startup pitch In order to inspire the guests with the creative power of the new generation, high school

tion of Get in the Ring this autumn. They will share their specific sector knowledge as well as their general experience as successful entrepreneur with the new teams in one or more

photos: NL Chamber / Aleksandar Zlatev

However, the wonderful menu was just a side dish to the “main course” of the event: Exchange. Connecting people involves the exchange of business cards, but also the exchange of experience, views and ideas. Take a look at the testimo­nials in the blue box on this page!

students from Kumanovo repeated their startup pitch with which they had won the startup competition Get in the Ring in October.


magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018

afternoon sessions. home-made Like in 2017, NL Chamber took over the kitchen of restaurant Oreov Lad. For this occasion Nicole Schönbeck was engaged as Chef de Cuisine to prepare a five-course Surinamese menu, supported by NL Chamber’s Chef Paul Houthuijzen. Schönbeck learnt the secrets of the Surinamese cuisine from her mother: both her parents were born and raised in Suri-

name. Although most of the dishes were prepared at Oreov Lad, the recipies came straight from Suriname: handwritten in her mother’s notebook!

click to read earlier editions!

pdf download

No.11: No.10: No. 9: No. 8: No. 7: No. 6: No. 5: No. 4:

online reading

photos: NL Chamber / Aleksandar Zlatev, NL Chamber

all Dies Natalis pictures:


magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018


Filimena Radonjanin joined the Board of NL Chamber Fashion producer Kuli Confection hosted the General Assembly in Mariovo. Kuli Confection in Prilep, produ­ cer of ladies’ wear for amongst others the Dutch fashion brand Expresso, hosted the seventh General Assembly in the beautiful scenery of Mariovo. Whereas Board member Dirk

Filimena Radonjanin, co-owner of Feydom Furniture and member of the Board at NL Chamber.

Vlierboom (Marriott) left to continue his career in Minsk, Filimena Radonjanin (Feydom Furniture) was appointed as his successor. Only days before the Gene­ ral Assembly, Board member

Alfred Schönbeck also announced his withdrawal due a career change. President Wim Westen thanked both Dirk and Alfred for their efforts and wished them great success with their new challenges.


Royal Dutch Shell entered Kosovo On 14 May Royal Dutch Shell and local partner Al-Petrol officially opened the first Shell gas station in Kosovo, near Pristina International Airport. In January Shell and Al-Petrol closed a licence agreement for

fuel retail. 50 gas stations

Gerrie Willems, Netherlands Ambassador to Kosovo.

General Manager Licensed Markets at Shell, Martin Lustenberger, announced the expansion to 50 Shell gas stations in one year. It is said that Shell also has the ambition to

enter the Macedonian fuel retail market. 5th largest Royal Dutch Shell, headquartered in The Hague, is the fifth largest company in the world by revenue according to the Fortune Global 500.

photos: Filimena Radonjanin, NL Chamber, Netherlands Embassy Pristina,

With Al-Petrol as local partner, Shell stepped into the fuel retail business of Kosovo.


magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018


Dairy students on internship in the region Dutch interns contribute to knowledge exchange in dairy farming and processing.

energy and waste water They focussed on process optimization with special attention for energy consumption and waste water treatment. According to professor Dairy Process Technology at VHL University Peter de Jong this triple internship formed the ­ basis for a fruitful co-operation with these companies. The directors of the three dairy plants already paid a return visit to VHL in Leeuwarden.

Their projects were focussed on cost-efficiency and sustai­ nablility. Two of them, Klaas Hoek Spaans and Folmer van der Werf, are expected to return a few times to Kosovo for additional short assignments. driving force Driving force behind all these exchanges is dairy process consultant Wim Maaskant of Yuniko who established the contacts between Van Hall Laren­stein and the dairy companies in the region.

Mlekara AD Bitola

six more Early 2018 no less than six other students came to Kosovo for various internships with three local dairy factories.

Frank de Boer, Peter de Jong and Marte Roorda at BiMilk in Bitola.

Wim Maaskant


Van Hall Larenstein w: Lars Ruiter, Klaas Hoek Spaans, Femke Westerbos, Erik Heemsbergen, Inge Rooks and Folmer van der Werf at the King’s Day celebration in Pristina.

Photos: Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, Netherlands Embassy Pristina, Van Hall Larenstein

Students Marte Roorda (26) and Frank de Boer (22) at university of applied scien­ces Van Hall Larenstein (VHL), spent their six-month internship at three different dairy factories in ­ Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia. Additional to the Food Technology curriculum, Roorda and De Boer also followed the international major and minor Dairy Tech­ nology.


magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018


Dutch-Serbian Trade Association established Four entrepreneurs joint forces to improve the Dutch-Serbian business relations. By the end of July Djordje Petrovic, Bojan Lekovic, Tom de Boer and Cees Hilhorst founded the Dutch-Serbian Trade Association, NSH in Djordje Petrovic

Bojan Lekovic

Tom de Boer

Cees Hilhorst

Dutch or HSPA in Serbian, with Petrovic as Executive Director. The official founding celebration is expected by the end of September.


TexRec working group briefed Makraduli Head of Waste Management Department at the Ministry of Environment, Ana Karanfilova Maznevska, scheduled a mee­ ting with Deputy Minister of Environment Jani Makraduli for 14 February. NL Chamber, the Textile Trade Association and the Customs Authority - the working group that was founded as a result of the TexRec conference in June 2017 - reported the status of the textile waste recycling initiative. The Customs Autho­ rity already decided to relief confirmed cutting waste from customs control, import du-

ties and VAT and to introduce a single tariff for leftovers of fabric, regardless of the type of material. The Ministry of Environment will continue to regard cutting waste as indus-

trial waste for which current laws already oblige the textile industry to arrange for collection and processing.

Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning w:


Mihajlo Zefairovski Chargé d’Affaires in The Hague The Macedonian Embassy in the Netherlands has a new Head of Mission. With the ending of the mandate of Ambassador Igor Popov, the Macedonian Government appointed Mihajlo Zefairovski as Chargé d’Affaires at the Mace­ donian Embassy in the Netherlands per July 2018.

Embassy of Macedonia in The Hague Chargé d’Affaires: Mihajlo Zefairovski Laan van Meerdervoort 50c 2517 AM The Hague - Netherlands t: +31 70 4274464 e: w:

Photos: Djordje Petrovic, Bojan Lekovic, Companies Connected, Cees Hilhorst, Ministry of Environment, Mihajlo Zefairovski

The Deputy Minister of Environment got informed about the textile waste initiative.


magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018

Sponsors of NL Chamber 10

magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018


Anthura opened extension and celebrated 80th anniversary Within a month Anthura celebrated the extension of the production facility in Kocani and the 80th anniversary of Anthura with King Willem Alexander in Bleiswijk. Almost exactly three years after the opening of the in-vitro laboratory of Dutch Anthura in Kocani, Saturday 5 May was again dedicated to yet ano­ther official opening celebration by Anthura. Where the original laboratory already covered 1.0 ha., the total facility now measures 2.4 ha. for up to 600 employees.

Family, friends and business partners at Anthura in Kocani.

capital security and predictability

shev announced that the Law on Investment Support just passed parliament and added: “Anthura will be one of the first users of that law for everything they invested in 2017.” tomatoes

Kocho Angjushev, dep. prime minister

Back in 1938 Jan van der Knaap started a small company for cultivation of toma-

King Willem Alexander with brothers Mark and Ivan van der Knaap.

Kocho Angjushev, dep. prime minister

toes and other vegetables. His son, Nic van der Knaap started working in the wooden greenhouses in 1959 at the age of 15. In 1974 Nic took over the company and started the cultivation of anthurium. With the takeover of a German company in 1995, the company name was changed into Anthura and phaleanopsis (orchids) were added to the assortment. Since the transfer of the company to the current management, Anthura opened bran­ ches in China and Macedonia as well as new facilities in the Netherlands. See for a full historic overview and the 80th anniversary.

photos:, Sitel, Anthura International BV, ANP / Patrick van Katwijk

Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Kocho Angjushev stated in his speech: “One of the most important things for every investor is capital security and predictability”. Angju-


magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018


New member: Law Office Pepeljugoski Allround law office supports various major companies and NL Chamber members. Law Office Pepeljugoski was established in Skopje in 1999. Nowadays, ten lawyers are supporting various major domestic and foreign clients, including several NL Chamber members. The law office is a pioneer in the field of intellectual property law and it has experience in providing legal services in all civil and commercial matters.

Aleksandar Trajkovski and Valentin Pepeljugoski


Deputy Minister of Agriculture visits European Plants Acknowledgement visit turned into pleasant gathering of tree cultivation professionals.

Having decades of experience in fruit tree growing and trading, Cvetkovic expressed his sincere admiration for the quality, the scale and the processes of the operation.

Owner Joost Michels in the middle with the seedlings and Deputy Mini­ ster of Agriculture Blage Cvetkovic right of him. European Plants DOOEL w:

The deputy minister announced to return to European Plants for another visit in August to witness the loading of numerous trucks for export.

photos: Law Office Pepeljugoski, NL Chamber, Blage Cvetkovic

On 27 June Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Blage Cvetkovic, visited the conifer tree nursery of European Plants in Preljubishte.


magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018


Tinex Retail Logistics Conference Logistics experts provided Tinex suppliers with the latest insights. With the completion of a mo足 dern Distribution Centre (DC), Tinex felt the need to inform the suppliers about the new 足 logistics processes and planned adaptations for the near future. The experts focussed on supply chain impacts, efficiency, improved service levels and environmental benefits, as well as ICT solutions. Some 120 logistics professio足 nals attended the conference.

Roderik Rosenbaum, Commercial Director for Heineken at Pivara Skopje

Tinex MT DOOEL w:

DAF innercity trucks for Tinex Tinex purchased DAF LF230 trucks for innercity transport.

At a visit to their brand new Distribution Centre (DC) early December, Tinex mentioned they were looking for offers for additional trucks. NL Chamber brought them in touch with DAF Trucks NV and their Mace足 donian dealer, D-M Trans. Now, Tinex is the proud owner of two DAF LF230 Euro 6 trucks for innercity deliveries!

photos: Tinex, D-M Trans DOO



magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018


Management changes Tikves, Bimilk, Pivara and Havep During the past year several companies had a change of management. An overview. In July last year Radosh Vuki­ chevich started as new CEO of Tikves Winery. Prior to this position he was Economic Promoter for Macedonia in Bulgaria and Serbia. Vukichevich gained experience in marke­ ting, sales, supply chain and operation at Alkaloid, CocaCola and also Tikves Winery.

Joint-venture partners CocaCola and Heineken regularly shuffle their managers and therewith also Pivara Skopje got a new General Manager, Vladimir Kosijer, from May this year. Kosijer has been with Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling ­ Company since 2002 of which the last five years in Ukraine.

Gorgi Petrusev, CEO BiMilk

Gorgi Petrusev was CEO of

Dhyana van der Pols (COO), Miranda Hopstaken (CFO) and Anna van Puijenbroek (CEO), Koninklijke Van Puijenbroek Textiel

Vladimir Kosijer, GM Pivara Skopje

The Dutch manufacturer of workwear and protective wear, Koninklijke Van Puijenbroek Textiel (Havep), restructured the top management of this 153 year old family company into a strong team of three. Anna van Puijenbroek already was Commercial Director before taking on the position of CEO in April 2017. Miranda Hopstaken joined as CFO in November, equipped with six years of experience at group level. By the end of last year, D ­ hyana van der Pols completed the team as COO, bringing extensive knowledge of garment production management and the global supply chain with a large network.

photos: Radosh Vukichevich, Gorgi Petrusev, Vladimir Kosijer, Brabants Dagblad/Beeld Werkt

Radosh Vukichevich, CEO Tikves

Tikves Winery until autumn 2011, after which he continued his career as Managing Director Investments at M6. In Novem­ber 2017 Petrusev started as CEO of the largest dairy manufacturer of Macedonia, BiMilk, part of a group of regional dairy plants.


magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018


Ambassador Plomp visited Dojrana Fresh Produce Dojrana Fresh Produce intensified preparations after finalizing land acquisition. Ambassador Wouter Plomp picked a wonderful day to go down south to get informed about the progress of the Dutch cultivator of fruits and vegetables, Dojrana Fresh Produce.

The company recently finished all procedures to acquire a 250 hectare agricultural land concession for the cultivation of apples, table grapes and vari-

ous other fruits and vegetables. “The cultivation of grain and corn is to enrich the soil,” director Edwin de Wit explained.


Design business workshop for 40 Dutch students Students at TMO Fashion Business School spent a full day at House of 1000 Designers.


Tikves in close co-operation with new Dutch importer Supported by the experience and network of Natuurgevelsteen BV and Microdonia BV, startup wine importer Danovino awaits a bright future with Tikves Winery. With the support of Microdonia and its seasoned businessmen and with Janetta ­Wanders-Brouwer, (former Commercial ­ Director of Delta Wines) as a mentor, Daniëlle Gier­veld secured all expertise to let her startup wine importer Dano­vino flourish with Tikves. See the webshop:

First row: Zoran Gjurov (Geplastik), Katerina Kostovska (Tikves), Danielle Gier­ veld (Danovino), Janetta Wanders-Brouwer (former Comm.Dir. Delta Wines)

photos: Netherlands Embassy Skopje, Feydom Furniture DOO, Danovino

The annual TMO study trip to Macedonia in June this time included a full day workshop at the design and product deve­ lopment centre House of 1000 Designers by design furniture company Feydom.


magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018


R&D investments

Five of the top-11 Dutch companies that spend most on Research & Development are located in Eindhoven. Philips is still the largest with 4,200 employees at the High Tech Campus where in total 11,000 top researchers from all over the world work at 160 companies. ASML is the global leader in wafer steppers - machines to produce computer chips - and employs 7,000 researchers near Eindhoven, but also in Taiwan, China and the US.

Largest Dutch R&D investors (in mln EUR, 2016) Red: Eindhoven Blue: elsewhere


The Netherlands Enterprise Agency published a webinar on doing business in the Netherlands:


KindHack Skopje

Facebook event page


This sister brand of Volvo, developed in Sweden and produ­ ced in Belgium, is to change the sales of cars: mobility, flexibi­ lity and simplicity. Belgian CEO Alain Visser: “The first reaction to the brand name was that it is not at all a car name. That was exactly the intention.” Visser feels a startup spirit: “We have a team of 150 people, 20 nationalities, 50% female and 70% without auto­motive background!”

Unilever ­Rotterdam


Heineken brand Lagunitas has launched a cannabis-infused sparkling water in California at the end of July. Hi-Fi Hops is an IPA inspired beverage combining hops with the cannabis components THC and CBD.

The British-Dutch multinatio­ nal behind famous brands such as Dove, Rexona, Domestos, Magnum and Hellmann’s, decided to simplify its double nationality structure. After a year-long review Unilever picked Rotterdam over London as its sole corporate headquarters. article on: about:

Unilever corporate headquarters, Rotterdam

photos: Lagunitas, Unilever

Dutch softwarehouse Symphony Solutions invites NGO’s in Macedonia to participate in the charity hackaton KindHack on 22-23 September in Skopje. Application deadline is 24.08.


magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018


Wooden cars

Rogier van Bijsterveld, owner

of the company De Splinter BV, ordered a teak model of a Porsche 911 from his Indonesian partner. His first wooden 1:1 scale model, a Mercedes 300SL Gullwing has already been sold.

Food printer filling

Mercedes 300 SL Gullwing, 1:1 scale model in teak

Vertical Forest

Eindhoven is to get a 70 metres apartment building by the Italian architect Stefano Boeri and inspired by his Bosco Verticale in Milan.

Instagram hit (96)

Google Food

The Dutch director of Google Food, Michiel Bakker, shared his experience with providing 108,000 meals a day to Goo­ glers at 200 locations around the world. Google HQ at Mountain View serves breakfast, lunch and dinner to 20,000 Googlers through 30 locations. Herbs are grown by the “Leafy Green Machine”, a hydroponic garden in a shipping container. “It’s about where food comes from, how it’s made and why that matters,” says Bakker. The internal Eat App aims to get better insights in preferen­ ces in order to avoid food waste.

Design boutique Park in ­Vienna multiplied its fan-base on Insta­gram from 400 to almost 50,000 followers by using the 96-year old Erni Stollberg as a model: thousands of likes for each picture and a recommendation to follow by Vogue.

photos: De Splinter BV, 3DbyFlow, Business Insider/Julie Bort, Stefano Boeri Architetti, Park Wien/Markus Strasser

In close co-operation with Chef Jan Smink (Librije***) and the 3D food printer company 3DbyFlow, the Dutch spices and sauces supplier Verstegen developed a series of fil­ lings for 3D food printers: the world’s first “food cartridge” supplier.


magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018


Paradiso 50 years

Amsterdam “pop temple” Para­diso celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. The famous music venue is located in a former church, built in 1879.

Amsterdam pop music venue Paradiso.

Several Dutch horeca suppliers offer upholstered wooden chairs, made in Macedonia. Chef Sandor van Dam appeared in a Dutch TV show and introduced his restaurant Swinckels in Twello. One email to DIK Fagus led to the confirmation: the chairs at Restaurant Swinckels were produced in Pehcevo!

Cultured meat

Although cultured meat still did not reach the supermarket shelves, the development dates back to 1948 when Willem van Eelen (1923-2015) was in his first year at the Facul­ty of Medicine at the University of Amsterdam. ­Having faced hunger in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp, Van ­Eelen got intrigued by stem cell technolo­ gy, used to culti-

Tetrick, a self-proclaimed ve-

gan who “eats meat for tes­ ting purposes”. Due to the long Dutch history in cultured meat research, Tetrick planned to launch cultured meat on the Dutch market first. Unfortunately, the Dutch authorities do not allow such experiments, regarding cultured meat as “novel food” and therewith insisting on approval of the European Food Safety Agency.

photos: Paradiso, Ondernemen doen we zo, Michael Hughes, Mosa Meat, Patrick Post

Chairs on TV

vate skin cells for burn victims. It became his life work to use this technology to make meat, but raising funds for continuous research - and the very costly investments in global patents - remained the biggest obstacle. In 2013 former research colleague Mark Post introduced the world’s first ”in-vitro burger” which had costed ­ 250,000 EUR. His company Mosa Meat recently acquired 7.5 mln EUR funding to continue the research towards affordable mass production for human consumption. In 2017 the patents of Van Eelen were bought by Just, a company established in 2011 in San Fransisco by Josh


magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018

ASML EUV machine



The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam decided to hire ­Instagram influencer @queenofjetlags (Noor, 695k followers) to boost visibility. Her picture with the Night Watch (1642), the most famous painting of Rembrandt van Rijn, raised 71,444 likes and boosted @rijksmuseum to 223k followers.

Inkless new funds

Startup Inkless received an additional 1 mln EUR investment to improve its consu­ mable-free printing technology. The laser-based technology does not require ink and therewith also prevents the waste of cartridges as well as packaging and logistics involved. Inkless is a spin-out of Delft University of Technology and was founded by Arnaud van der Veen.

The Dutch global market lea­ der in microchip machines ASML reported a turnover in Q2 of 2.7 bln EUR. This year ASML expects to deliver 20 EUV machines - based on extreme ultra­violet lithography of over 100 mln EUR per piece, scaling up to minimum 30 pieces in 2019.


Innovation Expo

The European flower market is 30 to 35 bln EUR per year. The share of online sales is only a few percent, but this is expec­ ted to rise rapidly. In order to enable e-commerce in flo­wers, packaging solutions have been developed including a paten­ ted foam to keep flo­wers fresh: Chrysal Arrive Alive.

Innovation Expo venue: the RDM Submarine Wharf, Rotterdam Harbour

photos: Rijksmuseum, Decorum, Brainport, RDM Submarine Wharf

Flowers online

More than 120 innovations will be presented at the Innovation Expo on 4 October 2018 in Rotterdam at the RDM Submarine Wharf, along with various sessions, workshops and sideevents. Registration is FREE and also includes B2B matchmaking, organized by Enterprise Europe Network.


magazine no. 12 / Summer 2018


Trade Fairs Selection of upcoming trade fairs in the Netherlands. This list of upcoming trade fairs is a selection of larger fairs that might be useful for Macedonian companies, althoug many smaller fairs also exist for various niches. NB: All blue text is clickable! Major trade fairs take place at: Jaarbeurs, Utrecht 99,000 sqm, 13 halls

RAI, Amsterdam 87,000 sqm, 11 halls

Ahoy, Rotterdam 30,000 sqm, 6 halls

Regional locations are: Brabanthallen, ‘s-Hertogenb.

29,500 sqm, 6 halls IJsselhallen, Zwolle 17,000 sqm, 4 halls MECC, Maastricht 29,500 sqm, 4 halls

Most fairs in the Netherlands have entrance fees and offer discounts for early registration online. Please do not hesitate to contact NL Chamber when you plan to visit a fair in the Nether­lands. NL Chamber’s annual calendar also lists a selection of these fairs, next to the national holidays: This overview of trade fairs is also published separately:

Overview of Trade Fairs

14-18.09.2018 18-22.09.2018 19-20.09.2018 21-23.09.2018 28-30.09.2018 02-05.10.2018 02-07.10.2018 09-11.10.2018 22-24.10.2018 23-24.10.2018 31.01.2018- 01.11.2018 06-08.11.2018 07-08.11.2018 22.11.2018 26-27.11.2018 28-29.11.2018 12-13.12.2018 07-10.01.2019 09-13.01.2019 15-18.01.2019 20-21.01.2019 23-24.01.2019 23-24.01.2019 23-25.01.2019 31.01.2019 04-08.02.2019 05-06.02.2019 05-08.02.2019 12-14.02.2018

IBC, RAI - Amsterdam media, entertainment and technology show with 1,700 exhibitors and 55,000 visitors (170 countries) including conference and topics OTT, 4K, HDR, VR, Streaming VOD, Cloud Hosting, Ultra HD and IPTV 50plusbeurs, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 600 exhibitors in travel, living, comfort for elderly Big Data Expo, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 85 exhibitors and 100 lectures Beurs Eigen Huis, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht consumer fair for (re)construction of private homes Second Home, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht consumer fair for weekend and holiday houses World of Technology&Science, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 600 exhibitors in industrial automation and processing VT Wonen & Design Beurs, RAI - Amsterdam 250 exhibitors; consumer fair home interior & design Energie, Brabanthallen - ‘s-Hertogenbosch 200 exhibitors; energy saving, sustainable energy Offshore Energy Exhibition, RAI - Amsterdam 650 exhibitors; offshore industry suppliers/contractors UNLEASH, RAI - Amsterdam World’s largest conference on HR Infosecurity and Data&Cloud Expo, Jaarbeurs - Utr. exhibition on IT security, data and cloud solutions Transport & Logistics, Ahoy - Rotterdam 100 exhibitors in transport and logistics services ICT & Logistiek, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht ICT solutions for supply chain management SmartHomes/IntelligentBuildings, Jaarbeurs-Utr. comfort, care, control and connect in buildings World Bulk Wine Exhibition, RAI - Amsterdam 210 wineries from 20 countries European Women in Tech, RAI - Amsterdam conference with 60 speakers AgriFoodTech, Brabanthallen - ‘s-Hertogenbosch smart/vertical farming, big data, automation in agri Horecava and Wine Professional, RAI - Amsterdam 400 food service exhibitors; 100 wine exhibitors Dutch Tourism Expo, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 850 exhibitors; first day for professional visitors only InfraTech, Ahoy - Rotterdam 550 exhibitors in civil engineering Modefabriek, RAI - Amsterdam sales exhibition of the major fashion brands WebWinkel Vakdagen, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 250 exhibitors and 10 top speakers digital commerce BioBeurs, IJsselhallen - Zwolle 350 exhibitors in the sustainable organic food chain Vakbeurs Facilitair, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 400 exhibitors; products/services facility management i.e. maintenance, cleaning, catering, ict, reception etc. Event Summit, Ahoy - Rotterdam 520 exhibitors and 35 speakers in event organization Bouwbeurs, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht ( 500 exhibitors in construction Nederlandse Kerstpakkettenbeurs, Expo - Houten 100 exhibitors in relational gifts for christmas Integrated Systems Europe, RAI - Amsterdam 1100 exhibitors in AV / electronic systems integration GéPéBé, Autotron - Rosmalen trade fair for christmas packages 20

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