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Work Program

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Financial Aid

At Northfield Mount Hermon, all students participate equally in the daily work of the school

so that they may cultivate a respect for the dignity of labor and service to the community both within and beyond the school. In the work program, students and adults work together to provide essential daily work to the school community. Participation in this work by all students has been an integral component of the curriculum since the founding of the school. All students must work four hours per week and attain a passing grade each term in order to graduate.




Types of Jobs an NMH Student May Have Admission Ambassador Archives Aide Athletic Department Worker Athletic Team Manager Bakery Worker Band Manager Biology Assistant Chemistry Assistant Choir Manager Clinic Aide Custodial Worker Dance Studio Assistant Electronic Recording Assistant Equipment Room Worker Farm Worker Global Ambassador Kitchen Worker Library Aide Lifeguard Mail Center Worker Math Study Hall Tutor Multicultural Education Assistant Music Secretary Office Assistant Orchestra Assistant Outdoor Education Assistant Resident Leader Science Study Hall Tutor Service Leader Snack Bar Worker Theater Aide Trail Maintenance Worker World Languages Assistant Yearbook Editor

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