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Our Faculty

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Global Engagement

Global Engagement

Northfield Mount Hermon

works with a variety of agencies to recruit the finest faculty from around the world. Evaluation processes and professional development opportunities ensure that faculty stay current in the best educational practices for teaching young people in and out of the classroom.

•90 full-time faculty members • Average 20 years of teaching experience • 65% with advanced degrees

NMH is committed to nurturing excellence in its faculty. Each year, teachers, staff, and coaches attend and present at key conferences and trainings. Recently, faculty have participated in: • • Academy of Creative Coaching Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health • Assessment & Effective Treatment of Alcohol & Substance Use Disorders • Athletes Acceleration Complete Youth Training/Speed Training • Bard Workshop: Writer as Reader: A Dream or a Nightmare? The Great

Gatsby and Get Out • Bard Workshop: Writer as Reader: Discovering New Ways into the Text • • • Broadway Teaching Group Bronze Casting Carnegie Melon University EV3 Robotics Course • Certified Peer Educator (CPE) Train-the-Trainer Online Course • Creating w/Paperclay: From Concept to Execution • Curriculum work in History, Mathematics, Religious Studies & Philosophy, and World Languages • George Curous’s Digital Portfolio Master Class • How to Facilitate Project Based Learning in Remote Environments • Learning & the Brain - A Teacher’s Guide to the Learning Brain • Learning & the Brain - Educating Anxious Brains • • Liberation Through Love and Rage Lion’s Jaw - Performance and Dance Festival • • Manhattan Children’s Center Conference Mary Kline Classic Sports and Business Symposium • Millennium Dance Complex Industry Intensive • • My Brother’s Keeper: Men of Color Retreat National Dance Association Organization Online Professional Development

Institute • National Field Hockey Coaches Association Convention • • • NEASC Annual Conference People of Color Conference Programming in Java & Introduction to Data Analytics • • TABS Conference Teaching for Artistic Behavior, 2019 Making Artists High School • United Soccer Coaches

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