21 April 2023
North London Collegiate School Jeju
我们很高兴地通知大家,最近英国国际学校理事会COBIS在一个高度专业的团队带 领下,对我校进行了认证访问。访问非常成功,学校在所有10个标准上都得到了 全面的认可,并在一些领域得到了赞扬。一旦完整的报告通过了伦敦的全面批准 程序,我们将能够与我们的社区成员分享更多关于认证的细节。这个过程是一个 非常有益的经验,旨在未来年份中,成为与COBIS领导改善部门持续改进的伙伴关 系的一部分。我们的社区可以放心,我们已经达到并超过了英国国际教育的最高 合规和附加标准。
夏季学期已经开始,我们的学生正忙于参加一些IGCSE和IB文凭课程的公开考试, 或者正准备或参加内部考试。 例如年度考试这样的形成性评估,只是衡量学生所 取得进展的一种手段。他们应该把它看作是学习过程的一部分,是他们获得经验 和确定需要加强领域的一种手段。 年度考试不仅仅是考察学生对知识的记忆,而 是评估学生对知识的应用,评估他们在面对新问题时的思维水平和技能,以解决 问题,同时也鼓励他们在学习中承担风险。
我们非常想确保,如果家长对自己孩子的教育有疑虑或担心,或只是想得到一些 问题的答案,他们知道可以找谁。上周,我们重新印发了关于家校联络的通讯指 南,本周新闻中也包括了该指南。显然,联络第一站是孩子的班主任或辅导员。
我们明白,许多家长可能觉得用他们的母语(可能不是英语)写信或打电话更舒 服,因此我们有幸拥有一个优秀的翻译团队来协助,或者我们会利用谷歌翻译等 翻译程序先翻译。请注意,老师们都在上课,所以你可能要到放学后才能收到回 复,但你应该在24小时内收到回复。即使是在进行全面调查的时候,您也会收到 一封暂时回复被告知调查正在进行。 有时,以解决或妥善回答您的问题,邮件可
您诚挚的, Lynne Oldfield 校长The Main Event
Here are the biggest stories from around the School this week.
上学期末,我们庆祝了一年一度的创始人日。今年的主题是“服务”,这是自我 们在伦敦初创学校之始就已经开始的事业,已经深植于我们在北伦敦济州所做的 一切之中。创始人日对于我们社区来说总是特别的,我们齐聚一堂,怀念创始人 的恩泽,庆祝团结,感谢能有机会让我们在济州一起生活、学习和工作。
学生领袖小八和大八与理事长 Ms. Helen Stone为我们诵读仪式词。 总校长Ms. Oldfield发表了主要讲话。和往年一样,学生们举行了传统的水仙花游行。 以下是在这难忘的日子里记录下的精彩照片。
Big 8 Video Little 8 Video Founder’s Day photoThe Main Event
继上学期末的数学强化周之后,我们很高兴与大家分享其他一些小学和中学的激 动人心的项目和成果。
四名六年级的学生于三月赴曼谷参加FOBISIA小学数学竞赛。该比赛总共有26所 学校参赛。学生们接受了各种数学挑战,包括四个团队项目和一个单人环节。
祝贺Mina Seo, Eunsuh Kim, Jiho Lee 和 Dohyeon Kim,他们赢得三块金牌 和一块银牌,以总分第一的成绩夺冠。同样祝贺北伦敦新加坡荣获第二名。Ms. Books说: “学生们努力工作,态度积极,是北伦敦济州了不起的形象大使。”
感谢 SISB 主办本届赛事,感谢 Ms. Brooks和Mr. Smithson 组织此次旅行,感
Senior School Maths DepartmentThe Main Event
为了配合在学校举行的数学强化周(在上期新闻中有所 介绍)和世界数学锦标赛,数学协会出版了北伦敦济州 数学杂志,并与学校其他社群分享了这一精美的学术作 品。’第四期《JPAM》的出版是社团的再一次成功,又 为作为这一期主编的我增加了新的经验。我在编辑时阅 读每一篇文章都非常愉快,自己再为这期写一篇文稿也 让我对数学的某些特定部分有了进一步的认识和了解’ 。- Aaren Kang(数学协会主席)说。
45名学生自10月起参加了这个跨学科项目,他们都在世界数学锦标赛期间进行了 展示。特别感谢参与其中的家长和校友;感谢物理系、经济系、生物系和信息技 术系一直以来对我们学生的指导支持;也感谢来自学术界的外部资源,他们为我 们的学生提供了关于他们所从事的抽象课题的讲座。
上学期结束前,北伦敦济州举办了世界数学锦标赛WMC。来自韩国和新加坡的学 校学生们利用周末时间参加了一系列有趣的互动活动。
‘尽管这次比赛挑战性很强,我也没能赢得奖牌,但能见到来自不同国家的高超 的数学家,享受数学的魅力,这仍然是一次美妙的经历。- Taehoon Terry Kim( 数学协会的创始成员)说。
See more pictures here.
The Main Event
The Main Event
“作为数学强化周的一部分,旨在强调数学在我们日常生活中的存在,12年级数 学班的翰林公园实地考察是一次非常成功的旅行。这次旅行的主要目的是鼓励学 生认识到大自然和我们周围环境中固有的众多数学概念。旅行设计了许多环节让 学生与这些概念进行互动,并提出有助于他们撰写迷你IA的探索课题”- Chaeeun Emma Chung.
More pictures.
祝贺9年级Jungseo Park、Juliet Kim、Emily Kim和Daniel Kim在国际统计知识项目ISLP主办的国际统计海报比赛中作 为韩国的代表胜出。该比赛要求学生设计一张统计海报, 主要目的是在全世界推广统计知识。
Ms. Minsoo Cha说:“北伦敦团队选择了回收方面的统计 工作,他们做得特别好。作为海报的一部分,您可以扫描 这个二维码浏览他们的网站。国际赛的获胜者名单将在 2023年7月在加拿大举行的国际统计学会第64届世界统计大 会上被宣布,并展示作品。”
The Main Event
As the new team commence their roles, find out more about each of them.
Name: Yoonhee (Stella) Han
Big 8 role: SEC Chair, Head Girl
What is your fondest NLCS Jeju memory?
As a flautist, participating in the musical band was a completely new experience for exploring my musical passions. Though I have been in the orchestra and won competitions for classical music, it was such a novel, incomparable experience in being able to communicate more flexibly with other musicians in the language of music.
How has NLCS Jeju prepared you for being part of the Big 8?
Being able to take part in such a variety of CCA/ Societies from younger year groups, I was able to explore various fields and further narrow down to the area of interest. As I started to develop my academic passion, I was able to see my ideas come to life. By proposing various ideas and gaining support from my teachers, it really helped me to become confident and learn how to work with groups of people.
What are you looking forward to the most about being in the Big 8?
I would like to contribute to proliferating and sharing such rich experiences I was able to encounter, here at NLCS Jeju. Due to personal health issues, it was occasionally difficult for me to complete normal schoolwork and in year 11 there were times when I had to take weeks off of school. The idea that our school is not only a venue of academic rigour and competition but also a stage for exploring my interests is what initially attracted me to NLCS Jeju and further allowed me to continue my academic journey.
Yoonhee (Stella) HanThe Main Event
As the new team commence their roles, find out more about each of them.
Name: Suk-Joon (Brandon) Yoon
Big 8 role: Student Welfare Ambassador, Head Boy
What is your fondest NLCS Jeju memory?
Cannot choose one - here are my top 3!
1.Organising and running [operation HMS Beagle], and being able to share my love for nature with others. Seeing students getting genuinely interested and working together with passion in this newfound subject given to them was one of the most heartwarming experiences of not just as a leader, but as a person that I gained in NLCS Jeju. One of the students found a newfound hobby of rock-flipping to look for organisms, which made me ever so happy to observe. The creation of the Archipelago with the help of good friends, combined with the experience above serves a core memory
2. Year 9, the night Mulchat house won house singing. The entire boarding home reverberated in joy!
3. I have a wonderful group of friends - constructed of enthusiasts, scholars, near-professors and wise men and women. I always find something to learn from them - and they are one of the greatest people I met during my youth.
How has NLCS Jeju prepared you for being part of the Big 8?
My confidence in presenting myself was greatly developed with partaking in Drama - it provided me the skills to be myself under any condition, and contributed greatly to my current sense of confidence and open, positive attitude.
Boarding life, its strife and strides allowed Suk-Joon as an individual to mature and grow. Skills on handling tough times with the help of friends and supportive staff grew significantly. Boarding captain also provided closer work with the student body. Last, but not least, having the privilege of leading a group of so many different individuals, working
The Main Event
Last, but not least, having the privilege of leading a group of so many different individuals, working with and amongst them about the subject I am passionate about, provided me good experience as well as fulfilment in collaboration with many others within the school. What are you looking forward to the most about being in the Big 8?
To provide students a reminder that they are not alone in this turbulent, but beautiful journey through youth and education. Providing a solid, reliable, and trustworthy source to voice their concerns and opinions, and to promptly acting on it to bring a real change.
As a student welfare ambassador, maintain the good work performed by the previous SWAG members, keep good teamwork within the team, and focus on developing on areas that we haven’t been able to cover. Closer work with each year group and regular checkins with year groups to figure out the best way to match programs to needs. Different strategies for different year groups to further help out, while keeping the activities interesting and welcoming.
Name: Yujin (Eugene) Lee
Big 8 role: Service Ambassador
What is your fondest NLCS Jeju memory?
Since my entrance to this school, NLCS Jeju and its people have allowed me to develop some of my fondest memories. Among all, one of the most memorable experiences was my involvement in the whole school musical ‘Singing in the Rain’ in year 7. Not only did it make me realise the pure joy of performance and active involvement in the activities but also taught me the pleasure and value in meeting and socialising with new people from different year groups.
Yujin (Eugene) LeeHow has NLCS Jeju prepared you for being part of the Big 8?
NLCS Jeju provides the students with diverse opportunities - including arts, sports, extended academics, service, and student-led organisations such as student council and TowerAidto explore the areas beyond the school curriculum. Actively participating in multiple fields over the years and serving as a leader of various student-led groups, I was able to develop necessary skills of organisation and time management, which I believe played a significant role in becoming a part of the Big 8.
What are you looking forward to the most about being in the Big 8?
I am looking forward to actively making positive changes throughout the NLCS community: especially, as a service ambassador, I eagerly anticipate spreading the positivity of service and involving more students to participate and share the benefits of making contributions to the community.
Quote for the poster board
“No man’s knowledge here can go beyond his experience” - John Locke
Name: Joonseok Kang
Big 8 role: Student Council Chair
What is your fondest NLCS Jeju memory?
My fondest memory in NLCS Jeju is teaching younger students the basics of programming and algorithms. I lead a CCA called “Hello World” and a Bryant called “Computer Science” in which both are places where we teach younger passionate computer scientists to develop their skills further. My team and I have also built a curriculum and prepared weekly lectures on different topics in both the CCA and Bryant. Looking at students’ development was very
good and happy to see as a teacher and since I am a person who loves to share my knowledge in computer science and mathematics to those who are interested, this experience is my fondest experience at NLCS Jeju.
How has NLCS Jeju prepared you for being part of the Big 8?
I believe the abundance of leadership opportunities at NLCS Jeju has given me a strong building block to become a part of the Big 8. Each and every leadership position that I have experienced gave me an unique and invaluable skill. For example, my previous experience as a student council in year 9-10 has grown me as a problem solver. Similarly, being chairs of the Mathematics Society and LAN (Logics and Networks) Society has taught me a skill as a communicator by creating a comfortable atmosphere for students to share their interest.
What are you looking forward to the most about being in the Big 8?
I am looking forward to working with the whole student body more. As I am the student council chair, I am looking forward to hearing all the voices that the students have in the school, and am willing to find solutions to most of the students’ problems. This is a unique experience in my opinion because it is a chance to communicate with the students more as well as develop my problem solving skills further.
Name: SeongJoon (Steven) Yang
Big 8 role: Cultural Awareness Ambassador
What is your fondest NLCS Jeju memory?
My fondest memory during my time in NLCS Jeju was when Jeoji House won the House Singing Competition in March 2022 (when I was in Year 11). As a whole house, we all put our greatest efforts into having a successful performance. What made this victory special to me was the fact that everyone was able to effectively cooperate with people in different year groups. I personally felt that there were invisible barriers between younger and older year
groups, but what the members of Jeoji House did during the rehearsals proved that I was wrong. It made me realise that we are a harmonious community in which we can produce success whether we work with people of similar ages or with huge differences in year groups. How has NLCS Jeju prepared you for being part of the Big 8?
I would like to acknowledge the plethora of opportunities we have in NLCS Jeju outside of the classroom. Various societies, committees, CCAs and Bryants gave me the opportunity for me to delve into the areas that I am passionate about. Also, there are numerous leadership opportunities that students could take in their areas of passion. My interests in international relations and cultural awareness eventually motivated me to join the International Relations Society, Model United Nations and the Cultural Awareness Committee and take leadership opportunities. Hence, taking those opportunities was the main supporter of me being part of the Big 8.
What are you looking forward to the most about being in the Big 8?
I am looking forward to making myself available for every student in this community by breaking invisible barriers between Year groups so that I can help every student who is in need. It is my job to contribute. Also, I am thrilled to contribute to making culture from being celebrated to being integrated within our lives.
Name: Jinyeong Oh
Big 8 role: Arts Ambassador
How long have you been at NLCS Jeju? Since Year 4. This is my 9th year.
What is your fondest NLCS Jeju memory?
I remember playing football in the small court in the junior school (now first school, I believe). How has NLCS Jeju prepared you for being part of the Big 8?
From junior school, I have been in many squads, orchestras, competitions, FOBISIA trips, leadership roles, and many more events that I cannot possibly finish listing. The abundance
Jinyeong OhMEET YOUR BIG 8
of experiences has shaped me as a person who is integrated in this community, and as more time passed, the more I appreciated, and the more I wanted to take action for the school in ways that have not been discovered before. Now at the end and start of another voyage, I wish to let out what I have for the next year.
What are you looking forward to the most about being in the Big 8?
I look forward to changing things up more. I want to make the arts more accessible to everyone, and break the perception that you need a certain level of understanding to start. There is so much that we could do that is not done yet.
Big 8 role: Sports ambassador
What is your fondest NLCS Jeju memory?
- Winning the KISAC tournaments, especially my first football KISAC in year 9 which was held in NLCS. There, both the boys’ and girls’ team won the tournament at the same time and celebrated together.
- Geomun boarding life: watch movies, played games, talk, listened to music in the atrium altogether after prep, weekends(yr10)
How has NLCS Jeju prepared you for being part of the Big 8?
- Being a boarder helped me to be organised, caring and independent.
- NLCS has provided various opportunities beyond the curriculum which provided me with such wonderful experiences:
• Dedication to sports squads(basketball, football, volleyball)
• Commitment in DofE international award
• Piano
• Dance society
Name: Seoyun (Victoria) Ju Seoyun (Victoria) Julearned how to be balanced: manage both academics and extracurricular activities
helped me to develop a variety of essential skills
→broad experiences provided thorough understanding on various areas which will be helpful when assisting or initiating major school events
What are you looking forward to the most about being in the Big 8?
- Developing sports community by using many skills that I have gained from my multifaceted experiences and comprehensive understanding of sports
- Serve as a good link between students and teachers
- Representing our school proudly to others and being a role model for other students
- Encourage girls’ involvement in sports
Name: Shona Park
Big 8 role: School Council Chair
What is your fondest NLCS Jeju memory?
Amid the myriad of blissful memories engendered throughout my life in NLCS Jeju, the one that comes to mind is the day I officially launched my NLCS Jeju one and only podcast, Spatium. Spatium was the very first project that I brought into existence in NLCS Jeju and back when I was a year 10 student, it felt like a colossal life-changing moment. I was first enlightened by the novel idea of establishing a medium containing diverse interactions from other NLCS schools, students from around the globe, and interviews from professionals in variegated academic fields to help students navigate their career paths and virtually interact with the international community. Aligned with my ardour in journalism and alongside my NLCS Hub team, I was able to personify the very aim of Spatium on how “Distance Doesn’t Confine Us.” What made Spatium so much memorable for me was not the end product of each episode but the vigorous process to construct this podcast. I was able to actively collaborate with the NLCS Jeju media team, marketing department, and other talented tech
students as well as NLCS Hub members. The teamwork which led us to produce something ubiquitously enjoyed by the NLCS Jeju students was one of the most heartfelt memories ingrained within myself. Moreover, it was the moment of realisation on how NLCS Jeju really does provide us with every opportunity to pursue our academic interests outside the classroom if we are brave enough, passionate enough, and persistent enough to act out.
How has NLCS Jeju prepared
for being part of the Big 8?
One of the best things in NLCS Jeju is the multifarious leadership opportunities within the student body. NLCS Jeju has given me the opportunity to learn the true meaning of being a leader. During my years in NLCS Jeju, I was able to exercise my role as a leader by being the head of academics in SWAG, SEC vice chair, NLCS Hub Podcast Marketing chair, Debate Society chair, JFN competition convenor, TheirStory Society chair, About Jeju community service Bryant leader, Chief editor of various magazines, NLCS Podcast coordinator, and much more. Through all these leadership roles I have undertaken, the skills that I have incorporated are persistence, diligence, charisma, and passion. Furthermore, as my leadership experiences would not have happened without all the teamwork and interactions with other students, my capability in creating an open-minded ambience and incrementing perseverance against potential hardships as a group was established. I firmly believe that all these encompassing qualities would significantly help me in taking on the role of the Big 8.
What are you looking forward to the most about being in the Big 8?
All of my extracurricular activities and contributions to the NLCS Jeju stemmed from the ambition to create a better academic environment for every single NLCS Jeju student. Receiving words of gratitude from younger students on my work has made me realise that from the bottom of my heart, I care for the student body, and therefore I want to incorporate as much student voice as possible to ameliorate the school lives of the students. It is no understatement that NLCS Jeju had a huge impact on my life. Not only in academics, but NLCS Jeju has also provided me with the opportunity to be a teammate, a friend, and a leader and I have learned how to communicate, collaborate, establish strong relationships, and charismatically lead a group of people. As a student who took every opportunity that came my way, NLCS Jeju has enriched my life far and beyond. Therefore, as a member of the Big 8 I am looking forward to ensuring every student experiences all the esteem values I have learned by being a part of the NLCS Jeju community, and come to love NLCS Jeju as I do, and dream big as NLCS Jeju taught me to do. I look forward to being a stepping-stone figure to all students and a bridge that connects the school and the students.
Don’t miss our posts!
• Parents as Partners
• New double bass
• Boarding Homes in Seoul
NLCS Jeju Awards and Achievements
详情请见这里 (https://bit.ly/nlcsstudentachievements )
祝贺Ms.Akinyi Freeman的学前班获得了图书馆最佳班级奖。Ms.Josephine Nalugya说:“他们获奖是 “由于他们出色的表现。班里的每个学生都展现了 我们北伦敦济州的所有学习习惯。他们在遵守图书馆规则方面也总是很优秀,对 阅读书籍有着极大的热情,同时也很尊重书籍。他们甚至随时都在图书馆里提 供额外帮助;他们的同理心和责任感是非常值得称赞的。我为RAF班感到非常自 豪!”
NLCS Jeju Awards and Achievements
我们高兴地宣布,以下拉丁文学生在 ARLT (拉丁文教学协会) 的拉丁语朗读比 赛中获得成功。高级和中级学生录制了自己朗读维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯纪》中的一 段。初级学生则朗读了剑桥拉丁语课程中的一个故事。评委根据学生们朗读的发 音和传达段落意思的能力进行评判。您可以通过以下链接收听获奖者的录音。
https://www.arlt.co.uk/latin-reading-competition-2023-results/ 高级组
二等奖: Hyeon Moon
高度赞扬奖: Yena Cho
高度赞扬奖: Seongmin Hong, Jaehoon Song
NLCS Jeju Awards and Achievements
二等奖: Jayden Lee and Benjamin Jun
三等奖: Angela Lee
在我们上期新闻报中,我们兴奋地分享了四位学生 Brandon Yoon (Y12), Bella Kim (Y11), Alvin Song (Y10), Kevin Do Won (Y10) 和 Colin Kim (Y7) 闯进 Race4Good北极挑战决赛的好消息。
我们如今无比激动地告诉大家他们赢了!比赛组办方说: “这些学生表现出对 Qaanaaq社区的真正理解,展示了他们的同理心和怜悯心,并在决赛中发挥了超众 的才艺和演讲技巧。他们对比赛和任务的投入确实令人钦佩。考虑到他们的年龄 段,真是令人难以置信!”
关于比赛,学生们如此评价: “Race4Good北极挑战关乎与英国国际学校理事会 COBIS和格陵兰西北部美丽的卡纳克社区合作。我们被赋予了一系列的挑战和任 务,三个小型挑战和两个主要挑战,设计可持续的创收理念和一个未来几年在卡 纳克举行的庆祝活动。比赛涉及创造力和同理心,以及扩大全球意识,因为我们 认真研究了我们全球邻居的生活和生机勃勃的社区。在决赛任务中,我们精心设 计了 ‘学习日 /
这是一次北伦敦济州与卡纳克之间的合作,作为 庆祝学习行为,进行为期一周的充满活力的文化交流。
比赛可能告一段落,但善行永不停止。一场新的马拉松刚刚开始,现在我们将积 极地与卡纳克社区合作,将想法变成现实!”
NLCS Jeju Awards and Achievements
March 2023
THIS CERTIFICATE IS PROUDLY PRESENTED TO Kevin Kim North London Collegiate School, JejuOther News
Mx. Byrom向我们说明了这些重要的职务 - “我们的新大使将学习图书馆如何运 作,帮助他们的同学找到喜爱的书籍。他们还将制作一系列展示品,并开展在图 书馆内进行的活动,来提高阅读兴趣。他们的第一个项目是制作一系列图书推荐 海报。这些海报将成为中学国际读书周展示的一部分。”
Irene Yoon, Yuan Lee, Sophia Park, Yuzhuo Wang, Leo Jo, Shirley Jang and Serah ChungOther News
感谢11年级的Sam Kim 为我们的学校视频设计了这个精彩的新开头。他的灵感来 自于北伦敦塔,北伦敦济州的名字和标志被灯塔照亮。您还能在学校许多活动中 看到Sam的身影,他凭借自己出色的摄影技巧为市场部的工作增光添彩。从他的照 片中可以看出,他对摄影很有天赋和热情,我们非常幸运地能让他成为市场部的 荣誉成员。 Video
Other News
自一月初以来,学生会一直在讨论学校的重要问题,如图书馆的未来用途,学 校周围空间利用等。我们也在各自的小组委员会内工作,包括食品和设施,学 生福祉和宣传。
首先,食品和设施委员会一直有效地领导着大量项目;他们一直积极利用去年 制作的意见箱,确保学生能够方便地提出意见。最近,他们一直在策划一个全 校性的项目,在全校范围内安装 “防止鸟撞贴纸”。他们还与校领导举行会 议,讨论可能的变化,包括重新设计塔楼周围区域和校服。
学生福祉委员会将重点放在改善新生适应计划上。我们相信,我们需要确保所 有的学生在加入我们的社区时都感到备受欢迎,并有足够的支持来帮助他们适 应。我们一直在努力制定一个支持新生的计划,并为夏季学期加入的新生策划 了一些活动。
我们认识到,学生的声音对于塑造我们的社区和确定关注事项至关重要。学生 会为学生提供了一个平台,让他们提出任何关注的问题,并提供可能的改进方 案。通过这样做,学生会确保学生群体参与到学校的决策过程中。
最后,宣传委员会继续努力,通过学生会的Instagram账户宣传学生会的工作 和成就。此外,我们通过全校范围内的线下投票,积极组织了 “健康二月 “ 活动的项目,结果显示学生的参与度非常高。
您诚挚的, 学生会宣传委员会 敬上
向您介绍由学生主导的刊物《 Artless》的最新版。
所有文章由学生撰写和编辑,主题兼收并蓄,范围涵 盖从中东地区、技术到美国政治。
另一份由学生主导的优秀刊物《Achilles Reel》,请在此阅读最新一期。本期主 题是“重生与文艺复兴”。Ms. Baird说: “非常感谢每一位的贡献。这里有一 颗遗珠未能收入在杂志中,是一个出色的动画链接,请欣赏。”
Other News
我们的拯救济州海洋青年社团自2020年开始运作。该社团有来自济州岛各地学校 的学生参与。目前的 “无塑料学校 “活动是与韩国的50所学校合作开展的。社 团正在收集透明饮料瓶盖,并将其升级为拧管器,这些拧管器将被送回每所活动 学校。除了收集瓶盖,5月6日还有一个筹款集市,更多信息请见海报。
请收集并捐赠您的塑料瓶盖,用于这一伟大倡议。本活动于6月9日结 束。Instagram - @sabejejubada_youth.
上个学期,我们分享了关于我们社 区的工作者访问学前班的信息。本 周,学生们有机会参观了本地消防 站,还观察了救护车内部,了解紧 急救护要做的事情。Ms. Hall和Ms. Freeman还说:”学生们很喜欢学习 如何使用灭火器--有些老师在这个 过程中被喷到了! 学生们可以坐在 消防车里,一些非常勇敢的学生还 尝试戴上真正的消防员所戴的氧气 面罩。我们都玩得很开心!” More pictures.
”所有学生请注意!你是否在寻找对他人的生活产生积极影响的方法?你是否想 利用你的医学知识,开始从事医疗保健工作?如果是这样,我们邀请你加入 ’济 州老年健康促进会’,这是一个由学生主导的组织,以改善老年人的精神和身体 健康为工作中心。”-来自两位发起学生 Kyuwon Chloe Park和Ahyoung Bella Kim 的呼吁。 请在此报名。
Other News
Perse编程团队挑战赛向学生们推介了运算思维。它是UKCT挑战赛框架的一部分。 来自英国和世界各地的中学的团队在两轮比赛中争夺证书,并赢取布拉本奖杯和 年度奖金(奖杯和奖金只针对英国学校)。该比赛对7-11年级的学生开放。
学生为一系列难度增加的挑战提交短代码解决方案。要进入第二轮比赛,学生需 要在第一轮比赛中获得高分。 前25%的学生被选入第二轮比赛。
一轮比赛中,有65名学生获得了参加第二轮比赛的资格。第二轮比赛的结果非常 突出。65名学生中有43人在第二轮比赛中取得了优异的成绩(决赛),并在决赛中 名列前茅。这次共有来自英国和世界其他国家的70多所学校参加。
计算机科学系的课外CCA和Bryant项目对学生的学习产生了积极的影响,在这些教 职工和学生的支持下,本学年许多年轻学生备受鼓舞参加编程比赛。同时我们兴 奋地看到我们的一些高年级学生能进入更具有挑战性和更高级的比赛阶段。
决赛中前三支队伍 :
Rank 1 : (Year 10) - Seongmin Hong. Paul Jung and Sam Lee
Rank 2 : (Year 10) - Jimin Lim, Sihu (Kevin) Park, Junseong (June) Seo, Yeongjin Yoo and Justin Yoo
Rank 3 : (Year 10) - Jane Lim and Cindy Ryu
我们期待着4月29日周六在PAC举行的《奥菲斯与欧律狄刻》特别演出。我们的学生将与 本地的歌剧专业人士一起表演。
在音乐活动协调官Ms. Nayeon Kim 和课外音乐活动负责人Mr. Tony Paye的辛勤工作下,我们的音乐 部门又入库了一把低音大提琴, 由制造匠亲自到校交付。 有了这 件新乐器后,我们能让大提琴手 接触到弦乐家族中发音最低的成 员来扩展他们的技能组,从而丰 富我们的管弦乐。这里我们能看 到Mr. Paye和我们学校最优秀的 大提琴手Hyeon Moon一起试奏的 照片。
小提琴:JooAn Kwon 钢琴伴奏:Ms. Boeun Kim - Ludwig V. Beethoven: Sonata for Violin and Piano no 9 (Kreutzer)
Rayne Lee 与 Joanna Ryoo 带领的韩国乐器乐团
架子鼓Rex Kim - ‘Are you gonna go my way’ by Lenny Kravitz
单簧管:Marc Chung 钢琴伴奏:Ms. Boeun Kim - Clarinet Polka by Béla Fleck
大提琴:Daniel Kim和 Lily Kim 钢琴伴奏:Miss Boeun Kim - Prelude for Two cellos and piano by Dmitri Shostakovich
Geographical Fugue by Ernst Toch
Year 10: Edward, Marc, Dylan, Benjamin, Amy, Sean, Shi, June, Aiden, Derek, Edward, Olivia. Seongmin, Sungjun, Hannah, Luke, Heylin, Robert, Claire, Jun, Yeaonjae, Bertie and Junseo.
Year 12: Hyeon, Jingyeong, Arjuna and JooAn. Joined by Mr. Tamlyn, Mr Thorrington and Mr Paye
Boarding News
来自我们各个宿舍的春季学期新闻简报,您可以通过它们了解当走读生离开校园 后我们的住校生多姿多彩的学校生活。
Halla East
如果您想了解如何申请住校,请联系Mr. Long (dlong@nlcsjeju.kr,男生住校) 或 Ms. Taylor (staylor@nlcsjeju.kr 女生住校)。
上学期我们Halla East宿舍的学生们有机会学习了如何制作炒年糕。感谢Ms. Julia Smith, Ms. Miri Kang 和 Ms. Darija Minic 安排的如此美味的活动。
我们的住宿团队正忙于出差首尔,与我们的住校生家长一起坐下来,享受咖啡茶 点聊聊天。
Ms. Washington (梨湖宿舍舍管) 上学期去了首尔,她说 “我们邀请了家长在首尔 参加非正式的咖啡聊天,以加强宿舍与家长之间的关系。这是一个非常好的沟通 方式,让我们更加了解我们所关心的学生们。我们已经在期待下一次的活动。”
Spivey去首尔与家长们咖啡聊天的 照片。
以下是文化意识委员会介绍的一些重 要日期。
蛋、兔子和铝箔包装的巧克力的季节已经来了又走,为四月的文化节日铺平道 路。从灌洗佛像到慈善表演,本周选择的文化日期对世界五大宗教其中之四都有 重大意义。
圣周五是一个基督教节日,纪念耶稣基督的死亡和受 难。圣周五的日期取决于复活节,因此使用与其相同的 计算方法,所谓computus,来决定在某一年的时间。在 此阅读更多关于圣周五的信息。
4月8日是日本的佛诞日,俗称花祭(はなまつり), 意 即”花节”,是他们的一个传统节日。其他国家,如邻 国中国和韩国都有各自的庆祝佛诞日期。当天,作为节 日例行,日本的许多佛教寺庙会用鲜花装饰,盆中摆上 佛像,前来参拜的人会把甘茶(あまちゃ)倒在佛像头 上。在此阅读更多关于花祭的信息。
拉玛节庆祝的是拉玛神的诞生。拉玛神是毗湿奴(印度教最高神性的三尊神之 一)的第七个化身。这个节日是许多印度教徒进行道德反思的机会,许多印度教 社区都会举行慈善活动。在此阅读更多关于拉玛节的信息。
权利之夜,又称贵夜,通常落在斋月的最后十天里,被认为是穆斯林日历中最神 圣的日子之一。它是为了纪念先知穆罕默德通过天使加百列接受古兰经文的启 示。穆斯林被鼓励在权力之夜进行祈祷,阅读古兰经,并进行慈善活动。在此阅 读更多关于贵夜的信息。
我们总是期待我们的老北伦敦济州人的来信!如果您愿意分享您毕业后的近 况,请随时发邮件给Ms.Shin - alumnioffice@nlcsjeju.kr - 您的故事对我们 的学弟学妹来说总是一种鼓舞,让他们知道离开北伦敦济州以后的精彩可能。
祝贺我们每一位参加以下马拉松并完成其中一条路线的选手。他们在意外的低温 天气中与强风和陡坡搏斗,值得称赞!
本次比赛更具有历史意义,因为2023年是大赛的第20个年头,在疫情多年受限之 后,人们又能聚在一起,所有参赛者都很兴奋。
祝贺Ms. Miriam Davies在女子10公里组中获得第二名的好成绩(记录 00:43:56.78 )!
1) 半马: Mr. Harry Thorington, Ms. Sarah Gulley, Mr. Dauren Altmukhamet, Mr. Donghyun (Daniel) Kim, Mr. Tajvir Singh
2) 10公里: Mr. David Lock, Ms. Miriam Davies, Ms. Eunjin Kim, Ms. Jihye Pak, Mr. Taehak Kim, Mr. Donggeun Gwag
3) 5公里:Mr. Dom Atherton
4) 家庭组 : Ha Na( Mr. Warren Neiland的夫人), Young Ju和女儿 Erin( Mr. Scott Davies 的家人)。
我们非常高兴地通知大家, Mr. Mark Eyton Jones 完成了他的环岛长跑。他沿逆 时针方向,在4天内平均每天跑完59公里。他说:“除了第一、第二天有些强风以 外,大部分时间里天气都很好。”他想感谢Mr. Simon Downes, Mr. Adam McCue, Ms. Eunji Song, Mr. Dorian Brown, Mr. Kevin Hull 和 Ms. Cindy Chen,他们 在不同地方加入并支持他。
多么令人难以置信的成就!如果您愿意为他此行的慈善目的捐款,就趁现在!目 前为止他已经为济州的弱势群体筹集到了630万元的善款。
英镑捐款途径£ - https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/roundtherock 韩币捐款途径£ - 转账到农协银行账户 (NH) 3021114179111 并邮件 meytonjones@ nlcsjeju.kr 通知他。
祝贺Dr. Daniel Mompel Riera在本月初被授予英国朴茨茅斯大学的微生物学博士 学位。
他的博士论文主题是“Study of the microbial ecology, and its resistome, in wild caught and commercialised Atlantic Mackerel”。
在加入北伦敦济州和完成博士学业之前,Dr. Mompel Riera在英国是一名有资质的 兽医,取得了水产养殖的硕士学位,并在日本担任个人语言辅导。
我们很幸运能在学校拥有他的技能和专业知识,更幸运的是他也将从下一学年开 始在我们学校完成他的教师培训。
完成这个博士学位并非Dr.Mompel Riera 的终生抱负,他鼓励大家把生活看作是 一条自由流动的河流,而不是一条直线,相信 “如果你顺其自然,你会遇到美丽 的东西”。 然而,他建议任何有兴趣攻读研究型博士学位的人,要对事物有广泛 的了解,特别是技术和编码,以便有一套好的工具来解决问题。
Useful contact information
教师联系方式 page 17 and 18
主要联系方式 page 20
教师联系方式 pages 13 to 17
主要联系方式 page 19
我们很高兴地确认,我们已经在3年级、5年级和6年级开设了新的班级,并且能够 在中学部接受更多的申请。
如果您的熟人正为孩子寻求卓越的英式教育,请鼓励他们尽快联系我们的招生团 队,为他们的孩子注册并安排评估,以便在8月入学。
发送邮件到admissions@nlcsjeju.kr 或致电 +82 64 793 8004(英文韩文)8124 (中文)
….and finally
下周是我们的小学图书周--请参考看这张精彩的海报,了解更多关于这个激动人 心的图书周的信息,其中包括4月26日的“罐子里的书”比赛、作家访问以及伴有 化妆游行和野餐的疯帽匠茶会!