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A publication of the New Mexico Ministry Network.



Executive Administrator


Assistant Network Pastor



Women’s Director



Student Ministries Director

TED SCHMIDT Royal Rangers






DERECK OWEN Men’s Director




NETWORK NEWS CREDENTIAL RENEWAL DEADLINE Just a quick reminder that all credentialed ministers are required to renew their credential annually by December 31st. Please RENEW HERE and follow the guidelines listed. All General Council dues must be paid at time of renewal and you must be current with your tithe requirement to the Network. If you are not able to renew online, we will accept a hard copy form mailed to the Network office for processing. Include a separate check for any dues payable to General Council. For additional assistance please contact Devonna at (505) 899-5399 or dcummins@nmministry.net.

CHURCH MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP The NM Ministry Network will host a Church Management Workshop in conjunction with NMSOM Saturday, January 4th beginning at 8:00 a.m to about 12:30pm. The class will be held at Tramway Community Church in Albuquerque. Some of the topics covered will include IRS topics, housing, accountable reimbursement plans, health insurance, risk management, reporting forms, and donations. If you, your church bookkeeper, treasurer, or any staff would like to attend, the cost is $50.00 per church which includes one attendee. An additional fee of $10.00 per person attending will be charged to cover notebook costs. Each church must register and pay in advance to attend. The final registration deadline for this class is December 16, 2019. Please use the following link to register now. REGISTER HERE

ACMR The Annual Church Ministries Reports will be sent out in the next several weeks from national office. Please complete the report and submit prior to January 31, 2020.

NEW NAME FOR CHURCH BUILDERS We are excited to announce that one of our Networks’ prime ministries is going through a name change. New Mexico Church Builders, our loan and investment department, has been rebranded to Legacy Financial Services. Our goal is for the new banner of our ministry to reflect our vision and enable our mission.

A publication of the New Mexico Ministry Network.

things like blood pressure, heart rate, etc and won’t hesitate to ask any relevant question in order to get a clear picture of my health. I may not like it, but I need it! So, what kind of things do we need to consider as we look at the health of the local church? While there are many health factors that we could reference, here are a few things we must always give attention to as we desire to be a healthy church.

• Do we have a clear vision that creates synergy and focus for all involved in the church?

• Is there a sense of spiritual and relational vitality throughout the church?

• Are we attracting unchurched people and are we reaching 21ST CENTURY WELLNESS CENTER

the lost of our community?

• How are we doing with water baptisms and Holy Spirit baptisms?

• Do we have a good visitor flow and are we keeping a good percent of those who visit? A little over 10 years ago when we toured New Mexico on our Listening Tour, I shared the 4 Core Values that I felt God had challenged me with as we began this season of serving the New Mexico Ministry Network. I used the example of a 21st Century Wellness Center to draw attention to these values and, as I shared in the last issue of Link, I felt the importance of taking some time over the coming months to revisit these values to insure that we keep them clearly in focus. So, for these moments today, I want to talk about the Core Value of Healthy Churches. This week, as I was reading through Ephesians where Paul talks about the church and God’s desire for it, I was thinking of this topic. Ephesians 4:16 especially caught my attention where he says, “He (God) makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love!” It is clear from these verses and throughout God’s Word that it is absolutely God’s desire and plan that every church is a healthy church as described here. In just a few days, I’ll go to my doctor for my annual physical. While I personally feel great and think I’m doing great, I recognize the need for me to take steps to get an objective evaluation on my personal health. So, my doctor will ask questions, he’ll poke and probe, check

• Are we reaching the next generation…children, youth, younger adults, and families?

• Are we healthy financially with adequate reserves? • Are we raising up leaders and what does our leadership pipeline look like?

• Do we have a healthy missions program, both at home and around the world? Obviously we could add a lot of questions but we just need to keep church health as a core value that we constantly pursue. CLICK HERE to take advantage of a free church health assessment to get a personalized picture of how your church is doing. I encourage you to take advantage of this as together we seek to be a church that is “healthy and growing and full of love,” Ephesians 4:16. Pastor Mike Dickenson

As you receive this Link, obviously we’re just entering the holidays where we’ll celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas. We pray that this season will be one filled with God’s presence and the joy that only Christ can bring. Thank you for the amazing joy that we have to serve each of you! We love you all! Pastor Mike & Becky


A publication of the New Mexico Ministry Network.

“SOUND SHADOWS” On occasion you will hear something that you have never heard before and that certainly was the case while reading a novel based on the U. S. Marshall’s service. The author used the phrase “sound shadow” regarding a helicopter that is being used in the pursuit of a criminal. The pilot will lower the helicopter behind a barrier, preferably a land mass, so that the sounds that are coming from the chopper would not be heard by the individual that is being pursued. Thus the term “sound shadow.” As I pondered the statement my mind quickly moved to Paul’s discourse to the church regarding the Gifts of the Spirit, specifically the gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues. Paul said in First Corinthians 14:10-11 (MSG) “There are many languages in the world and they all mean something to someone. But if I don't understand the language, it's not going to do me much good.” There it is, a ‘sound shadow’…a barrier that keeps us from understanding what the speaker is trying to say to us. I know that I am stepping away from the topic of the Gifts of the Spirit but I want to focus on the things that our enemy and God’s enemy puts in the way of us hearing from Him. Jesus tells us in Mark 4:19 “…the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful” (NKJV). It is these issues and others like them in our life that get in the way of God’s Word and His Will for us. They create “sound shadows” that not only muffle the clarity of God speaking but they become a barrier to our intimacy with the Father of Heaven. Again, Paul the Apostle, exhorts us in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (NKJV) “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” Let me encourage you to not allow the enemy to place sounds barriers between you and God’s voice and I would also encourage you to not be the enemies little helper. Let us strive to be conformed in His image and to walk in submission to His purpose. Let’s remove the “sound shadows.” Pastor Marcus McClain

THANKS is not a big enough word to express my gratitude to your show of love as you honored me at Network Conference as well as Women’s Conference! The gifts, the fun, the decor, the thoughtfulness, the hugs, the cards, the money, and the surprises all combined were almost overwhelming! THANKS to every person who played a part in making this a momentous time in my life! It has been my delight to serve the women of New Mexico; to be a part of all that God is doing in our state; and I plan to continue serving alongside as God leads. It’s not time for

anyone to quit, to sit back in our chair of lethargy, & watch the enemy destroy our nation…there’s much to do, the harvest is ripe & God is calling us to be His workers!

As soon as I said “yes” to becoming the next Women’s Director for the NMMN, I began asking God for a fresh vision and identity for the women of our Network. I came across the word, VIVID. The synonyms for vivid are: memorable, powerful, effective, unforgettable, moving. This is exactly what I want our women’s conference to be and our women to be! I want us to live in such a way that we make an unforgettable impact on those around us for the Kingdom of God. I want our women’s conference to make a lasting impact on all who attend that will affect not only

individual lives, but entire cities as women rise up to be all God has called them to be! VIVID women see the opportunity in the trial, they choose to see from God’s perspective, and they invest in others. I am so excited to begin this journey with the ladies of the NMMN! Details coming soon for VIVID Women’s Conference 2020. I promise you will not want to miss it!

Luke 10:2 Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. Becky Dickenson Women’s Director 1999-2019

Lanessa Amburgey Women’s Director

A publication of the New Mexico Ministry Network.

TOUCH THE WORLD This is a reminder to send in your TOUCH THE WORLD offerings to the Network Office by December 1st. We will mail the annual Christmas checks to our missionaries during the first week of December. NOTE: All checks for 2019 giving credit must be postmarked by December 31st, 2019. THANKS for giving so that the Gospel can continue to be preached!


THAILAND OCTOBER 15-25 (Dates subject to change depending on available flights & cost but we will do our best to stay with these dates.) Watch for details soon but until then… Start planning to go NOW! Begin praying for the team NOW! Commence saving money NOW! We will be working with RENAY WEST, Assemblies of God World Missionary, to be extra hands & feet to assist her with the dreams God has given her! It’s going to be an exciting adventure!

Women’s Conference MISSIONS Some team members of past Missions trips took this photo opportunity seriously! Hugs were shared, happy tears were shed and squeals of glee were heard as they gathered to share a few moments together!

SUSIE LARSON It was such an honor to have Susie as our guest speaker! She charmed us with her Minnesota accent, encouraged us with her real-life stories, and preached powerfully the Gospel of Christ! She reminded us that God sees us & adores us!


Lanessa & Jane Kelley (pic above) pulled off a real surprise for Becky…long-time friend & confi dant, Tina Haroldson (picture to the right, top left), made the trek from Minnesota to totally wreck Becky’s evening with fun!


An unforgettable party was given for Becky Dickenson as she officially “passed the baton” of Women's Director to Lanessa Amburgey. NM Ministry Network Pastor Mike Dickenson & Executive Administrator Marcus McClain presented Becky with roses and a plaque for her 20 years of service. Denise Raykovics, Missions Consultant for 12 years, and her team displayed a "Turquoise Trail of Missions t-shirts” for a visual reminder of where NM women have traveled and impacted people for Jesus!

NEW MEXICO MINISTRY NETWORK 6640 Caminito Coors NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120 Tel: (505) 899-5399 Fax: (505) 899-5859 www.nmministry.net

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