Senior School Student Leadership_Chinese

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Senior School Student Leadership

North London Collegiate School Jeju Big 8 Student Council Tutor Group Reps Prefects House Committee
October 2022


Mr. Crispian Waterman - Vice Principal (Pastoral) 反馈,以便他们也能从选拔过程中受益。 我们与学生领导团队紧密合作,欣赏他们的辛勤工作。他们是出色的学校大使, 一次又一次地展示了为建设一个更美好的世界所需要的领导力。”
at NLCS Jeju “领导力在我们如何相互协作实现共同目标方面发挥着重要作用。北伦敦的学生 领导项目给许多学生提供了个人成长的机会。他们发展和锻炼了素质技能,增长 思路,在校内实施想法。 主动申请领导职位的学生从这一年经历伴随而来的机会和衍生好处中受益良多。 领导力并不总是意味着从前面带领,我们经常看到我们的学生领导团队支持学校 内其他学生的成长和参与。他们不仅代表了学校的价值观,也代表了学生群体的 声音和感受。 学生领袖任命的过程很彻底,我们为最终被选上的学生感到非常自豪。 但我们同 时支持那些申请领导职位而没有成功的学生们,会在任命后给予那些学生大量的
Mr. Jason Sannegadu - Assistant Vice Principal (Pastoral) Leadership Roles at NLCS Jeju 为什么学生应该考虑申请领导角色 谁能申请 如何申请 任期 • 为学校社区带来改变 • 为同学们提供支持,代表他们 • 学习一系列的领导技能,和在合作、演讲、公开发言和时间管理等方面的个人 发展。 • 每个领导角色的申请标准略有不同。有的会要求你在某个特定的年级组或学 院。有的需要之前有过领导经历。 • 每个领导角色的申请流程略有不同。当招聘过程开始,我们会分享所有需知详 情。 • 所有职位任期一年。如有学生离职,我们会广告招聘。

Meet your Big 8

role models


the School who support many activities at

Yoon Park, Eunsoo Lee, Soojin Sung, Julia Back, Leo Pei, Philip Kim.

- Yurim Nam, Eunju Seo,

Mr. Dan Coll

(VP - Pastoral).

Staff Relations and School Organisation) and Mr. Crispian

and Ambassadors for
指导老师 -
Meet your Big 8 Role: 大八是一组从毕业班学生中挑选的精英。他们是学校的优秀榜样和大使。这批胸 怀抱负、努力工作的学生领导包括学生会和其他主要社团的主席。大八的工作是支持 学校的运作和价值观。他们的影响遍及北伦敦济州分校的各个领域。他们的职责既面 向校内,也面向外部,在公众活动、学校集会和学生日常生活中发挥重要作用。这些 学生是北伦敦济州分校精英中的精英,他们是才能和服务的动力源泉,前程似锦。

Meet your Big 8

Leadership: Big 8

Hello NLCS!

We are the Big 8, the ambassadors and role models for NLCS. We are the senior, experienced student leaders who represent the school and serve the school community by acting as a bridge between the senior team and various student leadership groups.

As the main representatives when introducing NLCS to the outside community, many of our duties often involve meeting with people outside the school such as new parents, governors, and inspectors. However, we also have significant responsibilities among students, for each of us organises one of the school’s 7 major executive committees.

The Student Welfare Ambassador is in charge of the SWAG, which organises events such as Wellbeing Wednesdays, anti-bullying campaigns, and self-esteem building activities to address issues like mental health, bullying, and academic pressure.

The Sports Ambassador is representative of the sports scene and therefore coordinates and publicises sports events inside and outside NLCS.

The Service Ambassador leads the TowerAid, which oversees casual clothes days, service Bryants and CCAs, fundraising events, all service-related budgeting, and big charity events such as the Christmas Bazaar and the Summer Fete.

The Cultural Awareness Ambassador leads the Cultural Awareness Committee (CAC), which aims to create a safe, inclusive school community by appreciating cultural diversity through activities such as but not limited to: fundraisings, lectures, Cultural Highlights, and the Diversity Week.

The Arts Ambassador promotes all four areas of art in the school - music, visual arts, drama, and dance - by coordinating artistic events and collaborations in school such as the Arts Festival.

The Chair of the Societies Executive Committee oversees over 60 different societies which make NLCS a thriving, lively community by organising Action Weeks for each academic area as well as initiating projects like the Young Scholars Program.

The Student Council part of Big 8 leads the weekly student council meetings that address students’ voices on various issues and communicates them to the senior team.

Through these roles, we exist to help create a prosperous, active NLCS community and hope to have a positive influence on the student body.

Meet your Student Council

Dear NLCS Jeju Community,

As one of the most prominent student leadership groups of NLCS, the Student Council has been striving to bring student voices into the school’s decision-making processes.

Last year, the council members worked to edit the Student Behavioural Policy into a more accessible manner, as well as suggesting the ways in which the school could explain the different intervention levels. In addition to this the Student Council listens to feedback from the student body and are going to be looking at what we can do about the traffic outside of school in the morning.

Most recently, the council held important meetings regarding the new IT policy to reflect widespread concerns and helped dispel myths that were causing avoidable conflict within the community. This provided us with the opportunity to meet with members of the Senior Leadership Team to better understand why this was being introduced and how it would help not only keep us safe online, but also support us in our learning.

The Student Council’s achievements are on-going and not limited to this short list. In the future, we plan to expand upon these continuous efforts through delving into sub-committees and promoting meaningful campaigns to further enhance our school community.

Sincerely, The Student Council

Meet your Student Council 职责: 学生会由各个辅导员小组的学生代表组成,在学校中代表着学生的声音。今年 我们的选拔程序更加严格,如果辅导员小组学生代表想代表他们的年级组,他们必须 提交书面申请并参加面试。此外,我们对辅导员小组代表进行民意调查,把他们认为 谁最适合代表他们年级组的意见纳入考虑。 如果有离开学生,我们会重新广告招聘,有新的代表加入学生会,直到年底。学生会 每年12月末进行选举,新生们有机会再次申请。

Meet your Student Council






- Bryan Suh and Ariel Hong

- Jason Jung and Jinny Baek

- Keira Walker and Chloe Kim

- Andy Cho and Elliott Lee

- Chandler Ahn and Emma Chung

- Ellie Kim and Eric Hyun

- Leo Pei, Soojin Sung and Jeremy Kim

Leo Pei

Year 12
Year 13
and Soojin Sung 指导老师 - Mr. Jason Sannegadu (AVP Pastoral)
Meet your Prefects 成就与奖励级长 - Derek
Kim, Daniel Yoon, Brian Yoon, Yena Cho, Wendy Lee, and Victoria
Ju. Led by Jeslyn Park 职责: 所有级长都是12年级学生,他们在9月份被任命,服务一整学年。他们通 过合作项目、参加并支持学校活动、主持集会、在教师们协助下履行职责,为 学校社区做贡献。
企业级长 - Taeyoo David Noh, Jamie Koh, Woon Lee, Jeslyn Park, Taehwan Lee, Lucy Jee, Ein Jeong, and Jiyoon Lee

Meet your Prefects

Enterprise: Jinwoo Chun, Hwayoung Shin, Rahee Hong, Joona Kim, Rayne Lee, Seojin Yang, and Luna Park. Led by Taeyoo David Noh
艺术级长 -
Hyeon Moon, Eunsuh Kim, Jung Eum Kim, Hailey Kim, Yuhyuk Chang, Harin Moon, Jinyeong Oh, and Dongha Kim. Led by Jamie Koh

Meet your Prefects

课外活动级长 - William Kim, Brandon Yoon, Aaren Kang, Amy Kim, Stella Han and Seobin Lee. Led by Jiyoon Lee (Joined by Taehwan Lee and Lucy Jee) 全校活动级长 - J.Y Lee, Joonhwan Bae, Lucas Shin, Jubin Park, Keonyi Kim, Ellie Kim, and Regis Yang. Led by Ein Jeong
- Mr. Jason Sannegadu (AVP Pastoral) and Mr. Tom Pettifor (Deputy Head Sixth Form).
House Committee Meet your Prefects 指导老师 - Mr. Jason Sannegadu (AVP Pastoral) 职责: 学院委员会帮助协调学院的运作,由学院院长和助理院长负责监督。 所 有年级的学生都有资格参加学院委员会,它由各年级的代表组成。今年的学院 队长来自11年级,他们与学院教师一起监督学院委员会的工作。 学术英语级长 - Eunice Kim, Steven Yang, James Choi, Injoon So, Shona Park, and Warrick Kwon. Led by Woon Lee
A message from Sarah 学院院长 - Mr. McCue 助理院长 - Ms. Sanford “ Ms. Sanford和我很高兴有幸今年指导 Sarah House 工作。迄今为止,能看 到大家的积极合作犹如旋风,让凤凰翱翔。让Sarah精神再次崛起!” Instagram :

“Good old Mr. Malley told us that Sarah will “either win or learn”. This “Sarah Spirit”, as we call it, has kept all students fully engaged and kept our house, as an unified group of enthusiastic students. At Sarah House, every single student has the opportunity to develop their abilities and to reach their full potential. Sarah House always puts their best foot forward and regardless of the outcome we are proud of our achievements. Over the next academic year we are so excited to see how our House will rise to the House competition challenge and further foster and develop relationships with one another. On a day to day basis what we strive for is positive communication with one another, fostering respect and championing each other’s achievements. As a House we are proud to represent NLCS Jeju and we know that our accomplishments makeup just one part of this wonderful school daily life and environment.”

In the words of the House Captains - Seijun (Sam) Kim and Jia (Freesia) Kim
A message from Geomun Head of House - Mr. Heydinger Assistant Head of House - Ms. Gulley “Geomun是一个伟大的学院,学生们在本学年有一个美好的开端。他们真心接 受了新的学院系统,全身心地投入到学院竞赛中。我们很幸运在Geomun有一群 强大和敬业的学生领袖,他们确实成为其他学院的榜样。Geomun的目标是在一 个轻松的氛围中教导学生独立和坚韧。友谊、忠诚和信任是我们成功的首要条 件。我们的学生委员会正不懈努力,树立我们Geomun的典范。 Geomun的标志是狮身鹰兽Griffin。狮身鹰兽是一种神话生物,用来表示力量、 勇气和领导力。它代表着指挥和力量的结合。在Geomun,我们认可它的精神, 理解 “团结就是力量”。 这种团结在学院咆哮大赛中 表现尤为明显。我们学期初 的成功确实激励了所有人。 Geomun学生关怀团队为我们 的学生感到无比自豪,期待 在今年一年中继续支持他 们。” Instagram :

In the words of the Media and Publicity Vice House Captain - John Park

“Geomun is such a wonderful community to be part of. All students and leaders within the house are so engaged in the house competitions and events, and we are so proud to state that our house spirit is the best. We’ve had a great start to this year, coming in second place in the House Shout competition. Our House Glee and Singing are also in great progress, and so far things have gone very smoothly and well. Even though winning is great and we are aiming for the championship, as student leaders of the house, our utmost priority is to provide students with new, inspiring, wholesome experiences. Participating in a large-scale choir, dancing, or even public speaking are new experiences for a lot of students. These refreshing events help students to build team spirit and collaborative skills, having such a positive impact on the school society. Geomun is such a fantastic house and we were delighted in assembly this morning when Mr Scargill announced that Geomun have taken the overall lead in the house competition. There’s a long way to go and a lot of work still to do but together we are greater.”


往任何时候都更强大。我们接受挑战、变 化和机会。我们成功的关键是合作。没有

我们出类拔萃的学生,成功是不可能的。 学生领袖们致力于通过参与、享受和成 功来建立学院精神。成功并不总是关乎胜 利,而是关于过程,关乎努力期间所建立 的友谊、一起经历的高潮低谷和一起学到 的教训。在过去的几个月里,学生们通过 各种学院竞赛展示了巨大的韧性。他们在 排练和改进院歌、合唱和合奏表演方面表 现出了惊人的奉献精神。

通过学院系统学习到的技能素质,使我们 的学生成为独立思考、勇于探究、有效沟 通、思想开放、不惧风险、善于反思、平

A message from Noro Head of House - Ms. Torrance Assistant Head of House - Mr. Lim 学院对你意味着什么? 最近我问了一个学生以上问题。他的回答是“学院意味着我们是谁?是我们的身份, 我们的家庭。”当我想到我们学院时,一个关键时刻至今历历在目。我依然清楚三年 前,作为北伦敦社区新成员和Noro女舍监时,一群孩子用几个星期排练音乐剧‘马 戏之王‘里的那首 《这就是我》。我对学生领导力、7-11年级学生的参与度和团结精 神印象深刻。那阶段,学院竞赛的感觉和我以前在其他学校的经历相似,然而,在学 院歌唱之夜,学院的宏大和力量冲击着我。 Noro的团结令人难以置信,在艺术表演 中心创造的气氛如此神奇。 Noro就是我们的身份。
衡生活、有爱心的人。这将支持我们学习 者的学术研究、目标建立和身心健康。 我们的座右铭是:’狼群的力量是每一只 狼,每一只狼的力量是狼群’。让我们一 起迎接精彩绝伦的一年! Noro加油! Instagram :

In the words of the House Captains - Soomin Shim and Terry Kim -

“A wolf by itself may be weaker than all the other animals and mythical creatures that the other houses represent: griffin, dragon, phoenix, and lion. However, as ‘the strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack,’ there is no doubt that Noro will find their way towards victory.

Noro mainly stands for three values: passion, affinity, and faith. These values are not only key to our house spirit but also deeply ingrained amongst ourselves. This was well demonstrated at the House Chant competition. Even though Noro was not successful and the result disappointed the majority, we did not lose hope and overcame our defeat through badminton and other events. Such a recovery was only possible because all the members strongly believed in each other and took pride in being a member of Noro. This is merely the beginning of our success. As Toto Wolff, the team principal of Mercedes, said: ‘everyone has a target on their back.’ As he said, every house should be careful because Noro will soon be back in the lead—widening the gap and not looking back.”

Instagram :

House Captains - Tom Park and Alexa Han

Former House Captain, Andy Zhang says “An exceptional group of year 11’s have undertaken the mantle as this year’s House Committee. Leading Jeoji will be Tom Park and Alexa Han as the new House Captains.

We have a number of Vice Captains in Year 11 who are organizing Sports and Arts; Geoff, Changhee, Andy, Olivia, comprise our Sports Team while Sean and Julius lead in Arts. Julius is an accomplished musician and has written an original score for our House song Halo this year. Jeoji House provides opportunities for so many different talents to grow and shine.

A message from Jeoji Head of House - Mr. McKeogh Assistant Head of House - Ms. Wilson “我们Jeoji学院新的一年已经华然启幕。我们的目标是创造一个我们一起工作、发挥 集体才能的空间。 Jeoji 学院总是力争最佳,尽管我们很想赢得学院奖杯,但这不是 我们的主要目标。我们的目标是,努力让每一个人融入,在我们学院重视每一个人。 今年我们创建了新的领导结构。让11年级学生更好的协作,帮助推动我们学院发展。 我们目前正努力从其他年级选拔我们的副队长。面试正在进行中。”
Instagram :

We have a number of Vice Captains in Year 11 who are organizing Sports and Arts; Geoff, Changhee, Andy, Olivia, comprise our Sports Team while Sean and Julius lead in Arts. Julius is an accomplished musician and has written an original score for our House song Halo this year. Jeoji House provides opportunities for so many different talents to grow and shine.

Stephanie, Stella, Alexandra, Ashley, Suwoong, Jun, and Matthew will aim to support our them in varying areas of expertise. We have Secretaries who help organize the logistics of events and ensuring we all know what is coming up in the calendar and how best to prepare. We have Wellbeing officers who organize fun events such as the naming of our new mascot competition. We also hope to grow our events to create links with Junior school in the future, building new Jeoji leaders of the future.

Our new media team are key at getting the messages out there and have started taking photos of students and posting them to our official instagram account (@ jeojisunlions) Please check it out.

While it has only been a couple of weeks into this academic year, the new student team has sprung right into action, unifying and leading the house into achieving first in House Chant, Public Speaking, and much more! In fact, Jeoji currently leads all the other houses in house competition. Not only that, but Jeoji has also commissioned a 100% authentic, commercially unavailable, one-of-a-kind specially hand-crafted plushie lion for our outgoing Jeoji aesthetic! Our new furry friend (Who has yet to be named) will accompany the students throughout the school year, embodying the spirit of Jeoji house: courage, compassion, and curiosity!

We look forward to bringing you more good news about Jeoji house. Take pride in the pride!”

A message from Mulchat Head of House - Mr. Thomas Assistant Head of House - Ms. McDonnell “Mulchat是一个为7-11年级男女生提供竞争和学生关怀的中学学院。我们学院 的颜色是绿色,我们的吉祥物是龙。 我们学院用尊重、勇气和仁慈来定义自己。 Mulchat的所有员工和学生都对自己的学院充满热情,他们以佩戴龙形徽章为荣。我 们鼓励每个人勇敢地去尝试新的活动,结交新的朋友。Mulchat的日常和规则支持每 个学生积极、参与、学习和进取。各年级组和不同性别的学生在学院竞赛中相互交流 和竞争;我们是一个大家庭,大家一起努力。” Instagram :

In the words of the Vice Captain (Multimedia) John Jeon

“There have been many ups and downs during the past couple of months in Mulchat. In the first several weeks, we prepared the House Chant by making a few changes in the lyrics of the song “believer” to match the theme and colour of our house. However, it can be said that the result of the chant was not as promising as we wanted. We are not aware of the accurate results, but it is assumed that we are 4th or 5th place for the house chant, an unfortunate result. However, the rebellion of the underdogs has just begun. We have received positive scores as a result of practices in badminton and public speaking led by year 11 captains for the past month. Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 exhibited phenomenal performance in “capture the flag”, and as such, we are deeply proud of our younger Mulchat members. With this positive forecast, Mulchat is beginning to chase down all the other houses like a hungry dragon. We will continue to practice Ensemble, Glee and House Singing frequently, twice a day sometimes for the past couple of weeks. Through everything we do we are aiming to encourage a sense of community, kindness and courage and to build a house all of its members can be proud of. Please follow mulchatdragons on Instagram to keep up with all the major Mulchat moments!”

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