NL Chamber Magazine Winter 2019

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New Year’s dive Northern Sea, Scheveningen

magazine WINTER 2019 c/o Netherlands Embassy Aminta III 69-71 1000 Skopje Republic of Macedonia e: w: NL Chamber was established in J­ anuary 2012 as official Dutch-Macedonian Chamber of Commerce by 50 Macedonian companies, according to the Macedo­nian Law on Chambers of Commerce. About half of these companies is partly or fully Dutch owned. Objective of NL Chamber is to promote and support successful business relations between Dutch and Macedonian companies.

events Belgian dinner for 60 guests at the 7th Dies Natalis Excursion Dutch joint-ventures near Kacanik Global Entrepreneurship Summit Back to Business Breakfast at Feydom Second NL MeetUp at Anthura in Bleiswijk network “Boko Brothers” finally meet in Gevgelija Inauguration cocktail Dutch-Serbian Business Association Meetings of the bilateral chambers members Four new members: all spin-offs of Dutch companies! New factory in Economic Zone built by Steel Con Dutch dairy farmer investigating opportunities Macedonia Member anniversaries: Vitalia, BDO, Symphony Solutions RADiUs architects won design competition hospital CSR activities by NL Chamber members Macedonian startup selected for Rockstart accelerator short Infographic: Dutch investments in Macedonia Short news Calendar of Trade Fairs

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photo: Unox

Dutch-Macedonian Chamber of Commerce


magazine no. 13 / Winter 2019


Belgian dinner for 60 guests at the 7th Dies Natalis The seventh anniversary of NL Chamber was celebrated with a five-course Belgian menu.

The team of Pivara Skopje with Geplastik

all Dies Natalis pictures: us around through the manufacturing plant of the Belgian company Van Hool. authentic Belgian Stojcevski instantly accepted the invitation as well as the suggestion to bring his Belgian colleague and friend of the

Representatives of the latest Dutch company in Macedonia, HSO.

theme dinner Four years in a row we have been organizing a theme dinner for this celebration: Dutch winter dishes, Indonesian cuisine, Surinamese delicacies and this time a full Belgian menu. For the occasion of this year’s Belgian theme, we invited general manager Avram Stoj­ cevski who last year guided

welcome drink

Avram Stojcevski and Greet Jans, Van Hool

Traditionally we start with a standing reception, welcoming the guests with a drink accor­ ding to the theme. This year’s welcome drink was a cocktail of the Belgian white beer Hoegaarden and a Kriek cherry beer with a little white wine and fruit juice.

photos: NL Chamber / Aleksandar Zlatev

In the afternoon of Thursday 17 January, NL Chamber’s Chef Paul Houthuijzen and Nicole Schönbeck served us a five-course meal. The occasion was our annual Dies Natalis celebration - the anniversary of NL Chamber - and the venue was, for the third time already, restaurant Oreov Lad in Skopje.

Dutch community in Macedonia, Greet Jans. By the end of the event our chefs got her full approval: authentic Belgian.


magazine no. 13 / Winter 2019

colleagues from Serbia Special guests this year were two of the founders of the Dutch-Serbian Business Association, Cees Hilhorst and Tom de Boer Vinokic. See the article on their inauguration cocktail on page 8.

beer menu Liljana Sekulovska and Petar Simjanoski, Tomato Talent

wonderful gesture Our member RADiUs ­architects came up with a wonderful gesture: for the purpose of a ­little teambuilding at the office, they came up with the idea to wrap Belgian bonbons as their gift to every guest.

sponsor Boekestijn Transport came especially to Macedonia to attend the celebration.

Like the welcome drink, all five courses of the menu were prepared using Belgian beer: a different beer for each dish. All beers were also available for tasting through importer Standard Spirits.

Peter and Arno Boekestijn

largest crowd Within half an hour the space got filled up to 60 guests, the largest crowd ever for this event. This included many first-timers: new members, other staff of existing members and various guests, including deputy ambassador Andri van Mens. Based on the experience of last year, NL Chamber

Many thanks to Suzana Stojkovska and her team of restaurant Oreov Lad!

+389 2 2057958

Manneken Pis is a bronze sculpture of 61 cm in Brussels, regularly dressed in different costumes. See:

photos: NL Chamber / Aleksandar Zlatev

Gifts by RADiUs architects


magazine no. 13 / Winter 2019

The mustard soup was prepared with Tripel Karmeliet, whereas both the fresh and the fried mussels were prepared with Leffe Blond. beef and gingerbread The typical Belgian beef stew, known as “stoofvlees” of the second main course is best prepared with a dark beer, in our case Leffe Brune. Another curious ingredient is gingerbread that provides that final touch to obtain that unique flavour. The very same evening Paul already shared the recipe with one of the guests.

Law Office Pepeljugoski, BiMilk and Halkbank

next Dies Natalis: Thursday 16.01.2020 theme: Spanish!

Ambassador Plomp with KIVO and RADiUs architects


Paul Houthuijzen and Nicole ­Schönbeck

Cosy Bar in Skopje serves over 50 (mainly Belgian) special beers as well as stoofvlees and bitterballen! Located at former Krigla, next to the government building.


photos: NL Chamber / Aleksandar Zlatev

The dessert was home-made ice cream with Kriek ­ cherry beer and a freshly baked ­waffle. Finally it was time for coffee: a small cocktail of coffee with Westmalle Tripel, a little whiskey and whipped cream.


magazine no. 13 / Winter 2019


Excursion Dutch joint-ventures near Kacanik In May another inspiring excursion will take place, this time to two impressive Dutch investments in plastics: KIVO and REKS KIVO is a modern production facility for extrusion, printing and converting of plastic bags and foils. The joint-venture of Dutch Kivo Plastic Verpakkin足 gen from Volendam and local partners started operations in May 2015. With about a hundred emplo足 yees in three shifts, the company produces amongst 足others

waste bags, printed bread bags and packaging foils for various large clients. 9.000 sqm The same joint-venture partners, together with another Dutch company from Volendam, Kras Recycling, are currently constructing the first phase of a plastics recycling plant, REKS. The first phase is a production facility of 9.000 sqm, to be followed by another 9.000 sqm and 15.000 sqm in the coming years. Focus will be the recycling of LDPE (low density polyethy足 lene) from regional industrial waste streams. excursion With the dedication of serial entrepreneurs Visar Ramajli and Maliq Gjyshinca, REKS is expected to start operations in March 2019. NL Chamber is organizing an excursion to both KIVO and REKS - only some 50 kilometres from Skopje - in May.

KIVO Plastic Verpakkingen w: e: (pictures)

Plastics recycling plant REKS under construction

photos: NL Chamber



magazine no. 13 / Winter 2019


Global Entrepreneurship Summit The USA and the Netherlands are organizing the ninth edition of the Global Entrepreneurship Summit that will take place on 4 and 5 June in The Hague. Around 2,000 entrepreneurs, investors and other participants will gather at the World Forum in The Hague in June for the Global Entrepreneurship Summit, organized by the US State Department and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Interested entrepreneurs can apply at: application form


Back to Business Breakfast at Feydom Some thirty participants attended the annual Back to Business Breakfast at Feydom. Feydom hosted the traditio­

nal after-summer gathering in Vizbegovo. The thirty guests quickly spread all over the building for a factory tour, a chat at the cosy offices or a view from the roof terrace.

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No.11: No.11: No.10: No. 9: No. 8: No. 7: No. 6: No. 5:

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photos: Feydom / Filimena Radonjanin

click to read earlier editions!


magazine no. 13 / Winter 2019


Second NL MeetUp at Anthura in Bleiswijk Dutch members gathered at the orchid and anthurium giant. Once a year one of the Dutch members of NL Chamber opens the doors of their premises in the Netherlands for a gathe­ ring with other Dutch entre­ preneurs in Macedonia. Objective is to get to know each­other, exchange experien­ ces and eventually introduce their business friends. This time the NL MeetUp took place on 11 October at Anthura in Bleiswijk.


“Boko Brothers” finally meet in Gevgelija On Friday 7 December busy schedules and travel plans ­finally matched to introduce European Plants, Doj­ rana Fresh Produce, Natuur­ gevelsteen / Microdonia and Geplastik to eachother. The companies share interests in agricultural produce, supplies, labour force and export. Besides, the Dutch also share a passion for good food, Macedonian wines and especially for Boko, a restaurant in Gevgelija which they all frequently visit. After a visit to the nursery of Dojrana in Dojran, these “Boko Brothers” continued conversations over a dinner at Boko.

photos: NL Chamber

Four members active in southeast Macedonia gathered on a Friday afternoon.


magazine no. 13 / Winter 2019


Inauguration cocktail Dutch-Serbian Business Association Almost seven years after the launch of NL Chamber, the Dutch-Serbian Business association was established. On Thursday 8 November the establishment of the Dutch-

Serbian Business Association

(NSH, Nederlands-Servische Handelsvere足 niging) was cele足 brated with a reception at the Netherlands residency in Belgrade by Ambassador Henk van den Dool. The association was registered last summer by four businessmen and has now almost thirty

members, including Unilever, Ahold Delhaize and Levi9. visiting Skopje Founders Cees Hilhorst of the wood pellet company 足 S-Biom and Tom de Boer Vinokic of steel construction 足 company Todebo came to Skopje on 17 January to attend the seventh Dies Natalis celebration of NL Chamber.

Ambassador Henk van den Dool

The four founders: Djordje Petrovic (executive director), Bojan Lekovic (president), Cees Hilhorst and Tom de Boer Vinokic.

Meetings of the bilateral chambers NL Chamber, AmCham, Matto and other bilateral chambers met on several occasions to discuss various subjects affecting the business climate in Macedonia. After summer the Customs Authority called the chambers for another meeting to discuss current developments, new procedures and electronic systems. Matto took the initiative to gather the bilateral chambers for a discussion on governmental influence on the business climate.

meeting at Customs Authority

meeting at Matto

photos: Netherlands Embassy Belgrade, Gjoko Tanasoski, Matto



magazine no. 13 / Winter 2019

Sponsors of NL Chamber 9

magazine no. 13 / Winter 2019


Four new members: all spin-offs of Dutch companies! An entrepreneur who started a second company, two clients that went independent and a new investment by existing partners. Announced already before the foundations for the factory were laid, is the new membership of REKS, the plastics recycling company in Kosovo by the same joint-venture partners behind our member KIVO.

See the article on the planned excursion in May above. “again and again” The second new member is STEETS (a palindrome that in Dutch suggests “steeds”: again and again) which is a brand agency, established in 2003 as PXL. The Macedo­nian branch was established in 2018 under responsibility of partner Jasper Mulders to strengthen the digital marketing support activities. Mulders was co-owner and commercial director of e-commerce specialist Tricode that established their Macedonian branch back in 2010, triggered by an employee with Macedo-

Part of team at STEETS.

nian roots. Tricode was sold to the marketing group DEPT in 2017 and the local branch and NL Chamber member - has meanwhile been rebranded to DEPT Technology Macedonia. spin-offs The two other new members are Tomato Talent and HSO,

Tomato Talent e: w:

“gardening” at Tomato Talent

which are both spin-offs of our member Frontwise. Both new companies started as ­clients with dedicated teams at Frontwise and last year their activities in Macedonia had

e: w:

Afterwork gathering at Tomato Talent

photos: STEETS, Tomato Talent



magazine no. 13 / Winter 2019

matured enough to continue independently. Tomato Talent is an exe­cutive recruiter from Amsterdam, managing the recruiting process with already some 30 employees in Skopje and a small team in London. HSO is a Dutch provider of ERP and CRM solutions (Enterprise Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management systems respectively) on Microsoft Dynamics and ­Azure. The Dutch mother com-

HSO gathering

pany was established in 1989 in Veenendaal and the entire group employs 550 people.

HSO Global Services e: e: w: Tomato Talent, HSO and Frontwise Group at NL Chamber’s Dies Natalis


New factory in Economic Zone built by Steel Con Steel Con is building a new factory for Dura Automotive Systems from the US. The plant will measure 16,000 m2 and its construction requires 768 tons of steel. Location is the Free Economic Zone Bunardzik near Skopje, just behind the factory

of Belgian bus manufacturer Van Hool. Steel Con is a company in steel constructions and reinforcement armatures from Mlado Nagoricane (near Kumanovo) and part of the Dutch Gerliko Group. Gerliko Staalconstructie BV e: w: ­ Steel Con DOOEL e: w:

photos: HSO, NL Chamber / Aleksandar Zlatev, Steel Con

American company contracted Steel Con for their new plant near Skopje.


magazine no. 13 / Winter 2019


Dutch dairy farmer investigating opportunities Macedonia In close co-operation with BiMilk, NL Chamber organized an introduction weekend for a Dutch dairy farmer with the Macedonian dairy sector. In the first weekend of November Lukas and his father Jos Verstraten came to Macedonia for an extensive acquaintance with the Macedonian dairy sector.

Lukas en Jos Verstraten

journalist Since the farm is not big enough to provide work and income for two households and Lukas has a Macedonian girlfriend, the family got interes­ ted to investigate the opportunities for dairy farming in Macedonia. A phonecall to the Dutch journalist who published a three-page article about the Macedonian dairy sector back

Verstraten Melkvee VOF, Westerbeek

article in Veeteelt:

in 2013, brought Verstraten into contact with NL Chamber.

milk manager Dragan Ilievski joined on Saturday morning for a series of visits to dairy farms and the dairy plant in Bitola on Sunday.

BiMilk Whereas the article in the Dutch magazine already explained the lack of raw milk in Macedonia, BiMilk general manager Gorgi Petrusev instantly offered his support to provide Verstraten with a full overview of the dairy sector in Macedonia. After an introduction and a meeting at the Ministry of Agri­ culture on Friday, BiMilk’s raw

raw milk receipt at BiMilk

inspecting the silage

At the various dairy farms, Verstraten discussed the milk yield, the average yields of fodder types, availability of additional fodder and supplies as well as the availability of professional technical services, for example for a milk robot.

Photos: NL Chamber

While Jos is occupied as board member of the Dutch agriculture association LTO (50,000 farmers) ­Lukas runs the fami­ ly business. Their dairy farm consists of 120 heads with two milk robots, some 100 heads young cattle and 50 hectares of land. Watch this video for a full impression.


magazine no. 13 / Winter 2019

Amongst the many other subjects that were discussed over the weekend were also the possibilities for short-term

16 kernels in a circle means good corn

contract work (during harvest) and the availability of large plots of land with irrigation. efficiency productivity All these factors determine the efficiency and productivity of an eventual “Dutch-style” dairy farm. Jos and Lukas also met with Vasko Marinovski, educated as an agronomist, but owner of fashion manufacturer Kuli in Prilep. At an NL Chamber meeting, Marinovski was introduced to BiMilk after which he further developed his plans to invest in dairy farming.

Mlekara AD Bitola w:


Member anniversaries: Vitalia, BDO, Symphony Solutions These companies marked their 25th, 20th and 10th anniversary. In December health food company Vitalia celebrated twenty­five years of existence with a party at the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle in Skopje. Founder Nikola Veta­ ­ dzokoski (77) still plays an active role within the company,

The team of Vitalia.

whereas daughter Iskra and son Dimitar form the management team.

Vitalia DOO e: w:

Vitalia exports to 57 countries and the products are avai­ lable at major retailers such as Tesco, Carrefour and Delhaize as well as wholesa­ lers Metro and Dutch Sligro. two decades accountancy BDO Macedonia marked two decades as major player in accountancy, bookkeeping and tax advisory services. In 2011 the company, managed by

Dragan Dimitrov, BDO

photos: NL Chamber, Vitalia, BDO

57 countries


magazine no. 13 / Winter 2019

Dragan Dimitrov, joined the glo­bal network of BDO that has its international office in Brussels. Recently, BDO Macedonia moved part of the activities to new premises at the ProCredit building in Aerodrom, close to Capitol Mall. Gala The youngest company in this series of anniversary celebrations is software developer Symphony Solutions: esta­ blished in December 2008 in Amsterdam and since 2016

BDO Macedonia e: w:

its traditional New Year Gala to the tenth anniversary with a dinner, an orchestra, a choir, a charity auction and a band at Marriott’s ballroom. Two more New Year Galas will take place in Krakow (Poland) and Lviv (Urkaine) where Symphony Solutions also has delivery centres. In total the company employs some 550 employees.

also located in Skopje. Symphony Solutions dedicated

Symphony Solutions DOOEL e: w: New Year Gala by Symphony Solutions in Skopje.


RADiUs architects won design competition hospital In august 2018 the team of RADiUs architects won the design competition for the new city hospital, planned at the location of “Majcin Dom” in Aerodrom.

Architect Jana Gugulovska with ambassador Wouter Plomp

Impression of the winning design by RADiUs architects.

photos: Symphony Solutions, NL Chamber / Aleksandar Zlatev, RADiUs architects

Last summer RADiUs was awarded the first price in the design competition for the new city hospital in Skopje-Aerodrom.


magazine no. 13 / Winter 2019


CSR activities by NL Chamber members More and more companies put Corporate Social Responsibility on the agenda. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the notion that companies can play a role in so­ ciety beyond their business interests and legal obligations by deploying staff, knowledge and capital for the greater good. CSR actions often address environmental issues, sports, kids education or support to margina­lized groups. air quality Early 2018 Bitola-based IT company InterWorks donated 15 air purifiers to local kindergartens. In December Inter-

Participants in the Exploring Architecture workshop in Skopje.

Archi­tects of Macedonia orga­

nized the outdoor workshop “Exploring Architecture” for children. code for good

architectural expedition In summer RADiUs architects through the Association of

The participants embarked on an expedition through Skopje city centre, learning about the various styles and architectu­ ral icons of the city, while along the way learning also where to place the buildings on the map. learning and playing Dutch Plastic packaging producer KIVO decided to support

One of the kindhack teams

Bonevet tech course for kids.

photos: Symphony Solutions, Association of Architects of Macedonia, Bonevet

Works launched the campaign “Plant a tree for a better life!” with which InterWorks will donate a total of 10,000 trees to the citizens of Bitola to plant in their yards or where possible on municipal land.

Dutch Symphony Solutions introduced its charity hackaton Kindhack to Skopje with 48 hours of “coding for good”. In one weekend four teams developed technology solutions for the challenges provided by four local NGO’s.


magazine no. 13 / Winter 2019

the expansion of NGO Bonevet in Kosovo to Kacanik, offering a variety of courses in tech and general skills to local scholars. In Kocani the Dutch orchid labo­ratory Anthura donated the renovation and new equipment for a local playground. extensive CSR agenda Being a company of large consumer brands, Pivara Skopje has an extensive CSR agenda

Anthura funded playground in Kocani.

ranging from Coca-Cola Active Zones with open air fitness equipment throughout the country and bicycle parking stations to various environmetal actions in co-operation with Pakomak. The Coca-Cola bicycle parking stations

Coca-Cola Active Zone


Macedonian startup selected for Rockstart accelerator Pixyle develops technology to recognize garments. The Amsterdam-based startup accelerator Rockstart selected the Macedonian startup P ­ ixyle for its Artificial Intelligence (AI) accelerator programme. “The Pixyle platform uses AI to train machines to recognize garments in images. The platform then performs similarity matching with the clothes of

sustainable brands showing them where to buy,” Rockstart wrote in its press release. Founder of Pixyle is Svetlana Kordumova, holding a PhD from University of Amsterdam.

Svetlana Kordumova, Pixyle

photos: Municipality Kocani, Pivara Skopje, Svetlana Kordumova

Theatre performance “Hocus Pokus, recycling is in focus” for scholars.

latter includes massive litter cleanup actions on the Vardar river banks by the entire staff of Pivara and the Netherlands Embassy as well as a series of theatre performances on domestic waste collection, selection and recycling for scholars.


download as PDF:

photos: Netherlands Embassy Skopje, Feydom Furniture DOO, Danovino

magazine no. 13 / Winter 2019


magazine no. 13 / Winter 2019


NL investments

No contaminated statistics, no wild estimations, but real data provided by each individual company. That is what led to the infographic on the previous page: the total investments and the total number of employees at the 22 most significant Dutch companies in Macedonia.


New data centre

Minister in Skopje

The Dutch minister of ­ foreign affairs, Stef Blok visited Mace­ donia for half a day on Wednesday 12 September. Together with his director of the Europe Department Rob Zaag­

Existing Google Datacentre with energy supply in Eemshaven, Netherlands

man, Blok visited the Embassy

where they also had a chat with NL Chamber.

Highway Pristina

The construction of the brand new highway from Pristina to Skopje is quickly approaching the border. Two thirds of the route - some 30 km - has already been opened.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok visited Macedonia on 12 September 2018.

Circular dress

During a large trade mission to India, Dutch foreign trade mini­ ster Sigrid Kaag was wea­ ring a red dress, fully made from recycled yarns. The dress was designed by Ronald van der Kemp who has also ­ designed for Beyoncé and Katy Perry.

photos: Dagblad van het Noorden, NL Chamber, Netherlands MFA, Netherlands Embassy / Viktor Popovski

Google announced the construction of another data centre in the Netherlands. Alphabet Inc. has purchased 70 ha. of land at industrial park Agri­ port A7 near Middenmeer in the norht-west of the country. The data centre itself will initially measure 54x520 sqm with a height of 10 metres. In 2016 Google opened the data centre that was later extended in Eemshaven in the very north-east of the Nether­ lands with a total invested amount is 1.1 bln EUR.


magazine no. 13 / Winter 2019


Trade Fairs Selection of upcoming trade fairs in the Netherlands. This list of upcoming trade fairs is a selection of larger fairs that might be useful for Macedonian companies, althoug many smaller fairs also exist for various niches. NB: All blue text is clickable! Major trade fairs take place at: Jaarbeurs, Utrecht 99,000 sqm, 13 halls

RAI, Amsterdam 87,000 sqm, 11 halls

Ahoy, Rotterdam 30,000 sqm, 6 halls

Regional locations are: Brabanthallen, ‘s-Hertogenb.

29,500 sqm, 6 halls IJsselhallen, Zwolle 17,000 sqm, 4 halls MECC, Maastricht 29,500 sqm, 4 halls

Most fairs in the Netherlands have entrance fees and offer discounts for early registration online. Please do not hesitate to contact NL Chamber when you plan to visit a fair in the Nether­lands. NL Chamber’s annual calendar also lists a selection of these fairs, next to the national holidays: This overview of trade fairs is also published separately:

Overview of Trade Fairs

20-21.01.2019 23-24.01.2019 23-24.01.2019 23-25.01.2019 26-27.01.2019 31.01.2019 04-08.02.2019 05-06.02.2019 05-08.02.2019 10-13.02.2019 12-14.02.2019 19-21.02.2019 01-03.03.2019 06-10.03.2019 08-10.03.2019 09-10.03.2019 12-14.03.2019 13.03.2019 15-17.03.2019 17-19.03.2019 19-21.03.2019 20-21.03.2019 26-28.03.2019 03-04.04.2019 09-11.04.2019 09-11.04.2019 10-11.04.2019 07-09.05.2019 08-09.05.2019

Modefabriek, RAI - Amsterdam sales exhibition of the major fashion brands WebWinkel Vakdagen, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 250 exhibitors and 10 top speakers digital commerce BioBeurs, IJsselhallen - Zwolle 350 exhibitors in the sustainable organic food chain Vakbeurs Facilitair, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 400 exhibitors; products/services facility management i.e. maintenance, cleaning, catering, ict, reception etc. Second Home, Mecc - Maastricht consumer fair for weekend and holiday houses Event Summit, Ahoy - Rotterdam 520 exhibitors and 35 speakers in event organization Bouwbeurs, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht 500 exhibitors in construction Nederlandse Kerstpakkettenbeurs, Expo - Houten 100 exhibitors in relational gifts for christmas Integrated Systems Europe, RAI - Amsterdam 1100 exhibitors in AV / electronic systems integration Vakbeurs, De Woonindustrie - Nieuwegein B2B furniture exhibition GéPéBé, Autotron - Rosmalen trade fair for christmas packages HortiContact, Evenementenhal - Gorinchem 500 exhibitors in horticultural technology and supplies E-Bike Xperience / Bike Motion, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht consumer fairs on (e-)biking HISWA, RAI - Amsterdam 300 exhibitors at Amsterdam Boat Show Second Home, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht consumer fair for weekend and holiday houses VeggieWorld Utrecht, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht international vegan lifestyle exhibition Material District Rotterdam, Ahoy - Rotterdam materials expo for architects, creative professionals FutureTech, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht conference for Microsoft developers Beurs Eigen Huis, Jaarbeurs - Utrecht consumer fair for (re)construction of private homes ProWein, Messe - Düsseldorf Macedonian pavilion at 15G21, with, and Aqua Nederland, Event Hall - Gorinchem 320 exhibitors in water technology Infosecurity and Data&Cloud Expo, Expo - Brussels exhibition on IT security, data and cloud solutions StocExpo, Ahoy - Rotterdam exhibition in tank terminal industry Empack, Automation and Logistics&Distribution Brabanthallen - ‘s-Hertogenbosch 200 exhibitors in packaging printing, labelling and converting, automation and logistics Building Holland, RAI - Amsterdam 250 exhibitors in construction, installation, real estate Maintenance Next, Ahoy - Rotterdam manufacturing and services in industrial maintenance Plastic Recycling Show, RAI - Amsterdam exhibition and conference Maritime Industry, Event Hall - Gorinchem 500 exhibitors in maritime industry Independent Hotel Show, RAI - Amsterdam 150 leading suppliers to luxury and boutique hotels 19

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