Winter 2012
The New Mexico Ministry Network Network Superintendent Micheal Dickenson
Assistant Superintendent David Vistine
Help us New Mexico by informing us of ministry successes in your church and community. Send your submission to:
Secretary-Treasurer Marcus McClain
New Mexico Ministry Network 6640 Caminito Coors NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 505 899-5399 (phone) 505 899-5859 (fax)
MINISTRY DIRECTORS: Men’s Ministries Kent Barnard
Royal Ranger’s Bart Garrison
Women’s Ministries Becky Dickenson
Girl’s Ministries Mary Helen Gonzalez
EXECUTIVE PRESBYTERS: Northwest Area Randy Joslin
Southwest Area David Crispin
Student Ministries Jeral Dickenson
East Central Area Lemuel Perry
Native American Area William Lee
Southeast Area Melvin Suttle
West Central Area Brenton Franks
Northeast Area David McCarty
As most of you know, a few weeks ago my wife Becky led a missions trip to South Africa. I was excited to see the dream of this trip become a reality, but when we dropped them off at the ai rp o r t it wa s di ffi cul t ; I knew that I wouldn’t see my wife for almost two weeks. As they flew off to South Africa, I returned home and to the ministry responsibilities I had. Now life consisted of me, our dog Chai, and our daily routine. As I went to the mailbox a few days later, all of a sudden one piece of mail caught my attention. It was a card, addressed to me from…my wife! My heart was skipping beats as I opened it to read her words of love and it reminded me of all of those love notes we wrote to each other so long ago. As I sat down to write my communication to you in this issue of Link, I was reminded of Becky’s note to me and I thought, “That’s it!” I want to write a love note to you, the churches and ministers of our New Mexico Ministry Network.
We have almost 100 churches within our network that serve the communities of the state of New Mexico. Because of you and all you do, children, youth and adults are ministered to week after week, throughout the year. Because you are there, the Kingdom of God is represented in your community in a way that shares the message of hope and healing, of deliverance and eternal life to all who will respond.
24 and our oldest is 98, and each of you personally pour your lives into people of all generations in some way week after week, throughout the year. I know that many of our churches celebrated Clergy Appreciation Day either in October or perhaps at another time of this year. (Churches, I sure hope you remembered to honor your pastors in this way.) However, I personally want to say thanks to each of you for simply being faithful to the calling God has placed on your life. I fully recognize that some of you serve in some pretty obscure places, and I understand that ministry, whatever your role may be, or the size of your church, is hard work. I know that there are lots of times when the harvest doesn’t seem to match up to our labor. But, I want you to know today that we really do appreci Thank you for being the ate you. You are the real heroes church and for being faithful to of the New Mexico Ministry Netfulfill the assignment God has work. You are the people who given to you. Thank you for let- make it happen throughout the ting the light shine and for invit- year wherever you serve. Thanks ing people to a relationship with for your vision and your passion; God. Thank you for not quitting thanks for caring and just being when you’re tired, or small, or there when people are hurting; even in need yourself. You are thanks for preaching and teachthe Church that God has estab- ing God’s Word; and thanks for lished; and your efforts are mak- just being who God has called ing an eternal impact! you to be. We also have 237 minis- Oh I know that this isn’t ters who serve within our net- (Continued on next page) work. Our youngest minister is
You are the Church that God has established. Your efforts are are making an eternal impact!
Winter 2012
A Christmas Love Letter
Winter 2012
A Christmas Love Letter
much of a love letter, and I realize that it doesn’t have that personal touch that I’d love for it to have. But I want you to know that we love and appreciate each of you; and it is such an honor to serve you. By the time you receive this issue of Link, we’ll be in the midst of the holiday season with Thanksgiving and then Christmas.
Becky and I want to wish you
I want you to God’s very best during this seaof the year and as we look know that we love son forward to 2013. May God’s best be yours today and and appreciate each very every day! of you; and it is preciateWeyou!love you and we apsuch an honor to Micheal & Becky Dickenson serve you.
2013 RIGGS SCHOLARSHIP NOW AVAILABLE High school seniors planning to attend one of the 17 undergraduate Assemblies of God endorsed colleges or universities
may be eligible to apply for the Ralph Riggs Scholarship. This is a scholarship of $30,000 awarded over four years to one female
and one male senior. Please visit for eligibility requirements, details, and to download an application.
SECRETARY-TREASURER MARCUS McCLAIN the night in an animal house with all of the environmental trappings (I will not upset you with a long list of stable stuff). I know that they probably did their best to find warmth, comfort, and cleanliness; but a livestock pen is messy and a manger is really nothing more than a piece of furniture covered with slobber. We recently acquired a Now, bridging to a more palomino horse that was just a current mess, as you are aware, few months old at the time we we are finally past a national got him. In preparation to bring election and are being bombardhim to our home we cleaned the barn and disinfected his stall. I personally got down on my hands and knees and scrubbed his feeder (or manger) to make sure that our new addition would not be negatively affected by the mess that was left from the prior horse that we had. While working the cleanup necessary for our new resident I soon began to make the natural connection of the place where ed daily with all of the skepticism our new horse was going to re- that has come from the tragedy side to the place that our Lord in Libya. Add to that the recent upheaval between Israel and the Jesus was born. The advancements in sci- Palestinians, the trauma due ence that we enjoy today help us to Hurricane Sandy, a very undeal with so many of the messy certain economy, and it is easy consequences of uncleaned envi- to state that things are a really ronments. But that certainly was messy. But as I think about a not true when Joseph and Mary young couple who—in the midst were looking for a place to rest of a mess—placed God’s Miracle from their weary travels; and I in a manger, I find comfort that am sure that they desired much in the midst of the mess that we better surroundings than a live- are living in today that God’s Gift stock pen as a place for their son is still residing not in that feed to be born. They literally spent box but in the Body of Christ.
God has proven to us again and again that He specializes in providing miracles during uncertain moments.
Sure it can be messy where we are, but God has proven to us again and again that He specializes in providing miracles during uncertain moments; and let’s not forget also that His light is still shining forth from the place that He strategically resides, the Church. The desire that Sharon and I have for all of you during this Christmas season is for you to be very aware that, even though things in your life might be a little messy, you would be attentive to our Heavenly Father—for He just might break open the heavens with singing, surprise you with a miracle from a very unusual place or person, and most certainly overwhelm you with the presence of His Beloved Son Jesus!!! As always, “God Bless You Big” and “Have a very messy, oops, Merry Christmas!”
Winter 2012
Manger, Mess, And the Miracle
Winter 2012
Resources, Renewals, and Calendar dates
FIVE RENEWAL REMINDERS 1) On-line renewals are available this year to all our ministers. The Secretary/Treasurer is required to approve those ministers using the online system. Note: You are not considered renewed until our office has signed off. 2) If you are not able to renew on line, hard copies of renewals will be mailed from the National Office in November. Complete this form as usual and forward to the Network office for processing. 3) The renewal fee of $25.00
is no longer a requirement. 4) All tithes/dues to the New Mexico Ministry Network and General Council must be current at time of renewal. 5) If you do not renew by the final deadline of December 31, a $50.00 late fee will be assessed. Those who fail to renew by January 15, 2013 must apply for reinstatement; the reinstatement application fee is $100.00. A mandatory background/credit screening will be required.
A HELPFUL RESOURCE FROM PASTOR MARCUS: The article, “18 Ways to Ruin Your Reputation on Facebook” at is a powerful reminder that who we are in Christ is in constant view of the online community. “I would encourage all our ministers to read and apply it.” --Pastor Marcus To access, search “18 Ways Facebook” at or click on the Facebook icon above.
AN INSURANCE WARNING AND TIP Church Mutual has created a creased risk of copper theft from and other safety videos to help new copper theft prevention vid- churches. Go to make your facilities more safe. eo on YouTube because of the in- com/churchmutual to find this
Winter 2012
The Core Essentials of Leading Yourself
A “mom and pop” orga- “Here is a trustworthy saying: nization in business terms is a Whoever aspires to be an over“sole proprietorship.” This sim- seer desires a noble task. Now ply means that there is a sole cul- the overseer is to be above reture, sole product, sole profits, proach, faithful to his wife, temand sole risks. It all rests on one perate, self-controlled, respectperson’s shoulder. The single able, hospitable, able to teach, greatest challenge in this con- not given to drunkenness, not text is the ability for you to lead violent but gentle, not quaryourself. If that happens, you relsome, not a lover of money. “The shepherds of my will generally be successful. The He must manage his own fampeople have lost their senses. corporation or large enterprise ily well and see that his children They no longer seek wisdom is quite the opposite. The focus obey him, and he must do so in from the LORD. Therefore, they shifts to leading, training, and a manner worthy of full respect. fail completely, and their flocks developing leaders at many levels (If anyone does not know how to are scattered” Jeremiah 10:21 (although we still must lead manage his own family, how can (NLT). he take care of God’s church?) Can you imagine the He must not be a recent convert, challenge of taking a man or he may become conceited and or wo m a n w h o i s r unni ng fall under the same judgment as a small “mom and pop” the devil. He must also have a retail shop and suddenly placgood reputation with outsiders, ing them in a mega-discount so that he will not fall into dissuperstore and asking them to grace and into the devil’s trap” not only run things, but improve ourselves). That is precisely a 1 Timothy 3:1-7 (TNIV). the bottom line, increase store primary focus of church growth Without trying to mine morale, increase revenue, and principles, the skill of leading everything in this passage, Paul’s continue to expand the orga- leaders. That being said, it will instruction to Timothy can be nization! In a parallel context, never happen until you first persummarized into basically five this is exactly what we are ask- fect the art of leading yourself. core essential sensibilities of ing of all ministers to transition Jeremiah decries the loss of senleading yourself. Namely the their churches to multiple lead- sibilities in the shepherds of his sensibility of: ers, expanded campuses, and a people. The result being a scat#1. Connection – public teaching greater community footprint. tering of their flock. Although it and personal authenticity Our response to this challenge is is true that you need a new set of #2. Gentleness – self-control to learn and implement “church metrics and skills to lead a grow#3. Trust – proven leadership growth principles,” which in and ing church, those new skill sets #4. Humility – transparent; on of itself is fine, relevant, and and mindsets must stand and guard against arrogance sorely needed, but may overlook anchor on the core sensibility of #5. Credibility – honesty and one very important area: Let’s simply leading yourself. P a u l t h e A p o s t l e a d - follow through examine the spiritual art of lead- dressed this same issue: ing yourselves.
The single greatest challenge... is the ability for you to lead yourself.
SOUTHWEST EXECUTIVE PRESBYTER: DAVID CRISPIN There is not a mission a sole proprietor make the transtatement, discipleship program, or outreach event that can be substituted for the imperative to lead yourself. When we fail to do so, we invite unnecessary, but justifiable criticism. When you pay close attention to the discipline of these core essentials, your detractors will stay in a constant state of discouragement and your church will be positioned to transition from a sole proprietorship to a partnership. To answer the question, “Could sition to a partnership or large
retail enterprise?” I’m not sure. I believe that there may be some who can lead themselves, but struggle to lead others; but I know for certain that no one can lead others if they cannot lead himself. Finally, for a fresh new approach to church growth, let’s use a phrase that Paul penned when concerned about the Corinthian’s theological drift: “Come back to your senses!”
There is not a mission statement, discipleship program, or outreach event that can be substituted for the imperative to lead yourself.
Winter 2012
The Core Essentials of Leading Yourself
Winter 2012
New Mexico Ministry Network News
The New Mexico Ministry Network is proud to welcome Rev. Jerry Elliott as the new pastor of Harvest Fellowship in Albuquerque, NM. Secretary-Tresurer Marcus McClain prays for Jerry and Gina Elliott as they are installed as senior pastors.
The New Mexico Ministry Network is proud to welcome Rev. Randell Corley as the new pastor of Hosanna Assembly of God in Los Lunas, NM. Superintendent Micheal Dickenson installs Randell and Jeannie Corley as pastors in Los Lunas, NM.
CREDENTIAL AND MINISTERIAL CHANGES NEWLY CERTIFIED: Sharon Hassett, Ireland TRANSFERRED IN: Joseph Hill (L) to Carlsbad, First Assembly of God
TRANSFERRED OUT: Roger Reston (O) from Hobbs, Bethel Assembly of God to Oklahoma
NEW SENIOR PASTOR: Randell Corley, Los Lunas Hosanna Assembly of God
New Mexico Ministry Network
Women’s Ministries Director: Becky Dickenson
G a i l Mc Wi l l i a m s w a s t h e featured speaker at Women’s Conference 2012. Her incredible testimony, her unique style, and her gift of encouragement, was simply McFabulous! “This was definitely a conference NOT to be missed!”, said Becky Dickenson, NMMN Women’s Ministries Director. “Gail spoke from the heart of the Father into the heart of my circumstance. I am not stuck in my situation but rather, I am positioned!”
Many, of the over 200 women who gathered at Las Cruces First Assembly of God, were surprised not only by the transparency of Gail McWilliams, but also by the transparency they enjoyed when paired with face to face prayer partners. For some, these pairings proved to be pivotal moments of release, encouragement, hope and healing. All those who attended indeed experienced love revealed!
A wonderful ministry team: Gail and Tony McWi!iams!
South Africa 2012
The New Mexico Ministry Network Missions Team to South Africa returned from their trip on October 28th. The eort was a great success in the eyes of the team and Global School of Theology. Construction was done in the Library along with re-shelving almost every book and cataloging as many as possible. A day at a children’s feeding center was also a part of the trip. The New Mexico Team helped to feed and entertain children of various ages. Additionally, members of the team ministered with a skit resulting in over 60 children receiving Christ! To all who gave and to all who prayed, THANK YOU! This trip was a blessing to those who were able to go, to the students and faculty of Global School of Theology and to the children at the feeding center.
In order for your giving to go toward the annual Christmas check for our missionaries, please send your funds to the Network Office by December 14. Touch the World/Turquoise Trail funds must be received in the office no later than December 28 to be credited in 2012. Your gift is not only a show of blessing and appreciation but it is also vital to the continuation of the various ministries represented by our New Mexico (U.S.) and World Missionaries.