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Term 1 Review
How was term 1 for our Mulchatians?
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Term 1 Review
How was term 1 for our Mulchatians?
Term One at NLCS Jeju never fails to disappoint and as always there has been an incredible amount going on and the Green Dragons have been at the heart of absolutely everything
At this time of year it is traditional and especially worthwhile to consider what we are grateful for Developing a habit of being grateful and placing our challenges in context can lead to a more positive and growth orientated mindset This phenomenon is being increasingly borne out by research, which demonstrates that gratitude can improve mood, wellbeing and have an impact on symptoms of depression and even benefits physical health
As Mulchat’s Head of House I have plenty of reason to be thankful. I am grateful for the positivity of so many students on a daily basis; their energy and determination are inspirational. I am grateful for the leaders who show so much passion and drive; they regularly sacrifice their own time for others in their community. I am grateful for the fantastic tutors who work hard to ensure that our students are safe and looked after on a daily basis There are always bumps in the road, some we can control and some we cannot but if we take the time there are also, always reasons to be thankful, even if we have to dig a little more for them sometimes
There have been some incredible highlights so far this year The House Song, Glee and Ensemble were spectacular Whilst the end results showcased the wonderful creative talents of Mulchat House the process was even more meaningful There are so few occasions when we can be part of such a big group all united in common purpose and action Our leaders showed incredible character and resilience in the face of challenging situations and huge expectations Soyul Kim, Chloris Kim and Yujoo Kim in particular were tireless in their endeavours and are exceptional role models to the others students. I run short of superlatives when describing the work I have seen them do over the past few months.
Year 7 have had a stellar start to their Mulchat journey Ably guided by the superb Mr Godley and Ms Davies they have shown the passion and courage we celebrate on a weekly basis Their great successes so far are down to excellent organisation, an inclusive and supportive attitude and a relentless positivity They are already emerging as a tight, unified part of the Mulchat family and I can’t wait to see their future progress
Outside of Mulchat our students have been visible in all sorts of worthwhile pursuits Whether helping to organise Tower Aid (Apple Kim), Launching Lucidity magazine and MC-ing the Jeju Youth Forum (Benjamin Jun), being robot masters (Lucy Kim, Sehee Kim, Yelena Jey), working with the Children’s Rights Committee (Max Ko) or representing the school in sporting events, Mulchatians are excelling everywhere Most recently and perhaps most spectacularly Simon Lee (Gomez), Serena Eun (Wednesday), Ian Park (Pugsley), Chloris Kim (Chorus/Alice), Eliza Waterman (Chorus), Jooha Lim (Chorus), Soyul Kim (Flute), Jiho Eun (Cello) and Irene Yoon (Tech) gave the wonderful Addams Family Production a distinctly green tinge in their sensational performances.
Of course academic pursuits continue apace and I would like to congratulate all of the students on their huge efforts since August Moreover, I would like to wish Year 11 luck for their mock examinations after the break
Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year
Once again this year, each tutor group will be nominating a famous face or inspirational figure as their choice to become a ‘Mulchat Legend’. Each tutor group will put forward their candidate in a whole House Assembly and once all are presented there will be rounds of knock our voting.
Last year’s worthy winner was Yoda, but who will be next? So far we have had fantastic assemblies from M7A who put forward Korean hero Yi Sun Shin and M11A who proposed Tero.
Each tutor group was asked to write a Haiku together, expressing how they feel about Term 1. So much to cram into 17 syllables!
Grand Mulchat dragons, with a passionate spirit, we take on the lead!
Mulchat singing first, Celebrate with lots of fun, Mulchat forever!
Faces in a crowd, In Mulchat we stand as one,
Let our thunder sound M10A
We are M7B, We listen and we don’t judge, proud of who we are M7B
We are M8A, Our exceptional mood board, Excellent Team Work M8A
Together we fight Green and white, our hearts unite Victory in sight M9A
Christmas is coming, snow and love are everywhere, Christmas is coming M10B
Full with tire but joy, A beacon lightens the path, Follow Mulchat yay M9B
Courage and passion, Rebellious by nature, Together we rise M11A
And high, high we ought to sail,
Though we know no home above the cloudsbeacuse it is in the sky that our road lies M11B
Each term our tutors have the tough job of recognising one of their tutees for embodying the values and spirit of NLCS and Mulchat
For showing fantastic enthusiasm and dedication to all house related events and competitions.
For excellent improvement in confidence, positive attitude at all times and supporting others wherever he can! He deserves to be incredibly proud of the confident, kind and ambitious individual that he is!
For her exceptional attitude towards house competition. She is always willing to step up and help.
She has worked above and beyond when contributing to tutor time activities and House competitions throughout the term.
Aileen has shown remarkable growth in her confidence and maturity this term Aileen approaches challenges with a good attitude and is not afraid to share her thoughts and ideas Aileen has an uplifting and kind demeanor that fosters a welcoming and supportive environment in Mulchat House.
Donnie actively participates in numerous house events and fosters a welcoming, positive environment every morning during tutor time with his smile He also takes the tutor representative role seriously, demonstrating responsibility and encouraging input from other tutees!
For his fantastic contributions to the house and form including public speaking, our tutor board and most recently Christmas cards & Haikus
For her enthusiasm and cheerfulness every morning and her sterling commitment to Mulchat in every event so far this year.
For being a very active member of Mulchat House. He is a genuinely kind and fantastically creative Mulchatian!
I have seen him involve himself in so many different house events and excel in different aspects (including lantern making). I am always impressed by his sincerity and politeness.
As always, a huge thankyou to Mulchat team They are a wonderfully supportive and caring group who bring huge energy and committment into their roles every day of the week
Each week we congratulate the student in our house in reciept of the highest number of Academic Merits and Character Strengths. These nine students will be placed in a prize draw during the end of term assemby.
Also, congratulations to M8A who collectively received the most Merits and Character strengths per student (18.7) and to Jeremy Lee who earned the most individually with 62!
Huge congratulations to Irene Yoon (M9A) for earning the most merits in YEar 9 this term, Sophie Lee (M10B) and Ziu Choi (M11A) for being recognised for their Effort and Conduct in the end of term awards. .