Year 1 Curriculum Guide 2022 - 2023
Head of Junior School Mr.Jeremy Freeman
Deputy Head (Head of Lower School)
Assistant Head (Head of First School)
Assistant Head (Academic)
Mr RichardWashington Mr Peter Evans
Mr.Gayle Hume
Assistant Head (Values,Enrichment and Engagement) Ms.MireilleAlwan
1LC ClassTeacher Ms.Louise Collier
1CM ClassTeacher Ms.Carolyn Moran
1JW ClassTeacher Ms.JennyWayte
Librarian Mr Guk-hyun Nam
Art Computer Science
● Korean Language (Korean speakers only)
● Korean Social Studies (Korean speakers only)
● Korean Second Language (non-native speakers only)
● Mandarin Language (Mandarin speakers only)
● Mandarin Social Studies (Mandarin speakers only)
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)
Physical Education (PE)
Children will be taught to create and respond to art They learn as artists by creating art that communicates to audiences They learn as audiences by responding critically to the arts
In their art lessons, children will imagine, design and create art works They will learn to use and manage the materials, instruments and skills of the art form to prepare, develop, produce and present art Children will respond to art through their senses, thoughts and emotions They will come to understand and appreciate works of art through critical study
Curriculum Content
Children will explore, develop and express their ideas using visual arts They will be taught to:
● recognise the different stages of the creative process (beginning, middle and completion);
● identify, plan and make specific choices of materials, tools and processes;
● use a variety of materials to produce 2D and 3D works that consider their audience;
● develop an understanding that the choice of different tools and materials results in different outcomes;
● make predictions, experiment, and anticipate possible outcomes;
● develop observation skills;
● experiment with a variety of art and design elements to communicate ideas, feelings and/or experiences.
Children will be taught to:
● be aware of the different elements of art and design and how these elements create specific effects, for example, colour to express emotion;
● identify basic elements of art and design and begin to describe how the elements are used by artists;
● use artistic vocabulary when discussing artworks;
● identify the strengths and areas for improvement in their own and others’ artwork
Children will be:
● exposed to examples of contemporary art and artists.
Useful websites
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Co curricular activities - Claycraft Arts/Crafts
Miniature woodwork
Who can I contact?
Head of Art:
Michelle Walker
mwalker@nlcsjeju kr
Autumn Term
Curriculum Content
Computer Skills
Children will be taught:
● the different pieces of computer hardware and the function of these.
● how to use usernames and passwords,
● the QWERTY keyboard;
● the functions and control of the mouse
Children will taught:
● that they can find a range of information on the Internet;
● to navigate age appropriate websites;
● to know what to do if they find something inappropriate online
Movement and direction
Children will be taught:
Spring Term
● the principles of computational thinking;
● to follow simple oral algorithms;
● to identify simple patterns;
● to sequence simple, familiar tasks accurately.
Children will be given an introduction to algorithms.They will be taught:
Suggested Reading or ExtensionActivities
Summer Term
● what an algorithm is;
● to understand that computers and robots work by following sets of precise and unambiguous instructions;
● to create and debug simple programs.
● Create and build a car
● Make a face
Barefoot Computing
Beebot Emulator
How to help at home
Useful websites
Who can I contact?
Advice for parents on how to help children stay safe online can be found on the childnet and thinkuknow websites (see below) Childnet is a UK charity working to make the Internet a safe place for children and young people Thinkuknow is run by CEOP, a command of the UK National Crime Agency.
www childnet com/parents and carers www thinkuknow co uk!/
Head of Computer Science:
Mr David Smithson dsmithson@nlcsjeju kr
Autumn Term
Curriculum Content
Fiction: Stories with predictable phrasing
Labels, lists, captions
Recount texts Anon fiction textwhichretells events thathavepreviously occurred. Examples include diaries,newspapers reports andletters.
Poetry: Songs and repetition Patterns and rhymes
Fiction: Stories reflecting our own experiences
Non fiction:
Spring Term
Non chronological reports Anon fiction text whichgives information aboutaparticular subject. It reports information withoutreferring to the order in whichthings happen.
Instruction texts Anon-fiction textwhichuses imperative verbforms to instructon how to complete a task.
Poetry: Humorous poems Roger McGough
Summer Term
Fiction: Fairy tales Non-fiction: Non-chronological reports
Explanation texts
Recommended extra reading
Suggested Reading or ExtensionActivities
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by MichaelRosen
Unfortunately byAlan Durant Monkey Do! ByAllanAhlberg Here come the aliens by Colin McNaughton
Ten in the bed by Penny Dale
A Dark, Dark Tale by RuthBrown
Billy’s Bucket by Kes Gray Oliver, who would not sleep by Mara Bergman Where’s My Teddy? byJez Alborough Owl Babies by MartinWaddell Knuffle Bunny by MoWillems Six Dinner Sid by Inga Moore
All the Best:The Selected Poems of Roger McGough by Roger McGough YouTube ‘Roger McGough Reads The Sound Collector’
Usborne Illustrated Fairy Tales by Rosie Dickins
The Gingerbread Boy by Ian Beck Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Ian Beck
Puss in Boots by Philip Pullman Rapunzel by SarahGibb
Goodnight Everyone by Chris Haughton
Peace at Last byJillMurphy
The Bad-Tempered Ladybird by Eric Carle Funnybones byJanetandAllanAhlberg
The Gruffalo byJulia Donaldson
A Bear Called Paddington by MichaelBond
A Lion in The Meadow by MargaretMahy Cops and Robbers byAllanAhlberg Owl Babies by MartinWaddell
The Emperor of Absurdia by Chris Riddell Mister Magnolia byQuentin Blake
Katie Morag’s Island Stories by MairiHeddwick My Friend Bear byJezAlborough
How to help at home
Avocado Baby byJohn Burningham
The Tiger Who Came to Tea byJudithKerr Meg and Mog by Helen Nichol
Not Now, Bernard by DavidMcKee Dogger by Shirley Hughes
How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth by Michelle Robinson
Stanley’s Stick by Neale Layton andJohn Hegley You Choose! by Pippa Goodhart Penguin by Polly Dunbar
The Dark by Lemony Snicket
I Want My Hat Back byJon Klassen
Reading for pleasure helps children broaden their vocabulary, develop their imagination, increase their general knowledge and is an important factor in future academic success.You can help instil a love of books by reading regularly with your child.
● Make reading part of your family life. Have books around you so that your child is ready to read whenever there’s a chance.
● Follow your child’s reading interests. It doesn’t matter whether it’s fiction, poetry, comics, non fiction or magazines. It’s all worthwhile.
● Encourage your child’s reading choices maybe a familiar book for re reading as well as something new. If you are stuck for something to catch your child’s imagination ask their teacher or see our list of recommended reading.
● Get comfortable! Find somewhere cosy and comfy to read with your child.
● Ask questions to keep your child interested in the story.You might like to ask questions such as,‘What has happened so far?’ ‘Is it what you expected to happen?’ ‘What might happen next?’ ‘How do you think the story might end?’ ‘What sort of character is ? Is he/she friendly/ mean/ nice ?’
● Read whenever you get the chance Bring along a book or magazine for any time your child has to wait, such as at a doctor’s surgery
● Read again and again Encourage your child to re read their favourite books and poems Re reading helps to build up fluency and confidence
● Books and poems which include rhyme and repetition are great for encouraging your child or children to join in and remember the words
Useful websites
www booktrust org uk has many recommendations of high quality books for children of all ages Try the ‘bookfinder’ tool for inspiration on what to read next Look online and in app stores for appropriate word and spelling games Search ‘OxfordOwladvice forparents’for ideas to help support your child’s learning outside school
Co-curricular activities
Who can I contact?
To be confirmed August 2020
Ms Dee Patterson
Head of English
단원 그림일기를 쓰는 방법 알고 겪은 일을 써보기
1학년 2학기
1단원 여러 가지 책을 읽고, 재미있게 읽은 책 소개하기
2단원 소리나 모양을 떠올리며 시와 글을 읽기
3단원-받침에 주의하며 문장으로 쓰는 활동하기
4단원 바른 자세로 듣고, 자신 있게 말하는 활동하기
5단원 알맞은 목소리로 글과 시를 읽는 활동하기
6단원 듣는 사람을 생각하며 고운말을 사용하기
7단원 내용을 확인하며 글을 읽고, 알맞은 제목 붙이기
8단원 글을 바르게
Summer Term
단원 겪은 일이
단원-이야기 속 인물에
그림 일기 쓰기 가족에게 자신이 읽은 책 소개하기 가족들에게 내가 읽은 책 줄거리 설명하고 느낀 점 말하기 이웃과 친척들에게 바르게 이야기하기
KOREAN KOREANLANGUAGE Curriculum Content Suggested Reading or ExtensionActivities Autumn Term 1학년 1학기 1단원 바른 자세로 낱말을 읽고,듣고,쓰는 자세 배우기 2,3단원-자, 모음자에 대해 익히기 4단원 글자의 짜임을 알고 받침 없는 글자 만들어 보기 5단원 상황에 맞는 인사말 알고 익히기 6단원 받침이 있는 글자의 짜임을 알고 익히기 7단원 문장으로 말하고, 쓰고 읽는 연습하기 8단원-띄어 읽기와 문장 부호에 대해 알아보기 자모음 쓰기 연습 재미있는 동화책 읽기 동화책 소리 내어 읽기 주변에서 다양한 문장 부호 찾아보기 Spring
띄어 읽기/실감나게 글 읽기 9
글을 쓰는 활동하기 10
어울리게 말과 행동을 해보기 동화책 인물의 목소리를 흉내내며 책을 읽어보기 책을 읽고 책 내용과 어울리는 문제 만들고 풀어보기 Examples of homework tasks 자모음 쓰기 연습, 동화책 읽기, 간단한 조사하기 등 How to help at home 과제가 있을 경우 챙겨갈 수 있도록 부탁드립니다. 학생 스스로 책을 읽을 수 있는 여건을 마련해 주거나, 부모님께서 규칙적으로 책을 읽어 주시는 것도 많은 도움이 됩니다 책을 읽은 뒤 자녀가 읽은 책에 대한 줄거리와 느낀 점을 말해볼 수 있도록 격려해주십시오 Useful websites
Who can I contact?
Head of Korean
DongKwang Lee
dklee@nlcsjeju kr
Autumn Term
Curriculum Content
Spring Term
Summer Term
우리 조상들이 살던 전통 집의 특징 알아보기 태극기를 알아보고, 우리나라를 소개하는 자료 만들기
남북한 학생의 같은 점과 다른 점 알아보기 겨울철 사람들의 생활 모습과 필요한 생활 도구에 대해 알아보기 겨울 놀이에 필요한 놀이 도구를 알아보고, 하고 싶은 겨울 놀이 조사해 보기 겨울과 봄의 특성을 비교해 보고, 봄이 오는 과정에 대해 알아보기 씨앗에 대해 알아보고, 다양한 활동을 통해 씨앗의 미래 모습을 표현하여 보기
봄에 볼 수 있는 것들에 대해 다양한 방법으로 정리해 보기 가족과 친척의 모습을 알아보고, 친척을 부르는 말에 대해 살펴보기 여름을 잘 보내기 위해 해야 할 일에 대해 알기 비나 태풍이 생활에 미치는 영향과 피해를 막기 위한 방법에 대해 알아보기 여름날의 생활 모습에 대해 알아보기 여름에 기억나는 것을 선택하여 다양한 방법으로 표현하기
Suggested Reading or ExtensionActivities
우리나라 전통 의식주, 문화 등과
관련된 책 읽기
조상님 성묘 때 따라가 보기
추석 때 친척들이 모였을 때, 먹는
음식과 놀이, 하는 일 등에 대해
가을의 볼 수 있는 동식물에 대해
가정에서 대화해보기
북한 어린이 생활 관련 책 읽기 겨울에 가능한 놀이(윷놀이, 팽이치기 등)를 친구나 가족과 같이 해보기 나만의 식물을 키우며 관찰하기 겨울과 봄에 달라지는 점에 대하여 대화해보기
내 주변의 친척에 대해 알아보기
여름 방학 계획 세우기 여름이 되며 달라지는 것들에 대해 가족들과 대화해보기
Examples of homework tasks 자료 조사
학교 내 친구들과 선생님 그리고 시설물에 대해 알기 추석에 대해 알아보고 나누기 가을의 동식물, 풍경 등을 알아보고 나누기
사람이 모이는 장소에서 지켜야 할 예절, 이웃과 함께 했던 경험 등을 알아보고 나누기 우리나라의 전통 복장과 음식에 대해
(계절별 필요한 도구, 나의 친척 등) How to help at home 학생이 자신 주변의 가족, 친구, 날씨와 동식물 등 다양한 사회 및 자연환경에 관심을 가지고 관찰하고 탐구할 수 있도록 도와주세요 위와 관련한 도서를 읽는 것도 많은 도움이 됩니다 Useful websites
Who can I contact?
Head of Korean
DongKwang Lee
dklee@nlcsjeju kr
Autumn Term
Curriculum Content
Spoken Language:
● To practice responding to basic sentences related to personal information.
● To ask and answer the basic sentences related to classroom objects, activities and routines, favourite things, weather, etc,
● To become familiar with Korean sentences
● To practise counting numbers and remember the name part of the body
● To learn about Korean traditional holidays and special days for Chuseok and Hangeul Day
● To learn 14 consonants and 10 vowels in order.
● To practise reading the combination of consonants and vowels in Hangul.
● To learn basic words they need to know.
● To practise remind around 50 words.
● To listen to the teacher reading fairy tales
Spoken Language:
● To ask and respond the simple questions on classroom and daily routines
● To practice using words and phrases to speak about the simple questions and answers
● To practise counting numbers in Korean
● To learn about Korean traditional holidays and special days for Seol nal and Korea's independence movement day on the first of March
Spring Term
● To remind 14 consonants and 10 vowels in order.
● To learn the words that begin with the basic letters.
● To read aloud to familiarise with the Korean alphabet
● To build words through repetition.
● To learn new 50 words related numbers and food, family, places, house stuff, basic verbs.
Suggested Reading or ExtensionActivities
Practise the language that children learn each lesson:
Whatisyour name? My name is Things ofschool Colours andshapes,Cuseok
Numbers Animals
My body
Ican swim Days ofweek People athome Weather
Where is the bag?
Iam thirsty.
Whatisyour favourite colour? Whatareyou doing in Christmas?
Practise the language that children learn each lesson:
Is this bread?Yes,No.
Who is he(she)?
Where isyour house?
Igo to school. My Dadgoes to work.
What's in the room?
Mom is reading a book
Whatdoyou like to eat?
Who is singing?
My brother andme are riding a bike
Summer Term
To listen to the teacher reading fairy tales.
Spoken Language:
● To contribute suitable words and phrases to pair, group and whole class exchanges.
● To express the very short sentences they have learned.
● To be able to listen and answer yes and no questions.
● To remind 14 consonants and 10 vowels in order
● To learn the words that begin with the same syllables
● To read aloud to familiarise with the Korean alphabet
Vocabulary: (about 50 60words)
To build words through repetition
● To learn new 50 words related activities, days, clothes, animals, the basic adverbs, greeting languages
● listen to the teacher reading fairy tales.
Assessment tasks, methods and frequency
How to help at home
Regular reviews of all content.
Practise the language that children learn each lesson:
When doyou swim?
Is there a toy train?
Are they shoes?
Whatareyou doing,today?
How many books are there?
Arabbitandan elephantare riding a swing
Iwillenjoy this food.(Before eating a meal).
Ireally enjoyedthe meal. (after eating a meal).
Pupils do homework every week for vocabulary practice and sentence reading practice.
Please, encourage your child to use the language when they are outside school.
Please, could you check to whether your child is doing their homework well weekly and motivate them to learn.
Useful websites dinolingo com (Check Seesaw for login details)
Who can I contact?
Head of Korean Mr. DongKwang Lee
Autumn Term
Curriculum Content
Spring Term
Oceans and Seas
Using the context of oceans and seas, children will be taught:
● what a map is and how to use one;
● the different directions on a compass;
● the names of all the continents and oceans on our planet;
● where the UK is and which seas surround it;
● what the Great Barrier Reef is and what lives there;
● the geography, climate and animal life of the Galapagos Islands.
Suggested Reading or ExtensionActivities
Smithsonian Museum Oceans Secrets of the Seashore by Carron Brown andAlyssa Nassner Storm Whale by BenjiDavies
How does a lighthouse work? by Roman Belyaev Oak Academy Lessons:
● What is an ocean?
● Where are the world’s oceans?
● How deep is the ocean?
● Why are our oceans important?
● What lives in the ocean?
● How can we protect our oceans?
History topics are taught inYear 1 in the spring term
Using the context of Australia, children will be taught:
● to locate Australia on a world map and on a globe in relation to Korea;
● to compare its size relative to other countries and continents;
Summer Term
● to know what makes Australia’s landscapes so diverse;
● to identify and locate the climate zones of Australia;
● the human geography of Australia;
● the geographical characteristics of Australia’s cities;
● the similarities and differences between a rural and urban area in Australia and to compare and contrast aspects of life in Australia to Korea.
Atlas of Adventures by Lucy Letherland
Why I Love Australia by Bronwyn Bancroft
Possum Magic by Mem Fox
The Koala Who Could by Rachel Bright Over in Australia by Marianne Berkes
How to help at home
Useful websites
When discussing or visiting places, identify them on a map
www oddizzi com www kidsgeo com
Who can I contact? Head of Humanities Ms Dyer-Jones mdyerjones@nlcs kr
Autumn Term
Curriculum Content
Spring Term
Suggested Reading or ExtensionActivities
Summer Term
Geography topics are taught inYear 1 in the autumn term
Toys from the Past
Using the context of Australia, children will be taught:
● to place objects and events in chronological order;
● use common words for the passing of time;
● to identify differences between ways of life at different times;
● use a range of sources to find out about the past;
● to ask and answer questions about the past;
● to recognise changes in the way of life of their family and others around them Castles
Children will be taught:
● to recognise the features and purposes of castles;
● about William the Conquerer and his reasons for building castles in England;
● to classify different types of castles and to place them in chronological order;
● to appreciate what life was like in a medieval castle.
See Inside Castles by Katie Daynes George and the Dragon by ChristopherWormell King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table by Marcia Williams
100 Facts on Knights and Castles byJaneWalker
Search: ‘NationalTrusttop 10 castles’
Geography topics are taught inYear 1 in the summer term
How to help at home Talk to your child about your family history. Encourage grandparents to talk about how life was different when they were growing up.
Who can I contact? Head of Humanities Ms Dyer-Jones mdyerjones@nlcs kr
Autumn Term
Curriculum Content
Family Stories
Children are taught to appreciate the importance of family:
● Who is in my family tree?
● Where does my family come from?
● What do I know about my grandparents?
Children interview parents to learn more about their family.
Money and Jobs
Children are taught:
● Where money comes from, how we earn it and why we use it?
● The value of notes and coins in the real world
● To understand needs and wants, making choices with money and resisting temptation when shopping
Children consider the importance of different jobs
Spring Term
Children are taught to appreciate some important celebrations in the UK, Korea and elsewhere in the world.
● What are the most famous landmarks in London?
Summer Term
● What are the Houses of Parliament and why are the important?
● Why is Westminster Abbey important in British public life?
How to help at home
Who can I contact?
Suggested Reading or ExtensionActivities
Bank of England Museum (home learning resources)
Project Britain
Oak Academy Lessons:
● What is Europe like?
Talk to your child about your family history Encourage grandparents to talk about how life was different when they were growing up
Head of Humanities Ms. Dyer-Jones
顺规则用硬笔写字,注意间架结构。初步 感受汉字的形体美。
3,写字姿势要正确,字要写得规范、端正、整 洁、努力养成良好的写字习惯。
4,学会汉语拼音,在学年末能准确地拼读音 节。借助拼音认读汉字。
1,喜欢阅读,感受阅读的乐趣。初步养成爱护 图书的习惯。
2,学习用普通话正确、流利、有感情地朗读课 文。
3,结合上下文和生活实际了解课文中词句的 意思,借助读物中的图画阅读。
阅读浅近的童话、寓言、故事,向往美好的 情境,关心自然和生命,对感兴趣的人物和事 件有自己的感受和想法,并
MANDARIN MANDARINLANGUAGE Curriculum Content Suggested Reading or ExtensionActivities
,喜欢学习汉字,培养主动识字的愿望。 认识常用汉字 200-700 个左右,可以辨别形近 字,其中 100-200 个左右会写。
汉字的基本笔画和常用的偏旁部首,能 按笔
乐于与人交流。 5,诵读儿歌、童谣和浅近的古诗,展开想像获 得初步的情感体验,感受语言的优美。 三、写话 1,对写话有兴趣,写自己想说的话。 2,学习使用逗号、句号。 四、口语交际、 1,学讲普通话,逐步养成讲普通话的习惯。 2,能认真听别人讲话,努力了解讲话的主要内 容。 3, 听故事、看音像作品,能复述大意和自己感 兴趣的情节。 4, 能较完整地讲述小故事,能简要讲述自己 感兴趣的见闻。 5, 与别人交谈,态度自然大方,有礼貌。 6,有表达的自信心。积极参加讨论,敢于发表 自己的意见。 五、综合性学习 www yes chinese com/reading My First Chinese Words 《我的中文小故事》系列读本 快乐幼儿华语
1,对周围事物有好奇心,能就感兴趣的内容提 出问题,结合课内外阅读,共同讨论。 2,结合语文学习,观察大自然,用口头或图文 等方式表达自己的观察所得。 Useful websites 汉字屋 中少快乐阅读 Who can I contact? Head of Mandarin Ms. Maggie Dai
MANDARIN MANDARINSOCIALSTUDIES Curriculum Content Autumn Term 1 中国人的姓名:你叫什么名字 2 简易水彩:配图《山村咏怀》 3. 简易折纸:东南西北与象形字 4. 简易水彩:小鸡 5. 传统游戏体验:跳皮筋、丢手绢、滚铁环 6. 传统节日:中秋节的故事与《静夜思》 7. 中国地理:你从哪里来(北京 台湾) 8. 传统文化:你属什么?(十二生肖) 9. 儿童故事:小马过河 Spring Term 1. 儿童故事:小蝌蚪找妈妈 2 建筑:四合院与韩屋 3 环境保护:植树节 4 儿歌:弯弯的月亮小小的船 5 天文地理:太阳月亮与地球 6 方位游戏:平板平板 7 方位认知:地图与方向 8 儿童故事:小壁虎借尾巴 9 环境保护:水资源与节约用水 Summer Term 1. 传统文化:中国的扇子 2. 生活技能:超市游戏 3. 文字知识:会意字 4. 环境保护:《悯农》与节约粮食 5. 益智游戏:七巧板 6. 文化情感:天安门与五星红旗 7. 自然科学:为什么会下雨 8. 尊老文化:爷爷奶奶外公外婆 9. 传统故事:司马光砸缸 Useful websites https://www youtube com/playlist?list=PLUM8x224JrX9UI0SJGgCQCGO HHm2d 1k 中华文明之美 Who can I contact? Head of Mandarin
Curriculum Content Suggested Reading or Extension Activities
Numbers to 10 Number bonds
Autumn Term
and subtraction within 10
and patterns
to 20
Addition and Subtraction within
Spring Term
Length Mass Picture Graphs
to 40 Mental Calculations Division
Summer Term Time Numbers to 100 Money
Assessment tasks, methods and frequency
How to help at home
Inspire Maths Home Activities (attached separately):
andcomparing numbers to 10
Number bonds to 10
within 10
within 10
to know shapes
andcomparing numbers to 20
Inspire Maths Home Activities (attached separately):
Adding andsubtracting within 20
Dividing bygrouping
Inspire Maths Home Activities (attached separately):
Money:finding totals andgiving change
assessment and end of unit reviews
The Inspire Maths Home Activities
Useful websites,,,, (OxfordOwlfor Home), (Choose Primary,KS1)
Who can I contact?
Head of Maths
Simon Downes
1. Counting
3. Addition
4 Subtraction
5 Getting
6 Ordinalnumbers 7 Counting
9 Length 10
Children in First School develop a solid grounding in music through movement, singing, and instrumental instruction. They use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes. They play musically, on tuned and untuned instruments. They listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high quality live and recorded music. They begin to develop a rounded understanding of the musical elements and use simple musical vocabulary. Finally, they experiment with, create, select and combine sounds to improvise and compose music. One of the highlights of the year is the annual Nativity performance.
Curriculum Content
Autumn Term
Students develop an understanding of sound, how it is created and how it can change Students will learn how music can portray an environment scene Through improvisation and composition of whole class soundscapes, students engage with music in an exciting performance based environment, building an understanding of tempo, dynamics, and structure
Along with other pupils in First School, students prepare to participate in the Nativity a musical production performed on stage for an appreciative audience of students and parents. They continue to develop musically through singing and movement games.
Spring Term
Students explore the concept of beat, rhythm and style by responding to music from cultures around the world through movement activities. Students are encouraged to create their own movements to give stimuli.
Summer Term
Students will explore and create using traditional and non traditional forms of notation. They will discover similarities and differences when composing or playing music. Students will create music with technology.
Suggested Reading or ExtensionActivities
Parents can reinforce a love of music by playing a variety of music at home Encourage a curiosity about sounds in nature and in the home Develop listening opportunities wherever possible
It will be helpful for students to learn the words to the songs from the Nativity.
Parents can support learning by playing a wide variety of music from around the world at home and having fun with movement as a family.
Parents can support learning by playing a wide variety of music at home and having fun when listening and drawing as a family.
Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) covers a range of issues that are vital for the wellbeing of our children PSHE lessons provide opportunities to develop skills such as perseverance, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, self respect, teamwork, time management, and stress management These are important life skills and all have a direct and positive effect on children’s learning.
Curriculum Content
Looking after me
Children will consider issues surrounding physical, emotional and mental health.They will be taught the importance of a healthy diet, exercise and good hygiene.
Autumn Term
Children will discuss positive and negative emotions and they will be taught strategies for managing their feelings.
Children will be taught how to stay safe online and in the real world. Children will learn about internet safety in their computer science lessons and road safety in their PSHE lessons.
Children will be taught the importance of communication in building positive relationships
Spring Term
Summer Term
They will discuss the issue of bullying and how it makes people feel Children will discuss family and friendships and why these relationships are important They will talk about how to make friends and how to share with each other
Living in the wider world
Children will be taught about their rights and responsibilities as global citizens.They will learn about taking turns, lending and borrowing, sharing, and caring for others. Children will discuss their place in the school and local community.They will be given an early introduction to financial education, including being taught where money comes from, why we need to keep it safe, and how we make choices about spending money.
Useful websites https://www 1decision co uk/
Who can I contact?
Head of PSHE
Mr Richard Washington
Autumn Term
Curriculum Content – Physical Education Wider Learning
Playground Games / Parachute
This Team building unit focus on problem-solving activities and challenges. Throughout the unit, children will be required to work as part of a team, to solve a range of different problems that focus on collaboration and effective communication, testing their levels of perseverance
Target Games
This Target Games unit focuses on activities and games that require children to send an object towards a target Children will be learning how to send the ball in different ways towards both stationary and moving targets, including rolling, underarm throwing, overarm throwing and kicking They will be taught about the skills of aiming, precision and accuracy, which are the fundamental skills needed for target games such as croquet, golf and bowling The children will also be developing their understanding of using tactics and teamwork in a range of different target games Yoga
The Salute to the sunYoga unit focuses on a yoga sequence which comprises a full range of movements and incorporates forward bends, backbends, inversions, twists and balances. Children will develop the sequence and refine their movements.The context of planting a sunflower is used to help encourage to move creatively. Children will expand their range of yoga poses and how they transition between them. Children will then, with support, work with a partner to create their sequence and lead yoga poses.
Ball Skills
This ball skills unit focuses on skills to do with a ball.They will develop and practice skills which include controlling a ball, rolling and throwing a ball, bouncing a ball, kicking a ball, catching a ball and striking a ball.They will develop individual skills, as well as learn how to play a few simple games and become part of a team.
Outdoor Adventure Activities
This OAA unit focuses on problem-solving activities and working together as a team Throughout the unit, children will be required to work as part of a team, to solve various problems that focus on collaboration and effective communication The children will learn how to navigate using modified maps and orienteering tools
British Orienteering https://www britishoriente ering org uk/home
British Schools OAA http://www bsoa org/
Spring Term
This HRF unit will focus on the overall fitness of your children through a circuit of eight activities, each of which is based on a different skill. Fun practices are used each week before the children are introduced to two of the circuit activities. During the final two lessons, children will complete the whole circuit and use a scorecard to enable them to see the progress that they have made and identify the effects of exercise on the body.
This Gymnastic unit will focus on how to perform a variety of floor and vault movements The children will learn straight jump full turns, cat leap half turns, straddle rolls, lunges into cartwheels and the straddle on vault while developing their understanding of the necessary flexibility, strength and control needed to perform the movements successfully Children will be able to choreograph their sequences and routines, performing individually and as part of a small group
Basketball UK https://www.basketballengl
Summer Term
In this Athletics unit, children will have the opportunity to develop their existing running, jumping and throwing skills and learn new skills.They will run for speed and endurance and recapping relay running, including the baton exchange and running over hurdles.They will be trying to achieve their personal best in the standing long jump, triple jump and vertical jump.They will be involved in setting up various jumping activities, including measuring the jumps.They will perform at Sports day.
In this Tball unit, children will develop skills to equip them for playing a competitive Tball game The children will learn correct techniques for different types of throws and catch and practise batting off the Tee and bowling techniques They will develop the roles and responsibilities of different fielding positions In addition to this, they will learn how to think strategically and choose and apply a range of tactics to help them perform their best
Modified Cricket
This striking and fielding unit will teach your class about the skills players need in Cricket The children will learn how to catch, throw and bat across different distances with accuracy They will develop their fielding skills by learning how to attack the ball
British Orienteering https://www britishoriente ering org uk/home
England Tennis https://www lta org uk/
British Athletics https://www.britishathletic
https://www tbawa com au / Cricket https://www chancetoshin e org/
All year
Curriculum Content - Swimming
The Swimming curriculum is tailored from Reception toYr6
Children will develop their water confidence, stroke technique, swimming over distance and competing in a competitive environment Children will progress through the swimming levels; each level provides more difficulty and a broader understanding of swimming; when a level has been completed the child will receive a badge as a reward
Assessment tasks, methods and frequency
Equipment that students need
How to help at home
Co-curricular activities
Who can I contact?
Ongoing assessment and grading at the end of a 3 week unit Using the Learning habit jigsaw and assessment grid
Children should bring their PE kit on days when they have PE lessons
Children should bring their swimming kit on days when they have swimming lessons
Encourage your children to be as active as possible and participate in team sports outside school Watch sports with your children on television or at live events Watch competitions and performances at school
CCA sports and bryants are available throughout the week. Please encourage your child to sign up for a sporting activity.
Head of P.E. Ms. Sophie Perry
→ Sail Fish
Autumn Term
Curriculum Content
Spring Term
Children will be taught to:
● distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made;
● identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock;
● describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials;
● compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties
Seasonal Changes
Children will be taught to:
● observe changes across the four seasons;
● observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies
Suggested Reading or ExtensionActivities
stem org uk resources
Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper
Tree: Seasons Come, Seasons Go by Patricia Hegarty andBritta Teckentrup
Snowflakes by Cerrie Burnelland Laura EllenAnderson
Secrets of Winter by Carron Brown andGeorginaTee Magnets Push, Magnets Pull byDavidAAdler
First Facts Seasons: Start a Lifetime of Learning by Dorling Kindersley
The Weather Girls byAKI DelphineWelch
Rain (Seasons with Granddad) by Sam Usher
Elmer in the Snow by David McKee
Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert Oak Academy Lessons:
● What do we know about the weather?
● How does the weather change across the seasons?
● How do trees change across the seasons?
● How can you measure rainfall?
● What is hibernation?
● How can we record wind direction?
Children will be taught to:
● explore light through the use of various equipment (torches, colour filters, light boxes, prisms etc.);
● explain how shadows are formed;
● observe the link between light and sight.
Children will be taught to:
On a Beam of Light:A Story of Albert Einstein byJennifer Berne Light and Color by Lawrence Lowery
Eye to Eye: How Animals See the World by SteveJenkins Light (How Does Science Work?) by CarolBallard
Oscar and the Bird by Geoff Waring
Summer Term
● explore circuits and the components involved (wire, battery, bulb etc );
● explore how a circuit works;
● explain how a circuit might work
Oak Academy Lessons:
● What is light?
● How can we see objects?
● What is the difference between day and night?
● Which materials are reflective?
● How are shadows formed?
● How can you change the size of a shadow?
Children will be taught to:
● identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals;
● identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores;
● describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, including pets);
● identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
Behold the Beautiful Dung Beetle by CherylBardoe
Animalium (Welcome to the Museum) byJenny Broom and Katie Scott
A First Book of Animals by Nicola Davies
Assessment tasks, methods and frequency
Further reading
End of unit reviews
Ada Twist, Scientist byAndrea Beaty andDavidRoberts Dear Greenpeace by SimonJames
Useful websites www brainpopjrcom (NLCSJeju login details available on Seesaw)
Who can I contact?
Head of Science Mr John Gilbertson jgilbertson@nlcsjeju kr