Link Summer 2015

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Summer 2015 Network Pastor/ Executive Director Micheal Dickenson

Assistant Executive Director David Vistine

Executive Administrator/ Chief Financial Officer Marcus McClain

MINISTRY DIRECTORS: Women’s Ministries Becky Dickenson

Men’s Ministries Shawn Amburgey

Student Ministries Jeral Dickenson

EXECUTIVE PRESBYTERS: Southwest Area David Crispin Northwest Area Randy Joslin

AREA PRESBYTERS: East Central Area Lemuel Perry Southeast Area Melvin Suttle

New Mexico Ministry Network (505) 899-5399 phone

Native American Area Carlos Baki West Central Area Brenton Franks Northeast Area Randall Floyd


We did it! We dreamed and we planned, we prayed and we came together in Albuquerque just a few weeks ago for our 76th Annual New Mexico Ministry Network Conference. And wow, did God show up! We had great crowds throughout and it truly was amazing how God orchestrated every single service to speak to us, to equip us, and to empower us to be His Church. If you weren’t able to attend, or if you just want to revisit or pass along the services, you can access the recordings of the services on our website at Thanks so much to Harvest Fellowship and their leadership and volunteers who served our Network to host this conference. Congratulations to Pastor Marcus McClain on his re-election to serve as our Executive Administrator. Pastor Marcus and Sharon are amazing gifts to our Network and it is a personal joy to serve alongside these friends. We also had the responsibility to select an Ordained female minister to be the New Mexico nominee for the position of Non-resident Executive Presbyter Female for our upcoming General Council. Three outstanding female ministers from New Mexico were considered, and Kathy Hall was chosen by the Network Conference to be the nominee. We were thrilled to recognize 10 newly Certified and 7 new Licensed ministers at this conference. Also we had the joy of of celebrating the ordination of David Iglesias, Paul Vistine and Ron Hassett. And then a very special honor was given to two of our ministers, William Hicks and Walter Greaser, Jr. who received their 50 years recognition for being an ordained minister with the As-

semblies of God. On Wednesday evening, we were able to introduce our newest church planters, Chris and Jalyn Weiss, who will be planting Movement Church in Las Cruces in early 2016. Thanks to the faithfulness and generosity of some church planting partners, we were able to present them with a check for $17,000 to get them started on the journey of the new church plant. As you know, Becky and I are now in the middle of our sabbatical. We are so grateful to our Presbytery for taking the initiative to make this possible, and we look forward to returning refreshed and renewed. Thanks also to our churches and ministers who gave so generously in the love offering at Network Conference to help make this all possible. We are forever grateful for the privilege of serving you and our churches throughout New Mexico. My daily prayer is that God will continue to give us healthy, life giving churches and healthy ministers across our state. And I am confident that all that God started in us at Network Conference will continue to produce fruit in our lives and ministries in the days ahead. Thank God that He is still empowering us to be His people and His Church!

Micheal Dickenson Network Pastor/ Executive Director


Summer 2015

Network Pastor

Summer 2015

Executive Administrator


Does this ever happen to you? You wake up to begin your day and to your amazement you have started singing a certain song. You say to yourself, “where did that come from?” Well, I am convinced that we have an internal ‘jukebox’ that holds volumes of songs that connect us to life. Which brings me to a moment a few days ago when out of my ‘jukebox’ came this tune:

your blessings and name them one by one, wow, I don’t know if time and space will allow that to happen and I will probably forget someone but I do need to express gratitude to those who have played a significant part in our ministry at this time. To Bro. and Sis. George, Bro. and Sis. Crider, thank you for your mentorship. To the Presbytery, thank you for your support and friendship. To all of our ministers, we love you. To the “When upon life’s billows you are tempest NMMN office team, it would be impossible to ful tossed, fill my responsibilities with out each and every one When you are discouraged, thinking all is of you. Karen, thank you for 10 years of service to lost, our Network. Devonna, as my personal assistant, Count your blessings name them one by you truly make me a better leader and thank you one, for 25 years of dedicated service to our Network. And it will surprise you what the Lord To Pastor Mike and Becky and Pastor Dave and has done.” Ilda, it is a joy to serve on the Executive Leadership Team with you, I consider you as treasures. Count your blessings name them one by To my parents, I stand on your shoulders and I one, love you deeply and I miss Dad terribly. To my Count your blessings, see what God has wife Sharon, the thought of doing ministry with done! out you, is as foreign to my thinking as it would be to live without breathing, I love you! You know how the hymn goes, you are Yes, the song has it right, each and every probably singing it to that old familiar tune and one of you are a blessing, thank you for what the you can complete the rest of the chorus. Maybe Lord has done through you to enrich my life and you have never heard the words before but believe ministry and as always, me that even though this song was penned in the God Bless You Big! 19th century, it still rings true! I guess that somehow my ‘jukebox’ expressed the joy that Sharon and I feel toward the New Mexico Ministry Network, specifically its ministers and churches, for the privilege of serving. You so graciously expressed your confidence Marcus McClain in our abilities and leadership by returning us to Executive Administrator/ the Network Office to serve another term as the Chief Financial Officer Executive Administrator. The song said to count


DISCIPLESHIP AND THE GREAT COMMISSION As a Pastor I am glad to see the church today moving outside of the four walls of the church to reach people for Christ! There are a variety of ways churches are impacting people and leading them to the Lord. But one of the things we must never forget is that any evangelism that is not connected to the local Church will be a failure. Winning people to the Lord is only one part of the great commission! We must go but if we don’t make disciples out of them we will fail to fulfill the great commission! Many years ago I heard one of our great missionaries Paul Hutsell speak and said, “Anybody can go to a foreign country and preach and win souls and then leave. But the great commission calls for us to not only win them, but make disciples of them.” That has been the success of our World Missions outreaches through out the years. Not only have we sent missionaries to preach and win them, but also we have started churches and raised up Pastors and we have started Bible Schools to train national leaders to build the church! Because that is what Christ’s mission is! It’s building His church! Notice that in Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Jesus said go and make disciples and baptize them and then teach them all things. If we don’t implement the second kind of teaching then the fruit of our evangelism will be lost! In a Pastor’s Roundtable with Gerald

Brooks a few years ago we were talking about Discipleship in the church. Gerald shared a statistic that caught my attention. He said that studies have found that if a person gets saved in a worship service on Sunday morning that they usually stay in the church for about two years. But if a person gets saved in a small group or Sunday School class they are still in the church after five years! That tells us that as we win people to Christ it is vitally important to get them into a small group or a Sunday School class or into a mentoring relationship of some kind if we want to keep them in the church. I pray that every one of our Assemblies of God churches will get back to the basics of making disciples and teaching and training people in the Word of God. There is no greater need than today to get people into the Word of God and help them to become fully devoted followers of Christ! The stakes are high and when you get right down to it the buck stops with the Pastor to have a vision and passion to develop a great commission church!

David Vistine

Assistant Executive Director


Summer 2015

Assistant Network Pastor

Summer 2015


Those honored at Network Conference for receiving their credentials: Certified:

Lanessa Amburgey Adrian Apodaca Stephen Bockemeier Brandon Guttke Paul Guttke

Jeremy Hatfield Fredrick Long Abby Rodriguez Michael Segura Zachariah Washburn


David Baldwin Michael Borror Beth Dickenson Chris Ferguson

Michael Holland Pamela Patrick

Those receiving their Ordination at Network Conference: Ronald Hassett

David Iglesias

Paul Vistine

Ministerial changes: Transferred In: Douglas J. Martin, Certified, Abq Russel Miller, Licensed, La Plata Michelle Redhouse, Licensed, Shiprock Sean Wagner, Licensed, Carlsbad

Transferred Out: Nick Rogers, Ordained, West TX Chris Ball, Ordained, South TX Reinstated: Denise Raykovics, Certified, Abq


50 Years of Ministry Certificates: Summer 2015

Walter Greaser, Jr. / House, NM William Hicks / Hobbs Faith

Walter Greaser, Jr. receiving his certificate for 50 years of ministry.

In loving memory:

Becky Franks

Laverne Elder-Holloway

Tom Malone

Edgar Newby

Albert Rice

Charlese Spencer


Summer 2015

Women’s Ministries

“I AM FREE” WOMEN’S ENCOUNTER 2015 is the year to be discipled, developed and de-

ployed to better carry out God’s great commission. Mark 16:15-16 (English Standard Version) says, “And he said to them, Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” In March, women from across New Mexico came to encounter God; to be trained, taught and delivered; to worship together; and to be equipped to carry the Gospel to the world! I’d like to express my appreciation to Albuquerque ‘s Harvest Taylor Ranch, for their gift of hospitality as they opened their doors for this event. Hosting an event is a “bid deal” and they served out of their love for the Body of Christ. Thanks to Pastors Jason & Lisa Dickenson and their team for helping with all the details! Thanks to the Women’s Encounter leadership team for their dedication,

prayer and hard work to make sure this event was all that God intended it to be! A big thanks goes to Rebecca Holland, Co-Founder & Director of The Family Lifeline, who partnered with me to bring this event to NM! Her expertise in administration and spiritual deliverance was vital for us to experience God’s freedom and to be better equipped to speak into the lives of hurting women around us. God is fulfilling the vision that He began to stir in my heart several years ago…”to see an army of women set free, anointed, and called to turn New Mexico upside down for God.” The work is not done…we will continue to pursue God’s vision; to pray and seek God’s will; to plan additional Women’s Encounters; to see women rise to the potential God has planned for us since the beginning of time! THE ARMY OF WOMEN IS RISING UP TO TAKE THEIR POSITION IN THE CAUSE FOR CHRIST!

Becky Dickenson

Network Women’s Director


Summer 2015



Tramway Community Church 4800 Tramway Ridge Dr NE Albuquerque NM 505.237.0202

Becky Dickenson Women’s Director 505.350.6998

GUEST SPEAKER Kerry Clarensau

Women’s Ministries Director - National Leadership & Resource Center


Julie True

Listen to Julie on your app: iSoak Radio Julie True Soaking Music




New Mexico Ministry Network 6640 Caminito Coors NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 (505) 899-5399

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