WOMEN IN MINISTRY G a i l Mc Wi l l i a m s w a s t h e featured speaker at Women’s Conference 2012. Her incredible testimony, her unique style, and her gift of encouragement, was simply McFabulous! “This was definitely a conference NOT to be missed!”, said Becky Dickenson, NMMN Women’s Ministries Director. “Gail spoke from the heart of the Father into the heart of my circumstance. I am not stuck in my situation but rather, I am positioned!”
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Many, of the over 200 women who gathered at Las Cruces First Assembly of God, were surprised not only by the transparency of Gail McWilliams, but also by the transparency they enjoyed when paired with face to face prayer partners. For some these pairings proved to be pivotal moments of release, encouragement, hope and healing. All those who attended indeed experienced love revealed!
A wonderful ministry team: Gail and Tony McWi!iams!
Thank you to Ilda Vistine and to all the women of Las Cruces First, who tirelessly and graciously helped to make this years conference a blessing to all who attended! Thank you as well to Carol McCullough for being available in the chapel for prayer before each service. For everyone who volunteered their time, their abilities and their prayers,... THANK YOU! Conference would not be possible, nor effective without you!
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SOUTH AFRICA FUNDS ALL CAME IN! The women of the New Mexico Ministry Network were generous in their giving at Women’s Conference 2012! In addition to the $5078.00 raised prior to conference, an additional $1536.00 was received as a part of the Friday missions offering. The goal of the team was to raise $10,000. God, in keeping with his abundant faithfulness, finished
off the total just days before the team was scheduled to leave Albuquerque for Rustenburg, South Africa. The Bible college that is part of the missions project, and the children’s feeding program which is also a part of the project, will be the recipients of the miraculous monies that were received!
THE FACE OF A MISSIONS TRIP Eyes that see beyond cultural differences and focus first and foremost on the unconditional love of Christ.
Hair that can be messed up. “Of course the children can run their fingers through it!”
Ears that can listen to the Spirit of God as well as to the story of the lost and the needy.
A ready smile no matter what! “An elephant ate my luggage...I’m lovin’ it!”
A heart that is big enough to care and soft enough to melt.
Strong shoulders upon which heavy loads and tearful burdens can be placed.
Please remember to pray for the 19 people from the New Mexico Ministry Network who will be leaving on October 18th for Rustenburg, South Africa. We want to be whatever God wants us to be as we build relationships, organize a library, work with children and minister to the students of Global Bible College. We will be returning to the Albuquerque Sun-port on October 28th.
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PASTORS’ WIVES RETREAT A GREAT SUCCESS!!! The first ever New Mexico Ministry Network Lead Pastors’ Wives Retreat (Embrace Retreat) took place at Cook Canyon Camp & Conference Center on July 27-29, 2012.
Save  the  Date May  30-June  1,  2013
Over the course of a weekend, the lives of 28 women were changed and refreshed through the ministry of Karen Yancey, wife of Kansas Assemblies of God District Superintendent. Karen delivered powerful words of truth wrapped in kindness and love. Women were encouraged to “embrace� life’s defining moments, their identity in Christ and to encounter Christ daily!
During one of the sessions, God’s Holy Spirit enveloped us as we joined in a circle to pray for each other! This was such a connecting, embracing, empowering moment...it seemed God was giving us His blessing of presence as we looked to Him as our Source. Thanks to the NMMN Executives and Presbytery who believes in our “leading ladiesâ€? of New Mexico and made this gathering possible! Watch for upcoming information regarding next years’ retreat for ALL Lead Pastors’ Wives, Sta Wives & Credentialed women in ministry!
Network Crowning at Women’s Conference 2012! Honor star crowning was held for the first time at Women’s Conference 2012. It was an exiting event as the women of New Mexico prayed for and welcomed our honor stars! Thank you Mary Helen and Gilda and all those who worked so hard to make this event special!
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GET HER BEFORE SHE’S GONE! Tina Haroldson announced at Women’s Conference 2012 that she would be leaving in October of 2013 to return to her home state of Minnesota. Tina stated that she felt led to be a friend and companion to her mother, who will soon turn 85. Since we only have Tina for one more year make sure you take advantage of her teaching, her humor and her creative talents! Tina loves to speak at retreats both big and small and will be exactly what you need for any special occasion that focuses on God’s special call to women. Tina moved from Minnesota in 1999 and has worked as Becky Dickenson’s Administrative Assistant much of that time. She will be greatly missed by the Network Ministry Staff as well as to her friends and f a n s a m o n g s t t h e w o m e n o f Ne w Me x i c o . C a l l Ti n a a t 5 0 5 - 3 5 0 - 4 1 4 5 o r e m a i l h e r a t tntharoldson@netzero.net. Utilize Tina now and GET HER BEFORE SHE’S GONE!
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