LINK Fall 2022

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By the time you read this, we will be just a few days before our 2022 Bike for the Light ride across New Mexico. This is an incredible experience as a group of cyclists come together to ride 5 days/500 miles across New Mexico to support ministries like Convoy of Hope, Rural Compassion, WorldServe International, and all of our New Mexico ministries through Speed the Light. And to top it all off, I have the incredible joy and honor to ride with these pastors and friends! Please pray for the BFTL riders: for safety, strength, and endurance, as well as for God’s favor in all of our fundraising efforts. If you weren’t able to receive a Bike for the Light missions offering last Sunday, you can still do it the next couple of weeks. Together, we can make a difference, so please join us in this endeavor, send in your offering to our Network Office, note that it is for Bike for the Light We love you all and pray God’s favor and blessings on you and your ministry. Thanks for being such a vital part of God’s work here in our state. Blessings!

Reflections & Happenings!

Wow! What a summer! As most of you are aware, Becky and I took some extended time off this summer for a Sabbatical and to celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary! We are deeply grateful to our Presbytery for making this possible, and to you, for your loving and affirming support. We are eternally blessed with the honor and joy of serving you in our New Mexico Ministry Network. While we were away, our Next Generation Pastors, Austin and Brittni Poper, directed a full slate of camps at Cook Canyon that were absolutely amazing with over 1,500 students and leaders attending. Camps are such a vital component of our Network as these students encounter God in ways that change and shape their lives and help them discover their God-given purpose for life. I want to say THANKS to every church that supports our camps every year and especially to our Partnership Churches who give every month to make Next Generation Ministries happen year after year across New SpeakingMexico. of camps, promotions have just gone out for this year’s Called Camp for students age 12-18 who sense God stirring their hearts towards a lifetime of ministry. Called Camp at Cook Canyon will be November 10-12, and registration is now open at Pastors, I really want to challenge you to consider sending students from your church to this incredible weekend camp where we are immersed in the presence of God as we allow God to speak to us about the call to ministry.

I am so excited about the opportunities we have during the month of October to celebrate Pastor Appreciation Month with churches across America. Pastors, we are so grateful for each of you. You are God’s gift to the local church, and we want to encourage every church in New Mexico to make a “big deal” out of this month of honor and appreciation towards your pastors. There are so many wonderful resources available to help honor our pastor; one resource I’ve recently become aware of is Churches, you really should check this out!

NEWLY CREDENTIALED: TRANSFERRED IN: Cindy Floyd, Certified Robin Hicks, Certified, ABQ Revival Church Forrest McConnell, Certified Renata Goldshot, Licensed, ABQ Trinity Family Lisa Dickenson, Licensed John Goldshot, Licensed, ABQ Trinity Family Makaela Elliott, Licensed Fred Long, Licensed TRANSFERRED OUT: Robert Marquez, Licensed Darrell Nichols, Ordained, S.Missouri Karla Melendez, Licensed Michael Winters, Ordained, S. Missouri Austin Poper, Licensed Jeff Sowers, Certified, Ohio AndresREINSTATED:Lopez, Certified

1. Tithing was sanctioned by God before the law was given. a. Abraham gave tithes (Genesis 14:20). b. Jacob gave tithes ( Genesis 28:20-22).

2. Tithing was sanctioned by God while the Law was in effect. a. Leviticus 27:30-32; Malachi 3:10

If the tithe belongs to God then: I. What right do I have to keep it? II. What right do I have to borrow it? III. What right do I have to steal it? IV. What right do I have to use it for anything other that what God intended it to be used for?

Final Thought: These points reflect where stewardship begins, not where it ends!

b. When I dedicate the tenth to the one who owns it, I grow in grace and I don’t suffer under the constraint of some “Law.” c. Tithing is the basis of responsible giving, the contributions that my Heavenly Father expects of me.

5. The tithe, simply put, is the tenth. (Example: One dollar out of every ten, straight off the

Seven Truths About Tithing

7. Jesus commanded (and commended) tithing after He had announced His church. (Matthew 16:16-18; 23:23) a. For New Testament believers, if there is a sense of obligation in tithing, it is an obligation of love, not of law.

As “Shepherd Leaders” it is our responsibility to help the flock, that our Lord has called us to serve, with the value of proper stewardship. I know that, as ministers, we take that responsibility seriously. With that in mind, I want to provide some thoughts on the subject of tithing which is essential to Biblical stewardship.

4. Tithing in the Old Testament was part of the Moral Law, not the Ceremonial Law. a. Jesus did not cancel the Moral Law, He confirmed it.

6. The tithe is one element of giving to God, not its full extent. Both the Old and New Testament speak of “Tithe and Offerings.” a. Offerings are above and beyond tithing, contributions God desires of me.

3. Tithing was and is a God-ordained practice before, during, and after the Law. a. Matthew 23:23; Hebrews 7:8

LAST CHANCE (online & at door) $65 | STUDENT: $28 REGISTER ONLINE:

Introducing New Girl’s Ministries Director Miriam Grier

We are thrilled to introduce Miriam Grier as the new Girl’s Ministries Director for New Mexico! Miriam has a rich history in Girl’s Ministries as she has led this ministry for a number of years in her home church, Grace Outreach in Rio Rancho, and also as part of the leadership team for Girl’s Ministries in our Network. For existing Girl’s Ministries in your church or for churches interested in exploring opportunities with ministries to girls, you can contact Miriam at or call (505) 235-1193.

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