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The Arts

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Work Program

Work Program

Students nurture their

understanding of and skills in a wide range of artistic ventures. We get them ready for a lifetime of arts participation and appreciation.

Visual Arts We take art creation seriously, with courses in every medium (including APs), open studio work time, and faculty members who are accomplished practicing artists.

The Rhodes Arts Center includes:

•Art gallery exhibiting well-known artists in six shows per year • Ceramics studio • Design studio • Digital photography studio and traditional photography darkroom • Drawing studio • Painting studios • Printmaking studio

Performing Arts Whether you’re a neophyte or a seasoned scene stealer, you can become a part of NMH’s lively theater, dance, and music community. Take a class. Join an ensemble. Audition for a play. All the world’s a stage!

The Rhodes Arts Center hosts:

•Concert Band • Concert Choir • Four major theater productions a year (including a musical) • Hogappella (boys’ a cappella group) • Honors Chamber Ensemble: NMH Singers • Honors Chamber Ensemble: Select Women’s Ensemble • Honors Chamber Orchestra • Honors Jazz Combo • Nellies (girls’ a cappella group) • NMH Junior Dance Company • NMH Senior Dance Company • NMH World Percussion Ensemble • Northfield Mount Harmony (a cappella group) • One-Act Play Festival • Symphony Orchestra

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