MAY, 2011
May 2011
C O N T E N T S Celebrating our District! Superintendent Mike Dickenson anticipates the great things God has planned for the future. Growing Intellectually Rev. Marcus McClain reviews two books that he recommends as excellent resources for leaders and leadership training. Celebrating District Council, 2011 Celebrating God’s presence at District Council as well as remembering those who have served God as ordained ministers for 50 years.
Celebrating New Pastor’s & Church Facility. 07 We are excited to welcome our new pastors and celebrate the relocation of Copper Pointe Church.
Student Ministries Celebration! 08 Celebrating Fine Arts and looking forward to youth camp this summer!
Women’s Ministries Make sure to check out this page about caring for the NM Girl’s Ministry.
Email your idea:
May 2011
Celebrating our District
Superintendent Micheal E. Dickenson NEXT GENERATION IMAGINE…We promoted it for several months, we experienced it in April, and now we reflect on District Council 2011. What an incredible time we had as we gathered at Tramway Community Church last month for this year’s event. I’m not sure how you really measure the success of such an event, however I do know that this year was a memorable one, and hopefully it made an impact on your life and ministry. Within the pages of this issue of Link, you’ll see the images that are an attempt to capture some of the significant happenings from Council. We are so grateful to Dary Northrop for his ministry to us in each of the services. It was special for Dary to come “back to his New Mexico roots” for a few days, and was enjoyable and beneficial to us all as he made a ministry investment into our lives. The cookout was awesome, the breakout sessions were incredibly enjoyable and beneficial to those who attended, and every session was planned with you in mind. Thanks to everyone who helped make our “Next Generation…
Imagine” service everything we dreamed about. One of the highlights of Council for me personally was to see the generations praying for each other on the opening night. Wow, I can’t wait to see and hear what comes out of this in our churches and ministries in the years to come.
offering you gave to Becky and me. We are humbled and blessed to have the privilege of serving you, the New Mexico District. We love you and pray God’s best for you in the days to come. Blessings!
And then on Wednesday night, Micheal Dickenson we had the privilege of honoring our friends who have served as Ordained Assemblies of God ministers for 50 years. What an inspiration and example they are for all of us. Then we celebrated those receiving Certified, License and Ordination with our fellowship. Be sure to check out the pictures in this issue of Link. Congratulations to Marcus McClain on his reelection as Secretary/Treasurer and to Kent Barnard being elected as Men’s Director. We are so blessed to serve with these friends and with our entire leadership team. Thanks to each of you who made District Council a priority to attend. Hopefully you returned home encouraged, inspired and better equipped to serve wherever God has placed you to serve Him. Thanks also for your generous giving in the missions offering, the offerings for Council and for the love 01
May 2011
Growing Intellectually By: Marcus McClain I am certain that you have had opportunities that you took reluctantly but found that you not only thoroughly enjoyed your experience but desire to share the benefit of what you encountered with those you care the most about. Well, that is what I am doing with you right now. This past year I was privileged to lead two classes in our New Mexico School of Ministry that I feel the topics need to be passed on. One course dealt with Leadership Skills and the other Conflict Resolution, both required subjects by our General Council Credentials Committee. I am strongly recommending that you take the time to read both of the books that we used as our text. The first book is titled, The Empowered Leader, by Calvin Miller. I had not read any of Miller’s material before but it did not take long for me to be drawn into his presentation and content. Miller takes the story of King David and uses it as a back-drop to convey the needed leadership approaches of networking, surviving a visible ministry mistake, dealing with difficult people, delegating, and much more. The ministry students in the class on Leadership Skills were so
excited about the subject matter and the book that they almost taught the class. I not only recommend this book for all those in ministry but this is an excellent resource for teaching on leadership within the context of the local assembly. The second book is titled, Making Peace: A Guide to Overcoming Church Conflict, by Jim Van Yperen. Well, when I read the title I thought to myself that this was going to be one of those subjects that I was going to have to wrestle through. But, pleasantly to my surprise, the opposite was true. Yes, it is a difficult subject but I found this book to be timely and well presented. I knew that this was going to be a different approach to the subject when I read in the introduction that the author, in a church that he was doing and intentional interim, stood in the pulpit on a Sunday morning and announced to the congregation “We welcome you to our worship service this morning. We are glad you are here. And we offer a special welcome to those of you who may be visiting with us for the first time. You need to know that this is a sick church.” I knew right
then that this was going to be an interesting read and is certainly was. I can summarize my attitude about this book in this statement, “I wish I would have had this information before I began pastoring.” Every minister, just starting or a seasoned veteran needs to read this book. The minister today spends so much time assessing, mediating, and reconciling church conflicts that the information provided in this text will be a powerful resource to carry out the calling to shepherd God’s children. In closing, I hope that you received my email note that I sent thanking you on behalf of Sharon and me for your vote of confidence in reelecting us as SecretaryTreasurer. We consider it an honor and privilege to serve with our District Pastor, Mike and Becky Dickenson, the Presbytery, and District Office staff the great New Mexico District, its minister’s and churches. Thank you and God Bless You Big!
May 2011
Re-elected as Secretary Treasurer
We are blessed to have Rev. Marcus McClain re-elected as the New Mexico District Secretary Treasurer!
We consider it an honor and privilege to serve with our District Pastor, Mike and Becky Dickenson, the Presbytery, District Office staff, the great New Mexico District, its minister’s and churches.
May 2011
Rev. Doris Nixon
Rev. Doyle Kelley
Rev. Tommy Crider
May 2011
newly ordained ministers Rev. William and Rebecca Cordova Rio Rancho
Rev. Daniel and Amanda O’ Doherty Roswell Midway
Rev. Kendall Trewern Tucumcari
Rev. Cathy and Buzz Bullington Texico
May 2011
Congratulations to: Rev. Caleb & Erica Cooper
Rev. Derek Swartzrock
Rev. Valentine & Onyekachi Nwachukwu
Rev. Aaron & Emily Nash
May 2011
CELEBRATING NEW PASTORS Rev. Randy and Susan Borror Tularosa
Rev. Paul and Diane Hesh, Las Vegas
Rev. Cathy and Buzz Bullington, Texico
Moved into new facility April 23 and 24th 07
Kingdom Builders
Cook Canyon Ranch
Missions in the state of New Mexico assists in dynamic ways. People throughout New Mexico join together to help ministries around the state.
Cook Canyon Ranch
Kingdom Builders
Itʼs been a great year already in New Mexico for church construction. As I type this, Iʼm preparing for a work team from Kansas that is meeting me in Carrizozo, not only for a week of construction, but also to host a VBS for local kids. It would be difficult to talk about New Mexico church construction without hearing the name Kingdom Builders. This is a fantastic group of people from Tramway Community Church and they have built projects all over the state. They recently spent time at Cook Canyon Ranch getting it ready for camps, which is just around the corner! In fact, they are there again right now working. We are blessed to have them! Jeral Dickenson and myself also spent some time at camp getting it ready for the summer season. A new addition this year is the 300 foot long waterslide that we built last month. Itʼs one SERIOUS waterslide and it will create some great memories this year. Be sure to check it out while at camp. You canʼt miss it! Fossil Creek Community Church and their youth group from Ft. Worth, TX joined me during their spring break in Carrizozo for a lot of work on the church. Pastor Barb Bradley recently told me that unchurched people from the community continue to drop by to see the remodeling and new landscaping. Thatʼs what church construction is all about...the buildings are simply vessels of ministry to their local communities. If you are interested in church construction and special projects for New Mexico let me know. I would love to have you join us!
Contact Bryan Pettet at
Girls Ministries 2011 Idea Exchange & Retreat July 21-23, 2011
RR REE ETT TRR REE Be there if you care EAA ATT T
the New Mexico District has C urrently no District Girl’s Ministries Coordinator. On July 21st women from around the state will gather to pray, resource and renew their commitment to the future female women of God. This will be a retreat for all women who are interested in investing in Girls Ministries and the lives that are transformed through what was formerly known as Missionettes.
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click HERE for a registration
Speaker Lynn Wheeler
With men from around the state attending, Grace Outreach Church hosted the second annual statewide Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Conference! Speaker Lynn Wheeler presented some deep spiritual truths that challenged men to be a real man of God. Start making plans now to attend next year!
Real Man Conference
May 2011
August 24-26th
Speaker: Evangelist Dean Caldwell Looking forward to a great time at the Senior Adult Ministries Camp this summer at Glad Tidings, Silver City! We will be blessed to hear the teachings of Evangelist Dean Caldwell and the special music will be done by SAGUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Harvesterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Quartet. This cost is $10.00 but please be prepared with an offering to give to the special speaker. Meals for donation will be provided Wednesday supper through Friday supper. We are looking forward to the presence of God during these incredible services, great fellowship and wonderful food! Come join us! For more info contact Greg Burchfield:
May 2011
New Mexico District Leadership Team Executive Officers:
Superintendent Micheal Dickenson
Tell us about it! Help us link New Mexico by informing us of ministry happenings in your church and community.
“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and
Assistant Superintendent Dave Vistine
sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” – Hebrews 4:12
Secretary-Treasurer Marcus McClain
Ministry Directors: Student Ministries Jeral Dickenson
Women’s Ministries Becky Dickenson
Royal Ranger’s Commander Bart Garrison Senior Adult Ministries Greg Burchfield
New Mexico District Council 6640 Caminito Coors NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120 505.899.5399 . fax 505.899.5859 . email: