Curriculum on a Page (English) - Y7 - T2 - NLCSJ 2024_25

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Building on the strong foundations established in the first term, Term 2 marks a crucial stage in your child's transition into senior school life. As they continue to navigate new subjects, routines, and expectations, they are encouraged to reflect on their learning journey, develop positive study habits, and grow in both confidence and independence. Term 2 is an excellent opportunity for your child to feel emboldened as self-aware learners to explore and be enthused by their new or developing interests both within and beyond the classroom. Parents can support this by encouraging open conversations at home about their progress, triumphs, and strategies for growth. With continued support from teachers, parents, and peers, Year 7 students will continue to flourish this term. - Ms. Natalie Wilson (


Welcome back to Term 2 of the 2024/25 academic year! There was much to celebrate throughout Term 1 for all of our Year 7 cohort, with many class teachers and Heads of Department commenting upon the excellent start to Senior School life they have seen our students make. Throughout Term 2, students will continue to experience a broad, balanced and future-facing curriculum across all of their subjects, as they grow in confidence in embodying the mindset and resilience it takes to be a successful NLCS Jeju Senior School student. In your discussions with your children about their learning, do also encourage their involvement and participation in the wider life of the school and/or the student leadership and enrichment opportunities that are commonplace in many aspects of school life. Here's to another brilliant term ahead!Mr Carl Lewis (


An overview of the lesson content for the term is provided Your child will learn lots of new vocabulary and concepts each term. This list contains subject specific vocabulary, integral to the unit of study

If you have any questions regarding your child’s programme of study, please contact the Head of Department

Some examples have been provided for how your child might extend their learning and engage with scholarship associated with the subject. This includes further reading and activities they might enjoy

Throughout lessons students will be developing these transferable skills

Academic Leadership Team Contact Information

● Natalie Wilson - Vice Principal (Academic) -

The formative assessments your child will take this term to support their progress

● Carl Lewis - Assistant Vice Principal (Division A - Languages) -

● Shilen Tanna - Assistant Vice Principal (Division B - Visual & Performing Arts)

● Philip Morton - Assistant Vice Principal (Division C - Sciences & Mathematics)

● Laetitia Choi - Assistant Vice Principal (Division D - IB Core) -

● Jason Sannegadu - Assistant Vice Principal (Head of Houses/PSD)


Please use the directory below to contact the relevant Head of Department for any questions you may have about the curriculum. For questions about your child’s progress, please contact their subject teacher in the first instance:

Division A Subjects (Languages):

● Mr Daniel Jewitt - Head of English -

● Ms Susan Gleeson - Head of AED -

● Mr Fabián Herrera - Head of European Languages & Korean Second

● Ms Hwayoung Choi - Head of Korean Language & History -

● Ms Margaret Baird - Head of Latin -

● Ms Jenny Liu - Head of Mandarin -

Division B Subjects (Visual & Performing Arts):

● Ms Sharon Kennington - Head of Art & Design -

● Ms Stella Taylor - Head of Dance -

● Mr Ian Peirson - Head of Drama -

● Mr Harry Thorrington - Head of Music -

● Mr Daniel Walsh - Head of Physical Education -

Division C Subjects (Sciences & Mathematics):

● Mr Tajvir Singh - Head of Computer Science -

● Ms Duygu Bulut - Head of Mathematics -

● Mr Mark Kim - Head of Key Stage 3 Science -

● Mr Hugh Kim - Head of Biology -

● Mr Derek Patenaude - Head of Chemistry -

● Mr Nick Gillings - Head of Physics -

Division D Subjects (Humanities):

● Mr Steven Knight - Head of Geography -

● Ms Penny Fitchet - Head of History & Global Politics -

● Mr Thomas Carter-Stead - Head of Personal Social Development &


Students will read and discuss the novel 'The Bone Sparrow', with a focus on key moments. They will develop their inference skills and ability to analyse specific authorial choices, while engaging with important thematic elements of the text, with opportunities to link back to the previous work on human rights.

Membership in the English Society; Dead Poets Society; or Debate Society Entering submissions to The Pier Literary

Joining the Language Ambassadors; Reading CCAs; Commonlit (online reading and

● Selecting appropriate evidence

● Analytical comments on authorial choice authorial choices in Understanding the difference between explicit

Analysing the effect of specific authorial choices

personal response


Students will study the topic of school by continuing to practise the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). In addition, they will consolidate material that they have learnt

is a learning website which offers a range of different revision and recap activities and games provides a range of online support materials, homework tasks which help students to target areas for

is an effective online learning review game which allows regular and quick recap to consolidate learning

Speaking : To start to sentences (e.g. opinion and reasons) and to develop answers by adding more detail.

Writing: to write longer short sentences and develop answers more.

To understand the concept of an infinitive and how to conjugate a

● Spoken task - answer questions about school subjects, the school day, school uniform (and what students where outside of school), and their ideal school.


This term: Predictive Reading and Discussion

Students will use background knowledge and reading context to predict the content of texts. They will engage in discussions to reasonably solve problems. They will prepare questions that fit the purpose of an interview and conduct the interview. Students will select content from various sources to write coherent and unified texts.

Students are able to participate in annual reading activities and recommended reading lists which will be provided by

Participating in various types of activities and tasks in groups Sharing presentations conducted over the year

Critical and Creative Thinking: Develop the ability to utilize and communicate information creatively and critically. Community and Interpersonal Relationships: Enhance the ability to work within a community and manage interpersonal relationships.

● Annual Reading Program Activities: Participate in activities related to the annual reading program.

● Creative Writing of Literary Works: Create and write literary works.

● Career-related Writing: Write texts related to career exploration.

● Presentation of Altruistic Design: Present projects on altruistic design.


: Formation of an ancient centralized state

Students will learn about the activities of the ancient kingdoms of Silla, Goguryeo, and Baekje up to the 6th century. It is an important task to study the commonalities in how each kingdom's kings sought to strengthen royal authority and form powerful nations through policies and strategies, using the key term "centralisation" as a focal point. Additionally, students will find it intriguing to explore the similarities and differences in the peak periods of the Three Kingdoms era.

is a place where various historical materials operated by the National Institute of Korean History are of Korean Culture is a resource written by experts in various fields of Korean studies

Encyclopedia provides reliable content when related materials

analyzing historical sources based on their historical context

Understanding reconstructing them through various

Comprehending and summarizing the content of provided

Understanding events from multiple

● Worksheet activities related to Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla

● Pop quiz

● Poster creation activity


In our Korean Second Language classes, each student receives tailored teaching materials suited to their unique level. The teacher offers personalised termly overviews, highlighting the specific topics to be covered. Students engage with a diverse range of learning resources,including 'Talk to me in Korean', fostering

Cultural activities incorporated into lessons according to the key dates in the Korean calendar, including a KSL Trip is a learning website which offers a range of different revision and recap activities and games

Participating in optional writing competitions

Within the context of the relevant topic students are studying, they will

● Completion of Grammar exercises

● Regular vocabulary tests

● Conversation tasks (to assess their speaking and listening)


This term: Talking about the past: imperfect and perfect tenses

Students use the Cambridge Latin Course from Stages 6-7 and consolidate grammar and language covered previously, (e.g. the nominative and accusative cases and the present tense). The main focus will be the imperfect and perfect past tenses . They will continue to translate from Latin into English and pay attention to verb and noun endings. They will increase their Latin vocabulary and continue to notice the connection between Latin and English words. They will learn about slaves and freedmen

Read History books about the Ancient Greeks and Romans

Read or watch documentaries about Roman Pompeii or any other topic of interest about the Greeks and Romans

Deduce meaning by noticing connections between English and Latin words (identification of derivatives) competition

translation from Latin to English

Reading aloud for comprehension

Recognising the

(ancient/ modern, Roman/Greek)

● Informal assessments in lessons (e.g. translation and grammar tasks)

● Assessed homework (vocabulary

● Grammar and translation tests)


This term: Modern Chinese Short Stories and Essays

Explore short stories and essays by modern Chinese writers. Students will study various narratives, comparing themes, styles, and cultural contexts to classical works. The unit encourages critical thinking and comparative analysis, allowing students to identify contemporary societal issues reflected in modern literature. Students will also engage in developing their own short stories, applying narrative techniques learned from modern writers.

Literature Circles: Group discussions on assigned readings, focusing on themes, character development, and narrative

Short Story Analysis: Students analyze selected short stories, identifying key elements and comparing them to classical

Writing Workshops: Peer review and collaborative development of

Write essays comparing

Develop original short stories to demonstrating narrative techniques and thematic depth. Submit

Create multimedia presentation on modern Chinese writers, highlight their contributions to literature and significant

● Analytical essay, poetry portfolio, oral presentation.

● End of term exams in reading and writing.

Foreign Language

This term: Family and Personal Information, School and Daily Routine

Topics include family members, relationships, and personal details such as age and nationality. Students will develop their vocabulary to describe family structures and practice dialogues about their personal lives. Students will also learn to describe their school life, subjects, and daily activities. The unit will cover common school vocabulary and phrases to talk about schedules, classes, and daily

Create a family tree with labels in Mandarin. Conduct interviews with classmates about their families. Write short paragraphs about themselves including age,

Keep a diary of their daily routine in Mandarin. Talk about their favorite subjects and school activities.

Oral presentation describing their family relationships and their daily routine and school activities.

Reading & writing for the content related to family, personal details and their school life.

● Oral presentation (to an audience of their peers)

● End of term exams in listening, reading, and writing.


Students will study the topic of school by continuing to practise the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). In addition, they will consolidate material that they have learnt previously, such as likes and dislikes. Additional grammar points such as opinion phrases and justifications will be introduced.

is a learning website which offers a range of different revision and recap activities and games is an online reading platform that also includes thousands of differentiated activities that help students

● Writing

● Speaking

● Reading

● Grammar and listening assessment confidence in the four skills

Speaking with more fluency and less reliance


Watercolour Painting

Students will learn Watercolour painting, including mixing, gradient and bleeding techniques. They will then apply their understanding of mark making techniques and tone to enhance and develop their work. Students will also be introduced to research skills around artist Noel Badges and respond to his practice by creating a painted ‘shell’, demonstrating their understanding of paint to show depth and form. The unit will conclude with a written reflection using subject

Students have the opportunity to participate in a number of Art Curricular Activities and Bryants. Key Stage 3 Art CCAs including Procreate, Digital Artwork, Ceramics, Visual Arts Society.

The Art Story Website is an excellent resource which provides information related to artists and artistic movements.

Participation in Arts Enrichment Week is also encouraged.

Research skills

Watercolour through reflection


● In-class project check-ins, (formative)

● Sketchbook page submissiondigital sketchbook

● Summativeend of unit assessment via Google Classroom.


This term we will look at exploring themes and developing characters in dance using the novel 'The Lord of the Flies' as our starting point. Students will develop a whole class dance using different sections. For example, gesture work based items you can bring to an island, the beast and unison marching. Students will develop solo, duet and

Participation in Dance extracurricular opportunities such as Contemporary Technique, the Boys Dance Company, Hip Hop Involvement in the Senior School Musical and associated CCA

Participation in the Term 3 Arts Festival events and activities

Devising and character work

● Research tasks

● Written tasks

● Review and reflection

● Ongoing practical assessment

● Summative performance assessment


Students will be provided with the stimulus of the ancient Greek epic narrative of "Jason and the Argonauts" as a means to develop their devising and Drama Ensemble Skills. Once they have practically explored their ideas and applied newly acquired contextual dramatic techniques, they structure the ideas into a group performance with clear performance intentions and outcomes. As part of this unit, students will learn about the importance of

Participation through a range of extra curricular activities

Snr School Musical and the Snr Drama Production. The Drama Society, "Unmasked", meets weekly and works to a performance during Arts Week often with an external visiting

Spatial and body


● Formative assessment

● Formal performance as a summative assessment

● Research tasks

● Self-reflection assessment


The focus this term is an holistic application of skill sets developed in Term 1 by applying these to at least one real-world culture. Students will start to appreciate the role of music within society. Students look at how rhythm and melody, as well as the concept of the "ensemble" works in Latin America musical cultures, though the specific culture changes from year to year. In all cases, students develop an appreciation of the vital importance of music to the

Participation in other student societies

Encouragement to reflect on Geography and History Lessons Engagement with concepts of culture and politics


Mixed Meter

Understanding music and place

● One performance

● One composition OR One presentation


This Term: Sports and Other Physical Activities

Students will engage in diverse learning opportunities throughout the year to develop their understanding, skills, and tactics in a variety of sports and physical activities. The areas of focus for the whole of

Net and Wall Games (volleyball/badminton/table-tennis)

Health Related Fitness (fitness through sport/gym/training

Sports fixtures against other schools (KISAC)

Developing psychomotor, cognitive, and affective skills in sporting and physical activities

● Weekly observation

● Performance tests

● Research tasks


In this unit, students will develop/demonstrate their programming skills using the programming language named Python. Students will develop their code using the loops, conditional statements, variables, user input, etc., and execute the code online and offline on the BBC microbit platform online and offline. The students will demonstrate the skills to play the music, display image patterns using the LED values on the microbit,

Students will be given appropriate challenges based on their level of skills and asked to follow different resources online ( ) and offline to enhance their skills independently to ensure their progress is in alignment with future

Write the condition for the loop in an efficient manner to avoid it turning into an

Use nested if condition in

Convert the data type appropriately such as number and text, etc

● Students will be developing a micro bit project showcasing their skills developed in the topic which will include the use of for and while loop, conditional statement, user input allowing the output change, displaying and creating patterns using the inputted values of LED lights, etc.

● For example, students may develop a program to head or tails, display different images, and produce sounds to show the status of a pet such as hungry, sleepy, etc.


This Term: Introducing statistics and building on algebra and

During the second term of KS3 Mathematics Year 7 students will continue to build on their algebraic foundations introducing linear functions and number patterns; again with a focus on exploration and a deeper understanding of how different mathematics is linked and built upon prior knowledge. Students will also have a first look at essential statistical skills with an emphasis on statistical representations to help them in multiple

Statistical/Algebr aic/Geometric

Problem Solving Generalising and Communication of Mathematics

● Check Ups for each unit

● Summative Assessment


This Term: Building blocks of matter and Forces

During the second term of KS3 Science for Year 7, students will delve into four key topics. "Atoms, Elements, and Compounds" introduces the basic building blocks of matter and chemical reactions. "Separating Mixtures" covers techniques such as filtration, evaporation, and distillation. The "Forces" topic explores different types of forces, their effects, and calculating the resultant force. Lastly, "STEM Preparation" encourages practical skills and on projects and problem-solving activities related to science, technology, engineering, and math.

All students will have the opportunity to participate in an external

Participation in the Science CREST Award





Critical thinking

● Formal test

● Ongoing, holistic assessment activities.


In their second term, students explore human development focusing on the various factors that influence the growth and progress of societies around the world. Students will explore the social, economic, and environmental aspects that contribute to development and understand the disparities between different regions. The term ends with students beginning to look at our energy topic which continues in Term 3 with a field trip on Jeju Island.

Research and compare the development progress of two scale renewable energy project for the school

Presentation skills

Decision making

Data manipulation with development indicators, data

● Pecha Kucha



This Term: The Black Death & Medieval Medicine

This term will see students delve into a history of the Black Death and the evolution of Medicine in Europe, the Middle East and China. Pandemics are recent and relevant in our own histories, and key concepts that are integral to this theme include: causality, significance, innovation and globalisation. During this investigation, students will be asked to analyse various sources associated with the Black Death, making inferences, comparisons and reflections on disease and medical progress.

Read: Bitesize History on Medieval Medicine

An Introduction for Kids. )

Quiz: Ducksters Quiz on the Black Death


(from a range of Comparison

PEEL Paragraph

● Source Based ComprehensionBlack Death (Formative)

● Source Based Test - Black Death (Summative)

● Cures Quiz (Formative)

● Cures Infographic (Summative)


Students take part in a Bullying Awareness program and learn about the issues related to stereotypes, prejudice, racism, and

Students will then begin learning about personal safety and strategies for identify hazards, including road and traffic safety.

Development of Kindness



● There are no assessments for PSD Lessons will include a range of activities to support student discussion and exploration.

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