Summer 2014
Summer 2014
THE NEW MEXICO MINISTRY NETWORK Network Pastor/ Executive Director Micheal Dickenson
Assistant Executive Director David Vistine
Help us New Mexico by informing us of ministry successes in your church and community. Send your submission to:
Executive Administrator/ Chief Financial Officer Marcus McClain
New Mexico Ministry Network 6640 Caminito Coors NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 (505) 899-5399 phone (505) 899-5859 fax
Student Ministries Jeral Dickenson
Royal Rangers Bart Garrison
Women’s Ministries Becky Dickenson
Girls Ministries Mary Helen Gonzalez
EXECUTIVE PRESBYTERS: Northwest Area Randy Joslin
Southwest Area David Crispin
East Central Area Lemuel Perry
Native American Area Carlos Baki
Southeast Area Melvin Suttle
West Central Area Brenton Franks
Northeast Area Randall Floyd
We did it! After all of the planning, the build up, and the anticipation, we came together in a historic fashion to celebrate “Our Story”, the history of the Assemblies of God in New Mexico at our Network Conference in April. If you weren’t able to join us, you will definitely want to go to and check out the messages. I also encourage you to visit our youtube channel, where we have uploaded the conference slideshows filled with the great photographs of 75 years of ministry and missions at NMMinistryNetwork. We are so grateful to our guest speakers, Dary Northrop and Ricky Chelette, every worship team, the Fine Arts presenters, and everyone who served and joined us to make this an amazing conference. Additionally, I have some good news regarding the book we produced documenting our 75-year history. Due to ongoing demand for copies after we sold out, we have another order due to arrive in our office in about
two weeks. Some have already reserved their copy, but if you are interested, you can order yours as long as they’re available at I have received so many positive comments about how we were able to honor the heroes from years gone by, but as we came to the end of the Wednesday evening service, our focus turned to the future and how God is raising up the next gen-
continues to raise up future generations through the Church until the consummation of the age. This is our testimony of God’s faithfulness. This is ‘Our Story.’ To be continued…” And as I read those words again, I sensed God reminding me again, “The ‘To be continued’ part is your part!” And I found myself overwhelmed with both an amazing sense of responsibility and opportunity. As I look around, I see young people stepping up and saying, “We’re All In!” And as Becky and I travel New Mexico ministering in our churches, it is obvious that God is stirring up vision, extraordinary faith, and is calling on us today to be the churches and the ministers who commit ourselves to continue to write “Our Story.” Now what? This is the question that needs to be asked in every church and community in New Mexico. What is God calling us to do today? What dreams and visions is He birthing for your community for tomorrow? What is the voice of the Spirit saying to you, and to me about our “God assignments” here in New Mexico for our future? My prayer is that we will be like Isaiah who responded to God’s call in his day, “Here am I, send me!”
God is calling on us today to be the churches and the ministers who commit ourselves to continue to write Our Story.
eration of missionaries, pastors, church planters, and young people being called into the ministry. As I’ve reflected on all of this over the past few weeks, I’ve found myself simply asking… ”Now What?” And as I’ve pondered those thoughts, my mind went back to the closing words of Our Story: “Together as the Church, Pentecostal believers have been the most effective method of growing the Assemblies of God; indeed they are the Assemblies of God itself. Our narrative will advance ever forward as God
Summer 2014
Summer 2014
It seems like just yesterday, but it really has been close to 20 years that a tall real estate executive by the name of Don Jacques spoke at a Light for the Lost service that we were conducting. Don was president of LFTL and was our tour speaker that year. As customary, I held him over to do a special service at the church that I was pastoring at the time. I had known Don for a few years and personally knew of his passion for LFTL. After I introduced him to the congregation he began his message that morning by saying something that I shall never forget. He simply made this statement, “I believe that we have forgotten that lost people are truly lost!” Wow! I shall never forget how the Holy Spirit branded my heart and mind with that statement. Well, just this past week I was blessed by setting in on a Pastor’s Round Table that our Network Pastor had arranged with Dick Hardy as the key presenter. Once again I was caught off guard because at the very be-
ginning Dick declared that the church is to be about “REACHING SPIRITUALLY LOST PEOPLE!” Again it echoed in my spirit, I think that our Heavenly Father cares about lost people coming into a personal relationship with Him. I know that we know that, but do we behave like it? Just a few weeks ago, our Network celebrated 75 years as a District/Network. We looked back and reflected on the sacri-
Jesus and who strategically were driven to influence their communities with the gospel? Reflecting back and dreaming forward allows us the opportunity and privilege to connect the ministries of yesterday, today, and tomorrow in driving back the oppression of the devil and releasing the saving grace of Christ our Lord. As Pastor Mike leads us forward, will you as you also dream forward, asking God to reveal how you can specifically and strategically reach the lost in your mission field? Remember, lost people are truly lost.
Will you also dream forward, asking God God Bless You Big, to reveal how you Marcus can... reach the lost in your mission field?
fices and the servants of our legacy. As I was reminded of their collective ministries that are recorded in the book Our Story, I realized that they truly believed that lost people are really lost. It drove them then and it must drive us now. As we begin to dream forward, and if Jesus tarries, what will the next 75 years reveal? Will they tell the story of generations of individuals who, like their predecessors, burned inside with a passion to see the unchurched, the unsaved, the lost souls of our time come to know
Assistant Executive Director, David Vistine, addresses the conference.
Chi Alpha staff members greet U.S. Missionaries Don and Wenona Petty and Ruth Droll as the two generations work together for God’s Kingdom.
Executive General Presbyter, J. Don George, himself a partaker of Pentecost in New Mexico, prays during the conference.
Network Pastor Micheal Dickenson presents a coffin packed as luggage in remembranace of the original Pentecostal missionaries.
Convoy of Hope representative Eddie Rentz preaches at the Missions Lunch.
The Missions Celebration Lunch
Women’s Director Becky Dickenson speaks at the Missions Celebration Lunch.
Both The Grove church plant and Chi Alpha NMSU receive special gifts to help them fulfill their respective missions.
Executive Administrator Marcus McClain shares during the memorial service.
Ministers enjoy the Missions Celebration Lunch.
Ministers pray together during the Thursday morning prayer and communion service.
Worship leader, Mike Vasquez, leads the conference in worship.
The original pulpit from Gran Quivira Church still survives today, declaring its original message.
Student Ministries Director Jeral Dickenson leads worship together with his wife Patty.
The worship team from Copper Pointe Church leads the conference in worship.
The 2014 class of license candidates are honored on Wednesday night.
Fine Arts participant, Garrett Stidworthy, leads the conference in song.
The youth group from Christian Life in Santa Fe, NM perform their unconventional percussion Fine Arts presentation.
Host pastor, Galen Woodward, welcomes and greets the conference attendees.
Ministers from churches all over New Mexico lead in worship during the prayer and communion service on Thursday morning.
Network Pastor Micheal Dickenson displays examples of our Pentecostal Heritage as he recalls our history.
Conference speaker Dary Northrop declares the counsel of God as he preaches.
A musician from Copper Pointe Church ministers in song.
Pastor Kent Barnard from Grace Outrech Center in Rio Rancho receives the AG World Missions giving award from Network Pastor Micheal Dickenson.
Fine Arts participant, Justin Vistine, performs with his trumpet.
Pastors gather in prayer at the Prayer and Communion service.
One attendee worships in an evening service.
Conference attendees join in worship.
Ministers and believers pray together during the Prayer and Communion service.
Worship team members glorify the Most High God.
In talking about Discipleship, we should always be a learners and followers of Jesus Christ. Discipleship happens in many forms, such as in small groups or in a Sunday School class or even in a one-on-one mentoring process; and they are all wonderful and valid experiences. Today, we are seeing new and innovative ways that people are being discipled even through the Internet. One-on-one discipleship can happen through Bible study online, which was not possible only a few years ago. In late February and early March, we traveled with a group of laypersons from Las Cruces and Farmington, New Mexico to meet in Israel for one of the great discipleship moments of our lives. We were on a ten-day
trip to the Holy Land us the story of the redemption of to visit the place where Jesus lived and ministered during his ministry. We were able to put the ancient world and geography where many of the events of the Bible took place. We could see Elijah Groups from Las Cruces and Farmington gather in Israel. and his showdown with the mankind. God sent His Son in Prophets of Baal in our mind’s the form of flesh to reveal Himself to us and to shed His blood to purchase our salvation. Every archeological dig and every ancient site is proof that the Bible is true. It will make a difference in how you read the Bieye. We went to Caesarea ble on a daily basis. As you read Philippi where Jesus asked the about the events and locations Disciples “Who do men say that where so many things happened, I, the Son of man, am?” We took you will go back in your mind a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee and say I have been there and I and remembered the experi- know where it is. ences that the disciples had with A trip to the Holy Land is Jesus as the stormy winds began truly a discipleship journey and to blow. I would encourage every Pastor The last few days in Israel and Christian to make it a priorwe visited the Bethlehem and ity in his or her life. Such a discithe old portion of the city of Je- pleship experience to visit Israel rusalem. It was a sacred time to will change you! retrace the steps of Jesus from Gethsemane to Golgotha and then the empty tomb. We were reminded not only of His life and miracles, but also of His suffering and His death for us! This trip cemented some things in our minds! The Bible is not a fairy tale! It is a Divine and Living Book that simply tells
Dave and Ilda Vistine by the Sea of Galilee
We should always be learners and followers of Jesus.
Summer 2014
Imagine: What if every married couple in your church had a healthy, vibrant relationship? Is it even possible, you might ask? Well, Michael and Rebecca Holland, the directors of The Family Lifeline firmly believe that “with God ALL things are possible!” In fact, their experience is that when couples are provided with the correct “relationship tools,” and link up with the power of the Holy Spirit, amazing things happen. Married for over 32 years, the Hollands work from a passion to help others that grew from their own painful experience of nearly divorcing in 1990. God uniquely spoke to them about their impending divorce and miraculously provided a way for them to rebuild and heal their broken relationship. They have brought a message of hope to over 8,000 couples in their 10 years of ministry. They have counseled over 540 couples on the brink of divorce through their marriage mentoring program—with an 85% success rate in helping to avert divorce and greatly improve their marriages.
Research clearly indicates that when a couple is taught a set of SIX, yes that is correct, just six essential skills, they will increase the health and satisfaction of their marriage. Even more astounding, when a premarital couple is taught these skills, their risk of divorce is cut by HALF! Imagine the impact that our churches could have in our communities if we could begin to reduce the very high divorce rates affecting families today. The Family Lifeline is now working with churches throughout New Mexico to help equip them to develop effective marriage ministry programs. The ministry helps pastors to identify “marriage experts” in the congregation, and then to train them to coach couples that are experiencing marital difficulties. The mentors, or coach couples, then are matched up with a couple that needs help, and they begin meeting on a regular basis. The mentor couples are “real couples” who have faced real issues in their marriage, teaching and sharing from their own experience. Marriage mentoring is a strength-based approach that teaches couples the relationship skills necessary to a vital marriage. Ultimately, a strong marriage ministry strengthens marriages, families, and churches by helping to form strong bonds and support networks.
Marriage mentoring is focused on helping a couple to understand practical ways to put the Lord first in their relationship by building skills that encourage the development of a shared spiritual life; improved communication; effective, Biblical conflict resolution; how to deal with anger, hurt, and forgiveness; financial management; personalities; and sex and affection. The Family Lifeline has now helped several churches to develop and launch effective marriage mentoring programs. Marriage mentoring is not counseling, and differs from counseling in many ways. It is proactive, and focuses on the current relationship and moving forward into the future. The goal of mentoring is to help equip couples to solve and prevent problems based on a model of wellness behaviors that are grounded in God’s Word. Mentoring helps develop a culture of “healthy marriages and families” that is easily adapted to the unique culture of each church and community. The Family Lifeline is here to serve you and your church with effective and practical marriage ministry ideas, and services. The Hollands have been serving the New Mexico Assemblies of God since 2006. Contact them at 505-891-1846 or at
Summer 2014
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From the lives of Ellis Stone and Paul Hutsell, to the harrowing tale of triumph that is White Horse AG, discover the great history of the New Mexico Assemblies of God! You will not want to miss out on Our Story! Visit to purchase a copy!
Summer 2014
NEW MEXICO MINISTRY NETWORK NEWS PASTORAL INSTALLATION: YATAHEY CALVARY ASSEMBLY The New Mexico Ministry Network is proud to announce Rev. Bob and Rebecca Smith as pastors of Calvary Assembly of God in Yatahey, NM. Network Pastor Micheal Dickenson installs Rev. Bob and Rebecca Smith.
CERTIFIED: Jane Kelley, Rio Rancho, Grace Stephen Bockemeier, Albuquer- Outreach Center que, ABQ Revival Church Darrell Nichols, Bloomfield, AsZachary Hanson, Las Cruces sembly of God Sue Parks, Santa Fe, Christian Chi Alpha Life LICENSED: Robert Clevenger, Springer, As- Joseph Snodgrass, Farmington, The Oasis sembly of God Becky Dickenson, Albuquerque Joel Toppen, Gallup, All Nations Assembly of God Diane Hesch, Las Vegas, Victory Life Assembly of God Paul Hesch, Las Vegas, Victory Life Assembly of God
TRANSFERRED OUT: Darrin Brown (O) Steven Tvedt (O) TRANSFERRED IN: Bob Smith (L), Yatahey, Calvary Assembly of God
DECEASED: Laverne Elder-Holloway (O), May 7, 2014
License Candidates and spouses (left to right): Mike and Becky Dickenson, Erica and Joel Toppen, Joseph and Katherine Snodgrass, Jim and Sue Parks, Darrell and Stephanie Nichols, Darrell and Jane Kelley, Paul and Diane Hesch, and Robert Clevenger
Summer 2014
THE NEW MEXICO MINISTRY NETWORK WOMEN’S MISSIONS CONSULTANT: DENISE RAYKOVICS “To see an army of women set free, anointed, and called to turn New Mexico upside down for God.” It all started here. It was a word from the Lord resonating deep in the heart of Becky Dickenson, the New Mexico Women’s Director. She waited and prayed for just the right time when God would begin to stir this vision in the hearts of women within our borders. That time was now. With a van loaded with sound equipment, stage sets, and women full of the Holy Spirit and vision, this May a team began a seven-city tour over nine days. The focus was to emphasize how every mother and daughter can be Free, Purposed, and Prepared for all God has for them. There were fellowship
times over chocolate and coffee, a lunch in Crownpoint with Navajo tacos, and shared laughter and prayer as the team traveled from Farmington to Carlsbad. In every location God spoke and women were called to experience a fresh encounter with His Grace. The design of each event was different than anything we have done before. There were four anointed speakers, each followed by a time of personal listening and worship. These were times when God could speak directly and the women were given a chance to hear. These were some of the most valuable segments during each session. Just listening. In addition to the seminars, the team invested in the communities they visited. The Grace Place Pregnancy and Health Center was a focal point in Farmington. Under the directorship of Debbie Joslin, the pregnancy center serves girls who find themselves challenged with whether or not to keep their babies. This center has saved the lives of hundreds of babies and encouraged young mothers to seek life. In Albuquerque, the team painted rooms at the Albuquerque Rescue Mission. In Roswell, they served at the Battered Women’s Shelter to help set up a thrift store that
will raise funds and provide for women and children seeking refuge. In Carlsbad, there was more painting to “pretty up” an MPact Girls Stars room. In Las Cruces, the team served a meal and visited City of Hope, a tent city serving the homeless. The story of Matt, a man who lived on the street for 13 years and was now an employee of this housing organization, summed up what we had set out to accomplish with this tour. His director said that Matt had kept to himself, rarely interacting with others around him when he was homeless. But after being shown that he had value and been given the opportunity to work in his giftings, Matt blossomed into a new man. The director pointed out that “When a person is given the chance to shine, you never know how far they can go.” That was the hope and drive of this tour: To let women know that they are called to shine for the glory of God. Knowing that there is no telling how far this army will go.
Rebecca Holland and Kathy Parsons enjoy themselves on tour.
A group of women paint the Women’s Day Room at the Albuquerque Rescue Mission.
A group of ladies from New Beginnings Fellowship in Los Alamos fellowship together at the tour stop in Santa Fe.
“I AM--The Tour” visits New Life Assembly of God in Clovis, NM.
Ladies from First Assembly of God in Las Cruces serve food at the “tent city.”
Debbie Joslin prepares for the tour to make a stop in Farmington, NM.
The women of New Mexico declare, “We are FREE, PURPOSED, and PREPARED!
Women’s Ministries Director, Becky Dickenson, serves in Roswell.
Sarah Victor and Tina Haroldson share a laugh as they work in Roswell, NM.
Carmen Daniels preaches “I AM Free” in Crownpoint, Nm.
A group of ladies serves the community in Roswell at The Refuge.
Ladies from Los Alamos attending the tour in Santa Fe.
The “tent city” in Las Cruces, NM
Sarah Victor and Kathy Parsons get ready for an evening seminar at The Oasis in Farmington,
“I AM--The Tour” kicks off in Santa Fe.
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MCM Elegante’ Hotel Amenities
July 24-26, 2014
Retreat for Ministry Wives
Please enclose your $20 non-refundable registration fee.
Return this form by June 24, 2014 with your check payable to NMMN. Mail to: NMMN Refresh Retreat, 6640 Caminito Coors NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120.
Meet the speaker…
Marjorie Harris lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband, Rev. Stephen Harris. He served as Assistant Superintendent for the Arizona District from 1995 until his election as Superintendent in April 1999. Steve & Marjorie have two children, Chad & Colton, and three grandchildren, Clayton, Eli,
!and Ethan.
You will love Marjorie the minute you meet her! She is a fun-loving, gifted, talented, follower of Christ as well as the manager of a fantasy football team (you’ll have to ask
!her about that)!
Come expecting to be refreshed as you spend time with your girlfriends, listen to the humor & ministry of Marjorie, and respond to the whisper of the Holy Spirit! Refresh Retreat hosted by Becky Dickenson and the wives of New Mexico Ministry Network Presbyters.
!Registration is $20 per individual. A block of rooms has been set aside for this event at the MCM Elegante’ Hotel, located at 2020 Menaul NE, Albuquerque, 87107. Each attendee will be responsible for reserving and paying for their own room. Rooms are $79 per night plus tax (approx. $90 total).
! One double room can accommodate up to 4 people. Reservations may be made by calling the hotel at 505-884-8723. Please ask for the NM Ministry Network-Refresh Retreat rate when you call to make your reservation. This rate is guaranteed until June 24.
Thanks to “Partnership for the Next Generation” for helping to make this event possible for the Ministry Wives of the New Mexico Ministry Network.
If you need to cancel your room reservation, you must do so no later than 6pm on July 23rd in order for your credit card not to be charged.
! ! ! !
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Biblical Foundations
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Classes held the second Saturday of each month from 8:30am-1:30pm. Contact Devonna Cummins at 505-899-5399 or at for more information.
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Academic Progress
Practical Structure
Devotional Life
The New Mexico Ministry Network 6640 Caminito Coors NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 (505) 899-5399